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  • Report:  #1317169

Complaint Review: Acquafino

Acquafino, Mayan Islands Resort, Belize Beach Resort & Spa,Scott Tracy Mallick,Scott Zeus SmithDaniel Hartin, & Sandy Point Real Estate Scheme to Defraud San Pedro Ambergris Caye

  • Reported By:
    Concerned Citizen of the United States of America — Boyton Beach Florida USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 16, 2016
  • Updated:
    Thu, October 04, 2018

Dear Scott Zeus Smith aka Scott Tracy Mallick and Daniel Hartin:


To date, I’ve received 5 or more email responses from you with respect to my MEMO dated

November 2nd, 2015, but none provides me with the information I requested. Once again, they were

unfocussed, disorganized, grammatically poor and filled with facts and non-facts that fail to address

most of the issues I raised, in particular, how and when are you going to repay me for my

$3,000,000+ of investments and loans?


The complete refusal and lack of STANDARD CORPORATE OPERATING PROCEDURES for

your organization is “mystifying”. It seems you intentionally fail to plan and, therefore, YOU


You claim that now you have removed all of the bad actors, this coming year is going to be

“amazing”! Hard to go to the bank with that though! Once again, you resorted to blaming Michael

for failing to do this or that, all of which has supposedly put you in a very difficult position. It

seems you can’t break yourself of this habit.


As a result, I have done some research to determine if targeting Michael is justified. Because of

your continued assertion about a yacht purchase for $750,000 and blaming Michael for diverting

valuable investor monies to consummate its purchase that you did not approve, I was curious. I

wanted to know the facts.


I engaged legal counsel to do a title/hull check for a yacht bought/sold under your previous name,

Scott Mallick. To my surprise, not one but two such yacht purchases are on record. Not one, but

two! The first, named "Jenny Dear" was a 63' foot Ocean Super-Sport Yacht and the second was

named "MIA", a 100' foot Broward Luxury Super Yacht, the one I heard you brag about so often

and on which I visited you at one of your events. Both of these yachts were apparently authorized

by, signed for, and purchased not by Michael, but by you.


I can say this because the sales documentation for both of these yachts bears the name of Scott

Mallick and were executed in the presence of Denison Yacht Sales and Bradford Marine. In view

of these discoveries, do you continue to argue to dispute that Michael was the buyer? The facts are

the facts. So, now I find out that $254,000 was spent to acquire the “Jenny Dear” (I didn’t know

about this one) and then according to you, $750,000 for the “MIA”. That’s a lot of investor money!

I have no idea what happened to the first yacht, but I assume this means that a total of

approximately $1,000,000 of investor money was squandered to purchase these yachts.

Unacceptable! Investors, having been told their monies were to be used for construction, were not

consulted about these non-project-related, frivolous items. If they knew these facts, they would

most certainly not have approved. Indeed, they would have been as outraged as I am.

At this point, because of the following:


false accusations about who authorized the yacht purchases, presumably to cover up

your bad decisions and poor judgement;

misuse of investor funds to make these purchases instead of dedicating the funds for

resort construction, as all investors were made to believe;

victim mentality in your recent responses;

failure to disclose your 2 prior personal bankruptcies to investors before they invested;

failure to disclose your felony record to investors before they invested;

recent name change from Scott Mallick to Scott Zeus Smith in 2014 at age 54,

presumably to conceal or avoid certain liabilities due to problems in your past,

I am compelled to formally demand a refund at this time to protect and recover my hardearned

retirement funds.


I prefer not to seek outside assistance to recoup my monies as I do not wish you any harm

personally, but I do want my money back. I would like to work this out with you in an amicable

fashion so as not to injure you (or the other investors involved). I simply want to be made whole

and I do not want to wait any longer. Accordingly, you need to provide me with a credible, ironclad

payout plan to do so.


Herein are my non-negotiable terms:

• 6% interest only on $3,000,000 with a balloon payment in 36 months for the principal

(actual amount of funds to be verified with up-to-date principal and interest on promissory


Interest Payments due every 6 months  

Lien to be filed until interest payments and principal are fully paid on San Pedro Block 7

Parcel 5473 and San Pedro Block 7 Parcel 6129 (these are the two pieces for which I had

direct capital input according to the documents I was provided).

Failure to perform or a default on your part will result in a title transfer so I can figure out

how to recover my capital directly.

Official paperwork from the Land Registry of Belize to Record the Lien – must be

“Notarized and Stamped w/ Corporate Seal”.

Our Agreement - must be Notarized and Stamped w/ Corporate Seal.

Official Title Transfer Document – must be Notarized and Stamped w/ Corporate Seal.

The required documentation and filing of all of the above must be accomplished in 20

calendar days to avoid my having to take legal action to enforce my rights.

The paperwork should be executed on corporate letterhead with corporate logo for each of

the following entities, as appropriate:

o Caribbean Cove Development Limited of Belize (CCDL)

o Caribbean Estates Realty, Inc. (CERI)

All documentation to be signed personally by you (Scott Zeus Smith and Scott Tracy

Mallick) and corporately from and by all companies, as well as by the directors of both


All documents to be valid for assigns, heirs and successors, jointly and severally.


Following are Additional Findings and Evidence Supporting My Decision To Recoup My

Retirement Funds at this time:


Trappings of a Scam


Scott, you surrounded yourself with assets and trappings from investor monies earmarked for

construction solely to create the appearance of wealth, but lacking the substance thereof. By

definition, it appears that this may be one giant con job. You misrepresented that these trappings

were from your prior businesses, but in fact, it would appear that your supposed wealth was merely

a diversion of investor funds. You therefore had no substance to the business, but raised funds

under gross misrepresentation, intending to divert a substantial portion for personal use. I refer to

the following trappings:


1. The First Yacht

Since you’ve had no personal funds to draw on dating back to 2011 (asset rich and cash

poor, as you told all of us and confirmed by your subsequent fund raising and many cash

calls), I have to assume that Jenny Dear was purchased with investor funds at Denison Yacht

Sales from your client account. I’m sure this can be confirmed by a forensic accountant.

This calls into question:

• Why would you divert company funds for the purchase of Jenny Dear, a 63-foot luxury

yacht fishing boat, an ostentatious luxury yacht having nothing to do with construction at

the resort?


2. The Second Yacht

The purchase by you of a 100-foot Broward Luxury Super Yacht is even more troublesome.

Why have you represented that Michael purchased the Super Yacht when your witnessed

signature is on all sales documents at Bradford Marine? For your information, this yacht

was recently willfully surrendered for non-payment. Please, therefore, direct your collection

efforts and any inquiries to Denison Yacht Sales as they have the yacht listed for sale by the

authority of the financiers of the boat. It should also be noted that after you purchased the

yacht, you asked Michael to protect you yet again to secure financing not available to you

because you were found not to be credit worthy.


3. Michael’s Personal Guarantee

Michael had to personally guarantee another $133,000 for repairs to the yacht because you

didn’t have the money. And, recently, the financiers put in another $250,000 to make the

Super Yacht saleable (new engines and air conditioners). Also, funding for the other

$350,000 was secured by Michael to protect the capital you diverted, evidenced by your

own witnessed signature on the sales contract. This then is evidently how you are now

claiming that it is Michael’s boat because his name is on certain documentation as a

guarantor after the original purchase was made by you.


4. Your Luxury Home

Another example discovered in my search involved a possible diversion of funds in the same

timeline of your early project transactions. This was the purchase of a mansion at 4725

Sanctuary Lane in Boca Raton for the price of $2,200,000, which you later sold at a loss for

$1,400,000. A forensic accountant can easily determine the source of funds for this

purchase when you admittedly had no such personal funds available.


5. Jayden (stage name) aka Katherine.

You also chose to frolic with and marry a bikini model with personal funds you did not

have. Your short-lived, aborted marriage to Ms. Brooke required undetermined amounts of

cash for a honeymoon villa in Honduras, and to cover your living costs with her. At the

same time, it took you away from the project for a year requiring Michael to make key

decisions and cover for you in your absence.


6. Your Luxury Accessory Items

Another observation: when visiting both the Sanctuary mansion and the 100-foot yacht,

hundreds of large oriental jade and ivory statues and figurines, along with other exotic

furnishings and furniture, seemed to be everywhere. Once again, one has to wonder where

the funds came from to acquire such an incredible collection of art treasures.


7. Your Luxury Automobiles

Other examples of your desire to impress potential investors of your wealth was your

purchase of a stretch limousine, a Bentley and a Mercedes S550 sedan. These items also

had to have been acquired by diverting funds in the same timeline since you claimed to have

had no money.


If you dispute any of these facts, please provide me with authentic documentation. Otherwise,

I will assume they are completely accurate.


Additional Related Thoughts

Scott Zeus Smith, (aka Scott Mallick) Invested Capital

You represented many times that you had made a personal investment of over $10,000,000 in the

Mayan Islands Project from funds you derived from the sale of your companies, your stock, and real

estate holdings in the USA. However, the only purchase on record with this project, prior to

investor involvement, was the 9.9 acre cove lot in the amount of $350,000 that you told us about. I

would be interested to learn where the supposed $10,000,000 went that you claim to have invested

in the project, making you the largest single investor besides the late Mr. Harold Buirkle.


