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  • Report:  #1486638



  • Reported By:
    Biff — Boca Raton Florida United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, October 21, 2019
  • Updated:
    Tue, January 21, 2020
    United States
  • Phone:
  • Category:

EDITOR’S COMMENT(1/15/2020):  Ripoff Report strongly believes in the First Amendment, especially when consumers are truthfully warning other consumers about potential frauds, scams, rip-offs or the like by shady individuals or businesses.  Ripoff Report is by consumers, for consumers…and we want to keep it that way!  Unfortunately this Report was posted and, upon additional information, appears to have been primarily for the purpose of bullying or harassment.  In many instances Ripoff Report will reach out to the author of the Report to obtain further information.  In other instances, enough information is provided to Ripoff Report to warrant redactions without reaching out to the author.  Ripoff Report is working to combat tactics that are perceived to be cyberharassment, cyberstalking, cyberbullying and/or what is generally considered a “revenge post” as we do not condone such behavior. 

The Report was brought to our attention and, upon review of compiled information (which will be done on a case by case basis without any obligation as resources allow), and at Ripoff Report’s sole discretion, information that did not conform to current policies and/or the identifying information relating to the individual(s) and/or business(es) named in this “Report” and any subsequent comments thereto have been editorially redacted as indicated by the following “(((REDACTED)))” or (((REDACTED DUE TO PERCEIVED HARASSMENT / REVENGE POST)))”.

CONSUMERS:  Be kind.  Keep it honest.  Keep it fair.  Stick to the facts.  Do your research.  Keep the dirty laundry in the laundry hamper…not on Ripoff Report.

PLEASED TO SEE SUCH EFFORTS?  YOU CAN HELP RIPOFF REPORT COMBAT THESE TYPES OF ISSUES:  Ripoff Report, as resources allow, is working towards combatting Cyberharassment, Cyberstalking, Cyberbullying and/or other problems such as what is generically called “revenge posts” that can be riddled with personal commentary and/or allegations that can be serious.   Ripoff Report would love to be able to timely address each and every review request we receive, however, this takes resources.  If you think this is a worth-while endeavor, we encourage you to make a donation so that we can expand the resources that we can devote to this project.  You can make a non-tax deductible donation by clicking HERE NOW or learn a little more by visiting our “Donate to our Efforts” page.  The more resources we have, the more resources we can devote to this project and other forward thinking and positive initiatives like it.

Thank you!

~ Ripoff Report Team


(((REDACTED))) is a very sick and mental person. She has been stalking, following and harassing a girl by the name of (((REDACTED))) since 2012. It all started when (((REDACTED))) blocked her out of her life back in late 2013 because she started copying (((REDACTED))) poses, telling her she wanted to wear her skin and telling all sorts of untrue things about her, such as their van was repossessed when in reality she paid cash for it, then went on to attack her cake pop business and start following and supporting (((REDACTED))) local competitors. (((REDACTED))) confronted her and blocked her on Facebook never wanting to hear from her again.

Come late Jan of 2015 (((REDACTED))) and a gang of people called Photo Stealers, accused (((REDACTED))) of stealing photos only to ruin her, tarnish her name out of pure jealously because she had become so successful. (((REDACTED))) found this as the perfect opportunity to get involved in her life again. What some might ask is how she knew about this or found out about it? Maybe she was the one who was behind this slanderous mastermind to destroy (((REDACTED))), makes you wonder huh?

What her and this group did was 24/7 attack her, contact every person/business she dealt with and give them the one-sided fake blogs’ link and slander her name in hopes of losing her business and clients. This still continues today, October 2019. On the website there’s 100% proof of this. You’ll see screen shoots of her contacting (((REDACTED))) clients, friends and family.

In 2015, the group that (((REDACTED))) was involved with put 16 Craig’s List ads on (((REDACTED))) soliciting her for gang sex. The PBSO Detectives were on this case. They got to investigate a few of the CL ads and one came from a local FL Metro PCS store in Royal Palm Beach and the others came from a local coffee shop in the overseas where a friend resides. She thought this was extremely funny that (((REDACTED))) had to endure 1000’s of men sending their private parts to her, threatening to rape her along with other vile text messages and phone messages. They used her phone number attached to her registered (((REDACTED))) business for this disgusting prank.

