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  • Report:  #466405

Complaint Review: Adara Dahab Baraka Barrister Yahya Othman Zaman Chambers Zaman & Associates Johor Malaysia

Adara Dahab Baraka, Barrister Yahya Othman, Zaman Chambers, Zaman & Associates Johor, Malaysia Inheritance Scam Johor Bahru Malaysia

  • Reported By:
    Ellenwood Georgia
  • Submitted:
    Tue, June 30, 2009
  • Updated:
    Tue, June 30, 2009
  • Adara Dahab Baraka, Barrister Yahya Othman, Zaman Chambers, Zaman & Associates Johor, Malaysia
    Suite 12-01 & 12-02 Level 12 Menara Tjb
    Johor Bahru, Malaysia
  • Phone:
    0060 136939387
  • Category:

Hello dear,

I must say here that am very happy that you are willing to take up this great challenge. I wish God will strengthen me to witness your works. Well I prayed last night for God's guidance on the decision I make now because It will determine the future for me if at all there is. The doctor says that I will be moved to the Intensive care unit soon.
Just make me a promise that you will use the funds judiciously and for the charity projects in Asia,and Europe. You can utilize the funds to help the poor there and support the Voluntary organization.

I don't know much about Africa but I do know there a lot people there who need help.
You are also allowed to take another continent. It is up to you as long you touch lives of people.

Below is my lawyer's contact. Make correspondence with him officially I have discussed with him in a brief. He will guide you through the process. My strength is really failing me and I can't talk much.

The doctor advised me to reduce my use of the computer in the ward.

Below are the details of my lawyer, contact him as soon as possible.

Barrister Yahya Othman

Suite 12-01 & 12-02 Level 12 Menara Tjb
No. 9 Jalan Syed Mohd. Mufti,
Johor Bahru 80000, Johor - Malaysia.

Tel: 0060 136939387



Phone Number: +60149209715

The doctor says am going in for a surgery tomorrow. Please pray for me.

At your convenience, you can contact me by phone: +60 12 924 9650.

Don't be angry If I don't pick up immediately because I might be sleeping and also I will not answer it when the nurse or doctor is around.. This is because they asked me not to use the phone because of my health. But what do a dying woman care about anymore. If I use the phone I will die, if I don't I will still die.

Get back to me as soon as possible.

Best regards,
Mrs . Adara Dahab Baraka.

Hello dear,

Like I told you, I don't have anybody to help me out on this now. I came on the internet on the doctor's advice to me.

I understand that it is very rare to come by projects like mine but we have to face reality here which is my will.

I have always wanted to help in the fight against the eradication childhood problems but I failed because of my procrastinations.

Life has a way of making things happen. I bet God is showing me some signs that it is high time i helped the poor kids of the world.

I am very ill at the moment and I have accepted my faith. If death is the price then so be it. But I don't want my child care project does not die with me.

I need you to get my hard earned life money out of the bank and then engage in serious developmental projects that will go a long way to assist kids in need. Any project of your choice, there are no limitations but let it be beneficial to the welfare of the suffering kids.
This is what I need you to do.

I have spoken with my attorney, he will assist you where need be to make sure that the aims of the project are actualized.

Please get back to me on your willingness to take up this great challenge.

Best regards,
Mrs . Adara Dahab Baraka.

Hello dear,

I got all you said in your message to me. Thank you for your concerns.
I am a widow, My husband died many years back. We had a kid died during birth due to the carelessness of the doctor. I have lived my life with all these pain hoping that someday things will turn out to be better.
With so much money in my account, I can not truly find happiness because I was not able to achieve alot. Helping the kids is my priority because of the death of my son at birth. Actually, the funds am giving up for charity is from my husband's company which I took over after his death.

Like I told you earlier, I have severe case of cancer and the doctor says I will not be able to survive looking at the extent of damage it has done to my body system.

I am currently admitted at the Lee Francis Memorial Cancer Hospital for my treatment..

