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  • Report:  #970019

Complaint Review: 60 Minutes Australia Mi9. NineMsn poor journalistic integrity

60 Minutes Australia, Mi9. NineMsn, Michael Roberts, Hannah Boocock, Danny Keens, Michael Usher, Hal Crawford, Matt James, Alex Parsons, Mark Britt, Krista Parcell, Tracey Richter Fake News Stories \ Paying For Story Ideas Made to look like reporting \ Video News Release's Made To Look Like actual Reporting, journalistic integrity at its worst. Australia

  • Reported By:
    Darren M. Meade — Laguna Beach California USA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, November 16, 2012
  • Updated:
    Mon, February 02, 2015
*Author of original report: Michael Roberts of Rexxfield's Alleged Extortion of Ripoff Report \ Threatens to Create Defamatory Content Unless Money is Paid to Attorneys Trust Account *Author of original report: Mi9 and 60 Minutes Australia Conspire How to Manipulate Young Children for The Camera to Help Launch a Known Child Abusers Cyber Bullying Campaign in Australia and the USA *Consumer Suggestion: 60 Minutes Australia, Mi9, NineMsn purchase illicit SQL hacking code from Rexxfield / Julian Assange Connection / Eliminate Google's Influence in Australia *Author of original report: Mi9 media in Austrailia condones a fake news story to generate ratings \ Michael Usher, Mark Britt, Danny Keens, Krista Parcell, Hannah Boocock, Matt James, Hal Crawford, Pay from scripted false news *General Comment: Sad Picture.. Michael Roberts, these children look miserable and so unhappy one day soon they will realize what you did. *UPDATE Employee: Fact checker admits producers knowingly lied on Michael Roberts segment to please demographics of viewers *General Comment: Child Support *REBUTTAL Individual responds: SMOKING GUN: Sworn affidavit exposes Michael Roberts as Bi-polar, paranoid, dysphoric | Mental health problems ignored as 60 Minutes Australia promotes known and FOUNDED child abuser *Consumer Comment: Sensationalism, Inflammatory Words and Tabloid Journalism 60 Minutes Australia? *Author of original report: 60 Minutes Australia Cover-Up for Child Abuser *Author of original report: Authorized Statement, Scam Group, Michael Roberts Rexxfield, 60 Minutes Australia, Scam to Ed Magedson and Ripoff Report *Consumer Comment: Darren, *Consumer Comment: Darren, *Author of original report: Michael Roberts Rexxfield Ben Smith Sac County Attorney 60 Minutes Australia Try To Destroy Ripoff Report and Ed Magedson Due To Their No Take Down Policy / Watch These Video's To Learn Why *UPDATE Employee: SUPPRESSED: JOURNALISTIC REVIEW PROVES 60 Minutes Australia Participated in Pay for Placement PR Segment / Employee Blows Whistle *Author of original report: 'Ka-Pow' : Des Moines Register Editoral Board whacks reality check book journalism star Benjamin Smith *Consumer Suggestion: Prosecutor Ben Smith Targets Journalist Darren Mitchell Meade, accuses journalist of crime in what appears to be normal news-gathering protected by the First Amendment *Consumer Comment: It is alleged that Michael Roberts Rexxfield and Sac county Iowa Prosecutor Ben Smith committed spoilation of evidence by deleting video files cited by Darren Mitchell Meade in his reporting

Imagine one of the worlds leading mediacompanies claims to use its power and reach for public good is now using its prestige to champion a FOUNDED child abuser?  

The child abusers main interest is to move his victims away from their family and friends in the United States, to his homeland. With the assets this media company possesses including, international television networks, radio stations, a publishing house and many more, certainly he will not have a problem with his success.


60 Minutes Australia Cover-Up for Child Abuser

In an a practice called "checkbook journalism", where anything goes, Ninemsn and 60 Minutes Australia sank to a new low in its Pay-for-play practice. In 60 Minutes Australia' segment, it was falsely stated that a police polygraph taken by Michael Roberts was inconclusive. he failed the polygraph in regards to the murder. Worse, this segment put additional pressure on the Australian government which then helped a known child abuser violate a U.S. Judges ruling and remove his victims to Australia.

The Article & Comments Below Are My Personal Opinion and News Analysis

After a thorough investigation, it has been confirmedthat this same man, Michael Roberts had been arrested for beating his wife, Tracey Richter. Tracey then files for divorcebut Robertss games have just now begun. Over the next 10 years, Tracey issystematically stalked through the courts, (see details here)    which allowed Roberts to legally have contact and harass her.  Even with her Restraining Orders in force against Roberts, he filed 308 frivolous Pro Se actions (see details here) .

Thus putting Tracey in a situation where she was being victimized and her Protective Orders ignored. Even more surprising, this media company paid Michael Roberts $35,000 for his story, even though he Boca Raton, Florida has a proven history of lying to news media in the past.

Through a Halo Effect the new agencies haveallowed the abuser, Michael Roberts, to launch and grow a fear-based marketing campaign called Google-Cide. Google-cide is a whole new strand of internet cyber bullying which is what we call Weapons of Mass Defamation (WMD). It is all based on the idea that, tormenting teenagers with fabricated details about their personal lives. Such as belittling them or outing them about their sexuality to their social network; basically bringing forth any small detail to induce Little Johnny (listen to audio here)  to kill himself. Roberts knows once the suicides began, money would be no object to parents to save their child through his Reputation Management affiliates.


Halo Effect - the halo effect, violates both journalistic ethics, which require skepticism and independent verification, and the norm when reporting from other sources.  But when a highly respected investigative watchdog such as 60 Minutes or Mi9 makes a statement, journalists tend to ignore the bias and repeat this as fact.


Media is a word that has come to mean bad journalism.

60 Minutes Australia, in a calculated and deceitful exercise in selective inclusion and misdirection followed a scripted story to earn ratings knowingly lying to its viewing public.  In which they championed a so-called Aussie Father trying to return his children to Australia.

60 Minutes Australia actively disguised the Aussie Father video news release content to make it appear to be its own reporting.

60 Minutes Australia in keeping with the script of the Video News Release, states Michael Roberts  had been the victim of  American Vixen, who tried to kill him and now he wants a new normal life with his children in Australia.

Robertss family members have verified Mi9 via 60 Minutes Australia paid $35,000 to Michael Roberts.  60 Minutes Australia knew Michael had not paid child support for years and was about to be placed in jail as a deadbeat Dad on the very children he now claims he wants. 

60 Minutes Australia, knowingly ignored Michael Roberts recent court filing stating he was a full-time resident of Finland. Roberts further stated under penalty of perjury to be happily living with his new wife Dr. Heidi Roberts and new step daughter Inessa. In his petition to the court Roberts asked to reduce his child support payment on his children to $50 per month as he was only making $6,860 per year and was unable to support both his children or his new family.  (See details here) 

Michael Roberts desperate to avoid paying child support, and realizing the U.S. Courts had no sympathy that he created another family in Finland when he had not paid child support for years in the United States, came up with a new story. He became the heart broken Aussie father trying to rescue his kids. Mi9 with its large female demographic was the perfect buyer and 60 Minutes Australia, Danny Keens, Hannah Boocock and Michael Usher the presstitutes willing to follow the script and ignore the facts to create ratings back home in Australia.

Michael Roberts ecstatic that he finally found a buyer for his fictional tale bragged to Tracey Richter on a recorded phone call that he owns the copyright to the segment after it airs on 60 Minutes Australia.

