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  • Report:  #775180



  • Reported By:
    Jerry — ormond Beach Florida United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sat, September 10, 2011
  • Updated:
    Wed, April 01, 2015
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

EDITOR’S COMMENT:  Ripoff Report strongly believes in the First Amendment, especially when consumers are truthfully warning other consumers about potential frauds, scams, rip-offs or the like by shady individuals or businesses.  Ripoff Report is by consumers, for consumers…and we want to keep it that way!  Unfortunately this Report was posted and, upon additional information, appears to have been primarily for the purpose of bullying or harassment.  In many instances Ripoff Report will reach out to the author of the Report to obtain further information.  In other instances, enough information is provided to Ripoff Report to warrant redactions without reaching out to the author.  Ripoff Report is working to combat tactics that are perceived to be cyberharassment, cyberstalking, cyberbullying and/or what is generally considered a “revenge post” as we do not condone such behavior. 

The Report was brought to our attention and, upon review of compiled information (which will be done on a case by case basis without any obligation as resources allow), and at Ripoff Report’s sole discretion, information that did not conform to current policies and/or the identifying information relating to the individual(s) and/or business(es) named in this “Report” and any subsequent comments thereto have been editorially redacted as indicated by the following “(((REDACTED)))” or (((REDACTED DUE TO PERCEIVED HARASSMENT / REVENGE POST)))”.

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(((REDACTED))) is a wife beater stalker alcoholic drug addict, who has pled GUILTY to Domestic Violence once California once in Florida re: case (((REDACTED))) MMAES Assistant District Attorney Allison J. McCabe plead guilty to Domestic Battery not no contest as he stated earlier. Spent time in jail and was on Felony probation. He is a martial artist which makes what he did even worse.

Not to mention his lengthy driving record for DUI's and fleeing and evading police in California and several drunk driving arrests here in Florida. Used to threaten his ex-wife and step daughter about how he was going to kill and then dismember them so their bodies would never be found.What a low life loser son of a b*tch. What a we little man. I would not trust him with my children or family members. If i were you i would not use new generation martial arts.

9 Updates & Rebuttals

Bob Fitzgerald

United States of America

Marcelene Dubois and Rebecca are cronic liars

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 09, 2011

Marcie has taught Rebecca the best way to get what you want is to lie. They filed over 30 false reports against Rebecca's father. Marcei asked my friends to kill her ex so many times and they blew her off hoping she was just drunk as usual. Rebecca lies to get her way as well. She did not get the attention of a boy she like who was much older than her so she said he hit her. marcie is at fault because she taught Rebecca very sick habits and claimed she would be instrumental in the return of Christ giving Rebecca a serious superiority delusion.

 All of these people need to move on and get a life. Marcie is a very sick woman and was put in charter Oaks Mental Hospital January 2, 2002 for cutting herself. I want no part of any of that circus any longer, but they will not leave me alone. I am amending my last post because I could not add further photos, one of which shows what I have become accustomed to as far as women go. I now enjoy the company of beautiful women who treat me well that don't leach of society. Look at Williamson and you can see why she would want to remain any part of my life. Look at the woman I am with and you will see why I want to get as far from this trailer trash as I can. I do not want her to know where I live or what I do. My future is bright and she made her bed, not she can lay in it, but she needs to leave me out.


Bob Fitzgerald

United States of America

Marcelene DuBois is psycho stalker and Jerry Williamson is a Felon wha are stalking me. Marcelene is dissable due to her debilitating psycological problems.

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 09, 2011

These reports about what happened in court are false. I said Marcelene was falling down drunk when she went out to drive and she was. No witnesses are aloud in the courtroom unless testifying. This Heather if it is her, very suspect that she wont take the time to set up her own account for such an important issue. More like Marcie telling more tall
tales. Marcie left driving drunk and had previous bruises she showed everyone from getting mugged a month earlier when she was out at 2 am drunk. Looks like I will have to post the report where the police returned her wallet from her drunken stroll. This heather person only has Marcie's word to go by anyway as it was established that her 911 call was based upon Marcie's word alone. Judge Beck got very upset when he found that he had locked me up on false charges and stated to Marcie, "Please tell me I did not lock this man up based upon your word alone." He then admonished the state prosecutor for not perusing, "These false reports."

