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  • Report:  #69936

Complaint Review: Allied Interstate

Allied Interstate denies Ilegal Practices and Abuse Oceanside New York

  • Reported By:
    Cincinnati Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Thu, October 23, 2003
  • Updated:
    Mon, April 24, 2006

I am not a debtor to either Allied Interstate, or the placing entity, Proactive solutions. I am engaged to an alleged debtor, who has on three seperate occasions filed proof with the placement company regarding a change of address, which resulted in the product being returned to Proactive Solutions, which the company, both in a conversation with Courtney S. operator supervisor #4350, and in a letter, have acknowleged. The letter was forwarded to Allied Interstate as a copy, notorized, and sent return reciept after their initial contact with us. We recieved the return reciept showing that an M. Donavan, (the apparent general manager of this location), had signed for the package, thus providing documentation that she had indeed recieved the letter.

In the letter, a request was made, per the FDCPA that the original creditor, and proof of debt be provided. After waiting nearly 60 days for this information, which is required by the FDCPA, to be provide within 30 days, we presumed that the debt placement was in error, and filed the information away.

On October 20th we recieved a letter from Allied Interstate, claiming that this debt was owed, that we had failed to contact them, and that they would be filing a report within the week with the credit bureas of the alleged debt.

Attempting to contact them I reached first an automated system and selected "speak to a customer service representative", which was answered "Customer Service", not Allied Interstate, which appears to be a violation of the truth and disclosure portions of the FDCPA. I asked to speak to a manager, so as not to have to repeat my story, and futher, asked the name of the person I was speaking to. His response, (which is recorded, as all my outgoing calls are) was "kiss my a*s, you dumb a*s mo***r F**Ker, and a hang up. I called back at once, went through the same process, spoke to a female who said I was "a lying jackass, and that Ronnie would never say that. I presume that Ronnie is the first person I spoke to, though since he didn't identify himself, I don't know. She subsequently told me no collection manager or supervisor was available. She then put me on hold and disconnected me. I called back again; this time, the same individual who I had spoken to in my first call answered, I said hi, who am I speaking to, please, he said who am I speaking to. I asked again, and he called me a "dumb a*s" and hung up. At this point I am furious.

I located some corporate information regarding Allied Interstate, and contacted an office in Mn. There, after explaining that I had a complaint involving the FDCPA i was put in touch with a John Troutmann, a compliance coordinator for Allied Interstate. Mr. Troutmann explained that he was not directly in charge of the New York office, but allowed that Ms. Donavan is employed there, and that, upon verifiying the account information I provided him, that there was a dispute entered on the account, almost 90 days after she signed for the dispute letter. Mr. Troutmann wanted me to give him all my information so he could conduct a complaint review, to which I suggested that he have someone directly involved with the New York office contact me. He said that made since, I gave him a phone number, and waited. He called today to tell me that he would be handling the complaint, that contacting the New York office would not be needed, and that he could only proceed if I sent him original recordings of the conversations.

Of course, I declined, and offered him copies, to which he said he needed the original. At this point I advised him of my relationship to the alleged debtor again, and further stated that the only way Allied would ever be able to hear the original recordings was in a pretrial hearing with attorneys for both myself, (the abused non debtor), and Allied Interstate present. He said that was not acceptable, and at that I advised him of both the name of my attorney, and the case number for the legal filings made on my behalf today against Allied Interstate. I also gave him the report number filed with the AG in Ohio, and the AirBill number of the copies of the recordings overnighted to the AG in Columbus, and recieved by them, signed for by D. Marison at 9:23 am.

Mr. Troutmann then expressed his displeasure at my taking such actions, and I advised him that under the FDCPA debtors are protected from abusive, misleading, and harrassing communication by debt collectors, and that non debtors were even more stringently protected. As I am a non debtor, and the abuse occured to me, my litigation falls outside the perview of the FDCPA, and prevailing law is that of slander/deception/abusive/harrassing and or discriminatory communications, covered by both Ohio Stature, and by Federal Statute, as seperate offences, not bound by the FDCPA thus opening Allied Interstate to presecution for damages beyond the stated amounts of the FDCPA per incident.

In addition, because of the FDCPA violations a seperate complaint was filed as well. The John Doe collector has yet to be identified, although I have requested that a voice print analysis be conducted on all male collectors at the New York facility. I realize that I have to pay for that, and that until and if I win in my suit, I will not be compensated for it. The difference is, I have the werewithall to do so, thus I will.

Allied Interstate, according to a short public records search, using Allied Interstate Inc. as the defendant, is currently facing lawsuits in the states of NC, Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Minnisota, Michigan, Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and Alabama. In North Carolina, Illinois, and Arizona, Allied Interstate has entered into class action settlement agreements that pay over a total of $20,000,000.00 in recompensatory damages, across the scope of the suits. While Allied Interstate has denied liability in each case, paying 20 million dollars in them, is to me, pretty reliable proof of wrongdoing.

