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  • Report:  #679092

Complaint Review: Alisa Spitzberg

Alisa Spitzberg Fernsy, Henya Mentally Ill, Delusional, Defamatory, Dangerous, Liar Los Angeles, California

  • Reported By:
    jeslaw — Los Angeles California United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, January 05, 2011
  • Updated:
    Sun, March 11, 2012

Alisa Spitzberg, aka fernsy, who usually cowards behind the name of her poor elderly, Holocaust surviving mother Henya, is one of the most delusional, paranoid, defaming, egocentric, sick people I have ever met. While she is to be pitied for her illness, she continually attempts to smear the names and reputations of good people like Attorney James E. Silverstein and Peter Knecht; Judges Gerald Rosenberg, Villar, Jessner, O'Connor and others; Los Angeles City Attorneys Boags, Kalpakian, and others because she is mentally incapable of taking responsibility for her own abhorrent conduct towards other people. This includes her criminal case for stalking, threatening, assaulting, and violating a restraining order in favor of Tig Notaro.

James E. Silverstein, Attorney, was miraculously able, after over a month of hard work, to convince the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office in the Mental Health Court, Department 95, to stipulate to her mental competency to stand trial in her criminal stalking and restraining order violation case. This was despite clear and unambiguous evaluations from esteemed Doctors Velarde and Sharma that she was mentally incompetent, and incapable of, amongst other things, linear, rational thought. Her way of thanking him? Lying through her teeth about him, trying to destroy his good name and reputation because she is too mentally ill to appreciate what he did for her. During the case, she threatened him and caused him to recuse himself from her matter. Because no other private attorney would touch her case with a 10 foot pole, she went to trial with a public defender. The jury hung 11-1 in favor of guilt. Somehow, her public defender (who James E. Silverstein has a great deal of respect for) miraculously convinced 1 out of 12 jurors that there was reasonable doubt. Alisa Spitzberg was therefore NEVER ACQUITTED. An acquittal requires a unanimous verdict of not guilty by all 12 jurors, and this never happened for her.

To make it abundantly clear, Alisa Spitzberg is a no one and nothing. She is a dismal failure as a stand-up comedian, and she is a disgrace of a human being. No one cares about, or is interested in her nonsensical crap. Spitzberg is a liar. She is out of her mind. Nothing she says makes sense. Alisa Spitzberg attempts to alter that sad reality by seeking notoriety for all sorts of the alleged wrongs she has suffered. In reality though, the only victims here are the numerous people she has, and continues to smear, like James E. Silverstein.

8 Updates & Rebuttals


los angeles,

James E. Silverstein is an idiot and a liar

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, March 11, 2012

He stole from and then defamed an innocent person. That is what this "report" is about.When the mother, who hired him for 10 thousand dollars for a small misdemeanor, drafted a rip off report in order to warn the public, He came up with this. 

 James E. Silverstein is a sleazy lowlife who betrayed terrific people. Everything he said about, Alisa Spitzberg, is a lie, and the public record shows this overwhelmingly. Soon, he will see that he can win battles, but he'll never win the war. Soon all his lies will be presented in a way that will expose him as the  SUPER CREEP that he is.

 On his website, he uses the names of his clients and reveals information about them. He says things like "the facts supported more serious charges but I got them off for less." This is unethical and it is disgusting. He has no clue as to what is right and wrong. He desperately wants to be a part of the corrupt courts in Los Angeles and he is succeeding.
He also is semi- illiterate and can't spell or pronounce the most basic words. His victims are very embarrassed that they fell for his false promises and retained him.

Every move James E. Silverste makes is strictly to advance his sleazy ambitions. This is how he treats innocent client. And, Alisa Spitzberg, was not only innocent, but she was very brave and that is known by the many that witnessed the malicous prosecution that took place.

All charges were dismissed, by a judge, after a two year long malicious prosecution, where the defendant was offered no jail time and what is called "informal diversion" She fought it till the bitter end, because she was innocent. The judge said, on the record, that this was a civil matter that never should have been in a criminal court . Instead of being congratulated for standing her ground against severe prosecutorial and police misconduct, this p***k, Silverstein, is now choosing to invent a hundred or so lies, to cover his shabby a*s.