This was the Judge in my criminal case who also later appologised and told Marcelene she could not abuse the court in this way.

Marcelene got our property through means of fraud, a case I am bringing up with the state and am now following through with criminal charges, enough is enough. I understand this Heather owns a home. A libel suit against her may gain something. Marcelene is the one who was abusive, I have proven that before, under you will see that it is not my
opinion, but that of a court eval. It's sick and pathetic the amount of lowlife scum my ex wife has surrounded herself with, but it must go back to her family. A brother who tried to kill his wife, a sister who's in and out of jail who thinks she talks to "King David" a mother who was a witch and craved satanic symbols in her father while he was passed out drunk and two sisters who could not run far enough from the rest of them.

 These losers have no idea where I live and I intend to keep it that way. I have moved on, but if they keep up their ways they will be sued for all they are worth and Marcie will be in jail. Williamson has one foot in that door with the fact he is on probation and continues to stalk and harass me with the rest of this lowlife crew. Fact is I have many great opportunities at hand and Marcie is kicking herself because she will not get to ride the gravy train and is stuck with a felon and can't do any better. I do not hang out in bars like Marcie this Heather and Jerry Williamson and I NEVER hit Marcie. This Heather was a witness to nothing and only provided hearsay to Marcie's lies. What I said about the night she came home drunk was I had no idea where she had gone and what had happened. Our Neighbor said Marcie got drunk and confessed to making up the whole story in order to keep all out property. Check out her psyche eval. This heather knows nothing about me and anyone who does knows I am far from an Alcoholic, in fact I no longer drink at all.

 As far as losers go, Marcelene lived in my parents house for over 2 years and never paid rent. I gave her the money to send and she never did. She did not pay the utilities until we moved out. I paid for her car and insurance as she claimed her money was hers and mine was to make payments. Marcie is a leach that attaches to a host until that host is
sucked dry.

  These people need to get a life and get out of the bar. I have already proven lie after lie, oh and below is a copy of my release that show I plead NO CONTEST and MISDEMEANOR BATTERY,  they don't let abuser go with such simple charges.

I am adding a copy of the report that shows Marcie hit me, her mug shot and Williamson mugshot as well as Marcie's Psyche eval, proof I did not plead guilty, proof it was not a felony and the belt certificate Marcie claimed I never got because I was a fraud. I will also be posting proof of fraud on the part of Marcie and proof I was not the abuser these low
life pieces of garbage claim. My next move will be to sue.





United States of America

Makin up friends again

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, October 09, 2011

Notice how every report from marcie dubois's 'friends' state the author is marcie dubois. get some friends you psycho b*ch!

(((REDACTED))) is a liar and abusive alchoholic
AUTHOR: marcie dubois - ormona beach florida (United States of America)SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 06, 2011

I am a witness to the abuse against Marcie DuBois by (((REDACTED)))
AUTHOR: marcie dubois - ormona beach florida (United States of America)SUBMITTED: Friday, October 07, 2011

lmao, sad, seriously sad!


United States of America

Marcie Dubois has been DIVORCED 4 TIMES, was arrested for domestic violence and is dating a felon

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, October 09, 2011

MARCIE DUBOIS is a sociopath and a pathological liar who REPELS GUYS, she's been DIVORCED 4 TIMES including Robert, that we know of, details below, 

1.Case Number: BD261428
Filing Date: 06/25/1997
Case Type: Dissolution of Marriage (General Jurisdiction)
Status: Pending
Future Hearings 

2.Case Number: GD004744
Filing Date: 01/16/1992
Case Type: Dissolution of Marriage (General Jurisdiction)
Status: Pending
Future Hearings 

