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  • Report:  #285521

Complaint Review: 3W Marketing

3W Marketing Pyramid Scheme, Deceptive Hiring, Cult Activity Cherry Hill New Jersey

  • Reported By:
    Flemington New Jersey
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 20, 2007
  • Updated:
    Sun, June 08, 2008
  • 3W Marketing
    950 Kings Highway Suite 302
    Cherry Hill, New Jersey
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I am a recent college grad and was looking for a job for months after graduation so when I went on and saw this job posting for Sports & Entertainment Marketing I took a chance. I sent my resume like I do for every other job I am interested in and they called me immediately. I went in and like the other reports had mentioned there were like 4 others in the waiting area all professionally dressed and the tv was blaring with ESPN and they had sports logos painted on the seemed legit.

My first interview was with a guy Brendon who seemed pretty cool and yet he rambled on about what they've done for the Yankees and didn't really interview me. Now before this I had probably gone on about 8 interviews in NYC for fashion so I knew what a real interview should be like and this wasn't right. It was about a 10 minute interview if you could call it that and he said they are interviewing 20-25 candidates and that at 4pm that day they'd make a decision and call me if they were interested. They indeed did call and told me that I was 1 of the 6 chosen to come back. They scheduled my second interview a few days later and told me to dress professionally yet comfortably and keep my day open from 9 till 5:30pm.

I showed up and they partnered me with a girl name Darcy who supposedly owned her own business and had worked there for a year and a half. We drove all the way to Wilmington, DE and basically we solicited. We were selling Victoria Jackson make-up (who I'm obsessed with fashion and never heard of) but we went business to business selling it for 32 bucks and it was supposedly 300 dollars worth of make-up. All day Darcy was asking me questions and when I seemed unsure and wasn't smiling she told me we could end the interview now it didn't bother her if I didn't want the job someone else would. We did this the entire day and got back to the office for "atmosphere" or what I like to call cult activity at 6:30 so already they told me the wrong times. They made me take a quiz and talk to Brendon who offered me a job, I was so desparate I figured if anything else it'd be experience; so I said yes. They told me I start the next day at 7:45 am after Brendon had already told me I can make my own hours and I am my own boss. There were no benefits, and my pay was based on commission.

To get to the point I did this "training" for a whole week and on friday decided to quit after a man threatened to call the cops on us and literally put his hands on us and made us leave his building. I was selling a lot of stuff but they weren't happy because I wasn't doing it the way they wanted, being pushy and rude. They kept telling me I was going to make 6 figures in a year and own my own company and I said to her that she wasn't technically owning her own company she was training people to solicit. She told me all day on friday that I had a bad attitude and that if someone didn't buy something from me it was because of my bad attitude. I told her that maybe some people just don't want to talk to us or buy make up and that isn't what they teach you at 3W. They said if people are rude to you it is because they hate their life and their job and that you should kill them with kindness or in my words "push their buttons". A lady at a Hallmark store asked us nicely to leave and Darcy said to her "oh ok mam I hope you have a better day you seem a little stressed"...the lady said "ACTUALLY my day is just find thank you but you can leave".

They also teach you to talk to "foot-traffic" meaning walk up to the guy in his truck in the back of the Home Depot Parking Lot and ask him to buy make up. This is only a way to get shot, raped or killed. She made me walk up to 3 drunk men with her in the back of a Liquor Store Parking lot and she literally opened the door to the truck and leaned in. If the front doors are not open we should go to the back and just walk in even if it says Employees Only. I find it rude to walk into a restaurant during PEEK lunch hours and try to sell them stuff, they are conducting their own business. I was told it was optional but I was then told I had to go to this "atmosphere" stuff in the mornings at 7:45 and then after we got back in the evening.

We stood in a circle and clapped and cheered and then we had 20 minutes of someone teaching us more about doing illegal activities and then we had to PRACTICE our pitch to eachother for the rest of the time till 9 ish where we could get our merchandise and go to our territory.

