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  • Report:  #464778



  • Reported By:
    tucson Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Thu, June 25, 2009
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 27, 2012
    10851 N Black Canyon Hwy #115
    Phoenix, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

To all pentential clients or aplicants, dont even waist your time with this fraudulent security company in the ARIZONA. as a brief employee of allied, i must say i now believe in the time of the end. all employers can do is screw you over with hopes of you being to stupid to even notice. but me, no way!! im a android ready and prepared to fight people like them in end times!!

first i will start by saying i applied to work for allied in july of 2007, the same day a police officer was killed at a check cashing in phoenix off of 83rd ave.( NEVER LIVE IN PHOENIX) anyway, i get a offer to work at ups ground, where you have to check in trucks, check bags entering and exiting. i accept the job.

when i took job i immediately noticed the known problem in AZ, young ignorant illegals, no disrespect to good hard working mexicans but these were 18 year olds out of high school( most companys only hire 21 or older), i was 25 myself at the time, but a mature man enough to handle coming to work on time and doing what is expected of me. i started work and check in trucks faster then anyone else, i never smoked or use profanity while on the job.

the manger see's im a outstanding new worker embarrassing the crap out of them my first two weeks, so he now puts me in the baggage check room because im to fast for them when i do the truck check(that was his own words). now im doing baggage check and people try to steal like you would'nt believe. i checked a mechanics bag and he cursed me out and i politely ask him to be quit. i get yelled at for doing this and now i have to work the back gate all alone permanently.

when i started at the ups site, the illegals and employees were cursing, listening to gangster rap, grabbing the rear ends of attractive young female ups employees as they entered check point,horse playing, while i was sweating in 120 degrees doing trucks. but they never once got yelled at. they would order pizza against the rules. the manager CRISTINE ANDERSON would drive up with gangster rap booming in her car. a young illegal one time crashed the golf cart into a parked car, he gets nothing. but i get writtin up for politely telling a man to be quit when he curses me out for checking his bags. what the hell is the world coming too??

two weeks after that incident i was told that im being removed from that site because of my attitude, im like well hello, im hired to be a security guard,not a entertainer or profanity user. they moved me to another site and when i get out there its called university of phoenix, a online colledge. the supervisors were all overweight, and trained me, they told me that i cant walk around property i must drive the cart. im like accuse me? they said they rather employees drive cart because it gets hot and you can have a heat stroke walking. im like you have to be kidding me. i can walk 50 miles a day in heat. im 5ft10 160lbs and in shape. they also said if a attractive women employee complains that you are looking at her to long, you can get writtin up IF YOUR LOOKIN AT HER a*s SHE'S BEING HARRASSED was the exact quote from his mouth. you can get fired for looking at a women wearing a revealing miny skirt as almost all interns wore disrespectful clothing to work. i complained about this stupid policy not that i was interested in any of the women but what if they tell a lie on me or make something up. plus you have to escort them to there cars at night on the gold cart or walking. AMERICA IS DONE.THE SOLUTION, CIVIL WAR TWO!!

i get removed from the site after a month because of my views towards this stupid policy and towards being physically fit when you are a security gaurd, and that i can walk around the building and dont need to ride the cart a entire shift. batteries always went dead in thoses carts because of heat and overuse of them. a true gaurd walks on foot! so basically they catered to overweight people, i only counted 5 of 30 fit people including myself.

