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  • Report:  #1267349

Complaint Review: Alain Burrese

Alain Burrese Unethical Fraud! missoula Montana

  • Reported By:
    Buck — Arizona USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, November 11, 2015
  • Updated:
    Thu, February 22, 2018

I wanted to learn Hapkido from a martial arts master and found Alain Burrese online through his website and his books and DVD's. I saw his ad on the back of a martial arts magazine for a Korean Martial Arts Festival and thought he was legit. Boy did I make a mistake!


The so-called "Festival" was terrible. It was Alain Burrese and his friends teaching white belt level techniques. Horrible! I wasted $189 on this crap! On top of that I bought Burrese's books and DVD's. They were worse than the festival. They were so bad that I decided to do a little snooping into who Burrese really was. What I found was sickening.


I found that Alain Burrese has several complaints about his behaviour. Many martial artists have questioned the legitimacy of his martial arts ranks and his military background and his honesty.


What I found was that there is questions about whether he bought his black belts from Korea. I did not know this but found that many unscupplous martial artists go to Korea and buy the black belt ranks and Koreans are known to sell them to Americans.


Martial arts master - UNTRUE! I found an instructor who had dealings with him and said that Burrese came to him and asked for a higher rank and he turned him down. A few weeks later Burrese came back from Korea with a new higher rank.


Burrese claims to have been training with one martial arts master his whole career. UNTRUE! Checking on this I found he bounces around and can't stay with one instructor. This seems very fishy as well.


He claims that he was a sniper instructor. UNTRUE! When he was confronted about his claim he changed it to he was only a assistant to a sniper instructor. That is a big mistake to make! How could that be unintentional. He lied on purpose.


He claims to be a world renown speaker. UNTRUE! I found that 99% of his speaking "seminars" are done in Missoula MT at the Rotary Club, the FLower Club, and the Forest Service. How is this being a world renown martial arts teacher and speaker?


He claims to be a great well known martial arts teacher. UNTRUE! I found that he teaches a class at the local workout center and only has 6-7 students total. I also found that it is not hard to find students who are not happy with what they got for their money.


He claims that his DVD's and books are highly acclaimed by well known martial artists. True but it is not what it seems to be. Those well known martial artists are not real reviews, they are all his friends many of them who were with him at his festival in FL. I found that they all seem to trade good reviews on each others products and teaching skills instead of getting true blue reviews from regular readers.


I was taken in by his slick marketing stuff but never again. I hope my review helps others not to be taken in by this fraudulent "martial arts master" and "positive motivation speaker"!!

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Willy Dirt


Oh, Bohdi...

#5General Comment

Thu, February 22, 2018

When are you going to grow up? Someone of your "stature" (one might think) wouldn't lower himself to filling the internet with fake ripoff reports and the like in an effort to discredit a business's something a child would do...but here you are.

Why can't you be a good little boy and just stick to writing your quote books and serving your kult of kool-aid drinkers? I think about all the time you waste on this feud, and it amazes me that you have time to run your businesses.

If anyone wants to know the truth about YOU, they can go here:

If anyone wants to know th truth about BURRESE, they can go here:

As for all you Bohdi fans who come have come here to roll in Bohdi's dirt,  ask yourself a few things:

Have you EVER ACTUALLY READ anything where Burrese is trash-talking others? With your own eyes!

Have you ever read anything where Bohdi is trash-talking others?

Have you ever wondered why Bohdi is so negative and why is constantly using tough-guy talk and claims on his sites?

Do you ever see Burrese do this?

Is there any evidence supporting the negative things said about Bohdi? Screen shots? Legal documents? Corroborating letters and documents?

Is there any such evidence about Burrese? Or are you merely accepting heresay from one of Bohdi's web sites?

Have you ever said (about Bohdi), "I don't care if he lied..." before explaining why you like or follow him?

If you are one of the people who claims to be into the philosophy Bohdi espouses -- courage, honor, integrity -- shouldn't you also be concerned about TRUTH?

Are you smart and diligent enough to figure out what the real truth is?

Prove it!



I am Seeing Fake Rebuttals to Cover Alain Burrese's Lies!

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, July 18, 2017

I read the last rebuttal and it is fake. It is Alain Burrese under a fake name. Burrese has posted this fake response to every negative complaint about himself to try to stop this information about him from getting out. Everyone in martial arts now knows about Alain Burrese and knows he is a fake. I called the gym that he now works at. They have only been open for 10 years so how could he have been working there for 17? He will say anthing and lie about anything to try to keep people from finding out the truth about him.

