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  • Report:  #1441027

Complaint Review: 24 7 Techies

24 7 Techies Randall Sammy Destroyed/deleted my files and did no repair or admit responsibility Columbio Columbio

  • Reported By:
    ESA — United States
  • Submitted:
    Tue, May 01, 2018
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 10, 2018

After changing my emails from IMAP to POP I had issues with files I could not open.  I call 24/7 Techies which I had been dealing with for a while.  Following is the result of the last, and FINAL call for assistance from them.

I had a tech named (a.k.a) Randall in Sri Lanka (they give themselves Anglo Saxon sounding names) work on one folder that he did not fix, and completely changed, as I subsequently discovered I was missing most of the folders and files from the original root folder that took hundreds of hours to complete.  He had changed the name of the root folder without even realizing or accepting it was the first major mistake he made.

Virtually all folders and files within the root folder were changed with a complete loss of organization with most of the original files deleted as he totally  screwed up my files.  He then had the monumental stupidity too save his destruction on my thumb drive backup which was the only complete backup I had of my original work.  He had no freaking idea of the destruction he caused and the loss he created.  Further, I discovered I could not open many of the files he saved.

Without consulting me, he changed or deleted all these files that other reps subsequently insisted were fixed.  He never looked at the thumb drive files prior to saving his mistakes to see what I had backed up even though I had previously told him that drive was my backup file.  That is how all the other files were deleted (this irresponsible,inaccurate and foolish over write of my backup file).  All I could think of was him wildly running through a fine china shop with a blindfold, saving all the broken china in a box, handing it to me and saying "it's fixed" and his job was done, whether I like it or not.  What a complete jackass.  Subsequetnly, while speaking to "Randall" I was told the files were still there and not deleted to which I replied "great, find them."  He could not find them.

The most inexcuseable and irresponsible thing Randall did was going to my backup drive and obliterating my files without a cule of what he had done.  Blindly backing up his mistake was insane without checking my own backup beforehand.  Subsequent to that I received a message from another drone who said nothing had been changed to my backup file and he checked with the supervisor who said so.  They insisted my backup was intact, in effect, calling me a liar and refused to listen, as was their MO throughout this whole completely arduous process taking place over several days and hours.  I even saw the list of six or so backups done by Randall.  I had been saving changes to that backup thumb drive for well over a year and now it was shredded, and they denied responsibility for it.  How freaking DARE they?

During this process I experienced what one reviewer described as; long hours of dedious texting while they "experimented on my computer".  Communication as to what they are doing is minimal or nonexsistent and direct questions are generally, and completely igored.  Further proof of their lack of knowledge as they work since they do not share the most important and pragmatic facts a customer would be concerned with, as they work.  Naturally, this instills a lack of trust in their ability.  A concern that is well founded.

Thes people have blinders on, have their heads in a vice that only allows them to think in the way they were pre-programed without the ability to think outside of the box.  It's strictly black and white with them.  The cannot, it seems, listen to the customer and intergrate or even consider that information from the customer into the resolution.  They lack any intuition for a solution given the facts (other than their own set of "facts").  They will argue with you without any sense of concern with what you are trying to say as they dismiss your position as untrue.  With these people you are talkinking to a wall as you face their arguments that defy logic and are contrary to reality.  They refuse to accept any other reality and are pre-programmed in a way not conducive to reason other than their own view and are self-righteous and adamant about their position and finality of their assissment.  They then leave you without accepting responsibility for screwing up your files and disrespecting anything you find contrary.  They will talk right over with you rather than listen to you.  This is how they approach fixing their mistakes or your files.  This business modle runs through the entire program and its staff.  Totally unacceptable.

Stay away.  They can, and will, destroy your files, or you can learn by yourself.  Look at the other one-star review and ask yourself why that is so.  For God's sake, do not accept the reviews on their website as the final word.  It is what those reviews are for.  Go to Yelp or Consumer Reviews or Rip Off Report to discover the truth. 

