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  • Report:  #887998

Complaint Review: A Foreign Affair

A Foreign Affair AFA or Website SCAM Website RIPOFF Phoenix, Arizona

  • Reported By:
    The Average Guy — Marion Illinois United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Fri, May 25, 2012
  • Updated:
    Fri, January 21, 2022

So like many guys in the u.s. the thought of possibly going to a foreign country and finding a bride has crossed my mind.  So the first thing I do is google  'reputable foreign dating sites'  and of course all of the usual  b.s.  comes up.   Elenas Models.   (read more about them on this site  BEWARE)  ,  A Foreign Affair, and several other companies came up on the site.       Now I will say this before I go any further.  I personally know two American Guys, that have successfully gone to Russia and the FSR  and married successfully and have been married for over 8 years.    So it can be done.  It has been done.   Im just not sure that these sites on the internet are the way to go and do it.    I am personally  chatting with my friends russian wives and letting them guide me through the process.    THAT is the best way to do it.   Have someone help you that has no monetary interest .            

 So  being new to the Russian Bride,  or Foreign Bride search I decided to join  AFA  or A Foreign Affair  just to kind of see what it was all about.    I paid the $99  for the Platinum membership,  which allowes me to email up to 100 girls through their system.  Now it says that when I email the girl,  that it will go through their system and the girl will receive  MY PROFILE , ALL MY INFO, Along with my pics,   and my email.   At this time the girl can look at my profile and if interested ACCEPT my email and reply to me.   Now the emails are directly from the girls email to mine.  AFA is no longer involved one my email has been accepted by her and she replies.   Keep in mind I am going into this deal with my eyes wide open and not really expected a whole lot,  more so doing it for fun, and starting to explore the foreign bride  scene.      

So I send out  75 or so emails to girls profiles that I find attractive,  some are in Russia,  Ukraine,  China, and South America.    75 emails go out.   probably  half of those are ACCEPTED   and out of those two girls  emailed me back.       At first the emails were bland and generic,  but then as I emailed back and forth with the girls over the next few days  they loosened up and told me about them some and sent me a couple of    'family' safe pics,  no nudity or 'victoria secret' pics.  Just regular pics that seemed normal.   WHAT I FOUND STRANGE was that  THEY KNEW NOTHING ABOUT ME,  HAD NOT SEEN MY PICS,  HAD NOT SEEN MY PROFILE ,  which is the whole point of using AFA  to kind of help weed out the girls that are not interested in you.                

 SO I THINK THAT THE PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP FOR THE MOST PART IS A BUNCH OF BS AND BULL.     I am goin to keep writing until i have sent about 500  emails to see if I get any hits for entertainment.   BTW after just a couple of days of emailing the 'girls'  they stopped emailing and fell off the face of the earth?????   Hmmmm            I am not surprised.    LOL   (Note the pics that the women sent me looked nothing like any of the profile pics of the girls i emailed)   

NOW HERE IS THE REAL SCAM       BEWARE   BEWARE    You can join AFA  or for free.   Then on the site after you log in,  you have an INBOX,  where supposedly women that have seen your profile and are interested in you   can   email you first.   HERES THE CATCH.  Even if you are a 'platinum' member if you use the mail system that is the 'inbox'  on the afa site.  To   Open  and  email from a girl costs   4.99-7.99  per email.   GEEEEZ   to  reply to her through the AFA system   is 5.99-7.99  and  2.99  for each pic you attach.  GEEEZ   As you can see this could get very expensive in a hurry.          
So for fun I opened a couple of the emails that were send TO ME from these   INTERESTED  girls.   LOL    All of  the emails I opened were so general  that they could be to anyone.   There was nothing in any of the emails from any of the girls that  would let me think they had seen my profile or even knew my name.???   The reason for this AFA   mail system is supposedly some of the girls dont have email and AFA   CLAIMS   to  let these girls come to their local office and AFA  translates  for you.   Hmmmm   for   girls that have on their profiles to be college grads and speak fair english, I would think that they could at least have their own email address and not need a translator.  ITS PRETTY OBVIOUS IT S A SCAM  and Im sure for some older guys that are not internet savvy  it seems legit.   But anybody that has any common sense can see quick that this is a HUGE  HUGE  SCAM.  I mean you could spend $100   in a few minutes just opening up  a couple  of emails and replying to them.  Why in the heck would it cost 2.99 to attach a picture to an email anyway.  LOL  SCAM SCAM    
Now I cannot speak on the TOURS that AFA offers.   They promote heavily   taking a  TOUR  to any of the cities that they  operate in and meet hundreds of girls in a matter of a week.     Tours  go from $1500-$4500   depending on what country you go to and how long you stay.   I would be hesitant to go on one of these tours   because   of the lies and the scam that they are running on the website  it makes me not want to trust these people.        

