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  • Report:  #395894

Complaint Review: Aaron's Sales & Leasing

Aaron's Sales & Leasing Harrassed, Lied To, and Illegal charge of credit card for disabled individual McMinnville Oregon

  • Reported By:
    McMinnville Oregon
  • Submitted:
    Sat, November 29, 2008
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 11, 2008
  • Aaron's Sales & Leasing
    865 J NE Hwy 99W
    McMinnville, Oregon
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Well....after reading all of the other ripoff reports, I sure wish I had read them prior to doing business with them as it appears I have been a victim also. I had been a loyal customer totally on disability when I first purchased a computer. I was always early or on time with my payments. I made a few of my payments by credit card, and was told my card would never be charged unless I authorized it.

I saw the form and I specifically told them no I did not want automatic deductions as I am on a fixed income and Social Security is not legally to be garnished or froze or taken unless it is for IRS, Child Support or Alimony. Anyway, three of the months in the previous year if I was going to be a day late I would call them and tell them ahead of time that I was going to be in by a specific date.

Then I would receive a phone call prior to that date stating I broke a promise and didn't call or come in as stated. Boy I got furious and finally said I am a person of my word and I am not at all healthy and don't need this. So I told them to pick everything up. They were like oh I'm sorry whoever you talked to must have not wrote it down in the computer right. Then I said well don't call me again I will be in when I say I will.

Two days later I get a letter telling me they are calling in the lease and it is terminated. Well...I figured fine I am not going to go in tomorrow and make a payment as now I am really upset! So the following business day they call me and say now that is two promises you broke and I just let Jeff have it! I told him that I never made a promise to be in the first time and then I got a letter the day before signed by Tim the manager, saying that they were calling in the lease!

Jeff said oh that was a mistake I was like you can have it back but not until I clean and reformat the machine. He was like wait wait wait what can we do to make it better and make you happy. I was like I don't know I just want to turn everything back in and deal with some other company that won't lie and call me and harrass me.

So he said he would remove the calling and that if I couldnt make a payment always ask for him and he would take care of it. And that if Jeff wasn't in to talk to Jason. Well I made another payment by credit card and specifically said you are not authorized to charge my card at any time. He said oh no we wouldn't do that we can't do that it is against the LAW!!! So I agreed.

Well in a nutshell the following month I got very ill and had to go to a hospital and I lost my apartment. When I got out I left the state and tried to get moved into somewhere new and get settled then I was going to contact them. I was only 5 days late at this point. Well then the harassing calls started again.

Then they started making threats. They threatened to take legal action if I didn't call them by 5pm that night. My health was more important to me and this was really upsetting me so I figured with all of the hassles fine just do what you have to do with your legal action.

Well then they kept calling and calling and blocking their number but they would leave a message an it was always nasty and rude, where my family could play the message and hear. This is against the law! This is a privacy issue and is not supposed to be left on a message on an answering machine!

Anyway two days went by then three and I thought well any day I am going to get contacted with legal action. Couldn't sleep or eat, didn't know what to do....Then I get another phone call last week stating from Jeff that CONGRATULATIONS!!!! your account is getting charged off to stolen goods and you don't have to do any paperwork but would I please call him.

Anyway, As stated above I am on SSDI and that is my only income and I have bill pay, and had my rent and utilities all set up to pay and was broke after buying my meds.....I get an email from my bank stating that my rent couldn't get paid as I was NSF. I was like what I just got paid on Wedensday and now I am NSF and my rent isn't getting paid.

So I quickly look online on my account and there are two charges from Aaron's to my debit card which my SSDI is direct deposited and they know this. They charged over $300 which is way more than I owed and I did not authorize this at all! So now they have threatned first to take legal action., the next week they threatned and said that they were charging it all off CONGRATULATIONS very smart &%$ and then this week they take my money which SSDI cannot be garnished nor froze.

I call the bank they say well I have to wait until Monday till the charges post to the account, even though the funds are being held and it was fraudulent. But can' do anything till then, and that I can file a dispute but it may take 60 days to resolve that I would be better off contacting the source (Aarons) and resolving it with them.

