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  • Report:  #432292

Complaint Review: ACN

ACN Typical pyramid scheme with a twist Salt Lake City Utah

  • Reported By:
    Salt Lake city Utah
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 09, 2009
  • Updated:
    Fri, September 30, 2011

I "tried" this company out, here is my take on them.

I was talked into this by my brother several years ago. Spent 500 dollars off a credit card, NEVER even RECEIVED the propaganda package, then when i wised up and changed my mind, they refused to refund any money! I told them I never received the start up package and all they did was ask if I wanted another one? They did eventually send one which I still have UNOPENED sitting in my closet.

My Brother even tried the service and found the "Free to try" comment they told us to use on potential customers comes with a twist. Of course its "Free to change" and sign up with them...the "COST" occurs when you realize that although they claim 24.95 per month and compare that with your existing bills which of course looked larger, most of those additional charges were from taxes and fees added on to that bill which STILL GET ADDED to the ACN bill! So in reality it was more than the 24.95 they said it would cost. Now when you go to switch back to your previous provider you find the big twist in this, You now have to PAY to switch back!

Now I have read all the "feel good" reports from all the people that love this company but I did notice a pattern emerging. Most of them also claimed to have been "with" the company for 6, 8, or 10 years or more! This is the fundemental truth in all these scams...only the ones that are up near the top of the pyramid will make money. Yes, they do offer a product (Just enough to get the pyrimid scheme lable questioned) But just how do you make your money? Are you out selling the product yourself or is the bulk of your income comming from risidual income from your "downline"

Also these types of companies use this type of individual sales practices for one main reason, you are "self employed" which means they do not have to provide insurance, or any other type of benifit to you. This also saves them from dealing with too many complaints or lawsuits as they can always place the blame for your downfall on you as an individual and can just say "We never told him/her to say that so its not our fault.

This is why the company continues as it has, they will continue to rake in the money while knowing that the "little guy" will take the brunt of the hatred. They do not care about their "employees" above and beyond what they can make off of you. And they will always have a few that have made it to tell "the other side" of the story.

Salt Lake city, Utah

11 Updates & Rebuttals



I'm an ACN customer service agent

#12UPDATE Employee

Thu, September 29, 2011

Hello all,

I work for ACN as a Customer Service Agent in their call centre.  

Everything you have read in regards to the complaints are TRUE!!!!  ACN is not the type of company you want to sign up with .. Free Trial .. no such thing, you tell this to your customers and then they try the service call us to cancel and guess what .. we tell them that they are in contract and have to pay early termination fees.  

Only the Reps at the top are the ones making the money .. how do I know .. I have access.  A rep whom I was dealing with had about 20+ customers .. his commission check was less then 200 after taxes .. really.

As far as services.. I deal with the telephone and internet service.  local and voip.  Nothing by problems arise with the videophone.  If you miss a payment your videophone service is suspended within 5 days.  YOu wanna cancel, no problem, better hope your contract is up.

It's a total joke .. and donald trump .. please!!  I would never purchase anything he endorses.  

do I have ACN services at home .. NOPE and NEVER will.


United States of America


#12Consumer Comment

Wed, January 12, 2011

I am not with ACN but am looking into it. Frankly, with any business opportunity or traditional business, an individual's failure to perform or obtain the results advertised, in my opinion, is the individual's responsibility. If you pay money and things don't work out it's pretty much like getting a job and getting fired days or weeks later for non-performance. I see no difference, except that in MLM type companies, one's ego can be preserved by quitting on their own.

I'm now studying MLM's and for what I see, everything out there is some sort of 'pyramid', corporations, churches, sales organizations, etc. I am also seeing a common pattern: people who don't succeed tend to come back and bash the companies they joined. You say they do not care about their 'employees' well, you're not an employee and no company has to 'care' about you. Companies are in business to make money. It's all about business. Of course people at top make most of the money. They earned the right to be there and to earn more. Just like a CEO makes more money than the guy working in the mail room. The idea is to ascend to the top. Even in traditional businesses, anyone at the bottom doesn't make as much as those at the top. That's just common sense. When I sold real estate, those with the most contacts and the the most transactions made this most money. How is that any different? We still had to pay dues, membership feeds, monthly MLS fees and promote, promote and promote.

Initially, I wanted to be biased against MLM companies but the more I look into it, the more I see that the pattern of complaints generally come from those who fail rather than those who succeed. I also see that people don't do their due diligence and homework before joining. The Internet is filled with information and resources to help people make wise decisions before joining ANY business or business opportunity.