A quick and to the point Overview of the assassination of Tracey Richter by Michael Roberts and Mi9 \ 60 Minutes Australia

1.     December 2000- Michael Roberts is arrested for Domestic Assault of Tracey Richter in front of their 2 year old and 10 year old (see detail here )

2.     February 2001-  Roberts arranged a plea deal for the Domestic Assault of Tracey

3.     December 2001- Roberts hired people to attempt to kill Tracey and their children

4.     February 2002- Michael Roberts  FAILS his only official polygraph and is found 99% deceptive on relevant questions related to the attempted murder of his wife and children. (click here to see document start on page 7

5.     March 2004- Michael Roberts admits he is a suspect to for an attempted murder. Also, admits to a family history of mental health issues (Father: Bi Polar/ Mom: Depressed). He later feigns a suicide attempt by holding a box cutter to his throat, in order to gain his Tracey's attention. Soon after he is diagnosed with Bipolar II mixed with depression and hypomania by Dr. William Brinck. (See attachment BiPolar)

6.     April 2004- Roberts commits loan fraud with false W-2's. In an attempt to buy a home for his pregnant fiance, while still married to Tracey. Roberts also begins to move all marital assets to Australia and Malaysia to defraud Tracey Richter. (Click here to see documents )

7.     May 2004- Roberts violates Protective Order against victim Tracey.

8.     April 2006- Michael Roberts files Pro Se 304  criminal complaints against his wife, Tracey.  FECR037616  &  FECR037675. They are eventually all dismissed as generally not credible. (Click here to learn how abusers stalk their ex-wives through the courts -

9.     October 2006- Michael Roberts is found violating the No Contact/ Protective Order against Tracey for a second time.

10. October 2006, Michael Roberts is found in contempt of court for not paying child support.

11.  March 2007, Michael Roberts is FOUND to have abused his two youngest children (Noah and Mason) the report corroborates the beatings endured by Bert Pitmen at the hands of Roberts.  This is imperative as the trial of Tracey Richter came down to Berts testimony. Bert now had an additional witness in Noah to show the violence he suffered at the hands of Michael Roberts. Click here to read the report

12.  June 2011, Michael Roberts request from the court to reduce his child support to $50 per month as he is a full time resident of Finland, living with his new wife and step-daughter and only making $6,860 per year.

"Abusive men typically have deeply entrenched notions about "traditional" male roles, with concomitant support for male dominance." -- Lee H. Bowker, Beating the Wife Beating, p. 7-9 (1983)

Presstitutes Part Deux

The premise of this article is two-fold:

Protect the Roberts children from being taken from the USA and placed with the very person They need protection from. It should also be noted the children have grown up together and should be reunited. Michael Roberts separated the children to have better control over his young daughter who looks strikingly like her mother Tracey. He has isolated his young daughter in the same manner he did his ex-wife. The children were reunited only to be exploited by 60 Minutes Australia and have been separated again. If the children keep to the script, Michael sold to 60 Minutes Australia, they have been promised to be reunited. 

 Stop the halo effect 60 Minutes Australia  has brought to Michael Roberts to further his Google-Cide fear based marketing campaign against all children and their parents.

60 Minutes Australia and Mi9 willing placed Noah and Mason Roberts directly in physical and emotional danger. 

60 Minutes Australia mislead the public viewers, by following Michael Robertss video news release script and sanitized the truth about Roberts:

      Michael Roberts had beaten his former wife, Tracey Richter, in front of their children.

      Michael Roberts had beaten / abused Noah and Mason Roberts and his step son Bert Pitmen.

      Michael Roberts is known as a dead-beat Dad and found in contempt of court for not paying child support.

      Michael Roberts, according to his own financial records cannot afford to care for Noah and Mason Roberts.

      Michael Roberts claims in court filing to be a full time resident of Finland. That he did not wish to support his children for more than $50 per month as he has a new wife and step daughter.

      Michael Roberts earns the majority of his money based on creating cyber bullying of children and then charging his victims to remove the content that he himself has created.

      60 Minutes Australia knew Michael Roberts and realtor Mona Wehdehad a secret meeting to sell their home without Traceys knowledge. And that Mona was cheating on her husband with another married man, and this led to him committing suicide. (see Mona wehde 2002 interview here) 

Michael Roberts has a pattern of lying to the media. The media we all seem to trust will print his lies as truth. The lies Roberts has told, have placed an innocent women behind bars for the rest of her life. Tracey Richter is far from finished being victimized by her abuser, it continues because 60 Minutes Australia paid Michael Roberts for a scripted story and willfully participated in the creation of a fake news story.


Michael Roberts Domestic Abuse Arrest in 2000

Issue: Under penalty of perjury, Michael Roberts was asked, Have you ever been convicted of a crime in the United States? Roberts answered, I was arrested in December 2000 on suspicion of spousal abuse per a report by Tracey Roberts. Tracey retracted accusations as I was being handcuffed. Charges dismissed.

Background: In December of 2000, without Traceys knowledge, Michael Roberts took out a loan against their home and had received the money.  Monte Roberts, the loan officer from Citizens First National Bank, came by the Roberts home for Traceys signatures on the loan documents. Tracey was caught by surprise and was forced by circumstances to sign the papers. She then confronts Michael about the loan, but Roberts responds by beating her and he is later arrested for domestic assault.

 True Fact: The police reports state that the emergency operator was speaking with a 2 year old child who kept repeating Daddy came home, knocked Mommy to the ground, and drug her off by her hair. 2 of Roberts 3 children witnessed the violence. (See document here)

True Fact: The charges against Michael Roberts were NOT dismissed. He was charged in Iowa District Court for Sac County for the crime of Domestic Assault against Tracey Roberts-Richter. Trial was set for 2/27/2001 CASE NO- O2811 SMCR08251. 

True Fact: On February 16, 2001, 14 months after his arrest and 11 days prior to his trial for Domestic Assault against Tracey Roberts-Richter, his attorneys Forristal & Goettsch began a series of teleconferences with Assistant Sac County Attorney on a plea deal. The billing for his attorney substantiates this:

      2/16/2001 Telephone conference with Asst. Sac County Attorney. Telephone conference with Roberts regarding the plea discussion and possible implication of pleas.

        2/19/2001Telephone conference with Roberts, in which we discussed a plea bargain and options.  Also, a telephone conference with Bert.

      2/21/2001Telephone conference with Asst. County Attorney regarding plea negotiations

      3/12/2001  Telephone conference with Michael Roberts & the County Attorneys office.

       4/18/2001  Telephone conference with Michael regarding community service.

Subtotal for this problem ($260.00)

Conclusion: The billing clearly indicates that the plea deal for Michael Roberts 2000 arrest resulted in a lesser plea. The plea included community service, and the above claim that the Charges were dismissed, was a lie.


Michael Roberts Failed Polygraph 2-13-2002 

(Click here to watch video of Sheriff stating Michael Roberts failed his polygraph) 

Issue: Michael Roberts in a sworn statement, in answer to a lawsuit, lied about passing the state administered polygraph exam on February 13, 2002. His misrepresentation of the facts is subsequently reported by the 60 Minutes Australia as factual. Roberts claims that his supposedly false answer, on the question of his knowledge of the second intruder, was a false positive because there wasnt a second intruder.

Background: Roberts agreed to a request, by Sac County investigator Lt. Cessford, to take polygraph exam. The test was to determine what he knew about the shooting of Dustin Wedhe in December 2001.

This ended up being the only police administered exam. Despite his hesitancy to cooperate, he complied with the request and was tested by Iowa State Special Agent Schreffler. The purpose of the exam was to determine what he knew about why Dustin Wedhe entered his home that night to assault his wife, Tracey; but most importantly to determine if Roberts knew the identity of the second intruder. Because of Roberts past relationship with Dustin Wedhe, he was a suspect to sheriffs investigators in planning and implementing the attack.  

True Fact:

SA Schreffler determined in his written report that Roberts was 99% deceptive on the following questions asked during the polygraph test: (1) Did Roberts know why Dustin entered the home? (2) Did Roberts have any knowledge of who helped Dustin plan and carry out breaking into the Roberts residence? (3) Did Roberts know the identity of the second intruder? Schreffler noted that Roberts deceptive answers to these key questions plus other evidence in the case indicated, Roberts was lying about knowing who put Dustin Wedhe up to assaulting Tracey. Schreffler further noted in his written report, Roberts could not be cleared in the matter. (See document here, start on page7)

True Fact:  

Michael Roberts confesses on his re-interview on 2-13-2001,   that he shared details with Dustin Wehde about Traceys first divorce and did not paint a very pretty picture of her first husband either.