I did some checking on these claims. Burrese is a charlatin! Everytime somebody complains about his underhanded ways he tries to misdirect them and claims it has to do with two guys.....Richard Hackworth and Bohdi Sanders. I check both of these guys out too to find the truth. Turns out that both Richard Hackworth and Bohdi Sanders are well respected in the martial arts world and have been attacked by this Alain Burrese character! Burrese has tried to defame their characters for his personal gain and failed. He has been outed to the entire martial arts world! Burrese is a total fraud. He has lost his following and blames these two men instead of taking responsibility for his own shortcomings. Google Alain Burrese and you will find dozens of complaints about this man.

There are no photos of Burrese in a martial arts tournament. No evidence that he is a martial arts master or anything of the sort. He is a failed lawyer who has been sued for defamation of character before and makes a habit of defaming anyone who he dislikes on the internet. This man is nothing more than a con man and a shady character. Calling him a liar is just scratching the surface. FAKE....FAKE.....FAKE......FAKE! Alain Burrese is a FRAUD!



Alain Burrese IS a Fraud & Now it is Proven!

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, March 30, 2017

There are failures in every industry and every walk of life but on a rare occasion there will be someone who fails at everything that they have tried across the board. Alain Burrese is a shining example of one o those people.  He wants to be known as a martial artist, self-defense expert, and motivational coach so desperately that he is willing to do almost anything; including plagiarizing other people’s work and falsifying his personal resume to mislead people.

The problem is that his 8th grade writing proficiency is never going to attract book sales for anyone read his dribble. He has even gone as far as to offer his kindle books as FREE Downloads just to beef up his numbers on Amazon. His martial arts videos are the most unintentionally hilarious things you will ever watch. He lies about everything from his training background to his military career just to get on as a volunteer teacher at some of the most poorly attended martial arts events on the planet. Some held at McDojos in Crestview, Florida and others in backyards of Colorado.

Would a “Real Martial Arts Master” have to stoop to being a libel, slander, plagiarism, and outright lying. He has resorted to trashing the reputation of others and making them feel small to try to make himself feel bigger.  The only quality writing he does is the fiction work in his resume and website about himself. Lets look at the facts vs. fiction when it comes to Mr. Alain Burrese.

He claims to be an internationally known martial arts master, teacher, and speaker. Really? Let’s dig a little deeper into his claim. He has no school, no students, and no class. He is not even well-known in his home town or his own state, much less nationally or internationally. When checking his claims just as you would try to verify past employment of a job applicant at your own business this is what I found. I made an inquiry at the YMCA where he claims to teach. I was told that he hasn’t taught and classes or workshops there in a very long time and that he only teaches martial arts when they offer an introduction to martial arts class and ask for someone in the community to come forward and teach.

Poorly skilled martial arts teachers love being in a college town because it is so easy to get students. But when you are as worthless as “Master” Attorney Alain Burrese you can’t even pull off getting a handful of students to keep a class going at a YMCA. As it turns out that the only teaching “Master” Burrese does is videotaping himself, in slow motion, on his camcorder. His techniques are all white belt level, which brings up another question – Is “Master” Burrese really a martial arts master at all? Again, this so-called “master” has no students, no school, and no prospects for either, but he is in high demand as a martial arts instructor. Wait! What? How can he be an internationally known martial arts master when he is not even in demand in his own home town? He’s not! Turns out that the only thing that “Master” Burrese is a master at is in stretching the truth. In fact, he has no problem when it comes to outright lying. Let’s look at more of Burrese’s fantasy world…

When looking deeper into his martial arts background on his own websites and blogs you will find that Burrese’s can’t even keep his story consistent from one page to another on his own pages. Then I ran across a REAL martial arts master who knew Burrese from years back. It turns out that “Master” Burrese had approached him and ASKED for a belt promotion. When he turned Burrese down and chastised him for his dishonesty, Burrese began libeling, slandering, and defaming the man all over the internet. Oh, and he showed up a few weeks later with a belt promotion.

According to Burrese, he flew to Korea and tested and was promoted. BUT…I was able to contact the Korean master which Burrese claims to have been promoted by. He told a much different story. He claimed that Burrese offered to bring him to the U.S. to do seminars in exchange for a belt rank. Burrese got his rank promotion, then skipped town, came back to the U.S. and the Korean master was never brought over to the U.S. That’s right! “Master” Burrese BOUGHT his belt rank and then did not hold up his part of the deal! He screwed his so-called master!! WOW!!!!

I also spoke to the top student of that master in Korea. He claimed that Burrese never tested for his belt rank at all. He said that it was merely a financial deal and one which Burrese did not uphold his end of the bargain. Turns out…this is another one of Burrese’s patterns. He goes to Korea often and to this date, has brought back 5 black belts. From this we can see that the only thing that Burrese has mastered is his ability to over promise and under deliver to get rank certificates that he doesn’t deserve or hold the knowledge for.

