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  • Report:  #365343


ACE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY Quality Tools Great Prices Service Tim SternsACE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC Burbank Quality Tools Great Prices Service Tim Sterns Telemarketing phone tool lennox sawzall milwaukee blade dewalt saw safety supplier rips off customers and salesmen Burbank California

  • Reported By:
    Boise Idaho
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 21, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, September 23, 2015
    7535 San Fernando Blvd.
    Burbank, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I worked for this company for 3 years, and finally got feed up with what I saw on a day to day basis.

This company is in the business of calling on customers in the farming, construction, auto business, basically anyone that will use their tools. One the surface it looked like a great job to me.

In reality this company berates and lies to customers just to get their products out the door. All the sales trainers teach this method. Anything from cussing out wifes and secretaries of customers to literally threaten customers if they do not buying their products. I also received complaints from customers on a daily basis of highly inflated charges being added to their invoices. Ace would add upwards of 28% additional charges to customers, even if the salesman would submit the order with no freight or charges to be added.

Ace treats both its internal and external sales force in the same way. The owner (Tim) constantly changes policy and pencil whips checks. It was also not uncommon to find customers that never returned their product back to Ace and yet we as salesmen still got charged back not only for the product but the overly inflated freight as well.

The only benefit I found to working at this place was the huge amount of customers we would get from other companies that the owner would recruit on, and then later screw over. We would receive large amounts of existing customers from other salesmen that were not in our building. There were in other states, I believe Idaho, Arizona, Florida, and Ohio. I think they would catch on to Ace's changing of policy after they would recruit them, then they would leave and we would get all of their accounts.

Even though I made decent money there, I just cannot keep lying and yelling at customers. And to anyone thinking about working for this company stay away. I have since gone on to a more reputable supplier and have been happy with their product line and customer service.

Boise, Idaho

19 Updates & Rebuttals

I win

Find me,
New Foundland,

I beat ACE

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, September 23, 2015

 After a million calls, and me trying to explain that I was closing business. I got tired and ordered 1200$ in diamond blades... Before you judge, let me say that I knew of the quality and tactics from this company. Anyways the blades showed up as promised along with the FREE glasses and gloves I was promised. (They really where free) about a month later I get a call about paying the invoice and saving 2%. ... I say what package, I never got it, sent me another one and I received it soon after... I sold the blades to a young bricklayer that was just starting out (I only charged him 100$) claimed bankcruptcy about a month later, called ACE and left them a hilarious message explaining everything and kindly gave them my ex wife's number if they needed to contact me.... Thanks ACE :)


sun valley,

check it out

#20UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 14, 2013

 I have worked for ace for seven years now and been in tool sales for 11 years. Anyone who is a talented and a hard working salesman knows that you get what you put in to it. Also if you expect a handout or someone to co sign your bullshit then you wont find it here at ace. Mr Stearns is a guy that i am proud to say i know and work with.

And as far as your concerned  Work on your story No Wonder you didnt make enough money. Try this look in the mirror there is your problem einstein. Now please go find a rock to crawl under and do everyone a favor If You need some help on closing feel free to call me at 555- nermind r.l.



dear mike fisk

#20UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 28, 2013

Dear Mike fisk,
Stop crying, if your a good salesman then you'll deliver what you promiss to your customers I have a low return rate because I don't lie, if the product is garbage then don't sell it. It plain black and white if you don't wanna charge freight or stc then take the unders, I've been with ace, and all the rest. Ccs and bsi. List goes on but quit and find a better job if you don't like the ace family. Been here for 5 yrs and its the best tool sales place ever. Quit crying



The Rest Of The Story

#20UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 18, 2013

I have been an employee of Ace Industrial Supply for about three years now. I would like to clear the air about the author of the original post that uses the name Fisk. He is a competitor of a rival company in the same town as the office he "reported". His office employs the same employees using the same sales tactics as Ace Industrial Supply.

We do employ a high pressure sales approach and that approach is not for everyone. In regards to acting as if we are friends of the potential customer, if calling someone by their first name is considered to be misleading then I don't know how to fix that. We do carry a wide array of products some that are not industrial quality and should not be represented as such. 