You have no reason to trust me and I really don't care beyond the extent to share my experience with you.  My files are destroyed with most missing.  Heed my words or throw the dice.  I absolutely HATE what they did to me in their ignorant arrogance and have nothing good to say about them.  The don't listen and they don't care what they screw up, denying their responsibility while blaming it on you as they completely ignore the facts.  I have nothing but total contept for this company and the individuals working there as the 24/7 fools.  I would never allow them to touch my computer again.  They sould call themselves; Text Book Techies.

I'm left wondering if there is anyone trustworthy out there that can assist consumers with computer problems without this kind of corruption?  It's certainly not these jackasses.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Other 24/7 complaints right on RipOff reports. Enough said?

#6Author of original report

Thu, May 10, 2018

  24/7 Techies Fraud, No Refund Issued, Internet 24/7 techies or teckies eureka technologies partners limited 24/7 ripoff dont ever deal with thease guys (especally charlie), Internet techies 24-7 failure to fix my computer Internet 24 7 techies eventually fixed problem but took 5 hours , Internet 24/7 techies and Paypal, Internet 24/7 Techies Still Trying to Get Long-promised Refund Temecula, California 24/7 Techies 247 Techies LLC Highly Frustrating Experience - Waste of Money and Time Las Vegas Nevada 24/7 Techies Poor Tech Service Temula, California 24/7 Techies crooked, an LIE Temecula, California Internet 247 Techies 24/7 Techies Use at own risk! Nevada Internet Could not provide services offered, sis not honor their 30 day money back guarantee Sri Lanka Internet EDitorial Comments There are more negative reviews elsewhere if you search for them on line.


Rhode Island,
United States

You are full of crap

#6Author of original report

Sat, May 05, 2018

 I see you won't let go of your bulls__t. Same denial all along. Your agent did this to me. You think I did it to myself? Your agent handed me a bunch of damage. He couldnt't find the files he lost. Really, what is wrong with you trying to sell this crap to customers when you screw up? For anyone looking and paying attention to this, if you are still interested in signing on with these maniacs, I wish you well. This guy Nash piles bull crap upon more bull crap every time he spoke on line and on this site. Beware. How dare he try to say it's not something they did. I'm d**n sure I didn't wipe out my backup thumb drive and screw up my files. You will find the same complaint from other people.... lost files. If any of you cannot see through these people, you really do deserve them. They don't care about you. Research the one star reviews. My issue is not unique.


Rhode Island,
United States

Their agenda; deny everything and whitewash

#6Author of original report

Thu, May 03, 2018

Your paragraph 1. Your unconstructive and useless involvement in this is unacceptable. Your "unconstructive” comments mean nothing to me. You have added nothing towards the solution of this problem caused by your support. You haven’t even comment on the rudeness of your techs who don’t answer questions and talk over the customer without directing themselves to the customer questions. I got sick and tired of hearing "let me do this,” and finally getting screwed. Care to comment on THAT? Your paragraph

2. What is your point? I paid for that. What the hell is your point? Because I called for assistance I paid for, you somehow find it useful to use that against me? Are you insane? Your paragraph

3. So, what? There are a lot more than "some” contacts (FILES) missing. Are you able to follow what happened here? Further, you forgot to mention the "Smart TV” issue was never, I said NEVER followed up by me and 24/7 never did anything to resolve it and one agent said they don’t do that kind of thing. Why is it you mentioned it as if it was something that I owe you for or it was otherwise something that was negative? Is 24/7 not paid to resolve issues or otherwise leave the customer’s files alone? Is the proof in the pudding here and with other previous reviewers? You forgot to mention the "Smart TV” issue was never followed through by me. How convenient for you. Nice try. Get real. Your paragraph