Your Source of Personal Capital

Before you made your investment in Belize, you represented many times to me and others that you

had at one time 127 ATMs in your portfolio in New York City from Houston Street to 96th Street

and that you personally placed them with the help of your then girlfriend. You also represented that

you had 75 clients named Muhammed at corner delis. You represented further that you cleared over

$200,000 a month from this ATM portfolio from 1999 to 2005. If true, you should have netted

approximately $14,400,000 from cash flow and up to $24,000,000 gross on the sale of your

portfolio. I’d be interested in seeing your tax records for the corporate cash flow and sale proceeds

of your company to verify these representations,


As well, you represented that you saved 80% of your money from the ATMs to purchase the island;

however in this project, you are only on record for the $350,000 you spent to acquire the Cove.

This raises questions about representations you have made, presumably to impress myriad investors

and potential investors of your incredible albeit fictitious wealth.


Your Resume - Success In Stock Promotions

You represented to have conducted 29 successful stock promotions while working on Wall Street

and that you were such a genius that you broke up Strategic Communications because of your

“amazing” marketing. You further represented that you made millions. Since these are or were

publicly traded companies, you should be able to substantiate your financial interaction with them

and the free trading stock you sold for your compensation. Unless you can prove these assertions,

this is likely another example of misrepresentation.


Your Education:

You represented that you have eight (8) Bachelor’s Degrees. Additional fact finding with USFTampa

negates the above claim. USF-Tampa states that you have one (1) Bachelor’s Degree in

Economics with a minor in Business.

You bragged that you hated finance and that it was not worth your time, and that you proved your

instructor wrong. However, this turns out to be the single largest problem point for you and your

organization. Your intentional statement regarding finance demonstrates willful incompetence in

this discipline. How then can you support your claim to be a wealth strategist, financial advisor, or

money manager under these circumstances?


Your Mental State

In light of the above, your recent responses were submitted to a professional for a preliminary

psychoanalysis. The pre-diagnosis was that of an expert-level mastermind employing more than

20+ logical fallacies woven together as a tool of misdirection and having a specific goal of creating

chaos/crisis and a false logical conclusion that you are the only savior/messiah for the project –

textbook narcissism.


The conclusion is that these erratic patterns are intentional. The expert mastermind skill level it

takes to manufacture 20+ logical fallacies and weave them together in these emails is that of a

sociopath with a high probability of a bi-polar schizophrenic disorder. Furthermore, the review

suggested that your goal by this misdirection is to:

• Distract from the real issues,

• Stall and stymie your victims, and

• Limit the involvement of others.


It is evident that you have been extremely successful in reaching these goals until now.

The recognized pattern of behavioral manipulation consists of:

• Playing the victim,

• Making a false bond of friendship,

• Asking for help,

• Inducing others to compromise and make sacrifices to help, and

• Then finding fault with them or more victim circumstances with the goal of pushing

them harder and further,

or, attempting to discredit the help because:

• You do not want the pragmatic help of getting the RIGHT PEOPLE, the RIGHT


• You want no responsibility and no accountability with unsecured, non-recourse use

of proceeds and you want it without careful planning or help of any kind.


In light of the foregoing, it is clear that you intentionally fail to plan and YOU INTENTIONALLY

PLAN TO FAIL. Basic 101 financing for any business is to have a cash reserve, a budget, and cost

controls. You have refused and ignored these “musts” by design.


Furthermore, after speaking with Chester, an ex-high-ranking military officer of the

United States of America, I cannot believe that you allowed him to lien $900,000 on insufficient

collateral. If he had to sell that lot today, the Broker Price Opinion would only be about $500,000.

At the time of his lien, the value of that property was less than it is today. How could you in good

conscience have taken the money of a military service man and provide INSUFFICIENT collateral?

Why would you have done this to his retirement? It makes one wonder what he may have done to

deserve this?


I think after reviewing all these facts, a reasonable conclusion is that you did not employ

constructive Standard Operating Procedures, but instead you embrace willful and destructive

Standard Operating Procedures. If your intention was to do harm, it is indeed sad to learn how you

have treated your fellow man. If on the other hand, you believe you have acted appropriately, you

are, in my opinion, delusional. Therefore, you are unfit to be in command of a project such as this.

I implore you to seek help in either case.


Scott, I look forward to hearing from you within 5 days with a measured response and within 20

days with the fully-executed documentation I have outlined herein.



Based on bits and pieces of information I have absorbed from conversations along the way over the

past 4 years regarding your project from 2004 until now, the following is an attempt to follow the


Total Money Raised

$13,500,000 - Harold

$ 3,000,000 - Peter

$ 2,000,000 - Michael and Michael’s Family

$ 1,600,000 - Ken and Barbara

$ 400,000 - Andy 

$ 350,000 - Scott Zeus Smith aka Scott Tracy Mallick

$11,150,000 - Others (approximately 50)

$32,000,000 - Total Raised (Educated Guesstimate)

How Money Was Spent

• $ 5,000,000 - Star Island Villa Construction Costs (Negligence in Construction Cost due

to no Management caused overrun of $2,832,500 – should have been


• $ 900,000 Cove 13 Construction

• $ 900,000 Cove 8 Construction

• $ 300,000 Cove 12 Construction

• $ 350,000 Cove 7 Construction

• $ 1,000,000 Beach Club Construction

• $ 1,500,000 Beach Estates Construction - over spent by: $396,000

• $ 1,000,000- Negligent Entrustment to Javier Ortiz

• $ 1,000,000- Yachts (2)

• $ 300,000- Cars (3)

• $ 1,328,000 - Mansion Sale Loss $800,000

Real Estate Taxes - $32,000 X 5 Years = $160,000

Utilities and Maintenance - $2,000 X 56 Months = $112,000

HOA - $1,000 X 56 Months = $ 56,000

Furnishings $200,000

• $ 300,000- Josh and Kaya Marketing Company


• $ 9,460,000- Total Money Spent On Land

- Land Tract 1: $1,500,000 (Star Island & 23 Acres)

Unrelated Land Purchases - $7,960,000

- Land Tract 2: $ 500,000

- Land Tract 3: $ 500,000

- Land Tract 4: $ 500,000

- Land Tract 5: $ 750,000

- Land Tract 6: $ 750,000

- Eagle Ray: $1,300,000

- Bracelette Caye Deposit $ 50,000

- Moon Caye $ 660,000

- Rain Forest $ 150,000

- Land Tract 7 $ 100,000

- Sunset Island $ 2,000,000

- Ed’s Land $ 400,000

- Laguna Estates (7 Lots) $ 300,000


• $2,000,000 - Refunds to Disgruntled Investors due to Lack of Standard Operating


• $2,000,000 - Dredging and Rock Wall: Over Spent on Land Filling - $ 1,000,000

• $ 700,000 - Marketing (Shows, etc.) Over Spent on Marketing Campaign - $ 500,000

• $1,000,000- T and E (when in Belize) Over an Acceptable Budget - $ 500,000

• $1,428,000- Bank Payments on Cove #8 - 7 Years X $17,000/Month… ….$ 816,000

(This loan should have been paid off and transferred to Harold in 2012 when

he bought it). Thus, you lost another $816,000 for a total loss of $1,428,000

instead of $612,000).

• $ 784,000 - Commissions

• $ 750,000 - Payroll

$32,000,000 Total Money Spent


Summary of Unexplained and Unaccounted-For Investor Funds:

$19,932,500 Total Misspent, Unauthorized, Lost, and Unaccounted-For

Investor Funds Due To Lack Of Standard Operating Procedures

(62.28% of Total Investor Funds Lost)


Random Conclusions

1. A business development consultant inferred that a forensic accountant would likely

find that the 62.28% would move up to as high as 67% (of misspent, unauthorized, lost

and unaccounted-for Investor Money).

2. You should probably fix and rectify this losing situation for your current investors as

soon as possible, given the track record of losing and misappropriating the nearly 2 out

of 3 investor dollars that went into the project, and also for potential new investors

who may yet be attracted to invest in your project in the future.

3. Using the excuse that the “value of the project” is the justification for losing such a

large amount of investor money is unacceptable.

4. The picture I have attempted to portray hereinabove is one which I assembled from

notes and records I made over the past 4 years, once I realized that there was little or

no record keeping in your organization and no periodic financial statements

forthcoming to document what was taking place, how the money was being used and

how much had been injected… and wishing to document as much as possible to protect

both my invested and loaned retirement funds.

5. My only fear is that I have underestimated the level of unaccounted or misused funds.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

In 2017 I Transferred all my assets to the Shareholders. This should stop all this drama and allow the resort and shareholders to now be successful and win.

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 04, 2018









Now. To respond to the Karrie Bennett attack on this year June 2018 ... over 9 years since we have spoken or talked ...

Karrie Bennett was hugely overpaid. 

I have no idea why she attacks me on rip-off in June of 2018, when she was overpaid $100,000 in 2009 for two introductions and we have not seen each other or spoken in over 5 years.

In hindsight, It was a mistake for my company to pay her anything. 

It was later found out that Karrie Bennett had lied and misrepresented the facts to these two investors to get money from us. 

Karrie Bennett’s lies and actions to get $100,000 out our company, 

cost my company over $1.5 Million in refunds and additional costs.

And Karrie not only will not return the $100,000+ but insists she should be paid more for the damage she caused.