Silverstein promised you the world and makes you pay top dollar for it. He cashes the check,  and then tries to terrorize you into a needless plea. He never considers witnesses or evidence or the fact that Tig Notaro's and John Gregozek et als, credibility was in shambles etc. 
 That takes too much work. No, he'll just side with the adversary cause that might make them remember him fondly when a bigger case comes along.
 He  doesn't file any motions or make any effort to advocate for his clients. He will let clients be jailed without charges! A judge will even tell him " File a bail motion, counselor." and he will not do so because that would, in this case, upset those he needs for advancement.
He's a disgrace, and he should not be able to screw over more people. That is why a report was written about him , and that is why he then, like an evil rabid madman, wrote these insane lies in order to retaliate. 


Los Angeles,

Criminal Lawyer James E. Silverstein is sick or crazy

#9Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 25, 2011

James E. Silverstein rather than opening himself up to more lawsuits should have done the  reasonable inquiry into this case and realize that he has gotten all his facts wrong. If he had done the work in the first place none of this would have occurred. As it stands, Mr. James E. Silverstein and Peter L. Knecht have made miserable fools of themselves. Everything they have said here is a provable lie and is a matter of public record. It took me no funds and very little time to see that James E. Silverstein is either getting all his facts wrong or is lying. No lawyer should ever act as James E. Silverstein has and I imagine when he loses the defamation suit he will live to regret his ugly and stupid behavior.

As a bystander, I would never hire a man like James E. Silverstein for drafting a will much less
defending agains charges brought against me. He is an embarrassment to Glendale Law School
as well as to any Lawyer practicing law. Shame on you, Mr. James E. Silverstein you should be
begging your victims for an apology rather than defaming them on the internet. A jury will find
you as represehensible as anyone seeing these vile posts.


forest hills,
United States of America

James E. Silverstein is a liar

#9Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 07, 2011

I have further looked into the case and a public defender took this case to trial and won. The charges were all dismissed with prejudice against the prosecution. The judge would not permit retrial and the transcripts show a clear case of a baseless and vindictive prosecutions.

The counts were all misdemeanors and Silverstein is lying when he says that the jury hung on the most serious count. This is not true. Why can't Mr. Silverstein just defend his role in this case without resorting to such invective and such lies?

No other private attorneys were consulted because James. E. Silversten STOLE the funds needed for the defense. The public defenders in that courtroom were outraged by his actions. There were many witnesses that proved the defendant to be innocent and a victim of false accuser. Mr. Silverstein never bothered to look at the investigative reports or interview one of the many witnesses. There can be no explanation for that or for his failure to attempt one bail hearing or write one bail motion when the innocent defendant was jailed without charges or any legal basis. No arrest warrant exists in the files .

The files also show that Maria Stratton found the defendant competent and that she was the only judge in that courtroom and handling this case in division 95. The files in 95 show that Mr. Silverstein has not said one thing true about this case.

I imagine his misconduct is egregious enough for the Bar to take note. I certainly will file a complaint.

It astounds me that James E. Silverstein could rant and rave on a public forum in this manner. It is a fact that Mr. Silverstein never filed one motion in a case that demanded many. It is a fact that despite a Judge advises that he write such a motion, Mr. Silverstein refused to do so. His actions during this entire case are bizzarre but his reactions to a complaint that simply lay out his malpractice --are even more shocking.

There are voluminous documents that show that Mr. Silverstein is lying about all the facts and that he is doing sowillfully and with malice.

In fact, the judge did acquit the defendant in this case and the defendant was found competent after a ploy by the prosecution was foiled.

I have never seen a lawyer so shamelessly lie about a client and I have seen many slimy lawyers. Mr. Silverstien maintains that miracles caused the acquittal and the end of the competency charade . One wonders what lawyer would blame "miracles' when he is held to task for his malpractice.

Public records also indicate that a mistake was made by a Judge Connor in that she mistakenly though the defendant was convicted due to subterfuge on behalf of Mr. Silverstein. Suit was refiled ,and that is perfectly permissable .

Mr. Silverstein needs to realize that the behavior he has exhibited is not tolerable in a civilized society. People hate lawyers as it is and his actions are highly regrettable.

