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  • Report:  #175397


AMERICAN METAL WORKS - Ken Morris - Cory Soper ripoff Channel Islands California

  • Reported By:
    North Smithfield Rhode Island
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 09, 2006
  • Updated:
    Sun, February 26, 2006
    1271 Vanguard Drive
    Channel Islands, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I placed an order back on 6/6/05 and was told by Cory Soper that the lead time was 4-6 weeks. After, the 4-6 weeks contacted them to find out the status, Cory indicated 2-3 weeks delays in production. Each time they came up with another excuse when te previous deadline came. The owner is sick, I out of the office sick, the wheels are out at the plater,etc.

I asked them what was going on and he insured me that my wheels were be made.He even provided a picture of the wheels after I asked for a picture proof. When they missed the next deadline I threatened to report them. Cory shortly after that indicates he has decided to resign from company or so he told me. I not sure if he can make his mind whether he was terminated or resigned. here is copy of of what he sent me;

It's time for a change!

You may know me as the Sales Manager of American Metal Works, but that has changed. I'm sorry to report my resignation from AMW, but I'm on the move.
Over the last year, I was instrumental in AMW's entry into the sportbike market and its explosive growth. The design and quality of the AMW wheels moved the market, but unseen circumstances outside of my control severely stunted production the past several months, which has stunted my growth and effected my ability to provide adiquate customer service.
Thank you for your support.
Cory Soper, Director of Sales

He then put me in contact with Ken Morris the owner.Who has made delivary promises and excuses up till 11/30/05. Now everything has gone quiet.

Taking money knowing that orders are not being sent out as promised and knowing other customer problems, in my mind is morally wrong.Even if it was out of he's control, he still took the orders and made promises that he knew he could not keep or were they lies....
I have listed sites that I know Cory has association with
Xsport Marketing, built for ,deneendesign,,Custom Sportbike Concepts and warn anyone doing buisness with these sites as you will be dealing with him.

North Smithfield, Rhode Island

7 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,

I got my wheels!

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, February 26, 2006

Hey Joe. You have a screw loose dude! Why blame an honest employee who tried his best to keep you informed on what his boss told him about the production and shipment timeline of your order. And why try to bring down other companies that he was "associated with" (Your exact words) when they had nothing to do with AMW. My advice to you is you should quit spinning your wheels and pointing figures at the wrong people and go after the real bad guy instead, AMW's owner. Cory worked hard to hook me up with my wheels. Sure, he couldn't do it for everyone after he was no longer employed there himself. I don't know about you but i'm rolling on mine this spring thanks to Cory. If it weren't for his persistence then I probably would have never seen them if it were up to the owner of that company from what I hear.


Coco Beach,

Enoughs Enough

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, February 22, 2006

Cory worked with me through out the time he was there, and not to mention after he left to get me my wheels. It's obvious the issues were caused by someone else other than him having to do with production. I understand the owner of AMW was exclusively responsible for this. I have heard this from more than one source. Cory was the only one that returned my calls and made an effort to get me my wheels.

My situation was a success story, yours may not so I guess you can call me lucky but I thought I would throw in my two cents towards this situation and tell my story and what I experienced. If your situation is still not resolved, I'd try attacking the owner Ken, and NOT his employees. As you are an employee of someone you can probably relate to the fact that you have to go on what you are being told by your boss and to trust he/she is being truthful. In this case, Cory was dealing with someone a little less than truthful.


North Smithfield,
Rhode Island,

American Metals Works-Ken Morris-Cory Soper

#8Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 21, 2006

I have no issues with those companies listed in the body of the text. If you read the complaint it is against AMW, Ken Morris and you. As for the companies listed in the body of complaint those are not directly listed but indicate your association with them. As a consumer I would tell fellow customers that you had been less than honest.

I commented to one of your current employers that I have nothing against his company other than he has a Sales manager that is less than honorable and straight forward. While you were only an employee at AMW you have to take some responsiblility for your actions just like ENRON. No one had a gun to your head. The customer should be first. Taking orders and telling someone 3-4 weeks leadtimes in June knowing that orders placed in Febuary were not being completed is wrong.

Stringing customers out and making up delays is wrong. Telling a customer that the wheels are made when you don't know if they are the customers wheels is wrong. You indicate that you were terminated but yet you indicated to me you resigned.. Which is it? I asked you about the problems at AMW and you recomended that I not file complaint to IFCC and work with Ken.

If you knew the issues then you should have striaght forward as I had asked you to be. I suggested to one of your current employers, that he could file a rebuttal so that customers could work with him rather than you. I can not make any comments about his or his companies ethics or bsuiness practices but I can about yours.I can only state that doing business with you is an issue not with your current employer.

If you had been honest and straight your name wouldn't be listed in the complaint. I hope you understand and learn that a customer is important and not just the sale.



Response to Joe Rodriguez

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, February 20, 2006

It is apparent that you believe attacking me personally as well as businesses I may be involved with is justified but you are quite mistaken. The businesses you have named other than AMW have NO bearing or relationship with your current situation. It's obvious that your ignorance has gotten the best of you. I should also note that some of these other businesses that you have named are more than upset with you and I would expect them to respond to you as well, if not consider third party intervention against you.

So, in light of your accusations against me I am prepared to issue a challenge to you. If you can prove that I personally am responsible for your financial losses in form of a cancelled check or credit card charge naming ME personally as the payee, I will pay you back the amount of your investment in to these wheels. Fair enough?

