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  • Report:  #6246

Complaint Review: AAMCO


  • Reported By:
    Amherst MA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, August 19, 2001
  • Updated:
    Sat, September 01, 2001

My name is Alexander Gomez and I am from Massachusetts. I have had the worst and most inexcusable experience with AAMCO Transmissions. I am now starting to do everything I can to expose their tactics, their unfair, and injurious practices.

I am going to make sure that not another person go through what I have been through in the last 11 months. Before anyone thinks of AAMCO they should really read my story.

Early in November 2000 I began to feel some slipping
in the gears of my automatic 1995 VW Jetta. Since
AAMCO has for years used their size and funding power
to brainwash and hypnotize the public into believing
they are the best and most dependable transmission
specialists, I drove 25 miles to the nearest AAMCO to
get their opinion. They told me I had and internal
transmission problem and would need a rebuild.

They told me It would cost $1100 and at most another $300 or so for a torque converter, if need be. I really
didn't have a choice since I share the car with my
mother and we both need it for work and school. A few
days later I get a call from AAMCO and "John" tells
me that the transmission is going to need many "hard
parts", a "torque converter" and some other things
which will cost me in total $2,100(ouch). I really
wasn't in the financial stability to afford the extra
$1,000 so I said (which is true) " Im a struggling
student and I really cant afford $2,100, also I do
not have any way of getting the extra money" So he
tells me " Well that's unfortunate, because if you
want us to put back your transmission it is going to
cost you $600, so your going to have to either borrow
the money from some one or you're going to end up
paying $600 dollars for nothing". He also offered me a
payment plan, in which I could pick the car up after I
completed payment. Without a choice, I told him I
would see if I could borrow the money and would go see
them. I really had no other option, I wasn't going to
loose $600 dollars and my mother and I needed the car.
The next day I went to the shop to talk to them. They
pulled out their little pamphlet and gave me the song
and dance, told me how I didn't have to worry, they
had the best warranty, that even though its $2,100 I
am purchasing a 12 month warranty that will protect my
transmission, give me rental car and "trouble free
driving" more than anything "peace of mind". Well,
that is the last thing I got from those tricky

To start, when I went to pick up my car, I tried to
pay with a Credit Card. They said they had problems
accepting my credit card and would only take cash.
They refused to help me resolve the credit card
"problems". For three hours I was in their shop
humiliated while they implied I had a fake or stolen
credit card. I guess they couldn't conceive a young
latino having a credit card that can sustain $2,100,
so they continued to ask that I pay in cash. I told
them NO, and to call the credit card place because I
knew everything was legit. They refused, so I had to
call Visa myself and get them on the Phone for AAMCO.
They still did not believe me and said "how do we
know that this is the Visa person on the other line"
Finally, I told them to hang up and I had them call
the Visa number, unbelievably enough they still
insisted a fax from the Visa person and Photo copied
my license.. Absolutely the most humiliating and
testing experience in my life, but I got over it once
it was resolved and I got my car.

Well, It must have been their Karma because within a
the month the car began to slip again exactly like
before. I brought the car to them again and they kept
it for a while gave it back and it never really
functioned correctly. This routine continued for
months, I even broke down several times and had to
have the car towed over to the shop. After one of the
times I picked up the car, they told me. This time we
finally solved your problem should be as good as new.
So, to be safe I decided to purchase on top of the 12
month warranty, I bought the Lifetime Warranty.
Supposedly, the sales man told me "for $500 dollars
you will get the best protection there is. You will
never have to worry about your transmission again".

In June my transmission went out again! In the middle
of Springfield city, at night 20 miles away from my
house. The next day they towed my car over to their
shop and for over three weeks I didn't hear from
them. I was patient, I just wanted them to fix it
right, instead of the mickey mouse bandages they had
been doing for the last 9 months. Everytime I had to
go to their shop It was a 25 mile ride going and 25
miles coming, many times getting a ride, and I was
sick of it. Well, believe it or not, they finally call
me in July and the guy tells me. " Listen, Im sorry
but we can't fix your transmission so we've decided
we're going to give back your money".

I couldn't believe it. After almost a year of stress, break downs, after they take my money for "WARRANTIES"
now they are tired of working and spending money on my car
so they want to just give me back my money and return
a car that's even more broken, worth nothing.? So, I
told him That I would go talk to them in person. The
next day I called AAMCOs head quarters and spoke to a
lady. She called the shop and spoke to the manager
"KEVIN" she then called me back. She said that Kevin
told her that they didn't have the equipment necessary
to fix my VW jetta and they were "WILLING" to give me
back my money. I told her NO! That's unfortunate, but
they should have known that 9 months ago. We have a
contract and its too late, They took the risk when
they decided to wing it and experiment on my car so
they could collect the $2,100. They were happy to sell
me the 12 month and a Life time warranty for even
more money.

The day that they took my money and I signed the
contract, that's it, the agreement was binding
and I was not going to break the contract. All
I wanted was my car fixed. It's like, somebody sells
you fire insurance, then your house burns down, and
they say they'll give you back the money for the
premium. Hell no! So she told me to call Kevin and
he would work something out with me.

(Little did I know he was just going to try and
intimidate me). I called him and told him I didn't
want my money that I wanted them to honor the warranty
and have the car fixed. Lucky I recorded the
conversation on the computer, because this is what
KEVIN the manager told me over the phone " We are
sorry but we cannot and are not going to fix your VW
jetta, so we are going to give you your money back".
Again,I refused and he said "What are you going to
do? You are going to take us to court, spend money on
lawyers, all the judge is going to do is make me give
you your money back. So you are better off taking the
money". Again I refused and hung up. I was furious. A
few days later I received the check over the mail for
$2,500 in the back they wrote "hereby releases AAMCO
of all liabilities. Not only a slap in the face, but
nothing for the rental cars(as per the warranty) which
I had given them receipts for, nothing for a year of
interest payments on the Visa used. After all the
times I brought the car there they kept it for a total
of over 3 months while I still paid full cover
insurance etc.

They figured that I , like many of the other poor
minorities they deal with, would get the check and
just take the money, move on and avoid problems. They
figured I wouldn't have anyone to turn to, and I like
many poor minorities I am afraid of the courts and
laws. This type of tactic must be STOPPED and I feel
it is my mission to expose them. They advertise these
WARRANTIES and force you to pay higher prices with
their empty promises then when it seems like its going
to be too expensive for them, they try and intimidate
you, entice you into breaking the contracts. How many
other people has this tactic worked on? How many other
minorities or poor people have taken the cash and just
moved on. These tactics are being used on people every
day and they target the poor and the uneducated.

I have made it my soul purpose to Expose AAMCO
transmissions for Advertising, Warranty fraud, illegal
tactics, I am in talks with the company right now to
resolve my issues, but this CANNOT happen again to
anyone! If I have to begin a class action law suit,
so be it. I am young, educated and have plenty of
time. They are taking advantage of the common working
people who are the ones that depend on their older
cars and are vulnerable to the malpractice of these
Auto Heart Surgeons. Who regularly take out your heart
and then they ask if you would like to live!
Watch out everyone this company is a true RIP-OFF!

3 Updates & Rebuttals



Sat, September 01, 2001

I am in contact with several newspapers that are interested in writing invesgative reports on AAMCOS abuses. They are planning on mainly using my story but are interested in any other people who have been riped off. They are interested specificly in Warranty abuses. Please email me your story if you wouldn't mind it being used, Thanks for all your help.


Mon, August 20, 2001


Mon, August 20, 2001

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