i went in to office to talk with the branch manager name CHUCK BICSH or CHARLES BICSH. and the first thing i noticed is this guy has GREY eyes like a evil monster.(ABRAHAM LINCOLN HAD BROWN EYES) but i didnt want to judge him so i let him say what he thought was counsel to me like company policies and so on. he said i was not being fired but writtin up again. now it was my turn to talk, i said where is the burden of proof? why am i here. he couldnt find one thing wrong with me. so he said i cause disenssion, i ask what curse words have i used? who did i ever sexual harrass grab there rear ends, have i ever crashed a golf cart into a parked car, he said no and that he doesnt care to talk about any other employees if thats what im getting at. me seeing through his evil grey eyed animal soul, i wanted to catch him in his words, so i decided to defend myself and prove that i did no wrong and through in the word religious belief at the end of a sentence just to test him(NOT THAT I WAS TRYING TO BRING UP RELIGION I JUST KNEW WHAT HE WAS THINKING). he instantly took the bait and yelled JUST STOP with his hand up, and said he only cares to talk about federal and state government. thats all i needed to hear to sign my write up and turn in my cloths the next day, im a genius baby!!im always two steps ahead of evil people. i could read his mind and eyes and knew he was a none human new world order monster who hires only evil employees including drug users, criminal illegals from mexico. i left allied in october of 2007 and worked in construction security until august 2008 making $800 a week up from $275 a week. beat that!!

seriously people stay away from them. there district manager's office in charge of all of the offices is in NEVADA her name is KATHY BOLZ, the second you hear her voice when you call her, you would think you were talking to a disgusting call girl from the street corner, its nasty. she told me i need to be more tolerant towards evil, and that its okay for other employees to touch peoples butts and order pizza, but i cant stand up for myself and tell a man to please hush when he curses in my face. i hung the phone up on her and turned in my cloths that day.

"update",as off november of 2008, ups fired allied from all of its warehouses in AZ. im pleading with university of phoenix online to do the same. allied security deserves nothing but to be out of business in arizona, you dont treat people like that. imagine if i had been a war veteren and got treated like that. i left arizona all together in 2009 and now live back in my home state of florida where its not perfect but i can make less money and work for the same person for years without the BS. NEVER HIRE ALLIED OR APPLY TO WORK FOR THEM.

Tony m
tucson, Arizona

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Tony M


RE: To all guards use spellcheck

#5Author of original report

Mon, August 27, 2012

And what does that have to do with the actual article which you claim you are so smart to know how to read?? Apparently you are not to bright sense you put all your brain power into looking at my mistakes rather then the fact that Allied Arizona Employs Gangs to guard/patrol your private properties. You are so DUMB of the DUMBEST you failed to read the title where it says ALLIED SECURITY ARIZONA!! And just so you know, they have many complaints from all over the country, there not a good company, no security company that size can be. NICE TRY SECRET ALLIED EMPLOYEE!!




#5General Comment

Tue, April 03, 2012

I have been reading quite a few of these rip-off reports and I cringe at the obvious lack of education of those who are submitting these reports.  Most of the reports lack proper spelling, sentence structure, correct use of words such as TO and TOO, THEIR, THEY'RE and THERE.... the list of mistakes is endless and only gives credence to what many perceive a Security Officer to be - an uneducated cop wanna-be.   I would like the record to reflect that these reports are not at all indicative of the education of many good Security Officers.  There are many who DO know how to read, write and spell and use proper English.  There are many who do know how to use capitalization and punctuation properly.  The people who are submitting these rip-off reports are NOT the 'norm' when it what a good Security Officer is all about.  Trust me, most DO have an education to be proud of.  I know it appears that AlliedBarton is only hiring  the dumbest of the dumb but trust me that is NOT the case.  Many good, educated Officers have been hired by AlliedBarton and have continued to work for this company for MANY years without incident.

Tony m


re: you should have check ripoff report


Fri, August 21, 2009

i wish i had of before wasting my time working for them, what kind of company allows a bunch of 18 year old right out of high school to horse play and crash golf carts into cars? or hires overweight people to walk outside in 120 degree heat nonstop. those bastards aint got nothing to say thats what they refuse to commit on here cause they know i would rip them apart. charles bisch is a loser and a four leg animal standing upright in a stolen human body that he lives in,and dan guerrero is his sucker who sat right there and let a man with grey beast eyes tell me to stop when i said the word religion. thats why you lost ups ground and thats when i was gone!!



YOU should have checked with the Rip - Off Report Before you EVER considered working for these people!

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 04, 2009


Put their name into the ror search engine and READ and LEARN!

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