I am a manager of my own office in a different location. I have never seen nor would I tolerate anything resembling a threat to be used on my sales floor. I have a zero tolerance policy towards disrespectful behavior. I completely agree and sympathize that there have been a number of unsatisfied customers. I make it my duty to make sure that every order that passes across my desk is fulfilled to the best standards within my power. I have repeat customers myself that have asked for items we carry that are substandard and I have told them I flat out refuse to sell them that product because I know they would not be happy with the quality. Not every salesman has the same morals. I cannot control every person that calls from every office.

In regards to the unhappy customer with the drop lights I apologize for the trouble and I am truly sorry that you felt taken advantage of. I wish the salesman you had worked with had better remedied the situation. I just hope you realize that, we, as salesmen, are not always aware of the entire scope of the product. That is why product recalls and refunds for faulty products exist. Again I wish this situation had been taken care of properly.

In closing, I realize that some customers are lost forever due to bad experiences. Some business relationships cannot be repaired after the trust has been broken. I just wanted to clear the air so that people would know that the person they all stood behind was a fraud. Not a disgruntled employee, but a conniving competitor. 

Thank you for your time


New Jersey,


#20Consumer Comment

Fri, November 09, 2012

You must buy a lot, and often, that they don't hound you to the point of insanity.

After I had a car set on fire by their Taywaaaann droplight and found the other 7 lights were also defective, I decided to NEVER buy merchandise over the phone again. I tried for a couple of weeks to 'return' these lights and get a refund, only to get voicemail after voicemail. That's when I googled 'ace' and found this site. After I saw the quality of the dealings other people had with these shamsters, I realized I was beating a dead horse; I would never see a dime. So, I repaired the customers classic Mustang that was burnt, and discarded the lights.

That did not stop the calls. I politely (as you suggested) said NO. Calls continued. I firmly said NO (as you so brilliantly suggested) The calls continued. I got 8 to 10 calls a month. I began using a NASTY "NO", as you so brilliantly suggested with such eloquence, and the calls continued. Then I instituted a VERY NASTY "NO", which proved non-productive; calls continued. Then, surpassing your eloquent and brilliant suggestion, I began with NASTY, LEWD AND CONDESCENDING retorts to the callers; calls continued. That's how the 'order' for $1105 worth of their merchandise happened.

After many, many LOUD, lewd, curse-out, get-lost-STOP-CALLING-ME sessions, it became an entertainment here when ace called. My friends/ employees KNEW who was calling. They would often shout obscenities as I shouted at the turd on the other end of the phone. There would be a 5 minute comedy session after the call because of the disbelief that someone would NOT remove my number from their sales list after receiving such abuse. After having magnified your eloquent, brilliant suggestion, IT DIDN'T WORK. It didn't work for at least 50 progressively louder, more lewd, more condescending, more mother and sister introducing and suggestive calls. I even invented instructions that were physically impossible. SURPRISE! Your "NO" idea didn't work. 

I left to get parts and signed a check in case a dealer delivery or the like came in my absence. UPS did come and it was ace. Now, you have to understand one thing. A week and a half BEFORE the delivery, I was on the road at lunchtime and I got a call from the 'shipping department' of ace. SHIPPING? My curiosity held me on the phone. They informed me that they had this packace to send to me but couldn't send it because I was on their "DON'T CALL LIST"!!!! I asked how they could've CALLED me if I'm on that list; there couldn't possibly be any order. The turd told me that the SALESPEOPLE don't get the list; only the SHIPPING DEPT. They gave me an 800 number to call to request being taken of the no-call list and then they would ship the stuff. I never wrote it down; I never called. They shipped it anyway! 

So, with the signed check in the book, and the package in the office, and me out at the time, the check was filled out and given to the UPS driver. When I got back, I STOPPED the check and put the package in a closet.

It took 2 months for the geniuses at ace to figure out they didn't get paid. Then I got harassed by another turd from Cross Check, their collection gershtapo,  james mc daniel for "bouncing" the check. I informed him (it) thet I STOPPED the check, it didn't bounce. It told me that didn't matter. So, cross check took away the right that the consumer has to dispute improper, fraudulent, or misleading sales practices. I sent mc daniels a photocopy of my middle finger in salute status and he called to tell me he hung it proudly on his cubicle. Doesn't that make you feel warm and fuzzy?

