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  • Report:  #1478839

Complaint Review: AeroStar Servicing Corp.Owner Michael Martino

AeroStar Servicing Corp.Owner Michael Martino SCAMMERS!!..BEWARE!!..They'll RUIN your Life!! East Islip New York

  • Reported By:
    Dizzy G — West islip NY United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, May 16, 2019
  • Updated:
    Fri, December 16, 2022

This guy  Michael Martino runs a super shady company from his house and has basic internet with BS security. The address the company uses on itswebsite is tied to whats called a "Share Office" where you can rent the commercial address for a small monthly fee to look legit. You can even rent the office space by the hour, day, week if needed.

How can anybody put their trust in a guy who has no life savings, no collateral other than 200 guns, lives day by day scamming people under the radar of the government and getting away with it.This guy needs to be stopped.In the past 5 years the address 9 Watson Street has been in pre-foeclosure 4 times.How can a guy like that help you???

The company testimonials for AeroStar Servicing Corps. are 100% bogus;-so are the pictures of the people portraying the testimonial people being used. The woman Lisa D. is Nikki Katz an author. the guy in the middle ScottP is actually Erik Reagan co-founder of focusgroup and the guy posing as Robert R on the right is the Binzi Travel Guy from Binzi travels in India.

AeroStars financial backing comes from a quaalude dealer named Gary Brustein who runs a Company called FlexWealth/FlexBorrow.Beware of the scams...This guy lives off your desperation..If you feel your debt is too large and you know you cant pay your bills anymore walk away and dont let a piece of garbage like these guys sniffing in your garbage can because theyll get your home for a song and a dance through unscrupulous methods then renovate them through bogus companies and sell through bogus real estates as package deal investment properties needing to be liquidated..

8 Updates & Rebuttals


West Islip,
New York,
United States

Michael Martino just digs himself deeper and deeper when desperation sets in but what will the FBI and the IRS say to his tactics?.

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, November 21, 2022

Mikey Mikey...You think your the man with the master plan with that Linked-In profile....Well let me tell you Mr Scammer not only am I going to send the link to Judge Eukeily to show him what kind of bigshot you are and he will have lots of questions..

First question will be if you graduated  highschool or have a GED or Bachelors degree...This is where you bring Chuckie into the mix and dirty her up as if she wasnt a crooked b***h to sart with...LOL

Second question will be is "Where did you take your test to be a mortgage broker?"

Third question will be..."If you own a company called how come you came to court so many times without a lawyer?"

Oh and the youtube infomercial etc will show the IRS that you arent as stupid as you claim to be Mikey...Your 6th grade education excuse wont ride anymore...LOL

Youre ginna go down for the big ride doofus but I guess you think what youre doing isnt too punishable...

Think again idiot....Ever heard of the internet crimes division of the FBI?...It just sucks theres a backlog but in the time that goes by youve been stacking up a lovely case for them as it will show you owe the IRS millions of dollars over the last 35years and your Linked-In profile helps lead the way.....LOL........LOL

What will be funny is the day you get arrested and become another news story that everyone you ripped off and did dirty will come out of the woodwork to screw you even more but you and Chucky are doing fine just by yourselves with those phoney websites and masses of companies registered to your home address...

Remember when you and Chucky changed gears and created AeroStar Financial Recovery?Remember the Brooklyn address you used? Well the company that does business there called "Aerostar Technologies" is an aircraft parts remanufacturer thats federal.

You tried to use AeroStar Technologies address fraudulently and their name as a play on words to dupe the rubes..It was funny when I called AeroStar Technologies to tell them that a scammer was using his place of business as a place for mortgage scam and he hung up on me..I guess it didnt take long for him to find out I was right because soon after AeroStar Financial Recovery was taken down toobut whats funnier is GoDaddy has records and IP addresses of the computers used to make the websirtes and post the fraudulent testimonials and picttures to phoney customers and the phoney office with phoney secretary that you dont sow on the books as an employee and thats not your wofe or any family member willing to work for free either...LOL....Dont worry buddy youre gonna get yourself a pretty long prison sentence oof aroiund 24-30 months and owe the GoVt around 2.7 million in unpaid taxes..

