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  • Report:  #162301

Complaint Review: Aisha Haadi Egyptian Witchcraft

Aisha Haadi, Egyptian Witchcraft ripoff, her spells do not work! Patchogue, New York

  • Reported By:
    - Europe
  • Submitted:
    Thu, October 27, 2005
  • Updated:
    Wed, January 03, 2007
  • Aisha Haadi, Egyptian Witchcraft
    414 W. Sunrise Hwy, #324
    Patchogue, New York, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I want to warn the masses about this fraud witch whom I feel has been under the cover of secrecy for too long.

I ordered something from Aisha months ago which did not work. It so happened she mis-spelt my name for someone else. I informed them, but yet they sent the mail to the right address but the wrong name. I tried to get a refund. So I reminded her. This is the response I got.

"That was just a typing error from my part.

My advise to you is either do another power ritual combo or submit your case for an Amun ra consultation.

I am here for you.


There was no formal apology, and she did not offer a refund for her mistake. True, a spell does not have a 100% guarentee that it will work, but if cast on the wrong person, it will definitely NOT WORK! Stupidly, I ordered a second spell from her, which is claimed to be extremely powerful. Fine, recently upon my complaints recently, she contacted me and offered a free replacement spell in place of the one. But since it's been some time, and the second, spell did not produce results. If it were as powerful as what was said, it should have achieved results some time back! I also had queries which I asked which went unanswered for days and days. That's when I got suspicious. The spells aren't even 5% as powerful as they were claimed to be.

I ordered a second more powerful spell from her, and she still called me by that WRONG NAME! Her daughter claimed that they used my real name in the spellwork, which I highly doubt so. Furthermore, this spell is claimed to be very effective. Sadly so till now it doesn't seem to work. I suspect they still used the same wrong name on both spells.

Mistakes aside. Let me highlight some points about this site which makes it seem suspicious:

(1) For those who suscribed to her newsletters recently, she mentioned in her last e-mail dated 31st August, having a price hike of all spells "Due to changes in the import regulations for my authentic materials and ingredients there will also be an increase in prices in September. All price changes will be announced on the website and via this newsletter." However, it has been over close to 3 months and there has been NO update at all. Is she really THAT busy? Doesn' she have her daughters to help her out?

(2) For those of you who have ordered her spells, it comes an instruction with the manual. I find it strange that the instructions I ordered are exactly the same, though the two spells I ordered was of different strength.

(3) For those of you who have ordered her spells, read the guestbook and read the entire instructions manual, doesn't it strike you that from the guestbook, she is portrayed as a person who will work with her clients until they have achieved their desired results, who answered all their queries and concerns during their spell journey, and yet on the instructions she sent with the talisman, she forbid anyone to tell anything about the spell and that includes her. How then can she work with her clients after the spell has been cast if she can't even know about the spell?

So much so for the bogus promise " I will be there for you to assure you, to comfort you, and assist you in any way I can. I will also work with you until you have achieved all your desired results." in an automated message

(4) Contradictory to what the "guests" wrote in the guestbook, I have many queries which I asked Aisha but were never replied to for weeks. Now that i have learnt, do not believe in everything the guestbook says no matter how desperate or hopeless you are. Even if the previous entries were true to the T, and that Aisha was such a caring person who helped her customers faithfully until they have received their results, she certainly is a different person now.

What's the point of a free casting, knowing I can no longer get any replies for my queries and concerns during my spiritual walk, I can no longer walk with her until I have achieved all your desired results?"

Desperate situations in a person's life often drives them to resort to irrational and illogical measures. I unfortunately was on of those people, because I have faith and believe in things which don't necessarily exist physically. Note: was. I have since learnt my lesson and now want to warn other desperate people not to go head on. Yes, there ARE true spiritual workers and spell casters out there, but I am sure she is not one of them. Do not flame me for anything unless you're a perfect being like GOD. Everyone has done something stupid at one point in their lives. The most important thing is to realise the mistake and move on.

Strange how there are so few cases of negative cases regarding Aisha the witch. I supposed they feel threatened by the secrecy thingamajig, that one cannot reveal the spell or the spell will be broken. If her spells could be broken that easily, then why claim that her spells are powerful?

I want a refund. Either that, or she fulfil the promise she made and really walk with me until I have achieved all my desired results at no extra cost. Otherwise I WILL file another complaint here. End of the story.


20 Updates & Rebuttals



It's only me!

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, January 03, 2007

I only have one login, one name, and only one person. I do not recall answering a question meant for someone else. I actually happend to come across this scam while researching another ripoff. I have not ever purchased a spell nor would I ever. I work hard for my money and would never give it away to support scammers like this one.

