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  • Report:  #120587

Complaint Review: American Income Life

American Income Life AIL American Income David Zophin Agency deceptive dishonest scam mlm pyrimid scheme Middletown Connecticut

*UPDATE - Ripoff Report REVIEW: The David Zophin Agency & American Income Life has joined the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program; The David Zophin Agency hiring practices, 100% legitimate, honest and selective, typically resulting in less than 10% of interviewed candidates being chosen to be company associates.. NOTICE: *UPDATE December 1, 2006. Ripoff Report recently discovered that All but 2 Rip-off Reports about The David Zophin Agency were posted by the same person. Ripoff Repo

  • Reported By:
    Springfield Massachusetts
  • Submitted:
    Wed, December 01, 2004
  • Updated:
    Thu, November 15, 2012
  • American Income Life
    Waco, TX
    Middletown, Connecticut
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

NOTICE: *UPDATE December 1, 2006. Ripoff Report recently discovered that all but 2 Rip-off Reports about The David Zophin Agency of American Income Life were posted by the same person. A competitor no doubt. Rip-off Report has the evidence that shows the same person filed every one of the Reports. Ripoff Report will go after anyone found posting Reports like this. This type of behavior will not be tolerated. Either way, The David Zophin Agency still stands by their comitments made to Ripoff Report. Just like people can file ridiculous and frivolous lawsuits every day, we do realize consumers might try and take advantage using the Internet / Rip-off Report to do the same thing. THE REPORT BELOW MIGHT ALSO BE BOGUS! =============================


I am an 18 year old businessman who like other people decided to try a few new things. One day I was just surfing the net and went to to check out job listings and came across AIL. I created a free account and used the resume creator to post the resume.

One morning the following week, someone called me from an office in CT stating the SGA David Zophin wanted to see me and they wanted to hire me. I was very excited. So later that week I went up there for the 1st interview. I was like 5 minutes late so they told me they would call me back. So now I go 30 minutes out the way to Middletown/Cromwell CT EXIT 21 I-91 SOUTH, from Springfield MA EXIT 4 I-91 NORTH.

So a week or two later they called me again. I was like someone already called me from your office. They said come on in for a final interview.

After the interview I was like, "you know, what the hell", I'll take a chance the worst thing that can happen is I'll become an insurance agent, which I am now, correction Producer.

So now they tell me the class starts on Monday bring a check for $150 for the book and training. I'm like hmm ok then. So I do and I come to training each and everyday as told to do so.

After the training I take the test and fail it. I eventually pass the test and begin my "Field Training" with a "SA" Supervising Agent, Maurice Bailey.

I'm training for over 2 months wasting my time and money into this company and finally in June I become my own Agent in the field or so they call it "MIT" Manager in Training.

After numerous months of not making any money, wasting my gas, money on food, and my time and my life, I'm like you know what these people lied to me.

They make you think your an independant contractor but in fact your not. They are illegally classifying by IRS standards as an IC when you are not if you are being bossed around by your SA.

I made my money wasted back and quit with their company.

Everything is scripted if youd like you can gain access to all of their forms and procedures by going to this link you will gain unlimited access to their mastermind scheme.

Dont waste your time or money. Dont join AIL.


AIL CT OFFICE 860-632-0061 AIL MA OFFICE 413-732-1200

Darnel Springfield, Massachusetts

13 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Stop whining

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 04, 2011

Firstly, when I started with AIL the ONLY thing I paid for was the 40-hour state required insurance licensing course. I paid for that myself, online. The company (AIL) did not get a penny of that money. I averaged paychecks of about $650 per WEEK working for AIL. I got my first check ($582.15) 10 days after I got hired. I left AIL because I have paid off a few things and no longer need to work as my husband's income is sufficient for our remaining bills. At his request, I am now a house-wife. As with any sales job, you get out what you put in.

I also saw many people come and go at AIL, for many reasons. Most left because they got discouraged with all the rejection. You can't run 2-3 appointments a day and expect a good paycheck. I worked about 9 appointments per day 4 days per week and spent one day in the office all day setting appointments. If you do what your manager tells you to do, you WILL be successful.