Then the ace turds presented that ILLEGAL draft in an effort to withdraw the $1105 from my account. Ace industrial and their CEO tim stearns are cut-throat, hacks who will do anything to get your money. They harrass people and your suggestion of "NO" is ignorant and baseless. Read some of the posts in this blog; then talk. All they have to do is package up some dog feces, ship it to someone and send the bill to their accomplices at cross check. Even people who REFUSE packages are billed anyway. People are told one thing over the phone and billed differently and excessively with the shipments. There are over 350 posts, pal. Read on.  

I gave ace, on several occasions, the option/ demand both verbal and written by fax and certified mail to send a call tag and retreive their package. We're talking about $1105 worth of "tools". They ignored those requests/ demands. Why? I submit that the contents of that box weren't worth the cost of shipping it back from New Jersey to Burbank. They'd rather try illegal practices to steal my money. They have no scruples. By association, I question yours.

In your crusade to pardon ace industrial from any 'perceived' misdeeds that the 350+ poster have written herein this site, please pick on some other misguided individual who mistakenly misenterpreted the pure, wholesome actions that ace industrial perpetrated upon them. I don't have any more time for you or the tripe you stir. 

Ace industrial sucks; read on oh righteous one! Enjoy your blades; they're probably contaminated with some kind radiation or chemicals. Shut off the lights and see if you glow in the dark. Think how much you might save on energy bills!


Potter Valley,
United States of America

Only Pleased, not "Happy"

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, November 09, 2012


Im sorry that you had to resort to sarcasm to make a point. I sensed that was what you were using to 1) Demonstrate your miss-guided and unresolved anger, 2) Indicate that you are not well versed in grammatical syntax, sentence and paragraphical structure, the use of a spell-check utility, and 3) to obviously show that you are very anxious and too quick with your rebuttal to confuse me with Blackhawk and, 4) Highly presumptuous about my reasons for writing about my positive experiences with Ace Industrial.

To assure you I am not a plant. I am a foreman and an RME for a commercial/residential building construction company on the West coast. We have been in business for over 30 years and have jobs and customers nationwide. I stumbled upon the Rip-Off Website when I Googled Ace Industrial to make an on-line order. I was surprised and intrigued by the writings and complaints re Ace Industrial. I felt compelled to write something truthful and positive about my experiences in light of the negative scope surrounding your, and others, experiences.

Our company does not settle for substandard tools or lack of performance. I have ordered a number of blades, bits, drills, drivers, fasteners from Ace over the years and have been mostly satisfied. If we werent, Ace made it right by 1) crediting our account for the tools we were not satisfied with, without even returning them, 2) Shipping us new and higher quality tools to replace them, immediately, and 3) All this without any questions asked or argument given. I will concur with your experience re the Ace salesman using hounding techniques for their sales calls, but this is what salesman do. I want to suggest to you, John, that using a few words like, No, or, Im not interested, or, I cant talk right now, or how about, Dont call me back are typically effective with most phone solicitors.

I am sorry that you have had a bad experience(s) with Ace. I understand and can be empathetic. We have had bad experiences with other suppliers. I would venture to say that youre attitude and approach to things of this nature probably presents to you these types of experiences

Also, to assure you, I am not writing on this site because I am Happy. I am, as stated, only pleased.

Blackhawk Maintenance, LLC



#20Consumer Comment

Thu, November 08, 2012

John,  Hope you are not putting my company in the same group with the above idiot.


New Jersey,

what planet did u come from?

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, November 08, 2012

First of all jack...., ace doesn't sell tv's. I thought that anyone who had enough command of the english language to type, had enough intelligence to identify sarcasm. Apparently I grossly overestimated your capacity. So let me go through s l o w l y....    I never bought a tv. If I did and was happy, I wouldn't smash it over the seller's head. T h e   p u r p o s e .. of that was to demonstrate (show) that no happy person who had to say what you did would ever even FIND this site. What happy moron would look for a 'complaint blog'? Unless they were affiliated (r e l a t e d ) in some way to the company being complained about.