I also have done research into seperate actions against Allied Interstate and found that they have been sanctioned, probated, or denied collection privleges in seven different states since 1999. Regardless of the name of the company, Allied Interstate does business in several states under several different names, it shows a pattern of behavior at the corporate level that is not consistant with compliance to the FDCPA or local statutes within the state wherein Allied Interstate does business.

Upon determining who the collector was that abused me, seperate charges of abuse, and a seperate action of facilitation will be brought against Allied Interstate, and the collector involved. If the collector is terminated in order to prevent us from determining his identification, then a follow up charge of conspiracy to avoid, defer, and or stymie prosecution will be persued.

Allied Interstate, and it's employees practice a policy of abuse, deception, and harrassing communications to make people pay debts that are either inaccurate, invalid, or that simply don't exist in the first place. When I called to try to peacefully resolve this situation, what the collector didn't know was that I am a former collection agent, a current member of the American Collectors Association, a Four Time ACA Collector of the Year, and throughout my career was considered one of the most consistent, and fair collectors in the country. Further, my debt resolution rate for ACB, and then ABS, (the name ACB became after they were purchased) has never been matched before or since my separation from the company.

I can assure you that I didn't get there by abusing debtors.

My thought, ultimately, is this. From the various complaints there is a thread of truth, and from the resolution of three class action suits there is a thread of company involvement in poor and abusive practices. From the tone of complaints, debtor based or not, there is a commonality of experience, enough to show a pattern which could only exist if it were company policy, and that folks, is conspiracy, which is actionable outside the FDCPA.

In other words, (for the Georges of the world), the damage limit isn't going to be a grand per incident, and you're not going to intimidate me just because you work for Allied. If anything, you're actions on this site only confirm the simple fact that Allied Interstate is in violation of the FDCPA, and is willing to commit to a policy of distortion, misinformation, denial and corruption to achieve it's goals. Not only this, but it also indicates that you're right in the middle of it.

May I suggest the names of a few attorneys, or would you rather look them up yourself?

Cincinnati, Ohio

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Allied Interstate

11 Updates & Rebuttals



Response to the clown from Allied

#12Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 24, 2006

"Great company???" hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha

Do they do drug testing there? They must not, because you HAVE to be on Drugs. Sweetheart, do yourself a favor, Go to, or Ebay, and look up "clue" and "brain" and see if you can pick up a working one. Allied is a FRAUDulent scam company, and the employees stupid or scummy enough to work there are guilty by assosciation. They are bottom-feeders that try to collect on old debts past their statute of limitations. They do this by annoying and harrassing individuals, often not even the person they are after with the hope that if you throw enough crap against the wall, something will stick. THOSE, my dear, are the FACTS. LEARN THEM~!



Response to the clown from Allied

#12Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 24, 2006

"Great company???" hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha

Do they do drug testing there? They must not, because you HAVE to be on Drugs. Sweetheart, do yourself a favor, Go to, or Ebay, and look up "clue" and "brain" and see if you can pick up a working one. Allied is a FRAUDulent scam company, and the employees stupid or scummy enough to work there are guilty by assosciation. They are bottom-feeders that try to collect on old debts past their statute of limitations. They do this by annoying and harrassing individuals, often not even the person they are after with the hope that if you throw enough crap against the wall, something will stick. THOSE, my dear, are the FACTS. LEARN THEM~!



Response to the clown from Allied

#12Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 24, 2006

"Great company???" hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha

Do they do drug testing there? They must not, because you HAVE to be on Drugs. Sweetheart, do yourself a favor, Go to, or Ebay, and look up "clue" and "brain" and see if you can pick up a working one. Allied is a FRAUDulent scam company, and the employees stupid or scummy enough to work there are guilty by assosciation. They are bottom-feeders that try to collect on old debts past their statute of limitations. They do this by annoying and harrassing individuals, often not even the person they are after with the hope that if you throw enough crap against the wall, something will stick. THOSE, my dear, are the FACTS. LEARN THEM~!


West Palm Beach,

every quarter, we are tested ..a shame that a great company such as Allied is judged based upon a "few bad apples".

#12UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 10, 2004

I am an employee of Allied Interstate. As an employee we are tested for FDCPA compliance when we are hired. Then, every quarter, we are tested again. On top of that, we are monitored every week for compliance. If there are any FDCPA violations, the first incident is a "verbal warning" with follow up training/coaching. The 2nd incident is a "formal written warning" and the 3rd incident is termination.
Most employees of Allied Interstate across the country are very courtious and would prefer to help a consumer, yet, there are some "bad apples" that give this business a bad name. My job is to "educate" the consumer about the outstanding debt and way that they can pay it. Most consumers do not realize that there are ways that they can clean up thier credit such as borrowing from a 401K plan, or borrowing for a whole life insurance. That is how I collect for my clients. I don't have to raise my voice, or degrade anyone and most of the employees that I work with are the same and that is how we are trained.

