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  • Report:  #1003520

Complaint Review: ACN

ACN Andrew and Mike Maser; Michelle Dowling Unethical Practices Concord, North Carolina

  • Reported By:
    NotaJuiceDrinker — short Hills New Jersey U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Sat, January 26, 2013
  • Updated:
    Thu, January 18, 2018

I had a friend call me up and ask me to come hear about how to make tons of money every month without having to work very many hours.  Naturally I was skeptical but I trusted my friend and he asked me to do him a favor by coming to an info session.  At the session I listened to Andrew Maser talk about how he was making all kinds of money every month and he's only been with ACN for 2 years.  They gave me a clip board after the talk and asked me to spend $499 to be involved.  I signed up after reading the fine print that I could cancel within 10 business days.  

They told me to begin making calls immediately to invite all my friends and family members to an info session even though I hadn't been to training and knew absolutely nothing about the company.  The told me to stick to the script that said to ask people if they wanted to hear Patrick Maser tell them how he makes $250,000 a month.  They said if anyone asks any questions that I was not supposed to answer them, instead I was supposed to 3 way in one of the Maser brothers.  I called a few people and 2 people said they'd listen but they wouldn't give me a date when they would come.  So I decided to go to the info meeting to hear the pitch again even though I couldn't get anyone to come with me.  I was hoping to learn more about the company and I really wanted to hear Patrick Maser speak.  

So I go to this meeting and much to my surprise Patrick Maser was no where in sight.  The woman giving the pitch was Michelle Dowling, one of my uplines who had been with ACN for 3 months.  That was the first sign that these guys were dishonest.  If I had gotten people to come with me I would have been extremely embarrassed that I promised them they'd be hearing from someone who had been with the company for 10 years and had make millions of dollars, and instead what we got was a rookie who wasn't making any significant money with the company.  

After meeting with uplines and making more phone calls (and getting more nos), I decided I would have absolutely no success selling something I wasn't passionate about.  They want you to sell home services just on the basis that because you work for ACN your friends will sign up to do you a favor.  They tell you that your sales pitch needs to be focused on getting a favor since we cannot promise them any savings nor can we claim superior service.  I don't know about anyone else but I'd have a hard time selling something that had no value added except that you're doing me a favor.

I had a couple of Wall Street friends analyze the company and tell me their business model was great for upper management but that it is extremely hard for IBO's to make money since the commissions are so miniscule.  There is very little money to be made on the residual side unless you have 10's of thousands of dollars of customers.  Only 1% of ACN's IBO's make any significant earnings.  The following article lays out the commission structure:  I called Michelle Dowling to tell her I was canceling.  She of course tried to talk me out of it and patched Andrew Maser in on our call.  He pushed me to go to training that weekend and I told him that I had only one day left to cancel (to get my $499 back).  He said not to worry about that - he would personally make sure that I was refunded the $499 if after training I still wanted out.  Michelle then proceeded to tell me how important the Maser brothers were and that they have a direct phone line to ACN and ACN does whatever they ask for.  She told me that Andrew would just make a call and I'd have my refund.  They told me I had absolutely nothing to loose.  I went to training that Sat. and all I heard about was how they want to help people at ACN.  That they are a completely altruistic company.  Then I heard a lot about how many cars, planes, houses the Maser brothers had.  

I called Adrew Maser the following day and said that I still was not interested and wanted to cancel.  He again tried to talk me out of it.  I got off the phone with him and decided that I would text him the following day so he could stop wasting my time by giving the same sales pitch.  I  texted Andrew and Michelle on Monday and told them I'd like to get out and get my refund.  Silence from both.  So I began calling and texting.  Neither would return my call or text.  Then I sent a text to them and cc'd Patrick and Mike Maser.  I got a text from Mike telling me to call him.  I called him and for 15 minutes he yelled at me and bullied me.  I kept trying to get a word in edgewise and to tell him I had my mind completely made up.  His demeanor from the beginning was extremely aggressive and really unattractive.  I kept telling him that all I needed was the help they promised on getting my refund.  He said he did not own ACN and they could do nothing to get my refund.  By the end of the conversation I was bawling because he was so awful to me.  

