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  • Report:  #1483207

Complaint Review: Adibe Law Group; Kathy Adibe

Adibe Law Group; Kathy Adibe Kathy Adibe lawyer of Adibe Law Group Kathy Adibe was my family lawyer briefly but she did nothing for me, scammed me for over $2500 fees, had me cornered for more money before she'd show me anything in my file. She is new and a scam Houston Texas

  • Reported By:
    AnonScared To Post Name — Now In Dallas Cannot Afford Rent in Houston Texas United States
  • Submitted:
    Fri, August 09, 2019
  • Updated:
    Sat, August 17, 2019
  • Adibe Law Group; Kathy Adibe
    3100 Cleburne Street
    Houston, Texas
    United States
  • Phone:
  • Category:
    , ,

I hired Kathy Adibe, she has her own "firm".  Which is herself.  She is a new lawyer since May 2019, I hired her for family law, I am going through a divorce.  I am terrified she'll sue me for this post but people need to know about her and her scams.  I gave her $2500 cash, she promised me a receipt the next time we met, I was so distraught, I forgot about getting a reciept.

 She demanded another $2500 before I could see my file.  She did nothing for me, I had 2 court appearances, she didn't come, nothing filed, she missed 1 vital filing.  I now haev supervised visits because I missed a courtdate she was to take care of,s aid she was at the court that day.  She wasn't.

 I refused to give more money, I wanted to see my file.  She said that's not how the law works, said we agreed on $5000 retainer.  Liar.  I am out the money.  I have no money to begin with.  These lawyers are disgusting.  She's new.  Shes a mental case.  Don't use her.  She should be disbarred already.

8 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

No veiled threat and no defamation. Kathy Adibe lawyer of Houston is crazy scary!!

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, August 17, 2019

Oh Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group in Houston, who, in my opinion is a stupid lawyer, who in my opinion, no one should hire because she comes on here under the guise of names like “THE FINISHER” (prove me wrong in court, hag) and tries to intimidate her former client or people like me, a stranger - who’s reading these posts. I comment out of the blue and she goes all ape-chit cray cray on me, comes on with other names and makes all kinds of idiotic claims, twists, lies about it all, trying to BURY the original story under lie after lie after lie.

I think that’s how idiotic dumb lawyers try to work their way out of things when they have no argument and have no “balls” to come on here under their own name and defend themselves and think they can “slander” or OOOPS, libel people out of the blue, making psychotic claims they know they cannot prove and then bahahahahaha “threaten” court like “defamation” on me, a commenter having an opinion on a dumba## lawyer. Yeah, ok then. Uh-huh

Listen, slick-o nut job Kathy Adibe dumb lawyer from Kathy Adibe law group - defamation. Mmm. My dear. That email, MISSY, I let my 11 yr old at the computer and told him and his buddy to “talk down” to yo level because you were just that dumb. uh-huh. yep. You still followin’ me? Good. So they talkin’ down to yo level because you have no brains as far as I’m concerned. You are dangerous in my opinion, you seem to attempt to threaten your clients, you attack them, intimidate them on here (highly obvious any reader here can see it) and you are plain nuts trying to use names on here like the FINISHER, Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group. 

So y’all going to sue MY hiney for defamation Bahahahaahaha oh plueeeaze cheesecake! But you think you are entitled to question my mental state and make all kinds of statements about me and your clients on here under assumed fake names but GOD FORBID someone dare stand up to you the great (PUKE) idiot Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group and I don’t back down? You can do the same in return but no one can do that to you, huh? Yeah, ok. sure. eye rolling.

So back to schooling you about defamation. Y’all gotta prove to the judge that I somehow affected your income with this particular posting to prove defamation to win anything honey. But you’re just too stupid to realize that part, I know. It’s ok you keep “threatening me”, I can take what you dish out, I just know you can’t handle what I say to you. 

Ooops, back to my kid and his buddy. They were talking DOWN to your level but you call it a threat?  OMG you ARE CRAZY, GIRL!!! HA!!! 

They had a blast and they said that I had opinions about you and that we have a cousin with a very high IQ (we do) and he has all kinds of buddies on a website and HE DOES and they have heard about you and they read all you post and they all conclude you are batchit crazy chick, loon city. They don’t know what makes you tick or why or what your deal is but they realize you are doing everything in your power to use YOUR FRIENDS to intimidate your client or former client, that you’ve put their name out to scare them or cause harm to them or their friends and that you chose to defame them or hurt them in some way. 