The reason people are not successful with the company is because they cut corners. They either try to work part-time with a few appointments a day when it requires full-time hours, they don't follow the script, or they're just plain lazy and not willing to do the work required by the job. You have to be willing to work A-Z. As long as you follow every step, you will get sales. Even if the steps are out-of-order, they are successful if you do them all. A good sale is following the steps A-Z. As my MGA said to us: "A close is the obvious conclusion to a masterful presentation."


Rhode Island,

Zophin Agency is VERY respectable

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, June 05, 2006

Zophin will rise again!! Mullins will make HUGE gains in Rhode Island even though he is the last one left. Every other manager is gone because they could NOT HACK it...LOSERS!!! ZOPHIN rules are made for success...


Rhode Island,

lesson learned

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 01, 2006

What I find funny about this particular "thread" is that Clay from Middletown, CT no longer works for AIL. It took some time, but he caught on that David Zophin cares only about himself. As we folks say in Texas Mr. Zophin, "Let you be LEARNED!!" The dynasty is almost over. You had 4 offices at one point and we on top of the world. Now your down to 2. How much longer until Roger Smith pulls you off stage?


West Warwick,
Rhode Island,

1 week of training is enough for me

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 12, 2005

I am reading these "threads" and it scares me. Hmmm. What else scares me? The stupidest woman in the world sat next to me during the recruitment and when David Zophin asked during his recruitment speech, 'Who are the top money makers in America?" Typical answers would be... Doctors..Lawyers... Athletes... etc;

This bonehead lady said... Diamond people. That was it.. she said the actual phrase 'Diamond People'..

Heck, she may not be the stupidest woman in the world, but I couldnt help but to burst out laughing. What is that about? David

Zophin wrote it on the chalkboard with a snicker! 'Diamond People'

Anyway, let me get back to the scariness - I thought of the 20-22 people in the recruit, that my many years of sales was the shine! I was picked along with 5 others! (they said, 'only 6 lucky people were chosen and your obvious sales experience has put you at the top!')

I was really excited. It is nice to have your talent recognized!

But, little did I know, after I paid $175 for the class, she.. the Diamond Girl... was sitting next to me on the very 1st day of training!

At first I thought I misjudged her...

But after I inquired, she admittedly had no sales experience, or any experience with anything! Never even worked a day in her life! She was a well-to-do housewife from MASS, recently divorced, and had nothing going for her with the exception of her Gucci bag! I was floored!

After I found out about her situation, I felt bad for her, but then I thought "why is this woman in the same room with me?" I have been a director of sales & marketing for 10 yrs+ and she is a bored and divorced housewife whose 2nd kid just went off to college and her 'allowance' is now cut!

Looks like I was more like "One of the 6 lucky idiots that were stupid enough to endure unpaid training!"

Also, I want to say that during the 2nd compnay meeting... I talked to a man who had been there since June 15. It has almost been 2 months. Why isnt he earning money yet? I was told it was because he hasnt nailed his presentation yet... OH MY!

I was told it would take 2 weeks TOPS...before I got out in the field, that's is! Nobody ever told me I had to NAIL a presentation. I never sold with a presentation before, and would probably be sitting there for 2 months like that dufus! I cant afford that. I am sucking dry credit cards to pay my $2000/mo mortgage!

Anyway, I finished the class I paid for, but that is it! I got the highest grade in the classroom by 3 pts; a 91% which is ironic because all they say is STUDY STUDY STUDY and I never opened a book...

I am not looking back.

And after all of this, I have to say that the MAIN reason for my quitting and pursuing other ops is... My husband is a Union foreman with a local union.. we have AIL for one of our policies and I remember how intimidating the salesman was when he came to our house. His name was Doug, and at the end of one of my classes I asked the instructor where 'Doug' was and he said he is no longer with the company.

OOOOOHHHH bad feeling. 3 strikes and yer out AIL! Sorry!

Good luck to anyone applying.

Oh and BTW: is it me or are those meetings like a cult? banging on the desks and such when David Zophin walks in? SCARY #4!



2 months training?!?!

