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  • Report:  #174059

Complaint Review: American Income Life Insurance

American Income Life Scam | Complaints REVIEW : American Income Life, National Income Life dedicated to helping associates achieve their goals; feel safe confident & secure doing business with AIL & NIL, they will not allow a legitimate complaint to go unresolved. ALL COMPANIES GET COMPLAINTS - HOW THE COMPANY HANDLES THOSE COMPLAINTS SEPARATES GOOD BUSINESSES FROM BAD BUSINESSES. Waco Texas Nationwide

*UPDATE : American Income Life join Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program and submit to independent investigation. American Income Life pledges to resolve all legitimate complaints and address any issues from the past, present and in the future.

  • Reported By:
    New Jersey New Jersey
  • Submitted:
    Tue, January 31, 2006
  • Updated:
    Fri, December 09, 2011

SPECIAL UPDATE Decmeber 8 2011: American Income Life remains committed to 100% customer satisfaction and has drastically improved their business processes over the years to better serve their customers. American Income Life is truly dedicated to making sure ALL customers are happy. American Income Life continues to show customer service is of the utmost importance and they currently have no complaints!

To date, American Income Life has addressed and resolved all reported complaints, which have always been resolved to the complete satisfaction of their customers. American Income Life proves to be among the top members of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program, as a Verified Safe Business. American Income Life has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. Rip-off Report has confirmed that American Income Life is no fraud, is not a scam and is of the highest integrity. As an active and current member of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever American Income Life remains committed to customer satisfaction and gets our top Verified Safe endorsement.

*UPDATE, Rip-off Report REVIEW: American Income Life / National Income Life Insurance Company gets a POSITIVE RATING from Rip-off Report and is fulfilling its commitment to resolve all legitimate complaints and address representative issues. Rip-off Report has investigated the company for many months after they contacted us to resolve any posted issues and misunderstandings. With over 2500 representatives and millions of clients, American Income Life / National Income Life is bound to be the subject of a certain number of complaints about improper agent conduct, as well as product and administrative complaints.

Rip-off Report's investigation found such complaints, but importantly also found that American Income Life / National Income Life is committed to resolving such complaints quickly and is doing everything possible to satisfy its clients and representatives alike. The company also takes appropriate action against any of its representatives who are found to have conducted themselves improperly or unethically. We believe that the number of complaints against this company, whether through the Internet or other channels, is small when put into the context of its enormous size. Most large companies would never commit themselves like American Income Life / National Income Life has to Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.

Read our investigative Report and American Income Life / National Income Life's commitment to 100% consumer satisfaction.

American Income Life / National Income Life provides products and services through independent representatives, and has been providing benefits to families for over 50 years. AIL is rated A+ Superior by A.M. Best Company, its second highest rating, for overall financial strength (as of 6/07). American Income Life / National Income Life and also provides life insurance and supplemental benefits to members of labor unions, credit unions, associations, as well as private clients in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Canada, and New Zealand.

See why you should feel secure and confident when doing business with American Income Life / National Income Life Read about Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,..A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.



American Income Life Insurance Ripoff scammed, misrepresentation Raritan Center Edison New Jersey

My American Income Life JOB experience... (I share this in hopes Paulie (the class plant) doesn't come break my legs -HAHA)

AIL is not doing anything illegal that I know of. As an insurance company their policy holders are protected by the laws of their State. I know nothing of their $$$ condition or how they do claims business with their policy holders. However, through AIL I paid $300.00 to obtain a STATE OF NEW JERSEY LICENCE to sell insurance. ($300 to AIL- $65.00 to the state)

After going through the rest of the training program at AIL, I say I will probably not pay the State $320.00 to keep my lic. which is expired in 60 days. This business is not for me, not this one. (that's another subject- I don't expect many will be there 60 days from now.)

People I met while in the class & while training at AIL were very nice people, very upbeat. The (what I call) the front runners at AIL are very scary, ruthless people, I couldn't believe what I heard.... ESP the money talk (that's the Karrot they hang before the cart).

I had my MGA throw his pen on the floor intentionally and say to me "pick that up" ???? I said what, I am not your boy! (so if your reading this BArry you know who I am)

I had another trainer tell us that she insists her agents show up 15-20 min late for appointments to appear busy... and to lie about how far you traveled to see them. Tell them you come from Wildwood she says. I quickly agreed with the man next to me with his loud comment that this goes against everything his mother tought him (Diane if your reading this you know who I am)

If your reading this because your inquiring about whether or not you'll work for AIL... you won't find this because your not looking for anything negative so don't worry AIL.

You will find this once you realize you have been what we'll call scammed for a brighter future. I only hope for you that you found this out quickly. I was fortunate and knew this going into it, but wanted to keep that open mind. I am always open to new experiences, I must say that I enjoyed this part of it.

Do I see myself taking someones last $50.00 from their SS# check for a whole life Policy worth 4,000 and think I am going to make near $100k or even $12K a yrs ...NO!!! You can only fool a greedy person if you think it possible I don't.