That is not to say that ALL MLM companies are legitimate and that some do not take advantage of people. Regular business also take advantage of people and that's why we have the FTC to shut them down when they do, lawyers and the court system. But, we all have brains to reason with and if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. That's when you either negotiate a waiver of sign up fees, sign up ONLY if you know you can risk gambling away that money or you're convinced on your own that the opportunity is legitimate. Nobody can sell you anything unless you allow yourself to be sold.

Donald Trump's bankruptcies are irrelevant unless you compare his to other non-MLM CEOs as well. Even then, strategic bankruptcies aren't uncommon in business and very large companies have taken advantage of chapter 11 in order to re-structure.

MLM, like all sales modules, seems to be a numbers game but I can clearly see that it's not something for everyone despite the fact that it tries to recruit everyone. These MLM companies should and some probably do, disclose that while their pitch is aimed at anyone who will listen and is willing to sign up (pay a fee of some kind) that NOT everyone will succeed in the business anymore that everyone who gets a job will never be fired from it, or quit.

I have attended a few ACN meetings and from what I see, the company has good products and services and you have to use your head and look at the numbers, the savings and benefits and then make a judgment BEFORE you sign up. I see a lot of motivational speeches, excitement and the typical "we can do it" mentality that's prevalent on most organizations that require people to be highly motivated to succeed. Frankly, if I joined any other sales organization (non-MLM) and became in charge of "selling" whatever, I couldn't do it without motivation and excitement.

That's how it works.

So I can see why these MLM companies put so much emphasis on being self-motivated. When I search for jobs on Craigslist, for example, a large portion of B2B and commission jobs require self-motivation, self-discipline, cold calling, recruiting new customers and even door-to-door knocking. I see no difference between their requirements for self-motivation an that of an MLM company. I would use the same level of scrutiny with traditional businesses as I would with MLM ones.

In summary, our fail to launch does not always constitute and MLM company's fault unless the company blatantly takes your money, without your consent and does not deliver the products or services promised or if it engages in false or misleading advertising practices. I also think that if people cannot afford to get involved, why not sit back and see how their friends do? Follow the company around for 3-6 months and watch what happens to the people that work the business and follow the program. If they succeed, then it's a good indication that the MLM company might be worth joining. I am doing that right now. People I know who are involved are my main source of information about whether the company is going to be good for me, all that without investing a dime out of my own pocket.



ACN is definitely a rip-off

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 23, 2009

Everything stated in these reports are positively true, it's almost a carbon copy of their scheme  several years ago.  They charged me $450.00 or $499.00 some where in that area, your entry level determined what you would have to pay up front.  They made all kinds of promises as for as income levels.  They Presented us with top level income producers and how we could achieve these income brackets.  I attend a conference in Atlanta, GA took my family to get involved but, I soon felt something wasn't right. The person who talked me into it was an entry level higher but, couldn't afford travel or hotel room.  The next thing was I ordered business cards and they misspelled my name (never were corrected), couldn't advertise or display any services we would be able to draw commissions from, the last straw was, all top levels and products were marketed in the large cities; Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta, LA, Orlando, etc.  I made money by investing in the telecommunication that ACN was marketing, when it was sold to Quest, nothing from ACN.  I could go on but you get the picture.




#12Consumer Comment

Fri, October 16, 2009


Tonight, I received a telephone call from an old acquaintance. He seemed so interested in my life!  How is your wife---blah blah blah.  How are YOU doing?  financially?  Well---!  Okay I earn less than $200,000/ year, and even though I am unemployed, I am doing pretty well in this terrible recession. 

I immediately checked RIPOFF report---and here you is my reply.  No thanks for your "kind" offer---to take my hard earned cash.  BUT please please read this---you might learn something about your product??!!

Back to the ACN representative---> How are you and your wife?  We have discovered a GREAT OPPORTUNITY!  ( I am immediately thinking Uh OH--WATCH OUT!   Then I hear the spiel---very friendly caring---but what is the product or service---REPLY  "Thats not important---Its the money you make..."  Wait a minute.  I told you I make LESS than 200k per year, I never told you how close or far away I was to that figure. Lets put it this way...I pay more income taxes than most people earn..  He stopped--unable to talk.  I continued---I save 100 % of my after tax income---and have been doing so ever since I was laid off a few years ago.  If I were to get involved with your business oportunity, I would literally be working only to pay more taxes.  I pick my own hours now, and work when and how I want---I am my own boss.