Mr. Burrese also calls himself a sniper and a sniper instructor with the 82nd Airborne. This is not true either, is it “Master” Burrese? An active Green Beret in the 82nd Airborne pulled Burrese’s paperwork and shined a spotlight on his claim. Burrese loves to post photos of himself in camo from his very short stint in the army. But Burrese only signed up for a minimum 2 years. He got his school paid for, which was his ultimate goal all along. Because of his incompetence, he could not find a job as a lawyer, so he resorted to signing up for another 2 years of service to return to his favorite stomping grounds in the w***e bars o DongDuChon, Korea outside of Camp Casey.

Turns out that Burrese was about to be kicked out of the army because he could not hit a target if it were 3 feet in front of him. As a last ditch effort to fulfill his 2 years, he took a sharpshooters class to be able to score the minimum requirement to stay in the Army. (The Boy Scouts also have this class. Maybe Mr. Burrese should have joined the scouts instead!) He barely passed the class and then started calling himself a SNIPER! Talk about exaggerating!!! Apparently, that was not good enough for him, so he started calling himself a SNIPER INSTRUCTOR. The only problem with this is that HE WAS NIETHER A SNIPER OR A SNIPER INSTRUCTOR! He never reached a high enough military rank to teach anything. Like I said, this guy is a master at stretching the truth and lying.

He got out of the army by the skin of his teeth and finally got hired by a small law firm in MT. But he couldn’t manage to keep his job. He lost his job and still to this day has not been able to find another law position. Why did he lose his job? That is anyone’s guess. Burrese tells it as he just got tired of being a lawyer. REALLY? “Master” Burrese got tired of being a lawyer after his very first legal position? Then why did he continue to job hunt for another position as a lawyer for several years after he was canned? Doesn’t make much sense does it? This is just another example of how Burrese spins the truth to try and make himself look better than he really is.

He continued to write books that no one wants to read, to make videos that no one watches, and to pay to be included in teaching seminars. WAIT! WHAT?? That’s right…this “Internationally known martial arts master” is in such low demand that HE PAYS FOR THE PRIVILEDGE of teaching a few unsuspecting students at an event with multiple teachers. Every martial arts master I have ever met actually GETS PAID TO TEACH, not the other way around!

Then “Master” Burrese had an epiphany…if he couldn’t be successful by his own efforts, he would simply attack his competition with lies, slander, and libel to destroy them and maybe in the chaos he could get their readers to become his own. He has even gone as far as to use multiple fake names, email readers of his competitors, and even personally call people to spread his lies about those who he targeted. Seems crazy, right? Actually, it seems PSYCHOTIC! And IT IS!!

My research showed that he has a pattern of libeling and slandering anyone he has a problem with or anyone who he considers doing better than him. When my Green Beret buddy pulled his file, it showed that “Master” Burrese has been sued for defamation of character before. My research also proved, without a shadow of a doubt, that “Master” Alain Burrese has libeled, slandered, and defamed no less than 4 other well-known martial artists, and that is just the ones that I found out about.

He uses a variety of off-the-wall names to do his dirty deeds. After all, he could not very well use his own name and still market himself as a positive life coach or a motivational life coach, now could he? He found that it is all too easy to make fake profiles with fake usernames and attack his competition anonymously. He has even gone so low as to hack into other people profiles, phones, etc. with the help of some of the unsavory people he is friends with. What real martial arts master would do something like that?

The underhanded dealing does not stop there. Mr. Burrese has had no less than 28 LLC’s listed under his name. And 24 of them are listed as non-compliant. The LLC’s run the gamut from car scams to self-publishing businesses. Yes, his books and videos are self-published, and badly self-published. It is no wonder his stuff doesn’t sell. His title read like a set of bad jokes. He claims to be an expert in multiple areas, but can’t make a living at any of them.

Now Mr. Burrese is working on his next con job masturbating his ego. He is writing a book called Sniper Strategies for Business. What a joke. He was NEVER a sniper. He has been a complete failure in business. He cannot hold a job and works as a part-time security guard around the local campus. Get that? He is supposed to be a licensed lawyer, a internationally known martial arts master, a big time author, a business expert, a self-defense expert, and a life coach…BUT he has failed at ALL OF THEM! And now, he is writing a book to tell others how to be successful at business! Can you say “self delusional”?