I thought I was selling something worth while. You have to believe in what your selling, I don't believe life insurance is or should be sold door to door.

I did enjoy the experience and am happy for it, I learned much.

I learned not only can you fool a greedy person but you can also fool desperate uneducated people in need of feeding their families.... shame on you people for doing that. You clearly know that you are taking advantage of the weaker person not able to see the scam your pulling off. For some, fine SELL insurance honest if you can. But to mis-lead those hopeless people your filling their heads with pipe dreams, they will never sell insurance and you knew this during their first interview, shame on you for doing that(scumbag).

Selling Insurance is hard enough without you AIL people flooding the market with a bunch of scripted misfits only so you can profit. Were you not Global Insurance with a changed name because the general public cought on to you.

If your reading this because your questioning if AIL is a scam. Just your thinking it should be answer enough.

If I do a search on my name...I find nothing. If I search AIL... I find SCAM, FRUAD or am re-directed to SCAM/FRUAD... I don't know. Don't they say if it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck it is a duck.

I read the postings on the defence of AIL, but come-on... way to many hits on scam, beside you already knew this.

Shame on anyone who says this is not a scam ... because you are part of the scam... shame on you. I met a hopeless man at AIL and I can't stomach what you are conditioning him to be & do.

You know it's hopeless for him, yet you continue to coach him.

You should have sent him out the door the first day. This sends a strong message that it's not about insurance at all. It's about manipulating people for your personal benefit.

Shame on you for doing that... it's cruel what your doing.

If you got paid $1.00 for each hour you worked at AIL, it would be illegal because it is not min wage. BUT If you work for free 80 hours a week it's okay.... ONLY IN THIS COUNTRY FOLKS !!!!

So after my experience and now writting about it, I don't think I would even recomand anyone buying anything from AIL because of their way of doing business just out right sucks. Not illegal, but it really sucks that they prey on people to make a living.

What the hell was I thinking going there. I am okay from it, but I don't think alot of people are or will be oklay from it. I am sure lots of people lost big money, time, and even respect from their families.

If you made big money while working at AIL then that's great and your name is Eric... the rest, it's just another usedcar dealership... sure you can make money they say in the auto business, there is an a*s for every seat.

If you read the books Eric recommends, make sure to add the BOILER ROOM to your reading list.

I leave you all with a few phrases that I've been hearing all too much this month:

Make sence! What are you Stupid! (not to me, but to other people) Make Sence! Oh ..didn't they tell you! Make Sence! Oh they didn't tell you that! Oh they didn't tell you, your real money is in the bonus program!

I am kind of pissed... can you tell. I am pissed because they are taking advantage of helpless people, not all helpless, some of us deserve everything we get coming to us. There are some poor souls being sucked into working for free... really only in America this can go on.

At least I never signed an agreement for employment with them, who knows how liable I might have become for whatever.

I wonder if I would have been able to sleep at night knowing I sold a whole life policy to someone. Probably not so I am at least glad for that.

One more thing.,... the Union leads they promise; It's clear by postings that the Union members are annoyed and ARE ALL pissed OFF that AIL is even associated with a UNION -

I also read AIL may not be A+ rated by AM BEST, their parent company of Torchmark is. Is that not disception ???

Okay I did my duty to warn others... I'm gone from it.

Good luck !!!

John/Marry Edison, New Jersey

7 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,
New Jersey,

Employment scam

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 02, 2006

I posted this because I was taken in for a fool,
not because I have anything against insurance agents. I am over 50 years old, my profession is a CISCO certified engineer. What business did AIL have calling me for a job anyway, it's rediculas.

That may be true about never a name change if you say so. You can't believe everything you read(haha) Regardless, I expressed how I felt and I think some readers will get my point loud and clear.

It's just my story and I hope it helps someone.
I am not looking to put AIL out of business or cause ill feelings for other agents working hard.
Take from it what you will. You yourself know who you are and how you do business.

I realize the power of this web site and damage it could do so please remember that I am just expressing myself about my job experience as it was for me in New Jersey.

It doesn't make all insurance people bad, AIL or not. Just takes a few bad apples to spoil the bunch, the rest of you will just have to live with it. But we are not children here, we know the difference. This was an employment scam because they were not forthcoming with all of the information required to make the salary they projected you could make. They missed most of the major details. It's like going to the doctors office for a diagnosis of a cancer,
your left hanging for a month to figure out what it could really be.

Here's another example:
The trainer say if the client ask you on the phone if your selling anything, tell them
No! That it would be the last thing you'll do" and you wouldn't be lying.

I don't know :) you tell me is that a lie.

I can't work or do business with people like that, but that's me.

Call it what you want, I felt like a sucker,
but I'm not going to pass judement on you all, it just wasn't for me.