The diagnosis shows that I have Esophageal Cancer which has resulted to the growth of tumor in the lining of my esophagus.

The doctor says it has grown through the walls of my esophagus although I don't really understand all these medical terms.
He says it has spread to all the organs of my body through my blood system.

I have been experiencing heartburns, difficulty in swallowing solid foods. It is really painful for me to swallow food.

Sometimes, the food sticks to my esophagus.. I have lost weight. You need to see how slim I have become.

There are times I Vomit blood when I cough.

It is really painful living my life like this.

I have made up my mind to give up everything so that the poor kids of the world will benefit from the funds which I have saved up all my life.

I grew up an orphan and I know what It was to get here.
There is no need to feel pity for me now. All I need is your support to make a difference in the lives of suffering children of the world.

Lets concentrate and make the world a place for the kids.

I came on online because the doctor told me that I can make friends there. truly, I have seen a lot good profiles of people here. And is very difficult to decide on who is better to help me out. I sound pessimistic about my health because from the look of things here in the hospital, I know I will surely die anytime. All my hairs are falling off. I am also finding it a difficult to breath freely because of the internal injuries.

I don't want to entrust this great challenge with my friends so that the intention of the project would actualized as My attorney will enforce that. But If I use friends, it will be difficult to curtail them. The devil you know is better than the angel you don't know besides every friend today was a stranger yesterday.

As a great business woman specialized in the sales of Gold and Diamond Jeweleries and also in possession of the account of late husband's company (CSH INTL), I have saved up a lot of cash that can be used to cater for the less privileged children of the world looking at my inability to spend the money which I have labored 23 years to save up. The amount in question is about 3.5 Million in cash and stocks worth over over 5 Million.

I want you to take charge of all these estate for me looking at your credibility and age.
I don't have any relations which I trust to handover this wealth to but I believe there is someone good out there with good spirit and heart to manage these funds without wasting it.
I don't know why I trust you so much but the truth is that my heart is made up that you can handle this looking at your profile.

Get back to me immediately if you are willing to take up this challenge. I will then introduce you to my personal attorney who will perform the legal and official handover of the wealth to you as my Next of kin.

Waiting to read your message. I have limited internet access in the hospital. So I am still stuck to the laptop to read your message.

Best regards,
Mrs . Adara Dahab Baraka.

I have read your email and acknowledged the forwarded information therein.

Once more I appreciate your seriousness and commitment to this transaction.

We have a situation at hand now. The doctor called me now that Madam's condition is very critical at the moment and she has been moved to the intensive care unit for close watch. At this stage, she will be under oxygen support as her breadth are ceasing.

I must say am really confused at this point because everything is happening so fast and her health is really deteriorating. She is scheduled for a surgery tonight. Hopefully she bounce back.

As the legal counsel, it is my onus to present to the bank, the next of kin and beneficiary to the inheritance of my client as per request. So you need not to worry or be afraid because the whole procedure involved for the application of this claim will be carried out within the ambit of the law and non of us will get into any form of trouble.


1. Procurement of affidavit of claim.

With the submitted information, I would go to the probate registry of the crown high Court to procure the prerequisite documents and an Affidavit of claim in your favour as the next of kin to my Client.

This affidavit of claim is a legal paper work that will confer on you, the constitutional right to lay this claim on the inheritance. Judging by the way things are, I believe that within the shortest possible time, we would have concluded the transfer.
But the bulk of the whole thing depends on how seriously you take the whole processes and your compliance.

2. Formal application to the bank.

The moment I procure the affidavit, I would proceed to the bank and forward every necessary documents to the legal department of the bank(were the said fund is deposited) to put claims for the transfer of the said fund into your account. Once I file this application, the bank will approve the inheritance and transfer it to an account that you would nominate to the bank.
I know all these might be alien to you, but as a renowned attorney, I know what to do and how to go about the procedure.
All what I need is your full cooperation and understanding.

