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  • Report:  #445626

Complaint Review: SCAM 411 Rippoff (aka ) SCAM 411 Rippoff (aka ) HARD SALES TAMMY MILLER AT HER BEST SCAMING TORONTO Ontario

  • Reported By:
    calgary Alberta
  • Submitted:
    Wed, April 22, 2009
  • Updated:
    Mon, July 06, 2015
    TOROTO, Ontario
  • Phone:
  • Category:


calgary, Alberta

9 Updates & Rebuttals



cooks in the kitchen

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, September 04, 2013

m2 fighting m1 because m2 want control to do things his way, goal is to cause problem on the floor. he is a big problem. cannot fix bad character.


Nova Scotia,

ppy cd

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 05, 2013

mgr1 taking prepay gc's. lots people know. He take many for his self and put that reps get them. LIE. he lie so much.

Truth Exposed

truth needs to be exposed

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, April 27, 2013

Mngr 1 you are a racists. Enjoy your flight to China? (this is something a manager should NOT say)

The above comments how mngr 1 has the vp wrapped around his finger is true but I'm not even going to comment on that situation. 

Im just here to expose how pathetic mngr1 is.

Mangr 2 is great. He's not the issue at all. 

Everything written about manager 1 is true! 

I just wanted to let the CEO off 411 know that this manager of yours you love so dearly talks so much garbage about you, its  not even funny anymore. The entire team knows this. CEO, you should ask a sales rep on the floor what he said about you. We had to hear this at almost every premium dinner. What was the story again Manager1? Something about how the CEO is so stingy? Something about being dropped in a Limo? Something about slamming money on his desk?  You shared this story with us so many times, why not tell him yourself? Do you think this makes you look good? It makes you look pathetic! How one can sit there and say this and that but NEVER tell the CEO himself.
I couldn't believe I was hearing this trash that night. If I knew he was going to talk garbage I would have just went home that night.


more importang thing

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, March 20, 2013

yes comments above important but worse things. pr m1 getting into empl home computer/email. We see all. If that mgr do these things why they think he don't do worse?



#10Consumer Comment

Wed, March 20, 2013

yes comments above imporant but they don't know half. prem m1 hacking empl home pc, cell phone. we see it all. If a person do these things why they think they cannot do worse?. corrupt ppl

Iberostar 2013

United States of America

Three sides to every story

#10UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 14, 2013

Funny when ex disgruntled employees post info without revealing who they are so here is a few samples of the person who wrote this as it was not too hard to figure out who it is;

1) had no problem taking credit and putting in false information about customers who asked for a sales rep by name and never acknowledged anything to say that they RIPPED OFF a fellow employee of their sale and/or commission.Always pulled I don't know card

2) had no problem at any given time on several occasions by putting through a customers credit card,wrong amounts to not only boost their sales but also to receive an additional incentives that was given by the company as a daily boost for sales that day

Now for the real facts about the job

a) Training and or help for what you need or to increase your sales is always available,this is not a baby sitting job.Your only competition in this job is yourself.Calls = Sales = $$$  All companies have bottom lines and quotas to reach and if you are not reaching them there are ways that a company wants you to reach your quota every week as there is a tremendous amount of time they spent on us to work there,easier to help a current employee than to train another

b)strip club,yep she went and had a great time oh and by the way she asked to go  

c)All management regardless of what they do are always the bad guy/girl  In todays society instead of worrying about everyone else learn to embrace the fact you work in a company that does not treat you like a number at the end of the month.Want to work in place from Mon-Fri daytime hours only,get treated to a free lunch as many as 2-3 x a month and a dinner once a month,how about a $200.00 gift card just for having a good day in sales,free coffee or tea,flex hours when needed and I also forgot 5 days 4 nights in Jamaica at a 5 star resort for having a great 2 -3 months in sales

Like everything else in life sometimes sales is not fair but you know I will take this company over all the ones I have heard about over the past 10 years and how they got treated

oh and by the way to the person who wrote this and told the Mgr they were going on vacation before they got approved,did you enjoy your flight to China!!!!!!


United States of America

you have no idea

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, January 10, 2013

I used to work for 411 and the problem is the supervisors, like mgr1 and mgr2 (pr). Punks with management titles.

mgr1s been there for years and only recently mention having one on one talk with sales reps but did not follow through. Training is infantile. No development. They had to hire expensive outside consultant to develop training but when the dept has a good month mgr1 walk around like c*#k of the walk like he made it happen. His real job is to report figures to sr management and spend the rest of the day playing the sales staff off one another. Expensive empty suit.

When sales dived last summer last yr, mgr1 says the answer is to make people come in hr earlier. Joke. Hes got nothing.