John/Marry We've always been American Income Life

#8UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 02, 2006

No we were NOT Globe Life and switched our name. We've always been American Income Life.


New Jersey,
New Jersey,

Shame on you ashamed if your recruiting other poor souls into a brighter future in hopes they will sell two policies before they burn out....

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 01, 2006

Don't be ashamed if that's all you do to make a living is to selling life insurance.

Do be ashamed if your recruiting other poor souls into a brighter future in hopes they will sell two policies before they burn out....
that's the AIL way ... So if your still working there doing that then your a scumbag and be ashamed of that.

Honestly people don't scam other people and you know exactly what I am talking about.
It is not necessary to rebuttal this one, there is nothing you can tell me or anyone about recruiting others to make your living while you dream on easy street.

I was told I could make 80k to 120k the first year selling insurance. I find out it is to recruit others and get them to do the work while I count my money ...dream ashamed.

I think most of the people trying out AIL would be better served with a paper route.
You would only have to deliver the Sunday paper.
Now we are getting closer to an honest living.


New Jersey,
New Jersey,

Shame on you ashamed if your recruiting other poor souls into a brighter future in hopes they will sell two policies before they burn out....

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 01, 2006

Don't be ashamed if that's all you do to make a living is to selling life insurance.

Do be ashamed if your recruiting other poor souls into a brighter future in hopes they will sell two policies before they burn out....
that's the AIL way ... So if your still working there doing that then your a scumbag and be ashamed of that.

Honestly people don't scam other people and you know exactly what I am talking about.
It is not necessary to rebuttal this one, there is nothing you can tell me or anyone about recruiting others to make your living while you dream on easy street.

I was told I could make 80k to 120k the first year selling insurance. I find out it is to recruit others and get them to do the work while I count my money ...dream ashamed.

I think most of the people trying out AIL would be better served with a paper route.
You would only have to deliver the Sunday paper.
Now we are getting closer to an honest living.


New Jersey,
New Jersey,

Shame on you ashamed if your recruiting other poor souls into a brighter future in hopes they will sell two policies before they burn out....

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 01, 2006

Don't be ashamed if that's all you do to make a living is to selling life insurance.

Do be ashamed if your recruiting other poor souls into a brighter future in hopes they will sell two policies before they burn out....
that's the AIL way ... So if your still working there doing that then your a scumbag and be ashamed of that.

Honestly people don't scam other people and you know exactly what I am talking about.
It is not necessary to rebuttal this one, there is nothing you can tell me or anyone about recruiting others to make your living while you dream on easy street.

I was told I could make 80k to 120k the first year selling insurance. I find out it is to recruit others and get them to do the work while I count my money ...dream ashamed.

I think most of the people trying out AIL would be better served with a paper route.
You would only have to deliver the Sunday paper.
Now we are getting closer to an honest living.


New Jersey,
New Jersey,

Shame on you ashamed if your recruiting other poor souls into a brighter future in hopes they will sell two policies before they burn out....

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 01, 2006

Don't be ashamed if that's all you do to make a living is to selling life insurance.

Do be ashamed if your recruiting other poor souls into a brighter future in hopes they will sell two policies before they burn out....
that's the AIL way ... So if your still working there doing that then your a scumbag and be ashamed of that.

Honestly people don't scam other people and you know exactly what I am talking about.
It is not necessary to rebuttal this one, there is nothing you can tell me or anyone about recruiting others to make your living while you dream on easy street.

I was told I could make 80k to 120k the first year selling insurance. I find out it is to recruit others and get them to do the work while I count my money ...dream ashamed.

I think most of the people trying out AIL would be better served with a paper route.
You would only have to deliver the Sunday paper.
Now we are getting closer to an honest living.


British Columbia,

Surprised, I am ashamed to say i work for this company

#8UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 01, 2006

I am ashamed to say i work for this company, but if you're to blame someone, it's not the agents that are at fault, it's the company that manages it. I cant say this for all though, i realized that there are some agents out there that ruin the name "insurance agent" , but then there's a few in every company. There are things that i am against, everything from asking the member to offer referrals, to forced selling. I am against the script, and everything in it, i will only offer a client something that i will buy myself, so that means accidental, sickness, cancer if they need it, and a small amount of WL to cover for their funeral expenses. I hate how everyone looks at me like a sleezy salesperson, im out there working to support myself and family, is that really that bad? im not out there to scam anyone, i cant help it if some of our rates are high, i wish they were lower too! i was browsing other insurance companies and they can offer 500k - 1 mill for under 100 a month, i was amazed when i found out about this, since i had no experience in this field before, i wouldnt have guessed my rates were this high. I spent at least 2 solid hours reading through the reports people have wrote against this company, and this is something to talk about with some of my coworkers. even though you may say the company scams and is a rip off, there's nothing i can do about it, my job is to go out there, help the families as best as i can, and make enough to support my family. Just because the company is bad, doesnt mean the people that work there are also, although that doesnt apply to everyone.

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