So now I have NSF Fee for bounced check for Rent. I will lose my house and have to live in my car all because of them doing this? How can that be legal how can they get away with this? It is illegal to write down my credit card information and keep it on file and the bank and debit card people agree.

It is Illegal for them to call and harrass and talk about my account with friends and family that were listed as references, It is Illegal to threaten to do legal action and then not do it, only using this as a scare tactic (My health can't take it) and then It is Illegal to threaten or leave a message saying it was being charged off Congratulations!!, and it is Illegal to take funds from my SSDI and to knowingly do all of this and get away with it!

I would advise never doing business with them nor ever ever give your credit/debit card to them as now what am I to do. Other than I am going to dispute it, and report it to the FTC, the BBB and wherever else I need to go if they do not refund my money immediately. I guess their whole idea of scare tactics works as now they have to get contacted by me one way or another.!!

Harassed in oregon
McMinnville, Oregon

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Aaron's Rental Eunice

7 Updates & Rebuttals

This Is Me


Wow..... Just wow

#8Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 11, 2008

I can't believe how you are trying to claim they are breaking several laws when you clearly don't know the law

You said: "It is Illegal for them to call and harrass and talk about my account with friends and family that were listed as references, It is Illegal to threaten to do legal action and then not do it, only using this as a scare tactic (My health can't take it) and then It is Illegal to threaten or leave a message saying it was being charged off Congratulations!!, and it is Illegal to take funds from my SSDI and to knowingly do all of this and get away with it! "

Lets take these one at a time.

"It is Illegal for them to call and harrass and talk about my account with friends and family that were listed as references"

Were they credit references or personal references? I would bet they were credit references, as I doubt Aarons is concerned with personal references, so this mean any information about your account is fair game.

"It is Illegal to threaten to do legal action and then not do it"

Um... no, not at all, just because you inform someone of legal action you might take, it doesn't mean you have to take that action.

"It is Illegal to threaten or leave a message saying it was being charged off Congratulations!!"

No not really, as someone else mentioned the laws pertaining to debt collection only apply to debt collectors, Aarons doesn't qualify as that.

and lastly "Illegal to take funds from my SSDI and to knowingly do all of this and get away with it"

You make several remarks claiming it is illegal for them to take money from you because you are on SSDI, the fact is yes it is illegal to garnish those funds, but we aren't talking about a garnish (perhaps you should look up the meaning of the word before using it), you are talking about a charge, which is legal, and depending on the terms of the lease, you may have authorized it when you signed the lease.

Why anyone would rent to own a computer is beyond me, but if you are going to then you have a legal obligation to pay the bill.



You are misinformed...

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, December 10, 2008

You are not quoting it by name, but several points you are refering to are from the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act(FDCPA). This ONLY applies to 3rd Party Collection Agencies and not the Original Creditor(which Aaron's is). So they are not subject to any of those laws.

You also mentioned, several times, that SSI or SSDI can not be garnished or attached if that is your only income. That is correct, but ONLY for when in having to satisfy a judgment against you. However, they used a Debit Card that you had previously given them. So that rule does not apply. By this logic any time you used your debit card you could claim an illegal charge. So would you spend $100 at a department store and then claim that it is SSI so they can't withdraw it..Of course not.

It is NOT illegal for a company to keep your credit card number on file. What specific law do these "bank and debit card people" refer to when they agree with you.

As to if that charge was legal, most likey it was. When you originally leased your item you signed some sort of contract/receipt. Somewhere in that contract there is probably a provision that states you give them permission. It does not matter what you were "told" it matters what is in writing.

You say you tried to return it but they refused, claiming they wanted to work with you. If you really wanted to return it you could have, it was your choice in the end to keep the item(s). When you refer several times how your SSI can't be touched can make it seem like you knew exactly what you were doing, and had no intention of paying them. I don't know if this is true, but it does leave that impression.