3.Case Number: D211484
Filing Date: 07/27/1989
Case Type: Dissolution of Marriage (General Jurisdiction)
Status: Pending
Future Hearings 

and has made false claims against them as well!! She was arrested in 2004 for domestic violence against (((REDACTED))) and is dating Jerry Duane Williamson, 47, of 1509 Oceanshore Blvd., No. 2, Ormond Beach, who was arrested June 11 on charges of battery domestic violence against an elderly woman.

marcie dubois

ormona beach florida,
United States of America

I am a witness to the abuse against Marcie DuBois by Robert Fitzgerald

#10Author of original report

Fri, October 07, 2011

My name is Heather and I posted the last rebuttal on this site using Marcie's computer because mine is not available right now. When I read the lies Robert Fitzgerald posted I asked Marcie if i could come over and post a reply. I was a key witness in case #2009-31030 FMCI regarding the brusiing and beating Robert Fitzgerald had done to her. I hope this finally sets the record straight, Marcie is honest and a good person who gave Robert too many chances to the point where her life and that of her daughter were in danger with this man. The only problem with Marcie is that she didn't leave him sooner.

marcie dubois

ormona beach florida,
United States of America

(((REDACTED))) is a liar and abusive alchoholic

#10Author of original report

Thu, October 06, 2011

I have met (((REDACTED))) and i know for a fact that he has a long term drinking problem blames everyone else for his problems and is a psycho controlling wife beater and liar. I saw what he did to his ex-wife Marcie i took photos of the bruises on her body which left on her from head to toe. When judge Briese asked him how she got the bruises on her body he replied"she fell down" . everyone in court laughed because it was so obvious that he was lying. If hhe really wanted to get away from her then whey did he try to get their divorce "reversed" several time case #(((REDACTED))) dated June 2,2009? He actually asked the judge to reverse the divorce so Marcie would still have to be married to to that psycho. Thank god the judge saw threw his lies and denied it. Marcie did not even ask for alimony, she just wanted to get the h**l away from (((REDACTED))) as anyone who runs into him shoild want to do. He kept trying to stay married to Marcie, why? so he could go back and kill her this time? Stay away from him, he is a drunk with a long record of arrests for drunk driving and domestic abuse, he should not be anywhere around children or women. He is so pathetic that he gets his parents to lie for him and he still lives with his parents at the age of 46 years old pathetic!! On 06-16-09 judge Breise denied another order from (((REDACTED))) for rehearing on their divorce. denied denied denied!!!


United States of America

Obviously you can't read

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, September 11, 2011

This d****e bag obviously can't read, the police report states very clearly that Marcelene Dubois is the aggressor...where's your proof d*k head? A police report, a photo? that's right you don't have any cause you're a lying sack of sh*t, all you and Marcie have done is make wild allegations without any proof... not even one friend has defended her other than the one she made up! How's it feel to have Rob's sloppy seconds?! Nice mug shot loser!!!!!!!!!

Bob Fitzgerald

United States of America

To Clarify, jerry Williamson is the fellon, not me. Jerry is a drunk a liar and a con man.

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, September 11, 2011

I wanted to add that I have never received a felony charge. Jerry Williamson has. He claims I was on felony probation, that was never true. He claims I have had several DUIs in Florida, that is not true. Marcelene DuBois, my ex-wife, received a hit and run and reckless driving, DUI, and she did not tell me while we were married about the DUI. He claims I threatened to kill my ex wife and her daughter, that is not true and worst of all, true or not he would not know either way as he was not part of our lives until Marcie hit the bottom of the barrel and could no longer find a man, so she settle for him.

 I have had a long history working with families and have never had a single complaint. Jerry on the other hand has been sued several times. My ex wife used false reports to keep all our property and committed fraud throughout our divorce. They are the stalkers. From her on out I will be posting the full truth. I have been asked to tell my side for a while and since they will not leave me alone I will now do so.

