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  • Report:  #906568



  • Reported By:
    Alicat — Tampa Florida U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Wed, July 04, 2012
  • Updated:
    Mon, October 19, 2015
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

EDITOR’S COMMENT:  Ripoff Report strongly believes in the First Amendment, especially when consumers are truthfully warning other consumers about potential frauds, scams, rip-offs or the like by shady individuals or businesses.  Ripoff Report is by consumers, for consumers…and we want to keep it that way!  Unfortunately this Report was posted and, upon additional information, appears to have been primarily for the purpose of bullying or harassment.  In many instances Ripoff Report will reach out to the author of the Report to obtain further information.  In other instances, enough information is provided to Ripoff Report to warrant redactions without reaching out to the author.  Ripoff Report is working to combat tactics that are perceived to be cyberharassment, cyberstalking, cyberbullying and/or what is generally considered a “revenge post” as we do not condone such behavior. 

The Report was brought to our attention and, upon review of compiled information (which will be done on a case by case basis without any obligation as resources allow), and at Ripoff Report’s sole discretion, information that did not conform to current policies and/or the identifying information relating to the individual(s) and/or business(es) named in this “Report” and any subsequent comments thereto have been editorially redacted as indicated by the following “(((REDACTED)))” or (((REDACTED DUE TO PERCEIVED HARASSMENT / REVENGE POST)))”.

CONSUMERS:  Be kind.  Keep it honest.  Keep it fair.  Stick to the facts.  Do your research.  Keep the dirty laundry in the laundry hamper…not on Ripoff Report.

PLEASED TO SEE SUCH EFFORTS?  YOU CAN HELP RIPOFF REPORT COMBAT THOSE WHO ABUSE THE SYSTEM:  Ripoff Report, as resources allow, is working towards combatting Cyberharassment, Cyberstalking, Cyberbullying and/or other problems such as what is generically called “revenge posts” that can be riddled with nasty personal allegations that can be serious.   Ripoff Report would love to be able to timely address each and every review request we receive, however, this takes resources.  If you think this is a worth-while endeavor, we encourage you to make a donation so that we can expand the resources that we can devote to this project.  You can make a non-tax deductible donation by clicking on the PayPal icon at the bottom of the page located at the following URL: more resources we have, the more resources we can devote to this project and other forward thinking and positive initiatives like it.

Thank you!

~ Ripoff Report Staff


My experience with(((REDACTED))) is as follows:  I met her on Match.Com in 2003.  We were an instant hit, in fact she was going to move to Florida from Pennsylvania so we could be closer.  I did not know she was moving in with another victim she had met on

She disappeared until 2010 and we met again on Match.  We dated and it went well but she threw a very strange fit at me and left me angrily, moving to the other coast of Florida.  I now know she was moving in with a guy she met on Match.

We reacquainted again in June 2011 and I began traveling to see her.  We became close (or so I thought) and she moved into my home in suburban Tampa in August 2011.  Almost immediately she began gathering information from my computer, telephone, going through my drawers, etc.

She pressured me into paying for a neck operation she needed, telling me to write a promissory note when I hesitated.  The cost was $36,000 plus about $8,000 for two trips to Europe for procedures.  We then got married in Vegas on Christmas, 2011.

Almost as soon as we got back she began confronting me with evidence she had gathered that she said proved infidelity.  She began having weird angry episodes at night and moved out of the bedroom by March. 

She began planning on the takeover of accounts, assets and more.  By May she had stolen a $16,000 account and a Lexus.  She forged the title to the Lexus with the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

Then she filed for divorce and also filed a false domestic violence claim so I would have trouble pursuing my stolen money and car.  I did not know this but she has done this AT LEAST SEVERAL TIMES PREVIOUSLY.  The method and procedure are all very similar, and the result is the same, that she absconds with money and things.

She has been married about seven times and co-habitated with at least as many, doing what I think is most likely an "evaluation period" to see if it is worthwhile to stick around for her sting.

She is a fraud, a con and a darn good one.  For a period of time she will make you believe you are the only person she has ever loved, treat you like a king... then, BAM - all of your money and items are gone, and you are left wondering if she ever really loved you (along with all of her other exes and live-in boyfriends).

She will then lie and say you were violent or threatened her and then you are screwed.  You are stuck in an expensive divorce with most of your net worth in her possession.  I estimate she got me for in excess of $80,000 total in eight months - four months living together and four months of marriage.

Are you next?

9 Updates & Rebuttals

(((REDACTED))) Back at Work in St. Petersburg

#10Author of original report

Sat, August 22, 2015

First, let me say thank God for this site.  At least a few potential victims have called to find out if the (((REDACTED))) they were dating was the one in this profile.  She is back in Pinellas County, Florida and apparently may be working her game on several men at the same time.  Beware.  She will eventually take pleasure in ruining every aspect of your life.

