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  • Report:  #926471

Complaint Review: Adam Lyons PUA Training US Bootcamp

Adam Lyons PUA Training US Bootcamp Attraction Explained Rip off- scam, Internet

  • Reported By:
    Anon — London United Kingdom
  • Submitted:
    Mon, August 13, 2012
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 19, 2013

Adam Lyons rip-off report

Adam Lyons is a self styled dating coach and self promoted number one pick up artist in the world. He demands $1300 for 3 day live training seminar known as a Bootcamp. What the outcomes of these seminars is not known due to the vague marketing fluff that doesnt specify what a student is signing up for.

This is for a good reason. When PUA companies first opened shop they had a whole listed itinerary i.e. pull model beautiful women even if you have no money or are a short fat, bald ugly, 30 plus year old male or gain access to exclusive VIP parties

Of course when these companies failed to deliver on their promises or demonstrate infield due to exaggerations or outright lies- these bold claims were revoked or played down by second generation PUA companies- due to lack of proof or being exposed in the age of Facebook or guys who are part of the growing anti-PUA community.

If you view Adam Lyons US Bootcamp video anyone with sense can see he literally says nothing for 5 minutes. He uses vague talk such as the bootcamp is exactly what you need to get good. Youll have the best coaching to do what it takes..... etc without specifying what the customer will gain from handing over $1300.

Despite Adam Lyons claiming he was voted least likely to gain a girlfriend in school Adam contradicted this in an E-book (released 2008) called Diary of a Pick Up Artist where at age 25 Adam stated in his first PUA forum post. Relationship experience July 2006;

"For the past ten years I have only been single for 9 Months tops. The longest of these relationships were 3 years and most of them were at least a year long".

He even admits in this same E-book he had his first girlfriend at age 15 years old where he gained his first kiss. A very important contradiction for a man who charges big bucks for training by re-writing his past!

In addition to this Adam Lyons was also a well paid Public Relations expert having worked in central London for 10 years in roles for Sky TV, Nike, Pepsi as well as Estate Agency (real estate).

He got into club promotions 2 years prior to re-inventing himself as a geek PUA despite his good looks, height and protective qualities such as a regular high salaried income as well as a work collegue who introduced him to obtaining the VIP guest lists.

Rumour has it Adam was amazed how gullible people were at believing that Mystery (from the book The Game) had any special talents when in fact jumping the ropeat VIP parties, going out with girls from your social circle is something hundreds of thousands or millions of people do world-wide every Saturday night in search of a good time.

Unfortunately if you arent part of a social circle, dont have any friends in this arena or have no experience with real friends or girlfriends its hard or nigh on impossible to do.

This is where pick up artists like Adam Lyons come in and their teachings are laughable. Here is what happens on an Adam Lyons bootcamp.

Day One

Men are taught laughable theories that are very basic but drawn out in uninteresting lectures- such as creating attraction without looks, Money etc. Whilst Adam Lyons says Men can attract model looking women without them- he then reckons that Men arent attracted to a females looks either and tries to pervert this theory? I think this is purely to get bootcamp attendees to lower their standards away from chasing model or good looking females. Despite this promise in marketing e-mails.

Another tactic is "breaking rapport at the height of creating comfort" (I used in high school when I was 12) was teasing/flirting with girls using the hot/cold method telling her you love her and then pushing them away. According to Adam he teaches this as it creates massive attraction with grown females. Right.............

Day two

Men are taught Nightclub game where they approach random drunk women in Nightclubs and are taught to lie to women with fakes stories because the bootcamp attendees have nothing better to talk about and cannot carry a conversation to save their lives (due to said lack of social circle or girlfriend experience).

Day Three

Men are taught perhaps the most suspicious aspect of seducing women. They are told to go up to random women in the street and start a random conversation by lying to women. Not only did this not work for any guy on the bootcamp but women would scurry away or just plain ignore the guy trying it on.

The girls who did stay only did so because the guy was seemingly asking for directions to Starbucks coffee or some other seemingly innocent question. Each guy was coached by an approach coach who stood behind me and gave obvious feedback such as- she walked away she wasnt attracted. Or I should push if she tries to get away.