Karrie got mad back in 2009 because she was told to stop seducing and sleeping with our married clients costing the company embarrassment and needed funding. Carries uncontrolled bad behavior actually caused one of our salesmen to lose his marriage and his children. She refused to change and so she quit. She was around a few months in 2009 ... introduced us to 2 clients .. and was paid over $100,000. Not sure how she can have a complaint for $100,000 for 2 introductions over a few months. Especially since we had to refund all of it and costs and losses to our company was over 1.5 Million dollars. 


To Cover all the recent attacks and the years of attacks:

None of the negative damage and press that I and the company suffered at the coordinated attacks by Karrie Bennett and Richard Battglia and Peter Lawrence (through his fake news releases) were either true or necessary. 

Peter Lawrence published for years fake looking news reports such as:

“11 million stolen. By Scott. Nothing there. All monies stolen. Resort is empty. Scott stole all the money. Investors lose everything “. (All lies. No facts)

And Peter Lawrence at the time had never even met me or been on the resort. 

When I finally had enough of these lies he was printing, while making them look like truthful news releases, I met with Peter Lawrence for the first time, and I took him to the resort for his first time. 

He was shocked. But, Peter Lawrence would not either apologize or retract his lies. He blamed it all on Richard Battglia and some others. He said they gave him all the information to print. 

He did promise to stop writing negative articles about the resort. He lied again here to, and did write more negative fake news reports. 

When we opened the resort in November 2015 and had very successful rentals at full capacity at rates of over $600 a night per room!

Peter Lawrence still continued to write fake news reports telling people how bad we are, and still writing that investors have lost millions. 

Not only were we open and doing great our project was going up in value millions every month! Again Peter Lawrence blames his actions on a small group of individuals that were out to ruin and destroy me so they could run me out of business and take my assets.





In 2015 the islands I had bought way before even meeting my first investor had gone up over 5 times my purchase price. The resort had huge assets and huge potential!

In 2015 This means the assets of the company had gone up 10s of millions of dollars. Investors were winning! We had a very successful project! And we were open and renting and selling and becoming more profitable every day. 

In 2015 2016 and 2017 regardless of the huge successful potential of the resort, the negative attacks did not stop. The negative attacks to run me out of business continued. Making success unfortunately impossible.

In 2017 I did the only thing I could think of to protect my project and my investors. 

In 2017 I gave up all my assets I had. To stop the attacks. 

And let the resort and the investors succeed.

My life’s work and my Friends/Investors meant more to me than anything. I was willing to give up everything I cared about, so that my resort and my investors could win. 

This should be the end of all this negative attacks and drama. 

I thank all who supported me and my project. 

I Stand by ready to help the group that has all the Assets in any way I can. I want the resort and investors to be hugely successful!


Founder and Ex President and Ex Shareholder

Mayan Islands and Belize Beach Resort and Spa.


Scott Z. Smith



United States

Owner of Company

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 03, 2018













Now. To respond to the Karrie Bennett attack on this year June 2018 ... over 9 years since we have spoken or talked ...


Karrie Bennett was hugely overpaid. 

I have no idea why she attacks me on rip-off in June of 2018, when she was overpaid $100,000 in 2009 for two introductions and we have not seen each other or spoken in over 5 years.


In hindsight, It was a mistake for my company to pay her anything. 


It was later found out that Karrie Bennett had lied and misrepresented the facts to these two investors to get money from us. 


Karrie Bennett’s lies and actions to get $100,000 out our company, 

cost my company over $1.5 Million in refunds and additional costs.


And Karrie not only will not return the $100,000+ but insists she should be paid more for the damage she caused.


Karrie got mad back in 2009 because she was told to stop seducing and sleeping with our married clients costing the company embarrassment and needed funding. Carries uncontrolled bad behavior actually caused one of our salesmen to lose his marriage and his children. She refused to change and so she quit. She was around a few months in 2009 ... introduced us to 2 clients .. and was paid over $100,000. Not sure how she can have a complaint for $100,000 for 2 introductions over a few months. Especially since we had to refund all of it and costs and losses to our company was over 1.5 Million dollars.


To Cover all the recent attacks and the years of attacks:


None of the negative damage and press that I and the company suffered at the coordinated attacks by Karrie Bennett and Richard Battglia and Peter Lawrence (through his fake news releases) were either true or necessary. 


Peter Lawrence published for years fake looking news reports such as:

“11 million stolen. By Scott. Nothing there. All monies stolen. Resort is empty. Scott stole all the money. Investors lose everything “. (All lies. No facts)

And Peter Lawrence at the time had never even met me or been on the resort. 


When I finally had enough of these lies he was printing, while making them look like truthful news releases, I met with Peter Lawrence for the first time, and I took him to the resort for his first time. 


He was shocked. But, Peter Lawrence would not either apologize or retract his lies. He blamed it all on Richard Battglia and some others. He said they gave him all the information to print. 


He did promise to stop writing negative articles about the resort. He lied again here to, and did write more negative fake news reports. 


When we opened the resort in November 2015 and had very successful rentals at full capacity at rates of over $600 a night per room!


Peter Lawrence still continued to write fake news reports telling people how bad we are, and still writing that investors have lost millions. 


Not only were we open and doing great our project was going up in value millions every month! Again Peter Lawrence blames his actions on a small group of individuals that were out to ruin and destroy me so they could run me out of business and take my assets.







In 2015 the islands I had bought way before even meeting my first investor had gone up over 5 times my purchase price. The resort had huge assets and huge potential!


In 2015 This means the assets of the company had gone up 10s of millions of dollars. Investors were winning! We had a very successful project! And we were open and renting and selling and becoming more profitable every day. 


In 2015 2016 and 2017 regardless of the huge successful potential of the resort, the negative attacks did not stop. The negative attacks to run me out of business continued. Making success unfortunately impossible.


In 2017 I did the only thing I could think of to protect my project and my investors. 


In 2017 I gave up all my assets I had. To stop the attacks. 

And let the resort and the investors succeed.


My life’s work and my Friends/Investors meant more to me than anything. I was willing to give up everything I cared about, so that my resort and my investors could win. 


This should be the end of all this negative attacks and drama. 


I thank all who supported me and my project. 


I Stand by ready to help the group that has all the Assets in any way I can. I want the resort and investors to be hugely successful!



Founder and Ex President and Ex Shareholder

Mayan Islands and Belize Beach Resort and Spa.


Scott Z. Smith



United States

I am the Founder and CEO of CERI And Mayan Islands that Michael J Bixby is trying so hard to destroy and Ripoff investors for his own profit. This is my rebuttal

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, November 18, 2017


I am the Founder and CEO of CERI And Mayan Islands that Michael J Bixby is trying so hard to destroy and ripoff investors for his own personal profit. This is my Rebuttal.


Michael J. Bixby and his Illegal Immoral and Unethical practices and behaviors are costing past investors millions in losses. Now Michael Bixby wants to beat future investors with his same illegal unethical and immoral practices.


Michael Bixby must not be able to proclaim to the world he can be a trusted money manager or that he can in any way be entrusted to be involved in any way with a persons finances. I will clearly site a few of the hundreds of examples. He has ruined millions for past investors. But Michael j Bixby must not be allowed moving forward to cause financial harm to others in the future. 


I have never posted before, but Michael j. Bixby must not be able to harm people and rip off people by asking for money from investors or have anything to do with financial services or be in any position where he can harm investors financial worth.

Anyone involved in CERI, also called Mayan Islands, I urge you to try to get the true facts. Not from Michael J. Bixby. Chester Riley is of high integrity and always speaks truthful and knows what really is going on. Rules Nelms is an honest guy who knows the truth, also Doug Crowe is very Knowledgable and has worked alongside Michael, Harold Burkle knew the truth but unfortunately passed away (if Harold was alive, he never would have allowed Michael Bixby to do these crimes and violations, and his son Bobby Burkle would have been told to never contact Michael but to work with me as Harold did. There would be no destructive lies and lawsuits crippling the company these last two years) Michael Bixby has committed many counts of Fraud, SEC Violations, Theft, Forgeries, Illegal Stock Issuance, Money Embezzlement to name a few. I will point out some of the many violations.


Anyone associated with ECP Capital Partners please do a full background and due diligence on Micheals past frauds plus his lack of any financial experience, before he ruins your reputation.


Anyone considering working with or investing with ECP Capital Partners be very cautious and please read this to see what you are getting in business with.


Anyone involved in the offices at 8127 Glades Road Suite #103 please be careful


Anyone at Boca West please be careful of 3809 Bridgewood Dr. Boca Fl 33434


Anyone associated with Red Emerald Resources Corp or Red Emerald Holdings llc please do a real background check on Michael Bixby 


David Cohen who Michael Bixby Claims is in business with doing Financial work (which Michael has absolutely no business doing) I strongly urge to do a background check on Michael Bixby before he ruins your reputation or worse, gets you involved in lawsuits costing you your name reputation and millions in losses 


Anyone ever thinking of falling for Michael Bixby great sales skills... with no knowledge of what makes a good financial investment.. please just don’t....find someone with a real track record... so you don’t lose everything to a guy who took a class on investing... then made all bad investments.. now he wants to take other peoples monies..


Here are just a few of the supporting relevant facts:


Michael knows what he is doing. First he launched a four year smear campaign (while denying it and working as the companies president and sales manager) telling all past and potential investors “11 Million dollars stolen. Nothing there. Investors lose everything. Investors beware” then Michael launches lawsuits and false ripoff articles and false Facebook smear campaigns and falsifying contracts and documents to the judge. 