 I ordered  the  AFA   love me .com    tour   dvd,  and it cost me like $10 with shipping.    Within a few days  I got  a  discreetly packaged   dvd.    I took the paper cover off  and the   dvd  case   looked almost like the cover of a porn   dvd.   LOL.   No wonder they covered it with white paper.    Anyway I opened it and  watched it.    LOL     The editing  and the footage looks like it was from ten years ago.   Not very many of the girls  look  anything like the ones on the website .   So   IDK   if i would be  willing to trust these guys  and pay them  money to do a tour or not.   I think I will  speak with my friends russian wives and see if they have any relatives that could make a good match.   LOL        

Just be careful  and  KEEP YOUR EYES WIDE OPEN AND COMMON SENSE ABOUT YOU WHEN ON THE INTERNET AND LOOKING FOR A FOREIGN BRIDE. So far my own experience and my research has NOT yielded a legitimate   mail order bride service.   There may not even be one out there.       

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Salt Lake City,
United States (aka foreign affairs)

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, January 20, 2022

 They are a scam. Every person sounds exactly alike, saying some sob story and attempts to entice you to want them, every purchase comes up as an escort service on your bank statements. And getting a refund is like pulling teeth. I'm still trying to get a refund. Do not use this service you'll be out money and I can guarantee you'll be stuck in a foreign country with someone who doesn't really love you.



Relationship are Not made in the Mail

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, July 23, 2016

I understand some of the frustration mentioned but I can only say "There is One Born Every Minute" The Staff at A Foreign Affair (AFA) who operate the website will tell you "Do Not Send Money!" they also tell you "Do Not Write Letters!" do they make money off the letters you write... yes they do. Yet they will tell you NOT to write them. The IMBRA International Dating Requirements mandates that the men in the USA be checked out for various crimes ...there is no mandate to check the women in any country. Are they all legitimate? No, but being real are all the men on this site really looking for a real relationship….No.

I have attended three AFA seminars (Yes, they are free) and at every seminar they tell you do not send money no matter the sadness of the sob story. Your finances are not something she needs to know until you are engaged. The biggest “Red Flag” is being asked for money….for any reason until you and the lady have met and established a real relationship. Never, not ever, send money when you have not actually met in person. Any woman who wants you to buy her a laptop computer, clothes or anything is interested in your wallet…not interested in you!. This is a Bell ringing for you to say Good-Bye! Of course, you need to read the information, attend the seminars, or watch the blogs, and webcast to understand all this.

I personally used this website and I have written letters and emails to woman in China and Philippines. I did have some issues with vague or outright bogus responses from China. However, the issue was resolved with one phone call to the AFA Phoenix Office, the funds were refunded, and the woman(s) profiles were removed.  I only wrote only two women in the Philippines, after I had plane tickets to arrive in Cebu Philippines in August 2014. Both women I wrote to, wrote me back and asked questions about my profile and pictures! I met them both at the AFA tour in Cebu. One of those pretty ladies is now my wife and we now live in Arizona.