4. Again, nothing unusual here. More of your distorted logic. Suggesting you’re a hero even though the "PRIME” issue was never followed up by me. You forgot to mention that. How convenient for you as you lie about this and twist the truth in your attempt to stack the deck and absolve yourself of any responsibility for the hundreds of lost files. Explain how deleting so many files was an act of "goodwill” or how it is not relevant, and I should be grateful. Seriously?? What is wrong with you? Your paragraph

5. No, it was not but your involvement resulted in the loss of my files. If you are unable to be effective, you should leave a client’s backup alone and say "I don’t know” instead of blindly messing with a customer’s file. My only back up was overwritten with a 24/7 screwed up "fix.” 24/7 techs got involved resulting in the loss of the hundreds of hours’ worth of files and the only backup I had. So, what’s your point? Again, do you think I owe you something? How dare you. I paid for that incompetent "help.” You people seem to work well with simple problems but are dismally ineffective and dangerous otherwise. Read the reviews you conveniently ignore and refuse to acknowledge. I guess you think I had no right to contact you for any issues after having paid, based on these ridiculous responses that do not address the REAL problem and instead attempt to spin a negative outcome. Even my working files are gone. Folders are intact but empty. How dare you put a spin on what you did and suggest I owe you something. Those arguments are pointless, irresponsible and outlandish. Your paragraph

6. I PAID for your assistance and the result was several hundred files being deleted and lost on my computer. Further research will expose the many negative, one-star reviews of 24//7 including files being destroyed on other customers. You do not list those reviews on your site as you shamelessly advertise yourself as an excellent resource while other negative reviews indicate otherwise. Care to comment about THAT? Would you prefer to continue to pretend all those negative reviews are not important? Do you continue to minimize the damage you have done? How dare you. Your paragraph

 7. Yes, the agents ATTEMPTED to help repairing, re-installing the Windows Photo "view” with the result I lost all my files in one large folder. Again, what the hell is your point? I owe you something? Am I supposed to say, "Oh hell yes, you tried during several LONG and tedious episodes working on the problem so it’s OK you deleted my files? Are you sane? Your agent overwrote my only backup file after I told him it was my backup file. Totally incompetent no matter how you try to deny it. Because the agent "attempted” something, perhaps you could explain why I should be grateful enough and accept this in any meaningful way. How does that relate, in any meaningful way, to you losing my files. Again, what the hell is your point? Your paragraph

8. Yes, the agents ATTEMPTED to help repairing, re-installing the Windows Photo "view” with the result I lost all my files and a few others are in one large folder. Again, what the hell is your point? I owe you something? Am I supposed to say, "Oh hell yes, you tried, during several LONG and tedious episodes working on the problem, so it’s OK you deleted my files? Are you sane? Your agent overwrote my only backup file after I told him it was my backup file. Totally incompetent no matter how you try to deny it or accept responsibility. Your paragraph

9. Your nonsensical statements here have nothing to do with the fact 24/7 destroyed my files. THAT is the REALITY. Further, you have yet to take responsibility for it and, as I stated in my review, you attempt to blame the victim of your inept involvement. Because you fixed some things does NOT absolve you from inept and destructive involvement with me and other previous customers. I also appreciate an opportunity to expose 24/7 for their ineptness, along with those reviews you ignore and bury. Perhaps you can explain to anyone reading this comment why you wrote "Let me confirm you, that you requested our help by mentioning a problem with your pictures, it was NOT us who caused the problem at the first place.” Let me confirm YOU and point out the real problem here: You lost my files. YOU lost my files and what does that have to do with requesting assistance with anything. Nice spin but it doesn’t hold water in it’s lack of meaning.

In the end, you or whatever other "supervisor” denied responsibility just as you are doing now. I have wasted enough of my time with 24/7 and will never do so again particularly regarding your "unconstructive" denials acting as if it was nothing and not your fault. How dare you? I get your agenda. It’s deny everything no matter what you did. Have you been studying Trump? Rule number 1 in any sales or service business is the customer doesn’t care what you get. They only want to know what you can do for them. You failed in practice and in response. I despise 24/7 for the damage they did to me and their subsequent response at every level. For God’s sake, do not decide to use them based on the reviews on their website. Do your research. I wrote a comment that if people are rich they are stealing from someone. I received a response with a definition of stealing.