Let me make this ripoff by Michael Bixby very clear. You are one of thousands of potential investors and buyers. You look at 100s of investments. How fast do you discard the potential investment with all the press says that the CEO stole 11 Million dollars and all the investors lost everything, that no assets were there. How fast do you walk away from buying a beach estate from a project that is (unfairly) accused of stealing millions and investors lose millions.. let alone now that there are (unwarranted) lawsuits, and if you were dumb enough to buy, you could lose it all, because of the lawsuits. How fast would you run away and look at the 100s of other deals with no bad press and no lawsuits.


We all were working and communicating to make success happen. I had gone to Bobby and Peter directly and reached out to investors to work together to make their investment successful. Michael and his group did lawsuits for the opposite reason. To stop the success of the project and sales. To hurt investors. So they could take control of the millions in assets. Ask Russell Nelms. Everyday we talked. Our mutual goal:

  1. Work Together 
  2. Stop Bad Press (Michael)
  3. Make Sales. (Russell Nelms asked to list and Sell Cove Estates to help)

Michael Bixby didn’t want success for project and investors and working together.


Peter Scott and I talked many times and we 100% agreed to work together to make the project a huge success. Peter Scott told me that “working together is the only way to have huge success. “If we become a house divided and fight we are sure to fail” But Michael Bixby couldn’t let the project succeed now that he had failed as sales manager and quit. 


Peter Scott and I agreed that I had to bring in a real sales manager. Which I did. I brought in the best. I brought in Daniel Hartin and Sandy Point Resorts and Sandy Point Realty. 


Michael Bixby wanted to stop all sales so badly and for the project to fail, that he even bad mouthed Daniel Hartin and put Daniel Hartin’s picture on Ripoff, to do anything to ruin anyone who would help the project and investors succeed. Can you imagine how hard Daniel Hartin and I tried to make sales and the resort a success , while Michael Bixby did everything for years to ruin all efforts to make the resort a success.


Why would a potential investor invest in a potential project with so much negative press.. press like “11 Million stolen and investors lose everything, nothing there, no assets...” when there are so many investments in the marketplace without horrible press. How fast do you decide NOT to invest. And how much do you think the project suffers trying to build grow and sell, with a unfair reputation of stealing millions and investors already losing everything. 


This is what Michael Bixby did on purpose to rip off investors so he could force the project to fail and have his team take over. Ripping off investors of how successful the project and investors could have been without Michael Bixbys fabricated campaign: “11 million stolen , nothing there, Investors lose everything. Buyers beware” 


No matter how hard Daniel Hartin works, the Lawsuits, which Daniel must tell all potential Investors and Buyers about, makes them decide NOT to buy and look for investments elsewhere, no matter how great our project is and can be. Wouldn’t you invest somewhere else! 


Daniel Hartin and I have talked to over 100 interested potential investors. They all say the same thing. “I love the project. It’s amazing. But I can’t invest in an investment with so much bad press. In the future once you have worked out all this dirty laundry and charges of millions stolen and investors being ripped off.. I might revisit this investment. But I probably won’t “


Michael Bixby shows his background as a college degree in history... as he didn’t go to college to prepare for a future making money with a business degree, and definitely not a degree in finance... but to be a school history teacher ... teaching history. Now he says he is a (extremely unqualified) financial advisor.. 


To support himself after getting a history degree, Michael spent 7 years as a used car salesman. Michael Bixby does a great job selling and appears very honest. That is why I liked him and had him come on board as the president and ran sales and was in charge of all bank transactions for 7 years.


There is a gap on his resume he posts from 2006 when he was fired from selling used cars at enterprise.. to 2016 and 2017 where he says he a successful financial guy at Red Emerald Resources and Now ECP Capital Partners.. this 7 year gap is when he worked for CERI , when he worked for me as president and in charge of bank transactions..which now he he can change the truth to fit his story


To some Michael says he was the CERI president and head of sales and the person in charge of all bank transactions (ones the I knew about, and many I didn’t)

To others, Michael says he was not the CERI president, not in charge of bank transactions, but just an investor, not part of the company, even though he 

A. goes to court on his own and representing the company on his own as an officer of the company, pleads guilty, sets up payments by the company to Tom Mulka, which he never makes, and loses companies lands he pledged as an officer, to 

B.  Posting on ripoff when he was attacking Javier Ortiz in a letter where he himself states “ I Michael Bixby am the President of CERI and in charge of all bank transactions”, all the way to 

C. setting up a new transfer agent behind my back for the company, transfers shares, lies on phone to transfer agent and says he is Scott Mallick and forges Scott’s signature, (all while Scott not knowing anything about it) , to 

D. all on his own while I was out of town, selling many unsophisticated investors on 10,000 to 100,000 investments, taking it in a local check, cashing it at the local bank, and spending the money, all without permission. Violating all SEC laws.


Did you just count about 25 criminal, go to jail, 100 plus years of felonies Michael Bixby committed just then, I did.


Here come more red flags for future investors to stay away from Michael Bixby


He was the president and in charge of the bank transactions... Michael Bixby even once wrote a ripoff report on Javier Ortiz... Michael Bixby himself stating “I Michael Bixby am the president and in charge of all bank transactions”... but now Michael Bixby pretends he was never this..... Michael lies to suit his needs.


I met Michael Bixby when he started blaming and bad mouthing his real estate course teacher. I asked for the facts. Michael said the teacher told him to buy an empty lot on a mountain in North Carolina by financing a 250k purchase and also many other purchases that didn’t turn out well for Michael. 


I asked Michael as it was really Michaels decision whether to buy the lot in North Carolina or not, that after he looked at it why he bought it. Michael said he “bought it sight unseen” I asked why.. Michael said he didn’t want to waste 800 dollars to fly up.. so he just bought the 250,000 lot. Michael admitted all his purchases he was complaining about were purchased sight unseen... just because they were recommended to him by a random salesmen who came to the real estate school to speak. Michael is a smooth talking salesman, but that’s it.


After Michael Bixby worked with me I find out that behind my back, Michael does and says whatever Michael wants. Michael was fired by enterprise for repeatedly doing and saying whatever he wanted against company policy. We all expect a used car salesman... to do whatever to sell us a car..we are ready for that. But we can’t let lies and unethical behavior be part of our financial investing. There is too much at stake. One can lose their home and severely hurt the marriage and ones future.


At Harold Burkles funeral, a great man, very good friend of mine, a mentor, and an investor, Bobby Burkle his son comes up to me and says “so Michael says you are fully rented. And I should be getting a check next month”. I was caught off guard. As this was a huge bold face lie by Michael , and we were at a funeral. I asked Michael why he Lied to Bobby. Michael said “I told Bobby what he wanted to hear”. Harold was Not Michaels friend at the end. Harold knew of many of Michaels costly lies and mistakes... which I won’t cover.. and asked me to help Michael. Harold was one of the greatest men I ever knew. If his son Bobby knew the truth. Bobby would easily be working with me, we would be very successful, and he wouldn’t even take Michaels call. Same with Peter Scott. Actually if everyone knew the truth , we would all be successfully working together.


I sit down with Ken and Barbara Lamborghini. Ken Says “ Michael says I will start getting checks next week “ which is not true. I ask Michael why he lies. Michael says “I am telling them what they want to hear so I can get referrals and more money”. I tell him again to stop. Russell Nelms and I discuss Michael Bixbys lies. Russell Nelms advises that we should remove Michael Bixby quietly from the company, so as not to cause panic and destroy company. Then once Michael Bixby removed, work to fix all the lies and damage he has caused. Chet Riley, a great guy and very smart guy, advised us to make  “Michael Bixby a team of one” to remove him from Investors and from lying and damaging project. So not to panic everyone, stop Michaels damage, then fix the damage.


Michael keeps going to Peter Scott. Michael says “I take Peter Scott pizza and beer, to get Peter to like me” 

I have told Michael over 100 Times.. “leave Ken Barbara Peter Scott and Harold alone!”  Michael says he can’t. 


I get calls from Russell Nelms “Scott. Michael Bixby is doing it again. Michael is calling up investors and saying “if you don’t invest more.. you can lose your investment.. if you invest more , that’s the only way to protect your investment.” Behind my back.


This got so bad once. Michael Bixby went to Tom Mulka... behind my back... who already had money in.  Michael told Tom Mulka that if he didn’t put his last money he had in, Another 250k, he could lose his investment. So he did. Michael promised to pay it back... of course Michael didn’t ... so Mulka files a lawsuit. And Michael working behind my back .. went down to Belize and pleads guilty in court on my behalf, and promised to make payments.., which he doesn’t... Michael also pledges my lands as collateral an officer of my company.... and since he never paid and my investors lose land... this sounds unbelievable... but it’s true... everyone thinks Michael is a good guy.. and he would never use the companies bank account for himself or sign documents saying he is me or representing me... but he did this for years... please do not let Michael Bixby moving forward ruin anyone else’s life or take their money. 


This next one is so illegal that Michael Bixby should be behind bars. Michael Bixby. Forging my name to documents and saying he is me on the phone.... so Michael could set up a new transfer agent... then moved all my stock there saying he was me on the phone and then started illegally issuing stock. My new lawyer was going through a box from the old lawyer and found a bill paid to a transfer agent for services rendered and stock issued. With me on the line, my lawyer called the transfer agent.. who I knew nothing about, didn’t know who they were, and had never spoke to. So your the transfer agent, my lawyer asked,. She said “yes” . And Scott had you issue these shares “yes. I have talked to Scott on the phone on many occasions and Scott has signed all the paperwork I sent him to sign” in United States Michael would be in prison... I want everyone warned not to have any financial dealings with this crook.