Why someone writes 75-100 email in a effort to find a real relationship is beyond me. My advice is; leave your most Romantic Keyboard Romeo Letter Writing At Home!  Actually leave your house, get a passport! Buy a plane ticket and attend one of the tours to the city or country where the women interest you, and actually, really meet the woman! Novel idea but after 20 years in the Navy, I know for a fact, that you cannot Make Love through the Mail. Until you have hands to hold and eyes to look into it will forever remain a fantasy and just a dream… to make it real you need to go there. Until you go to the country, do not bash the website and the women on it.

When entering any relationship beware until you know she is for real ...she is also being skeptical of you! Are you for real? It does not matter if "She" is down the street or in Russia, China, Thailand, or the Philippines.

Doug H


Very satisfied with AFA/Love

#5General Comment

Mon, January 05, 2015

For several years I was a client of "A Foreign Affair" dating service in Phoenix, AZ.  I took a total of 6 trips abroad to meet girls, and met a wonderful woman who is now my wife (2 years married) with a 20 year age spread.

For the most part, I found the women to look exactly like the profile pictures, I found the Arizona staff helpful and knowledgeable, and the foreign field offices that I worked with were also very good.

Yes, AFA is a for-porofit business, and yes, they charge a fee for virtually everything they do, but, they also deliver value.  I would never have been able to have these trips be such wonderful vacations, and meet and date in excess of 100 beautiful women without them.  At no time in any of my travels did I feel afraid or worried about my safety.

In short, it was wonderful!  I traveled to many cities, got tours from the natives, learned a lot about me, about the USA, about the country/culture I visited, ate food I would never have tried otherwise, etc.

Is it true that there are a few "golddiggers" amoung the girls who only want a date, a nice dinner, and for a guy to buy them a present? Yes, that is true, but it is only a small part of the available women, and no different than dating locally.  Is it true that a few girls overstated their English ability, lied about their age, or other errors? Yes, but, they were few, a small percentage.

From what I read in the complaints, the men are ones that have not traveled abroad, and actually traveling abroad and meeting ladies in person is what AFA recomends for success (and rightly so!) So the real question is: Would you buy a car based on the review of a guy who had not actually driven the car, just read about it on the internet? Of course not!  Should you judge AFA by listening only to people who have not traveled with them, not followed their advice? Of course not.

I went, and I loved it, and I found exactly what I had hoped for. And, I met many other guys who can tell the same story.  Case closed, for me!





Orlando ,

Do not email, go to a Social or the Country.

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 26, 2014

These orgainization count on you wasting time on the internet, a man and a woman cannot communicate properly in cyberspace. You are looking at a pretty picture thinking of t**s and a*s and they have some person emailing you back by proxy. I also spent some money emailing and I did meet a few of the ones I wrote too. Again, do not waste your money or your time emailing. Get on a jet and go to the country.

My first tour I did the package which actually is a good value. Hotel was the best in both cities, breakfast was great and the tours of the town were excellent. You will meet many men from around the world and I am still in contact with 2 from 2 years ago. My advise again do a tour. You will also find out that for the most part these women are feminine women. It is a completly different energy of these american women. You will relise that you now are in control and they honestly do want to meet you. They dislike there men in the same way we dislike the women here.

Next month I will be travelling to Costa Rica, using the service of AFA and meeting women. In Medellin I used Amolatina, they had a sister company named Colombian Angles that you would go to the office and look at the registered women and they would set up the dates. Remember that these ladies are for the most part poor and they know how to play YOU. In the Ukraine I used Anastasa, and had excellent results and plan on returning to Odessa when the evil American empire stops interfering with the Ukraine Government.

I also have a few women that have turned out to be solid. Once you play a little bit and understand women are women no matter where you are, it is the greatest kind of Big Game Hunting in the world. A woman from anywhere else is better than a American Woman. To vailidate that there just ONE company set up in the USA for foreign men seeking American women? And marry her in her country.


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