True Fact:  

Michael Roberts confesses that Dustin Wehde was in the office area of his business, where Wehde certainly could have reviewed the divorce and custody documents. (Note: Tracey Richter was convicted of the murder of Dustin Wehde. The smoking gun according to 60 Minutes Australia, is a notebook written by Dustin Wedhe, with the information of her first divorce. The very information Michael Roberts mentions above.)

True Fact:  Michael Roberts had been the mentor of Dustin Wehde. Roberts confessed that he sent out an email mocking the death and circumstances of Wedhes death. Roberts also confesses to sending the same email to Dustins mother, Mona Wehde. (See document here, start page 8)

True Fact:  Michael Roberts confessed that his plan was to seize ownership interest, in the family business in which Tracey Richter was the majority owner. Roberts was eventually going to transfer the Xellex / Mile2 to Ray Friedman. Friedman and his wife were startlingly the key prosecution witnesses and Roberts alibi for the night of the attack.

True Fact: The Iowa State and Sac County investigators never ruled out the presence of a second intruder.  In all of their written reports, they actively investigated to try and determine the identity of the second intruder.

Conclusion:   Michael Roberts statement that he passed the polygraph exam was not only a lie in the face of the written facts, but when news media picked up on Roberts lie and repeated it, thus giving him an aura of innocence. They not only jeopardized the welfare of his children which are in a pending custody case, but helped to wrongfully convict Tracey Roberts in the murder of Dustin Wedhe. Michael Roberts failed his only official polygraph administered by the authorities investigating the death of Dustin Wehde (see document here start on page 7)

60 Minutes Australia and Mi9 willfully allowed Michael Roberts to lie as they were shown the official polygraph. Instead, 60 Minutes Australia presented a private polygraph Michael Roberts had paid for himself, and represented that as authenticate.


Michael Roberts Arrested in 2004 Breach of No Contact Order Issue: Michael Roberts under the penalty of perjury wrote Arrested 2004 on suspicion of breach of no contact orderI do not have any criminal convictions in the USA or anywhere else. Set for trial on Oct 4, I expect charges will be dismissed at that time. Plead not guilty.

TRUE FACT: Michael Roberts had pled guilty (no contest) to a lesser charge of Domestic Assault in 2001. He is now arrested for breach of a no contact order against his same victim Tracey Richter Roberts in 2004. Honorable Judge Don E Courtney following an evidentiary hearing entered the following order against Michael Roberts:

It is further ordered that respondent shall deliver all firearms in his possession to the custody of the Buena Vista Sheriffs Department while this matter is pending.

A motion to request the Protective order was heard in 2006. That hearing found that Michael Ross Roberts was again in violation but continuing his possession of dangerous weapons, this time, Honorable Judge Duffy wrote a new Order:

The respondent (Michael Ross Roberts) is apparently under the impression that the restriction on firearms has been lifted. However a review of the court file indicates that the prohibition against possession of firearms by the Respondent (Michael Ross Roberts) is still in effect. This action is still pending. The Respondent contends that he needs to have possession of firearms for his own protection. He contends that the petitioned (Tracey Roberts-Richter) has made threats to kill him. This assertion is unsupported by the evidence. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the respondent Michael Ross Roberts is prohibited from having the possession of firearms and dangerous weapons. The Respondent Michael Ross Roberts shall deliver all firearms and dangerous weapons in his possession to the Buena Vista County Sheriffs Department ~ October 31, 2006.


Issue: Michael Roberts has manipulated the major media in the past, which published factually incorrect stories. Roberts manipulates the news media thereby creating new victims for his fear based marketing campaign called Google-Cide; which has created a nationwide extortion ring based on cyber bullying of children. Robert is hoping his manipulation of facts will push many children to the brink of suicide or destroy the professional and personal reputations of wealthy individuals causing them to utilize his Reputation Management System.

Background: Fox News 11 Los Angeles ran a segment called Internet Bounty Hunter on Michael Roberts and his company Rexxfield. Yet, twice, these news stories by Fox News 11 Los Angeles and Fox News 5, Las Vegas, created additional victims for the marketing campaign Google-Cide. 

FOX News 11  Michael Roberts, on his You Tube channel, trying to garner the halo effect of Fox News wrote:

1.    The editing of the story does not accurately reflect the circumstances surrounding Darren Meade.

2.    Darren Meade was effectively a straw man CEO for Adam Zuckerman, who leads what I now call the Zuckerman crew.

3.    Shortly after the airing of the story I was able to extricate myself from the nest of vipers Darren Meade had walked me into.


The truth is on 1-28-2011 Michael Roberts sells 60% of his company Rexxfield and the hacking code to Adam Zuckerman.

Michael Roberts, Ray Friedman and others defrauded Tracey Richter out of millions of dollars in the company she funded and had majority control over called Xellex / Mile 2 (see Mile2 details)

Roberts, befriended a mentally disturbed young man whom he manipulated mentally and sexually. This person (Dustin Wehde) was willing to kill Tracey in order to help complete Michaels sinister plan.

A certified court reporter transcribed an audio recording in which Michael Roberts, and his soon to be majority business partners Adam Zuckerman, along with whom I called Dustin Wehde #2 aka Paul Portelli, discuss repeating the same pattern of deceit utilized against Tracey Richter, on myself personally.

Using Mile2 and Aman Bhar which were the same entities and persons utilized to steal from Tracey. More importantly, Zuckerman, Roberts and Portelli discuss Portellis plan to kill me to protect the inner sanctum of Roberts new criminal enterprise.

Roberts, Portelli and Zuckerman planned out the nearly identical plan as what happened to Tracey Richter.

( Read transcript here ) 

TRUE FACT: Certified court reporter transcribed on May 29, 2012 an audio recording dated 1-27-2011 between Michael Roberts, Paul Portelli and Adam Zuckerman and others. The topic being discussed would be how to lie, manipulate and kill Darren Meade in the event Meade went public.

TRUE FACT #2: Michael Roberts and Adam Zuckerman on Pages 5-7 discuss the following:

1.     Michael Roberts informs Adam Zuckerman, that he controls the producer of Fox 11 Page 5 Line 24.

2.     Fox 11 producer tells Michael Roberts that they were removing Darren Meade because Im not going to risk his coming and saying something bad about you guys. Page 5, Line 22-23

3.     Michael Roberts informs Adam Zuckerman that the Fox 11 producer wants a long-term relationship with them. Page 6 Line 12

4.     Michael Roberts informs Adam Zuckerman that he has Fox News showing the website of Anthony Roberts. Adam Zuckerman reminds Michael Roberts that Anthony Roberts is one of the biggest issues that you can point to as far as defamation. Page 7 Line 11-20 \ Roberts informs his business partner Zuckerman he has arranged for Fox 11 to show Anthony Roberts website in the upcoming piece. Anthony Roberts then confronts Michael Roberts when the piece airs, and Michael Roberts begins to lie claiming it was Fox News whom was to blame (see Michael Roberts lie via text message here )

The Fox News 11 segment was the used as the major launch for Google-Cide, which was predicated on fear, based marketing and extorting victims to pay for Reputation Management. This was also known as the Little Johnny campaign, based on purposefully cyber bullying children to make their parents fear that their child/childrens life. Unless the parents paid for Zuckerman/Roberts companies to remove the content, that they themselves created, their child may commit suicide. (Listen to audio of creation of google-cide here)


Fox News 5

Fox News 5 was in sweeps month and needed a Las Vegas based company and victim for its market in Las Vegas. Roberts morphed himself into Las Vegas based Reputation Management Company, whom rescued a local business woman from an anonymous online predator destroying her business.