ME:  "ALL OF MY CUSTOMERS love my products and customer service..."

Well---he had to talk. I am with ACN communications---Trump blah blah.  My response---Look Mr. Trump was born a billionaire.  If he were so great, why did he have to file bankruptcy not once but TWICE---even during his TV show, his lawyers were busy telling the bankruptcy court how poor he was.

Okay whats the product-- the deal?  We don't have a product?  WHAT---  NO inventory---nothing to sell.  So what is this about---communications.

So I gave me a spiel about a video device that was supposed to allow audio and video communciations between PEOPLE who ALSO HAD THE SAME DEVICE.

He said all you need was an internet connection and a monthly service charge---and than you started getting the checks.  I asked him a few technical questions---He could NOT answer me.!!!  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT !!!

ME:  "Well---Can I tell you about my success?"  Go ahead.

I happen to be have a similar product---BUT IT IS CHEAP---works every time---and you can take it with you anywhere you go.  And there is more---The device costs less than $240---AND ITS YOURS.  NO ADDITIONAL FEES---charges or hassles.  It has a one year return guarantee---and works with over 60 models of cell phones.  That means you can talk two way video phone between the supported cellphone and the device.  Its small enough to put in your purse or carry in a pouch.  I also have models that work in the dark---and have wireless ability.  NO MORE FEES.  PAY ONE PRICE.  I even have live demos online 24/7/365.  BOTH PEOPLE DO NOT NEED A SIMILAR phone for it to work---it works half duplex in those cases.  Video on one side---not on the other.

The best part---YOU DONT NEED ACCESS FEES--or a computer to operate---NO special software is required.  You buy it---IT WORKS---YOUR HAPPY---IT'S YOURS.  NO multiple level marketing---no gimmicks --no special training.  If YOU want to buy a few to resell, I can give you a small discount ---but my mark up is so low---you need to sell a lots of them.  There are Additional products you may want to sell---BUT NONE IS REQUIRED FOR FULL FUNCTIONALITY.

I am an honest man and run an honest business---NO layers of talkers and sales associates and uplines and downlines.  I go to the store, buy some milk---and its mine.  People don't rent food.  

My device is like A SUPER NANNYCAM ON STEROIDS---but requires ZERO technical knowledge.  You can be up and running in seconds!  Its portable---a great security camera----and it will send you email with images when there is motion.  SOme units have a controllable pan and tilt VIDEO + synchronized a small package you can take with you on vacations or trips.

NO COMPUTER IS REQUIRED---just the device and a router plus DSL or cable.  THATS IT.  No monthly and its yours---yuou will be back for more.  NO OBLIGATIONS

check us out at hidefcctv




no title

#12UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 10, 2009

the funny thing about life is people are stuck in the life .stuck with a 9 to five and or a dead end job. as soon as a person find success and its not a blue collar job people tend to give it a name (pyramid)   the funny thing is we often tend to never wanna see people get ahead very un fortunate. i own multiple businesses and they all took hard work to make happen success isnt handed out to anyone .mlm's are not get rich quick companies like people hope they are. if people would spend as much time making things better for them selves then getting on web sites and bashing what they failed in the would have never failed.make sence?  oh and by the way there are taxes so if something is 24.99 expect to pay taxes and such who this is sad take a look at your job you prob have a boss right ?  (yes)   do you make more then him? think about your in a pyramid lol

Show Me The Money



#12Consumer Comment

Tue, May 12, 2009

I like how people will list all the reasons why to join a company and talk up all the money they are making, but will NEVER show you or TELL you how much they are making.

If someone actually showed me a check of their commission and sales after just a few months of being with ACN, I might actually believe their nonsense. But if you can't show me the money, then that's a big red flag of just hyping up something that isn't real. And really, a video phone that cost money each month? In today's technology, you can webcam on your computer with friends and family and guess what, it is FREE.


Stoney Creek,

something didn't sit right with me

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, April 17, 2009

In regards to this pyramid scheme....oh sorry "company". I had to miss a kickboxing class so my 'friend' could show me what sort of amazing opportunity I would be missing out on if I didn't sign up. Her punishment is she now has to come to one of my classes for the torture she put me through.

Had I brought a pen to the seminar for ACN I could have drawn triangles galore all over their business models and their nifty little screen shots they were showing. I figured it out long before I even went to this seminar that this business model is out there to get your money, then, have you hock crappy merchandise to friends and family all in the hopes to "make it rich". It is like that chain letter that used to go around "Send me one dollar, and forward this letter on and before you know it, you'll be swimming in money". in the long run Hard work always seems to win over scams, schemes and shenanigans.