Jerry Duane Williamson

DC Number: V33714



Gender: MALE

Hair Color: BROWN

Eye Color: GREEN

Height: 6' 0? (1.83 m)

Weight: 198 lb (90 kg)

DOB: 3/28/1962

Supervision Begin Date: 7/30/2009

""""Current Status: ACTIVE""""""" Yes folks he's still on probation.

As you can see Jerry is still on probation for the strangulation of an elderly person. He's no man at all, just a loser and a coward who belongs in jail. He tried to get information from my friends on Facebook and has tried all means of finding contact with me backdooring it all the time. Who's the stalker? Jerry Williamson, who's the liar? Jerry Williamson. Who has committed slander and Liable? Jerry williamson. Jerry is to stupid to know that slander and liable is in reference to lies, not telling the truth. I can prove everything he has said here about me is a lie.

What do I have on my record as far as my ex goes? Unwanted touch. It was dropped down because there was no credibility to the accounts she told. She had six different stories on record and witnesses were starting to talk. One claims my ex got drunk one night and showed how she put marks on herself. I still believe the marks she had were no different than she had from her mugging little more than a month prior to the fabricated incident. The pictures I was shown were from a mugging and of OLD marks. The case fell apart.

Saddest thing that would be funny if it were not so pathetic is Jerry is the kind of person Marcie used to make fun of.

Bob Fitzgerald

United States of America

Jerry Williamson is a pathetic excuse for a man and as bad a Liar as his girlfriend Marcelene DuBois.

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, September 10, 2011

This pond scum proves he has no concept of what he speaks about. He says I am a wife beater. The piece of garbage never met me prior to my divorce so he has no ground to say such. The people who knew my ex wife Marcelene and I know she lied. Proof of who the abuser was is on the only police account of any incident which proves Marcelene was the abuser. I kept my hand down and that made her angry. When Rebacca my step daughter was interviewed in 2008 she said I had NEVER touched Marcie, my ex wife.

Stalker, far from it, I am trying to stay as far away from my insane ex wife and her new low-life boyfriend. I have moved on and this dirtbag seems to be focused on me due to his own in-securities. They are stalking me. Marcie has a long history of stalking and filing false police reports.

Unlike Captain caveman I have never been charged with a felony, so it seems Marcie as found a man as pathetic as herself. I plead no contest to a misdemeanor in order to get away and move on. I received time served and had probation which included an extensive evaluation for substance abuse and it was determined I had no signs whatever of substance abuse. Can't say the same for Marcie since she never got the state approved evaluation for mental health she was ordered or substance abuse. She received no testing, I did.

In California Marcie assaulted me and I defended myself so I went to jail. It never went to trial as the DA said it was obvious I was not the aggressor. They made it clear they do not drop charges because a witness does not come forward as Marcie like people to believe. They have a zero tolerance.

Marcie's brother tried to kill his wife and Marcie destroyed evidence in the case, that is a fact. Her sister is a drug addict with a criminal record miles long. Her mother and father were criminals and she bragged about it.

As for Jerry, he is the one on probation for a felony. Jerry strangled an Elderly person. He has a year left and lies about his resume. If the trailer trash had anything of value I would sue him for slander and liable. He and Marcie are so unhappy they think the only way to make themselves feel better about themselves is to stalk me. I have witnesses to the stalking and Marcie has called my home. Looks like I may need to get an order against her and this sad excuse for a man, Jerry, the felon. Unlike Jerry I only fight people in the ring unless I'm defending myself, even then I do my best to walk away. Jerry and Marcie I am told spend most of their time in bars. Not a good idea for a man on probation.

Get a life Jerry, you are where I have been, not where I want to go. She's all yours, I am doing much better thank you. If that's the best you can do leave me out of it or I will sue, I promise.

I have a future and as long as you are with Marcie you do not, your choice not mine, LEAVE ME OUT OF YOU DOMESTIC PROBLEMS. Im sure it hurts to know she looks at you and thinks of better times. Get over it.

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