(NOTE: Roberts is a chameleon, for Fox LA, he was based in LA. Fox Las Vegas, he was based in Las Vegas, Child Support hearing he was a full-time resident of Finland, 60 Minutes Australia, he now wants to live in Australia)

TRUE FACT: The victim in Las Vegas NEVER hired Rexxfield and tells people they should not   hire him as he is desperate for money.  I notified both the anchor and news director that their segment was untruthful. Worse, I provided them names of new victims of Google-Cide.

Fox 5 did not pull the piece, so I published my findings. After being confronted, Michael Roberts blamed the editors of Fox 5 just as he had from Fox 11. He wrote:

1.     The production of this video was entirely by Fox 5 in Las Vegas.Keep in mind, in this short story the Fox video editors have consolidated several different case studiesThe journalistic license employed, and the context presented was at the sole discretion of Fox 5.

Roberts again, condemns the editors of Fox News 11 and Fox News 5. He publicizes this segment and new victims, of Google-Cide are being created daily. The news media is a willful participant and turn a blind eye to the facts claiming journalistic license and context.

Show Biz is Big Biz

60 Minutes Australia like any good presstitute made a calculated and deceitful decision to participate in the exploitation of two young children, tamper with a murder appeal of an innocent woman, and promote a person who earns his living destroying other peoples reputation \ lives. 

Worse, they have allowed the abuse of Tracey Richter to continue at the hands of Michael    Roberts even though she is in prison.

60 Minutes Australia knew that Noah and Mason had grown up together and were raised by Tracey Richter. Noah had always been the protector of his younger sister Mason.

Michael Roberts, upon gaining custody, separated Noah and Mason. Michael felt this would allow him better control of his younger daughter whom looks identical to her mother, Tracey.

Michael Roberts by court order was forced to allow the children to see Tracey Richter twice before her appeal.

Michael Roberts killed two birds with one stone, he sold his script to 60 Minutes Australia. The script called for footage of the children visiting the prison. He arranged the visitation but arrived each day with only 20-30 minutes left during visiting hours. This guaranteed 60 Minutes the footage, met his court obligation and guaranteed his children to be emotional as they had not seen their mother who raised them till this visit, and they were ripped away and forced to leave 20 minutes later.

 60 Minutes Australia sent a chaperon into the prison with the children who dictated what could be discussed and threatened repeatedly to end the visitation. Noah and Mason were equally raised

by their Grandmother and lived with their mom and her fiance Russ. 60 Minutes Australia demanded that the grandmother and Russ leave the visitation area and not speak with the children. Purposefully creating more heartache for the children that they could twist into a ratings bonanza back home.

Michael Roberts and 60 Minutes Australia exploited the children. Especially offering to the siblings to be reunited only if they say they want to move to Australia. Otherwise, Noah will be sent back to the institution Michael sent him too upon gaining custody of the children,

Regardless of the exploitation of Noah and Mason Roberts, and the families which will be destroyed by Google-Cide (see details here) , the big winner was Mi9. They would reap the multi-billions spent on ads. The same old reliable presstitutes who had been doing their corporate masters bidding for decades (Fox News, John Huck, and Michael Usher) hosted the made-for-TV

Michael Roberts Reality Show. The viewing public was conned into believing that by watching the mind-numbing, trivial and hack journalism, they were participating a grand process of investigative journalism. In fact, they were watching the latest episode of The Best Little w***e House in Australia. 60 Minutes Australia was a brothel owned and run by corporate pimps. The presstitutes were the hookers who obeyed their pimp. And, if they got out of line, they were punished and banished Mi9 brands. Michael Roberts is the john the presstitutes sucked up to, bowed down to and deferred to. 

And in the end, it was the public, Tracey Richter and the children who really got screwed.

WARNING The pain for suicide survivors is immense and lasts a lifetime. Victims of Google-Cide have had their hopes, dreams, and life cut short because of the torment inflicted by cell phone, computer, or other electronic device. The increase of personal and professional cyber-bullying is directly related to the growth in the current network of Google-Cide resellers to over 3,000 entities. If your loved one or someone you know committed suicide as a result of online bullying, they could have been a victim of Google-Cide.

If your child or loved one recently committed suicide and during this time you were contacted by an SEO or Reputation Management company, please contact me immediately.(See details on why I care)   there is a high probability you are a victim of Google-Cide.

60 Minutes Australia and Mi9 know or should know that purchasing a script and creating a patently false and malicious news story devoid any verifiable fact is wrong. If you wish to see all of the evidence 60 Minutes Australia ignored, see details here 

Did NineMsn, 60 Minutes Australia, Mi9, Nine News, purchase the hack from Michael Roberts?

No matter how you slice it, there is a long line of people who will pay handsomely for their own private kill-switch on Internet free speech. Even so, every good arms dealer knows if the market isn't big enough (and it never is), you have to create new ones. Michael Roberts has a plan for that, using automated technology to generate defamatory content about individuals and corporations that value their reputationsthe bigger the better. (Listen to audio here first 3 minutes)

18 Updates & Rebuttals

Darren Mitchell Meade


It is alleged that Michael Roberts Rexxfield and Sac county Iowa Prosecutor Ben Smith committed spoilation of evidence by deleting video files cited by Darren Mitchell Meade in his reporting

#19Consumer Comment

Fri, December 05, 2014

UPDATE: On Dec 4, 2014, apparently in anticipation of Darren Mitchell Meade's legal response, Michael Roberts Rexxfield and Sac County Iowa Prosecutor Ben Smith committed spoilation of evidence by deleting the Video Files cited by Darren Mitchell Meade in his reportiing of prosecutorial misconduct in the Tracey Richter trial. Deletion has severely limited Meade's recourse in litigation against Roberts, Smith and the State of Iowa. [Scroll down to see deleted video's]

PREVIOUSLY: Sac County Iowa Prosecutor Ben Smith made it clear he was determind to use his prosecutorial powers to suppress criticism of his prosecutorial power functions when he and Roberts and my SCRIBD account deleted with over 100 documents which showed Tracey Richter's innocence cited in my reporting. It get's, even stranger, my confidential reporter communications and business email was taken over by Sons Limited. Sons Limited,  according to documents is owned by Heidi Roberts, Michael Roberts wife. Sons Limited, is the entity,beginning in 2003 that stole several million dollars of martial assets from Tracey Richter. Sons Limited, according to documents employs Michael Roberts alibi witness, Raymond Friedman. The email account of was taken over by Sons Limited, and Smith, took emails and placed them in a criminal warrant, knowing that the email was controlled by Sons Limited. [see attached screen shots]

Darren Mitchell Meade


Prosecutor Ben Smith Targets Journalist Darren Mitchell Meade, accuses journalist of crime in what appears to be normal news-gathering protected by the First Amendment

#19Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 28, 2014


Prosecutor Ben Smith Targets Journalist, Darren Mitchell Meade, accuses him of a Crime ... In fact, it is downright chilling. I will unequivocally defend my right to operate as a member of what up until now has always been a free press."

I am,  very concerned about reporters being  criminally charged and  prosecuted for doing what is normal news-gathering protected by the First Amendment.

It is my personal opinion and News Analysis, that 60 Minutes Australia, knowingly participated in financial fraud with Michael Roberts and Prosecutor Ben Smith.

Please watch the video below to get an understanding of what Smith, Roberts and 60 Minutes Australia are so fearful of my reporting. The volume is low on the video, you will need to turn up the volume on your PC, Laptop, Tablet or Phone.


Darren M. Meade

Laguna Beach,

'Ka-Pow' : Des Moines Register Editoral Board whacks reality check book journalism star Benjamin Smith

#19Author of original report

Wed, June 25, 2014

'Ka-Pow': Des Moines Register Editorial Board whacks Prosecutor Ben Smith the reality pay-for-placement, reality star, created by 60 Minutes Australia.

Legal experts told The Des Moines Register that seizure order by Benjamin Smith raised serious concerns about Richter's rights while she is confined by the Department of Corrections.