Since then, she has become friends with anyone and everyone she can to further destroy (((REDACTED))). She has become best friends with (((REDACTED))) ex husband (((REDACTED))) along with his new wife (((REDACTED))), (((REDACTED)))deceased brothers’ girlfriend (((REDACTED)))... who pretended to have been married to her brother and possibly committed fraud by cashing out insurance policies, sold his clothing and other items that belong to the estate and also changed the estate’s mailing address back to hers, so that’s why (((REDACTED))) became friends with her, numerous meme groups on Instagram and tons of individual people on Instagram. You can see all this proof, explained on the website.

(((REDACTED))) and her crew of cronies watch every place (((REDACTED))) eats at, shops at and hangs out at only to try and get the workers written up and fired. This has happened multiple times and she admitted it on the paperwork that she filed against (((REDACTED))) stating she called her place of employment and got her fired. Who does this to someone’s income? Only a sick and twisted person who has no life, no job herself and is a complete loser! Again, proof of this court documentation is on the website.

Later on in 2016, (((REDACTED))) contacted (((REDACTED))) and (((REDACTED))) community where they reside, on a Facebook community page, asking if this was the one(((REDACTED))) and he lived in, once the community had confirmed yes (see screen shot on website), she then went on to contact everyone she could to spread nothing but malicious lies on them, give all their neighbors this blog link and put up “Wanted Lost s***k” signs all throughout her community, outside the community and around Palm Beach County (see website for photos).

She went on to copying (((REDACTED))) pictures on Instagram. (see examples on website). If (((REDACTED))) had a certain food, (((REDACTED))) would duplicate it. (((REDACTED))) would post pictures of animals, (((REDACTED))) would too, same ones. (((REDACTED))) would take a picture of her drink at Duffy’s (a sports bar), (((REDACTED))) would recreate that. (((REDACTED))) would pose with her gun or eating food, (((REDACTED)))would admit to recreating and copying her stating “(((REDACTED))) I don’t have anything close to your legs so this is what I came up with”... ummmmmm can we say creepy! (((REDACTED))) would take pictures of sunsets, (((REDACTED))) would go to the same exact spot, recreate that as well, and state “her place and she’ll be coming here every day”, trying to intimidate (((REDACTED))). This would go on and on which leads us up to 1000’s of side by sides that I have proof of that show (((REDACTED))) doing this still to this day.

(((REDACTED))) went to a certain Starbucks in Boca everyday when she first moved down to south Florida in 2007 way before (((REDACTED))). (((REDACTED))) would make fun of her (see photo) and called her vile names. A few years ago that same Starbucks that (((REDACTED))) started going to was (((REDACTED))) new favorite place. For someone hating Starbucks and making fun of (((REDACTED))), now loved it? This is where the Single White Female disorder comes into play. (((REDACTED))) and (((REDACTED))) went to their location that they’ve been going to since 2007 and when they went to drive off, guess who followed them there? You guessed it, (((REDACTED))). (((REDACTED))) whipped out her phone and started to record this for court documentation. (((REDACTED))) tried flipping it and saying (((REDACTED))) stalked her, but if that was true... she wouldn’t have drove off and sped away because she was busted. Posted are the stills from this video on the website.

On October 27, 2016 (((REDACTED))) and this group of people thought it would be cute to send out an unmarked package to (((REDACTED))) and (((REDACTED))) residence which resulted in the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad coming out to their community that Thursday evening. After the bomb squad opened the package, they found out it was from an eat a d**k glitter bomb company. There were previous tweets on Twitter that week stating that (((REDACTED))) said “batten down the hatches FL, hurricane Al is on the way!!!” and more tweets of him (((REDACTED)))would be staying in Miami area and wanted to know if any local peeps wanted to dress up and visit local haunted houses which caused (((REDACTED))) and (((REDACTED))) to shut down their extravagant Halloween display. He also went on saying that he’d be unrecognizable in masks along with his local friends. (((REDACTED))) was also in constant communication with (((REDACTED))) while her husband was away on a motorcycle trip in the Carolinas. He stated in a tweet that he had come to Boca Raton where (((REDACTED))) lives and eat at a restaurant across the street from her apartment (see screen shots on website). Guess when the cat’s away the mouse will play! Take note of how many times her and this (((REDACTED)))are in cahoots with one another, especially when it came time to do devious acts and conspire against(((REDACTED))).