Maybe there are uplines at ACN that really have other's interests at heart but you will not find that with these people.  They have one thing on their minds and that is themselves.  Mike Maser kept telling me that making a couple million dollars a year was nothing and he did not consider that successful.  Not much humility there.  I'm not sure why a guy claiming to make millions of dollars a year would spend that kind of time bullying me.  It makes no sense.  All I know is that I am extremely disappointed with myself for ever getting myself mixed up with this.  I should have known better and I have wasted so much of my time and energy on this.  

There is a reason why over the last 12 years 50% of ACN RVP's have the left the company.  People - please be careful with this company.  

8 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

I was like you too.

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 17, 2018

I feel you on how you feel abot the company.  I was sceptical at first, but I decided to give it all I had for a short period of time.   You, on  the other hand, seem hell bent to prove them a bad company.  You CAN make huge money in the business if you went for it.  Maybe I stuck with it because I was in sales and made huge money.  

NOs are merely the signs that you are doing something, and  progressing.  

When you are in the 'employee' mindset, you expect to merely show up, shuffle some papers and get that guaranteed check every Friday.  With all due respect, you have a loser's mentality.  A plantation  mentality.  There are NO members of the Forbes 400 who have a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke!)  There are NO members of the Forbes 400 who work for wages or a salary, or exchange hours for dollars.  NONE!  They ALL earn RESIDUAL INCOME.  You're telling us that THEY are wrong and YOU are right!!??  I wonder if Bill Gates, or Michael Dell get a warning if they show up late, and have to go to HR to plead their case!  LOL!

A friend of mine, whom I thoug was pretty savy, said NO to the opportunity because there is no healthcare plan, and no 'benefits"!!?  Benefits are for slaves.  If Gates, with his NO Benefits position, stubbs his toe...He'll pay the bill with money covered in pocket lint... and maybe write a check for a new wing to hospital! They are golden handcuffs! (And you see my friend is handcuffed to his J.O.B!  He's not living where he wants, or vacationing with his family like he wants, but at least "all his bill are paid".  SMDH!?  He's a good friend, but I won't bail him out with a third of my monthly residual check to take his whold family on vacation while keeping his mortgatge up.  He's NOT my kid brother.

Do yourself a favor and read  a list of losers, flops, nerdowells and goofs...  It's the afformentioned Forbes 400 rich list.  If you're getting the same pay for doing the same menial thing week in, and week out. you're going to end up broke. 

No risk, No rejection, no reward!

I respect your opinion, but the Masers were rilght, and you were there to prove your scepticizm, that's all.  You always find what you are looking for.  

I've sold cars, furniture,Insurnce and radio.  It was 98% "NO" and rejection, after rejection.  I made massive money and lived a great lifestyle.  It was, like all jobs, just temporary money.  I sold a $4,000,000 insurance policy and got pats on the back from the major carrier and a MASSIVE check.  That's gone now!

I stuck with the company KNOWING THIS, and I am glad to say that I am unemployable!!!  If I cannot imagine not being able to  get a raise when I decide to, or to get a promotion when I feel i need it, I'M OUT!

My first check was $12!  Now my monthly check is what I made a YEAR as a very successful insurance agent! ...AND GROWING!  Needless to say, if I'd judged the opportunity by the total initial rejection by who I thought at the time,  was everyone, I'd still be in that 'good job" and everyone would be proud of me for being just a little better off than they.  NO thank you!

I will say, If you'd gotten over the initial NOs, talked to more people, with the expectation that you'd achieve your goals, (if you had any), you'd be like me and happily anticipating the arrival of the mail man every week...In my boxers and a bathrobe!

My own brother, whom I practally raised, still VEHMENTLY will not "do me that favor", but, since he is my baby brother, I did bail him out of his pending forclosure by writhing a check to pay off the balance of his mortgage!

THAT was worth all the NOs I got at first, and like HIS, I still get to this day!