Are you unable to think any other way but rhetoric? One thing I did NOT do was ask for my money back. Their policy precludes that anyway. Very convenient. No accountability in word or in dead while denying any responsibility. In the end, I paid, and in the end, they lost my files, which WAS their responsibility. By the definition of stealing by that brilliant rep, I paid for something that, in the end, I didn’t get and had my files destroyed in the meantime, as have others. You people owe ME.   I would encourage anyone reading this to check out reviews on other websites. You will find some horror stories relating to, particularly, lost files. No matter how much this supervisor tries to explain away that atrocious damage and try to spin fault by listing things they did do, the truth is they lost the files and that is unacceptable. I don’t give a rats butt about "unconstructive comments.” The rebuttal is designed to deflect responsibility. "Unconstructive” is a useless comment without meaning. 24/7 is dangerous and inept. The "oh well look what I did for you” nonsense is not only destructive, it is outrageous. There are a lot of pissed off customers leaving angry comments and rightfully so.

My agenda is to inform people about the possibilities if they sign on with 24/7. That’s the only message I have, and it has the most meaning. I sincerely hope readers are able to see your rebuttal for what it really is. It exposes your agenda when you screw up, which happens too often, and the results are disastrous for the customer. If anyone is considering using this company I would suggest you do your research and for God’s sake, do NOT fall for the hand-picked comments extolling the glory of their work that you find on their website.

Consider how you would feel if they destroyed your files because it is a distinct possibility and they do not seem to think it’s necessary to find out how that happens and try to explain it away with comments that don’t deal with the real issue. They will not give you as much as an apology but are quite content with more arguments about what they did prior to wiping out your files, and seriously and illogically, attempting to whitewash their destructiveness with meaningless spins and statements. In the meantime, they can’t fix it. I find that infuriatingly "unconstructive.” In retrospect, the whole experience with 24/7 was ridiculously negative and very nasty. I already know what they did for me and their rebuttal comments cement my already deep contempt for them. You are welcome 24/7. May we never meet again.



United States

24/7 ineptness and inability.

#6Author of original report

Wed, May 02, 2018

 I'm Nash, who's in-charge of the Customer Relations Division at 247Techies. After reviewing your complaint, I did perform a thorough investigation & I'd like to clear out these unconstructive comments by rejecting them politely. Let me brief you out this way, Upon subscribing with us, you've seeked our support a total of 5 times and the previous 4 times were successfully resolved and this recent incident remains unresolved. You contacted us on 29th March by reporting that your Outlook contacts went missing and our agent "Mark" looked into the problem and managed to re-import the missing csv file, You've confirmed that some of the contacts are still missing but you are ok with the solution. Then your next request was to connect your Smart TV with Amazon Prime. We do NOT support anything that aren't computer related, but we offered our assistance. Then you reconnected with us on 2nd April by reporting multiple issues such as DVD drive not working / DVD not autoplaying, Email copy & pasting along with PC working slow. Agent "Scott" assisted you with these upto your satisfaction and again you've requested us to work with your Amazon Prime. This was a problem with your router, which doesn't support WiFi. All these time spent on working on your Amazon Prime is a result of act of goodwill of our Staff, here at 247Techies. Again we heard from you on 29th April, (Almost a month later) where you informed that you are having problems with opening Picture files. Let me confirm you, that you requested our help by mentioning a problem with your pictures, it was NOT us who caused the problem at the first place. Below are from the chat conversation, we've had with you. Date: 2018-04-28 23:57:14 +0530 From: Angelo To: Everyone Hello my name is Angelo, How may I assist you today? Date: 2018-04-28 23:57:57 +0530 From: Ev To: Everyone I am unable to open any picture files. I can see the folders but it acts like everythng is wiped out. ------------------------ Date: 2018-04-29 00:13:43 +0530 From: Randall To: Everyone Since when have you been facing this problem? Date: 2018-04-29 00:17:10 +0530 From: Ev To: Everyone Documents seem ok. pictures are not. I have no access to my picutures folder ------------------------ What our agents tried to do was to help repairing / re-installing the Windows Photo viewe app and working with registry files in order to open the app, we never copied/moved your picutres. We worked only with the app that is associated to open/view picture files. I'm unable/not eligible to share the entire video recording here in the comment section, but if you request we can share it to you personally, where you can see for yourself that our fixes didn't affect any of the data loss as you've mentioned. Your paragraph 1. Your nonconstructive and useless involvement in this is unacceptable. You have added nothing towards the solution of this problem caused by your support. You haven’t even comment on the rudeness of your techs who don’t answer questions and talk over the customer without directing themselves to the customer questions. I got sick and tired of hearing "let me do this,” and finally getting screwed. Care to comment on THAT? I understand, If I were on your shoes, I'd feel the same way as you do, but I can confirm this has nothing to with any of the repairs we performed. Once again, Thank you for taking the time to write about your experience, which eventually gave me a chance to describe the incident in full. Thank you!! Sincerely, Nash - 247Techies


