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  • Report:  #1018964

Complaint Review: Altus Air Force Base


  • Reported By:
    frustrated soldier — Comanche Oklahoma United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sat, February 23, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, February 26, 2013

Since 2009, I have noticed that I have been followed by aircraft to work, to stores, to recreational areas, or anywhere else me or members of my family may go! I've contacted Altus Air Force Base in regards to the stalking and harassment and spoke with someone who told me that I'm under an investigation! I asked them to please provide documents showing what I'm under investigation for! They agreed to do so, but I have not received anything in the mail regarding this so called investigation! I no longer live in Lawton, but when I do travel to Lawton or Altus, I've noticed I am being followed especially during the night due to the strobe lights on the aircraft. I have noticed increased sound decibels ranging past 90 decibels while I'm stopped in any location. The aircraft in question seem to either hover in one spot or they sound as if they are dog fighting above me. There are usually two or more of these aircraft, and they seem very aggressive while flying above me as if they want me to confess something. They seem to know every move I make, whether inside a building or outside. I feel like a fugitive being followed. I've read that this sort of thing happens to targeted individuals and this is known as gangstalking. However, I have been told I'm a suspect in an investigation of some kind by the Altus Air Force Base! I still don't know why I'm under investigation but have requested documents using the FOIA but have received nothing in the mail. I've contacted Altus Air Force Base on numerous occasions about this and tried to resolve the issue only to be told that they couldn't reveal information about the investigation but I could write to them and request information, which I have done.

The only connection I've had with Altus is that I was stationed there while in the Army National Guard. Other than that, I know no one who lives there nor do I associate with anyone who does live there. I have no idea why I would be under investigation as I have no criminal record nor do I associate with anyone who does. I do know how a fugitive or criminal feels because of the ongoing harassment and reconnaissance that has been like a disease in my life since 2009! I have no peace! It's hard to sleep at night, and it's hard to concentrate on anything during the day! I have come to really enjoy rainy or stormy days, because the aircraft seem to disappear on those days. People I come in contact with seem to be told that I am a suspect and discontinue communications with me. When I ask why they refuse to talk to me, they say they don't want to talk about it, or they can't talk about it, which is strange and did not happen prior to 2009! I have been cyber stalked on-line whenever I bring this subject up, and the stalkers respond with insults and claim that I am a mental case, or on drugs, which I am not. I have read this is common with gangstalking! If anyone has any information about this issue please let me know. I really want to put this behind me and have tried everything in my power to resolve this problem!

7 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

wrong again

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, February 26, 2013

"they believe only certain people should be allowed to own a gun"...

Absolutely. You know why? Because the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. So anyone with a history of mental instability or criminal behavior shouldnt be allowed to own a gun. I can live with this.

"Their idea of mentally ill is anyone who disagrees with their government policies.

Well, then I guess wed have to include me because I disagree with a lot of our government policies and I'm pretty vocal about it. I can assure you I am not mentally ill by any definition. So I totally disagree with this statement.

"They seem to be in love with the idea that all neighborhoods, towns and cities should forfeit their privacy so they can be photographed 24/7. "

Wrong again (no surprise). I hate the idea that Im always being videotaped. Im OK with traffic cameras because its an efficient way to catch people who break the law. Im OK with stores doing it to aid in loss
prevention. Other than that, no way.

"If he or she makes the claim that they are being followed by aircraft, they should be committed to mental institution."

I never said this. I said you need to seek professional help. Big difference.

I refuse to engage in a battle of the wits with an unarmed opponent. If you can present a logical argument we can discuss it. But this isn't a social policy blog so let's get back to the matter at hand. How do you know these aircraft are following you and not someone else? Why would they do this?


United States of America

The Establishment Repubican Agenda

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, February 25, 2013

No that's not a misspelling that's they way it was meant to be spelled. You are what Mark Levin calls an establishment Repubican. They appear to be for the NRA and for gun ownership but then they believe only certain people should be allowed to own a gun. Their idea of mentally ill is anyone who disagrees with their government policies. As for the drone surveillance issue, they're all for that. They seem to be in love with the idea that all neighborhoods, towns and cities should forfeit their privacy so they can be photographed 24/7.

Anyone who disagrees with the government should be listed as a threat by the Justice Department and monitored 24/7 by surveillance drones. First an affidavit by a local cop is written up and sent to a district judge and then the district judge has a National Security Letter written to the Justice Department claiming that this individual is a threat to his or her community and should be monitored by aerial surveillance 24/7.

Second if the individual is caught breaking any of Obama's newly implicated 6,000 new laws and regulations, that individual should be arrested. If he or she makes the claim that they are being followed by aircraft, they should be committed to mental institution. Do you not realize what's happening? Before long almost everyone in the United States will be followed and under surveillance because they disagree with the government.

This is an idea that goes back to Red China and the Soviet Union! Anyone who is considered a dissident SHALL BE PUNISHED! That includes gangstalking. As for the mentally ill, well It's your tax dollars who are funding these mental institutions. I'm sure by 2016, taxes will rise once again to a much higher level than what they are now because of all the mentally ill people who are dissidents to Emperor Obama's policies!


New York,


#8Consumer Comment

Mon, February 25, 2013

OK, this one REALLY made me laugh. Your post (#4) reflects either a very immature mentality, or a truly sick mind. If youre mentally ill (which I suspect you are) then I wont laugh at you because thats just not very nice (and Im a very nice person).

