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  • Report:  #633244

Complaint Review: Active Health & Wellness Center


  • Reported By:
    Gabriela — LOGANVILLE Georgia U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 19, 2010
  • Updated:
    Thu, October 28, 2010

    I was in extreme pain and I called Dr.Hans office to set up an appointment. A female answerd the phone and said "We are closed but, he will be comming in the office to do paper work since he just came back from vacation". I said "Okay, what time can I come in?" She told me 3pm. I asked her the fees and she said that it was going to be 50% off the original price of 140.00 which is $70.00 it includes x-ray, exam, adjustment and therapy. Then she said
if you come here to continue care the adjustments were going to be $35.00. I said "Great"!I went to the chiropractor had an adjustment and therapy and he said he had to send me somewhere else for xrays and he said he doesn't want to do the x-rays
 because he thinks I dont need it. At the end of my treatment I went to pay and my boyfriend "A Deputy" was with  me paid for me. When he ran the card as he was running it he said it will me $75.00 and then ran $79.00. He said it was the total and we figured it was tax. We got a reciept and left.

When we drove home "We" noticed that the bottom said $61.00 owed? "WHAT"? We then called back and no answer so we left a message. I spoke with Dr. Han and he said that he was sorry and should have told me the amount when I got there an it was not 50% off. I then said "NO, That is not what was told to me and it I knew thats ow much it was I would have went somewhere else" He then with a nasty tone, called me a "LIAR" and not to "Bullsh$t" him  and said that noone told me that. Well , if they didn't how did I get that figure? I then spoke to My boyfriend and told him what happend and how rude dr. Hans was to me. Dr. Hans spoke to my boyfriend and told my boyfriend he was sorry and apologized to me and said he would then fix the bill to be "ZERO". I accepted his apology and he asked if I would come back and use him and also if I could please do some marking for him and I told him "I accept your apology but, the way I was treated was no excuse and that I do not feel comfortable".He then said "Fine" and was angry. I told him when I have the chance I will go down there and pick up the bill that states"ZERO" for my records. He then said oh well I guess you can come get your id too, since you forgot it here.

I went today to pick up the id and said" I would like the copy of the bill" he said "Okay, how will you pay that?"I said"what"? you said it was settled and now your going to Lie he said "I dont care" I will not pay this bill for you". I said you lied to me and an deputy and he told me to get out of his store.

If you want to be treated rude and cursed at and you takin advantage of then you should go see Dr.. Hans


1 Updates & Rebuttals

Joseph Hans, D. C.

United States of America

Don't Believe Everything You Read On The Internet!

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 28, 2010

First, let me respond by saying that the internet is full of information that is not checked or verified. Consequently, a lot of the information you read on there is false, misleading and inaccurate, as in this case. There is no way to verify whether the person whos posting the information is telling the truth or is just upset because they owed a balance that they refused to pay that person or company. That's the case with the person posting this report about me.  Keep in mind, the name of this site is called, Rip-off Report which would indicate that someone felt they were ripped-off. In this case, I was the one who was ripped-off because this person owes me money and declined to pay the balance she owed my office.  So, when reading these reports, just remember there are two sides to every story and ask yourself after reading both sides which makes more sense and who was the one who really got ripped-off.

By the way, if I had not been contacted by two separate people telling me that saw this report on the internet then I would have never known that it existed. Usually when a stranger calls you to tell you something like this its because they are trying to sell you something. Sure enough, that was the case with them. I knew that they werent just calling to tell me this out of the goodness of their heart, there had to be some kind of catch. They both said that for several thousand dollars that they could have this buried in the back pages of the internet where nobody would see it. Unbelievable! Needless to say, I wasnt going to pay anyone a dime, especially when I didnt do anything wrong. If you want to verify whether what Im saying is true feel free to call this person yourself. His name is Frank Costa at 1-800 440-6239 ext: 305. The link he provided in his e-mail to me was

When I e-mailed the editor of Rip-off Report to tell him that this information was wrong and asked to have it removed, he replied saying, In short. We cannot become the Judge as to who is right or wrongThe entire Internet is this way. Most of what is on the Internet is NOT VERIFIED. I suggest that you just file a rebuttal and explain your side This person will keep going onto other sites to post again and again - you will be fighting a never ending battle.. Again, please just file a rebuttal

Im confident that after reading this people will be able to figure out whos telling the truth and realize that some people like to make viscous attacks on others to try to get back at them for something they feel was done to them.  Now, I'd like to take the time to respond to these ridiculous allegations and let you decide for yourself whos telling the truth.

This report was posted by a woman who called my office on a Monday to schedule a new patient appointment. My office is not open on Monday and since I had just returned home from vacation in Hawaii the day before the calls were being routed to my assistant's cell phone.  Having jet lag and being exhausted from the fourteen hour trip home, I was reluctant to come in the office on my day off when my assistant called me. However, she said that the woman who called her wanted to be seen as a new patient and was in a lot of pain and needed to see someone right away, I wanted to help her so I decided to go into the office, even though I was tired and could have used the rest.