Finally,to avoid misunderstanding at the end of the claims,I want you to confirm to me, your acceptance of a 20% share of the total fund, while 80% will be set aside for the for the charity projects.

In anticipation of your most wonderful cooperation and understanding, I wish you all the best.

Please get back to me as soon as possible.

Best regards!
Barr. Yahya.

RE: Mrs. Adara Dahab Baraka's Estate

My client ( Mrs. Adara Dahab Baraka ), told me of her intention to leave her entire estate to you. My client is in a very bad shape so we need to act fast.I do not know her reasons but I am in no position to question her authority,I have to respect her decision.

I must say here that you must have a credible profile to gain favor from Mrs Adara Dahab Baraka. All my service days to her, I have never seen her have so much belief in a person looking at all the life experiences which she has gone through.

It is obvious that her health is failing her and the decision to will her wealth to you, I think is the best option looking at the lots of suffering across the globe and all over the world that needs urgent help.

Her health condition this afternoon is not encouraging. I doubt if she will survive the sickness.

She told me her decision to put you in charge of her funds and her proposed charity works.
All I can say to you is to try your best to respect her wishes and NOT deviate from the purpose of the funds when they get to you.

Attached to this message is the license of my honorable office.

Firstly, I need to establish a relationship between you and my chamber.

Attached to this letter is a legal representation form. Scan , fill and return back as soon as possible by email.

This will help me apply for to the bank for fund release.

Best Regards,

Barr. Yahya Othman.

How are you today and your family?

I hope everything is all right, as per my end everything is under control.

Well, I was able to procure the affidavit and had forwarded the original copies to the bank, I am forwarding herewith, the scanned copy of the sworn affidavit of claim from the Crown Court and deposit reconfirmation letter from the bank.

It was not really easy for me to procure the affidavit, I succeeded in getting it done. I believe that this is an indication that we would have a hitch free transaction. I have submitted the original copies of the documents to the bank.

As a matter of fact, you are the only person the bank knows as the beneficiary/inheritor to their Customer's estate.

No other person(s) would be able to claim this money a part from you because of this affidavit that I have sworn in your names. So you equally have to assure me of your fullest cooperation. Mind you, any moment from now the bank will contact you and the moment they do, do not hesitate to get me informed for us to know the next line of action.

Finally, the bank has commenced somewhat investigation. So any email that is strange to you should be forwarded to me to peruse, then I will direct you on how to reply such emails. This is to avoid any forms of mistake in this transaction,because the bank's investigation is very strict and requires professional advice.

Meanwhile you have to assure me that you will be cooperative and transparent till the end of this project, and that you will not deny me access to the projects which you undertake.

Do confirm the receipt of this document ASAP.

Best regards!

Yahya Othman.

Sorry for the late response, I have been running around to give Mrs. Adara Dahab Baraka all the attention she deserved but it all came to nothing.

Am sorry to hit with this sad news.
The doctor just announced the death of Mrs. Adara Dahab Baraka to me.

She could not make it through the surgery. Her body has been severely affected coupled with the internal bleeding she had when she was sown up.
Her body has been moved to the morgue.

At the moment, I'm making arrangement for her funeral today as she has no nearby relative which I know as she never talked about any.

Are you coming over for her funeral. She has no family because she was an orphan and adopted.
Her husband died 4 years back.

He was the founder of CSH Plantation which late Mrs Adara Dahab Baraka was managing until the sickness weighed her down. Most of her funds came from this plantation apart from her other chain of Jewelery businesses.

She chose an independent life and that is the more reason I told you earlier that you must have a great profile or magic to have gotten favour from her.

At the moment, I'm making arrangement for her funeral today as she has no nearby relative which I know as she never talked about any.

She was a great woman with great vision. A lady of honour. A woman who always knew what she wanted. Words can not describe her attitude towards

May her gentle rest in peace.

Please get back to me. lets work on the forward.

Best regards,
Yahya Othman.