It is a shame that a great company such as Allied is judged based upon a "few bad apples". You only hear about the bad, but you never hear of the good. There are hundreds of letters I have seen that have thanked us or complimented us for helping them clear credit up, but you never hear about that, you only hear about the bad. Unfortunetly, every company has a "few bad apples". Don't judge thousands of employees on the few bad ones!



if your company was so honorable, there would be no need for laws like the ones you have to comply with in the first place

#12Author of original report

Sun, December 28, 2003


I filed the original report.

First of all, sir, if you had actually read what I first posted, I noted that the Main Office does not have the control of the complaints regarding the NY office, and that the person in Mn. attempted to handle it himself. He became angry when I chose not to go that way.

As for the recordings, I would point out that in a criminal prosecution you are correct, but that in a civil prosecution, it is a matter of interpertation, established during the impeachment proceedings against then President Clinton, as to whether or not the recordings are admissible. Further, and more importantly, the calls were made from a phone system within my business that records all calls, incoming and outgoing, and is not part of an active process, but rather a passive system that simply records everything said on phones in my office. Given that this recording system is part of standard office proceedure, the admissablity of the recordings is validated, and the courts have so ruled. Admissibility was never an issue, regardless of your outrage.

Finaly, I would point out to you that in your haste to discredit me, you simply lost your ability to type. I have refrained from pointing this out, and even refrained from engaging you until I see this post of yours offering to "review" a case for somebody. You are simply trying to find a way to locate her so that you, or your company can continue to dunn her over a debt that I have no doubt some collector decided to offer a settlement on as a way to make quota. Regardless of it's validity, the fact is that you can't advise her because that would be a conflict of interest. Your interest is in recovering the balance in full, and in badgering the alleged debtor into forgoing other payments on her bills to pay this one.

Here is the p.s. The original creditor has recalled the placement of the debt for which I have filed my complaint, and has filed a motion to be removed as a defendant in the suit currently pending. Additonally, they have noted in a breif filed with the courts that the debt was placed in error, as I originally contended. They further offered a lifetime supply of the product as a method of settling any liability it may be deemed they have in this matter. This offer was rejected, and we also amended their status to that of a wittness, as opposed to defendant. We did this in order to show that our intent is not to enrich ourselves with spurious lawsuits, but to see that justice is done in this case, which goes way beyond simple collection law, and delves into the legal and moral implications an individual, and company, face when they take it upon themselves to slander, malign, and impugne an innocent third party in a small matter, placed in error.

Had your company simply followed the law,

George, none of this would be happening. Had your company simply done it's job, and verified the placement, none of this would be happening. Had your company simply done what you claim they ALWAYS do, we wouldn't be here now.

Then again, if your company was so honorable, there would be no need for laws like the ones you have to comply with in the first place. Nor would there be need for compliance officers, or other such entities. Compliance is a byproduct of the lack of compliance, and if your company had been so honorable as you claim, there would be no judgements, settlements, or pending litigation, regardless of what division, sister company, or other named device you want to cite. All the affected companies engage in collection of debt, and all the companies engage in the collection of debt across state lines. So, even if company one is not company two, ultimately they all go back to the parent company, and that is the bottom line. Your company has a policy of intimidation, and spurious collection practices. It's less expensive to pay the fines than it is to engage in wholesale retraining of it's employees, thus, the abuse continues.

I will change that.


L Town,

Allied is a joke, a horrible reputation for responding to disputes

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, December 28, 2003

I had a run in with these people a few months ago. They claimed that I owed $500 on a bill that was 4 years old. I asked for proof of the debt and was blown off. To make a long story short, I was having a house built and could not allow anything negative to go on my credit before closing, so I postdated 4 checks and gave them the info over the phone. Allied promised me that this would resolve the issue and keep everything off my credit report. A few weeks letter I pulled a routine check of my credit and there was the Allied account. It had been placed on my file just a few days after I had given them the checks. When I called and asked them how this happened I was cursed at, talked down to, and basically told I was a sucker. I immediately put a stop payment on the postdated checks and advised my bank to block any ACH transactions to Allied. I then immediately filed a dispute with the credit bureaus and asked that the Allied account be removed. Allied has a horrible reputation for responding to disputes and sure enough the account has been taken off by all 3 major credit reporting agencies. If they had done what they said they would, they would have been paid in full (even though the debt was not legit) and that would have been the end of it. These people are retarded.