I see you are with blackhawk. That might explain your passion. I used to have a 'power pedal' for our frame machine's hydraulics. I had to constantly fix the air inlet contraption that AMERICAN Blackhawk designed. Finally, after a dozen or so 'fixes', I sent it out to be rebuilt. $200 and a couple of weeks later, it stopped working. I tried to contact blackhawk. I didn't know they weren't an AMERICAN company anymore. Everything, including the company, had been OUTSOURCED. I tried for over a month to order parts and got NOWHERE. Finally, I got blackhawk's fax number and faxed them the order with a couple of lines of oriental-looking characters that I made up. There were abour $13 worth of parts. I FINALLY got them. They never even billed me, I guess from shame. I 'fixed' the footpedal. It lasted about a month and went into the dumpster.  SO:

I think you like them because they 'sell' stuff from taywaaaan. They break easily, so you are affiliated (hooked-up) with them because you fix their returned 'tools.

Another note. The quality of these so-called tools is usually a secondary complaint. What I see on this blog is their BUSINESS PRACTICES. They hound you (me and other complainers) incessantly. Even after I stopped-pay a check for $1105 for an unwanted, unordered box they sent me, they continued to bombmbard me with 'sales calls'. I got another order and never paid them. Two more came, one twice, and I refused them. They had to pay shipping, shipping, and shipping. I think the turds finally learned to NOT call me anymore. If they do, I WILL order all they will allow me to, so they get more shipping bills. Who knows, maybe a packace worth $600 or even $1000 will come when I'm not here, one of my employees will pay with a pre-signed check, and I can stop-pay it again and throw out more of their unwanted 'merchandise'.

I stopped payment on $1105. They created a draft (like a check-by-phone) for that amount and submitted it to my bank. Now think H A R D, They get back a photocopy of my initial check with  "PAYMENT STOPPED" emblazoned (s t a m p e d) across the front of it. Then they create (m a k e) a draft 

( c h e c k) which says in effect that 'this payment has been authorized by the maker ( m e ) and no signature is required. Think h a r d now. I stop pay a check then I authorize a draft? If I stopped a check, any legitimate company, if they resolved the issue of why the check was stopped, would want a cashier's check which I (me m y s e l f & I ) would have to secure (g e t), and send it to them. I did not do that, nor would I. When I went to my bank, they agreed that what they did was ILLEGAL. Ace is a harrassing, relentless bunch of turds (or is it terds?) They don't quit; they are desparate to package and send their stuff to people, regardless of the circumstances.

Got all that? Read on, pal.

Blackhawk Maintenance, LLC



#20Consumer Comment

Thu, November 08, 2012

If you claim to have gotten quality from these Jack wagons, your either stupid or a liar. Which
is it?


New Jersey,


#20Consumer Comment

Wed, November 07, 2012

  I'm glad you like your high quality tools from ace. There's one born every minute, my mother used to say. In this state we have ez pass. For most people it's great and saves them time. But there are a few screw-ups that wind up where people have their driver's licenses revoked. When they find out, prove it shouldn't have been revoked, they still have to pay for restoration (over $100). There are a few who didn't find out and lost their jobs behind driving on the revoked list. One lost his job and went into foreclosure and divorce. Others still use ez Pass and are oblivious to the POTENTIAL risk. Do happy ez Pass users go on here and write how happy they are? A victim might, but happy?

So, you're one of the lucky ones who got good stuff there (I think you're a plant) and for no apparent reason, you happened to visit a 'Rip-Off Report' site because you were so happy with your merchandise. Sure!  I went last week and bought a flat screen TV. It works so well, I'm going to take it back to the seller and smash it over his head, I'm so happy! Then I'll write in to this site and tell everyone how happy I am!  PLEEZE!!! 


Potter Valley,
United States of America

Pleased with Products and Service

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, November 07, 2012

I have been purchasing tools from Ace Industrial for use in my Building Construction Co. for a number of years, now.  The tools have always been represented accurately on the phone and the orders are delivered expediently and as ordered.

The tools are usually top/highest quality and perform as good or better than local, off-the-shelf, name brand products. For the most part, I have been satisfied with their products.