My assistant informed the new patient that the fee for the initial visit would be $140 which included the consultation, exam, any therapies that may be necessary and the chiropractic adjustment. My normal fee for just the exam ranges from $79 to $140 depending on the level of exam I perform and how involved it is. Usually, when people don't have insurance, as in this case, I'm willing to provide everything mentioned above on the first day for just $140. This woman told my assistant that her father also wanted to see me and wanted to know if I could give him a discount too. I told my assistant that Id be willing to see her father for 50% off of the $140 which would have made his visit $70. Apparently, she was confused about what I had my assistant tell her. Her visit was $140 and if she brought her father in with her I was willing to see him for of that, which again, would have been $70.  This woman knew in advance what the cost of her visit would be before she ever entered my office.

In her post she said that my assistant told her that x-rays were included for the $140. This is not true and lacks merit since I dont even have x-ray equipment in my office. She then went on to say, "he said he had to send me somewhere else for xrays and he said he doesn't want to do the x-rays because he thinks I dont need it. This contradicts her own story!

Neither me or my assistant ever mentioned anything to her about taking x-rays in my office, My website doesnt state anywhere on there that x-rays are taken in my office either.  When x-rays are recommended, patients are referred to an outside imaging facility for that service and its up to the patient to work out payment arrangements with that facility, not my office.  Remember the 50% discount was what I was willing to offer her father if she brought him in with her.  Again, she was told that her first visit would be $140.  Additional family members are typically given an additional discount so this too is inconsistent with her story.

When this woman first entered my office I explained to her what we would be doing on the initial visit. After completing a through exam and consultation I did some therapy on her to help ease her pain and discomfort. A low force chiropractic adjustment was given after that. By the way, I never charged her for the adjustment or the therapy, I included it in the $140.  I gave her some specific home care instructions and told her she needed to return back to my office the following day for a follow up visit so that I could go over her examination findings with her. I informed her of the importance of following up with this because one visit was not going to correct her problem.  Keep in mind, in her post she said, "I asked her (meaning my assistant) the fees and she said that it was going to be 50% off the original price of 140.00 which is $70.00.  Obviously, she was confused because that's not my standard office fee for a new patient visit.

When we walked up to the front counter for her to pay I tried to run her card for $140 and it was declined so she asked her boyfriend if she could use his card and he agreed. When she saw me entering $140 into the credit care machine she said she was told that the fee would only be $75 for everything. Do you really think that you could go to a doctors office and have him come in on his day off and receive an exam, therapy, an adjustment and x-rays all for just $75.00? ,especially, if the doctor is willing to come in on his day off to do all this just for you.  Let me remind you after a fourteen hour flight home the day before. Do you really believe this? 

I told her that Id be willing to run her boyfriends card today for just $79.00; however, I told her she would still be responsible for the $61.00 balance since the fee for the initial exam is $140. I told her Id be willing to let her pay that balance when she returned on her next visit. I gave her the receipt from the credit card machine and asked her when she wanted to return for her next appointment.  She said she would have to call me to let me know. After a day or two went by I received a call from her boyfriend. He said that she was upset about having to pay the $61 balance. I told him I was sorry if there was a misunderstanding, however, it was made perfectly clear before she left my office that she still had a $61 balance and just because I agreed to let her pay that on her next visit that didnt relieve her of that responsibility. I also told him that I would be willing write that balance off if she agreed to get on a care plan. She never called to schedule a follow-up visit for me to go over her exam findings and consequently, I never wrote-off the $61 balance.

About a week later she called me and said that her son hurt himself while going down the slide at McDonalds and wanted to know if I help her son. I said Id be happy to take a look at him to see if I could help him and asked when she wanted to bring him in but I didnt hear back from her. I never mentioned anything about the $61 that she still owed because it wasnt a big deal to me.  I thought that it would be better to wait till I see her in person again to ask her about that.

About a week after that she entered my office out of the blue. When she first came in I thought that she was coming in to either clear up the $61 balance she owed or follow up with her treatment. She said she wanted a statement from me reflecting a zero balance. I asked her if she was ready to follow up with her treatment and she said no, I just need to get something from you showing that I dont owe you anything. I explained to her that I could not do that until she paid the past due balance.  She said that I had agreed to write off that balance and I explained to her that she must have misunderstood.  She started arguing with me and getting loud and obnoxious so I asked her to calm down.  She continued to be very argumentative and went on to say that her boyfriend had taped our conversation.  At that point, I did not feel that her tone was appropiate and asked her to leave my office.

Its unfortunate that something like this happened and I deeply regret that there were bad feelings; however, nobody likes to feel that someone tried to take advantage of them. Whether she intentionally set out to do that I dont know but what I do know is that it was understood from the beginning what the cost was.  She should have paid the balance and she never did. 

Lastly, in closing I'd like to say that all of this could have been prevented if there was good commuinication between us. I feel like I did everything that I could to prevent this but sometimes these things happen.  I regret that it did and I'm taking steps to see that this type of situation does not happen again.   

I have always treated my patients with courtesy and professionalism at all times even when they were in the wrong. Anyone who knows me knows that I genuinely care about people and would go out of my way to help them as I did with this patient. Unfortunately, some people are out there to take advantage of others and that appears to be the case here. I am deeply hurt that someone would make these false accusations about me especially since I did nothing but try to help them. You have to ask yourself what could be going on in someones life to make them so angry over something like this. Let us all pray for people like this, obviously something is missing in their lives. To this day I havent sent her to collections, maybe I should now! Please feel free to express your comments or opinions on the contact us page of my web site at You can also view testimonials of other patients of mine who really appreciated me and how I have helped them.

Dr. Joseph Hans, D. C.

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