Therefore you, and you alone choose to do yourself further damage online. No one else. You, Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group.

You are the person that is causing others to read everything you choose to do online to others and in response OTHERS ARE ALLOWED to continue on in response to have opinions about you whether HERE OR ELSEWHERE.

That is not defamation nor anything else you want to call it. 

Simply because you have some “letters” after your name, simply because you went to law school does not give you carte blanche ability to cause harm, hurt others, attack them, threaten them, defame them, etc etc etc yet everyone else that circles around your universe MUST stay quiet because you dare command them to?

Who do you think you are? Simply because you are a lawyer (horrid one at that) you think people cannot have an opinion of you? 

You and you alone have put yourself out there therefore you have set yourself up for moments of criticism, even very harsh criticism or even opinions such as mine.

Even if I may be wrong, you come slamming back at me with such audacious outrageous bizarre claims that make no sense to me or anyone reading. Of course I’m going to continue to make a fool out of you. In my opinion, you are certifiable nuts, Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group.

If you want to keep on playing, fine by me. And your “defamation” threats are meaningless. Although I knew at some point in your game, you’d pull the “I’m going to sue you if you don’t shut your trap” card. Well then, sue me Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group.

Please note, again, the bar to prove defamation is disgustingly high. You MUST prove THIS POST has damaged your ability to earn income. You cannot use this in 5 years from now against me. The onus is on you right at this moment to remove this or the liability is yours to hold, not mine.

Please, I encourage you, Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group, to continue to reply back here. Rumor has it, many others might be stopping by to comment as fellow citizens with their own opinions. So, my "dear" my opinion.. crazy loon nutjob of a "lawyer" Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group, you'll have oh so many people to sue for "defamation".  Won't that be lovely?  You'll be ever so busy, now.  Good for you, little girl, good for you!

People might see me ranting away but it’s you who’s creating the most bizarre, weird stories to cover her own butt on here. Definitely under the guise of threatening people. That part is the easiest of all to see. So how about you put on your big girl panties, Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group and post under your own name, you sick psycho freakshow? What are you afraid of, after all? Gee, I wonder?!


United States


#9General Comment

Thu, August 15, 2019

Cyndi,  I won't indulge you and your lenghthy diatribe. I will keep this rather short. When you make veiled threats towards Kathy via email, then that becomes public information. So, you would like to settle this in a court of law, just say so. Otherwise, please find another hobby rathering than lying on this attorney. You will not be able to produce any evidence that any person mentioned in this thread is or ever was a client of Kathy Adibe's.  I'm sure you've heard of defamation. I suspect this is why you and the other poster(s) have chosen to remain anonymous and/or use false names. If you can back up what you say you would have gone through the proper channels to address this so called "issue". However, since these accusations are false, you have not. If you were to go through those channels your lies would fall a part because you would be required to produce proof of what you say.

Lastly,  your mental state is deeply in question as evidenced by your most recent post and your emails to this attorney.

Good day. 


United States

I am astounded Kathy Adibe goes to this length to cover and lie and twist stories

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, August 15, 2019

First - truth teller. You have my full name which could only be derived by speaking directly with Kathy Adibe. I emailed her. Another intimidation tactic perhaps?

Second achem “truth teller” and I use that term ever so slightly. I am at a loss to where you are trying to beat a dead horse here. Google my name KATHY ADIBE from Kathy Adibe Law group, you are a horrible awful, horrific terrible lawyer, you should have no issue finding me south of Downtown Houston. There. I gave my opinion of you directly to your face. Happy now? 

You have in my opinion, from where I am standing, reading all this schmozel - breached your client / attorney privilege. “Monica” coming out with a bang, as a “consumer poster” on here proclaiming ITS A LIE couldn’t possibly know the post would be a lie. It wouldn’t be a lie unless you told someone about your client saying your client is lying. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME? MONICA SAYS ITS A LIE. IMPOSSIBLE TO KNOW UNLESS YOU — KATHY — TOLD HER. ATTORNEY/CLIENT BREACH. Big time huge no no no!!! BAD attorney. Sounds like a law broken to me? 

This is what I’m reading, loud and clear so untie those panties of yours, girl. You are batchit crazy and you don’t scare me. If you did scare me, I wouldn’t have emailed you from my email, would I? Ah hmmm. Loon.

Me misspelling an O or an A is a misspelling, so again untie those panties of yours, nut-case.