I am so happy I got out while I did and I really think someone should put a STOP to this. These people are brain-washed and a lot of the girls or guys in there were my age or even younger. They drop these big names but the truth is they work for these clients FOR FREE. Its free publicity for these big named teams and companies but truly they are NOT working one on one with any of these clients at all. The Phillies, Yankees, Pizza Hut, 76ers....and so many more don't let these trap you in like they did me. If you are seriously looking for a marketing or promotions job then do NOT go here this isn't marketing or promotions at all. They taught us that bilboard advertisements don't work as well as what they do. SOMEONE NEEDS TO STOP THIS SERIOUSLY!!!!!

Flemington, New Jersey

7 Updates & Rebuttals



Worst Experience Ever

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, June 08, 2008

Doug Ascher and all the other owners are crooks. They BS the employees to think that this can actually happen, which it may, but never have the balls to tell you that it probably won't happen for you. To this day, my 10 months in the business has led me into money problems as a result of this deceptive scheme. There are much better things in life then working while you are young to all hours of the night. It's so funny, because when I left, I had no idea what I was going to do with myself, and now I look back and realize how much happier I am. I missed out on things I enjoyed, and I promised myself I would never do that again.

Don't work for Doug. He'll d*ck you like he d*cks everyone.


New Jersey,

get over it

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 29, 2008

1st of all, Doug Ascher is one of the funniest, best bosses that you will be able to find anywhere in the workplace today. You talk about how bad these companies are and how they are going nowhere and bla bla bla, yet there are more and more each and every week. Did you ever wonder why that is??? It's because more and more people are opening up offices all over the country and world just based on solicitation. Especially that the economy is in a rutt, people are always lookign for deals, so when one of us walks in and offers you a deal on something u enjoy doing or something you use every day, we are heaven sent. but when you get those people that say no solicitation and whatever, who cares. The reason why we say you can make 6 figures and own your own company is because you can. This business doesn't "BS" people. They say, sales suck, you will have to do it for a little bit out of the rest of your life, and then you will be a business owner. The people who told you this werent hired out of college or marketing magicians, THEY WENT THROUGH IT! they know because, they were once in your shoes and they did it, in much worse conditions than you have.i hate all these postings that are talking about a business that they were in for a few months and down talk it. did any of you stick it out, no. all u did was stay there for a week or the longest ive seen was 4 months n they couldnt hack it. no1 stole money from u, and they didnt decieve you on your interview. there are bad seeds in this company leaders, owners, etc, but i had the pleasure of working for doug ascher of 3w. if anyone knows 3w, and doug, they know he is a great manager, owner, person, etc. it was my pleasure working for him. I, 2, went to dallas, and LA and 2 be honest, i just couldn't hack it there. there is money to be made and business to run. unlike most businesses in marketing, there is always a need for wat we do. call it soliciting, bc in fact, yes, that was wat it was all about, but if it were a scam, it A.wouldn't b a fortune 500 company, B. major sports,cosmetics/resturants known internationally wouldnt want to work with us, and C. we wouldnt have the happiest work environment around. they r right, for the rest of ur life ur going to work for someone, have them telling u what to do and boss u around and get a $1 raise every year, just because you didn't believe in the system. If you knew anything about the company and how it originated and where its been and where its going, you would have realized that its not a scam or joke. everyone that worked there was happy, made tons of friends, and enoyed what they did, thats why the hours didnt mind. it was a small price to pay for living the rest of your life worry free and with tons of money in ur pocket. those who deny this, please, i encourage, dont talk to other kids who interviewed for this job or those who have worked there, talk to the hubs of the company. not kyle or any dumb people like that, but call doug ascher and ask to schedule an interview with him. i gaurentee u will not be disappointed. so get over yourself


Lower Merion,

you are incorrect...

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 02, 2008


No one is trying to fight you. Sounds like you got stuck with a terrible team leader in Darcy. But attacking an entire coporation that has proven itself to it's members and the clients it represents is not justified.