Michael Bixby while I was in Belize working hard for the success of the resort and the investor.... broke into my Apartment in Miami and stole my clothes , my TVs, my money, my watches, shoes, computers.....everything.


I finally figured out why. Not to just hurt me...(the police detective Daniel Han of Miami Beach police department has his theft all on video tape ...) Michael Bixby stole everything... so he could steal my files and company paperwork and my computers.... the reason Michael Bixby did this... was so he could send forgeries of contracts to the Judge in Belize. Thinking since I don’t have the originals I couldn’t contest them. . as Michael stole them and destroyed them, that his forgeries would fool the Belize Judge and Courts.


Michael Bixby is falsifying documents to the courts and the judge. Michael has no respect for the Judge or the Courts or the laws of Belize. He even wrote up one forged agreement where his wife is the where he wrote up he gets two million. Michael thinks the judge will fall for this. Michael has the agreements with my name Scott Smith.. but has them signed Scott Mallick (Forgeries)... not even well thought forgeries!


I Believe what was most important to Michael is that  after he quit, he could not let the project succeed. He could not let it be so obvious that once he was gone, and i brought in a real sales manager, we would then be extremely successful. 

So he robbed me, did false lawsuits, and tried to get over on the judge with his forgeries, while using lies on the internet to ruin the project, this is why Michael should never be allowed to take investors monies or be in financial services.


In 2015 I had worked hard to have resort open and renting. It looked great! We had huge interest in people helping us with sales. I knew we now owned over 2 miles of islands minutes from San Pedro and We were sitting on a gold mine. Investors would make millions! But I knew I needed a professional sales and management team. I told my investors I had the biggest sales and rental and management team ready to work with us! Everyone was happy! Including Peter Scott. 


But Michael Bixby did not want the project to succeed in 2015! So Michael Bixby contacts Daniel Hartin of Sandy Point and says “I Michael Bixby am going to destroy Scott. Any attempt Scott makes to make the resort succeed I will shut down. Daniel you better not help Scott because I and my group are taking the resort from him! We are going to stop Scott from making the resort work. We don’t care how long the resort sits. We are going to take it. “


Well this ruined my deal great deal to help our company with Daniel Hartin. Now I am really worried about my investors. So I make a worse deal for me  with Daniel to protect the investors. The investors own 25% for 25 Million. I own 75% of CERI. This Project with good management can make over 200 Million. I want to protect my investors first and foremost. I offer Daniel to give up my 75% worth 75 Million to Daniel and his group. With the condition that the investors are 100% protected. All of them including Michael and Peter and Bobby who are attacking and ruining it for everyone are protected too.


There has been talk of two boats. The first one was two million dollars new, and as it was used was asking $850k, and I paid just $250k for a great 63ft open sport fishing vessel. New was 2million. Looked like the 3 Million hatteras and Viking. Sleeps 8. We would make great money with this at the resort. Half day diving/snorkeling trips and deep sea fishing trips. I put Michael in charge of watching over the 100k budget we set aside to fix it up really nice and ship it down... Michael added an unnecessary additional expense of 100k in extended storage costs because not done on time as he never got the work done.. and then just gave the boat away without telling me he says for just 80k... from our 450k spent.. what a waste.. 


The second boat. Michael really wanted... so he could he said look good and sell marina slips.. said he promised he would do good if I let him have this. I like taking chances on people who show initiative so I said yes to Michael with 4. rules. 1. He had to pay cash. 2. He couldn’t use our construction money, 3. he had to buy it from offshore, 4. he had to take care of it... Michael broke every rule he agreed to... he even lied to investors.. he used our construction money. And he couldn’t get our huge deposit back.. but promised he would pay it off in 6 months... Michael ended up losing all the money and losing the yacht... I said to Michael “you can’t sell a finished star island estate for 700k... but you can sell a not yet built yacht slip for 700k... “ he said “yep”... and he turned all this around so it’s all my fault.


Michael had been attacking the company for years.... I just didn’t know it was him as he was my companies president and my friend. Michael Bixby was undermining and ruining the resorts chances...this is illegal unethical and immoral. For 4 years Michael Bixby had sided with Richard Battaglia...they saw that We had huge assets, but we had low cash flow. So Richard Battaglia and Michael Bixby in the words of Richard “we got Scott up against the ropes... no one is going to pay him or invest!  We are going to run him into the ground, What’s his price to walk away!” They had spent years, ruining the resorts chances every way they could. 


Michael through Richard Battaglia also fed Peter Lawrence bad information and lies. Peter Lawrence is a very big and prominent blogger in San Pedro with a huge following... Ambergris Today...with a blog site that looks really like a newspaper that would only print an article after they fact checked it...which is not the case as it is a blog and they don’t have to.... and if Michael Bixby and Richard Battaglia send Peter Lawrence articles called “11 Million stolen. By Scott. All monies gone. Nothing there!” Peter Lawrence can print it in his newspaper looking blog. Michael never admitted he was behind the attacks that were ruining the resort and my life. We thought since our name and chances to succeed were ruined, we should rename the resort from Mayan islands.. which I loved.. to Belize beach resort and spa ... and I changed my name from Scott Mallick to Scott Smith as our names were already ruined. and we worked even harder to market sell and grow the company. It was obvious that our name had been ruined. And instead of quitting and going out of business we had to try something. But... Changing the Companies name and changing my name to avoid the lies was a total waste of time. Because we did not know the traitor and liar was our own president Michael Bixby... so the lies and goal to destroy the company never stopped.


Ricardo Pelayo the president of Atlantic International bank of Belize, who is a great guy, a friend, and one of the few I looked at as a mentor, our relationship went from great to horrible... any time Michael Bixby can convince someone that I am horrible... he does... I find Michael Bixby is very convincing. He got me and Harold Burkle to want to help him. Michael is very convincing and looks very honest...But when combined with his lies and forgeries this is bad for future investors he can hurt.


Michael Bixby could easily be arrested and locked up today as Michael can not follow the law. Besides the blatant laws he breaks when he does forgeries and just signs documents he writes up using my computer signature on agreements I never see... Michael Bixby violates SEC Laws! When I am out of country working, Michael will make up a contract forge my signature and collect many 10,000 to 100,000 checks , then go cash it at a local bank and spend the money. And he knows we legally can’t do this. This is an offshore investment. Michael is either breaking the law on purpose or breaking the law because he doesn’t care.


Michael Bixby does not know a good investment from a bad one . I met him and all his investments were horrible, all losers or worse, straight out scams. I liked the kid. I Brought him to Florida to work and learn from me, got him a car a home a wardrobe books to learn from, and Harold and I tried to teach him... I had no idea Michael was the one destroying the resorts chances of success. He blames this on Richard Battaglia... Michael smiled in my face while he saw me stress and suffer and work hard for success, while all along it was him ruining the companies chances.


I worked all of 2015 to make all the investors safe and build resort to success. First I went to Bobby Burkle and offered their entire family Liens to protect Harold Burkles investment. And to Include Bobby in everything just like his dad Harold who made the investment that Bobby inherited was included in everything. But Bobby refused to meet. Who refuses to meet the guy who your dad invested millions in and now you own? You can thank Michael Bixby for this. Michael is so good... he convinced Bobby Not to meet. Not to get liens on lands to protect his investment, not to meet to know what is going on...


Fast note. Everyone knows that if Harold was alive. None of this would be happening. Since I was 100% working hard to protect investors and setting up liens and bringing in professional sales (as Michael Bixby my sales manager could never do a good job selling) there would be no reason to try to destroy the project, I pushed for 3 things in 2015 (besides protect the investors) 1. Work Together 2. Stop bad press 3. A few sales. But Michael Bixby wanted only to ruin resort by airing all the bad laundry he could make up and all his lies. He even attacked Daniel Hartin with bad press and put him in rip-off report just because Daniel wanted to help. Michael could not let resort succeed after he quit. Michael Didn’t want the truth to be so easy to see.


The Cove Estates. To give you just one example of many. Where Michael Bixby takes the truth... and twists it with lies.. to mislead people, and hurt someone with lies to beat them and win. I tell you about the cove estates. I invested in the Mayan islands in the beginning before any investors were around yet with the money from me selling off millions from my investments and my core business I had for many years called “ATM ADVANTAGE INC” . l had lived simultaneously for years in south beach Miami Florida (involved with stocks and investments) and had an apartment at 45 Wall Street in Manhattan NY. I did this so I could form relationships with banks ,credit card  processors ,a brinks security company , and a ATM service company. I put out and owned 127 ATMs mostly between Houston street up to 57th street in Manhattan. Once up and running we were grossing about 1000 transactions. Per machine. This is very high... but it’s because of the 24hour 7 day a week corner locations. And I had offered 1 dollar a transaction to the store owner .. when the going rate was only 25 to 50 cents. I kept a dollar and had 50 cents for costs. I was grossing 250k a month I was clearing net 100,000 a month ... over a million a year income I was earning. But. I fell in love with the islands of Belize. when I saw the Mayan islands in Belize I sold everything I had to buy them. But Before that... I had taken 95k in my SEP. paid the taxes to convert to a Roth. Then used Entrust to set up a self directed IRA to buy the cove estates land in my Roth for 350k usd about 12 years ago... 95k Roth Self Directed IRS through Entrust and I loaned myself 255k to make the 350k purchase. Now this 350k investment that was separate from Mayan islands and in my Roth which I paid 350k for is now worth over 5 Million! Subdivided into 18 Lots easily 350 each! And what did I do? To make Mayan Islands even stronger... I put my 5 Million dollars worth of lots into the Mayan Islands. ...  