If you feel I am posing as someone else or posting under another name, then detective work is not for you.


South Carolina,

Rip off Report...

#21Consumer Comment

Mon, October 23, 2006

I don't think you will be getting any more feedback from Aisha or her daughter; if this is in fact them responding to your comments on this site.

The issue that I have with the reports that Aisha ripped them off; is why would you purchase another spell or anything from her site if you really believed that she was a fraud? That doesn't make any sense to me at all.

Also, her prices did go up from what I'm seeing compared to what the original poster reported.

Furthermore, I think that if you're going to lie make sure you lie really good because from what I've read; Darrel and Clara seem to be the same person....otherwise why would darrel respond to a post that was meant for Clara? there's a red flag right there. You see, you've got to be careful when you tell a lie because you have to always tell another one, to cover up the one that was just told.

Now I'm not a customer of Aisha's, but I've visited her site and she has everything on there pretty much spelled out...

As for the comments of Aisha and her daughter responding to the complaints of former customers; if this was in fact them, they have every right!! Why should they sit back allow people to slander their names like that? As far as I'm concerned their confidentiality was broken when they made it known to the public that they in fact used her services. So confidentiality was broken by the consumer, not the business. The person that responded to the reports made mention of the transaction to further point out why his/her spell didn't work. but now I'm just playing "devil's advocate" here because I don't know. However, if these reports aren't true then this really needs to stop.



Spell Work Guarentees Fact Or Fiction

#21Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 31, 2006

Everyone is speaking of guarentees on spell work. Well I did a bit of research and found 1 spell casting site that does guarentee their work or refunds 80% of your money back. I wrote to the spell caster of this site & I asked her why does she only give a 80% money back guarentee? Why not a 100%. This is the answer I got from her.
20% of it is non-refundable because in her charms she uses actual real jewelry for her spells and she wants the clients to keep them as like a souvenier if they do ask for a refund from her. She claimed in 20 years of spell casting she has only had 2 people request their money back. by the way the website is (((website redacted by ror)))



The loser has left

#21Consumer Comment

Mon, July 03, 2006

I challenged these ripoff artists months ago...

".....Loser leaves the planet".

I'm still here.

I have no dried squid in my mouth.

Looks like these scum lost and hopefully have checked out of this living world.



Entertaining, but reality is

#21Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 11, 2006

It has been entertaining to read, but the reality is:

Whether or not spells are possible or not, the moment money is taken it is a business transaction with falls under the regulations of State, Federal laws as well as Merchant agreements between the credit card companies.

This web site has a pretty extensive Terms of Service Policy. It does specify in the terms of service the product is 'As-Is.' You might be out of luck here as far as getting your money. Especially if the web-site indicates someplace they are for entertainment purposes only.

Anyone remember that famous physic that was sued? Ever since then, you always here that phrase from physics "For entertainment purposes only".

You do have protection if goods delivered were not as advertised. Unfortunately looking at the nature of the site, I don't think anything can be done legally. To the best of my knowledge, I do not believe the court will recognize the supernatural.

Without taking sides (I neither know if the service was provided, or if you were ripped off), the only thing I may offer is comforting words.

Maybe fate interferred so you could be united your soul-mate.

(Do not quote me on that. I'm not a professional physic. This is just an attempt to put in a different perspective that may be more positive then negativity spent in hatred from being ripped off)

As for any other consumers reading this. Just keep in mind whenever purchasing services of this nature, typically it is for entertainment only or As-Is product. If your unsatisified with the results, then it has been poor entertainment. No different then when you to go a movie theatre, if the movie sucked you cannot get your money back.


San Gabriel,

You guys are fraud!

#21Consumer Comment

Sat, June 10, 2006

Yo, "Queen" Mirim! You know it's not nice to slander people like that, just because they are unhappy with your service. I'm not a customer of yours and I'll never be one. If you read the Bible, it clearly stated that spells are evil, they are the works of the devil. So why don't you just go back to where you belong and stay there? Oh, let me guess? You can't go back because your mom made a lot of boo boo, right? Do you want to know what I think? STOP TAKING PEOPLE'S HARD EARN MONEY AND GET A FREAKIN' JOB! GEEZ! And plus why would anybody call herself "queen"? My goodness!




#21Consumer Comment

Fri, April 21, 2006

What kind of moron, sends money to someone over the internet for a "spell". The original poster must be truly ignorant.

There are NO WITCHES, NO SPELLS, NO AMON RA. There is nothing but a woman who is smart enough to realize there are people stupid enough to send her money for nothing. More power to her, I hope she makes millions and millions of dollars off of these suckers.

