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  • Report:  #302967


AMERICAN MASTERCRAFT STEEL BUILDINGS,Darren Frank, sold me a sales pitch for a steel building and took the money, never delivered the merchandise, committed fraud, attempts to double bill me Boca Raton Florida

  • Reported By:
    Shipshewana Indiana
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 24, 2008
  • Updated:
    Thu, April 27, 2023
    7860 Glades Rd, Suite 220
    Boca Raton, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

American Mastercraft along with several other names used, was registered in the State of Florida, but advertised in Pennsylvania without a license,using a Mail Boxes Etc address to draw people in as the company advertised Do it yourself Steel Buildings for a reasonable price, they asked for a deposit of 5,700.00 out of 14,300.00,which later the entire bill was paid paying a total of 19,600.00 which covered everything.

The Owner "Darren Frank" said the building would ship within 2 to 3 weeks, the building they were selling me was a smaller building 40 x 65, which I required at least 40x80 size as I was a horse breeder. At the time I lived in North Carolina and needed a barn to stall up too 11 horses with 2-3 mares already in foal and near delivery. The weather was becoming winter soon, the order was placed in Sept 2001, when Darren and his other so called workers kept making their stories changed this resulted in my plans to get things accomplished more difficult, I had a crew on the side ready for the building which never came.

I ended up hiring locals on an emergency basis after canceling AMC's order to build me a barn which resulted in a bigger disaster since they only built the barn 9 feet high only placing the posts 2 feet down into the ground, we discovered this flareup when we took 2 feet out of the inside in order to raise the roof so the horses when stalls wouldnt whack their heads on the tresses above. we had to add cement along both sides of the barn to make sure the barn would sit sturdy for high winds which this almost caused the barn to nearly collapsed when the cement poured began pushing the posts inward.

Needless to say, I lost over 300,000.00 of labor, time and materials because of this company. We ended up in the end loosing everything. The FBI was even involved as well as the postal inspector etc.

We sued in florida won a judgement of 50,000.00 as of june 30,2003,since Darren refused to return the money we had already sent him for the barn he never sent. Too this day we still are out nearly 20,000.00 and the judgement was for 50,000.00@6 % per year. Many others followed suit and to this day Darren has made other fictious names which is recorded at under American Mastercraft. If anyone does business with this man they are bound to be robbed if not shafted. AMC is now listed in the BBB as Faulty Merchanise sales. We are still awaiting our money stolen to be returned. AMC was in breach of contract.

Shipshewana, Indiana

7 Updates & Rebuttals



$600k in Metro Connect International

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, April 26, 2023

"Ive invested $600k in metro connect international and ive never seen a penny of return over the last five years. I cant get any financial information; they claim to have spectrum licenses across mexico, canada and the usa that we are not sure if they own in their name and this apparently involves americans in many states and a lot of Canadians primarily out of Quebec, Ontario and BC - the provincial securities commissions have done nothing about it."

from a message i received from a fellow shareholder.. i promised the family i would post it here for the rest of the shareholders.  



further investigation - found L. Gallucci - VP of Business Development for Metro Connect International

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, April 26, 2023

After talking to the other shareholders it was determined that Mr. Lou Gallucci also has a background in some other fraudulent endeavours. 

here are the details re: OMG

the statements in the article noted in link 1 definitely was a deflection as the nefarious nature of the actions continued on.

After this event he and his family ended up at Metro Connect International driving investors all the way up until November 2022 acquiring radio network licenses across Canada, USA and Mexico for Metro Connect International. 




the Cecil Darren Frank legacy continues in Canada.

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, April 25, 2023

 Darren and Ron Frank + More; they have brought in executives whom are participating in the scam. they have been found in markham & vancouver Canada and they have continued the same recipe of ripping people off under a new banner. Metro Connect International. They have bilked money out of pensioners, students, contractors, families whom are in a terribly difficult place financially right now. They have hurt many lives including the lives of children through the parents they have bilked. There are a lot of stock holders whom are finding out more about each other and how they have bilked by them. Their network runs deep and they have a contingent of people participating in their scam. The details of their exploits over the last ten years seems to be similar to what was done in the USA in the steel building industry.