Many of these coaches have very little experience with women and some were self confessed virgins. To make matters worse the Bootcamp was held in a stuffy hotel room and Adam Lyons was nowhere to be seen for most of it.


I read in hindsight that Adam claimed he built his social circle from doing daygame approaches when in fact it was his social circle he had built up as a young urban professional doing Public Relations. To be honest if I could fool guys into handing $1300 per person (with 5-10 people attending I too would quit my PR day job).

Neither me or any other Bootcamp attendee got laid that weekend despite Adams claims of 75% of guys getting laid. However as this is marketing e-mails and NOT advertising these charlatans can make up any claim without fear of prosecution from misleading advertising.


4 Updates & Rebuttals

adam kulikowski


I took Adam Lyons Workshop

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, March 19, 2013

I thought it was a great informative workshop.  It helped me. Its hard to be in a new industry. 
There is no magic answer. You can't master anything in a weekend. Improve. Yes. It can be a great jumpstart to improve an area in your life. Getting p***y or/and finding love. Very important. It may be what drives everything.

I would ask how much time the author put in before the workshop and after the workshop. Son't get all rip off report happy because you didn't put the time in to developing yourself to the fullest. Then when you don't get what you want cry scam. 

If you need to have you peck pulled out for you and some girl wooed I don't think he can help with that, nor does he say he can. 

I learned great technique, and got many great pointers. I also met other like minded people who i built connections with and we practiced and had success. One of the guys in the group opened a set and found his dream girl. I saw it. She was way out of his league before the boot camp started but apparently not after he had completed it.

Keep working on yourself, reading, engaging people and staying positive and you can find what you want. Otherwise go and find some hottie from another country. Its out there and if you want to find it, and you have the treasure within you find your outer treasure as well.

Good luck!


United Kingdom

Adam Lyons does tell his students to lie

#5Author of original report

Mon, August 13, 2012

Well that response was suspiciously quick and vague (traits of PUA Training) not to mention I find it a tad coincidence someone who claims to take training "just happened" to have "stumbled upon" my review so soon (PUA Training using google alerts again?)

Personally I think the response is a PUA Training shill who spends more time at his PC combing PUA forums, blogs- making rebuttals the second they appear. Many interns from multiple PUA marketers do the same trick.

Also if Adam Lyons is a success then where is his evidence he was romantically involved with multiple women during the time he claimed to the the "best player in the world". I don't see any photos of Adam in shot with women just random photos of women clubbing (without Adam Lyons in shot). What about more intimate photos such as pictures of former girlfriends, being on dates in parks, cafes, holidays, festivals, work events?

Also none of Adam's students post any evidence they have girls in their lives either. If they are so honest and "don't lie" as the rebuttal says- what is the problem?


New Jersey,
United States of America

Adam Lyons student experience

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, August 13, 2012

I am a student from one of Adam Lyons bootcamps, and my experience is totally different from that of the person who wrote the complaint. In fact, it is so different that I wonder where they got their information about what Adam and his instructors teach.

Having also attended bootcamps with Mystery, where you are actually instructed to write out and practice your DHV stories, there is no such thing in Adam's bootcamp. So I have no idea where someone comes off thinking that Adam and his team teach you to lie to people. The reality could not be further from the truth. What they do teach is how to truly connect with people based upon mutual interests, so that everything just flows naturally.

In short, attending Adam's bootcamp is one of the best investments in my life that I have ever made. It even helps me in my job and day to day life.


New Jersey,
United States of America

RE: adam lyons bootcamp review

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, August 13, 2012

I am a student from one of Adam Lyons bootcamps, and my experience is totally different from that of the person who wrote the complaint. In fact, it is so different that I wonder where they got their information about what Adam and his instructors teach.

Having also attended bootcamps with Mystery, where you are actually instructed to write out and practice your DHV stories, there is no such thing in Adam's bootcamp. So I have no idea where someone comes off thinking that Adam and his team teach you to lie to people. The reality could not be further from the truth. What they do teach is how to truly connect with people based upon mutual interests, so that everything just flows naturally.

In short, attending Adam's bootcamp is one of the best investments in my life that I have ever made. It even helps me in my job and day to day life.

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