Im sure you got Sharon Silver scammed thinking shes gionna be head of AttorneyDefendMe but when she sees how far in the spotlight you are and all the crooked stuff you do shes gonna run far from you like youre nuclear as youll destroy her life because Judge Eukeily will be aware of it all too by seeing this and the Linked-In profile and  also to mention Sharon knows judge Eukeily very well so when the judge sees you two are in cahoots with hes gonna throw the book at you and lose mega respect for Sharon for being partners with a guy like you..

Judge Eukeily is a ruthless guy to say the least when people try to pull the wall over his eyes and when he sees what kind of bigwig you according to the youtube vid and Linked-In profile the fines hes gonna hand you plus maybe jailtime will suit the stature too so dont say youre struggling because you have 10 illigitimate businesses registered to 9 Watson St East Islip NY........LOL

What is repugnant is youre a phoney mortgage guy and claim to be educated but you dont know how to spell COPIAGUE right and you grew up in Copiague...Wow.....LOL

The best one is the profile to Martino Studios and you cant say it isnt you because your home address is displayed and an OP address check will reveal who wrote it...LOL......Wheres some of those Bronze sculptures you made and exhibited and how come youre not selling them at Zogies Deals or well known and very wealthy?

Dont worry buddy...Im still always ready to give you a helping hand by showing the world of the type of fraus,phoney and scammer you are and also keep the world updated as to how extensively crooked you really are by exposing you more and more..Youre gonna go from a guppy in a huge pond to a SeaMonkey under the microscope..LOL

Im hoping soon that the town of Islip is gonna show up on your doorstep and condemn your home seeings it isnt properly inspected or doesnt have a proper C.O.O and hasnt been inspected and certified since the charges of changing occupancy certifications,no permits etc plus after over 3 years youre still hashing it out in court with what now appears to be a violation of a conditional discharge meaning that you MR Bigwig Mr Money dont have a dime to fix the phuckups of your master plan you illegally renovated 9 watson Street East Islip NY 11730 and seeings you bought the house in a very shady way you are 100% to blame for the illegal stuff you did to it...

What you cant deny is you already pled GUILTY too so you cant say you were forced to plead guilty especially if you are innocent and who was your lawyer back then and how come the home was in Preforeclosure too?...............Do successful people put their home in preforeclosure on purpose these days and if so;-Why and Why does a mortgage guy get himself into Preforeclosure 4 times in the last 10years too?

Your home isnt a legal home to live in and since 2007 you had that illegal apartment that you didnt have permits that you pay yearly for and didnt pay taxes on the rent money and didnt get bi-yearly inspections by the fire marshall either....Dont forget how you were charging $1000 a month a month for rent too.Gee thats a pretty penny owed to the town of Islip for sure and shows character to how much of a tax evader you are....LOL

Then the fact that youre supposed to legally be in the home 1 day a week per each of your registered businesses to 9 Watson St East Islip NY which means you shouldnt have any time to run Zogies Deals as you have 7 businesses registered to 9 Watson St East Islip Ny and you need 7 seperate offices too so be prepared for some more troubles Mr Scammer.....

Im gonna spotlight you every chance I can get so stop being shady but its already too but its already too late to go straight......

How come you dont respond to my posts on Zogies Deals? Do you think if you dont answer me that its gonna make me look like the loose cannon or the Boy who cried wolf?.....Think again.....LOL...

Dude open your eyes and see that all of the proof I have and posted to prove every one of my claims about you especially all of the pictures posted here of the phoney websites and how many times the home youre living in has been in preforeclosure 4x and shows who the crook really is and dont forget the Newsday story from back in 2016 of you killing 14 animals in a Petshop that was illegally built with no permits....Judge Eukeily wont be pleased to see that story as he loves dogs and will see you werent properly punished to the fullest extent of the law like Ed Romaine professed to the public so I hope you and your lawyer Sharon Silver will have satisfactory answers to his questions about the lack of permits that led to animals dying in a pretty horific way and happened even after being busted by the town just hours prior to the fire.............