Harassed in oregon


Aaron's Sales & Leasing McMinnville Oregon

#8Author of original report

Wed, December 10, 2008

First off I would like to state that my intentions were not to slander anyone and yes, I mentioned Jeff's name as I do have the message recorded that was left regarding the charge off of my account. I would like to formally apologize for anyone thinking It was slander against him. My intention was not that at all. And yes Jeff can and is very nice, as is most of the employees. most of the dealings were actually with John and Jason. With respect to them and their jobs of selling the merchandise they do that very well. However, the collection practices is what was at stake here and how they go about collecting was what it was mainly about. It was also to let people know that it is illegal to leave information on an answering machine regarding your account, other than to leave your name, Co name and phone number. But to leave actual information about the delinquency or anything like that for that matter was and is a violation of the collection laws. My other intention was that you legally cannot charge someone's Debit/Credit card without authorization and doing so can affect a person mentally, physically and financially and it is a Federal Law to withold funds from SS or SSDI. Due to the crackdown on privacy laws the information of the credit card is not allowed to be written down and kept unless you give your consent to automatically withdraw these funds on a regular basis. But to keep the information and then fraudulently charge someones account without their knowledge is just that Fraudulent! And when someone says they are going to take other action or legal action this is considered a threat unless they actually intend on doing so. It cannot be used as a scare tactic. And to get a recorded voicemail saying that the account is going to be charged off and Congratulations! that means they are charging it off and then they can turn around and turn it over for collection. But to leave that message which should never be left on an answering machine and then 4 days later turn around and fraudulently charge a persons debit/credit card well that is illegal and fraudulent.

As to buying something from them or anyone for that matter yes I bought it knowing at the time I could afford it. When I happened to end up in the hospital and lose my place due to medication and medical reasons, well those are reasons beyond anyone's control. So no intention to buy something that I couldn't afford and then not pay for it. Yes I was past due as I stated above, however they will work with you, but only if you give them an absoute time and date when. It is always when when when, and when you are in the hospital or in between where or what you are going to do with your life there are times you just don't have an answer right at that minute. And so therefore, to make light of lies and false promises on either parties, all calls went to voicemail so that it was recorded what was said and then there would not be any reason to have but only the truth as to what was stated on the message. And after my card had been charged and a dispute made with the credit card company and the FTC and the DOJ, I received another phon call asking for Decembers payment by John. I told John until my account was credited back I was not going to deal with him or his company. He said what I did was illegal, and I said I did not feel it was illegal as all I was was past due. And that the collection practices were illegal and he tried to justify that well what I did was illegal so it was okay. At least that is the way I took it to be. I asked for it to be credited back and he said okay as long as the merchandise was returned. I stated no I wont do anything until the fraudulent charges are refunded. Then I told him I was going to record the conversation and he said "NO" that he would not authorize it. Well if you are not stating that anything is wrong nor a lie then why would it matter if the conversation was recorded. He told me I needed to talk to Tim so I said okay put him on the phone. He said he wasn't in so I asked him to have Tim call me when he came in. Also per the corporate headquarters I was also to have received a phone call from one of the Three owners within 72 hours of 12/01/2008. Of which no one ever called me within those 72 hours and as of today still no phone call from an owner. I went outside to take care of the trash and when I came in their was a message from Tim and I immediately called him back and Lyndsey answered and said that he was in the warehouse loading dock and would have him return my call. I never did get a call back from him.

However, with all that said, I would like to commend the Regional Director as by reporting these collection practices to the DOJ they wrote a letter to them as I did as well. The regional director was very professional and took an interest in trying to resolve this matter. And he is over alot of the stores and therefore oversees thousands of accounts, not just from the McMinnville, Oregon store. I was able to send him via email some of the messages that were left on my voicemail of which one included was the one about my account being charged off. He really wanted to know if what I was telling him was the truth as he has heard alot of lies. I also explained that my interpretation of a message may or may not be the way that he would interpret it but nonetheless what was said was said. He immediately made sure that my account was credited back and that from here on out he would be the one to deal with me. He even called the credit card company and spoke with them to see how long it would take to get the money back into my account so that I would not lose my house for not being able to pay the rent. So I am thankful to him in that regards and that the people out there at this Aaron's or any of the Aaron's stores that they are dealing with that EVERYONE has legal rights and should be treated with respect. And that there always is not going to be an answer they want to hear if the account is past due. But that no one should be intimidated or have to get threats, as this is what was used as a scare tactic. And no one has the right to automatically charge a persons credit card without the authorization and permission of that card holder. That is Fraudulent. And threats are Harrassment...These are facts and everyone has the right to do what they legally need to do to rectify and get the problem taken care of. Two wrongs don't make a right......and if someone has complaints that are a violation of privacy, or unfair or illegal collection practices are being done, then they need to report it and get it resolved rather than just complaining about it. And again people usually don't buy anything that they cannot afford and they usually always figure they will be healthy and alive and that their bills will be paid. However, accidents happen, health issues come up and then that puts you behind. And with the recession the way it is right now, their are alot of people who bought items and even homes who never imagined that they would lose it. Nor after making payments on something that once something happens unexpectedly to make them late should they feel like they have to give the item(s) back and forfiet everything they had already done or paid into, when they just may need a little time to figure it out to get back on their feet. I realize that businesses need to stay in business and can't if they have to write everything off and can't collect. But come on, these are bad times and there are things beyond our control that happen in life, and to use harrassment or threats and to charge someone's credit card without authorization well you just will make that person worse off than they were.