Michael twists the facts and lies and sees 350k for the cove estates in my email history before he even knew me... and then tells everyone i only put in 350k TOTAL.. This is impossible! But Michael, he can sell the lies! .... yes in my Roth investment for 9.9 acres cove estates, I spent 350k. But To buy with millions of dollars the other separate 200 acres of over 2 miles  of island waterfront lands of Mayan Islands, I started paying for this when I sold my ATM ADVANTAGE Company. 


The small 9.9 acre cove estate purchase for 350k was from my 95k SEP/Roth and 255k from my bank account from SAVINGS I had before I sold off all my real assets to buy 2 miles of island waterfront for millions...


Now because of the extreme lies of Michael Bixby... I have given up my 75% of Everything to ensure the shareholders are protected... I lost 75 Million to 150 Million... bad press lies can do that! (Think bank runs because of rumors before insured)


Michael should never be allowed anywhere near the financial services industry. he will blindly sell investments like he sold used cars... but every investment he made when I met him was bad... he would have done better if blindfolded with a dart board picking his investments. 


No matter how hard you work in life. People can ruin your chances of success. 

1. A house Divided can not stand. 

2. one of the 10 commandments “Thou shall not pass false witness upon thy neighbor” 3. You can always destroy someone’s life and reputation, if your willing to do whatever it takes.. lie, forge documents, publish lies on blog sites pretending they are the truth. Ask Chet Riley. Ask Russell Nelms. They had a ringside seat. And knows what Michael did was illegal immoral and criminal.


Michael couldn’t allow resort to be a big success after he failed and quit. Michael will do anything not to let this success happen.


Michael Bixby was a great used car salesman... knows how to take turns talking, say what you want to hear, and act like a guy you can trust... I fell for it. I thought Michael was my friend, and I treated him like my little brother, tried to help him every way I can. I gave him a car, a home, wedding rings, a position of power and responsibility, and I trusted him. but between his dishonest behavior and lack of financial skills, Michael j. Bixby should not be allowed near peoples money. I feel Michael J. Bixby should not be able to have anything to do with other people’s money. Michael Bixby should not be allowed in Financial Services. If he is , then Michael Bixby will be able to Rip you off too!




Scott Smith

Founder and CEO CERI

Scott Smith

United States

Scott Smith Rebuttal to Michael J Bixby

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, November 18, 2017


Michael J. Bixby and his Illegal Immoral and Unethical practices and behaviors are costing past investors millions in losses. Now Michael Bixby wants to beat future investors with his same illegal unethical and immoral practices.


Michael Bixby must not be able to proclaim to the world he can be a trusted money manager or that he can in any way be entrusted to be involved in any way with a persons finances. I will clearly site a few of the hundreds of examples. He has ruined millions for past investors. But Michael j Bixby must not be allowed moving forward to cause financial harm to others in the future. 


I have never posted before, but Michael j. Bixby must not be able to harm people and rip off people by asking for money from investors or have anything to do with financial services or be in any position where he can harm investors financial worth.


Anyone involved in CERI, also called Mayan Islands, I urge you to try to get the true facts. Not from Michael J. Bixby. Chester Riley is of high integrity and always speaks truthful and knows what really is going on. Rules Nelms is an honest guy who knows the truth, also Doug Crowe is very Knowledgable and has worked alongside Michael, Harold Burkle knew the truth but unfortunately passed away (if Harold was alive, he never would have allowed Michael Bixby to do these crimes and violations, and his son Bobby Burkle would have been told to never contact Michael but to work with me as Harold did. There would be no destructive lies and lawsuits crippling the company these last two years) Michael Bixby has committed many counts of Fraud, SEC Violations, Theft, Forgeries, Illegal Stock Issuance, Money Embezzlement to name a few. I will point out some of the many violations.


Anyone associated with ECP Capital Partners please do a full background and due diligence on Micheals past frauds plus his lack of any financial experience, before he ruins your reputation.


Anyone considering working with or investing with ECP Capital Partners be very cautious and please read this to see what you are getting in business with.


Anyone involved in the offices at 8127 Glades Road Suite #103 please be careful


Anyone at Boca West please be careful of 3809 Bridgewood Dr. Boca Fl 33434


Anyone associated with Red Emerald Resources Corp or Red Emerald Holdings llc please do a real background check on Michael Bixby 


David Cohen who Michael Bixby Claims is in business with doing Financial work (which Michael has absolutely no business doing) I strongly urge to do a background check on Michael Bixby before he ruins your reputation or worse, gets you involved in lawsuits costing you your name reputation and millions in losses 


Anyone ever thinking of falling for Michael Bixby great sales skills... with no knowledge of what makes a good financial investment.. please just don’t....find someone with a real track record... so you don’t lose everything to a guy who took a class on investing... then made all bad investments.. now he wants to take other peoples monies..


Here are just a few of the supporting relevant facts:


Michael knows what he is doing. First he launched a four year smear campaign (while denying it and working as the companies president and sales manager) telling all past and potential investors “11 Million dollars stolen. Nothing there. Investors lose everything. Investors beware” then Michael launches lawsuits and false ripoff articles and false Facebook smear campaigns and falsifying contracts and documents to the judge. 


Let me make this ripoff by Michael Bixby very clear. You are one of thousands of potential investors and buyers. You look at 100s of investments. How fast do you discard the potential investment with all the press says that the CEO stole 11 Million dollars and all the investors lost everything, that no assets were there. How fast do you walk away from buying a beach estate from a project that is (unfairly) accused of stealing millions and investors lose millions.. let alone now that there are (unwarranted) lawsuits, and if you were dumb enough to buy, you could lose it all, because of the lawsuits. How fast would you run away and look at the 100s of other deals with no bad press and no lawsuits.


We all were working and communicating to make success happen. I had gone to Bobby and Peter directly and reached out to investors to work together to make their investment successful. Michael and his group did lawsuits for the opposite reason. To stop the success of the project and sales. To hurt investors. So they could take control of the millions in assets. Ask Russell Nelms. Everyday we talked. Our mutual goal:

  1. Work Together 
  2. Stop Bad Press (Michael)
  3. Make Sales. (Russell Nelms asked to list and Sell Cove Estates to help)

Michael Bixby didn’t want success for project and investors and working together.


Peter Scott and I talked many times and we 100% agreed to work together to make the project a huge success. Peter Scott told me that “working together is the only way to have huge success. “If we become a house divided and fight we are sure to fail” But Michael Bixby couldn’t let the project succeed now that he had failed as sales manager and quit. 


Peter Scott and I agreed that I had to bring in a real sales manager. Which I did. I brought in the best. I brought in Daniel Hartin and Sandy Point Resorts and Sandy Point Realty. 


Michael Bixby wanted to stop all sales so badly and for the project to fail, that he even bad mouthed Daniel Hartin and put Daniel Hartin’s picture on Ripoff, to do anything to ruin anyone who would help the project and investors succeed. Can you imagine how hard Daniel Hartin and I tried to make sales and the resort a success , while Michael Bixby did everything for years to ruin all efforts to make the resort a success.


Why would a potential investor invest in a potential project with so much negative press.. press like “11 Million stolen and investors lose everything, nothing there, no assets...” when there are so many investments in the marketplace without horrible press. How fast do you decide NOT to invest. And how much do you think the project suffers trying to build grow and sell, with a unfair reputation of stealing millions and investors already losing everything. 


This is what Michael Bixby did on purpose to rip off investors so he could force the project to fail and have his team take over. Ripping off investors of how successful the project and investors could have been without Michael Bixbys fabricated campaign: “11 million stolen , nothing there, Investors lose everything. Buyers beware” 


No matter how hard Daniel Hartin works, the Lawsuits, which Daniel must tell all potential Investors and Buyers about, makes them decide NOT to buy and look for investments elsewhere, no matter how great our project is and can be. Wouldn’t you invest somewhere else! 


Daniel Hartin and I have talked to over 100 interested potential investors. They all say the same thing. “I love the project. It’s amazing. But I can’t invest in an investment with so much bad press. In the future once you have worked out all this dirty laundry and charges of millions stolen and investors being ripped off.. I might revisit this investment. But I probably won’t “


Michael Bixby shows his background as a college degree in history... as he didn’t go to college to prepare for a future making money with a business degree, and definitely not a degree in finance... but to be a school history teacher ... teaching history. Now he says he is a (extremely unqualified) financial advisor.. 


To support himself after getting a history degree, Michael spent 7 years as a used car salesman. Michael Bixby does a great job selling and appears very honest. That is why I liked him and had him come on board as the president and ran sales and was in charge of all bank transactions for 7 years.


