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  • Report:  #1101887

Complaint Review: Agility Group / Caleb Sims / FirstGen Management / Smart Circle

Agility Group / Caleb Sims / FirstGen Management / Smart Circle / Agility Group / Caleb Sims / Contact Promotions / FirstGen Management DO NOT WORK WITH CALEB SIMS or Agility Group. Door to door sales/SCAM Denver Colorado

  • Reported By:
    Truthsource — Denver Colorado
  • Submitted:
    Sun, November 24, 2013
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 24, 2015

DO NOT WORK WITH SCAM CALEB SIMS. Caleb Sims is highly involved with the Cosmetics division as well. He is a puppet for Scott Williams. Both Scott Williams and Caleb Sims are professional con artists and Caleb is learning from the best. Both Scott Williams and Caleb Sims are extremely narcissistic and compulsive liars. I would like to explicitly state that matter who you are you will be selling make up door to door and to people in parking lots and on the streets for over a year, over 12 hour days and 6 days a week. YOU MAKE LESS THAN 3 DOLLARS A SALE! 90% of everyone you talk to will refuse to even talk to you let alone buy. The makeup is toxic, made in china and contains parabens. DO NOT BUY MAKEOVER ESSENTIALS. DO NOT WORK WITH CALEB SIMS. YOU MAKE LESS THAN 3 dollars a sale! THEY CONTAIN PARABENS and link to cancer. Look this up and research yourself if you do not believe. EVEN IF YOUCOMPLETE THE MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM, HE WILL STILL FORCE YOU TO SELL MAKE UP DOOR TO DOOR! Less than 1 percent of the people make it to assistantmanagement and even fewer of those actually get their own office. YOU HAVE A BETTER CHANCE WINNING THE LOTTERY THAN GETTING RICH AS A MANAGER IN HIS BUISNESS. EVEN MANAGERS WHO MAKE IT SIGN DOCUMENTS GIVING SMART CIRCLE ACCESS TO THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS and FUNDS. THE MONEY IS NOT YOURS. IF YOU TRY TO QUIT THEY TAKE IT. THEY DECIDE WHEN YOU CAN RETIRE and when you have to stop lying to people. 

and that he could care less about the $50 dollars a day they make him. Caleb Sims will say the true money is in promotions and that he wants to work with people to promote them out so that they can both make moneytogether. This is a bold faced lie. He keeps people in the field as long as he possibly can. EVEN IF YOU COMPLETE THE MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM, HE WILL STILL FORCE YOU TO SELL MAKE UP DOOR TO DOOR UNTIL HE THINKS YOU ARE READY!! HE WILL HAVE HIS ASSISTANT MANAGERS DO ALL THE WORK FOR HIM SO HE LITERALLY DOES NOTHING BUT KEEP THE LIE GOING TO COLLECT MONEY.
He cares more about that $50 dollars a day than he makes off people in the field than he does about the actual person who is making him the money. This is proven easily if someone asks for a day off after a family member dies, or if they are sick. He will be little them and degrade them and call them weak for not working. He will tell them they will never make it. He also keeps people around by encouraging them to go out and spend money on the many "team nights" so that they do not have any money saved they will need to rely on selling more for him. 

Almost every person in his offices live packed together in what they call “merch houses” and work together as well. A lot of these people are emotionally unstable individuals who need to be constantly watched and guided, because they are unable to live in society dependently and function normally. Caleb Sims has the “ability” (though moral individuals would call this a lack of conscience) to look these people in the face, smile confidently and lie to them. He dangle’s the carrot” and convinces these unstable people that he is there for them and that he wants to help them go to the next level. His actions are never to help the individual but to benefit himself. He displays numerous anti social personality traits from degrees of grandeur, to narcissism and compulsively lies to everyone in his life. He does not feel bad either. He encourages the members in the office to go out and drink often so they forget about what they are doing with their lives. While Caleb Sims may come off as a genuine person he is not. I have seen him betray and lie to even his closest friends. Anyone educated will easily discover the true nature of his character. Caleb Sims has a very a short temper and is extremely selfish. He does not care about anyone who does not immediately is making him money by selling make up products for his business.

This is not just my opinion; everything I have said is undeniable and very easily provable. He will hire anyone to sell make up for him; whether they have a criminal background, are convicted felons or sex offenders. There is no background check what so ever you don't even have to be a legal citizen. It is a 100% undisputed and undeniable fact that convicted violent felons work in his offices. I will admit that these are not most of the people who work in his office. Most of the people are good people. Caleb Sims has mastered a way to keep people working in his business. It is not as complicated as you might think and I will explain how the business works as I myself made it as an "owner.” No I did not quit because I was weak or could not do it, and I was not fired either. I quit because I was not proud of myself as an individual with the work I was doing. Nothing about lying to people is fulfilling, and you cannot put a price tag on your morality and sanity. There is literally no way a good person can be good at that business. It is impossible to sell the makeup products without lying to people, and it is impossible to bring people in to work in the business without lying to people. MOST PEOPLE DO NOT WANT THE CHEAP MAKE UP FROM CHINA. They will tell you this is part of sales and it is a numbers game and that you are weak for not playing your “Law of averages” and finding buyers and that you don’t know how to hunt and take no’s. The truth is that if you are able to sell the makeup successfully, despite its obvious negatives, YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE VALUABLE WORKING A REAL SALES JOB WITH A BASE SALARY, COMPANY BENEFITS AND WORK FOR REAL CLIENTS AND WITH REAL PEOPLE WHO SEEK YOUR SERVICES, NOT ATTEMPTING TO CONVINCE PEOPLE TO BUY CHEAP CANCER CAUSING MAKE UP. AND YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO LIE AND HURT PEOPLE IN THE PROCESS.