Holy headlines! Read full story here:


New evidence, shows, Ben Smith’s star witness at the Tracey Richter trial, was in reality, his fiancées mother (Mary Higgins) 

It gets stranger, the power of Tracey Richter’s ex-husband Michael Roberts has considerable reach. Roberts’s not only helped Ben Smith get elected but also the County Attorney’s in Buena Vista and Cherokee County, Iowa. Roberts's snubbed his nose at contempt filing and court orders and bragged about his ability to so ( see Report: #829963 on this site rebuttal #1)

Roberts’s transferred large amounts of cash outside the country prior to the deadly home invasion and sloppily, admitted to standing in the blood of Dustin Wehde, and removing his car from the active crime scene, after planting the pink notebook.

Holy stupidity

Sources state that Smith’s violation of Richter’s rights were to deprive her of legal document, access to law library and being able to discuss he upcoming appeal.




@Insider / thank you for the uncut video's of Michael Roberts and Ben Smith.

The video's will soon be released / I did retreat for a small moment when Ben Smith trheatened to have me arrested on false charges ...





SUPPRESSED: JOURNALISTIC REVIEW PROVES 60 Minutes Australia Participated in Pay for Placement PR Segment / Employee Blows Whistle

#19UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 04, 2014

Mr. Meade,

although there is much variation within journalism, the ideal is to inform the citizenry. After you exposed the controversy we had internally about our shows journalism with a false story featuring Michael Roberts, and his children.

 The story was controversial at Mi9 alomst the moment it was broadcasted. The credibility of the report came into question and we deleted the uncut versions of the interviews, which proved the crew was not misled and participated in the fraud. 


Darren M. Meade

Laguna Beach,

Michael Roberts Rexxfield Ben Smith Sac County Attorney 60 Minutes Australia Try To Destroy Ripoff Report and Ed Magedson Due To Their No Take Down Policy / Watch These Video's To Learn Why

#19Author of original report

Thu, December 12, 2013

Is there a difference between Reality TV and 60 Minutes Australia?

There isn’t. At least not anymore. Michael Roberts Fathers Fight exposed NineMsn.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines news this way:

a. a report of recent events.

b. previously unknown information.

c. something having a specified influence or effect.

Where is news defined as 60 Minutes Australia purchasing an unsubstantiated script - to create news? This is TV Reality News in action. Blab. Blab. Blab. It’s bad enough that they have taken children illegally and placed them with the very father who hired to men to kill them and there mother.

Here is Part 3 of our 32 Part series which is available only on Ripoff Report because they are the only consumer advocacy site which will NOT remove reports for money.

This Video is my news analysis and opinion.

I published this because I believe in doing what is right. Others featured in the video will claim otherwise. My name is Darren M. Meade and I am an advocate for victims of injustice. I will not relent until the truth has been documented. Read more about this.

Documents in the video are available for law enforcement and news media.



Highlands Ranch,


#19Consumer Comment

Wed, December 11, 2013

It appears that the mainstream media in Australia, Europe, and the USA are part of the International Crime Syndicate that ultimately controls the governments of Australia, Europe, the United States of America, and many other nations. The syndicate also indirectly controls countries like Saudii Arabia and Japan. They are obviously afraid of being exposed on the internet. That is why they are removing information from the web. They don't want people to know the truth.

You can 'Google' this- WHO OWNS THE FED BANK WHO CONTROLS WHO VIDEO, and watch it on the web for additional information about the syndicate, which is also known as the 'hub'. The charts being displayed at the beginning of the video are available on the web. Just 'Google' this- WHO OWNS THE FED?, and click on the 'save-a-patriot' website. Twentieth Century Fox Corporation is listed in Chart 4. General Electric (NBC) is listed in Chart 5.

As more and more people find out the truth, the syndicate loses its power. The syndicate needs to keep the truth about what has been going on in the world quiet. However, people are now waking-up and understanding that the entire global system is 'rigged' in order for just a small percentage of people to prosper. The politicians in the USA, Europe, and in many other nations are simply 'puppets' who work for the ones that control the syndicate. (The majority of the people at the top of the syndicate are bankers.)

To sum it up in a nutshell; the Central Bankers are in control of the world and the politicians all over the world are there to distract the masses of people and lead the people into believing in lies. The lies are being exposed. The exposure is creating opinions. 'Negative opinions'. These negative opinions are starting to collapse governments, economies, and nations. It is only a matter of time until a complete collapse of the global system takes place, plunging the world into a Depression. (My opinion.)

Good luck to you, and make sure to expose your Ripoff Report all over the web at sites like Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook every day!

P.S. The narrator of the video above is from Australia. What a coincidence!



Highlands Ranch,


#19Consumer Comment

Tue, November 05, 2013

Feel free to send 60 Minutes in New York a copy of your Ripoff Report. I believe that the address is available at this website. Just type in 271771 and scroll all the way down to the consumer comment entitled "Send Your Story From Ripoffreport To All News Stations Listed Here" at Ripoff Report #271771.

Good luck to you, and make sure to expose your Ripoff Report all over the web at sites like Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook every day!


Darren M. Meade

Laguna Beach,

Authorized Statement, Scam Group, Michael Roberts Rexxfield, 60 Minutes Australia, Scam to Ed Magedson and Ripoff Report

#19Author of original report

Tue, October 01, 2013



I've had to invent a word to better describe this problem: "presstitute." Not the most elegant term, but it will do. It is my opinion, it seems like after the recent activity by Michael Robert’s erratic postings on the internet, Michael Roberts Rexxfield, SAC County Attorney Ben Smith and 60 Minutes Australia are desperate to destroy Ed Magedson and Ripoff Report.


Ripoff Report allows the free flow of information by never removing reports. It is the trusted source for those victims who might not otherwise have a voice. Michael Roberts and corrupt SAC County Attorney Ben Smith threaten and intimidate people to remove information. They tried to hid the documents in this video. 60 Minutes Australia is willing to take a script and present it as an actual news story even if it covers up a husband who tried to kill his wife and kids. View this video to understand why Michael Roberts is so desperate. 


Darren M. Meade

Laguna Beach,

60 Minutes Australia Cover-Up for Child Abuser

#19Author of original report

Sat, June 29, 2013

In an a practice called "checkbook journalism", where anything goes, Ninemsn and 60 Minutes Australia sank to a new low in its Pay-for-play practice. In 60 Minutes Australia' segment, it was falsely stated that a police polygraph taken by Michael Roberts was inconclusive. he failed the polygraph in regards to the murder. Worse, this segment put additional pressure on the Australian government which then helped a known child abuser violate a U.S. Judges ruling and remove his victims to Australia.

Check Book Journalism

New York,

Sensationalism, Inflammatory Words and Tabloid Journalism 60 Minutes Australia?

#19Consumer Comment

Sun, June 09, 2013


The Darkside - Journalism was committed to service in decades ago.  Now it is a commercial activity. So the attitude of people towards journalism has also changed. Tactics to inflame and change sentiment appear to be purely driven by viewership and profit. Is this too, a modern-day hoax perpetrated upon an unsuspecting audience?                                                                                                                                             So, Darren, are saying 60 Minutes Australia is looking for—some salacious material to craft a story, NineMsn corporate headquarters will pay large sums of money to “sources.”? That it doesn’t matter if it’s true. If it’s not true, they can always print a retraction; but meanwhile the headlines scream scandal and make millions of dollars. The game is to get a sensational story before your rival can break the story. It’s a world devoid of meticulous fact checking, scrutiny of sources or ethics. The credibility of the source doesn’t matter because the tabloids operate on the letting the cat out of the bag principle. It doesn’t matter if the story is true, what matters are headlines that scream attention. The retraction can come later and is guaranteed to not be front page news but buried in the back of the paper? 