Again from where I stand, you may have your law degree Kathy Adibe from Kathy Adibe law group but you are still batchit crazy. Oh boo h*o there’s some more “serious opinions I have about you” cry me a river, hag. I saw COREY Smith. So SUE me, nut job. No one on God’s green earth has ever mistook one name for another accidentally? So close together? I have a cousin named Corey, you nut job. I guess my brain SAW COREY. Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you??!!!

What is this? Third, forth point? Monica can state whatever she wants to state in e-filings and such. What does that prove to me?

All I see is you, Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group, missed a court date that caused this man or woman something that sent them straight into supervised visitations, you psycho freakshow. Again, my perception of you Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe Law Group. I get to have opinions of you no matter what you feel, no matter how tight your panties are … ok. 

Oh and you don’t “email” yourself to a judge during a trial, do you? I was in court for my cousin JENNIFER with a J AND AN E and there was her LAWYER PRESENT. So I assume this anonymous person who posted who said you missed a court date and didn’t appear, meant exactly that. YOU MISSED A COURT DATE AND DIDN’T APPEAR. Again, what is wrong with your brain? OR IS THIS HOW YOU TWIST AND LIE AND TWIST AND LIE AND TWIST AND LIE TO COVER UP STORIES? I suppose it probably is. Sounds just like a super shady lawyer and what a super shady lawyer would do in order to make their CLIENT LOOK BAD or horrible or to blame and to lie about them or to LIE ABOUT ALL OF IT. Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group, I think you are lying about all of this. Thats my opinion and my take on all of this.

So again, a poster you had called THE FINISHER put out your clients name. Now let me get this right now, your client, it’s with the letter A not an O because if I say the letter O, y’all going to go all cray cray on me again, because you are proving to be just this looney tunes over anyone that points out how scary you are if they speak up against you Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group … YOU, put that guys name out there. I am commenting on what I read. I don’t know these people and I sure the H8LL don’t care to ever meet you because you, in my humbling opinion today, tomorrow and all the year long is that you are crazy, Kathy Adibe of kathy Adibe law group.

I stand by my opinion WHICH IS THIS  ---  EVERYONE SHOULD stay away from this lawyer in Houston. I feel, it is my personal belief and now based on being attacked for posting an opinion simply based on reading a report, nothing else.

Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group, IMO,
is crazy, is scary and she’ll stop at nothing to silence people. She obviously lies, she creates strange stories, nothing jibes, nothing makes sense, it twists and turns and its’ this or that and now something else and now she comes on using a name under "truth teller" hahaha and outs me and my last name because I emailed her and this post today proves it can only be Kathy Adibe posting this attack on me directly but she has no balls to come out and prove it is herself posting.

For all I know she’s the person under the comment "the FINISHER" as well and she’s out to attack her clients and threaten them like she does.


I read and re-read and none of this makes sense to me. I’m posting a response of my opinion and she goes ape-chit all over me. I guess because I have an opinion of her that is strong and she feels she has to attack and threaten me and make up some new crazy stuff? Who knows? I don’t care but I do know I won’t back down (obviously) and I do know this woman needs to be stopped.

If there’s more clients out there, I pray some of them have the strength to come forward whether here or elsewhere. This woman - again, all of this is my opinion - should be stopped. Her tactics, her behavior is horrifying. This is how she treats people, can you imagine the realities if she had an important case in her hands be it life or death?

I think this Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group is making herself to be a laughing stock and proving she is dangerous and highly unstable and no one should be around her. All of the replies in kind prove what she’s about. One has to ponder if she has a drug or alcohol issue or if it’s just perhaps, deeply psychological? I don’t know, don’t care. 

Our society in Houston and area need to heed the warnings about Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group and stay away from this woman and never hire her.

I’ve never seen a lawyer lie and hide and cover and create and fabricate so much and invent things in order to save face and attempt to make herself look good AND top it off, try as well to hide under names like the horrific “THE FINISHER” on here too and intimidate and scare her former client away. INSANE. Someone get this Kathy Adibe help, psychological help and fast. My opinion naturally. Jesus.


United States

This Needs to Be Said

#9General Comment

Wed, August 14, 2019

Cyndi Marshall, you have made some serious accusations regarding this Attorney. Do you have facts to support your claims. I read Monica's post and nowhere did she indicate that this Attorney breached her client/attorney privilege. The person who initially started this thread claiming to be Attorney Kathy Adibe's client could no way shape or form be an actual client based on her comment.

So to be clear, the anonymous poster who started this thread is not and has never been a client of Kathy's and neither has Carey Smith (or as you stated Corey Smith, neither of these individuals have been clients). So, when you make a serious accusation that Kathy has breached an attorney client-privilege you better have some facts to back that up. Can't breach a privilege that never existied. 