Judge Eukeily is gonna bury you and Sharon so Im gonna send an investigative journalist to court to make the action thats gonna go on-on on December a story inside of an even bigger news story.......

Youll finally be famous dickbag but no fortune and its coming pretty quickly and Karma will be there to stick it to you ..Judge Eukeoly is a strict guy and doesnt take kindly to people who treat the law like toilet paper..Trust me I know how tough the guy is and know first hand how tough he can really get too when I went before hm for a 511.1 traffic ticket back in 2013....LOL

Who knows I may even show up in 5th District Court in Ronkonkoma on the 14th for a good laugh and a live comedy show too watching them hopefully handcuffing the bigshot animal killing fraud and taking him to Riverhead with a new court case in county court then upped to federal court after being indicted so I hope you have a real high profile lawyer employed at your company thats like a shark and we all know those kinds of lawyers dont come cheap so start putting the wifey back out to work for the retainer fees..............LOL


West Islip,
New York,
United States

Here is the face of the scammer Michael Martino. It took a few years but he finally resurfaced on youtube also on facebook under Zogies Deals.

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, July 06, 2022

Here he is folks...Michael luigi Martino. The master planner of the phoney websites and the killer of the 14 animals and the owner of Zogies Deals on Carleton Ave in Islip Terrace NY #99 ....

Watch out for this guy....Hes a walking virus. Anyone who deals with him is usually alot more worse off than they were before dealing with him as hes your buddy before and during a sale and a stranger when you have issues or seek a refund.....LOL

Hopefully soon he will be spending time in a federal correctional institute for the phoney websites too when the FBI's backlog gets alot thinner as the report was made to them back in 2019 and they said the backlog on investigations for internet crimes was 3-5 years . Hopefully this update will speed things up.......

Smoked Tirez

West Islip Ny,
New York,
United States

Aerostar Servicing Corps new phoney website and new fake address

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, September 06, 2019

As if the scams and crookery wasnt at the top of its game Michael Martino and his wife Theresa Martino changes up the website and even uses a company address from a company with a similar name..

Aerostar is even trying to call themselves AeroStar Financial recovery Services.They say theyre based in Brooklyn Ny now....How can a company registered in SUFFOLK COUNTY NY be able to do business in NY CITY?..Michael would need a NYC City business license aswell as an astronomical sureity bond that he cannot afford to do so...




East Islip,
New York,
United States

AeroStar servicing Corps..A Debt Relief Servuce where the owner Michael Martino of 9 watson street East Islip Ny 11730 is primarily a TAX LIEN Wholesale Investorr

#9General Comment

Thu, June 13, 2019

Do you know what that means?? That means if your home fits the numbers and will yield a high profit you can bet your home will end up in foreclosure... Why you ask? its simple..What most people dont know or realize is after your home has been sold to a tax lien investor your home stays boarded up to 2 years ..

Even a slimeball like Mike gets your tax lien doesnt mean he owns it...The debtor has up to 2 years to get the home back causing a slimeball like Mike to lose his auction fees etc.If the debtor doesnt act the county gives the slimeball Michael Martino the deed to the property where he can now renovate and flip it for a profit...........

Dont fall into the BS and let a guy like Michael Martino profit in any way relating to your debt....The only person AeroStar Servicing Corps / Michael Martino 9 Watson Street East Islip NY 11730 cares about is himself and what he can obtain from you in your hours of desperation and unsureity to profit off of..

The money he claims to have available is through athe other guy mentioned and theres even rumors that he is also dealing with First National Bank 144 Medford Ave which used to be Euro Mortgage  before that and USA Mortgage before that which was owned by none other than Salvatore Pane but run by Lisa Vitale.......