So let’s review his claims. Fact vs. Fiction: The man has 28 LLC’s, none of which have been successful. He is a failed lawyer who cannot find a job. He was a failure in the military, but calls himself a sniper and a sniper instructor, which are complete lies. He calls himself a martial arts master, but I found out that he BOUGHT his martial art ranks. By every measure of success he comes up short. By every measurement as a man he also comes up short. But he wants to tell others how to live their life and how to run their businesses! I’m sorry, but “Master” Alain Burrese is a total joke and a conman. He is guilty without a doubt of libel, slander and defamation of character. He is a proven liar. And apparently he is completely delusional, as he thinks people will buy his books, watch his videos, or pay him to be their life coach!

My review of his credentials revealed more lies and corruption than I ever imagined it would. I could go on and on…from the fact that his pre-school “teacher” wife provides the sole support for their family. I think you get the point. “Master” Alain Burrese is a charlatan. You don’t need to be an investigator to figure out that the guy is a fraud. Google his name and you will find an abundance of complaints and negative information about this so-called “martial arts master” who is more accurately described as a liar and a scam artist. The only positive information published anywhere about this loser is self published by him under his variety of fake names.



Will it ever end?

#5General Comment

Thu, August 11, 2016

It's good to see that good ole Bohdi Hackworth has been able to to find ways to fill his time. The poster of this "Rip-Off Report is actually the work of two people -- Bohdi Sanders and Richard Hackworth -- who have been feuding with Burrese for some time over comments made on (a martial arts discussion board that reveals frauds) over two years ago that they wrongfully attribute to Burrese.

It seems that they resent the fact that the skeletons in their closets have been dragged out for all to see (long well-known and proven alegations of fraud -- selling fake rank certificates -- that resulted in being thrown out of the KHF in Hackworth's case, and a long investigation into Sanders' claimed martial arts background and diploma mill doctorate that revealed deception and misrepresentation on a grand scale) and for reasons many can't fathom, they believe it was Burrese who exposed them under an anonymous ID.

The whole thing is quite ridiculous.

All three are authors, and ultimately this is a triangular feud between three people who see themselves as being in competition with one another (Sanders is a self-styled "Warrior Lifestyle" guru, Hackworth runs a spider-web of martial arts media and consulting "businesses," and Burres is a speaker, teacher, and author who operates in the same "space"). Burrese, to his credit, has largely refused to engage (since he wasn't responsible for the Bullshido expose' in the first place), but Sanders and Hackworth have taken to attacking him and making defamitory -- and simply wrong -- statements about him in social media (on their many web sites and FaceBook pages) and posted outright fabrications like this so-called "Rip-Off Report" all over the internet...all based on the eroneous belief that Burres authored the expose' that they claim defames them.

A comparrison of statements and articles authored by "Bohdi Hackworth" to things said in these "Rip-Off Reports" quickly reveals similarities that are too close (some are clearly cut and paste) to not conclude that they were all authored by the same person or persons. Sanders and Hackworth both think they are clever, but apparently not clever enough to re-write their diatribes when they try to post anonymous fabrications in a series of ham-fisted attempts to attack Burrese's character and reputation. Oh well...

Sanders writes quote books that are little more than almost pure plagiarism coupled with personal quips and cliches while claiming to be a martial arts grandmaster and a PhD. His entire background has been examined, refuted, and srubbed multiple times online as he has scrambled to cover up one deception after another...the more one digs, the more "crazy" is revealed. Ultimately it's "who cares" and "let the buyer (of his books and those who subscribe to his so-called "wisdom" online) beware." He's a medium-sized fish in a very small pond...but his true character is clear for anyone with two or more brain cells to rub together.

Hackworth's rise and fall over the past three decades is well known in MA circles. The certificate fraud and his expulsion from the KHF are simply is the fact that his entire list of ranks, credentials, and accomplishments are complete fabrications propped up by his spider-web of companies and home-brew MA associations. No serious Korean MA person takes Hackworth seriously.

And as for Burrese? I invite any serious practitioner to try to poke holes in his background. He is a sincere martial artist, and legitimate people in legitimate circles hold him in high regard. That's just a fact. I've known Alain for more than 20 years and know him to be honest and talented. He sticks to the high ground and walks the talk, which many martial artists seem to struggle mightily to do...

I also know that at different times, Alain has been friends with both Sanders and Hackworth, but that they fell out with one another for various reasons. In my estimation Sanders' and Hackworth's attacks are all about jealousy and resentment...Sanders and Hackworth are also "users" with track records for attacking their "friends" when their friends have outlived their usefullness. It's a strange way to live...but I think it says all that needs to be said about their characters. To sum up...their attacks on Alain's character, and their accusation that Alain authored the expose on Sanders (that later included Hackworth) have no basis in reality. 

I guess the world is simply full of petulant children.

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