The funeral has been completed amidst the problems which my chamber encountered. She was buried at the Kuching cemetery as she requested a quiet burial. Due to the sudden death and the Islamic rites, we had problem securing the burial site, coffin and other necessary logistics.

But Isha Allah, we were able to weather the storm.
She has been buried and the price we owe her now is to make sure that her dying wish was actualized.

We took up the burial expenses even though we are yet to receive our service charge from her because once a client always a client even in death. We treat every client's request kindly.

Right now, we have to proceed with the job that brought you to my chamber which is getting the funds for Late Mrs Adara Dahab out of the bank and then helping you plan the projects to execute.

I have carefully gone through the Document (Identification form), from the Bank, which you forwarded to me.
In fact I very much appreciate your endeavors and compliance. For the bank to have sent you this form, means that they received the application which I sent in on your behalf.

By the time we are ok with this, you would have seen the need in expanding your horizon of connections and I do hope that you will retain my services in the course of your charity project.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. That is exactly what we are just doing. Contextually the two families (yours and mine) are friends and will have a lot of good things to do together in future. We will just pray and hand over everything to God to take control and see us through. Above all, I pray God to give madam a peaceful rest.

You are to fill the payment validation form and send back to the bank's email address ok.
I am going to give you a guide to completing the form.
Make sure you fill it out correctly to avoid any form of mistake and forward it to the bank's email address.

Upon completion of the form, scan, attach and send to the bank through their email. Sending it through email will be cheap for you, as I want us to minimize expenses in this transaction.

Surname. ------------------------------ Your Surname
First Name. ------------------------Your Name
Address. -----------------------------Your Address
Sex--------------------- ---------------- Male / Female
Tel. -----------------------Your Telephone Number
Email. --------------------Your E-Mail Address
Form Of Payment Preferred. ----------Bank Telegraphic Transfer
(Or Any Option Which Is Better For You)
Choice Of Currency. -----------------$USD (The Deposit Was Made In Dollars.)
Name Of Bank And Address. -----------Your Choice Bank
(The Bank Where You Will Like The Fund To Be Paid Into.)
Account Number. -----------------The Bank Acct Number.
Swift Code. -------------------------For The Bank

Finally, we have to work hand in gloves so as to get to the logically conclusion
of this project without making any form of mistake. Any careless mistake
might be detrimental to the successful conclusion of this project. So you
have to be very careful and serious.

Once again, I appreciate all your efforts, cooperation and consistency to see to the successful conclusion of this project.

In line with this development, I have drafted a letter, which you will send to the
Bank alongside the form to acknowledge the receipt of their mail and notifying of your readiness to comply.


Dear Sir,

Acknowledgment Letter.

I do hereby acknowledge the receipt of your mail, acknowledging the receipt of my application of claim to the inheritance of late Mrs Adara Dahab Baraka. Whom I am the next of kin. I appreciate all your efforts.

I await further correspondence from you to enable me be acquainted with the whole modalities.

I appreciate and recommend your financial institution as worthy.


Yours customer,


I strongly believe that you are sincere and honest and trustworthy and that you will prove yourself. As far as you are all these above, we will surely make it.

Best Regards,
Yahya Othman.

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 9:02 PM, Dahlia Lieberman wrote:

From: ""
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 03:13:07 -0400


This is to inform you that the above office has received a letter of claim
from barrister Yahya Othman of Zaman and Associates, Johor Malaysia, that
you are the next of kin and beneficiary to inheritance/estate of our
customer Mrs. Adara Dahab Baraka.

We have started processing and investigating over this matter as we have
noted an affidavit from the high court and a letter of administration
We will contact you as soon as we are through with the vetting.

Meanwhile find attached to this message, The Payment Validation form. Fill
this form and return back to us by e-mail or fax not later than 72 hours
upon receipt of this message.