#14UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 03, 2005

It sounds to me like you couldn't sell your way out of a paperbag with a lighter. if you spent 2 months training and didn't get it, stick with burger flipping. I am an SA with AIL, and it is a fantastic opportunity for those who have the right attitude. I have achieved many of the company goals and made LOTS of money doing so. It sounds to me like you wanted to just sit back and have someone make money for you, Bud. AIL has changed my family's quality of life, it truely is the American dream come true. Alas, there are always those who fail, and wish to point the finger; however, the buck stops with you, and only you. Best of luck at Burger World, and i hope your training there was quicker than 2 months.



Oh Maurice.. It wouldn't surprise me, AIL hides a lot of things.

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, March 11, 2005

First off....your spelling is dreadful.

That being said, your credibility went down the crapper as soon as you started to type.

AIL is comprised of a group of people who think that success is making money regardless of the means. Our SGA had to resort to being an MGA again because his office did so poorly. Taking steps backwards doesn't sound like success to me, Maurice.

You also seem to be somewhat defensive. This leads me to believe you have something to hide. It wouldn't surprise me, AIL hides a lot of things.

They don't tell you that the leads are old, and by the time they get in the system, those people have forgotten all about that stupid little yellow card they filled out.

They also don't tell you that you'll be driving hundreds of miles a DAY just to trick people into letting you into their homes and then selling them something they don't NEED, or probably already have.

This is how little attention they pay their employees, Maurice. I haven't worked for AIL in years, and just yesterday I got a computer generated email from the new "SGA" to come in for an interview. It was all I could do not to call ol' Pat and tell him to BITE ME.

You think you're doing the "right thing," that you're helping people....YOU'RE NOT. The only people you're helping are your managers (for lack of a better term) and yourSELF.

On a final note, I'm curious as to why you came to this site and typed in the name of your OWN company. Mind-boggling, Maurice, really.


New York,

Shame on you Maurice

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 17, 2004

Anyone who reads the other reports found by searching AIL will get enough of the truth to understand what this company is all about. Only the story tellers at the top of the pyramids repeat the stories like yours, the rest are failures because they did not make enough for you to skim off.

When is the last time you hired anyone who read about this site? When is the last time you signed up a new union after they read about this site, and for the guy bragging about his non union made car, I saw many of those union boys driving that crap to union members homes and wonder why they got the door. Greed is what AIL sells in the first degree.

Lies and deception and half truths till you can't take any more. Anyone who thinks they are a businessman at 18 is too young to understand he is just a boy. Why would you not hire a man? Could not find one dumb enough at your group interviews while searching Monster type sites, preying on the weak and desperate. Pitiful.



They have really got you in huh?

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, December 12, 2004

Wow, I didn't think you would go so low as to state what you have stated. First of all I'm 19, have owned 2 new brand new cars, and I am finalizing the purchase of a house for myself. I think thats an accomplishment for one of my age of ONLY 19 years old. Hell many people that are 30 could only dream of that. If you need to reach me look us up on the net, you know the name of my company. Enough with me what about you? I've made more money working for MYSELF than any shady insurance company, namely American Income Life. I'm sorry you're still troopin with them, I thought you would have been gone a long long time ago. Guess who fooled me? You! Man I'm doing more things than you can even imagine. I am sucessful. You know what if I didnt learn anything else from you guys it was one thing!


Tell David I said keep up the good work!



Darnel, Springfield MA is A Scam Artist who is wanted for Fraud Computer Gigs and is A LIAR!!

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 12, 2004 are just like any other person reporting on this report for any company. You aren't and won't do what it takes to be successful. You are an 18 year old punk who doesn't know a thing about life. You are looking for a "get rich quick" scam,as you repaetedly said it yourself. We told you that you had to work hard to be successful and obviously you weren't. You were lazy and wouldn't work and you lied. Where was that in your report? AT least you could be honest, don't you think. Look yourself in the in mirror and take responsibility for your actions or lack there of.

You build computers that break down after a week of delivering them and charge excessive prices. You say you are willing to back up your work and you give a phone number that is out of service. SCAMs, you are the biggest.

