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  • Report:  #814698



  • Reported By:
    Jason — San Diego California United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, December 28, 2011
  • Updated:
    Fri, June 29, 2012
    3595 University Ave..
    Riverside, California
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:
Hi, my name is Jason and like at least four people I have read on this sight, I too was ripped off by ALLURING ADVERTISING! Unfortunately, I read your stories too late but not late enough. Let me explain. Like most peoples stories relates to this company, I was desperate for cash and with Christmas just around the corner, I knew I needed some fast cash! So I checked out Craigslist Gig section. I saw the sign spinning opening and though it would get me some quick money. I had already had experience working for Arrow Advertising and though this chough be a breeze. Well the next night at around eight, I get this call from Manny asking if I wanted to work doing some spinning in La Mesa right next to the Amaya Trolley stop. I was to spin a sign advertising these condos. I said sure. And asked I could thinking about it, He only gave my 20 min! not a long time. Whats more is that he offered $13 for two days of five hours. I mean thats $130 and a hard offer to turn down. Well I said yeas. But then he told me that I needed to fill out all of these forms such as w2,19,application, print out a time sheet. and I mean this was at like nine at night. So I did the best I could.

Oh and by the way, Manny told me that the regular guy just never showed up so he needed me immediately. So I asked about pay. He said that checks are mailed out every Friday but since I told him I needed money for Christmas, he would mail my check Monday following the faxed time sheet. Well Monday rolled around and I asked if he mailed me check, Manny said. Ok now Thursday rolls around and still no check. I ask him what the vc? He told me to be patient because of the holidays, mail is slow. Well when Friday came and still no check, I was pissed and about to kill something! That when I did the research and saw that he makes people work but never sends out a single check. At which point I told him he could either wire the money NOW! or face civil agreation. He told me to chill out and stated that wiring me thr check would not be a problem. An hour latter, Manny text me with the 10 dig. pin and I ran all the way to Western Union prying he was not(((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) with me!! Sure enough, Manny had wireed me the full $130 and was able to have a somewhat decent Christmass. What passes me off is that there was no check, Manny never mailed me the check to began with. On top of that just like you people who are in the same situation as I was in, faxed all of your sensitive information to a CON ARTIST! SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS, DRIVERS LICENCES, MOTHERS MADIEN NAMES,..... THE LIST GOES on. I was lucky to get the$130, most of you were not. we need to come together and put this Manny out of commission. MY NUMBER FEAR is that HE is VICTIMIZING INNOCENT PEOPLE. WE HAVE to stand up and file a class action suite seeking damages so savear, this Manny character will be out of commission for good. Who is with me????  THE first order of business I think is to have CraigsList pull his add. Its taking money out of the good, honest folks who depend on that site for honest work for honest pay. Noy to be the subject of a scam where he looses everything he has or worse, works himself to the bone with nothing to show for it. WE must stand up for the common good!!!!


2 Updates & Rebuttals


San Diego,
United States of America

Alluring Advertising-Manny Master Manipulator

#3Author of original report

Sat, March 10, 2012

I cant to begin to express how refreshing it is to know that Many along with his cohorts at Arrow Advertising are still ripping people off even after all the negative exposure they have gotten lately! Brandons posting in which he describes shady busness practices including illegal accounting practices should be the nail hitting the proverbial coffin! If you read this Brandon, please contact me @ 619-634-5038 or Thank you for having the balls to tell the truth. You mentioned shady accounting practices in your last posting and that you seemed to be talking to someone in the office who basically had no clue about financing! Brandon, this is no surprise considering their are no real certified accountants working at the office. In fact, After not receiving MY pay, I called the given office number. First, You will always get a recording no matter what time of day it may be, that no one is available to take your call. Then, the robot will instruct you to dial 1,2,3,4,or 5 on your phone depending on the service you are seeking. The only problem is that no matter what button you may push (customer service, design department, human resources, ect.) you will never be connected to a live agent. Why? Well simple. Wether you want to speak with accounting or payroll, your call is then diverted again and this time prompted to leave a message. Now on the outside, Alluring Advertising seems to be a successfully run company with a payroll department, human resources, a design team, and ect. In reality, none of these departments actually exist. Instead every message left is diverted to ... you guessed it... Many! Wether you leave a message for pay roll because you haven't recieved a pay check or your a potential client and want pricing information, every message is diverted to Many! Like yourself Brandon, I to was at my wits end. I had worked two 5 hour back breaking days and when it was all said and done, I got my money. What you dont know though and what Many not man enough to admit on his rebuttal to my Dec. 2012 posting, is that the only reason why I got my money was because I promised he would be sued in civil court for non-payment! Now, Many did send me a Western Union for the money owed, but I was forced to light a fire under his a*s to do so! Like many others here, Many stopped calling, texting, or e-mailing as soon as my work was done on Sunday. Last month, Many called me and like a little bi*ch he pleaded that I take my original Dec. posting down. "After all I did pay you" he sniveled. It was truly pathetic. He went on and on about how my post really upset his wife. I told him that I would think about it considering the ONLY reason I saw my money is because I promised legal action. If anyone sees my posting, my e-mail is in the beginning.