Western Province,
Sri Lanka

Regarding the complaint against 247Techies

#6UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, May 02, 2018

Dear Everett,

I'm Nash, who's in-charge of the Customer Relations Division at 247Techies. After reviewing your complaint, I did perform a thorough investigation & I'd like to clear out these unconstructive comments by rejecting them politely.

Let me brief you out this way,
Upon subscribing with us, you've seeked our support a total of 5 times and the previous 4 times were successfully resolved and this recent incident remains unresolved.

You contacted us on 29th March by reporting that your Outlook contacts went missing and our agent "Mark" looked into the problem and managed to re-import the missing csv file, You've confirmed that some of the contacts are still missing but you are ok with the solution. Then your next request was to connect your Smart TV with Amazon Prime. We do NOT support anything that aren't computer related, but we offered our assistance.

Then you reconnected with us on 2nd April by reporting multiple issues such as DVD drive not working / DVD not autoplaying, Email copy & pasting along with PC working slow. Agent "Scott" assisted you with these upto your satisfaction and again you've requested us to work with your Amazon Prime. This was a problem with your router,  which doesn't support WiFi. All these time spent on working on your Amazon Prime is a result of act of goodwill of our Staff, here at 247Techies.

Again we heard from you on 29th April, (Almost a month later) where you informed that you are having problems with opening Picture files. Let me confirm you, that you requested our help by mentioning a problem with your pictures, it was NOT us who caused the problem at the first place.

Below are from the chat conversation, we've had with you.

Date: 2018-04-28 23:57:14 +0530
From: Angelo To: Everyone
Hello my name is Angelo, How may I assist you today?

Date: 2018-04-28 23:57:57 +0530
From: Ev To: Everyone
I am unable to open any picture files. I can see the folders but it acts like everythng is wiped out.


 Date: 2018-04-29 00:13:43 +0530
From: Randall To: Everyone
Since when have you been facing this problem?

Date: 2018-04-29 00:17:10 +0530
From: Ev To: Everyone
Documents seem ok. pictures are not. I have no access to my picutures folder


What our agents tried to do was to help repairing / re-installing the Windows Photo viewe app and working with registry files in order to open the app, we never copied/moved your picutres. We worked only with the app that is associated to open/view picture files. I'm unable/not eligible to share the entire video recording here in the comment section, but if you request we can share it to you personally, where you can see for yourself that our fixes didn't affect any of the data loss as you've mentioned.

I understand, If I were on your shoes, I'd feel the same way as you do, but I can confirm this has nothing to with any of the repairs we performed. Once again, Thank you for taking the time to write about your experience, which eventually gave me a chance to describe the incident in full.

Thank you!!

Nash - 247Techies

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