Prove it! -

1), you claim Michael Roberts failed his police polygraph on the murder / 60 Minutes claims to show the inconclusive police ploygraph during the broadcast, 2), you claim Michael Roberts is a deadbeat Dad / 60 Minutes Australia claims he is a good father. Darren, the District Attorney of Iowa was interviewed for this segment, wouldn't he be the one to know if Michael failed the police polygraph versus you? You know -  Please do not misunderstand my tone, Ninemsn, which owns tabloid brands 60 Minutes and A Current Affair have a history of check book journalism and have been exposed by watch dog site Media Watch (click here) Looking forward to your reply.                                                                                       

Light Be


SMOKING GUN: Sworn affidavit exposes Michael Roberts as Bi-polar, paranoid, dysphoric | Mental health problems ignored as 60 Minutes Australia promotes known and FOUNDED child abuser

#19REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, February 09, 2013

Busted - sworn affidavit states exposes sick and depraved Michael Roberts as "bipolar", yelling, "I am a suspect in a murder investigation" and ROBERTS owes creditors including the Internal Revenue Service $118,923.00 According to court documents filed in Iowa District Court for Buena Vista County in Case No. CDCD002755 A police detective submitted a sworn affidavit which states: "Siouxland Mental Health Center Psychiatric Medical Evaluation dated 12 Mar 2004, summarizes that Michael ROBERTS has a history of Bi-Polar Disorder and depression in his family, the patiets was yelling "I am a suspect in a murder" and the patient believes he is a suspect with allegations he hired someone to try and kill his wife. The treating physician described the patient (Michael ROBERTS) as hyperactive, paranoid. dysphoric with a history of hypomania. The report also shows that Michael ROBERTS has been prescribed Ritalin and Lexapro in the past to deal with his mental health problems."

ROBERTS mental health problems might be this very website. And his profiting from an automotated cybr bullying campaign which has increased with the halo effect from 60 Minutes Australia.

Extortion documents:

Automated cyber bullying campaign:

DateLine NBC segment on Michael Roberts:

Sworn affidavit:


United States of America

Child Support

#19General Comment

Tue, January 22, 2013

Sac County  says John Pitman was going to stop his child support and that is why she tried framing him and killing Dustin. Think about it, by framing him she was still losing her child support, so what was the purpose?  JP owes a lot of people and IRS a lot of money. .Tracey's death would have been the only way he would have gotten out of paying his child support. Why did his mother send Mona money after the incident? Guilt? Why were there phone records showing JP called her home.  JP had no intention of paying for Bert's college even though in the divorce degree he is ordered in exchange for Tracey signing off of their property.  Without paying for Bert's college she probably could take him back to court to get her half of the sale of property with interest. It is more likely he needed to get rid of her and even Bert. JP is not the person Sac County portrays him to be. There will be a lot coming out showing who he really is.  Tracey could not afford to have anything happen to JP.  She needed him to pay for Bert's college. She was the one who lost if anything happened to him and he was the one to profit if anything happened to her. Michael is another one who would profit from her death.Why were the two of them together before Tracey's arrest? Getting their stories straight? Why does the story keep changing of why they say she shot Dustin. First it was Michael  who said she wanted Dustin to kill him so she shot Dustin so he wouldn't tell when he changed his mind. 2nd it is to frame JP so she wouldn't lose child support which she would if he went to jail so that contradicts itself. McClure says Tracey had changed her story when her story never changed. There was naturally confusion at the time,on the part of law enforcement, but it was cleared up shortly after.The only ones who have changed their stories are the witnesses for the prosecution and law enforcement. Funny how people remember facts 10years after, and after talking to Smith and Vileta,when they couldn't remember days after the incident.  Jeremy Collins had selective memory and at the trial Tracey identified him as the 2nd intruder. Remember he bragged to Mona about being a hitman. Also his actions after the incident don't make any sense.  Why do you think he joined the army. It was the only way for him to get out of the country.  Why were Tracey's fingerprints not on the pink notebook since Mary Higgins insist that Tracey bought it. Mona also said she bought a pink notebook for her daughters.  Nothing of the accusations against Tracey make sense. That notebook was suppose to be so secret yet eveyone had pictures of it. It appears she was convicted on nothing but heresay and everything Michael had made sure was in the media. They tried to say Tracey was the only one who would have known the things in the notebook that was said about JP. Sorry but anyone that was close to her knew all that stuff about JP. Michael even admitted telling Dustin things about JP.He even admitted all of that info was in his office and that Mona and Dustin could have read it when they were alone in the office. Mona was found in the office after she was fired. Why? What was she looking for?  If there was so much evidence to prove Tracey guily then why did they have to destroy evidence that would prove she was telling the truth? Why did they heve to intimidate witnesses.? Why, even now, are people being threaten to not come forward with info showing a connection between Ben Smith and Michael Roberts that go way back to before Tracey was arrested.  Why?Remember Michael failed the lie detector test and just about everyone in Early, including Mona,  thought he was responsible. Just look at everything he was doing. Sheriff McClure even thought he was behind the incident until Smith got involved and look who is behind Smith? The one who failed the lie detector test. More info is coming out everyday and shortly, I truly believe, Tracey will get vindicated. I know for a fact that perjury was committed by the witnesses for the prosecution including members of law enforcement. This also will be coming out shortly.Why does Smith threaten anyone who says anything bad about Michael Roberts. He is acting as his personal attorney. Why? And is that legal? Remember if Sac County can do this to Tracey, who I truly believe is innocent and I truly believe McClure knows she is innocent, they can do it to you.  Wake up and smell the coffee. People that are threatened need to not be afraid. Once you come forward they can no longer intimidate you. You will he holding the cards. This means anyone with information.Can you live with yourself by keeping silent and letting an innocent person stay in prison?? Not only does Sac County need a new county attorney they need a new sherfiff. He has proven himself, not only in Tracey's case but look what he has  done in othersl, to be incompetent. The media also needs to wake up. Look at all the information out there showing how corrupt her accusers are and yet you guys refuse to  print any of it. None of it is hearsay, everything is documented. What are you afraid of????

Brett Collins

United States of America

Fact checker admits producers knowingly lied on Michael Roberts segment to please demographics of viewers

#19UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 22, 2013

We knew the truth, but the story was only good if we had an Australian as the victim not the perpetrator. Often we discover stories are not factual but run the stories anyways if we believe they will bring us ratings.

Sac County Iowa Prosecutor Ben Smiths argument for prosecuting Tracey for first degree murder rested on a couple of premises.

Tracey was in a battle over child support for her son Burt. John Pitman wanted to cut off the $1000 a month she was receiving.To do this she wanted to frame John Pitman for attempted murder and to keep her plans secret she killed Dustin.

The reality was that John Pitman had multiple lawsuits and owed over $225,000(USD)

 FEDERAL Civil:Debtor:John PITMAN III and Lisa PITMAN Filing Location: James City County Circuit CourtCreditors: Internal Revenue ServiceFiling Numbers:090565 Judgement: Judgement against debtor (John PITMAN and Lisa PITMAN) for the amount of $7,766.00

Debtor:John PITMAN III and Lisa PITMANFiling Location: Williamsburg City Circuit CourtCreditors: Internal Revenue ServiceFiling Numbers:121953Judgement: Judgement against debtor (John PITMAN and Lisa PITMAN) for the amount of $18,397.00

Debtor:John PITMAN III and Lisa PITMANFiling Location: Williamsburg City Circuit Court Creditors: Internal Revenue ServiceFiling Numbers:121954Judgement: Judgement against debtor (John PITMAN) for the amount of $194,144.00

Michael Roberts made a secret deal with Mona Wehde, a real estate agent, to sell all of their marital properties without Traceys knowledge. He met secretly with her to discuss the deal just prior to the shooting of Dustin.

With Tracey out of the way, he would become sole owner of Xellex and Mile2 a businesses which recently did $2 million dollars in new sales.