I would like to say to anyone yes be careful when you make a purchase or a payment with a credit card, make sure that you can afford it, and if something arises that was unforseen, then don't feel bad, sometimes good comes from bad. But definitely protect yourself and your legal rights and if you are being harassed or someone charges your account without authorization that you make sure you make a claim and keep notes, voicemails, and anytyhing you can to prove your case. But follow through with it and hopefully you then can get it resolved. As I did.

Harassed in oregon


Aaron's Sales & Leasing McMinnville Oregon

#8Author of original report

Wed, December 10, 2008

First off I would like to state that my intentions were not to slander anyone and yes, I mentioned Jeff's name as I do have the message recorded that was left regarding the charge off of my account. I would like to formally apologize for anyone thinking It was slander against him. My intention was not that at all. And yes Jeff can and is very nice, as is most of the employees. most of the dealings were actually with John and Jason. With respect to them and their jobs of selling the merchandise they do that very well. However, the collection practices is what was at stake here and how they go about collecting was what it was mainly about. It was also to let people know that it is illegal to leave information on an answering machine regarding your account, other than to leave your name, Co name and phone number. But to leave actual information about the delinquency or anything like that for that matter was and is a violation of the collection laws. My other intention was that you legally cannot charge someone's Debit/Credit card without authorization and doing so can affect a person mentally, physically and financially and it is a Federal Law to withold funds from SS or SSDI. Due to the crackdown on privacy laws the information of the credit card is not allowed to be written down and kept unless you give your consent to automatically withdraw these funds on a regular basis. But to keep the information and then fraudulently charge someones account without their knowledge is just that Fraudulent! And when someone says they are going to take other action or legal action this is considered a threat unless they actually intend on doing so. It cannot be used as a scare tactic. And to get a recorded voicemail saying that the account is going to be charged off and Congratulations! that means they are charging it off and then they can turn around and turn it over for collection. But to leave that message which should never be left on an answering machine and then 4 days later turn around and fraudulently charge a persons debit/credit card well that is illegal and fraudulent.

As to buying something from them or anyone for that matter yes I bought it knowing at the time I could afford it. When I happened to end up in the hospital and lose my place due to medication and medical reasons, well those are reasons beyond anyone's control. So no intention to buy something that I couldn't afford and then not pay for it. Yes I was past due as I stated above, however they will work with you, but only if you give them an absoute time and date when. It is always when when when, and when you are in the hospital or in between where or what you are going to do with your life there are times you just don't have an answer right at that minute. And so therefore, to make light of lies and false promises on either parties, all calls went to voicemail so that it was recorded what was said and then there would not be any reason to have but only the truth as to what was stated on the message. And after my card had been charged and a dispute made with the credit card company and the FTC and the DOJ, I received another phon call asking for Decembers payment by John. I told John until my account was credited back I was not going to deal with him or his company. He said what I did was illegal, and I said I did not feel it was illegal as all I was was past due. And that the collection practices were illegal and he tried to justify that well what I did was illegal so it was okay. At least that is the way I took it to be. I asked for it to be credited back and he said okay as long as the merchandise was returned. I stated no I wont do anything until the fraudulent charges are refunded. Then I told him I was going to record the conversation and he said "NO" that he would not authorize it. Well if you are not stating that anything is wrong nor a lie then why would it matter if the conversation was recorded. He told me I needed to talk to Tim so I said okay put him on the phone. He said he wasn't in so I asked him to have Tim call me when he came in. Also per the corporate headquarters I was also to have received a phone call from one of the Three owners within 72 hours of 12/01/2008. Of which no one ever called me within those 72 hours and as of today still no phone call from an owner. I went outside to take care of the trash and when I came in their was a message from Tim and I immediately called him back and Lyndsey answered and said that he was in the warehouse loading dock and would have him return my call. I never did get a call back from him.