There is a gap on his resume he posts from 2006 when he was fired from selling used cars at enterprise.. to 2016 and 2017 where he says he a successful financial guy at Red Emerald Resources and Now ECP Capital Partners.. this 7 year gap is when he worked for CERI , when he worked for me as president and in charge of bank transactions..which now he he can change the truth to fit his story


To some Michael says he was the CERI president and head of sales and the person in charge of all bank transactions (ones the I knew about, and many I didn’t)

To others, Michael says he was not the CERI president, not in charge of bank transactions, but just an investor, not part of the company, even though he 

A. goes to court on his own and representing the company on his own as an officer of the company, pleads guilty, sets up payments by the company to Tom Mulka, which he never makes, and loses companies lands he pledged as an officer, to 

B.  Posting on ripoff when he was attacking Javier Ortiz in a letter where he himself states “ I Michael Bixby am the President of CERI and in charge of all bank transactions”, all the way to 

C. setting up a new transfer agent behind my back for the company, transfers shares, lies on phone to transfer agent and says he is Scott Mallick and forges Scott’s signature, (all while Scott not knowing anything about it) , to 

D. all on his own while I was out of town, selling many unsophisticated investors on 10,000 to 100,000 investments, taking it in a local check, cashing it at the local bank, and spending the money, all without permission. Violating all SEC laws.


Did you just count about 25 criminal, go to jail, 100 plus years of felonies Michael Bixby committed just then, I did.


Here come more red flags for future investors to stay away from Michael Bixby


He was the president and in charge of the bank transactions... Michael Bixby even once wrote a ripoff report on Javier Ortiz... Michael Bixby himself stating “I Michael Bixby am the president and in charge of all bank transactions”... but now Michael Bixby pretends he was never this..... Michael lies to suit his needs.


I met Michael Bixby when he started blaming and bad mouthing his real estate course teacher. I asked for the facts. Michael said the teacher told him to buy an empty lot on a mountain in North Carolina by financing a 250k purchase and also many other purchases that didn’t turn out well for Michael. 


I asked Michael as it was really Michaels decision whether to buy the lot in North Carolina or not, that after he looked at it why he bought it. Michael said he “bought it sight unseen” I asked why.. Michael said he didn’t want to waste 800 dollars to fly up.. so he just bought the 250,000 lot. Michael admitted all his purchases he was complaining about were purchased sight unseen... just because they were recommended to him by a random salesmen who came to the real estate school to speak. Michael is a smooth talking salesman, but that’s it.


After Michael Bixby worked with me I find out that behind my back, Michael does and says whatever Michael wants. Michael was fired by enterprise for repeatedly doing and saying whatever he wanted against company policy. We all expect a used car salesman... to do whatever to sell us a car..we are ready for that. But we can’t let lies and unethical behavior be part of our financial investing. There is too much at stake. One can lose their home and severely hurt the marriage and ones future.


At Harold Burkles funeral, a great man, very good friend of mine, a mentor, and an investor, Bobby Burkle his son comes up to me and says “so Michael says you are fully rented. And I should be getting a check next month”. I was caught off guard. As this was a huge bold face lie by Michael , and we were at a funeral. I asked Michael why he Lied to Bobby. Michael said “I told Bobby what he wanted to hear”. Harold was Not Michaels friend at the end. Harold knew of many of Michaels costly lies and mistakes... which I won’t cover.. and asked me to help Michael. Harold was one of the greatest men I ever knew. If his son Bobby knew the truth. Bobby would easily be working with me, we would be very successful, and he wouldn’t even take Michaels call. Same with Peter Scott. Actually if everyone knew the truth , we would all be successfully working together.


I sit down with Ken and Barbara Lamborghini. Ken Says “ Michael says I will start getting checks next week “ which is not true. I ask Michael why he lies. Michael says “I am telling them what they want to hear so I can get referrals and more money”. I tell him again to stop. Russell Nelms and I discuss Michael Bixbys lies. Russell Nelms advises that we should remove Michael Bixby quietly from the company, so as not to cause panic and destroy company. Then once Michael Bixby removed, work to fix all the lies and damage he has caused. Chet Riley, a great guy and very smart guy, advised us to make  “Michael Bixby a team of one” to remove him from Investors and from lying and damaging project. So not to panic everyone, stop Michaels damage, then fix the damage.


Michael keeps going to Peter Scott. Michael says “I take Peter Scott pizza and beer, to get Peter to like me” 

I have told Michael over 100 Times.. “leave Ken Barbara Peter Scott and Harold alone!”  Michael says he can’t. 


I get calls from Russell Nelms “Scott. Michael Bixby is doing it again. Michael is calling up investors and saying “if you don’t invest more.. you can lose your investment.. if you invest more , that’s the only way to protect your investment.” Behind my back.


This got so bad once. Michael Bixby went to Tom Mulka... behind my back... who already had money in.  Michael told Tom Mulka that if he didn’t put his last money he had in, Another 250k, he could lose his investment. So he did. Michael promised to pay it back... of course Michael didn’t ... so Mulka files a lawsuit. And Michael working behind my back .. went down to Belize and pleads guilty in court on my behalf, and promised to make payments.., which he doesn’t... Michael also pledges my lands as collateral an officer of my company.... and since he never paid and my investors lose land... this sounds unbelievable... but it’s true... everyone thinks Michael is a good guy.. and he would never use the companies bank account for himself or sign documents saying he is me or representing me... but he did this for years... please do not let Michael Bixby moving forward ruin anyone else’s life or take their money. 


This next one is so illegal that Michael Bixby should be behind bars. Michael Bixby. Forging my name to documents and saying he is me on the phone.... so Michael could set up a new transfer agent... then moved all my stock there saying he was me on the phone and then started illegally issuing stock. My new lawyer was going through a box from the old lawyer and found a bill paid to a transfer agent for services rendered and stock issued. With me on the line, my lawyer called the transfer agent.. who I knew nothing about, didn’t know who they were, and had never spoke to. So your the transfer agent, my lawyer asked,. She said “yes” . And Scott had you issue these shares “yes. I have talked to Scott on the phone on many occasions and Scott has signed all the paperwork I sent him to sign” in United States Michael would be in prison... I want everyone warned not to have any financial dealings with this crook.


Michael Bixby while I was in Belize working hard for the success of the resort and the investor.... broke into my Apartment in Miami and stole my clothes , my TVs, my money, my watches, shoes, computers.....everything.


I finally figured out why. Not to just hurt me...(the police detective Daniel Han of Miami Beach police department has his theft all on video tape ...) Michael Bixby stole everything... so he could steal my files and company paperwork and my computers.... the reason Michael Bixby did this... was so he could send forgeries of contracts to the Judge in Belize. Thinking since I don’t have the originals I couldn’t contest them. . as Michael stole them and destroyed them, that his forgeries would fool the Belize Judge and Courts.


Michael Bixby is falsifying documents to the courts and the judge. Michael has no respect for the Judge or the Courts or the laws of Belize. He even wrote up one forged agreement where his wife is the where he wrote up he gets two million. Michael thinks the judge will fall for this. Michael has the agreements with my name Scott Smith.. but has them signed Scott Mallick (Forgeries)... not even well thought forgeries!


I Believe what was most important to Michael is that  after he quit, he could not let the project succeed. He could not let it be so obvious that once he was gone, and i brought in a real sales manager, we would then be extremely successful. 

So he robbed me, did false lawsuits, and tried to get over on the judge with his forgeries, while using lies on the internet to ruin the project, this is why Michael should never be allowed to take investors monies or be in financial services.


In 2015 I had worked hard to have resort open and renting. It looked great! We had huge interest in people helping us with sales. I knew we now owned over 2 miles of islands minutes from San Pedro and We were sitting on a gold mine. Investors would make millions! But I knew I needed a professional sales and management team. I told my investors I had the biggest sales and rental and management team ready to work with us! Everyone was happy! Including Peter Scott. 


But Michael Bixby did not want the project to succeed in 2015! So Michael Bixby contacts Daniel Hartin of Sandy Point and says “I Michael Bixby am going to destroy Scott. Any attempt Scott makes to make the resort succeed I will shut down. Daniel you better not help Scott because I and my group are taking the resort from him! We are going to stop Scott from making the resort work. We don’t care how long the resort sits. We are going to take it. “


Well this ruined my deal great deal to help our company with Daniel Hartin. Now I am really worried about my investors. So I make a worse deal for me  with Daniel to protect the investors. The investors own 25% for 25 Million. I own 75% of CERI. This Project with good management can make over 200 Million. I want to protect my investors first and foremost. I offer Daniel to give up my 75% worth 75 Million to Daniel and his group. With the condition that the investors are 100% protected. All of them including Michael and Peter and Bobby who are attacking and ruining it for everyone are protected too.


There has been talk of two boats. The first one was two million dollars new, and as it was used was asking $850k, and I paid just $250k for a great 63ft open sport fishing vessel. New was 2million. Looked like the 3 Million hatteras and Viking. Sleeps 8. We would make great money with this at the resort. Half day diving/snorkeling trips and deep sea fishing trips. I put Michael in charge of watching over the 100k budget we set aside to fix it up really nice and ship it down... Michael added an unnecessary additional expense of 100k in extended storage costs because not done on time as he never got the work done.. and then just gave the boat away without telling me he says for just 80k... from our 450k spent.. what a waste.. 