The other day I was doing some research on Ripoff Report and I discovered that multiple cases of corruption had taken place in Sac County Iowa it made me realize what we are doing is wrong. Then I checked on John Pitman and discovered he had been arrested for other crimes CRIMINAL ARREST:Offender:John PITMAN III Offense: FTA CAPIASOffense Date: 11/26/2012Arrest Date: 12/20/2012Complainant; Commonwealth of VirginiaCase#:GC12002990-00 It saddened me what we did to Tracey and how we exploited her children. I am told by my bosses we are entertainment not a news program but I do not believe people in the USA understand that.


United States of America

Sad Picture.. Michael Roberts, these children look miserable and so unhappy one day soon they will realize what you did.

#19General Comment

Tue, December 25, 2012

Has anyone notiiced how sad Noah and Mason are in the picture with their father Michael Roberts? These children look miserable and so unhappy my heart breaks for them. When is someone going to ask the children where they want to live. They are old enough to make a decision. Every picture posted of them with their mother shows them to be happy. To me this picture is showing they are crying out for help. When is someone going to listen to them????

Darren M. Meade

Laguna Beach,

Mi9 media in Austrailia condones a fake news story to generate ratings \ Michael Usher, Mark Britt, Danny Keens, Krista Parcell, Hannah Boocock, Matt James, Hal Crawford, Pay from scripted false news

#19Author of original report

Sat, December 15, 2012

60 Minutes Australia and its parent company Mi9 ran by Mark Britt knowingly put forth a fake news story which placed children in danger world-wide. They were contacted and provided unimpeachable evidence to prove the script they purchased from Michael Roberts was false in regards to a victimized Aussie. The entire investigation summary supplied to Mi9, Ninemsn and 60 Minutes Australia can be viewed here:

Mark Britt is alleged to have purchased a illicit hacking code from Michael Roberts that allows deletion of content from private web servers, access of personal emails, blogs and manipulation of search results from search engines. Perhaps, that is why they followed Michael Roberts scripts for a news story versus investigate the story as they portrayed.

60 Minutes Australia refused to air that Michael Roberts personal friend and ex-husband of Tracey Richter had become belligerent and intimidated and threatened the former prosecutor to suppress exculpatory evidence in the Tracey Richter trial. The sworn affidavit supplied to 60 Minutes Australia can be viewed here on page 36

Sons Limited

United States of America

60 Minutes Australia, Mi9, NineMsn purchase illicit SQL hacking code from Rexxfield / Julian Assange Connection / Eliminate Google's Influence in Australia

#19Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 13, 2012

Michael Roberts is known to be an associate of Julian Assange. Assange and Roberts father are from the same town in Australia. Mi9, NineMsn wanted an advantage is the world of tabloid journalism in Australia. They Mi9 also wanted to marginalize Google's influence in Australia.

Mi9 purchased the hacking code and the operational plan of Mile2 / Rexxfield. Mile2 and Rexxfield are owned by Michael Roberts. You can read about Michael Roberts here :

Mi9 is know altering search results, hacking into people's personal blogs, companies private webservers, altering search results, etc.

Darren M. Meade

Laguna Beach,

Mi9 and 60 Minutes Australia Conspire How to Manipulate Young Children for The Camera to Help Launch a Known Child Abusers Cyber Bullying Campaign in Australia and the USA

#19Author of original report

Thu, November 22, 2012

Hannah or Sarah?

Trolling Aussie Style

60 Minutes Australia used dirty tricks reminiscent of the Killian Files to manipulate Noah and Mason Roberts. Michael Usher, Danny Keens, Hannah Boocock and 60 Minutes Australia paid for a script and pretended it was a news story. The children desperate to see the mother that raised simply used as pawns.

 60 Minutes Australia calculated to the second the last moment they could arrive and still send in Noah Roberts. Realizng the emotional turmoil of seeing his mother in jail after being seperated for a year  and then ripping him away 20 minutes later would guarantee the emotional response needed to follow Michael Roberts script.

Thought Police

60 Minutes Australia and Michael Roberts needed to assure the manipulation of Noah for the TV camera so they sent in an operative who is in the attached photo. 60 Minutes and Michael Roberts knew this operative would have to knowingly lie and claim she was a friend of Tracey Richter. She signed her name as Sarah. Tracey, cried herself to sleep nightly missing her children and finally her prayers had been answered as she saw Noah and the following day Mason. The operative who lied to gain entry threatened to take Noah away if Tracey said anything negative about Michael or told the truth about the passports,  and made it known she could make Noah leave at anytime. Tracey wanted to explain that givne Michael's past abuse of the children, and herself, the courts refused to allow Michael to take the children to Australia. And, that an investigation has now proven that a previous story issued by Michael Roberts and Ben Smith is patently false. Tracey desperate to spend time with her children agreed to the demands of 60 Minutes Australia's operative. This same operative / bodyguard forced the children's Grandmother and Tracey's fiancee Russ who considers Noah and Mason as his children to leave, under the threat of removing the children.


The online misinformation campaign, being waged by 60 Minutes Australia, has raised questions about whether the Mi9 or its contractors may have purchased a hacking code from Mile2's Michael Roberts.Mi9 is knowingly and willfully promoting Cyber Bullying or as Michael Roberts and his business partners call it, Google-Cide. (Listen to audio here)

Why do I care?

My comfortable life as a CEO with a six-figure salary, equity in unrelated entities, and the ability to telecommute three days a week changed after the company for which I was the CEO, had funds embezzled, to launch a Rexxfield's - Cyber Bullying campaign that would actually cause and profit from people committing suicide. Rexxfields business model was to target children with parents who could afford to pay for Reputation Management services to keep their children safe and high net worth individuals whose reputations are vital to the earning powerdoctors, lawyers, and other professionals. New victims were created by complicit media companies creating knowingly false video news releases to promote Michael Roberts and Rexxfield.In order to make millions these predators created an automated technology that generated defamatory content about individuals and corporations who valued their reputationsthe bigger the better. Were talking about a whole new strain of WMDsweapons of mass defamation. Think about it: What if allegations of pedophilia were to pop up the next time you Googled your name? Or what if obscene stories about your wife, children, or significant other came up? When whats at stake is the destruction of your career, your marriage, or your childs future, money is no objectand these predators know it.

The fear-based marketing program was established on the premise that by tormenting teenagers with embarrassing details about their personal lives such as outing them if theyre gay to their social networks, or belittling them online for their looks or social skills or lack of friends, they could induce little Johnny to kill himself. After the suicides began, they believed no parent would turn down their services. When the time is right they will call or email their victimsReputation Management to the rescueantidote in one hand, anthrax in the other.

Evil Empire

The Reputation Management sector is estimated to grow to $5 billion by 2015. That was enough of a draw to have nearly 3,000 affiliates utilize the fear-based marketing program mentioned above. Nearly 3,000 entities are utilizing something in geek-speak called a SQL injection code. This particular variety was created to do a number of things, including deleting or de-indexing (hiding) specific pages from search engines.

The $5 billion in Reputation Management seems like a lot, but there are bigger plays involved and they have Google in their sight. Thats rightthey plan to extort Google. The fear-based marketing program was predicated on casting Google in a false light, as they say on the audio recordings, they will make Google look like the Evil Empire.


They determined that the suicides will eventually cause a ground swell of anger toward Google. This will open them to further attacks by Googles competitors, setting in motion the opportunity for these Reputation Management companies and rivals of Google to garner expert witness fees based on junk science by testifying in defamation lawsuits against Google, many of which are taking place in Australia.  They have attorneys primed to file class-action lawsuits against Google, and these lawyers will pay a large portion of the settlement fees to the very rivals of Google whom are employing key members of the Reputation Management syndicate.