How can a no pressure no charge Debt Relief Service stay open and employees paid?  That should be the biggest question..

The answer is Mike makes money by giving the banks that hold your debt the advantage to move forward in your demise alot faster. In return Mike is given a helpers fee...If your property fits the numbers for a whopper of a profit your home will be boarded up to 2 years then Mike will have cart'e blanc on your old property when you dont come up with the cash to retake your home back.

Forget about AeroStar Servicing Corps of being any form of help to you "The Debtor". The only help you'll get is having your life uprooted abruptly also replanted half-assed and unsatisfied virtually ruining it for a pretty long while............



East Islip,
New York,
United States

When you're always in trouble with debt why not become a shady debt relief service?

#9General Comment

Fri, June 07, 2019

Like the title says is exactly how its done with AeroStar Servicing Corp 9 Watson Street East Islip NY 11730.

The owner Michael Martino gained knowledge from a crook named salvatore Pane and also through Sals ex-employees.Mike learned the lingo needed to talking with these entities and has used the lingo and techniques well.

Some people will never get a second chance at being on the safe side of their finances and it takes alot up to 7 years to regain their credit back after super hard living and super tight budgeting.Not Mike Martino...Alls the crook has to do is pay his credit cleaner guy $500.00 and Mikes credit is once again squeeky clean no matter how high or deep the debt is..!!

This guy has had his credit discrepancies wiped clean more times in the last 6 years than anyone would ever believe..

If you look at the pre-foreclosure history of 9 Watson Street East islip Ny 11730 youll notice that the property gets pulled from pre-foreclosure around the same length timeframe for each pre-foreclosure and you'll also notice that the bank who holds the note doesnt change showing some pretty interesting facts about how you can be a screw-up and still be smelling like a rose.

In most cases Mr Martino's nite would already would have been sold to a different company after the second pre-foreclosure so theres definately something super-fishy there....Whats even fishier is how Mike acquired the home and how many times the note changed hands the first year of ownership.. Back then Salvatore Pane was very much alive so you put your spin on the rest of that...........

In all of Mikes business ventures Mike has borrowed tons of money from out of state lenders agreeing to any rate knowing he wasnt going to pay them back and screw them over by having his credit restored to squeeky clean by his under the table credit cleaner guy.

If you've gone into pre-foreclosure you know what happened to your credit rating and how high your interest rates have gotten aswell as having your mortgage sold to a cutrate company..

Smoked Tirez

West Islip,
New York,
United States

Construction Realty Concepts 99 Carleton Ave Islip Terrace NY Michael Martino Scammer.

#9General Comment

Fri, June 07, 2019

Dooooshnozzle I come from the past to tell you that your goos is cooked....LOL

Everything youre experiencing from a month ago until now seems surreal doesnt it?....

I bet you thought I was stuck on one track with the AeroStar outing etc but you see how I left the Attorney site alone......

I had to keep you dirty a lil bit because I know crooks like you cant stay underground for too long and what was even funnier was when you told me your friends thought you should run for legislator or town Assemblyman,Supervisor etc and said d**n I winder when this fraud is gonna show his face and all of a sudden Im looking at some vieos on youtubee and I see your face and that came only a few days after I asked that question...LOL

So just you know I had the town come and bust your operations to slow you down and gum up the works and get you to shutdown your scamsites.

Now just look for a replay of that plus also theres an extra variable added into the mix to make it a tri-fecta....

Remember when you thought you got away with killing those 14 dogs and 1 cat? Well for some odd reason and another twist of fate/karma whatever I grabbed an old phone looking for pics of something and found a google account that was about to be erased for good and in it was pictures and a video of the petshop and how nasty you kept the place plus screenshots of the news story where it shows that you were up schitts creek but found a paddle and lied about the situation...?





You forget I knew where you got your puppymill puppies from the Amish in Pennsylvania and Ohio and how you bought breeder dogs you kept locked on cages 24/7 in nasty conditions and Im even putting Ed Romaine and Crookhaven Animal Control on the hotspot for not investigating too.......