The second boat. Michael really wanted... so he could he said look good and sell marina slips.. said he promised he would do good if I let him have this. I like taking chances on people who show initiative so I said yes to Michael with 4. rules. 1. He had to pay cash. 2. He couldn’t use our construction money, 3. he had to buy it from offshore, 4. he had to take care of it... Michael broke every rule he agreed to... he even lied to investors.. he used our construction money. And he couldn’t get our huge deposit back.. but promised he would pay it off in 6 months... Michael ended up losing all the money and losing the yacht... I said to Michael “you can’t sell a finished star island estate for 700k... but you can sell a not yet built yacht slip for 700k... “ he said “yep”... and he turned all this around so it’s all my fault.


Michael had been attacking the company for years.... I just didn’t know it was him as he was my companies president and my friend. Michael Bixby was undermining and ruining the resorts chances...this is illegal unethical and immoral. For 4 years Michael Bixby had sided with Richard Battaglia...they saw that We had huge assets, but we had low cash flow. So Richard Battaglia and Michael Bixby in the words of Richard “we got Scott up against the ropes... no one is going to pay him or invest!  We are going to run him into the ground, What’s his price to walk away!” They had spent years, ruining the resorts chances every way they could. 


Michael through Richard Battaglia also fed Peter Lawrence bad information and lies. Peter Lawrence is a very big and prominent blogger in San Pedro with a huge following... Ambergris Today...with a blog site that looks really like a newspaper that would only print an article after they fact checked it...which is not the case as it is a blog and they don’t have to.... and if Michael Bixby and Richard Battaglia send Peter Lawrence articles called “11 Million stolen. By Scott. All monies gone. Nothing there!” Peter Lawrence can print it in his newspaper looking blog. Michael never admitted he was behind the attacks that were ruining the resort and my life. We thought since our name and chances to succeed were ruined, we should rename the resort from Mayan islands.. which I loved.. to Belize beach resort and spa ... and I changed my name from Scott Mallick to Scott Smith as our names were already ruined. and we worked even harder to market sell and grow the company. It was obvious that our name had been ruined. And instead of quitting and going out of business we had to try something. But... Changing the Companies name and changing my name to avoid the lies was a total waste of time. Because we did not know the traitor and liar was our own president Michael Bixby... so the lies and goal to destroy the company never stopped.


Ricardo Pelayo the president of Atlantic International bank of Belize, who is a great guy, a friend, and one of the few I looked at as a mentor, our relationship went from great to horrible... any time Michael Bixby can convince someone that I am horrible... he does... I find Michael Bixby is very convincing. He got me and Harold Burkle to want to help him. Michael is very convincing and looks very honest...But when combined with his lies and forgeries this is bad for future investors he can hurt.


Michael Bixby could easily be arrested and locked up today as Michael can not follow the law. Besides the blatant laws he breaks when he does forgeries and just signs documents he writes up using my computer signature on agreements I never see... Michael Bixby violates SEC Laws! When I am out of country working, Michael will make up a contract forge my signature and collect many 10,000 to 100,000 checks , then go cash it at a local bank and spend the money. And he knows we legally can’t do this. This is an offshore investment. Michael is either breaking the law on purpose or breaking the law because he doesn’t care.


Michael Bixby does not know a good investment from a bad one . I met him and all his investments were horrible, all losers or worse, straight out scams. I liked the kid. I Brought him to Florida to work and learn from me, got him a car a home a wardrobe books to learn from, and Harold and I tried to teach him... I had no idea Michael was the one destroying the resorts chances of success. He blames this on Richard Battaglia... Michael smiled in my face while he saw me stress and suffer and work hard for success, while all along it was him ruining the companies chances.


I worked all of 2015 to make all the investors safe and build resort to success. First I went to Bobby Burkle and offered their entire family Liens to protect Harold Burkles investment. And to Include Bobby in everything just like his dad Harold who made the investment that Bobby inherited was included in everything. But Bobby refused to meet. Who refuses to meet the guy who your dad invested millions in and now you own? You can thank Michael Bixby for this. Michael is so good... he convinced Bobby Not to meet. Not to get liens on lands to protect his investment, not to meet to know what is going on...


Fast note. Everyone knows that if Harold was alive. None of this would be happening. Since I was 100% working hard to protect investors and setting up liens and bringing in professional sales (as Michael Bixby my sales manager could never do a good job selling) there would be no reason to try to destroy the project, I pushed for 3 things in 2015 (besides protect the investors) 1. Work Together 2. Stop bad press 3. A few sales. But Michael Bixby wanted only to ruin resort by airing all the bad laundry he could make up and all his lies. He even attacked Daniel Hartin with bad press and put him in rip-off report just because Daniel wanted to help. Michael could not let resort succeed after he quit. Michael Didn’t want the truth to be so easy to see.


The Cove Estates. To give you just one example of many. Where Michael Bixby takes the truth... and twists it with lies.. to mislead people, and hurt someone with lies to beat them and win. I tell you about the cove estates. I invested in the Mayan islands in the beginning before any investors were around yet with the money from me selling off millions from my investments and my core business I had for many years called “ATM ADVANTAGE INC” . l had lived simultaneously for years in south beach Miami Florida (involved with stocks and investments) and had an apartment at 45 Wall Street in Manhattan NY. I did this so I could form relationships with banks ,credit card  processors ,a brinks security company , and a ATM service company. I put out and owned 127 ATMs mostly between Houston street up to 57th street in Manhattan. Once up and running we were grossing about 1000 transactions. Per machine. This is very high... but it’s because of the 24hour 7 day a week corner locations. And I had offered 1 dollar a transaction to the store owner .. when the going rate was only 25 to 50 cents. I kept a dollar and had 50 cents for costs. I was grossing 250k a month I was clearing net 100,000 a month ... over a million a year income I was earning. But. I fell in love with the islands of Belize. when I saw the Mayan islands in Belize I sold everything I had to buy them. But Before that... I had taken 95k in my SEP. paid the taxes to convert to a Roth. Then used Entrust to set up a self directed IRA to buy the cove estates land in my Roth for 350k usd about 12 years ago... 95k Roth Self Directed IRS through Entrust and I loaned myself 255k to make the 350k purchase. Now this 350k investment that was separate from Mayan islands and in my Roth which I paid 350k for is now worth over 5 Million! Subdivided into 18 Lots easily 350 each! And what did I do? To make Mayan Islands even stronger... I put my 5 Million dollars worth of lots into the Mayan Islands. ...  


Michael twists the facts and lies and sees 350k for the cove estates in my email history before he even knew me... and then tells everyone i only put in 350k TOTAL.. This is impossible! But Michael, he can sell the lies! .... yes in my Roth investment for 9.9 acres cove estates, I spent 350k. But To buy with millions of dollars the other separate 200 acres of over 2 miles  of island waterfront lands of Mayan Islands, I started paying for this when I sold my ATM ADVANTAGE Company. 


The small 9.9 acre cove estate purchase for 350k was from my 95k SEP/Roth and 255k from my bank account from SAVINGS I had before I sold off all my real assets to buy 2 miles of island waterfront for millions...


Now because of the extreme lies of Michael Bixby... I have given up my 75% of Everything to ensure the shareholders are protected... I lost 75 Million to 150 Million... bad press lies can do that! (Think bank runs because of rumors before insured)


Michael should never be allowed anywhere near the financial services industry. he will blindly sell investments like he sold used cars... but every investment he made when I met him was bad... he would have done better if blindfolded with a dart board picking his investments. 


No matter how hard you work in life. People can ruin your chances of success. 

1. A house Divided can not stand. 

2. one of the 10 commandments “Thou shall not pass false witness upon thy neighbor” 3. You can always destroy someone’s life and reputation, if your willing to do whatever it takes.. lie, forge documents, publish lies on blog sites pretending they are the truth. Ask Chet Riley. Ask Russell Nelms. They had a ringside seat. And knows what Michael did was illegal immoral and criminal.


Michael couldn’t allow resort to be a big success after he failed and quit. Michael will do anything not to let this success happen.


Michael Bixby was a great used car salesman... knows how to take turns talking, say what you want to hear, and act like a guy you can trust... I fell for it. I thought Michael was my friend, and I treated him like my little brother, tried to help him every way I can. I gave him a car, a home, wedding rings, a position of power and responsibility, and I trusted him. but between his dishonest behavior and lack of financial skills, Michael j. Bixby should not be allowed near peoples money. I feel Michael J. Bixby should not be able to have anything to do with other people’s money. Michael Bixby should not be allowed in Financial Services. If he is , then Michael Bixby will be able to Rip you off too!




Scott Smith

Founder and CEO CERI


Daytona Beach,

Scott Mallick self-entitled ZEUS!

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 10, 2017

Please look online, Mr. Mallick did 5 years in prison for robbing a Kay Jewelers, an inside job in Tampa. He has no backing and no money!  Please contact me to find out more.  I am worried for my safety with him if I put any more info on here



Destructive Approach to Resolution

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, July 19, 2016

Dear Peter Scott and Michael Bixby. 


I am very surprised that you would even include my name in this report as I am merely trying to keep the project from sinking. I was not even involved in the project until Jan of this year 2016 so I find it rather insulting and slanderous for you to include me in any of these accusations. I will be getting a lawyer and will launch a suite against both of you if you do not remove me from this accusation. You have a number of points that need to be defended with Scott but we are simply the management company put in place at this point trying to help the project and stop it from being destroyed. For yourself and any body that reads this report you can contact me directly at (((REDACTED))) as you clearly do not have your facts straight either and if you are truly concerned then I will look forward to your phone call!

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