It looks like her daughter has also relocated to Pinellas County, Florida from California.  The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, but it looks as if at least her daughter is honest and works to make a living, even if it is through escorting...



Oh, and her daughter found herself in a spot of trouble recently in St. Petersburg, Florida...







All Info RE: (((REDACTED))) is Verified by Court-Stamped Documents

#10Author of original report

Mon, March 03, 2014

Nobody has to lie about (((REDACTED)))  All Info RE: (((REDACTED))) is Verified by Court-Stamped Documents.  She is a sociopath, a psychopath and a forger, perjurer and worse.

She will steal, lie, cheat and do anything to keep you from getting back your money, cars, etc. that she has stolen from you.  She engages in marriage fraud, short-term marriages where she builds a case against you and then files a false Domestic Violence report against you as a weapon.  Then you are powerless and if you fight back, she will begin to allege violations.

In court transcripts, she lied and said she had filed one previously against Ron Moyer because he was "a sociopath"... Later I found four more, plus one civil protection order.  I have them all, right here, in my possession.  If she ever reopens any actions in court, she will go to jail.

She also did not pay income taxes for the year we were married and now I am facing her tax obligation of $2,600.  For five months of marriage, she basically stole approximately $100,000 and destroyed my life just for fun.  She has drained companies of all their assets, stolen, lied in court...

She would not hesitate to kill, I am sure, if it meant money in her pocket.  Former husbands have said she threatened to kill them (she told me she would kill me in my sleep), came at them with a knife, feigned domestic violence injuries.

Please, if you encounter her RUN THE OTHER WAY.  Otherwise, you, your assets, your money, your career, your company, your livelihood, your sanity are all at risk.  Honestly, I do not know what caused her to be this way but that is not important.  She ruined my life, just as she did her other eight or so husbands, and she will ruin yours too.  She is a slick talker and will CONvince you that the sun is out at midnight.

God help you if you do not heed this warning.  I only wish I had this info before I fell prey to her.



Destruction by(((REDACTED)))

#10Author of original report

Sun, January 26, 2014

The destruction caused by (((REDACTED))) takes years, if ever, to be corrected.  Lost jobs, ruined businesses, health problems, people destroyed emotionally, mentally, physically and economically.

Personally, I suffered grave economic, financial, emotional, mental and physical damage.  My ability to trust is less than zero.  My credit rating is below 400, down from over 800 when I met Christine Lalley.  I have been in therapy, and I am still unable to gain suitable employment because of the things she has done.

Others have experienced similar issues, one "husband" developed heart trouble.  I can relate, I was in great health and now I have high blood pressure and a myriad of additional stress-related issues.  I was foolish enough to believe her when she said things like I was the only one she ever really loved, and that her last husband (which I later discovered was actually three husbands ago) was a "dangerous predator" and would "surely kill us if we found out where we lived..."

I asked about him because I saw her texting with him the night before our wedding.  It turns out she texted him that she was "broke, and living on the streets and needed money..." And he sent her money.  At the time, I had a job making in the low six figures, and gave her an allowance plus whatever she asked for. 

Now the IRS is after me/us because she did not pay taxes on her temporary jobs and we filed jointly for that year which, just for kicks, she emptied the entire joint account for which we were going to split our large return.  A return for which I paid all the taxes, and also spent money on most of the expenses.  But they cannot locate her, because going back she has lived in somewhere around 36 locations in the past ten years. 

Apparently similar issues have occurred for businesses she has worked for, she left a company in NY, requesting an advance on her last paycheck then leaving and not returning.  She was also comptroller (OMFG) for RM Enterprises, a company that used to be in Pinellas County, Florida, before she transferred the company accounts to her personal accounts and filed a domestic violence injunction against her "husband".  The company went bankrupt and she moved on to her next victim.

All of this information is verifiable and documentation is available to support each and every statement made above.  If (((REDACTED))) decides to litigate any of these statements, a litany of ex-husbands will come forward to finally give her a dose of reality.  The ones that are still alive, or are healthy enough after her destructive actions.  And a lot of court filings have been located to verify these statements, which she lied and perjured herself about in court (I have the transcript and all of the court documents that go against almost every word she said in court). 

If you think this is something you would like to go through, then date (((REDACTED))) employ (((REDACTED))) or become her acquaintance. 