Common Sense

I cant expect you to take my word for all this. I have their plans for Google-Cide on tape as well as Rexxfield partners (Michael Roberts, Adam Zuckerman and Paul Portelli's) plans to have me killed once I began talking about this (1). They have already made good on one of their threats toward me by destroying my reputation online. Go aheadGoogle my name. Its mud if you dont already know me. Let me give you an example of how these people think and operate. If you Google me, you will also see a cartoon drawing they have used in an attempt to shame me. Let me provide some context: Four years ago I had an accident which dissected my aorta in three places and formed blood clots in my leg. I had so much trauma the doctors gave me a 10 percent chance of survival, and if I did live I would be a vegetable. They placed me into a medically induced coma for three weeks as they believed it was the only way I could survive. The amount of blood I lost caused a deformity in my right leg, left me incontinent, and unable to walk on my own. Six months later I regained enough motor control to take steps on my own.A couple years later Michael Roberts and Paul Portelli secretly involved in the creation of Google-Cide claimed to have been destitute, and after seeing they were sleeping on air mattresses at the office(2), I took them in at my home. While I am a very private person, anyone living at my home would quickly discern I was incontinent. When Googling my name, you will pull up a cartoon drawing of myself portrayed as a monkey who has his feet turned up with curled hammer toes (I admit the cartoon monkey does depict the deformity on my right foot from the accident), and pooping into his foot and then flinging the poo. This is obviously an effort to shame me for my disability. I share this not for sympathy, but to let you know the lengths these people will go to, and what your loved one may have endured prior to taking their lives.

Click here for transcript of Michael Roberts, Paul Portelli and Adam

Zuckerman discussing Darren Meade(1) Pages 36-37 Line 9

(2) Page 48 Line

9 & 16 

Darren M. Meade

Laguna Beach,

Michael Roberts of Rexxfield's Alleged Extortion of Ripoff Report \ Threatens to Create Defamatory Content Unless Money is Paid to Attorneys Trust Account

#19Author of original report

Sat, November 17, 2012

Michael Roberts of Rexxfield is a preposterous liar with absolutely no credibility. He is no whistle blower, never was - Roberts tried to extort the owner of Ripoff Report and when that didn't work he tried to file a lawsuit to make them delete my postings.

Roberts was deleting truthful report, as noted under Google-Cide, a PAID attack dog, creating defamatory content cyber bullying children, then charging them to delete, and is now pissed off because audio recording and other document show he is responsible for the death of Dustin Wehde whom he paid to try and kill his then wife and children whom he had abused. 

Below are 2 emails from Michael Roberts of Rexxfield to Ed Magedsons Attorney Maria Speth in Phoenix Arizona. Roberts wants $105,000 euros (tens of thousands more in American Dollars) Roberts is also asking for immunity for himself and the originator of the so called technique / in some places they call it "the cool technique" .. we call it the HACK, so did Fox News. See below the 2 short emails Michael Roberts attached a contract to Ed Magedsons attorney.

Link to documents

Roberts attached to the documents a flow chart claiming that he and Matthew Cooke had their IP aka the Hack stolen from them.

Roberts threatens to sell the hack to the Russians unless Ripoff Report pays them a ransom fee, Link to flow chart here.

I believe this would be called attempted extortion. What do you think? ==============================================

-----Original Message-----

From: MRR777 []
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 1:35 PM
To: Maria Crimi Speth
Cc: Chris Wesser; Lawrence Semenza
Subject: Draft agreement

G'day Maria,

I am not sure if Chris told you, but I only have a very short window to effect this deal.

Please see attached, feel free to word-smith it as I am half asleep. I am going to bed soon so respond quickly if you want to wrap this up. If acceptable, sign and fax to me at 314-237-4976 and if Chris doesn't mind, scan and email to both of us also. Once Larry confirms receipt of funds we'll get this hole plugged before sunup tomorrow if your team wants to stay up.

CBS & Fox are both spooling up for a story on the "exploiters", I'll intro you to the producers if you desire. If you move quick you can probably have all their "customers" dispute their PayPal and credit cards, I think their contract has a 90 guarantee.


-----Original Message-----

From: []
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 12:47 AM

To:;;;;;; Morris, Donald E.

Subject: RipOffReport

Dear Mr. Morris,

I have cc'd RipOff's law firm for expedience as my moretorium to do this deal has all but expired. Let me make it simple:
(1) The Russian's have offered 105,000 for the tech
(2) I hate russians
(3) I personally don't want Russians knowing who I am or that I could potentially double deal.
(a) My associate doesn't care about what I am worried about
(4) If I burn the tech, then I have nothing to worry about, Russians move on.
(5) Once again, my associate doesn't care.

There is no Demo; the only security they have is that the funds would be held in your trust account until demonstrated. If they turn it down they will NEVER find it unless the people who are makiing close to $100K a week volutarily give the info. One client supposedly paid $32K last week alone.

If they will not NOINDEX, then I will accept 105,000 for the tech an be done with it. But we must move now so I can show my associate your trust account balance and the signed agreement including mutual NDA (this deal never happened ;)

Below: Attached Document From Michaels Roberts sent to Ed Magedsons Attorney Maria Speth
Agreement between Michael Roberts and Xcentric Ventures LLC.

1. Michael Roberts ("SELLER") possesses certain knowledge about a system or method including source code and documentation (collectively "solution") to cause web pages on the website ("ROR") to be pushed down or reduced in ranking ("buried" or "bury") to position 256 or lower in Google search engine results.

2. SELLER also possesses knowledge, as to how to render the solution 100% ineffective against ROR in as little as 24 business hours.

3. SELLER has knowledge as to the CREATORS of the solution ("CREATORS").

4. SELLER has knowledge as to certain individuals who are exploiting ("EXPLOITERS") the solution in order to charge individuals and businesses money to have their respective ROR complaints buried below position 256 in Google search engine results.

5. Whereas, Excentric Ventures, LLC. ("BUYER") desires to purchase the above information and knowledge about the solution from SELLER.

Conditions of agreement:

6. BUYER will in good faith hold the CREATORS harmless for their involvement in developing the solution as long as CREATORS cooperate as reasonably requested by BUYER in any legal action BUYER may take against the EXPLOITERS; and if applicable any criminal investigations that may be instigated by authorities against EXPLOITERS.

7. BUYER will hold harmless and indemnify SELLER and his agents against any legal action related to the solution or this agreement.

8. BUYER will not disclose the details of this agreement or SELLER'S involvement under any circumstances and acknowledges that a breach of this condition would cause the SELLER irreparable financial, and reputational harm.

9. SELLER will cooperate with BUYER as reasonably required to assist in any legal action against EXPLOITERS.

10. BUYER will transfer the full purchase price of 105,000.00 converted to US Dollars per the published rate on at the time of execution to:

Lawrence J. Semenza, Ltd Trust Account
Nevada State Bank
4170 S. Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89119

United States of America
Routing Number: 122400779
Account Number: 055201631

11. Immediately upon receipt of cleared funds to the above trust account, SELLER will then electronically deliver to BUYER the following:
a. The source code for the exploit and all documentation.
b. The information and technique required for positively identifying most, if not all ROR pages that have been buried by the solution in the last four (4) years and to remedy the effects.
c. The method required to render the solution ineffective.
d. The identity of the primary CREATOR and all information on hand for his/her co-CREATOR.
e. The identity of the EXPLOITERS.
f. The identity of at least two other victims of the EXPLOITERS who may and their sole discretion assist BUYER in pursuing civil and criminal actions against EXPLOITERS.

12. Upon delivery and proof of the existence and efficacy of the solution, Mr. Semenza is authorized to disburse the purchase fees to SELLER without delay.

13. need standard two counterparts clause here......

I resigned on February 27, 2011 and went within 24 Hours to law enforcement.

In a panic over losing his golden goose, he asked me not to contact Ripoff Report directly as I had with other victims. Roberts promised to have burned the hack. Later he told me that he arranged immunity to Matthew Cooke of Lijit Networks and Federated Media Publishing for his criminal activity.

I was fearful all the good things that Ripoff Report does as a consumer advocacy website would be lost, Roberts then emails me asking me to be patient as he had worked out a deal for cash (extortion) and immunity for Matthew. (See document here)

This is Michael Roberts!

Certified court reporters transcription of Michael Roberts and his Rexxfield partners discussing Darren M Meade.

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