However, with all that said, I would like to commend the Regional Director as by reporting these collection practices to the DOJ they wrote a letter to them as I did as well. The regional director was very professional and took an interest in trying to resolve this matter. And he is over alot of the stores and therefore oversees thousands of accounts, not just from the McMinnville, Oregon store. I was able to send him via email some of the messages that were left on my voicemail of which one included was the one about my account being charged off. He really wanted to know if what I was telling him was the truth as he has heard alot of lies. I also explained that my interpretation of a message may or may not be the way that he would interpret it but nonetheless what was said was said. He immediately made sure that my account was credited back and that from here on out he would be the one to deal with me. He even called the credit card company and spoke with them to see how long it would take to get the money back into my account so that I would not lose my house for not being able to pay the rent. So I am thankful to him in that regards and that the people out there at this Aaron's or any of the Aaron's stores that they are dealing with that EVERYONE has legal rights and should be treated with respect. And that there always is not going to be an answer they want to hear if the account is past due. But that no one should be intimidated or have to get threats, as this is what was used as a scare tactic. And no one has the right to automatically charge a persons credit card without the authorization and permission of that card holder. That is Fraudulent. And threats are Harrassment...These are facts and everyone has the right to do what they legally need to do to rectify and get the problem taken care of. Two wrongs don't make a right......and if someone has complaints that are a violation of privacy, or unfair or illegal collection practices are being done, then they need to report it and get it resolved rather than just complaining about it. And again people usually don't buy anything that they cannot afford and they usually always figure they will be healthy and alive and that their bills will be paid. However, accidents happen, health issues come up and then that puts you behind. And with the recession the way it is right now, their are alot of people who bought items and even homes who never imagined that they would lose it. Nor after making payments on something that once something happens unexpectedly to make them late should they feel like they have to give the item(s) back and forfiet everything they had already done or paid into, when they just may need a little time to figure it out to get back on their feet. I realize that businesses need to stay in business and can't if they have to write everything off and can't collect. But come on, these are bad times and there are things beyond our control that happen in life, and to use harrassment or threats and to charge someone's credit card without authorization well you just will make that person worse off than they were.

I would like to say to anyone yes be careful when you make a purchase or a payment with a credit card, make sure that you can afford it, and if something arises that was unforseen, then don't feel bad, sometimes good comes from bad. But definitely protect yourself and your legal rights and if you are being harassed or someone charges your account without authorization that you make sure you make a claim and keep notes, voicemails, and anytyhing you can to prove your case. But follow through with it and hopefully you then can get it resolved. As I did.

Harassed in oregon


Aaron's Sales & Leasing McMinnville Oregon

#8Author of original report

Wed, December 10, 2008

First off I would like to state that my intentions were not to slander anyone and yes, I mentioned Jeff's name as I do have the message recorded that was left regarding the charge off of my account. I would like to formally apologize for anyone thinking It was slander against him. My intention was not that at all. And yes Jeff can and is very nice, as is most of the employees. most of the dealings were actually with John and Jason. With respect to them and their jobs of selling the merchandise they do that very well. However, the collection practices is what was at stake here and how they go about collecting was what it was mainly about. It was also to let people know that it is illegal to leave information on an answering machine regarding your account, other than to leave your name, Co name and phone number. But to leave actual information about the delinquency or anything like that for that matter was and is a violation of the collection laws. My other intention was that you legally cannot charge someone's Debit/Credit card without authorization and doing so can affect a person mentally, physically and financially and it is a Federal Law to withold funds from SS or SSDI. Due to the crackdown on privacy laws the information of the credit card is not allowed to be written down and kept unless you give your consent to automatically withdraw these funds on a regular basis. But to keep the information and then fraudulently charge someones account without their knowledge is just that Fraudulent! And when someone says they are going to take other action or legal action this is considered a threat unless they actually intend on doing so. It cannot be used as a scare tactic. And to get a recorded voicemail saying that the account is going to be charged off and Congratulations! that means they are charging it off and then they can turn around and turn it over for collection. But to leave that message which should never be left on an answering machine and then 4 days later turn around and fraudulently charge a persons debit/credit card well that is illegal and fraudulent.