Atlantic Highlands,
New Jersey,

More Info

#10Author of original report

Fri, November 22, 2013

It looks like (((REDACTED))) is currently under investigation by both the IRS and NJ Insurance Commission.  Apparently she forged the "change of beneficiary" and listed herself as first a "spouse" then a "fiancee" of a man who she had previously divorced and filed a domestic violence order on (as she has done at least to three other men, along with at least one civil protection order, all of this her typical method of operation) after this poor chap's untimely and suspicious death by "hit and run..."

Additionally,  she failed to list or pay any taxes on her income for 2011 for all of her "temporary jobs".  This is a smooth, treacherous and conniving woman who will stop at nothing to destroy you for both fun and money.  She will tell you exactly what you want to hear about how you are the only one she ever really connected with, how much she loves you, etc.

Don't listen to it!  The country is littered with men whose life she has ruined.  Contact any of them and ask them about it.  If they are still alive to tell you, that is...  Here are a few of them:  Ronald Moyer, Oklahoma;  Paul Ira Brown, Port Orange, Florida;  Ken Donnelly, Midlothian, Virginia; Brian Becker, Tampa, Florida; Robert Bruno, Jenkintown, PA.  There are more, they can be provided. 

Look at the photo carefully.  She looks angelic but she is a cold, calculating monster.  Her eyes turn black and she will destroy you and laugh about it.  And she keeps getting away with it over and over and over.  She lies about everything.  She is a complete sociopath.  Once she called one ex-husband and told him she was destitute and living on the streets while sitting in a nice hotel room... on her HONEYMOON with another man.

Usually you will meet her online.  She will meet you at her place, which is an apartment in a poor area or her cousin's home in Cocoa.  You will feel sorry for her and the con is on.

All of her marriages are short, she typically takes everything she can (money, houses, cars) and files a domestic violence report based on false statements.  Then she cries in court and uses the DV filing to assert violations and extort more from you.  She is a liar, a thief, a forger, an embezzler and likely far worse. 

Don't fall into the trap!  I wish I had this info before she ruined my life.



All of this is pure, unmitigated BULLS***

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 30, 2013

 I saw this crap posted about (((REDACTED))) and thought I would respond to this malicious defamation by stating that it is being done by a SOCIOPATH who happens to be a lawyer, knowing that this Web site is out of the jurisdiction of US authorities to order malicious postings taken down.

The guy posting these LIES about (((REDACTED)))is an ex-husband with an ORDER OF PROTECTION filed against him, so he is posting this garbage anonymously to avoid being SUED for defamation. Since he is a lawyer, he knows how to employ FORENSIC COUNTER-MEASURES to keep the burden of proof impossible for his victim, who happens to be a sweet lady who just wants to be left alone.

This guy is just a frustrated scumbag who was FIRED from his last job when he used the company's resources to STALK his ex-wife around the country and try to make her life miserable.

Ripoff Report is NOT for PERSONAL VENDETTAS, which is what this POS is doing. Don't believe a word of this crap - it is just NOT TRUE. And yes, I am ALSO posting anonymously, because if this guy ever tried anything against ME.... well, he would be WAY over his head with the s*** I could post about HIM..... of course, a SOCIOPATH such as he is would try to retaliate, in which case my MILITARY TRAINING would probably get the best of me. {hint-hint, nudge-nudge.... know whattah mean?}


United States of America

All of it is true

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, March 06, 2013

I also was married to (((REDACTED)))  Once I told her I would be late from work and came home to find her with another man.  She had me put in jail many times for no reason.  And she took everything I had and ruind my business.

I tell her new victims its not personal, its what she does for a living.  She enjoys it and is good at it.  Im always surprised when new victims come along, I say is she still doing that??? But she will probly do it forever because it is what she likes to do.

I have moved on and rebuild my life but feel sorry for anyone getting caught in her traps.


United States of America

All True

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, February 24, 2013

Everything that was wrote above is true.  This woman will ruin your life.  She lies about everything and steals.  She forges checks, titles. She ruins businesses.  Run from her, she is danger.  She starts off like she loves you then ruins your life, and she enjoys doing it.  Run for your life.



Additional Retraction

#10Author of original report

Fri, July 27, 2012

Once again, I wish to retract all of the items in this report.  The site will not allow me to take it down.

The problem is me - I love Christine more than anyone I ever loved, and she has hurt me very badly.  I have been stunned and shocked by her recent activities but there is nothing I can do. 

Once again, I am sorry for the content and I still miss her.  Thank you.




#10Author of original report

Fri, July 27, 2012

A recent report was posted regarding (((REDACTED))). Her attorney has threatened me with legal action if I do not take it down.  I do not wish to engage in any additional litigation with (((REDACTED))).   I am apologizing for ever posting this.  It was a mistake and I will try to have it removed ASAP.  I respectfully retract any and all statements contained within this report.

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