Secondly, as Monica correctly stated, "family cases are filed online through e-filing. PETITIONS, motions, amended petitions, services of process... Etc everything is done via e filing in houston. So this so called, she missed court and didn't file nonsense is lies!"

Please at least know some bit about the law before you post falsities.

So, what we can deduce here is that we have 1 or more posters who have an agenda against this new attorney and want to try and bury her career as it starts. We can also deduce that your post and the anonymous poster's posts only purpose is to spread lies that you hope will get traction on this site because you have done your research and you know Rip off Report will never delete a post.

Once again, if all you claim is true, please post evidence or direct readers to where we can find the "facts" of which you claim. If not, please find something more beneficial to do with your time, such as helping society.


United States

Is this lawyer for real? Outing the name of her client?

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, August 14, 2019

I'm beyond shocked!  I posted on the previous post from the "consumer" Monica, wondering how it would be possible for a "consumer" to know the Anonymous post was a lie??!!!  I was very scared for the man or woman who posted anonymously, scared of his or her lawyer Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group!

Now I see someone else has the name of Kathy Adibe's client!  Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group has not only given details to a consumer named Monica, breaking client / attorney privileges thus breaking the law. 

Now if you read the name of the anonymouse poster supplying the name of Kathy Adibe's client who must be the anonymouse poster?  They call themselves the Finisher. 

This Proves beyond a reasonable doubt, the anonymous person had all reason to be very scared of Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group in Houston Texas.  No wonder this anonymous person took such risk to expose this woman, this fraud of an attorney.  This man or woman named Corey Smith must be terrified.  Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group has the "finisher" poster call him crazy and other things, intimidating the person most likely in an attempt to remove the original post.

Who in their right mind would ever use this lawyer in Houston?!  Kathy Adibe sounds like an extremely dangerous lawyer.  A stupid lawyer, exposing her own client, trying to cause further harm and intimidation.

The only way to stop this woman is for others to come forward and expose this lawyer.  That's my opinion but it seems like she needs to be stopped some how.  All of this is wrong.  The biggest thing that is wrong is the terrifying anonymous person called the "FINISHER".  Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group should be ashamed of herself for sending such a message to her client like this. 


Dallas formerly Pearland,
United States

How can a "consumer" know the post is a lie?

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, August 14, 2019

The post is regarding a lawyer. Given lawyer / client privilege, how could it be possible this "consumer" would possibly know it's a lie?  The only way Monica, "the consumer" would is if Kathy the lawyer, broke a law.

It seems Kathy Adibe is a very stupid lawyer.  Some person posted she graduated May of this year? A lawyer this stupid, should not be a lawyer.  Kathy Adibe law group should not be a lawyer.  Kathy Adibe lawyer out of Houston sounds like the dumbest lawyer, already breaking client / lawyer privilege.  Further causing potential great harm to her client.  For all any person knows, Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group may have contacted this person's spouse and fed them information, causing the man or woman to have supervised visitation.

If I were the anonmyous person that posted this warning about Kathy Adibe of Kathy Adibe law group, I would be scared of her as well.  Thank you to the anonymous person who posted about Kathy Adibe.  This lawyer, Kathy Adibe does sound very dangerous, a lawyer I would stay away from as well.  Every person should take heed of this warning.

Monica Taylor

United States

That post is a lie

#9General Comment

Tue, August 13, 2019

 The person who wrote that fraudulent report against Kathy adibe is a complete liar. This person HAS NEVER hired Kathy they are just upset because she's representing someone that they do not like.... So the best thing for them to do is write a FALSE NARRATIVE about a respected Attorney in the community. I am speaking based on personal experience with Attorney Adibe and nothing else.

She is a class act and has only represented her clients with honor and duty. Please disregard that disgusting statement from this individual. They are nothing but a Liar and hiding behind a computer screen to express their hatred of someone they don't even know.

PS: family cases are filed online through e-filing. PETITIONS, motions, amended petitions, services of process... Etc everything is done via e filing in houston. So this so called, she missed court and didn't file nonsense is lies! This person needs help. Thank you!

The finisher

United States

Hi Carey smith

#9General Comment

Mon, August 12, 2019

 Hi Carey Smith. You truly are a jobless crazed stalker. You can’t produce a single receipt to your claims. You’re so upset that kathy represented heather temple in her divorce against her husband. Useless idiot. Get a life.

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