Darren Frank Con Artist

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 18, 2008

Cecil Darren Frank was extradited to Canada not long after this person was ripped off.
He has stolen alot of money from over 500 customers. Just like in Canada he goes legit the first couple of years then all hell breaks loose. This a quote from the RCMP of Canada. The RCMP picked up Cecil Darren Frank, this his his real name, and held him for 44 days in jail in Florida until his extradition. Cecil Darren Franks address in 2005 was 9767 Kennedy Road Unionville Ontario l6c1n7 His last know address is 111 Brunswick Gormley Ont. l0h1g0. He has put his home under his wifes maiden name to stay hidden. Here maiden name is Sopia Opasinis. I heard that when they came into his new office in South Florida, and picked him up, all his wife said was "Who did this to us?" Instead of saying we got caught. That is the type of people they are. I know other people have judgements against AMC and Cecil Darren Frank. I hope this helps in tracking down this con man and helps give you closure.




#8Author of original report

Wed, February 20, 2008

According too the State of New York Corporation Records, a Jack Dobosh is now working this company name in Great Lakes NY, suspicions run high and. Please all consumers be aware of the name AMERICAN MASTERCRAFT STEEL BUILDING or any other sister name disguised, this has caused a great deal of hard ships for many who thought doing business over the internet was "secure". Check with your Better Businees Bureau on a company but dont take thier report to heart, use your best judgement when reading any business company, if theres some or just a snidge of error on their part, more than likely theres a can of worms just waiting to be opened and cause havoc with no mercy.



From Judgment to Liens - Straight answer or loop hole

#8Author of original report

Tue, January 29, 2008

I found this on the net and thought to share it with you all involved with any lawsuit against American Mastercraft Steel Buildings, (and whatever name they have used to scam someone out of money)
This is quite confusing where this says one thing but the tells another, examples A & B is what I am referring too..



By John C. Hanson, II

Congratulations! After a hard fought and probably expensive battle, youve been awarded a final judgment in your favor. What, if any, good does that piece of paper do for you? If the judgment debtor owns non-exempt real property that is subject to levy, then your final judgment can operate as a lien on real property that must be satisfied in the event the real property is sold or ownership transferred. But that lien protecting your interest is not automatic. In order to make that lien a reality, the judgment creditor must comply with the requirements of Florida Statutes 55.10. Although there are several hurdles that a judgment creditor must clear in order to have a valid lien, they are not inordinately high. And, in any event, no lien against real property is valid beyond twenty (20) years from the date on which the judgment or decree on which it rests was entered.

First, in order to properly serve as the basis for a valid judgment lien, the judgment must be a Florida judgment. That is, the judgment must be from a Florida state court or from a United States District Court in Florida. Judgments issued by foreign courts (i.e., courts from outside the State of Florida) may serve as the basis for a valid lien on property within Florida, but only once the foreign judgment is established as a Florida judgment by domestication.

Second, in order to operate as a judgment lien, the judgment must be final. Simply titling the judgment as a final judgment is insufficient. To be truly final, the judgment must contain conclusive and customary language establishing that judicial labor is at an end and the order is truly dispositive and final. That is, since execution is not permitted on judgments that do not determine with finality the rights and liabilities of the parties, in order to give rise to a valid lien the final judgment must not leave questions open for judicial determination. For example, a judgment determining liability but not determining the amount of damages can not serve as the basis for a valid lien under Florida law.

Third, there must be real property within the State of Florida against which the lien will attach. The real property in Florida must be owned by the judgment debtor in such a manner that it is non-exempt and subject to levy. For example, if the judgment debtors property is homestead property, owned by the entireties, or subject to a bankruptcy proceeding, then it is not subject to levy and the judgment lien will not attach to the property. If the judgment debtor owns property outside the state, lien opportunities may still be present there, but only following domestication of the Florida judgment in the foreign state.

Fourth, in order for any judgment to operate as a lien, a certified copy thereof must be recorded in the official records of the county in which the real property is located. The original judgment need not be recorded, but a plain copy will not suffice. If a final judgment issues from a court in Martin County, it will operate as a lien on non-exempt real property owned by the judgment debtor in Martin County if a certified copy of the final judgment is recorded in the official records thereof. Additionally, though, the Martin County courts final judgment will also operate as a lien on non-exempt real property owned by the judgment debtor in Broward County if a certified copy of the final judgment is recorded in the official records of Broward County.