As to buying something from them or anyone for that matter yes I bought it knowing at the time I could afford it. When I happened to end up in the hospital and lose my place due to medication and medical reasons, well those are reasons beyond anyone's control. So no intention to buy something that I couldn't afford and then not pay for it. Yes I was past due as I stated above, however they will work with you, but only if you give them an absoute time and date when. It is always when when when, and when you are in the hospital or in between where or what you are going to do with your life there are times you just don't have an answer right at that minute. And so therefore, to make light of lies and false promises on either parties, all calls went to voicemail so that it was recorded what was said and then there would not be any reason to have but only the truth as to what was stated on the message. And after my card had been charged and a dispute made with the credit card company and the FTC and the DOJ, I received another phon call asking for Decembers payment by John. I told John until my account was credited back I was not going to deal with him or his company. He said what I did was illegal, and I said I did not feel it was illegal as all I was was past due. And that the collection practices were illegal and he tried to justify that well what I did was illegal so it was okay. At least that is the way I took it to be. I asked for it to be credited back and he said okay as long as the merchandise was returned. I stated no I wont do anything until the fraudulent charges are refunded. Then I told him I was going to record the conversation and he said "NO" that he would not authorize it. Well if you are not stating that anything is wrong nor a lie then why would it matter if the conversation was recorded. He told me I needed to talk to Tim so I said okay put him on the phone. He said he wasn't in so I asked him to have Tim call me when he came in. Also per the corporate headquarters I was also to have received a phone call from one of the Three owners within 72 hours of 12/01/2008. Of which no one ever called me within those 72 hours and as of today still no phone call from an owner. I went outside to take care of the trash and when I came in their was a message from Tim and I immediately called him back and Lyndsey answered and said that he was in the warehouse loading dock and would have him return my call. I never did get a call back from him.

However, with all that said, I would like to commend the Regional Director as by reporting these collection practices to the DOJ they wrote a letter to them as I did as well. The regional director was very professional and took an interest in trying to resolve this matter. And he is over alot of the stores and therefore oversees thousands of accounts, not just from the McMinnville, Oregon store. I was able to send him via email some of the messages that were left on my voicemail of which one included was the one about my account being charged off. He really wanted to know if what I was telling him was the truth as he has heard alot of lies. I also explained that my interpretation of a message may or may not be the way that he would interpret it but nonetheless what was said was said. He immediately made sure that my account was credited back and that from here on out he would be the one to deal with me. He even called the credit card company and spoke with them to see how long it would take to get the money back into my account so that I would not lose my house for not being able to pay the rent. So I am thankful to him in that regards and that the people out there at this Aaron's or any of the Aaron's stores that they are dealing with that EVERYONE has legal rights and should be treated with respect. And that there always is not going to be an answer they want to hear if the account is past due. But that no one should be intimidated or have to get threats, as this is what was used as a scare tactic. And no one has the right to automatically charge a persons credit card without the authorization and permission of that card holder. That is Fraudulent. And threats are Harrassment...These are facts and everyone has the right to do what they legally need to do to rectify and get the problem taken care of. Two wrongs don't make a right......and if someone has complaints that are a violation of privacy, or unfair or illegal collection practices are being done, then they need to report it and get it resolved rather than just complaining about it. And again people usually don't buy anything that they cannot afford and they usually always figure they will be healthy and alive and that their bills will be paid. However, accidents happen, health issues come up and then that puts you behind. And with the recession the way it is right now, their are alot of people who bought items and even homes who never imagined that they would lose it. Nor after making payments on something that once something happens unexpectedly to make them late should they feel like they have to give the item(s) back and forfiet everything they had already done or paid into, when they just may need a little time to figure it out to get back on their feet. I realize that businesses need to stay in business and can't if they have to write everything off and can't collect. But come on, these are bad times and there are things beyond our control that happen in life, and to use harrassment or threats and to charge someone's credit card without authorization well you just will make that person worse off than they were.