People, I wish you could investigate the individuals that file on this site or they could publish a biography of accomplishments, I mean failures, whether it is for AIL or any other the company. They all have something in common, they are loosers that have nothing better to do with there time than to pout and have pitty parties. They use this site to try to justify what the "winners" in life are always willing to do and they are not. I feel really bad for everyone that has to use this site to justify what they aren't willing do, what it takes to be successful in life. Continue to cry out to the world, guess what, you will still be in the same place 5, 10, 20 , and even 30 years from now, that you are today, looking to blame everyone else for ehat you aren't willing to do. Be honest with yourself Darnel...take responsibilty for your self. How about put that in the report.



Darnel, Springfield MA is A Scam Artist who is wanted for Fraud Computer Gigs and is A LIAR!!

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 12, 2004 are just like any other person reporting on this report for any company. You aren't and won't do what it takes to be successful. You are an 18 year old punk who doesn't know a thing about life. You are looking for a "get rich quick" scam,as you repaetedly said it yourself. We told you that you had to work hard to be successful and obviously you weren't. You were lazy and wouldn't work and you lied. Where was that in your report? AT least you could be honest, don't you think. Look yourself in the in mirror and take responsibility for your actions or lack there of.

You build computers that break down after a week of delivering them and charge excessive prices. You say you are willing to back up your work and you give a phone number that is out of service. SCAMs, you are the biggest.

People, I wish you could investigate the individuals that file on this site or they could publish a biography of accomplishments, I mean failures, whether it is for AIL or any other the company. They all have something in common, they are loosers that have nothing better to do with there time than to pout and have pitty parties. They use this site to try to justify what the "winners" in life are always willing to do and they are not. I feel really bad for everyone that has to use this site to justify what they aren't willing do, what it takes to be successful in life. Continue to cry out to the world, guess what, you will still be in the same place 5, 10, 20 , and even 30 years from now, that you are today, looking to blame everyone else for ehat you aren't willing to do. Be honest with yourself Darnel...take responsibilty for your self. How about put that in the report.



Darnel, Springfield MA is A Scam Artist who is wanted for Fraud Computer Gigs and is A LIAR!!

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 12, 2004 are just like any other person reporting on this report for any company. You aren't and won't do what it takes to be successful. You are an 18 year old punk who doesn't know a thing about life. You are looking for a "get rich quick" scam,as you repaetedly said it yourself. We told you that you had to work hard to be successful and obviously you weren't. You were lazy and wouldn't work and you lied. Where was that in your report? AT least you could be honest, don't you think. Look yourself in the in mirror and take responsibility for your actions or lack there of.

You build computers that break down after a week of delivering them and charge excessive prices. You say you are willing to back up your work and you give a phone number that is out of service. SCAMs, you are the biggest.

People, I wish you could investigate the individuals that file on this site or they could publish a biography of accomplishments, I mean failures, whether it is for AIL or any other the company. They all have something in common, they are loosers that have nothing better to do with there time than to pout and have pitty parties. They use this site to try to justify what the "winners" in life are always willing to do and they are not. I feel really bad for everyone that has to use this site to justify what they aren't willing do, what it takes to be successful in life. Continue to cry out to the world, guess what, you will still be in the same place 5, 10, 20 , and even 30 years from now, that you are today, looking to blame everyone else for ehat you aren't willing to do. Be honest with yourself Darnel...take responsibilty for your self. How about put that in the report.



Darnel, Springfield MA is A Scam Artist who is wanted for Fraud Computer Gigs and is A LIAR!!

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 12, 2004 are just like any other person reporting on this report for any company. You aren't and won't do what it takes to be successful. You are an 18 year old punk who doesn't know a thing about life. You are looking for a "get rich quick" scam,as you repaetedly said it yourself. We told you that you had to work hard to be successful and obviously you weren't. You were lazy and wouldn't work and you lied. Where was that in your report? AT least you could be honest, don't you think. Look yourself in the in mirror and take responsibility for your actions or lack there of.

You build computers that break down after a week of delivering them and charge excessive prices. You say you are willing to back up your work and you give a phone number that is out of service. SCAMs, you are the biggest.