Investigate what you say?...Those illegal puppymill breeder dogs you had and that other petstore you said you had and find out why the dogs werent at Pups N Stuff or at your home instead of in a cold illegal building especially after getting cited and shutdown.,...?????

Your scum Michael Martino and people are gonna come tell you how much and why......Im like theghost of Christmas past....LOL


I put the stories and the pics on Quora,Twitter and Instagram...People want your head on a stick so badly yo ither than most likely Lisa Vitale-Calabro ,  Enzo Pagani , Aaron Wider ,  Eric Finger , Gary Brustein and James Fuller plus a ton of other people.....

Like Gov Hochul...Shes gonna be on your azz for quite a few reasons Mikey...Youre gonna be famous finally just like your buddy Enzo Pagani aka Salvatore Pane 2...................LOL


East islip,
New York,
United States

See the Many Faces of AeroStar Servicing Corp & Micheal Martino scammer.

#9General Comment

Thu, June 06, 2019

AeroStar Servicing Corps has been in business a very short while but seems to move around alot yet operate from the same place at 9 Watson Street East Islip Ny 11730.

Theres lots of things about this company that doesnt add up.What does add up is how AeroStar servicing Corps 9 Watson street east islip Ny 11730 has an association to somebody who was an old customer of Mikes old comany Trueline Contracting Inc which is Gary Brustein of Flew Borrow who happens to have been convicted of dealing Quaaludes in the past. This guy Brustein is now a predatory lender and Michael Martino created the monster with information he gained illegally while dealing with another crook Salvatore Pane who died back in 2009/2010 and was running a crooked mortgage company called USA Mortgage Brokers rt112 Patchogue NY.

Heres the story about Salvatore Pane...........

Heres a lil background about Michael L Martino 9 Watson Street East Islip NY 11730...One thing Ill say for sure is this guy has a way with wording in order to get his sorry azz out of trouble..In the part where he said he was opening Pets Boutique Corp and moving to Coram thats where his lie comes to light as Pets Boutique1 Corps where the recorded address is none other than 9 Watson street East Islip Ny 11730..

Mike Martino was the ex-owner of Pups N Stuff on rt112 in Coram and lost his lease because he would rather buy guns than pay his rent..If you do a search Michael has a Federal Firearms license[FFL] registered there at the rt112 address then was transferred to his home where he peddles guns ot of the illegally renovated shed into an office under the company name MMI Distributors[Michael Martino Incorporated Distributors located at  9 Watson street East Islip NY 11730.

When the landlord of Coram Commons shopping Center found out Mike wasnt paying rent but doubling down on the spot plus buying expensive guns he went berzerk as Mike was running 2 businesses under the same single rent that he wasnt even paying so the landlord Nino raised the rent and eventually forced Mike out...

He illegally renovated the Diamante restaurant on Middle Country road in Middle Island NY on the sneak tip and illegally brought the animals that died there not caring about their welfare as the place was very very cold and heated with 2 tiny spaceheaters. Mike opened 3 more businesses from his home and now hes dabbling in peoples personal info and getting ahead on others misfortunes...Beware of this guy!!He's a walking virus and out to ruin human lives now with AeroStar Servicing Corp 9 Watson Street East islip Ny 11730...!!!.

Back in 2003/04 Mike ran across a character named Gary Brustein who needed his 1.4 million dollar house finished so he could sell it and move into a bigger 2mil dollar home.By 2010 Gary Brustein was in the news quite a few times when he robbed his ex-business partner out of 2 million dollars and then got convicted of selling Quaaludes.Now hes a predatory lender.........!!!

Heres another link too..Its all on the internet for all to find and see to read........