Mid 2018, (((REDACTED))) finally was getting attacked by one of (((REDACTED))) good friends named (((REDACTED))). (((REDACTED))) had enough of (((REDACTED))) and her mob group attacking (((REDACTED))) on a daily basis. She started dishing out to (((REDACTED))) what (((REDACTED))) had been getting for years only to cry to the local Boca PD saying that she was being harassed. Boca PD did nothing. (((REDACTED))) went on to try and file a restraining order on (((REDACTED))). (((REDACTED))) ended up showing up to that court case to defend (((REDACTED))) and tell the judge what (((REDACTED))) had done and why (((REDACTED))) was doing what she did. The judge looked at (((REDACTED))) straight in her eyes and said “I think you’re asking for all this” and dropped this case and (((REDACTED))) won. Next few days went by and(((REDACTED))) bragged about getting the transcripts from that court case. She is seen taking a picture of the courthouse and telling her friends and followers on Facebook what she did. (see photos on website). The reason why she got the transcripts was to try and publicly shame (((REDACTED))) for saying she was a brand ambassador on Instagram representing over 16 companies and to make fun of (((REDACTED))) looks and voice. How disgusting. She gave it to a page called The Blumpkin on Instagram. This person published the video transcript from (((REDACTED))) case against Mari which caused Stacie to be further degraded and mocked for what? Working? Again just shows how sick in the head this (((REDACTED))) woman truly is.

In the beginning of 2019 (((REDACTED))) and all these people would resort to maliciously, non stop reporting (((REDACTED))) Instagram account until they all finally succeeded and got her shut down for 15 days. The day it happened (((REDACTED))) posted a bunch of these GIF’s to her Facebook page celebrating and then is seen posting a song called Celebration by Kool and the Gang. This would go on for another 5 times. They all work day and night to get (((REDACTED))) Instagram account down, and every time they all get it down, she does her celebration GIF’s and comments under the posts on Instagram saying “karma” “she’s getting what she deserves” “this is what happens when you are a b*tch” and tons of other vile things. Those same people, her friends, have literally threatened to kill (((REDACTED))) by insinuating drive-byes and to take her out and she likes their comments. How disgusting is that. She really has issues.

All of you reading this have to be wondering why (((REDACTED))) is still involved is (((REDACTED))) life for all these years, seven to be exact. If she hates (((REDACTED))) so much, why does she keep watching her on Instagram and Twitter 24/7? There’s proof of this on the website. If she hates her so much, why copy her wardrobe to this day? Why does she buy the same shirts and dresses as (((REDACTED)))? Why does she continue to take the same pictures as (((REDACTED)))? Go to the same places that (((REDACTED))) goes to? Why does (((REDACTED))) have buy fake Gucci to copy (((REDACTED))) real ones? You can see all this proof on the website in the form of pictures, screen shots, side by sides and (((REDACTED))) own words. All this proof was posted to a twitter page and a blog, but her and her mob gang kept getting them taken down. Truth hurts huh (((REDACTED))). Well guess what, this will NEVER disappear. It’ll be forever on Google along with your website. Now God forbid you get the website taken down (((REDACTED))), another one is ready to be posted in it’s place. Always google (((REDACTED))) Florida to find the website. Also keep in mind if she moves, like she’s stated her and (((REDACTED))) have been saying for years now, another rip off report will have her updated address and city and on the website as well.

We’ve had enough of your lying crap (((REDACTED))), you’ve never been a victim of anything as you claim to your Facebook groupies. You only pretend to be. You can’t hide any longer. Your life is now exposed for the world to see. (((REDACTED))) has never once done anything to you or to any of those horrible group of wanna be photographers that you have attached yourself with, along with her ex husband and his new wife. You all are unemployed housewives that are sitting at home all day eating bon bons, watching soap operas... stalking and plotting against (((REDACTED))) because you have all the time in the world to do such. Amazing how many new computers and laptops you all get every year. Don’t want to leave any dirt trails or get caught huh? Again, there’s proof of all what I’ve written here. No libel or slander, actual facts showing your mental illness.

I know you’ll get all your friends to make rebuttals, this is what you all do. You all will try and twist all this, but again, can’t hide the proof when it’s being laid out on the website. People who are smart will see through your lies, bs and your mental sickness. Only ones who will believe and don’t care, are the ones you have teamed up with that go against (((REDACTED))) because all they care about is destroying her out of jealously despite all this truth. Can’t wait until you all get sued!

The truth always prevails.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
United States

Thank you Rip Off Report

#3General Comment

Tue, January 21, 2020

 Thank you Rip Off Report for reviewing this report and redacting the names, addresses and other identifying information from this complaint. In regards to the individual who wrote this report: I feel sorry for you. It appears that you may need some assistance dealing with reality.

Please get professional help. Mind your own business and not someone else's, and you'll have time & energy to do more productive things...


Boca Raton,
United States


#3Author of original report

Mon, October 21, 2019


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