Mgr1 takes one girl to the strip club then says shes the dept star. When she left hes calling her to come back. Why? When theres a new chick one of them have hots for, they start giving her the best numbers and upper management cant hear enough about how great she is. LOL.

Upper mgmt would be shock to know the supervisors are behind a lot of the bad behavior in the company, like what old oac supr was doing before his lateral move and exit. The only reason cote didnt bust mgr1 and reveal everything as he left is because he wanted to leave the door open to ask for his job back later.

mgr1 has his immediate boss in his back pocket so people know nothing will change. It is so easy for mgr1 to mess with his boss mind. Just feed him a few beers and be a funny guy and hes your buddy. Mgr1 is leading his boss by the nose instead of the other way around. Whenever things hit the fan, mgr1 just runs into his boss office with a massive lie or excuses and things quiet down again. He bothers the staff then manages upwards to protect himself.

We hear mgr1 recently set up one of the reps to be fired. mgr1 and mgr2 wanted to steal her spot on the year end trip to give to one of their oac friends so they claim that she did not notify them of her vacation (she did) and they say the punishment is she cant go on the trip. They wait until just before she need to leave for her trip so they could start something with her before the trip. When she wouldnt give up her spot on the trip and argued with him about it mgr1 made up lies after she left and had her fired knowing she would not be there to defend herself. By the time she called when she get back it is too late.

We were told he called a meeting after to say anyone can be replaced. If the reps are replaceable then why cannot the do-nothing manager who causes problems be replace (especially when he doesnt train he only hire, play favorites and fire). Sales does the work not mgr1.

This is what mgr1 does. The sales reps work and he figure out ways to rob them. Everybody knows that every year mgr1 and mgr2 try something crooked to mess up somebody chance to go on the year end top sales rep trip and send others who dont deserve it. My friend says they tried to do it to another rep this yr too but he fought for his spot and went. Top mgmt has no clue what is happening.

In summer, mgr1 says everybody have to do certain amount per month or youre fired. But some of his friends (for ex - IF) are some of the worst performance so he and mgr2 give him easy sales to protect he job and they threaten others.

When people get tired of mgr1 he starts saying there is a new training class coming to threaten people. He then tell sr management that they dont need the other staff anymore. He like to threaten and set up reps.

mgr2 is no better then mgr1. Sit on his computer playing games. If 411 is looking to trim they can save money by getting rid of those 2 bozos. The only thing they add is problems. The only reason the dept does ok, is because people come in and work anyway in spite of those two. If premium goes on strike and doesnt produce then Sr managing team care.


United States of America

They are a rip off

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, September 06, 2012

I agree with 411 being a scam! They lied to get me to sign on for ONE month, then when I wanted to cancel, offered me a free month, but NOT REALLY,... 

basically they will sell you their mothers if you keep them on the payroll. 

In order to cancel, you have to cancel the same day you sign on, which means, they get to charge you one month of fees for a one day service, ... NICE FOR THEM HUH?!!

They are a bunch of unethical, unprofessional, fraudulent scam artists and they will absolutely bring no benefit to your business! in fact, I believe all their conduct is aimed to raise their own rankings with credible search engines such as GOOGLE! 

DO NOT SIGN WITH 411.CA or you'll regret doing business with them!  



Read the Terms and Conditions!!

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, May 01, 2009

For the record, I don't work there anymore. So whatever issues you have with this company and their cancellation department is between you and them. I did what I said I would, which was have your company appear on the first page of the search results when someone is searching for your business in your city. You agreed (and as you were notified, the conversation was recorded) to purchase the listing. I put you up and you received the exposure promised. Where is the scam? I have a feeling that perhaps you did not read your terms and conditions, so let me break it down for you.

Following the expiry of the Initial Term, the obligations of the Customer set forth in any attached Order Form (if any) or other order documentation shall be automatically renewed on a month to month basis unless the Customer provides the Corporation with at least 30 calendar days' prior written notice in respect of such non-renewal.

It's stated CLEARLY in the T&C on their contracts (as well as website) that 30 days written notice must be received by the business owner in order to cancel the business acount. This is for obvious security purposes (eg. your competitor will not be able to phone in claiming to be you to make changes/cancel your account).
All you need to do is send a simple letter/fax/email. Call them at 866-411-4411, and speak with someone in Client Services. Get their name and email address and send your cancellation to them by any means available to you. Then CONFIRM they have received it. Once you have received confirmation, there should be no reason that your account would not be cancelled (unless there are other issues such as outstanding balances that need to be settled etc.) Since you didn't use your name (only mine..), I cannot assist you any further.

I do not appreciate this post, and I hope that after this experience you will no longer run to the internet and drag someone's name through the mud when you clearly don't have your facts straight.

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