Sure, there are commonly problems with any mail-order products...i.e. products not as described, miss-orders, wrong products shipped, etc....but I have always found Ace Industrial Supply to be more than willing to make it right. They have always taken tools back for return and credit, they have shipped the right tool out prior to me returning a tool, they have included "free/additional/trial" tools with all of my orders and have otherwise been very negotiable about the bill if there is any dissatisfaction with the order.

I would recommend this company to any building or construction company who needs or uses a lot of specialty fasteners, blades, bits, or tools that typically wear out quickly. Their shipping is also very fast...!


New Jersey,


#20Consumer Comment

Fri, July 20, 2012

  I was constantly barraged with calls from these turds. I had bought droplights in '09 and thay were all no good. One caught on fire in a customer's car and did damage. After that I got nasty and obscene and lewd with the 'salespeople'; it didn't work. Finally, a 'friend', as a joke, ordered over $1000 worth of their worthless 'tools' and I was out when they came. My employee filled out one of the pre-signed checks I leave when I go for parts, and paid the UPS driver. When I found out, I stopped the check. They wanted money; I told them to send for the box of junk. They wouldn't. I threw the stuff away. They gave it to 'Cross Check' for collections. They also went into my account with a draft to try (illegally) to get their grand.

  What that 'ex-employee' says, I firmly believe. Ace will do ANYTHING to move their Taiwan 'tools' out the door. Best part is that they still call me. I still order as large (and heavy) an order as I can. This way they get to pay shipping BOTH ways when I tell UPS where to put the box of junk.


United States of America

this is a bad company

#20Consumer Comment

Tue, April 24, 2012

i have also had problems with this company. When I did not want to buy anything from them the sales man called back and started cussing at me. When I asked him to give me a real phone number he hung up. The fact that they need to use spoofing to hide the phone number should tell you somthing about this company. Also correct me if I'm wrong but spoofing carrings a 10,000 fine per call. 

Blackhawk Maintenance, LLC



#20Consumer Comment

Mon, November 21, 2011

After reading all the negative reports about Ace Industrial supply I refused the shippment at the door.  They still are sending me bills, one of which I opened out of curiosity.   Not only did they over charge me on the items I ordered, by almost 300%, the "free shipping" was $175.  Now that I am returning all thier invoices "return to sender" they are calling every day.  They will not accept that it was refused.  Avoid this company!!!!  The owners, managers, and staff are criminals.


United States of America

OMG, give us a break! Here is what our customer suggested.

#20UPDATE Employee

Sun, June 06, 2010

I work for Ace Industrial out of Washington state.

A shop owner I spoke with on the East Coast was very polite and very Italian.

He stated to me that he had already bought OUR air hoses and that they were so good and so durable and had lasted so long, he had no need to buy more from us for a very long time...and his suggestion to me:  We needed to make them cheaper, like in China, so they would wear out quicker. With the American made hoses we sell, and the quality, they last so long that he would not have to buy anymore for quite some time. 

This Italian client here in the USA actually told me that we should have China make these hoses so that they would wear out much much quicker; meaning that when we called again, he would actually have to order more air hoses. 

So much for job security! A customer literally telling me that because of the great quality of our products, how can we make repeat sales?  I had to agree.

What could I say?  I thanked him for his time and told him to have a nice day!

Now you folks know why we call you over and over again. The air hoses aren't wearing out, just like we originally told you they wouldn't-but just in case...




#20Consumer Comment

Wed, October 14, 2009

To: Fisk:


On April 16, 2009, a complaint entitled Ace Industrial Supply, Inc. v. John Doe 1, et al., was filed in the Los Angeles Superior Court North Central District, located at 300 East Olive, Burbank, California91502, and designated Case No. EC049753 (hereinafter, the California Action).  The California Action includes a cause of action for libel and a cause of action for libel per se.  As alleged in the California Action, a cause of action for libel is brought against the individual who uses the pseudonym Fisk and intentionally published on the website the following statement on August 21, 2008 and later modified on August 28, 2008, under the heading entitled, Ace Industrial Supply: that Ace Industrial Supply, Inc., berates and lies to customers just to get their products out the door.  All the sales trainers teach this method.  Anything from cussing out wifes and secretaries of customers to literally threaten customers if they do not buying their products.  The California Action was instituted because the published statement referenced above is false, were read by third persons and Ace Industrial Supply, Inc. has suffered damages as a result of the publication of the false statement referenced above.