To the original poster, if the "love spell" didn't work, has it ever crossed your mind that this guy doesn't like your stupid a$$. Why would he want to be involved with anyone stupid enough to fall for this ploy.

Hey, if you have $50.00 send it to me, I can foresee the lotto numbers!


Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,

Wow!! The bull crap is piling up deep - Spells, psychics, witchcraft, etc.. It's all nonsense.

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, April 21, 2006

Spells, psychics, witchcraft, etc......It's all nonsense.

This Miriam character obviously has delusions of grandeur.

It is the weak minded who would get suckered into believing that spells and fortunes, and other such nonsense, can be taken as facts or predictions. How can anyone with a rational, stable mind take any of this seriously?

As with the horoscope printed everyday in the paper, it is all fiction meant for entertainment purposes only.




#21REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, April 21, 2006

She really could be facing legal actions if she expose his identity (which she already have) according to her disclaimer it is illegal for her to do so. It seems her webpage needs to be closed down permenently. You could contact the Better Business Bureau and State Legislator. Sounds like she is a scam artist and non of her spells is successful. Remember if the sites does not states 100% guaranteed or money back do not send your money.


Laguna Beach,

names being published

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, March 01, 2006

Why is Aisha/Miriam giving out names of clients and their references like "Keith Kum Hung" and threatening to send packages out to third parties as a form of revenge? This sort of humiliation not only affects the client, but innocent parties. What if this "Keith Kum Hung" were to have a potential employer or future partner Google his name? All of this mess would be exposed and could negatively affect him, even if he never did anything wrong to deserve it. With all the money spent on attorneys and such, they might want to be careful about matters of libel.



I am not in Singapore

#21Consumer Comment

Tue, January 03, 2006

I am in Tigard Oregon. I have not purchased anything from you nor would I ever purchase anything from you or your mother. You are both incorrect and feel you need to slander me because I am standing here publicly telling people that SPELLS DO NOT WORK. This is such a farce.

What part of SCAM do you not understand?

You charge people for spells claiming they work. We all KNOW they do not work.

Tell me here, RIGHT NOW, do these spells work?
Don't call me any names, just answer the question.

Do these spells work?


New York,

egyptian witchcraft offers authentic spiritual help

#21REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, December 31, 2005

Clarapeijun, Darrell, and Kelvin. The same RAT . Did you honestly believe that you were smarter than I? Wake up and smell the java! or perhaps I should say, wake up and smell the DRY SQUID! what part of that you don't understand, loony tune?
You just do not make any sense at all, and you know it. You are just running your mouth, here why don't you just lip this up?

It is not my mother's fault that keithkumhung caught you with your legs spread wide open. You were the one who was cheating on him, just face it. You got caught like the RAT THAT YOU ARE. It is also not my mother's fault that you are s**t. Please, do not come here and spread lies and expect not to be confronted with facts. If you can not take the heat, get out of the kitchen, I am telling you just like I told the other cowards...Make no mistake about the fact that I will confront you with facts not the half baked lies you have been oozing out of your slimy a*s.
We have located keithkumhung's actual address, rest assured that he will be receiving a package in the mail. We will expose you here and where you actually live. Make no mistake about it. It is a small world after all, and we certainly do not lack any funds to finance any such endeavors. I will even have a lawyer from your village knock at your door with papers. My mother has no problems flying to Singapore and facing you as the RAT THAT YOU ARE. Do not think for one minute that distance is a problem for us... We will simply not tolerate any fabricated lies from you or any one else. I will confront you with utter facts every time.

Further, you are upset and are spreading lies here due to the fact that my mother refused to render her services to you for free. My mother got keithkumhung back into your life, it is not her fault you got caught screwing his cousin. THEN YOU HAD THE MOXIE TO DEMAND A FREE SPELL AFTER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. GO GET A LIFE, s**t!
The fact of the matter is my mother offers no free spells of any kind! if you do not like what you see or read, then don't purchase it. It is as simple as that. However, we will not tolerate your VERBAL BOWEL

Please come back for I have more dry squid for you.

Our business is thriving by the minute, and business is so good. Eat your heart out and simmer in your own venom.
How do you like them apples? Hahahahahahaha
In your face, coming at you every time...




Let's Get Real

#21Consumer Comment

Sat, December 31, 2005

Are you saying these spells work? Get real! I have no doubt in my mind that the "guest entries" at the website were written from within. The claims that these spells work are fabricated. I am not a client or a former client and I just happen to stumble onto this subject while reporting another fraud.