A better example...  Think of your favorite song.  When you're riding in the car and it comes on, you'll feel better stuck in the crazy traffic, right?  Well, that artist is receiving A RESIDUAL CHECK becaus YOU heard the song in your car!!!  Michael Jackson's estate STILL earns about $57,000,00/year from radio play.  I don't think his, or Frank Sinatra's kids will be asking if you'd like fries with your burger!!

Sure, I've had MASSIVE, (did I day massive yet?), failure AT FIRST!  When I got used to it and charged it to the game, my consideration of those NOs was greatly minimilized.

Oops, gotta go!  The mailman is coming.  So is Michael's and Frank's!


New Jersey,

To Ali

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 14, 2016

First, I would like to state that I was an ACN IBO and am no longer with the company. It was a personal decision: The company was great. The training was great. The people were great. And the products were great. What was not great was my effort. I failed in ACN not because of the Maser brothers and not because of a lack of training. I failed because I did not put in enough time and effort, I chose to spend my time on other things that were going on.


I realize that there approximately 7.3 billion people on this planet, and therefore there are 7.3 billion opinions and views. So I realize that your opinion of ACN differs from my opinion of ACN, and I have no intention of demeaning you for your differing opinion. But I would like to point out a few things to you:


Michael and Patrick Maser have a team in New Jersey, a team in Florida, a team in New York, and I'm sure they have many other reps all over the country. They also developed the system that they use to train all of these teams, and part of that system is attending training EVERY Saturday. As a result, the Maser brothers cycle up and down the East coast to do trainings. You just happened to attend a training in which Patrick was elsewhere. I have been to trainings where Patrick and Michael did the training, I've been to trainings where Andrew did the training,

I've been to trainings where Patrick and Michelle did the presentation, and there are many other reps that have done trainings as well. There could be many reasons why Patrick and Michael do not go to every Saturday training besides the fact that they also have to visit their other teams. Perhaps having different reps present provides a weekly change for those who go every single week, it would get a bit boring if the same people presented every week. Perhaps different people have different thoughts and experiences to share causing those who do go every week to get something new out of each week. Perhaps having different reps presenting each week is the best way to develope new leaders, because the more leaders there are building their teams within your team the larger your team will ultimately be. I hope that this helps you understand why Patrick may not have been present.


The "rookie" Michelle Dowling who was only in the business for 3 months works her butt of with her husband, Patrick, and they are now making multiple six figures. They have earned the respect of many within ACN and they are among the top reps in the business. Do not judge a book by its cover.


I too have Wall Street friends and many of them inform me of the corruption on the street, which has actually caused me to pursue a different carrer with my finance and accounting degree. A quick study of the financial collapse of 2008 will reveal some of the corruption of Wall Street bankers, so it's possible that they might not be the best source... Regardless, I have done my own analysis and just 60 services could provide an IBO approximately $300 per month without the need for a single recruit. $300 is not a lot, but it could certainly help many people I know that my utility bills at my apartment in Morristown are about that much. I guess $300 is pretty miniscule though compared to the bonuses those Wall Street guys earn.


I am truly sorry that you had a negative experience with ACN. And I hope that my evaluation of your report was not too harsh. I just wanted to provide some insight as to why certain complaints that you had may have occurred. And good luck with your business! I commend anybody who posesses an entrepreneurial spirit!

mark the shark

miami beach,

You Are Totally Wrong @ ACN...

#9UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 05, 2013

i read your report/complaint and i don't agree at ALL....this company tells you that you get out what you put in...the most successful ones are the individuals that work it the hardest from the first day.  it's not the fault of ACN that you had cold feet after realizing that you were terrible at promoting your gatherings or maybe just have no friends.


i began ACN afer being approached by a client i train at a local gym.  i went to a saturday event, was treated like a VIP, and was sold totally.  after less than 2 weeks i already am receiving a bonus of $1,500 because i already signed up two more IBO's under me and have been given unlimited access to the most successful resources in the entire company.  BTW: i had over 20 at my first launch.  it's a numbers game, and hello, there are 7 billion people on this planet, so do the math, genius.