In or about August 2009, Case No. CV2009-025710 was assigned to legal action entitled Industrial Supply, Inc. v. John Doe 1, et al by the Superior Court of the State of Arizona In And For The County Of Maricopa, located at 201 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2243 (hereinafter, the Arizona Action).  The purpose of the Arizona Action was to obtain a Subpoena Duces Tecum compelling XCentric Ventures LLC, an Arizona Limited Liability Company (hereinafter, XCentric), the manager of the website found at, to provide Ace Industrial Supply, Inc. with information that will lead to the discovery of the true identity of the individual(s) who use the pseudonym Fisk and intentionally published the statement on the website which is referenced in the preceding paragraph.  The purpose of obtaining this information is so that Ace Industrial Supply, Inc. can properly serve the California Action and prosecute the California Action against the actual individual(s) who published the statementson the website which is referenced in the preceding paragraph.  On August 28, 2009, the Superior Court of the State of Arizona In And For The County Of Maricopa issued a Subpoena Duces Tecum directed at XCentric which included certain requests which are made for the purpose of obtaining from XCentric information that will lead to the discovery of the true identity of the individual(s) who use the pseudonym Fisk and intentionally published the statement on the website which is referenced in the preceding paragraph.  Said Subpoena Duces Tecum has been served on XCentric.



The individual(s) who use the pseudonym Fisk, as referenced above, PLEASE BE ADVISED, you have the right to timely and anonymously file and serve a response to the Subpoena Duces Tecum.  Such a response can include an objection to the Subpoena Duces Tecum.  You are strongly encouraged to seek legal advice with respect to your rights concerning all issues mentioned herein.  Any response to the Subpoena Duces Tecum should be filed with Superior Court of the State of Arizona In And For The County Of Maricopa, located at 201 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2243 and a copy of any response should be mailed to the following: 1) Kerry M. Griggs, Esq., The Cavanagh Law Firm, 1850 North Central Ave., #240, Phoenix, Arizona 85004, phone: 602-322-4000; 2) Gary N. Schwartz, Esq., Spile, Siegal, Leff & Goor, LLP, 16501 Ventura Blvd., Suite 610, Encino, California 91436; and 3)XCentric Ventures, LLC, 3200 N. Central Avenue, Suite 2000, Phoenix, Arizona 85012.  If you desire copies of any pleadings filed in the California Action and/or the Arizona Action, you may request same, on an anonymous basis from Kerry M. Griggs, Esq., Gary N. Schwartz, Esq. or you may obtain such pleadings directly from the Los Angeles Superior Court North Central District and the Superior Court of the State of Arizona In And For The County Of Maricopa.


PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that fourteen (14) days from October 13, 2009, legal counsel for Ace Industrial Supply, Inc. in the Arizona Action, namely the Cavanagh Law Group referenced above, intends to bring a motion in the Arizona Action, requesting that the Superior Court of the State of Arizona In And For The County Of Maricopa issue an order compelling XCentric to provide the information requested in the Subpoena Duces Tecum that was previously issued on August 28, 2009 and subsequently served on XCentric.


This notification is being provided to you pursuant to the Court of Appeals, State of Arizona, Division One holding in the matter entitled Mobilisa, Inc. v. John Doe 1, et al., Case No. 1 CA-CV 06-0521.



and the owner tim stearn is a dirtball scumbag

#20UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 29, 2008

who married a one legged stripper. He berates his employees and barely stops in except for his daily beatings. I would recommend avoiding this place at all costs. Besides the fact they sell imported junk



and the owner tim stearn is a dirtball scumbag

#20UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 29, 2008

who married a one legged stripper. He berates his employees and barely stops in except for his daily beatings. I would recommend avoiding this place at all costs. Besides the fact they sell imported junk



and the owner tim stearn is a dirtball scumbag

#20UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 29, 2008

who married a one legged stripper. He berates his employees and barely stops in except for his daily beatings. I would recommend avoiding this place at all costs. Besides the fact they sell imported junk

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