I would like to say to anyone yes be careful when you make a purchase or a payment with a credit card, make sure that you can afford it, and if something arises that was unforseen, then don't feel bad, sometimes good comes from bad. But definitely protect yourself and your legal rights and if you are being harassed or someone charges your account without authorization that you make sure you make a claim and keep notes, voicemails, and anytyhing you can to prove your case. But follow through with it and hopefully you then can get it resolved. As I did.

Harassed in oregon


Aaron's Sales & Leasing McMinnville Oregon

#8Author of original report

Wed, December 10, 2008

First off I would like to state that my intentions were not to slander anyone and yes, I mentioned Jeff's name as I do have the message recorded that was left regarding the charge off of my account. I would like to formally apologize for anyone thinking It was slander against him. My intention was not that at all. And yes Jeff can and is very nice, as is most of the employees. most of the dealings were actually with John and Jason. With respect to them and their jobs of selling the merchandise they do that very well. However, the collection practices is what was at stake here and how they go about collecting was what it was mainly about. It was also to let people know that it is illegal to leave information on an answering machine regarding your account, other than to leave your name, Co name and phone number. But to leave actual information about the delinquency or anything like that for that matter was and is a violation of the collection laws. My other intention was that you legally cannot charge someone's Debit/Credit card without authorization and doing so can affect a person mentally, physically and financially and it is a Federal Law to withold funds from SS or SSDI. Due to the crackdown on privacy laws the information of the credit card is not allowed to be written down and kept unless you give your consent to automatically withdraw these funds on a regular basis. But to keep the information and then fraudulently charge someones account without their knowledge is just that Fraudulent! And when someone says they are going to take other action or legal action this is considered a threat unless they actually intend on doing so. It cannot be used as a scare tactic. And to get a recorded voicemail saying that the account is going to be charged off and Congratulations! that means they are charging it off and then they can turn around and turn it over for collection. But to leave that message which should never be left on an answering machine and then 4 days later turn around and fraudulently charge a persons debit/credit card well that is illegal and fraudulent.

As to buying something from them or anyone for that matter yes I bought it knowing at the time I could afford it. When I happened to end up in the hospital and lose my place due to medication and medical reasons, well those are reasons beyond anyone's control. So no intention to buy something that I couldn't afford and then not pay for it. Yes I was past due as I stated above, however they will work with you, but only if you give them an absoute time and date when. It is always when when when, and when you are in the hospital or in between where or what you are going to do with your life there are times you just don't have an answer right at that minute. And so therefore, to make light of lies and false promises on either parties, all calls went to voicemail so that it was recorded what was said and then there would not be any reason to have but only the truth as to what was stated on the message. And after my card had been charged and a dispute made with the credit card company and the FTC and the DOJ, I received another phon call asking for Decembers payment by John. I told John until my account was credited back I was not going to deal with him or his company. He said what I did was illegal, and I said I did not feel it was illegal as all I was was past due. And that the collection practices were illegal and he tried to justify that well what I did was illegal so it was okay. At least that is the way I took it to be. I asked for it to be credited back and he said okay as long as the merchandise was returned. I stated no I wont do anything until the fraudulent charges are refunded. Then I told him I was going to record the conversation and he said "NO" that he would not authorize it. Well if you are not stating that anything is wrong nor a lie then why would it matter if the conversation was recorded. He told me I needed to talk to Tim so I said okay put him on the phone. He said he wasn't in so I asked him to have Tim call me when he came in. Also per the corporate headquarters I was also to have received a phone call from one of the Three owners within 72 hours of 12/01/2008. Of which no one ever called me within those 72 hours and as of today still no phone call from an owner. I went outside to take care of the trash and when I came in their was a message from Tim and I immediately called him back and Lyndsey answered and said that he was in the warehouse loading dock and would have him return my call. I never did get a call back from him.