caleb sims first gen management 
caleb sims firstgen management 
Caleb Sims
Caleb Sims
Caleb Sims
Caleb Sims
Caleb Sims
caleb sims Agility Group
caleb sims Contact Promotions
Caleb Sima Agility Group
Agility Group Denver
Agility Group


3 Updates & Rebuttals

Legal Notice

Legal Notice

#4General Comment

Wed, June 24, 2015

Please take notice that Caleb Sims (“Plaintiff”) has filed an action in the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas (Ohio) – Caleb Sims v. Reviewer 1, et al. (Case A1502400) – due to allegedly false and disparaging statements published concerning Plaintiff on Ripoff Report and other websites.  This complaint is one for defamation per se and defamation. Plaintiff seeks the following relief: a preliminary and permanent injunction; declaratory judgment; general, exemplary, and punitive damages; and attorneys’ fees.  Defendants must answer the complaint within the time allotted by the Court.  “Truthsource,” please contact Plaintiff’s counsel at


Any city,


#4Consumer Comment

Mon, March 10, 2014

Are people suupose to be impressed you are a Tufts grad? I think your employees (opps, I mean CONTRACTORS) would just like to get paid and don't really care if you even earned your G.E.D! I didn't graduate from quite a fabulous school as Tufts, but I am a GOOD person with a GOOD job that offers a GOOD salary that I can plan on receiving regularly-with no excuses, full benefits, 401k, chance for promotion, etc. I have a comfortable, air-conditioned office, I am not out in all elements of weather, annoying strangers. I have a steady schedule and can plan vacations and have a work/life balance. I can honestly say that I am proud to work at the company I work for!  Your contractors cannot say the same, which is why the D2D industry has a turnover that is astronomical and people leave in DROVES! I have seen reviews of different companies in this industry, not just yours, bragging about how much $ they were making, only to update later they weren't getting paid after all.  In other words, they ate crow. P.S. I have noticed all these "owners" claiming to have these degrees from prestigous universities. I doubt 1% even went to a community college.




#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, December 19, 2013

Hi guys--my name is Caleb Sims. Normally it's not really my style to respond to something like this, as it takes a fool to argue with one, but I've worked tremendously hard to put myself in a position to run and own my own business (just as any entrepreneur), and I've finally deemed that the egregious nature of this post warrants some type of response. 

Let me start by saying that I am a Tufts University graduate, which was recently ranked in the top 10 in the US for smartest students. I answered an ad in Boston when I was 21 years old, fresh out of school. I got several job offers for what the author of this post would call "real jobs" but none that had the same growth potential that I saw with this company. My interviewer was a Cornell grad with a Business Management and Entrepreneurship double major--I decided he would be a pretty good guy to learn from. He certainly was not the type of person to work for a "scam" company. 

I loved the challenge of the field pretty much right away as it developed my communication skills, confidence, and mentality tremendously. I understood and appreciated it. Along the way, I also read posts like the one above, but thank God I was smart enough to understand why someone would post something like this. This is a business where literally nothing is handed to you and you get what you deserve. Unfortunately, I am a member of the laziest generation in the history of forever, where everyone feels as though they are
 somehow owed something. God forbid you actually have to work for your money. I grossed 42,000 dollars in the 10 months I spent in the field. I was very much OK with this, especially considering the education that I received during those 10 months.

By July of 2011, I was a capable business owner. I proved it by making 125k running a business when I was 22 years old. EVERY person who walks through the door has the same opportunity that I did--its up to them what they make of it. I am 25 now and have I have made tremendous friends and business partners along the way. I'm invested in their lives in much more than a monetary sense and words can't describe how much I care about them. "Lying to a friend" is something that I'd never stand for and I have 1000 examples out there that would tell you the same thing.

At the end of the day, there are going to be haters along the way in most any entrepreneurial venture. Study literally ANY successful entrepreneur and you will find this information. Jim Rohn calls is "steering clear of the 97%". For the record, Smart Circle International has countless reputable clients (Home Depot, Direct TV, Subway sandwiches, the New York Yankees, Costco, Sam's Club, and the list goes on). These clients have undoubtedly read posts like this one--and they are still clients because they understand the "why" behind it. Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone and the strong survive. Who posts something like this anonymously anyways? I'll refrain from the words that I'd call them. If you'd like to discuss any of a aforementioned I encourage you to contact me directly at 781 572 1793. Thank You.

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