1. Of course the sports teams spend millins on advertising; yet they DON'T sell out 1/2 the stadium and that's why 3W is so effective. You are saying it exactly when you say, "the teams spend millions but STILL CAN'T sell all their seats". That's what 3W can come do for its clients. That's Marketing!!

2. The Better Business Bereau is NOT a government agency. In fact, look here on Rip-off Report ....THEY ARE ON IT !! FOR EXTORTON...I am not saying the BBB is bad, but they call every and any business to join...for $495 a year! ( i know my wife started a "catering business" and they cold called her....Yet they are a 501 (c) (3) company which means they are non-profit so where does the $495 go? The problem is everyone THINKS they are the law. Companes like Trust Guard do the exact same thing, yet they are just smaller than the BBB name.

3. Finally, I agree with you, it sounds like Darcy, is a terrible person, but in every office in America some of those people exist. She's the kind of person that gives sales and marketing a bad name. as far as permitting though, you are off...below are the supreme court findings in regulating commercial and noncommercial solicitation: (that said, I think Darcy is the person you should be chastzing, not the company which she has probably been, if she's as bad as you say, let go from)

Watchtower Bible & Tract Society v. Village of Stratton (docket #:00-1737) (2002) [Findlaw]
First Amendment claim sustained.

Argument Date 02/26/2002
Decided 06/17/2002
Supreme Court Vote 8-1
Note solicitor registration
Supreme Court Ruling First Amendment claim sustained.

The Supreme Court today decided that the Constitution protects the rights of individuals to go door-to- door without getting government permission.
Here to explain why is NewsHour regulr Jan Crawford Greenburg, Supreme Court reporter for the Chicago Tribune. Jan, welcome back.

GWEN IFILL (reporter): Let's start with the Jehovah Witnes door to door case. We call it a Jehovah Witnes case because they are actually the ones being challenged. Does this now mean that any kind of door to door solicitaton, whether it's girl scout cookie knocking or religious proselytizing or simply selling fuller brushes all of that is allowed?

JAN CRAWFORD GREENBURG (legal analyst): It does....this one was just solely based on the first amendment and whether or not it's, as Justice Stevens really emphaized in quite a sweeping ruling today, that our free society, the very notion of our free society turns on people being able to go and ring a door bell, the little people, as he called them in his opinion today, who may not have the big money for the fancy campaigns, that it turns on their ability to do that -- to ring the doorbell.

Voting 8 to 1, the Supreme Court struck down a rule of the Florida Board of Accountancy that prohibited certified public accountants from making "any direct, in-person, uninvited solicitation" for new business. The probition, which had been declared unconstitutional by two lower Federal courts, applied to telephone calls and personal visits.

Most states either do not regulate solicitation... or limit their regulation to guard specifically against fraud or deception. Only Louisiana, Minnesota and Texas, in addition to Florida, prohibit solicitation.

Advertsing is indeed protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constituton. Advertising or "Commercial speech" enjoys somewhat less First Amendment protection from governmental encroachment than other types of speech. The Federal Trade Commission, for example, may regulate speech that is found to be "deceptive."

Commercial speech now clearly has prominent place in the rights protected by the First Amendment. A 1993 Supreme Court opinion summarized the general principles underling the protection of commercial speech:

"The commercial market place, like other spheres of our social and cultural life, provides a forum where ideas and information flourish. Some of the ideas and information are vital, some of slight worth. But the general rule is that the speaker and the audince, not the government, assess the value of the information presented. Thus, even a comunication that does no more than propose a comercial transaction is entitled to the coverage of the First Amendment." (Edenfield v. Fane, 123 L. Ed. 2d 543, 113 S. Ct. 1792, 1798 (1993).)


New Jersey,

Not Exactly..

#8Author of original report

Fri, May 02, 2008

The NFL, NBA and the rest of them spend millions on their advertising and all you (employed at 3W) do is get the remains of whatever they have leftover to sell. They don't RELY on you to sell their ticket packages.

