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  • Report:  #1153003

Complaint Review: Adams County social services

Adams County social services Jennifer Walsh, Jana Christensen, Judy Snook and Kristen Vollmar. Lied and still have my children Denver Colorado

  • Reported By:
    Amber — Westminster Colorado
  • Submitted:
    Sun, June 08, 2014
  • Updated:
    Mon, September 11, 2017

My children were taken and are still gone, even after Children's Hospital testified on my behalf, as well as other doctors. my children still have not been returned. It has been nothing but a circus show in the courtroom. orders that have been placed have not been upheld or enforced. Social services and lied and manipulated and twist it every single thing around. My children are not babies they are ages 10 13 and 17 they have told the judge and the social services they want to come home but no one is listening to them. All of my children's doctors are willing to testify again on my behalf. 


I was not allowed to present all of my witnesses. I was not allowed to present all of my paperwork.I was told in the beginning if I just took the plea bargain my children would be home the next week and it never happened. We have lost everything because of the situation. The social services are trying to make it seem like if I have this amazing power to  manipulate  all of the doctors, Medicaid, SSI, schools, children's hospital, Childfind, ot, put, therapists, community reach doctors and therapist, and other social workers in the past that could testify to the fact that my children have always been disabled. But nothing is being done about it. The lies just continue, and my children are suffering, as well as my grandchildren.


their FTM meetings are nothing but a waste of time. They have these little cards when you sit at the table saying that they strive on keeping families   together yet they quickly remove families.  I am so distressed about all of the nightmares we've had to live through dealing with  Adams County social services. At least I know I'm not the only one. So please other families that are out there that are going through the same thing as me please contact me we've got to put a stop to this it's out of control. someone has to put a stop to this. I even called governor Hickenlooper is office. They said it wasn't their area to deal with this.I have to go back to court in 3 months, this has been going on for 2 years now. The judge left the bench, and so they want to start the whole process all over again and try to terminate.anyone who can help me: please my family needs help.


my children have been medically neglected, their civil rights have been violated,us as a parent has been completely closed out of their childrens life wrongfully. I need a civil lawyer,the governor, the senator, the mayor, or the president, someone with power to put a stop to it the social services in Adams County Colorado are doing. Our family wants to be back together. Someone had got to be able to help us. Please. 

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Victims of adams


Adams county victims

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, September 11, 2017

 Please contact me. I have audio video email forensic interview evidence of corruption and lies by Jennifer Walsh and Adams county. I've met multiple families that have dealt with them. Please contact me. All of you.



IN response to Social Services comment

#6General Comment

Fri, August 15, 2014

OKay, first off you must work for socuial services so that is why you must be getting so defensive. I disagree with you all the way. Correctness,YES they do come in and take your children for no apparent reason. I lived it as well as others and one being another gal on this site alone. Don't comment on something you know nothing about or have little knowledge of. For one your defending social services and their actions which tells me your a part of social services, if that's the case then your just like the rest, let me ask you something? Are you all trained to be pathological compulsive evil and vindictive liars? If you know what that even means, you are all one in the same. You's have to be very heartless and evil to destroy the lives of innocent people, and most of you people perhaps cannot or do not have any children otherwise you just wouldn't be disrupting the lives of innocent families and mostly innocent children.You's don't think this effects the poor innocent babies and children you are abruptly punishing and tormenting and removing  from very good home's with very good families? you don'tt hink they are the one's also paying for all of this? Last year alone there were over 90 children ranging from 2 months to 9 years of age that died at the hands of their foster parents, parents' you's put them with removing them from their good homes with good parents, you's are a piece of sh* and are gonna rot in hell and pay by god and i hope you do!

In the case about Adams County Social Workers, i know 3 out of the four social workers and one being the Social workers supervisor,  the first two are very evil and vindictive, and obviously mental cases that need psych evaluations and anyone that has dealt or is dealing  with these b* knows that! I know that because they did some injustice to my family. The evil B* ripped my daughters 10 month old baby out of her arms in front of her other two children ages 2 and 5 at the time  as well as other witnesses and told her personally that this is the best part of her job and knows she's a b* that she does it very well and loves doing this . She said it loud and clear amongst numerous witnesses hearing her including my usband and she is very lucky she got out of there in one piece. You think this is logical and professional? The first time she showed up to my house threatening to take my grandchildren, she was dressed in jeans and a short shirt, almost a half shirt on her since she's like 300 punds, and her hair all thin and greasy looked like she hasn't bathed in weeks, maybe months, She had an odor to her as well and not a very pleasnat one. So when she threatened to take our grandbabies we became very defensive since she hadn't introduced herself nor clarified that she was from Social Services, Do you think this is professional? No it is not! She wasn't professional in the beginning nor is she professional now, a year later. They have people like this representing social services and that is totally uncalled for. So this became a personal vendetta against us, it was no longer professional, she can't even give you a reason on why she removed the children. That is not legal especially without reaon. I and ny husband put her in her place and sincwe then she was trying so hard to get our grandbabies adopted by this aunt that never wanted anything to do with them,

So again don't  make commnets about something you are clueless of, have no knowledge of. People whom work for social serrvices these days are evil and every dirty name you can think of and know every single dirty trick in the book and are everything but knowledgable and educated. I have a more educated background then anyone whom works at social services with 8 college degrees among other certifications. I spent over 20 years in college, so believe me i know a professional and a well educated person when i see one and have a conversation with one, and these social workers are far from it.