Speaking of me, not only am I NOT a socialist, but I abhor what this country is becoming thanks to the liberals. I am a conservative Republican, and a card-carrying member of the NRA. Does that shock you? I also own two weapons (a Glock 9 mil and a .38) and Im proficient with both. As the bumper sticker says, the government can have them when they pry them out of my cold, dead hands.

I dont believe that we should share the wealth and I am NOT wealthy. I live on about $30,000 a year. I think we should get rid of welfare benefits for all but the truly disabled who cannot work. Id like to see the rich pay more in taxes, but only because I think anyone who makes more than about a million a year has a moral obligation to help those less fortunate. I think this society has become so greedy that we are sacrificing the family unit (mom, dad, kids and a pet) for the almighty dollar. I believe marriage should be between one man and one woman.

I believe we should reinstitute the death penalty in capital cases where there is no doubt of guilt and it should be swift and furious. I totally support the sheriff in Arizona who makes his inmates wear pink and eat bologna sandwiches. I believe illegal immigrants should be sent back to where they came from. I shouldnt have to press 1 for English, because it IS the language of our country, whether its in the Constitution or not. Our country was founded on the principle of In God We Trust and we should remember that, but we should also respect each individuals interpretation of who that God is. For me, as a Polish Catholic, its pretty simple.

So back to you.if you want to present a coherent argument feel free. If you just want to rail against those who challenge you knock yourself out. But you sound pretty dumb when you do.


United States of America

Socialist Surveillance SCUM!

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, February 24, 2013

Ahhh nice, see that's what happens when people rebel against this 1984 Socialist Agenda, we all get committed. I'm sure you'd love to see everyone who hates Obama get committed because you don't like it when someone with b*lls rises up against the tide! You hate when people speak out against what's happening to the United States of America via socialist scum like yourself! The idea of UTOPIA has turned America into a living HELL! Eventually people will rise up against this sick agenda mentality with an ideal society in which everyone is enslaved and no one owns anything and everything is to be shared. This ideal society in which no one can climb higher than another person on the social ladder, because that's a form of greed, and capitalism! Well I got news for ya! The majority of Americans don't want this socialist society that you and your royal establishment is trying to force down the American people's throats! We don't want to be treated as cattle with a number stamped on our heads, and if we disagree with your ideology we are pronounced mentally ill! So go back to Europe where this kind of thinking and society is welcomed!! You may enjoy being under surveillance 24/7 but I don't! Oh and for you scum socialists who are trying to take away the Second Amendment rights from all Americans, see what happens when you knock on my door and ask for my guns! I will gladly give them to you, but you won't like how I do it! Tell the Queen of England I said to suck me along with you royal actor scum who are trying to compromise America. F** all you royal scum who think you're worthy to conquer Americans with your socialist 1984 agenda! I'm ready for a Revolution! Are you?


New York,

To Comment #2

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, February 24, 2013

Did you actually try and call me a "cun*"??? Seriously? OK, let's look at things objectively here.  First a bit of background: I am a VETERAN, the former wife of a career Army officer (with many combat tours), the mother of an Air Force Reservist (with three tours to the desert) and the mother in law of a soldier in Kuwait.  I have nothing but deep admiration and appreciation for those who serve.

Now as for you two, I have no doubt that you are experiencing something unusual. But to attribute it to a government conspiracy smacks of paranoia. What is it about you that the government feels compelled to follow you around?

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that you are, in fact, being followed by the government for some reason. Do you really think they'd do it in an aircraft? Not very efficient.....They have people to do that and they can take you out anytime they want. So why follow you?

As for the comment about suicides and Obama, there's a simple explanation for that (and I plan to use it as an example in the psych class I teach).  Can you guess what it is? No? Ok - the reason there's been an increase in suicides is that there's been a concomitant increase in the number of soldiers returning home.  That's kind of a no-brainer.  It's not that I'm unsympathetic, because I truly am. There is help available if you ask for it.

I think it might be time to speak to a mental health professional (both of you). Have you considered that what you are interpreting as "following you" is nothing more than coincidence?


United States of America

You're not the only one!

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, February 23, 2013

This has been happening to me also since 2008. I served in the Army National Guard for six years and toured during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Just before I ETS'd my unit was scheduled to do a tour in Afghanistan. I wasn't called up to do that tour. BUT Ever since 2008 I have also been watched and followed. It seems from reading blogs on-line that this is happening to soldiers all over the U.S. Eventually due to the harassment many soldiers have taken their lives. It's like Obama is trying to make the soldiers who served in Iraq commit suicide! I knew an officer who committed suicide because no one believed him about being followed by aircraft. The Army calls it PTSD, I call it BULLSH! T! They are trying to silence soldiers who have been on tours in Iraq and Afghanistan for whatever reason! This is government corruption at it's worst! Don't worry man, it's happening to me too, as well as many other soldiers who served this country with honor and respect! People like the cun above me have no respect for the military men and women who voluntarily served this country to protect their freedoms and liberties. NOPE we get spit on and mocked like we're nothing! If we have a complaint the stupid government leaders ignore us! Ever since Obama has taken office the number of suicides of soldiers have increased, THAT IS A FACT! Now who do you think is behind the gangstalking of soldiers?


New York,


#8Consumer Comment

Sat, February 23, 2013

You have the makings of a great novel here. Don't forget the movie rights!

On the off chance this is a serious post, please seek a mental health professional.

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