However, with all that said, I would like to commend the Regional Director as by reporting these collection practices to the DOJ they wrote a letter to them as I did as well. The regional director was very professional and took an interest in trying to resolve this matter. And he is over alot of the stores and therefore oversees thousands of accounts, not just from the McMinnville, Oregon store. I was able to send him via email some of the messages that were left on my voicemail of which one included was the one about my account being charged off. He really wanted to know if what I was telling him was the truth as he has heard alot of lies. I also explained that my interpretation of a message may or may not be the way that he would interpret it but nonetheless what was said was said. He immediately made sure that my account was credited back and that from here on out he would be the one to deal with me. He even called the credit card company and spoke with them to see how long it would take to get the money back into my account so that I would not lose my house for not being able to pay the rent. So I am thankful to him in that regards and that the people out there at this Aaron's or any of the Aaron's stores that they are dealing with that EVERYONE has legal rights and should be treated with respect. And that there always is not going to be an answer they want to hear if the account is past due. But that no one should be intimidated or have to get threats, as this is what was used as a scare tactic. And no one has the right to automatically charge a persons credit card without the authorization and permission of that card holder. That is Fraudulent. And threats are Harrassment...These are facts and everyone has the right to do what they legally need to do to rectify and get the problem taken care of. Two wrongs don't make a right......and if someone has complaints that are a violation of privacy, or unfair or illegal collection practices are being done, then they need to report it and get it resolved rather than just complaining about it. And again people usually don't buy anything that they cannot afford and they usually always figure they will be healthy and alive and that their bills will be paid. However, accidents happen, health issues come up and then that puts you behind. And with the recession the way it is right now, their are alot of people who bought items and even homes who never imagined that they would lose it. Nor after making payments on something that once something happens unexpectedly to make them late should they feel like they have to give the item(s) back and forfiet everything they had already done or paid into, when they just may need a little time to figure it out to get back on their feet. I realize that businesses need to stay in business and can't if they have to write everything off and can't collect. But come on, these are bad times and there are things beyond our control that happen in life, and to use harrassment or threats and to charge someone's credit card without authorization well you just will make that person worse off than they were.

I would like to say to anyone yes be careful when you make a purchase or a payment with a credit card, make sure that you can afford it, and if something arises that was unforseen, then don't feel bad, sometimes good comes from bad. But definitely protect yourself and your legal rights and if you are being harassed or someone charges your account without authorization that you make sure you make a claim and keep notes, voicemails, and anytyhing you can to prove your case. But follow through with it and hopefully you then can get it resolved. As I did.



Is this really a rip off situation or are we only hearing one side?

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, December 07, 2008

I have purchased three seperate times, items from this particular Aarons and dealt with Jeff repeatedly. I have been nothing but amazed by the graciousness of his attitude when trouble has come to my life. He has always gone the extra three miles to assure that I can indeed not lose anything but that the company is also prosperous.(I do not mean in extra fees or anything negative. Just solid business)

I too live on a limited imcome and rent to own my furniture. I have never been Harassed or threatened. In fact I have been in the store and there are employees that I would not deal with, and prefer Jeff. I know his name is not the only one mentioned in the report, but my only association with Tim has really been by sight or an offhand hello. And I can not picture who Jason is. As a limited income person I am also inteligent enought to only buy what I can afford and not more. I make sure to have the payment saved and paid. Any debt you chose to incur is your responsibility. You have to pay rent for your apartment, you also have to pay rent for your furniture. You don't get to pick and choose what you feel like paying for. All chosen debts are equal. I also know that you can return furniture to aarons if you can not make a payment and they will even come and get it at a convienient time for you.

I am only one consumer who has had dealings with aarons in McMinnville, and with Jeff. I had to rebute this statement, especially with the sob story, and the %&% words. That made the whole thing discredible in my eyes. I will be contacting people I know who have used many different Aarons with the same outcome as I have to post here. Slandering someones name is intolerable, and I for one would like to say to Jeff It is a pleasure doing business with you, and always has been.

Thanks Karen

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