i signed up my brother as an IBO and he was having a hard time, so it didn't work out for him, but you would have to be FOOL not to see the growth potential of this company, which donald trump tried to buy and after failing, became the company's biggest endorser; this is the ONLY company billionaire donald trump has EVER endorsed outside his own companies.

you didn't put in enough loved what you heard enough to go to one of the main seminars; the fact you couldn't get anyone to go says more about you as an individual with an introverted social life than ACN!! please! and i also am certain that even though this is a $600 billion company that has received a legion of better business awards and also: those 50% you claim leave every year? you are totally correct.  they are leaving because, like me, when i joined they asked me why i was doing this, and money couldn't be the answer.

i told them how i had gone to college to study writing (journalism and enlish lit) and was an artist, and a writer in my heart and soul and wanted to get back to the moment is am a personl trainer living a fabulous life in south beach, miami, FL...but writing was always my passion and i can't achieve that by doing personal training...i needed more and the timing was perfect and i got off to a fast start b/c i got outside my comfort bubble and just said SCREW IT and i'm smart as all these other super successful ACN drones (it is a little creepy in some ways, i will admit, but the money is NOT creepy..) and

speeking of $$$, it IS, you knew then and know now, RESIDUAL INCOME, which means: it takes time to build up substantial capital.  you couldn't wait or couldn't be bothered to do the dirty work, and you failed as a result, so BLAME YOURSELF, don't blame ACN...they are the best thing to happen to me and gave me the chance i needed to realize my dreams and i have to say, after less than a month: i am already closer to my dreams, again!! 




short Hills,
New Jersey,

Thanks Diane G.!

#9Author of original report

Fri, April 26, 2013

I love how all of you juice drinkers make assumptions.  Not sure how I would receive that layoff notice since my company is my own.  And thank you for your concern but my 401k, IRA, kids' trusts, stock accounts, etc are all doing fine.  Oh, and that designer sofa is not for sale.  I need it for the 6 bedroom home I am closing on next month. Good luck Diane, let me know when you need a job, I have openings.

Quitters Never Win

New Jersey,


#9Consumer Comment

Mon, April 22, 2013


From the your rebuttal you sound as if you are happy to be a linear income worker, who could come to work one day and have a lay-off notice on your desk.  With times becoming hard, you have exhausted all you money in the bank accounts and the 401K, is it time to see how much you get get for that designer couch in your living room now?

ACN is a scam but it exist in 23 countries.  Can you IMAGINE the redtape to get 23 government approvals that its okay for you to do business in our country?  Are you kidding me?  And for every letter, word, sentence generated of negativity about ACN if you spent the time into working your business would you not be successful?  All of the haters have not mentioned one word about personal growth and development. 

Lot of the people who are negative about ACN have no development about the changes they need to make in themselves because they spend time pointing their fingers at others. They realize they actually would have to do something call -- CHANGE!!  ACN is a 20 year old company February 2013 and has billions of customers and still growing---nearly a billion dollar industry. They have appeared countless times in business periodicals (Success magazine, Wall Street Journal, INC magazine, Success From Home magazine, etc). Yet, they are a scam. 

Besides the co-founders making money there are IBOs making money as well if they are willing to work for it.  These are people who have left corporate America employment.  They realized that no mattter how much good money they make it would require a 20-40 year of investment of time on the job.  They would spend away from their family and have NO freedom and lack of respect from their employer.  Most importantly, no matter how much they work they would never have residual income that no one could ever take away.

Diane G
Malaga, NJ  


short Hills,
New Jersey,

Thanks R. Michael Gonzalez for your unique and intriquing words...