Its pretty bad when a respected millionaire had to petition the court in order to leave the state of

If you think that all these things mean nothing you're dead wrong...Mike has been in cahoots with Gary Brustein and Mike even supposedly shared one of Mr Brusteins office addresses at 410 Jericho TPKE Jericho NY..Its interesting on how Gary lives in Brookville and Mikes operating out of Brookville as a tax lein specialist....LOL

Now Mike wants to play in the bigboy sandbox......Yet he showed Gary all of his cards and now Gary is a 1 man predatory lender band and really doesnt really need Mike anymore only the stiffs who cant pay their mortgage looking for an easy way out of their problems...AeroStar ISNT your Answer for help!!!You're their answer for help as their broke and need your money to look like bigwigs to their friends and neighbor Fleischman who is running rings around thoe doofuses at 9 watson Street East Islip Ny 11730...!!

Mike Martino needs your money now more than ever. He has racked up some hefty action around "casa de-no permits" at 9 Watson Street Islip NY 11730 where Mike illegally renovated his house when he bought it to have an illegal rental apartment also an illegal office built inside the 17x20 shed on the rear of his property and also got busted trying to illegally hide a jacuzzi tub by stuffing it inside a gazebo that was installed without permits or done with-in town codes. Mikes got a dumpster at his home right now and appears to be ripping out the illegal office of all sheetrock and tearing the whole kitchen from the illegal apartment plus appears to be disassembling his illegal hot tub rendevous area and cleaning up his property before his next court date

With knowing all of this about the owner/operator of AeroStar Servicing Corps 9 Watson Street East islip Ny 11730;-Would you trust your financial situation to the guys listed above or AeroStar Servicing Corps 9 Watson Street East Islip Ny 11730???

If you still would do business with AeroStar Servicing Corps or Flex Borrow you deserve to be screwed especially when being fore-warned that youll be taken for the ride of a liferime and not in an exotic car either.....LOL......!!!!


West islip,
New York,
United States

Heres the type of experience you will receive if you deal with AeroStar Servicing Corps.

#9Author of original report

Sat, May 18, 2019

Michael Martino has numerous violations against his property..He needs your hard earned money to help pay the fines and get things right after-all he just got his home out of pre-foreclosure once again for the 4th time in 6 years..If you deal with AeroStar Servicing Corp.This is the type of runaround and servicing you will receive,

Misleading buyers about mortgage modifications: Many buyers are told that their servicer is working with them to negotiate a mortgage modification. In reality, the servicer may be working behind the scenes to move forward with foreclosure. In some cases, servicers actually “lose” documents in order to prevent a modification from occurring so the servicer can foreclose on a home.

Misapplying payments. This can trigger late fees and penalties for the borrower while providing more money for the mortgage servicer.

Failure to honor mortgage modifications: When a mortgage servicer purchases a mortgage loan, the loan buyer may sometimes improperly refuse to honor a mortgage modification agreement that was reached with the prior lender.

Charging illegal fees: Mortgage servicers are not permitted to charge homeowners fees for the costs of obtaining price opinions for brokers or monitoring properties. Sometimes, these and other illegal fees are charged by mortgage servicers.

Refusal to provide necessary information for loan refinance: Mortgage servicers may fail to provide loan payoff information and take other steps to prevent a refinance from occurring, since the refinance can cause the loss of revenues team from the loan.

Improper purchase of forced place insurance: When a buyer does not have required insurance coverage on a home, a servicer can buy insurance (called forced place insurance). In some cases, homeowners are not properly informed of insurance requirements or were misled and mortgage servicers purchase very costly forced place insurance. This can sometimes force a borrower into default.

Falsifying documents: When a servicer needs to foreclose, the servicer needs to have all documents in line including the original paperwork showing the right to collect on the mortgage loan. Many home loans were sold multiple times and the servicer ended up not having the necessary paperwork to prove a right to collect on the loan. Some servicers responded to this problem by backdating documents and falsifying documents. MERS, a database designed to track mortgage transfers, had quality control issues that made fraud easier, and MERS was supposed to be modified as part of a 2011 settlement but some evidence suggests that modifications have not been made.




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