I can assure that the business practices performed by 3W and all of its affiliates are unethical which is why the BBB is currently investigating all branches of this company because of reports such as mine and the hundreds of others posted about 3W and the rest on this website.

It is also illegal what this company does by going business to business it's called "SOLICITING" which is why more than half of the businesses you walk into, you get kicked out of. 3W has no license to be performing business to business sales which was stated in another post on this website and also proven to me as I was in that first week of training.

You are as corrupt as these companies and I really feel sorry that you drank their koolaid.


Lower Merion,

I had a great time there !

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 01, 2008

First of all,

You started with the company YET you are complaining about what you had to do once you started working there? The second interview, the one you went on that lasted 8 HOURS, where they showed you Business to Business sales and they said, "This is the entry level sales, would you like to do it" ; that interview is set up to AVOID what most companies do. Do mortgage companies have you cold call people from a rolodex for 8 eight hours on the interview ? Do pharmaceutical companies have you go into the doctor's offices all day with their rep to see the "no's" they take all day ? NO, yet you got to spend a whole day seeing outside sales and you STILL took the job and you are saying their interview practices are unethical ??? I actually started their because it was the ONLY company I interviewed with that showed me a real true day on the interview and answered EVERY question I asked.

If you want to put down the company, then you might as well put down every company ever that has sold a product. They ALL did and STILL do outside sales. AT&T, Johnson & Johnson, Prudential, etc, etc....Sales is tough, that's why there is so much money in it, because not everyone can do it. Paula Dean, the Guru of the cooking channel and multi-billionaire, made her sons go do cold call sales, Business to Business ,and sell her sandwiches for 2 years!! That's how she created the company that now pays her and her son's millions. SALES IS MARKETING...without one, you get none of the other and let me ask you...what's smarter...going out and finding customers or waiting for them to come to you ???

You "clapped and cheered" during meetings...and that is BAD ??? Have you played sports ? Grown men hug after home runs, NBA teams dance in the huddle before games. NFL teams chant during stretches. Would you rather the "music be played at a reasonable volume"? (thank you Office Space : ) )

Let me say that I no longer work for the company, but it is due to a medical problem. I was diagnosed with a rare form of muscle deterioration. I could no longer physically perform my job there. Now I sit in an office in front of a computer screen. I hate everything about the corporate world. 3W is 100 times more trustworthy than the bosses I supposedly have, but have never met. The truth is, they make decisions for all 600 employees here, but the decisions are based on their profit margins, not anything else. Doug, the manager at 3W, still calls me to see how things are going. STILL, 1 year later!!!

I just think people need to use their heads for a second. If the NBA, NHL, MLB, etc. are clients of 3W (which they are because I sold ticket packages when I was in the field) then don't you think they have some legitimacy. For every hundred great stories that get told and that exist because of that company, all it takes is 1 person here to spew about how terrible the company is because they are mad they didn't have the guts to hear the word "no" or work on commision.

If you want every day to wake up and sit in an office knowing you will never move up quickly or make the money you want, come switch places with me. I'd give anything to be back in a company where I move up quickly, get rewarded or reprimanded (coaches have bust balls sometimes ) based on my performance, and enjoy the sport-atmosphere and the teams I worked with....

If you want to be different that the millions of drones you see sludging into work everyday, then give 3W a shot...don't listen to the T.O.'s of the working world.


New Jersey,

More on this subject..

#8Author of original report

Tue, November 27, 2007

The Titan Group, Inc. and Titan Marketing Group and now Milestone Marketing Group ( are all branches of 3W Marketing as well. I just want to keep this updated because I really dont want anyone to go through what I had to go through with this. It was scary and dangerous.


New Jersey,


#8Author of original report

Sat, November 24, 2007

Titan Marketing, Seam Marketing, 3W Marketing, Ace Marketing, Martini Marketing are ALL THE SAME company. They are constantly forming new branches in different areas so just keep an eye out...they're websites are all basically similar though. ALSO very suspicious...they didn't allow anyone to keep their business cards. Quite SHADY.

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