#9Author of original report

Tue, March 26, 2013

but considering you know nothing of what happened you really can't comment now can you?  You sound like all the other broken ACN records out there that have joined the cult.  They are taught to say the same thing regardless of whether it applies or not.  I assure you nobody told me I'd get rich sitting on the sofa.  But a lot of ACN reps told me I would not have to work many hours in order to make lots of money.  In fact they told me over and over how they stay at home with their children and go on all the field trips.  Believe me, I know what it takes to make a lot of money as I have my whole career.  Was I blatantly lied to?  Yes, over and over again.  Did I know this was a scam from the beginning?  Of course.  But I read the fine print and knew I'd get my money back so I signed up so I didn't have to listen to the stupid sales crap they were laying on everyone that did not sign up.  It was absolutely insulting to my intelligence.  I have a real job making real money in a very respectable career.  I work extremely hard and only when I am finished working do I sit on my gorgeous designer sofa that I  bought by working in a real career.  I don't even have to make enemies, look like a fool, and have family members turn against me in order to make a living.  You should get off the sofa and try it Gonzalez.  

R. Michael Gonzalez


You Don't Get Rich Sitting On Your Couch!

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, March 15, 2013

First of all thank you for the article (even if it is misguided) we do live in a country of free speech, I'm an ACN IBO and I have created a blog myself, for the purpose of clearing the record of misleading stories by unsuccessful and bitter reps who didnt belong in the MLM business in the first place.

I will not comment on any other IBO's as I was not there and I don't know the truth of those statements, But I can say of what I do know and the Maser's are some of the top reps in the business. So I can't imagine what you are saying is true.

The fact that you claim you joined because you were told you would make tons of money every month without having to work, well I've never heard anyone claim you'll get rich sitting on your couch, if they did I would not have even listened to them and you would not have either.

ACNIBO - Blog On The ACN Opportunity -  is a personal view of the business through my eyes, I agree with a lot and disagree with just as much, but the company and the opportunity are very real.

I was fortunate enough to have been brought into the company by the right people and have definitely joined the right team "Team Momentum" the fastest growing team in the company. My team is out of Montreal, Canada and I am in Orlando, Florida, USA, my sponsor is a friend who lives in Canada. They told me to go to an opportunity meeting after I joined just to see a little more of the business and I was totally turned off. It was exactly as many have said, a lot of BS and hype and a bunch of sheep just agreeing with everything the speaker was saying. I completely did not like the way that it seemed they were just trying to get people to put up the $499 and let them figure out what to do next (Just my opinion of how I saw it). Quite to the contrary, My team members or I, would never tell someone to put up any money, until they knew exactly what they needed to expect and exactly what they needed to do to make it work (Just like the vast majority of IBOs do). That is exactly why I started my blog. I wanted to do all of the research I could and have a place where my prospects could go and see everything before they made a decision. (Dont blame the company for the actions of a few misleading reps).

Unfortunately, there are unreputable people in the business, but there are unreputable people in every business you just have to be able to make decisions for yourself based on your own knowledge and beliefs. If a used car salesman rips you off for an overpriced lemon, do you blame the car manufacturer, NO. Just find another dealership with more honest people.

If you are even considering joining ACN, please visit my blog, it will let you know all of the facts. If you have been approached by another IBO, I am not trying to steal you. Please if you do join, sign through them, just know what you are to expect before you do.

Please click and visit my blog, it answers all of the questions on the ACN opportunity

Just browse through the posts and find objective articles explaining everything.

Thanks again for the article and commentary. 

R. Michael - ACN IBO #02637585


short Hills,
New Jersey,

Michelle Dowling Has Done Everything She Can To Help Me

#9Author of original report

Sat, February 09, 2013

I regret writing this post about Michelle.  She was simply echoing what Andrew Maser was saying because, like me, she trusted his words.  Her only crime was trusting him and I'm guilty of the same. She did not deserve to have that written about her.  She and her husband have been doing everything in their power to get my refund.  They are highly ethical people and pillars of their community.  They really would help anyone with anything and I am certain of this now.  They have been with ACN for a short period of time and have become extremely successful and that tells a lot about them.  They are kind and are willing to spend many hours with their trainees to help them.  Michelle simply had the misfortune to be involved in a conversation with Andrew Maser where he promised me something he could not deliver.  Michelle is extremely honest, and extremely hardworking.  I misspoke about her before I had the complete facts and that was wrong.  My opinion about Andrew and Mike Maser remains the same.

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