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  • Report:  #678258

Complaint Review: Ace Industrial Supply Inc.

Ace Industrial Supply Inc. several others from what i understand i was told i would get "contractor quality" and "heavy duty". instead i got cheap junk and wrong items. Burbank, California

  • Reported By:
    Ryan — DeForest Wisconsin United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, January 04, 2011
  • Updated:
    Tue, December 17, 2013
  • Ace Industrial Supply Inc.
    7535 San Fernando Blvd
    Burbank, California
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Web:
  • Category:

i had been skeptical of this company from day one. i bought sawsall blades from them because they said they were better than anything i have ever used. at about 4 bucks or more a blade, they better be. i got them and after using the first one i instantly knew they were not even half of what they were claimed to be.

called salesman - no answer, no voicemail

i was called about a month or two later, i got a call from salesman trying to sell more stuff. told him about crappy blades and he says "yeah, they were pretty bad. we got a lot of complaints about those." so i ask what they will do about it. "well," he says, "i can give you a deal on a hole-saw kit." he proceeded to tell me he would have it to my door for 240 something. got the invoice and saw a freight charge of almost 70 dollars. i looked online and found EXACT kit he sold me for 132. i finally got ahold of him and asked what was up with the massive markup. he sold it to me for the all those shipping charges. total bullshit.

next time i was called, i told them not to bother calling me again.

a few months go by and no calls. recently i got a call from another salesman from the same company. he explained to me that i was a good customer and always paid on time. because of that he wanted to give me a "special" offer. He offered me a brand new heavy duty super sawsall, one of their polar/solar cords, a mini torch, and some other "samples". but only if i buy some sawsall blades. in his words: "basically, i am bribing you to spend your money with us."

I was a sucker and said ok to the bosch blades at 4.70 something a blade. but when the package arrived (a week later than expected) i found nothing was what it was claimed to be. the sawsall is a cheapo homeowner line milwaukee, the cord is a 16/3 cheapo (not the polar/solar cord i was promised). the blades were not useful to me as i cannot cut a 4" pipe with a 6" blade. i said i needed 6" of cutting length. the other stuff was an assortment of junk i can get for 5 or 6 bucks at harbor freight.

i tried to e-mail them to say i was not pleased at all. no surprise, email not found and it was kicked back. tried calling and get no answer. i will keep trying and post updates as they happen.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Customer Service Manager


Ryan, DeForest Wisconsin

#4UPDATE Employee

Tue, December 17, 2013

I am sorry to hear that you did not have a positive experience with your order and delivery process. If there is ever an issue with your item(s) you have not received, the process is straight forward to resolve. There is a customer service 800 number on the packing slip included with the delivery as well as on the invoice that is sent shortly thereafter.

If a customer attempts to contact a member of the sales staff directly, they may find it fairly difficult as they are very phone reliant and rarely have a line that is not in use (busy). The customer service staff at Ace is capable of addressing and resolving most orders.

In the case of missing items that were to be included or changed out, customer service can make arrangements to ship those missing items out to you in a timely fashion. If your issue is still unresolved, please contact us directly at 800-223-3129 and we will be happy to resolve your order to your satisfaction.



Ace Industrial Supply Compliance Department




Oh, sue me, Ace Industrial! PLEASE, SUE ME! The FTC could use your money.

#4General Comment

Tue, January 04, 2011

I just read through a few more of these complaints and see that Ace Industrial has been suing people who file these reports.

Let's see...Ace Industrial has a letter from me dated Feb 2006 telling them in no uncertain terms not to call me any more. I have proof that the letter was received. The fact that it was ignored is immaterial to me. The fact that they ignore the Do Not Call registry is immaterial to me.

They have called me...lots of times...since 2006.

From the FTC website:

"A company that is a seller or telemarketer could be liable for placing any telemarketing calls (even to numbers NOT on the registry) unless the seller has accessed the registry and paid the fee, if required. Violators may be subject to fines of up to $16,000 per violation. Each call may be considered a separate violation."

I think Ace Industrial doesn't even pay the fee to get the Do Not Call list. They just call and call and call.

And since I AM on the Do Not Call registry, let's see what the fines for that violation are:

9. How does the established business relationship provision work for a consumer whose number is on the registry?

A company with which a consumer has an established business relationship may call for up to 18 months after the consumers last purchase or last delivery, or last payment, unless the consumer asks the company not to call again. In that case, the company must honor the request not to call. If the company calls again, it may be subject to a fine of up to $16,000 .

I would love for the FTC to search the Ace Industrial phone records and find my number on it many times over. For many years. The fines alone might put the whole harassing enterprise out of business once and for all and get them, at long last, OFF MY PHONE LINES!I have begged Ace to quit calling me. More than once.

I think that Ace Industrial would be better served improving the products it sells to the standard it claims they are instead of spending money on lawyers to file useless lawsuits.

These clowns should be aware that people are logging those calls....




You'll NEVER get rid of Ace Industrial. They will call you long after you are dead and your bones have turned to dust! Losers with way too many phone numbers.

#4General Comment

Tue, January 04, 2011

I had the misfortune to get "acquainted" with Ace Industrial years ago. Like you, I tried ordering a few times only to be disappointed with each order.

I have a copy of a certified letter in my files dated in February 2006 telling them not to call me anymore because I had the same junk not as described, over-inflated shipping charges and lies from their salespeople. An Ace Industrial employee did sign for the certified letter, but it did not slow them down one bit.

I put all my business phone numbers on the FTC Do Not Call registry. Still didn't slow them down. Since I had bought something years ago, we supposedly now have an unbreakable "business relationship" that allows them to call me well into infinity. (That is not true...according to the FTC site, even if you had a business relationship at one time a customer can end it by simply telling them not to call anymore.) UNLESS it is Ace Industrial!

Ace Industrial continued to call. I warned them verbally many times to stop calling, that I was not interested. Finally, when I saw their name and number in the Caller ID box, I would lift the receiver and end the call without saying a word.

I also began paying extra each month for the phone company to filter out blocked and anonymous calls, another favored ploy of Ace Industrial.

When the Ace Industrial telephone salespeople caught on to what I was doing, Ace employees began calling me with spoofed cell numbers that showed up as name "Not Provided" and supposedly coming from NY, NJ, Texas and all over the country. When I would get caught unawares by this I would tell them that they had made me so angry with their constant telephone games that I would never buy any cheap crap again from them. Then they would get ugly about it.

I finally purchased a Zenith EZ Hangup. It is a little device that tells the telemarketer in a polite way to get lost. (Unfortunately, these are no longer available.) If you discover a telemarketer on your phone you just hit the button and hang up. I began using it for all "Unknown Name" "odd numbers" calls-pick up, hit the button, and hang up without saying a word.

Your name and phone number will cycle randomly through the Ace Industrial sales call list for eternity and you will be harassed forever by an endless cycle of new telemarketing employees.

Maybe you can get a telezapper or some other similar item. It will not work if they are using a valid phone number, though. I Googled some of the numbers the salespeople were using and they were real numbers with real owners. (I often wondered if those poor people got hit with an outrageous phone bill because of the Ace Industrial illicit use).

I wish you luck with them. They are tenacious and will get rude with you when you try to politely tell them never to call again. I think I have finally stopped the calls using the device as it has been quite some time since I have heard from them, but I am not relaxing just yet.

Ace Industrial's business model is guaranteed to lose customers for them but it seems to be the only one they know.

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