Glens Falls,
New York,

Veronica, NO!!! Don't ever share you personal information with anyone

#12Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 27, 2003


Don't ever share you personal information with anyone, especially George who doesn't know jack about the law! You would be insane to release anything to him!! Read up on the lawsuits in all of the states previously mentioned by the first writer. George is wrong!! They have to prove the debt and until they can give you proof of the settlement, don't send any more payments!! They are adding to interest, not adding it to your principal. You know how I know? I WORKED FOR A COLLECTION AGENCY. They will continue to take your payments off the interest until they are forced to send you and agreement, which they won't.

VERONICA, even if they settle with you, they can sell the remaining balance to another collection agency and they will call you for it, sometimes years later!! This is unfortunately legal. You must contact your attorney General's office in your state and educate yourself on the laws in that state. It is the only way to protect your rights. Also, you can send a certified Cease and Desist Letter to them. Look on this site for examples. They cannot contact you after that or they are breaking the law. Then you can find the best way to deal with the debt instead of being backed into a corner by these lying thugs.

Spreading the Truth!


Glens Falls,
New York,

Veronica, NO!!! Don't ever share you personal information with anyone

#12Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 27, 2003


Don't ever share you personal information with anyone, especially George who doesn't know jack about the law! You would be insane to release anything to him!! Read up on the lawsuits in all of the states previously mentioned by the first writer. George is wrong!! They have to prove the debt and until they can give you proof of the settlement, don't send any more payments!! They are adding to interest, not adding it to your principal. You know how I know? I WORKED FOR A COLLECTION AGENCY. They will continue to take your payments off the interest until they are forced to send you and agreement, which they won't.

VERONICA, even if they settle with you, they can sell the remaining balance to another collection agency and they will call you for it, sometimes years later!! This is unfortunately legal. You must contact your attorney General's office in your state and educate yourself on the laws in that state. It is the only way to protect your rights. Also, you can send a certified Cease and Desist Letter to them. Look on this site for examples. They cannot contact you after that or they are breaking the law. Then you can find the best way to deal with the debt instead of being backed into a corner by these lying thugs.

Spreading the Truth!



Those aren't guidelines we make those are guidelines set forth by the client when we sign a contract

#12UPDATE Employee

Wed, December 10, 2003

Agreeing to that settlement? If nothing, they toi be blunt your SOL on that sif, take it as a learning experience, To get any below Balance in full offer in writing with exact conditions... I know my office does not accept a settlment outside of thirty day period from the first payment meaning if you pay today 12-09-03 the remainder (broken up however you want) has to be paid and in office by 1-9-03... Those aren't guidelines we make those are guidelines set forth by the client when we sign a contract with a new creditor.

As much as it pains me to admit, We dont always practice ethical collections, UNfortunately there is no law governing ethical practices. We are allowed to be rude as its not customer service... We cant cuss at you, Unfortunately yuor tape is no good unless they cussed at you when they called you... and we cant threten you physicaly...

And as for allied not beign allowed to collect in some states... That information is false... The particular client i work for has banks in 48 of 50 states (alaska and hawaii) and we collect in all states with no restrictions...

And what also pains me, is I am willing to help you (I dont do that read my other responses to some jackasses on this site) you have my email addy email me your allied interstate packet number or account number whatever they call it, sometimes called copmplaint number, it would be 9 digits long... I will look up the account and advise you on the best method to clear up the remainder of the debt



I was told the same price on seperate occasions by two different people

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, December 02, 2003

I was called by Allied Interstate and agreed to a settlement price of about 50%. I had two more payments when I called them and they said that the person that agreed to that amount wasn't authorized to do so. I was told the same price on seperate occasions by two different people. The third person told me that I needed to talk to a supervisor. What do I need to do? Who do I need to talk to?



Almost convinced mumbojumbo is just that...

#12UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 29, 2003

Untill one you thought minnesota is were complaints are handled, Corporate office as well as complaint rep (Who is an attorney for allied interstate) are both locate din ohio.

As far as allied being in legal suits in those states, you are mistaken allied interstate is currently involved in 2. one alliedv. volkov in which a settlemnt appears to be the route in the amount of 364 thousand dollars... in that instance allied interstae west a susidary company was actually named hence so were we... analogy... if you sue donatos.... mcdonalds would be named in the suit....

and two there is a class action suit in the state of illinois regarding settlemnt letters that currently is not even in negotiation nor has their been a date as the original filing was thorwn out due to insuficient evidence.

finally your "out going recorded conversations" are not allowed in court" You have to recieve recorded verbal permission to record the covnversation... So joh Doe can tell you... "Go f**k Yourself" and that recording means jack s**t.

So are you legal mumbojumbo is just that... really where you stand is you have an attorney who doesnt have all the information, and i doubt we will here any more form besides on thease message boards

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