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  • Report:  #83019

Complaint Review: American Poets Society

American Poets Society a ripoff 4 months later - Only 2 contacts from sender! No merchandise received! Baltimore Maryland

  • Reported By:
    Seffner Florida
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 07, 2004
  • Updated:
    Sat, October 23, 2004
  • American Poets Society
    600 Reistertown Road, Suite 200G
    Baltimore, Maryland
  • Phone:
  • Category:

On 11/06/03 I sent a fax of submission of poetry with credit card info to purchase book & plaque. I sent this fax because I was interested in receiving a book and plaque with my poetry in it after seeing American Poets Society's Website.

On 11/09/03,I submitted a 2nd request for electronic receipt via e-mail (I do not have record of 1st request). On 11/10/03, Charles sent me e-mail in which American Poets Society had processed my credit card for $84.50. On 11/11/03 I requested a "proper receipt" for my transaction which I received on 11/12/03 from Charles.

On 11/12/03 I asked Charles for a timeframe of when I would receive my merchandise via e-mail. He replied on 11/13/03:"You will receive your plaque in about 6 weeks through the post office and the book is scheduled for release in late January." This is the last personal correspondence I have received from Charles and American Poets Society.

I did not pursue correspondence with Charles until 2004. On 01/05/04 I requested an immediate reply by Charles via e-mail for an update on receipt of my book and plaque. On 01/15/04,Charles issued a mass e-mail to a bunch of us stating: "Hello,The book is scheduled to be released in May.Thank You."

On 02/25/04, a member of Charles' previous mass e-mailing requested an update with all of us carbon copied on her e-mail to Charles. Since the date of 02/25/04, I have been e-mailing the distribution list Charles originally e-mailed out to every single day,with Charles included as a recipient in these e-mails.

These e-mails I have sent out involved requesting an update from American Poets Society of our merchandise; informing local media of our dilemma of non-receipt of merchandise; requesting of information of other recipients of his e-mail their plight; and threatening prosecution for alleged fraud by American Poets Society to us, their victims.

On the date of 03/04/04, Charles finally e-mailed me with a vague update addressed "To Whom It May Concern" informing me that no one would be cheated out of their monies, but just to give American Poets Society "time and patience" to process their orders. This e-mail he sent was in response to an e-mail I sent to him, with a number of us carbon copied as witnesses; informing him I have made an F.B.I. complaint of American Poets Society. Please keep in mind I had already informed him in previous e-mails in which I had complained to the B.B.B. and my local media.

I only know the first name of Charles as the only "person" who responds to e-mails from the Company of American Poets Society. I do not know his last name. The only other name I have is Ms. Maggie Whitford, "Senior Editor" of American Poets Society. Ms. Whitford has never come forward to answer questions regarding my or any other person's order. I no longer have in my possession the contact telephone number for American Poets Society; however,when I did have this number it did not work.

My other concern regarding American Poets Society is the legality of status regarding my poetry. If I submit Poetry to an Anthology for publication, than this means my poetry gets copywrited to me. However, in this in limbo status, someone may take my poetry and publish it as their own work; thereby infringing on my creativity and ownership of this same Poetry.

This case I present to you not only involves me, it involves in estimate around fifty-five to sixty people in not receiving their merchandise they have paid for. I make this estimate based on the number of people Charles mass e-mailed on 01/15/04. At anyone's request, I can back up every single claim I have made either by facsimile or e-mail subpoena.

On today's date of 03/06/04, I have lodged complaints with - the United States Postal Service for American Poets Society not sending me Merchandise already paid for using the Federal mail system; the Federal Trade Commission for American Poets Society allegedly taking my monies and not delivering promised merchandise; and an inquiry of how to file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission since the use of telephone wires were used in American Poets Society accepting my payment of $84.50 via facsimile.

Will someone please help? I am tired of having to deal with this Company with no resolution!

Joseph Seffner, Florida

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Poetry Scams-Various Website & Organizations

4 Updates & Rebuttals



My Rebuttal to Past Responses in Favor of A. P. S. Regarding My Original Complaint, for the record this entity was very unprofessional

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, October 23, 2004

While I understand the Merchandise has been received by those who have rebutted my original comments posted above, I do state for the record this entity was very unprofessional in making their Customers satisfied with communication regarding status of publication and receipt of our poetry and plaques. I will also state for the record I have received the Merchandise I ordered.

However, as stated in my original complaint to, there were no return correspondences to my many queries of status regarding my order and publication. You, the general public, are satisfied with this mediocrity in Customer Service? I am not. Please know I had to contact the Attorney General of Maryland and speak to him via telephone and have a Case Number before I could get any kind of *real* update from A. P. S. of what was going on with my Merchandise order! Also, per my original complaint: I contacted the B.B.B., the U.S.P.S, the F.B.I., and my local media. In November of 2003 I placed my order; I did not receive my Merchandise until early Summer. Does this journey of receiving ordered Merchandise sound like professional and timely Customer Service to you? I say No.

Therefore, I implore you to think twice before you use this entity to publish your work while they take your hard-earned monies. Please do not forget the anguish in wondering if you were "ripped off!" Do you, the Customer, deserve this? I think not.


New Castle,

Not A Rip Off

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, October 22, 2004

I to sent in a poem to the American Poets Society and felt I was being ripped off due to the lack of response and not receiving the product which I had ordered. After some time and several faxes sent into the organization I received my product. After looking at all of the poems published in the book "A Treasury of American Poetry" I understand the delay in the receipt of the procuct. I am very satisfied with the end result.



not a rip off took a while but I did recieve my book

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, September 14, 2004

I am responding on the side of the American Poets Society. It took a while but I did recieve my book titled "Treasury of American Poetry" I don't know why these people are calling The American Poets Society a rip off. At first yes I thought I was being ripped off. But I realized it takes time to fill a book with hundreds of poems, then it takes even more time to put the book together and publish it. I now am a proud owner of the book which contains hundreds of peoms including my own. If any one still feels like they are being ripped off just be patient and you to will most likely recieve your book when possible. I, myself, was embarassed for the way I acted towards charles. I am sorry Charles. And I hope to be forgiven. I have my book and read it frequently.

Joseph douglas


American Poets Society ripoff of publication of Poetry and no receipt of book!

#5Author of original report

Sun, March 07, 2004

Like Linda in her complaint, the book I submitted my Poetry for publication is entitled "A Treasury of American Poetry" ISBN: 0-9743429-4-7. This Book was scheduled for publishing in December of 2003 with receipt by us in late January of same book.

"This is to confirm that we received and processed your order for 1 book and 1 plaque for a total of $84.50.

For each item there is $7.80 charge for Shipping & Handling. The plaque cost $38.95 and the book cost $29.95.

Thank You

Staff @ American Poets Society"

Above see the electronic receipt I received on 11/12/03 from Charles and American Poets Society.

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