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  • Report:  #152565


ALIENWARE CORPORATION Ripoff lying and deception, not following own guidelines, voiding warranty Miami Florida

  • Reported By:
    Chicago Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Fri, August 05, 2005
  • Updated:
    Fri, August 05, 2005
    12400 S.W 134 Court Bay#8
    Miami, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:


...MY SCREEN BROKE!!!! apparently 2 things came through the screen but what in the world could they be???

after a long and heated conversation (quite a few in fact) someone had a Freudian slip and told me that they cant help me THEY DONT HAVE THOSE SCREENS ANYMORE!!! and besides "I must have broken it"

well heres where that TRANSCRIPT RULE comes in handy.... I ADDRESSED TWO POINTS BULGING FROM THE SCREEN TWICE TO BEST OF MY RECOLLECTION ONCE IN SUMMER/EARLY FALL AND ONCE IN WINTER BEFORE THE BRAKE.... guess what NO ONE WROTE ANYTHING DOWN!!!... they did their best to assure me that its normal but didnt write my bleep complaint down... that means that I AM LIABLE BECAUSE ACCORDING TO AW I NEVER MADE THIS OBSERVATION

Than after saying that thay cant fixit they told me I had to do it, they cant do anything with it so dont send it in, not even if i paid them... ******* I herd my warranty was good naturally the monitor would have to be covered by whomever I buy it from..... So i open the top cover to get the numbers and LOOKIE LOOKIE someone forgot to screw the screws in all the way... can u picture a screw making a perfect mold of its head in the back of your LCD... if u cant dont worry its attached below... SOMEONE AT ALIENWARE ACTUALLY TOOK APART A LAPTOP TO CALL ME THE NEXT DAY AND TELL ME THAT THOSE SCREWS ARENT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE!!! but guess what now that I opened it up all the warranties magically expired (even though i was told otherwise) along with my extra$300 3 year extended warranty for the entire system... IN OTHER WORDS IF I DIDNT OPEN THE TOP ID BE LIABLE FOR THE SCREEN SINCE "I BROKE IT"... AND IF I DID ID BE LIABLE FOR OPENING THE SCREEN....

heres one of my many conversations with AW notice how the rep is unable to resolve the issue even in his version of "the truth"

notice i was looking for the notes to backup my case but these are oddly kept confidential

AD: Hi, my name is AD. How may I help you?
KD: i wanna talk to Ax
AD: Ax? there something I may assist you with?
KD: well if you could kindly @ me my tech support notes yes, else id like to speak with Ax
KD: im guessing tm is hese assistant
AD: unfortunately, you wont be able to speak w/ Ax or his Assistance, they do not take phone calls or chat...we can only assist you with technical moment
AD: May I please have your account or order number?
KD: ******
KD: and Ax DOES call me
KD: so does tm
AD: ok..if you have been able to speak w/ may contact them by calling corporate office
KD: are they open?
AD: no sir..checking on notes you are requesting to email you the notes?
KD: yes all the notes
AD: unfortunately, we are unable to assist you with on technical support can only troubleshoot
KD: well you do have the notes.... and you cant troubleshoot anything since you vided my warranty so id like my notes now
KD: *voided
AD: again...unfortunately, we are not able to assist you w/ this request
KD: well can you asist me with my broken screen?
AD: checking on notes...and the warranty is voided but even if the warranty was still good, machines w/ broken LCDs are to be sent troubleshooting this is not possible
KD: whoa whoa whoa holdup wait a minute
KD: sent in???
KD: bravo youre the first person to reccomend that
KD: now why wasnt i provided with a shiiping sticker n return number?
KD: (check in the notes)
AD: based on notes the warranty was voided therefore no repairs is offered or return label is provided
KD: how was the warranty voided exacly?
KD: as i can recall you guys are responsible for fixing broken things on the computer
KD: else someone else has to fixit
KD: seems logical dosent it?
AD: yes, however, the issue is not odd..meaning never happens..seeing the screw damaged the screen?
AD: is odd*
KD: well its either NOT odd... or.... it never happens
AD: not odd...sorry
KD: yes exacly now how do the screens that are within the screen any of my concern?
KD: i didnt put them there
KD: i didnt tighten them
KD: i didnt even know what they were till the day i opened the laptopp
AD: right...checking here, you opened the machine which voided warranty
KD: now i got a question for you
AD: ok
KD: providing that the screen was not opened
KD: what would have been AW response to the matter?
AD: ok
AD: we would have checked this further, verified and investigated what exactly happened
KD: well why didnt you do that then?
KD: i offered money for that being done
KD: u refused to take the laptop
AD: unfortunately, this point, I cant say what was or was not done, this should be referred to customer service dept
KD: well i already spoke to that department they sentme back to you
AD: us?
AD: here on chat?
KD: you dont like that make me my own department that will save you time trasfering me between the two of you
KD: tech support
AD: they probably meant phone support...unfortunately, here on chat as stated prev. troubleshoot this issue...for any replacements, repairs, etc are sent to phone support
KD: no there not
KD: phone support claims its customer service
KD: customer service claims its tech support
AD: have you requested for a supervisor since you being trasferred back and forth?
KD: and i spoke to tm hese your supervis i suppose
AD: well..unfortunately, here on chat we are unable to assist you with this issue.
KD: so what are you able to assist me with?[
AD: as I stated, we can only troubleshoot...however this issue is not related to technical support, we are suggesting to contact service
KD: but service is closed
AD: may contact them tomorrow from 10am 7pm EST
KD: and they will send me the transcripts of all my notes
KD: ???
AD: not really sure what customer service can do regarding this request
KD: well they are my notes arent they?
AD: account notes..for internal use only...
KD: well than all the information that i gather on my end may be widely circulated?
KD: i mean as long as you get to make up rules so do i.... especialy since Ax didnt mind..
AD: unfortunately sir...there is nothing I can do for will need to contact customer service dept regarding this issue.
KD: well one question though
KD: howcome tech department voided my warranty and not the service department?
AD: we basically inform service w/ the issue, any unknown issue and come to a conclusion customer has opened the machine or damaged..then is reported to service
KD: aha so than the service department calls me about the warranty being voided?
AD: after that, we are not aware of the procedures taken
KD: what does that mean?
AD: not sure if customer service notifies customer or not
KD: well explain howcome i got notified by tech support though
AD: notes sir
KD: i mean if you guys dont deal with this and all
AD: no sir...we go by the notes
KD: well what do the notes say?
AD: ok..unfortunately I already explain what the issue is...for further customer service dept thanx
KD: ok well u dont mind me sharing my notes with the public than?
AD: unfortunately, I would not know sir
KD: well ask Ax
KD: he knows a lot
KD: i mean the guy can spot a broken lcd he must be smart
AD: ok..unfortunately, I can no longer keep w/ this chat...if you have any issues you may send an email to
KD: well in either case youre not against me sharing my notes are you?
KD: i take that as you have no objections to this being published
KD: thank you
KD: thats all
KD: good bye

...again why would an honest company need to keep MY NOTES confidential?

also i have more contradictions recorded via the phone ill try to publish those as well

Chicago, Illinois

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