The problem is Joe, I was an EMPLOYEE of AMW and not the EMPLOYER. So there for I am just as much a victim as you are. In fact, my losses exceed yours by 25 times the amount you paid in for your wheels. So, I sympathize with your losses but not over mine. Naming other businesses that are unrelated to these circumstances does nothing for you in your case accept show that you obviously acted on impulse and emotion from your experience with this situation. I would suggest you take
the necessary legal steps to dealing with your issue in the appropriate manner by addressing it with AMW rather than taking it out on everyone else. This will do nothing for you except further discredit yourself, and make you look bad.

To reiterate, if you can come to me with a cancelled check from your bank, or credit card receipt naming Cory Soper as the payee than I will reimburse you. If you can't produce this then obviously I am not responsible and you should take this up with AMW and not me nor any other innocent businesses you are attempting to discredit.



Response to Joe Rodriguez

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, February 20, 2006

It is apparent that you believe attacking me personally as well as businesses I may be involved with is justified but you are quite mistaken. The businesses you have named other than AMW have NO bearing or relationship with your current situation. It's obvious that your ignorance has gotten the best of you. I should also note that some of these other businesses that you have named are more than upset with you and I would expect them to respond to you as well, if not consider third party intervention against you.

So, in light of your accusations against me I am prepared to issue a challenge to you. If you can prove that I personally am responsible for your financial losses in form of a cancelled check or credit card charge naming ME personally as the payee, I will pay you back the amount of your investment in to these wheels. Fair enough?

The problem is Joe, I was an EMPLOYEE of AMW and not the EMPLOYER. So there for I am just as much a victim as you are. In fact, my losses exceed yours by 25 times the amount you paid in for your wheels. So, I sympathize with your losses but not over mine. Naming other businesses that are unrelated to these circumstances does nothing for you in your case accept show that you obviously acted on impulse and emotion from your experience with this situation. I would suggest you take
the necessary legal steps to dealing with your issue in the appropriate manner by addressing it with AMW rather than taking it out on everyone else. This will do nothing for you except further discredit yourself, and make you look bad.

To reiterate, if you can come to me with a cancelled check from your bank, or credit card receipt naming Cory Soper as the payee than I will reimburse you. If you can't produce this then obviously I am not responsible and you should take this up with AMW and not me nor any other innocent businesses you are attempting to discredit.



Response to Joe Rodriguez

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, February 20, 2006

It is apparent that you believe attacking me personally as well as businesses I may be involved with is justified but you are quite mistaken. The businesses you have named other than AMW have NO bearing or relationship with your current situation. It's obvious that your ignorance has gotten the best of you. I should also note that some of these other businesses that you have named are more than upset with you and I would expect them to respond to you as well, if not consider third party intervention against you.

So, in light of your accusations against me I am prepared to issue a challenge to you. If you can prove that I personally am responsible for your financial losses in form of a cancelled check or credit card charge naming ME personally as the payee, I will pay you back the amount of your investment in to these wheels. Fair enough?

The problem is Joe, I was an EMPLOYEE of AMW and not the EMPLOYER. So there for I am just as much a victim as you are. In fact, my losses exceed yours by 25 times the amount you paid in for your wheels. So, I sympathize with your losses but not over mine. Naming other businesses that are unrelated to these circumstances does nothing for you in your case accept show that you obviously acted on impulse and emotion from your experience with this situation. I would suggest you take
the necessary legal steps to dealing with your issue in the appropriate manner by addressing it with AMW rather than taking it out on everyone else. This will do nothing for you except further discredit yourself, and make you look bad.

To reiterate, if you can come to me with a cancelled check from your bank, or credit card receipt naming Cory Soper as the payee than I will reimburse you. If you can't produce this then obviously I am not responsible and you should take this up with AMW and not me nor any other innocent businesses you are attempting to discredit.



Response to Joe Rodriguez

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, February 20, 2006

It is apparent that you believe attacking me personally as well as businesses I may be involved with is justified but you are quite mistaken. The businesses you have named other than AMW have NO bearing or relationship with your current situation. It's obvious that your ignorance has gotten the best of you. I should also note that some of these other businesses that you have named are more than upset with you and I would expect them to respond to you as well, if not consider third party intervention against you.

So, in light of your accusations against me I am prepared to issue a challenge to you. If you can prove that I personally am responsible for your financial losses in form of a cancelled check or credit card charge naming ME personally as the payee, I will pay you back the amount of your investment in to these wheels. Fair enough?

The problem is Joe, I was an EMPLOYEE of AMW and not the EMPLOYER. So there for I am just as much a victim as you are. In fact, my losses exceed yours by 25 times the amount you paid in for your wheels. So, I sympathize with your losses but not over mine. Naming other businesses that are unrelated to these circumstances does nothing for you in your case accept show that you obviously acted on impulse and emotion from your experience with this situation. I would suggest you take
the necessary legal steps to dealing with your issue in the appropriate manner by addressing it with AMW rather than taking it out on everyone else. This will do nothing for you except further discredit yourself, and make you look bad.

To reiterate, if you can come to me with a cancelled check from your bank, or credit card receipt naming Cory Soper as the payee than I will reimburse you. If you can't produce this then obviously I am not responsible and you should take this up with AMW and not me nor any other innocent businesses you are attempting to discredit.

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