Thanks in anticipation. It is our concern to serve you better.

yours in service,

Lee Feng Hu
Inheritance Claims


This is an important update sequel to the acknowledgment of the receipt of
your completed Next of Kin payment Validation Form and all your information
as required by the legal department of this office as submitted by your

We wish to inform you that after careful scrutiny and verification of your
claim that approval has been granted for your immediate payment release as
the Beneficiary to the Inheritance of our late customer, late Mrs. Adara
Dahab Baraka.

However, we wish to bring to your knowledge, that before access will be
allowed to the account or before we can effect the change of ownership, we
need the following documents / Legal order as required by the financial
laws of Malaysia from the high court as Mrs. Adara Dahab Baraka did not
sign any instruction for the bank specifically before her death apart from
the original will / testament sent to us by your attorney, Barr. Yahya
Othman and other supporting documents. These documents must be procured
from the Malaysian high court. Before any approval is formally granted, the
law requires these documents to be
submitted to us for security purposes. So contact your attorney on the

1. Fund Release Order
2. Notarized Title Deed

This is in line with our new radical private banking strategy to make
banking more private, convenient and effective. And to avert the
cumbersomeness of the stringent monetary policies.As soon as we receive the
above documents, an account will be opened in your name so that transfers
be made.

yours in service,
Lee Feng Hu
Inheritance Claims

How are you today?

I have read your mail together with the mail from the bank which you forwarded to me, wherein they demanded for Documentations from any Malaysian high court.

After reading the mails, I became very happy that this transaction has finally reached this stage. At least all my time, money and energy spent did not go in vain.

However, I appreciate all your efforts, seriousness, time and endeavors in this transaction so far. More power to your elbow.
As it is now, the bank has requested that you have to send the required documents before they finally activate your new account and transfer the money to your nominated account.

In view of this, I have gone to the court to see the requirements for the listed bank documents. The steps are complicated because you are not a Malaysian citizen and also because you are not resident here.

Looking at this requirements, one would understand or perceive that the bank wants to establish if you exist or not and also ensure security in the transaction. The way you handle this part of the transaction would go a long way to justify this claim.

On that note, I visited the high court earlier this morning to verify the cost of getting the documents even if you were to do it yourself.

Below are the breakdown of the fees which I gathered from the court clerk;

1. Fund Release Order : 8520 Malaysian Ringgits which is $2,379.00 USD

2. Notarized Title Deed : 2575 Malaysian Ringgits which is $721.00 usd

Total will be 11,096.49 Malaysian Ringgits which is $3100.00 usd
All these exchange is according to the present xe exchange rate

I would have undertaken the expenses on your behalf but they are off my limits for now because of the unplanned expenses which my chamber incurred during the affidavit and the burial rites of our late Madam.

Moreover, we have not been paid by Madam for our expenses. But we do hope that at the end of the transfer when our full logistics have ascertained, you will be able to pay us.

But right now, you will have to send the documentation charges to our chamber as soon as possible so that we can get the requested documents and send to the bank to enable them process your transfer.

You will agree with us that we at Zaman Chambers, have really rendered a great assistance to this point in the transaction amidst the problems we encountered and urgency to deliver.

I assure you that whatever money you spend would be reimbursed first and foremost as soon as the money is transferred into your account before you start up the charity project. So do not feel reluctant to make any financial commitment in this transaction.

Ordinarily, I know it will not be easy for you to send the $3,100, but I urge you to try your best possible to see that you send this money so that we can do the needful.

The project ahead is very vital and beneficial to the people, so I urge to sacrifice your time, energy and now your funds to ensure a better place for the less priviledge.
You are already doing a great job and I believe that very soon you will realize the magnitude of your sacrifice today. If I could do this now, I would have done it on your behalf.
Let me know when you are ready to get this document and I will assign a colleague who will handle the documents from the court.

In anticipation of your most wonderful cooperation and understanding, I wish you all the best.

Best regards,

Yahya Othman.

Why the silence after my last mail to you? What is really going on? What do we do? I took my time to explain things to you.

I pledged to help you against all odds before the death Madam but the situation is above my limit.

I swear by Allah, i will serve you without any bridge.