Fifth, in order to operate as a lien against non-exempt real property, the recorded judgment must contain the name and address of the person (or entity) that has the lien. That information should ordinarily be included on the judgment form submitted to and entered by the court, along with the name, address and federal taxpayer identification number of the judgment debtor. It is not enough that the final judgment contain the name and address of the judgment creditors attorney; it must contain information describing the actual lienholder. However, if it is absent from the face of the order, the judgment holder can comply with the statute by simultaneously recording an affidavit setting forth the information. It is imperative to note, though, that simultaneously means at the same time. A delay of 30 days in filing the curative affidavit has been held to invalidate a lien. In that case, it is best to rerecord a certified copy of the final judgment to accompany the after-filed affidavit.

If the foregoing hurdles are negotiated, then the judgment creditor will have a valid lien on non-exempt real property owned by the judgment debtor. The lien will be effective as of the date that the final judgment was recorded in the countys official records. Once the judgment is properly recorded, the judgment lien takes priority over any liens recorded at a later date and it maintains that priority so long as the lien exists.

Depending on when the judgment was recorded, the initial lien will be for a period of either seven (7) or ten (10) years. Modern judgments recorded on or after July 1, 1994 have an initial term of ten (10) years. The term of the lien may be extended for another ten (10) years by, prior to the expiration of the initial term, rerecording a certified copy of the final judgment and simultaneously recording an affidavit with the current name and address of the lien holder. If extended in this manner, the priority position of the lien is unaffected.

If the original judgment lien lapses without an extension being filed, the lien ceases to exist. However, the judgment creditor may nevertheless rerecord the final judgment at a later time creating a new judgment lien. This new lien will not have the same priority as the lapsed lien, though; it will have priority only as to any subsequent liens and will only be effective as to property held by the debtor at the time the new lien is created. And, as noted at the beginning, the maximum life of the lien can only be twenty years from the date the final judgment was entered.

Oftentimes successful litigants find themselves with a judgment but with no ready source of assets from which to satisfy it. Judgment liens against real property provide a powerful means to lay claim to a judgment debtors valuable assets for the benefit and protection of the judgment creditor.

Article Concepts: final judgment, judgment lien, lien against real property, domestication of judgment, recording of judgment, non-exempt property, priority, term.

(B) SUNBIZ Explanation of a judgment...
Judgment Lien Information
Judgment Lien Statute: 55.201-55.209, Florida Statutes.
Liens are valid for five years from original date of filing.
Writs of Execution are no longer docketed with the Sheriff's office.
Judgment lien searches are not processed by the Division, search on-line at Document Searches.
Previously recorded judgment liens must be refiled with the Department of State prior to October 1, 2003, or the lien will become ineffective.
How to Collect a Judgment Lien In Florida Under the New Judgment Lien Law.
Online filing of judgment liens with a credit card is available at Electronic Filing.
DOS Document Number is the number assigned upon filing of a business entity with the Department of State. DOS document number is a required field when the judgment debtor is a business entity. Search on-line to obtain a business entity's DOS document number, at Document Searches.
Evidence of filing will be sent to the filer's email address.
Payment options include credit card only. Sunbiz pre-paid accounts can not be used for payment.
Mailing Address:
Department of State
Division of Corporations
Judgment Liens
P.O. Box 6250
Tallahassee, FL 32314 Phone Number:

Download Judgment Lien Forms
Interest Rates: The rate of interest payable on judgments is established in accordance with s.55.03, Florida Statutes.

The interest rates for 1981 to present are: 10/1/81-12/31/94 12%
1995 8%
1996 10%
1997 10%
1998 10%
1999 10%
2000 10%
2001 11%
2002 9%
2003 6%
2004 7%
2005 7%
2006 9%
2007 11%
2008 11%


You all decide, eitherway I look at it, those who put out good money to get their stolen money recovered, shouldnt have to go through anymore hell they have already been through. The Games and misleading has to stop now!




#8Author of original report

Fri, January 25, 2008

Well the attorney general of florida was even contacted as this company and his attorney he put in charge is still continuing to be evasive, what grabs me is, to sit and announce HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST CONSUMER FRAUD when the company has found loop holes to avoid being caught.

Never in my life have I seen such selfish, inhumane people who would litterally give someone a business license to rip off consumers for thier own selfish needs, and to protect them it seems, putting people in horrible situations and leaving them to fend for themselves after they have done and played all their head games jerking people around, sending them all over the place to spend this money for this and that money for that where it ends up no intentions of resolving the problem are done.

Florida may be beautiful, but I certainly wouldnt want to live there... I dont even think I would want to visit, the name just makes my stomach turn to see so many underminded people destroying lives laughing all the way to the bank.

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