We have a lawsuit against them and i got complaints against the GAL whom is suuppose to be on the children's side and what's in the best interest of the child, but instead is on Social Services and acts as if they are going ro beat him up if he doesn't do what social services wants him to do. I got him recorded where he is totally dissing social services and saying bad things against them and he denies every aspect about it. One minute he's on our side as well as the grandbabies side, but then when it comes down to going to court this guy is such a evil vindictictive liar and just sits there and twitches like he's on some real strong medications. They need to be giving all your asses some serious drug tests. Whatever you's put families through you's should have to go through the same channels because the truth is, your the ones that are drug addicts, evil, and drunks that are always caught at parties etc, you's just think your untouchable until a knowlegable person as myself gets a hold of you and gets your asses into so much trouble so deep you'll need a shovel to dig yourselves out of. Your screwing and screwed wqith the wrong person, as i told them in the beginning i will not let this go, i will not let you keep my bbbies i am gonna take each and every one of your asses down, and i am as i anm writing this to you.

Leave people alone your just like them, evil, vindictive, and a freaking liar cause if you told the truth then you wouldn't have a case, now would you!



IN response to your report against Social Services and the named Social Workers in Adams County

#6General Comment

Thu, August 14, 2014


I am also another victim in the same boat as you, and been looking all over for other people in the same boat as I, I am wanting you to get into touch with me so we can get together in regards to share our stories and possibly come up with a solution.

ON July 7th of 2013 these same evil vindictive mental case workers did the same thing to our family only worse. The First names Social worker in your report came into my home and illegally without any intent removed my grandbabies from our home, their only home they have ever nkew and was born into and grew up in. Ths is a very long story and goes on and on and on, but to make a long story short, the first named social worker allegedly sat in court under oath and fabricated every single lie and detail of things that never occured. She sat in front of a judge and told him everything but the truth. For the first year of this court case it was with a magistrate Judge then they transferred the case to another district judge a few months ago and he isn't any better than the first judge. I personally thought judges were smarter than that, were trained and knowledgable in this and usually pick up on liars, but the truth is, it's seems like a no win situation when it comes to Social Services and seems like the judge was paid off as well something isn't right when it came to our case. It's as if they were in such a hurry to get them out of our home and put into a foster care home and later did everything possible to terminate my daughters (Mother) Parenteral rights. Even though her constitutional rights were thrown on the floor and swept under the carpet. They told her in an earlier case in the beginning court proceedings that if she didn't agree to abandonment which never occured, that she can loose her kids and possibly have her parental rights terminated and her children put up for adoption, which occured anyways. I told her not to go along with it, although her attorney recommended her in doing so, they ended up terminating her parental right on the July 2, 2014 which was anther one of our court dates and for no apparent reason other than the lies (Fabricated) by this derranged Social Worker on the case, then came the other social worker, second named in your heading, and no better than the first, actually they are 2 peas in a pod. It's obvious they get off on doing this to innicent familes. The get bonuses for each child they remove from the home it's a proven fact and these judges are behind this. They are especially assigned to cases like this. In an earlier article i have gotten off the internet in my reserch of others suing Social Services because they illegally removed children from their homes all to end up in foster homes then died at the hands of their foster parents, these judges have had parents killed etc due to the fact they wouldn't leave it alone nor let their children go. I do not know if that part has any truth in it, but i do know that these judges atand behind social services and its pretty evident in every court proceeding involving my grandbabies that i've ever been to and believe me, in a year i've been to over 30 of them.

Anyways there is so much o tell and i'd be writing forever, please contact me on here asap and maybe we could exchange phone numbers or email adresses because i'd love to get aquainted with you regarding this seems like were not the only ones whom are being victimized by these mentally drenaged social workers and their supervisors non the less any better.



Do your research please

#6Author of original report

Mon, June 09, 2014

First off my response to your rebuttal is this, just because somebody works and social service department does not make them truthful.  in the United States alone there are several lawsuits against social services for wrong doing. in some cases I do agree children need to be removed from the home, but every now and then you get a social that has a hard on for a person and decides to destroy their life,in my case in particularthere are several things pertaining to the falsehood of my children being removed. just because you're an expert on the situation, doesn't make it true. and are just the system it is known fact that there are several people that are charged as guilty that are actually innocent . You have people who spend half of their life in prison because of the fact that they were lied against.  in my case of Social Work the new me of my past. She was also very aware of the fact that my mother is the first one ever in the United States to get her parental rights re mother was also put in the law books because of this reason.yes social services dude just come in and swoop my children away. if you do your research you will see that I'm not the first one that has had this complaint especially against Adams County social services. our justice system by no means is perfect.  there are many flaws in my case is one of far as Internet services it is  called free Wi-Fi.  there are several wheels working right now in the legal department on my case. And social services is out of my case social services are Goliath and I am David.  with God as my witness this is just the first of the three  stones taken from the river bed. social services been given power but do not have the integrity to wield it honestly. I have come across social workers that are true and honest and good but I also have come across social workers that are manipulators.with this being said please do your homework I know that you are probably a social worker and therefore this is a sore spot but this is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God. I really hope and pray that you're one of the good social workers that don't just strive on destroying people and families.




#6Consumer Comment

Mon, June 09, 2014

 What is the reason your children were removed from your custody??? And if you can afford internet services then I suggest you either chose between this service or use the money to hire an Attorney.  CPS just does not come in and swoop up chidren for no reason although many others will chime in and say they are doing it for money.

There is no money in CPS - look it up.  These people have large case loads, work for little to nothing and are required to keep accurate records so before you bash anyone I suggest you look at all the facts and use that to your advantage to get your children back.

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