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  • Report:  #1336568

Complaint Review: Accounts Warehouse

Accounts Warehouse BEWARE - Scammers - Phishing for RL Info Lubbock Internet

  • Reported By:
    wooderson — Ohio USA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, November 04, 2016
  • Updated:
    Fri, November 04, 2016

TL;DR - Accounts warehouse will make up excuses to back out of a sale AFTER you accept their offer, meet all their requirements and send them your personal ID and account info. 

I'll try and keep this relatively short. My goal is to educate others in our community so they don't fall victim to these people like I did. I will be more than happy to post the emails between Tyler and James of Accountswarehouse and myself should they choose to contest any of this. 

I submitted my information on their website to sell one of my accounts. I took the time to type out each piece of gear he had plus extras that were in the bank. I then received an offer of $450 for the account. 

For those unfamiliar they send you a link that you click if you choose to accept the offer, which I did. I then sent them the account name and password, SQA, the original email from when I created the account, plus a photo of my ID. 

A day later I get an email from Tyler that says "I just tried to log in and process your sale but your character is not as described and stripped of half its gear. Your sale has been closed and none of your information has been changed. We do not buy stripped accounts."

1. At no time during this sales process was there any mention of not being allowed to have empty slots. The character had all the gear I listed when submitting for a quote. 
2. It wasn't half his gear it was 5 pieces (earring, ring x1, waist, ranged, wrist x1)

I then said ok, sorry, I will buy gear to fill in those spots, but what do you mean it was not as described? 

Tyler replies - "My manager said you are missing the BP you said you had which is a very big deal. We do not buy accounts from people who mislead us about what is on them"

I tell him the BP is in the bank and that I don't appreciate being called a liar. I'm not at home so I leave it at that point for the evening.

The next day I log onto the account, take the BP out of the bank and equip it and then buy him nice trade-able gear for the empty slots such as ring of absurdity, fingerbone hoop, blue diamond bracer, etc.

It's at this time I notice one of them, out of spite I assuming for making them look dumb when they called me a liar about the BP, had popped one of my XP pots. It is currently sitting at 3 hours and 53 minutes (you guys are either some highly intelligent 8 year olds or sad excuses for adults).

I email them back to let them know I filled in the empty slots and that they account only has 1 xp pot now that they used one. I get no reply. A day goes by so I email them again, quite angry this time.

"I am going to assume that you guys are backing out on our deal. The character is as I described and I meet all your requests. If I do not hear back I will be posting my experience along with our emails and screen shots of the potion you used to Red Guides and everywhere else you sell. I couldn't care less that you have my personal information. That will not stop me from sharing my story and warning others not to deal with a group of unprofessional scammers. "

James replies with "Feel free to post your experience all you want. You attempted to trick us into buying a stripped character so no, we will not be doing business with you. Furthermore, nobody used your potion so you can take your false accusations elsewhere."

Clearly I was not attempting to "trick" them into buying a "stripped" account. The account is full raid geared minus a few trade-able slots that I removed because of their value. When they informed me about not buying stuff with empty slots, which was never mentioned during the initial process, I immediately bought gear for him. 

They now have my personal and account information which I assume was their goal to start with. I'm also stuck with a character that I can't in good conscious sell since I assume they will attempt to steal it at some point. 

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