If he truly were smeared there may be some excuse for his rantings and ravings but the truth is that he stole and abused clients that entrusted theirliberty to him with him and he cruelly and criminally abused these individuals.

It sounds to me that he is a juvenile and disturbed man who screwed over the wrong people this time and that he believes that if he huffs and puffs enough and mistates all the facts that will make it okay. It doesn't.

There is also mounting evidence that Mr. Silverstein has been on a long lasting slander campaign since he learned of the acquittal and knew he would be sued. What a despicable man.


los angeles,
United States of America

James E. Silverstein is a very sick and evil lawyer avoid at all cost read his reports of a client whom he owed a fidicuary duty.

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, January 07, 2011

James Silvesrtein is lying about everything. Any one would see that there is no such thing as "stipulating to competency." The truth is that the transcripts don't lie and we have them all and they indict the rabid dog that is James E. Silverstein.

James E. Silverstein is a liar and a foaming at the mouth crazy dog. He has been sued for defamtion and he is merely retaliating for this because a sociopath like him can only lie about a brilliant and innocent people. The charges were all dismissed and in the interests of justice after a judge concluded there was no basis for any of them

Mr. Silverstein is being sued for legal malpractice and defamatin and this is his attempt to shut down his victims.

Mr. James E. Silverstien stole the last remaining funds of an elderly holocaust survivor. The public defender who won at trial said of Mr. Silverstein, "He raped" my daughter. What will the juries think of that, James E. Silverstein. Mr. Silverstein is hurting my daughter for a report that I wrote . How sick and sad.

Mr. Silverstein is an unproffessional incompetent and sick man who will never get away with the sick lies he is trying to spread on the internet.

Watch as the juries award his victims the money he stole as well as punitive damage. Mr. James E. Silverstein is failed attorney. He is illiterate, cruel, stupid and incompetent and he will be held accountable in courts of law .

fed up

los angeles,
United States of America

James E. Silverstein is a dangerously twisted maniac

#9Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 06, 2011

James Silverstein needs to make amends to the Spitzberg family rather than defaming them online. The judge acquitted Alisa Spitzberg and that says more than anything. It was an acquittal "in the interest of justice" and it was because this was a malicious and baseless prosecution and Mr. Silverstein, if he had done any work, would know that. It is public record.

The judge acquitting a defendant says much more about the prosecutions case than a jury acquitting a defendant. That is a fact that James Silverstein cannot and will not be able to ignore. What adult and what lawyer would lash out at a client in such a way? James E. Silverstein should never be able to practice law after his actions.

Mr. Silvesrtein showed contempt to the city attorneys office repeatedly and he told the Spitzberg family repeately that everyone was out to get them and now he is twisting the truth as well as outright lying about the facts

mes Silverstein repeatdly showed contempt and made fun of how lowly the city attorney is and how they were out to get Alisa and how badly they dressed and how vile he found them as they wore "ugly suits" . Now he is trying curry favor with them. He is pathetic and transparent.

He mentions a public defender and how he respects her. This same public defender knows the fact of this case and she said of Mr. Silverstein, " He raped you. I can't believe he never interviewed one witness in all that time."<

Mr. Silverstein tells you want you want to hear. Takes your money. Cashes the check. And, then the nightmare begins as your realize that he is the opposite of an advocate. He will sell you out in a second if it suits his agendas. He is a sociopath and an infantile liar.

James E. Silverstein knows that a judge aquitted Alisa Spitzberg because there was no case against her, and now he like a high school bully he is trying to break down and insult those he stole from and abused. His attack here, considering the facts and circustances of the case, is something that will haunt him for the rest of his miserable life.

James E. Silverstein is a deeply vile human being. He is also as stupid as hell.

"Who usually cowards behind..."

Firstly, Henya Spitzberg proudly admits that she wrote the complaint against James E. Silverstein as she wanted to warn others . It was morally wrong not to do so. It is morally wrong to let an amoral monster like James Silversten treat people the way he does . The same for his crony, Peter Knecht.

