Print the value of index0 Get the IRS involed to bust Wilmington DE Delaware
Everyone fill out this form to IRS to report the income they claim to make.,,id=106778,00.html
Use this information
I am like the rest of you - I got ripped off but I don't get mad, I get even.
This person bragged in an email how they get 55,000 applications in 12 months, multiplied by the $19.00 that's a cool $1,045,000.00.
I wonder if they claim that as income, well I am going to pass this information on to the IRS, Delaware Dept of Revenue, MD and CA departments of Revenue and let them check it out.
Check out their other websites - Jackson Cash, aka
Lion Payday, aka which leads you to Steadman Financial.
What A bunch of crooks.
. The app fee notice is in several places on our website:
Home Page
FAQ Page
In Application Path, Last Page with Final Authorizations
The applicant can leave at any point before clicking the final submit button and not incur any charges.
2. Our process is heavily automated. In bound authorized application are automatically forwarded to 3rd party employment verification services. Hence our policy of non-refundable application fees. We cannot stop this spending "in 10 minutes" or any other such idea with 3000 in-bound applications per day. Our requirements, policy and terms and conditions are more than fair and appropriate.
3. Ten complaining people that can't or won't read T's and C's before making commitments of work for a lot of other people do not concern us. We receive over 3000 applications PER DAY and fund most of them.
4. Finally, we are not "Internet Funding Corporation"
If you feel it is necessary to continue these communications, please do so through your attorney.
Phoenix, Arizona