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Al Collins Graphic Design AL Collins Rips students off! Internet
I was told at first that with the Associates Degree (when I attended the Associates Degree is all they offered) and dedicated job placement personnel would find me a suitable job. By the time I got my degree, they told me that Al Collins NOW offers full bachelors degree's. They told me to enroll for another 2 years and possibly $15, 000 in student loans! They went on to tell me that if I am serious about my education that I should enroll, you don't want to get left behind I recall them saying. I told them that I could not afford another loan and that was the last time I heard from them. There job placement called me only once. Since then, my original loan for $6,500 has grown to 14,050! Now this recession, I can no longer afford to make the payment.
Please add me to the class action law suite.