Secondly, "cowards" behind is meaningless. Mr. Silverstein doesn't even know the word "zealously" and spells "appease" as "apieze."
He is an embarrassment. After he cashes the check he tells you that he charges 500 dollars and hour and that is why he can't work anymore. Pure con artist and theif.

Thirdly, James Silverstein has barely spoken to his victim, Alisa Spitzberg. He was always trying to get new deals rather than him getting a huge win at trial. Alisa Spitzberg was acquitted of all charges with the help of the public defender after being viciously abandoned by him due to his laziness and evil character.


James Silverstein is a con man who has no interest in justice or law. He is only interested in getting rich quick and throughout his "representation." he made comments that were gross and stupid and innapropriate . He is a soulless fool who never should be able to practice law.

James E. Silverstein has now defamed a magnificent and heroic human being ,Alisa Spitzberg, and he will eventually be held accountable in a court of law. No lawyer should behave as he did and no lawyer can get away with the kind of conduct he has shown since the acquittal.

He simply had to return stolen funds. He refused to even though it was clear that he had not earned them. Imagine an overburdend public defender winning at trial and this highly paid( ten thousand for a misdemeanor) now claiming that this ex client is guilty after she is acquitted by the Honorable Randolph Moore.

He had to return most of a large chunk of the money because he obtained the funds by fraud. The deal was to get a dismissal considering the evidence. But, Silverstein was too lazy or too corrupt to bother looking at the evidence.

He would not return money that everyone can see he did not earn. He is as slimy and scary and sick as it gets and everything he has said is a easily proven lie.


Los Angeles,
United States of America

Alisa Spitzberg is pitiful

#9Author of original report

Thu, January 06, 2011

Poor Alisa Spitzberg. Mentally ill. Desperate for any attention she can muster. Delusional about her self-importance. Continues to prove to the world just how sick she is.>

Alisa Spitzberg thinks that if she continues to slander good, honest people on the internet, it will change her miserable reality. Unfortunately Alisa, it won't.

Alisa Spitzberg is a nasty person; she freely hurt others; she relishes that pain she inflicts; and she never accepts responsibility for her own actions. If you believed her, the whole world is out to get her. But, and it may come as a shock to her, she isn't the big deal she thinks she is. According to the testimony elicited in the restraining order hearing, she is a drunken, lost soul, who threatens and assaults others in the most egregious ways.>

Ms. Spitzberg was mired in Penal Code Section 1368 Mental Competency hearings for over a month. Two doctors - Velarde and Sharma - unequivocally opined that she was incompetent. And while Doctors Markman and Dupee did opine that she was competent, they were witnesses that I procured through my own efforts and had appointed for Ms. Spitzberg's defense. And again, to be clear, Judge Stratton never found her competent - the District Attorney stipulated to her competency at my request, and Judge Stratton merely went along with that Stipulation. Thank goodness for me, court transcripts don't lie, and everything I assert here can be supported.

When the competency hearings concluded, Ms. Spitzberg threatened me because I would not do things according to her schedule. That is why I declared a conflict of interest, and was recussed from her case by Judge Mary Lou Villar. Spitzberg continues to openly lie about the outcome of her case, like it is somehow going to change. She was never acquitted; the jury hung 11-1 in favor of guilt on the most damaging charge against her. That is 100% not an acquittal, and the Judge kept the restraining order that she violated in full force and effect.

Alisa Spitzberg sued me and my esteemed colleague Peter Knecht (who has practiced for 47 years) for malpractice in August, 2010. THAT LAWSUIT WAS THROWN OUT AND DISMISSED by the Judge at the first hearing with prejudice, because her suit was devoid of anything actionable, and there was no malpractice. Now Ms. Spitzberg, because she is so brilliant, filed the same exact lawsuit in another court house, hoping for a different result. Not only will that suit be similarly thrown out for the same reasons as the first suit, Ms. Spitzberg will now face sanctions for filing frivolous, impermissible lawsuits.