Even the website says "For Entertainment Purposes". They must say that because it's FAKE. My challenge stands. This "business" preys on the weak and the desperate and should be shut down. It's all a sham, a fake, full of lies, and extremely misleading.


It didn't work? Oh, you must have a curse on you or you told someone.

My offer still stands, loser leaves the planet.


Maassluis, Holland,

Proof? I am the living proof

#21Consumer Comment

Sat, December 31, 2005

Good Morning Nicole,
This "Darrel character" is the same person as Kelvin aka Clara from Singapore. Miriam has already clarified this. Kelvin aka Clara is probably mad because Miriam exposed her and her lies. I am glad that Miriam is putting all this effort into this and defends her mother. As a repeat customer of egyptian witchcraft I don't believe anything that is written here. He/She wants to have proof of Aishas powers, lol, I am the living proof of it. I am looking forward to the release of the new page where miriam will post all the evidence. This is really needed in order to make these liars shut up. So everyone can read what's behind their evil lies and accusations.

Wishing you all a happy new year from the Netherlands.



Are you serious? no, don't respond, it's a rhetorical question

#21Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 31, 2005

Just imagine me yelling this into your ear

Of course it's a rip off. It's FAKE...FAKE...FAKE...she's a glorified David Copperfield. Would you become angry if you found out that you bought tickets to a wrestling event that you thought was real? You are paying for the entertainment. For the persona of realism. every fly by con artist has been doing this for years. Some become televangelists.

Everyone goes into this with the assumption that it's fake, they do it for the fun of it. If you think it's real, I implore you, and your financial future to think again.




#21Consumer Comment

Sat, December 31, 2005

So you are saying it is okay for someone to come on here and post lies about a company and it is not okay for the company to expose the liars?
I appreciate that miriam takes the time to clarify it... As a devoted client of Aisha's it makes me more confident in buying her spells.

Last week Kelvin was from "Europe" and today it says "Singapore"... HELLO! THIS SHOULD BE A MAJOR CLUE!!! RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE!!!!



Not a legit business

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, December 30, 2005

I don't know any company that will publicly name their clients and shun them the way Aisha Haadi and her daughter does.

Let everyone beware that regardless of their claims, these spells do not work. I formally challenge Aisha Haadi or anyone else to PROVE that they have any powers. Loser leaves the planet.


New York,
New York,

This is not true

#21REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 11, 2005

Dear Clara, Dear Kelvin

Your statements are utterly untrue and misleading.

Let's set the record straight.

You have sent a handwritten letter to my mother earlier this year and you asked her to perform a love spell in order to be united with Keith Kum Hung. My mother used all information that were provided by you in your handwritten letter. This includes your correct name, your correct date of birth, your correct mother's first name, as well as your loved one's name.
I am more than happy to forward you a copy of it or to post it here on the rip off report in order to clarify your false accusations and to proof that you are dead wrong.

I have explained this several times via email. Only these information were used in all your spell work. When you received your Talisman via fedex your name was mis-spelled on the Fedex Shipping Label as Clara Peijua. This mistake happened while entering your name and address into the Fedex Shipping Label, this is simply just a typing error. I have explained this over and over again.... But you still don't seem to understand a word of it.

Formal apology? I personally have apologized for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Were you expecting my mother to send you flowers because your name was mis-spelled on a fedex shipping label as Paijua instead of Peijun?

My mothers response which you have posted in this website is out of contest. You are posting lies that have been edited by you to suit your needs to lie and complain about something that never took place. It was a response to a completely different question. You are misleading and lying. You had informed my mother that you had broken your spell, that's why she recommended a re-cast... My mother's response had NOTHING to do with the typing error on the shipping label.

You broke your PRC!!! You then choose to order another spell. You have never been asked nor forced to purchase anything from our website.

Your spell was completed on October 21st and you filed this complain only 6 days later. You were instructed to give the spell it's full 3 months, which you have not. You are not following instructions properly. The fact is: You are wrong. Don't blame my mother for your own mistakes. My mother had been very understanding and even offered you a free spell. You never sent in the materials requested for your free spell but instead you choose to come here and spread lies. This will not get you anywhere.

I strongly recommend that you have a look at our website. Our refund and return policy is clearly stated on our website as well as the Terms of Services to which you have agreed while ordering our products.

Refund Policy:
Terms of Service:

As to your other false accusations please read the letter that my mother already posted on this website.




got kicked twice

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, November 04, 2005

Even a dog will not come back to a person who kicked it. Why can't people learn that quickly?


Valley View,

Here's your answer

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, October 27, 2005

'Stupidly, I ordered a second spell from her' That was your second mistake...and from there it escalated.

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