People, I wish you could investigate the individuals that file on this site or they could publish a biography of accomplishments, I mean failures, whether it is for AIL or any other the company. They all have something in common, they are loosers that have nothing better to do with there time than to pout and have pitty parties. They use this site to try to justify what the "winners" in life are always willing to do and they are not. I feel really bad for everyone that has to use this site to justify what they aren't willing do, what it takes to be successful in life. Continue to cry out to the world, guess what, you will still be in the same place 5, 10, 20 , and even 30 years from now, that you are today, looking to blame everyone else for ehat you aren't willing to do. Be honest with yourself Darnel...take responsibilty for your self. How about put that in the report.



Sorry things didn't work out for you.

#14UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 04, 2004

I'll try to keep this short and sweet because I have better things to do with my time but I do want to take a minute to address some things that have been said about my company.

I have worked for AIL in CT since March 2004. During that time I have achieved many of the goals that I set for myself and continue to set new goals to attain. I have made as much money as I hoped being my first year out of college, about $51,000. I own a new 2004 Nissan Maxima, my third Maxima but the first purchased brand new. I have been hunting for a new townhouse so I don't have to rent again, and plan to make that move by the first of the year. I have also recieved two raises since working there, one over ten percent. And I just recently qualified for AIL's annual convention which is in Cancun next year and won't cost me a penny.

I achieved all of this while helping people out. There is no scam, this is life insurance, it is regulated by the state. If I sell a $20,000 whole life policy to a client, his or her family will get $20,000 when that person dies, reguardless of how or when. We are one of the few companies that keep their policies easy to read and understand, we present it in a professional and polite manner, and we make this important coverage affordable so that those who need it most, working families, can get it.

A.M Best is a company that rates all insurance companies. Based on customer service, insurance in force, assets, openness of accounts, accessability of financial information, and a host of other critia, A.M Best will give each company a rating. A.I.L. is rated A+ Superior which is one of the highest ratings possilbe and only achieved by about the top 5% of all insurance companies out there. All of that information is public knowledge and can be seen on their website. And while other companies(MetLife, Prudential, New York Life to name a few) have battled lawsuits due to their practices, AIL has been upfront and honest to its clients.

That being said about the company, let's address the employment opportunity.

First and foremost, that is what it is. An opportunity. What you do with it is up to you. When I hire people to join my team I tell them that exact phrase. I'm am here to help out, to provide training and tools, leadership, motivation, and support but the biggest part of the equation is the individual.

If you're not willing or able to to what it takes to succeed than the only person you can blame for your failure is yourself. I knew the work that it would take going into it. They gave me, like all other potential hires, a sample of the commission schedule and a handout detailing the hours. I knew it would cost about $325 to get licensed by the state of CT, and that the training would be unpaid and last anywhere from 3-5 weeks depending on my performance.

Knowing those things, I made the decision to accept the employment oppotunity and have never looked back. My first week in the field on my own resulted in a $1,117.39 paycheck which is above average, but represented the hard work and sacrifice that I put into it. I had no sales background or experience but I was given the right tools and training and made the best of it.

To obtain all of these rewards I have worked hard. I put in long hours and continually have to push myself to do better. I do this for a few reasons. First of all, I like to help people and everyone I take care of will benefit from our products. Secondly, it is MY career and nobody is going to hand me anything. I am prepared to continue to work hard to achieve the goals I set for myself. I will do what is neccesary to secure my future and to continue growing personally and professionally.

When I went job hunting I wasn't looking for a handout, I was looking for a chance. A chance to make money , a chance to gain experience and knowledge, and a chance to contribute to something bigger than myself. I found all of those and more at American Income Life. I'm proud of what I do and how we do it. If the opportunity wasn't for you, I'm truly sorry that you wasted your time and energy. But you had the same opportunity that I got, and I honestly believe that if you take a hard look at the chance you were given coupled with the effort that you put forth to maximize it(i.e.your "what the hell, I'll try it" attitude), you'll find that the opportunity didn't fail you but that you failed the opportunity.

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