I am all out to give my professional service on this because I believe in selfless service.

I obliged to help you because I think I understand your reasons but if that help is not good enough or will arise suspicion, i will humbly withdraw the offer and await you when you are fully ready to take off the project.

Get back to me ASAP.

Best Regards,
Yahya Othman.

I took my time to explain things to you in my earlier message to you.

There was no provision made by Madam. The expenses I made in the past was motivated by the fact she is our client even in death. But the situation has changed. We have not had any relations in the past. I am dealing with you and trying my best to deliver results because I want to establish a lasting relationship with you.

I can not actualize if you are not supportive. I can not do much if you don't show any true commitment. You are the one the bank knows, you are the one managing the funds and you are still the one getting the 20% of the funds. So when you say I should continue spending it raise some doubt in me.

I know that it is not a small amount to bear, but what baffles me is why you don't see this a priority and a task what going the extra mile for.
There is a global economic recession which has affected every business including ours.

Don't get it twisted, if we keep paying the legal expenses of our client who may not leave up to their promises, how do we stay in business. We are a business and that fact should always be respected and treated squarely so if you tell me it is my duty, then you have not been following up the whole procedure and reading the messages I sent to you.

Moreover, If I bear expenses for any client that visits my chamber, how do we keep the firm running? These are issues that must be put into consideration.

I pledged to help you against all odds before the death of Madam but the situation is above my limit. I can support you but you really have to source for funds because you are the beneficiary of the estate not me.

I am all out to give my professional service on this because I believe in selfless service.I obliged to help you because I think I understand your reasons but if that help is not good enough or will arise suspicion, i will humbly withdraw the offer and await you when you are fully ready to take off the project.

An initial commitment from your end will really go a long way to support my efforts here. Check on yourself and tell mme how much you have so that i will know how to help you.

Try your best to raise the required funds. We can accept part payment.
Then balance will be paid upon transfer of funds to you. This is bending the modus operandi to show that we truly care.

Best regards.
Yahya Othman.

called you earlier today so that we can discuss on the way forward but i met your absence.

I must say here that I appreciate all your efforts to make this project a reality.
And God willing, we will get their soon.

Below are the chambers banking details if you will be using telegraphic wire transfer, this takes about three to five working days to get to our Bank Account.

Name of account holder: Attiq Ur Rehman
Account Number: 05110015090528
Name of Bank: Cimb Bank Berhad Malaysia
Swift Code: CIBBMYKL
Address: Jalan Bandar Baru Nilai 1/1A
Putra Point, Bandar Baru Nilai,
71800 Nilai.
Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

On payment, I need the scanned copy of the payment slip so that the account department will verify your payment and issue payment receipt.I regret any inconvenience this expense will cost you as they are the demands of the bank in order to transfer the money to you.

Please get back to me as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Yahya Othman

I got your mail and noted the content therein. Like you said earlier to us that you will be unable to produce the whole amount for the document. We understand because of the global economic recession.

I have tried to reach you on phone but all to no avail. You can go ahead to make the payment of $1500, i will complete it for you but once the bank transfers your fund to you, you will pay me back.

Below are the chambers banking details if you will be using telegraphic wire transfer, this takes about three to five working days to get to our Bank Account.

Name of account holder: Attiq Ur Rehman
Account Number: 05110015090528
Name of Bank: Cimb Bank Berhad Malaysia
Swift Code: CIBBMYKL
Address: Jalan Bandar Baru Nilai 1/1A
Putra Point, Bandar Baru Nilai,
71800 Nilai.
Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

For swift transfer of the fee to us, you can use the Western union money in minutes transfer system. It is reliable, secure and the fastest.

Use the below details for transfer via Western union;

Name of Receiver: Mohammad Mofazzal Hoque
Address: NO. 20B, JALAN SS 22/21,

On payment, I need the scanned copy of the payment slip so that the account department will verify your payment and issue payment receipt.

Best Regards,
Yahya Othman.

Ellenwood, Georgia

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