You see, in December, I worked for the same Many character with the promise of making $13 an hour for a 5 hour long weekend gig. Like mostly all who posted on this site along with five others reviewing Alluring Advertising from another site, I looked to for some quick cash. It was mid Dec. and I needed money in order to get my daughter a gift. I made this clear to Many who informed me that checks usually get sent out on fridays. Well Christmas was the following Sunday and too late for me to recieve a check by then. Many offered to send out the check the following Monday and assured me that I would recieve it in plenty of time for Christmas. After Thursday came and still no check arrived, I attempted to contact Many. First, I texted him. No response! Next, I called him. No response! Fu*k, I even e-mailed him. After I called his "office" number. It does not take a bright person long to know that Many has absolutely no infrastructure and cuts as many corners as possible! Remember, it took me promising civil action to get a response from him after he ignored my every effort to contact him. Look at Brandons situation. He posted about a time where he believed he was talking with someone in pay roll yet was unable to preform the most basic accounting practices. As a result, he recieved money that was not documented nor could it be traced to any gig he worked. in the end, he excepted what he believed to be more or less the correct amount. I really hope the people who have already been scammed or are in the process getting scammed by Many or any Alluring Advertising company to take a stand!

However, this goes way beyond money! I have met ten people already who have in one way or another been schysted by Many. I need your help! If we want to disenfranchise Alluring Advertising we cut off what it needs. MONEY! Since most of us saw the ad on Craigslist, we need to go back to the site and flag Alluring Advertising as a scam. This is important because once Craigslist has red flagged them, it will prevent Alluring Advertising from posting adds and praying on the weak. After that, We need to contact the BBB. Also most of their business derives from contracts at Condos and the like. Also those of you who blog like myself are urged to give as much bad publicity as possible. We want potential Alluring Advertising Clients to pass them up because of all the negative feedback. Trust me! Potential clients who may be on the fence of signing a contract with Alluring Advertising Verses say ARROW ADVERTISING, will scour the internet for any reviews about the two companies. I guarantee that any potential client will be completely turned off by Alluring and sign a contract with ARROW.

You may be asking what I stand to gain by posting this. I hope that people who read this may be empowered and stand up for what is right! Many has repeatedly lied to me . I hate liars with a passion and could only with Donates Inferno had ten circles instead of the nine we read about. If a tenth circle did exist, it would be dedicated soley for liars and people such as Many would have to endure what ever horrid sufferings awaited them. I was expecting to meet Many at a location sometime this week. There, he told me he would give me a sign to spin at a pre set time and duration. Many called me two weeks ago and promised he would contact me the next day to meet up. What I'm trying to say is that we are many and we need to rise up and wipe Alluring Advertising off the map. I've been a sign spinner for 8 years. ARROW ADVERTISING is far superior in every way. they dont steal your money! There is no arguments related to pay because they actually have an accountant AND a pay roll department. Please work for them or at least check them out! Our goal under my leadership should be to riddle/pepper the blog sites, rip off sites, Facebook, Twitter, and everything else you can think of to COMPLETELY and TOTALLY discredit Alluring Advertising! The best part though, is you would all be telling the truth! And thats whats most poignant.

Manny Mendoza

United States of America

Incorrect Claim. Employee was paid! Jason has agreed to rectify such claim! Stay tuned for his clarification. Again, thanks Jason!

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, March 01, 2012

I was just recently informed of such claim, false claim. Payroll checks are mailed from our central office every Friday. Jason's check being one of those just a few months back. He called a few days after not receiving it. We followed our normal procedure of making sure his time sheets were submitted and his check was mailed out. They were indeed submitted and his check was sent out. I advised that we would need to wait just a day or so bc the postal service does not guarantee a regular first class stamped envelope and that to send an additional check prematurely would cost the company $30 to stop payment on the first and that if we did that that soon he would probably end up with both. Jason grew impatient and made remarks which demonstrated he did not believe what I was telling him. Just a day or so from the day he was to receive payment we wired him his pay to appease him. We then found out that the address Jason provided was off by just 1 number, enough for this situation to take place. We then sent him a picture of a duplicate check that had the wrong address. He never replied. Weeks later he contacted me telling me he was willing to put this behind us and work again. I told him that there weren't any hard feelings as I could totally understand how things could have seemed the way he imagined. Since first seeing this false claim a few days ago I've reached out to him and have asked him to fix this. He agreed. He mentioned it couldn't be taken down (bc of how this website is setup) but he would post and make things right. This was just a few days ago. I'm still awaiting his response and know that his good character will come through and fix this bad impression.

Thanks Jason!

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