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  • Report:  #115518

Complaint Review: Al Collins Graphic Design School - Al Collins


  • Reported By:
    tempe Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Mon, November 01, 2004
  • Updated:
    Mon, November 01, 2004
  • Al Collins Graphic Design School - Al Collins
    11400 S. Priest
    Tempe, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Where oh where oh where do I begin?? Well for starters the list is *cking endless! I enrolled at Al Collins July of 01. I was interested in the school because the school primarily focused on the courses of study I was most interested in, and I wouldn't have to take a whole bunch of basics such, as math, english etc....

When I first arrived at Collins I was ready to get my education on! Ya see I was 22 at the time and this was goin to be the first time in my life I gave a sh*t about my future and I was ready to do something about it! Being a High School drop out with a GED (good enough diploma) I was ready to start working towards my degree, looking forward to making my family proud as well as myself! The first day I arrived at Collins I was welcomed by protestors which seems to be an on going event at this sh*t hole, but I didn't let them get to me.. I figured they were just slackers, people who prolly got out what they put into it, so I didn't let them bother me. My first few terms at collins went great I was eventually a student aid and I was feeling good about myself!

In the begining of my time being there, the sounds of voices in the distantance talking trash about the school at break time was somthing that was always in the air. Jaded by the bullsh*t and a virgin to the hoax I was a part of, I took up for my school arguing with the break-timers that they whined to much, didn't put forth the effort, or they just weren't good enough to be there!!

H*ll, I was proud of where I was, and had no time to hear people piss and moan about the place!!! But what can I say, here I am 3 years and some change later at the same bench at break time with the same problems that I used to hear others have, and I proudly tell incoming students that say "Hey, I'm new here....Do you like it?!" TURN AROUND AND RUN AND DON'T YOU DARE LOOK BACK!!!! This school has f*cked me and everyone else who goes here more ways than the dirtiest porn star could ever imagine,(at least I would enjoy that!)

Everything from the sh*tty services of the production center, to the mickey mouse zip-drives and hard-drives they sell to the books etc...etc.. For example, I recently bought a 250$ FIRE WIRE zip-drive from the school store, because I was tired of buying their bullsh*t zip-disc that seemed to sh*t on me every month or so, I purchased the 250$ FIRE WIRE hard drive from the store and in about 6 mon time it didn't work at all... Well I came to find that the box it came in had no e-mail address, no postal address, nothing.... even when looking on-line there was no way to figure out to get this thing repaired or replaced... it also had no warrenty (a lesson has been leared from that one) I must say I was furious, I've bought at least 4 zip-disc and now this hard drive and they have all been pieces of sh*t!

I went to Brad Boute(b.a dept chair) to explain to him that the school was selling these Mickey Mouse flea market drives to the students and that I wanted to get it fixed repaired or wanted the school to replace it. Boute agreed with me how unacceptable this was and assured me that in the future products would not be sold to students that did not come with a warrenty, but when I asked BOUTE what he was goin to do about my piece of crap he sold me, he simply told me there was nothing he could do that I was just S.O.L (sh*t outta luck!!) The school still sells these FIRE STORM hard drives and offers no way to repair them!

I could type forever and ever this report could seriously never ever end!!! I used to have a 3.5 GPA, now I'm down to about a 2.0, not because I'm a dumb*ss, but because I can't stand this place any longer!!! as long as I pass thas all I care about, I know thats not the right attitude, but if you go here or ever have you know that this school really brings your "happy I love school" attitute down, I mean you eventually get to the point where you are so tired of all the bullsh*t that goes on here, that a.) you either drop about and throw away all your money or you b.) shoot everyone involved in that place the finger and do what you gotta do!!!

I'm serious!!! this place is a Diploma Mill, I have students who bring in projects drawn up in CRAYOLA, looking like a 2 yr old child master piece, and not only do these F*ckers have an associate degree in graphic design, but they also manage to pass all of the B.A classes as well!!!! This is the reason Collins has a bad name is because of these untalented *ss holes that go here, pass and graduate!! No wonder no one around Tempe, or any where else in the f*cking nation want's to hire us!!! I mean can you really blame them? Just imagine if you were an employer and you had 10 intervies in a day, and everyone of your interviews was from a half *ss, not talented, elementary portfolio from Collins College!!!! It would make you sick!! And it make's me *ucking sick because the students who do have the talent (such as myself) are the one's who don't even get a chance in the interviews, because the ill-qualified have have already gone out and polluted the job market for us with there bullsh*t!!!!!

People the list go's on if you or anyone you know is considering attending Collins Please don't!!!!! you will be deeply dissapointed with the out come!!!!! for those who have attented, Collins is a large comp, it would be great if everyone who has recieved the shaft from collins could come together to form an enormous lawsuit against these *ssholes to make them pay for all of the wrong doing they have done and will continue to do!!!! whew........thanks for letting me vent!!!!

Collins Hater!!!!
tempe, Arizona

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