Ms. Spitzberg also apparently fails to - or is mentally incapable of realizing - that her vicious, nonsensical, flat out false postings she continues to plaster over the internet about my colleague and my supposed improper business practices, is slander per se. EVERYTHING SHE SAYS ABOUT PETER KNECHT AND I IS FALSE, and I have saved every word of her vicious, nasty, false filth. Spitzberg will pay the price for her actions dearly as soon as we go to court. I know that any Judge which reviews her conduct will be particularly disgusted when they see the awful, inexcusable words of contempt she has spoken about various Judicial colleagues of theirs, including Judge Rosenberg (who issued the restraining order against Alisa Spitzberg), Judge Mary Lou Villar, Judge Jessner, Judge O'Connor, and others.

fed up

los angeles,
United States of America

James E. Silverstein lawyer is out of control

#9Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 06, 2011

There can be no excuse for a member of the bar to act this way. I would reccomend that Mr. Silverstein reevaulate such public displays of defamation.

I have been able to easily obtain the files and I have spoken to some individuals regarding this case. By all indications, Alisa Spitzberg is a heroine, who braved a very malicious prosecution. By all indications James Silverstien is a fee and plea lawyer who charges way too much for very shoddy representation. Now, it appears that Mr. Silverstein is lashing out like a child when caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

The public record indicates that no basis existed to conduct competency hearings, but that nevertheless Alisa Spitzberg was declared competent by Doctors Markman and Dupee and that the judge,Maria Stratton, found her to be competent to stand trial. Even more interesting, she did go to trial, and she was acquitted by the judge of all counts. T

he aquittals and the transcripts show that this was a clear case of vindictive prosecution and that there was never a doubt to competency . It is clear to any reader of the public record that the competency matter only occured when it was clear that there would be no plea and that the City attorney would be exposed at trial.

From what I've gathered everyone in those courts despised James E. Silverstein for allowing such travesties to occur and for daring to take so much money to act as his own clients' worse adversary. Even the opposing side and judges displayed disgust with him for filing no motions and for attempting to postpone the trial after so much time.

I understand that James Silverstein lied about what a Robin Ginsburg told him or that he never really even spoke to her and that he never interviewed the many witnesses that conclusively show that Spitzberg was completely innocent and a victim of a mentally ill and sociopathic individual named Mathilda Notaro who obtained clearly fraudulent restraining orders against Spitzberg.

The public record shows that the defendant has been acquitted and found competend and it is very curious why James E. Silverstein appears to think he can lie about what is public record. I would be very wary of hiring someone so capable of such flagrant dishonesty.

It is my impression that Mr. Silverstein is a highly unscrupulous man and an unskilled attorney . He took the money and did not plan on fulfilling the contract. When Spitzberg was acquitted ,with a public defender, he should have realized that his malfeasance could not be tolerated. He must have already spent the unearned funds and figured he would just lie and lie and hope that others woud grow weary of trying to obtain justice.

The public record indicates too that Mr. Silverstein recently has been sued for defamation and all indications are that he does not stand a chance if a jury ever gets to see the lies that he has written in a public forum.

fed up

los angeles,
United States of America

Jame E. Silverstein law office

#9UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 06, 2011

James E. Silverstein is a menace to society who stole 10 thousand dollars from a holocaust survivor and can't take responsibility for the theft and abandonment of an elderly and trustig woman. James E. Silverstein is now dead set on destroying the good name of innocent and law abiding people. James Silverstein is a vile and despicable man who will do anything to get ahead and will destory himself and others to get rich fast. He won't work for a living.

James E. Silverstein repeatedly told all members of the Spitzberg family that they were being screwed by Tig Notaro and "the government" and that he would make sure that they got to civilly sue the "s**t" out of all the guilty parties.

James E. Silvestein never wrote one bail motion even after being requested to do so by a Judge by the name of Marie Strattern. Every word of this report is an attempt to cover his tracks in the corruption scandal he is involved in.He is known as a jerk and a punk in the legal community.

Not one word in this report is true and he and another lawyer named Peter Necht are now being sued in court for defamation. They have no chance of winning if it is taken to trial.

James E. Silverstein is a very very bad man who "raped" Alisa Spitzberg according to the lawyer who won the trial that saw Alisa Spitzberg acquitted of all charges. He "raped" Alisa Spitzberg as well as Henya Spitzberg and they simply have the guts to fight against a bully and theif and a dirty lawyer who threw them to the wolves.

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