I'm sure the employees who are making it work, are doing a wonderful job of it...all 5 of them that seem to have stuck around.

They should probably have trained the guy leading my seminar something though.
He claimed that "other cell phone companies" can't sell you a phone if you are in a different city, they aren't supposed to sell out of their territory. Sadly he was wrong, I have signed up, switched cell phones and kept my local number, all in 3 different cities.

So yes, I will keep my 9-5 job, and I will also keep my morals and ethics while I'm at it, wish I could say the same for the scammers at the top of the pyramid of ACN.



To the previous posting

#12Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 01, 2009


You made a point, butttttt, why am I going to pay $500 up front on cost and then have to work to get more people.

Its plain idiotic.

I am in a business that when I start seeing more cash flow come in, I am going all the way.

ACN is a pyramid build up to lecture people and motivate people into getting into this.

Why do people even figure to get Donald Trump?

Donald Trump has declared banckruptcy 5 million times.

If it was that easy everyone would do it.

Learn to read the fine print before doing anything.

I am also going to start a location company so that people can get me to locate for them.

That is financial freedom.


Salt Lake,

Work Smarter Not Harder!!! I hope you enjoy your 9 to 5 job, as well as your eventual mediocre retirement.

#12UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 25, 2009

Anyone who reads this complaint must take everything he says with a little humor:) 1st of all, he claims that he tried this company out but it really sounds like he signed up and then quit. If he never received his propaganda package as he calls it, hen how could he have even started to work this business? He claims that he wised up and changed his mind but all he really did was quit!!! The only place in life that quitting gets you anywhere is in rehab! His failures were obviously not related to the lack of his so called propaganda package, because he admits that I still have it, UNOPENED sitting in my closet. Let's get real here, money doesn't come easy, and if this gentleman expected to simply sign up and get paid he as an absolute moron. ACN isn't interested in your $500 sign up fee, they want motivated reps that are driven to build a future for them selves through customer acquisition and sales team building. Yes it is set up with a network marketing structure, but the products are sustainable. You're not asking anyone to spend money that they don't already spend, and I will never sign up a customer unless we can match their existing plan or better yet, save them money!!! If we put Donald Trump aside and analyze the other major corporations that have aligned themselves with ACN, you must be crazy to ever question the company's creditability. Any educated investor would agree that companies such as T-mobile, At&t, Direct Tv, ADT security etc. Have a much more to lose that ACN. These multi Billion dollar companies align themselves with CAN because the see the opportunity and vision of all the Co-Founders. If you base the creditability/opportunity of ACN on some dude that signs up, Bitches and then quits, you are selling yourself short. Though it isn't for everyone, I believe that everyone deserves to at least see the presentation and the potential for true financial freedom.



ACNs prices are exactly what they say they are

#12UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 23, 2009

I feel bad for the gentleman who was surprised to find out that the federal government charges taxes on phone service provided by ACN, however I think it is important to note that taxes charged on all telecommunication services regardless of who they are provided by are set by the Government and not by the company. To imply that he was somehow misled about the prices simply shows a lack of understanding about the way that taxes assesed on this and also on whatever other telecommunication product he uses, no matter who the provider is.
Thee startup fee is refundable for 10 days, and in order to sign up for the opportunity he has to check a box stating that he understands that he has 10 days to get his money back should he change his mind. Perhaps he did not read the statement before he checked the box. Either way People should stop playing the victim role when things don't go as they plan. There are enough real rip offs out there that to waste time fabricating an excuse for one's own failures is futile and takes attention away from the fact that some people are truly being ripped off by real scams.




#12Consumer Comment

Wed, March 11, 2009

Okay, I was reading a bunch of reports b/c when I hear of other opportunities out there then its like is it worth it or not.

Now, $500, isn't that bad but I was looking at the structure of this pay plan and like it does take time just like anything.

I am going to the nearest hotel just to talk to people and see what they say. I don't have the money with me.

I also do candy machines which also take time and patience to do.

Heard the same thing but from the looks of the reports it doesn't look good at all.

Second problem is Donald Trump. Now I heard the man was declaring bankruptcy again but tell me something why does his name pop up again.

Why, oh why do companies like this depend on celebrities to get something out.

Mlm I know what it is and you all know something I think it comes down to whether or not someone does want to pursue and have it delivered to them if they can accomplish it.

If anyone wants to please email me back and my vending name is Wanderful in Philadelphia.

I want to talk to people as well.

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