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  • Report:  #1298841



  • Reported By:
    anonimo colombia — popayan Other Colombia
  • Submitted:
    Sat, April 09, 2016
  • Updated:
    Sun, April 10, 2016

el señor ALEXANDRE ARENALES, con su empresa UNIVERTEAM, ofrecio un negocio multinevel con unas ganancias mensuales que solo cumplió los primeros meses y solo ganaron los primeros que entraron, los que entramos a finales del 2015 en adelante no ganamos nada y tampoco recuperamos un solo centavo de 1500 euros invertidos;  aunque hubo personas que inviertieron mas.  cuando ya no hubo mas pagos, se excusó diciendo que univerteam se fusionaria con otra empresa para hacerse mas fuerte y poder seguir pagando y aun asi, el señor arenales siguió recibiendo dinero de nuevas victimas que creian en su esquema de negocio multinivel.  finalmente se dió la tan esperada fusion con ONECOIN, con la que se supone recuperariamos la inversion, pero fue un engaño mas, solo nos crearon cuentas en onecoin, pero sin cargarles dinero, no podemos hacer uso de la plataforma de onecoin y esta empresa tampoco responde cuando se le pide informacion sobre los terminos en que se realizó dicha fusion.  ahora nos piden que hagamos red, que invitemos a mas personas a onecoin para poder ganar dinero y recuperar la inversion,  lo que obviamente se nota que es una nueva estafa.

Mr. ALEXANDRE ARENALES with your company UNIVERTEAM offers a multinevel business with a monthly income only fulfilled the first months and only won the first who came, who walked at the end of 2015 onwards we gain nothing nor recover a single penny 1500 euros invested; although there were people who have invested more. when there were no more payments, excused himself by saying that univerteam merged with another company to become stronger and to continue to pay and yet, Mr. sandbanks continued to receive money from new victims who believed in their MLM scheme. finally the long-awaited merger was with ONECOIN, with which it is assumed would recover the investment, but it was a hoax but only created us accounts onecoin, but without charging money, we can not make use of the platform onecoin and this company not responds when asked for information about the terms on which such fusion was performed. now they ask us to do network, we invite more people to onecoin to earn money and recover the investment, which obviously note that is a new scam.

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