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  • Report:  #856015

Complaint Review: american truck group

american truck group brad krumbeck straight rip off and scam. no respect gulfport, Mississippi

  • Reported By:
    lb — lanett Alabama United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 19, 2012
  • Updated:
    Sun, August 12, 2012

i wired american truckgroup 500.00 processing fee and a down payment of 5000. i was ready for closing. they gave me the run around about the truck and when it would be ready. i called, and they left me on hold constantly for lone periods of time. they promise to call me back and never did. i must have called around twelve time daily. almost a month later i went to closing on march 16, 2012. when i get there what they told me four in the half hours away in alabama was false.

they told me the truck would be rented week to week at 575 a week and tried to make me get there insurance package at 800.00 a month. that was that so called scam of a program with the 50/50 warranty and 30 day warranty and operation in 48 state which i didnt need. the reason for not telling people about the figure of a payment is to get you all the way down and try to stick it to you with a 3000 a month payment to them. the first year nothing goes toward your payments with a option to buy next year. by then u have made them around thirty thousand dollars and u dont own nothing.

they even have trackers on the truck so miss a payment and u done they scoop your truck up like sombody done stole it. well as i was signing my contract like a fool. i deciding to bag out brad krumbeck said u done sign the contract now with rage towards me i snatch the contract and ripped it up. i called the police to so call file a complaint . when they got there they did not listen to a word i said. he tried to say i pushed him but they let him arrest me on a citizens arrest for disorderly conduct in a business. only in mississippi racist is real strong. i spent time in jail for nothing and had to bond out. dont deal with this company. i will get justice.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

What a scam!

#7General Comment

Sun, August 12, 2012

I have been a professional driver, lease operator, and owner operator for the past 12 soon to be 13 years. And I can tell you first hand that threw leasing and owning my own trucks this program is a rip off. A $500.00 non refundable application fee when the contract was as you stated was blank and wasn't even signed? Renting a truck with a 50/50 warranty?  That's like renting a house and signing an agreement that if something goes wrong you will pay for half the repairs. If your "renting" the truck, you the owner of the truck should be legally obligated to pay for the repairs, maintenance, and up keep of that vehicle, just as any other rental company would. Then to force the drivers to use your plates at 2800 dollars? I can tell you first hand plates do not cost 2800 dollars! This past year my plates and permits cost me $1,872 so your charging nearly $1000.00 extra and wheres your justification in that? 
You are with out question taking complete advantage of drivers with bad credit. And even more so to charge fair market value on a truck that someone has paid all the maintenance cost, inspection costs, 50 percent to 100 percent of the break downs, has given you a 6,000 up wards of 10,500 in down payment costs I've seen listed on your site.
 So your taking a truck that the fair market value will drop approximately 12,000 dollars by the next year charging a 10,000 dollar down payment and lets just say 500 per week on a truck that costs 67,000 dollars. You have just charged your faithful customer 91,000 dollars for a 67,000 dollar truck. That's nearly charging 36% on a one year term, how can you pat yourself on the back for that. You sir are a disgrace and I hope the people you took advantage of get justice. 

Left Coast

Los Angeles,
United States of America

Are you serious?

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, March 27, 2012

Despite your well put rebuttal, there are lines of professionalism that have been crossed. In review of the reports with BBB,,, Attorney General ripoffreport, and more there is something going on over there. You guys may have a great program, facility, and more, but the 'spirit' of consumer satisfaction is OBVIOUSLY missing! If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck-it's a duck. You clearly possess the intellect to compose a 'make sense' rebuttal, but the threads keep rolling in. Stop candy coating the real issues and address them. Perhaps a liason of sorts to better project and execute what you are trying to put forth, but, for now it just appears to be a flawed program leaving many angry and compromised-NOT GOOD. How about a legit admin/ body that can properly problem solve, thus a PR 'make-over'. It wouldn't take much, but the devil is in the details.

American Truck Group

United States of America

Setting the record straight.

#7UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 27, 2012

To the original poster "lb"; we were referring to the $5,000 dollar down payment you took back when you chose not to engage in the program, not the application fee which is nonrefundable.  


To John with regards to contract disclosure:  We consider our contract to be a proprietary business tool and as such is considered Confidential Business Information.  Within our contract are sections detailing this sensitivity and specifies the confidential and trade secret nature and denying the reproduction of without our written permission.

This is not an uncommon business practice, we have hundreds of man-hours and thousands of dollars invested into our contracts' creation and we utilize it for the purpose of continuing business.  There are many companies that do likewise.  Whom anyone does business with however is entirely the individual's choice.  For more on Federal standards, please see: Protecting Business Information.

In the spirit of disclosure and good business we are releasing for the first time our requirement summary included with our application packet.  This is a good outline to some elements in our program and requirements for getting approved: American Truck Group LLC Rental Program Overview.


United States of America

these people are liers

#7Author of original report

Wed, March 21, 2012

the owner just responded to my message about them sayng i have gotten my money back thats a lie. i havent receive any of my money back.



Contract Problem

#7Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 21, 2012

Let me get this straight......... when you give a person a contract for consideration they're not allowed to take it home to review it and possibly have their attorney review it???  But if they sign it then they can take their copy home, right?

Something's not quite right here.

When credit card companies want my business they send me copy of the contract to review. If I don't like it I can toss it.

Your 'contract' must have rather embarassing elements in it for you to try this tactic.

By law, if a person hands you a contract for consideration the contract document ownership is passed to you. You are free to treat it as your property and remove it from the premises. If you later sign the contract and hand it back to the other party the ownership passes back. Rather simple.

If anyone tries this tactic in ANY business just walk away. You'll be glad you did.

American Truck Group

United States of America

Setting the record straight.

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, March 21, 2012

We will attempt to fill in the gaps of this statement and lapses of fact.

American Truck Group's rental program has many different elements and two types of warranty that are included.  The 50/50 Warranty is good for five years.  That is 60 months of coverage on parts both local and shipped to the customer as well as labor performed at our shop.  We offer free towing services within a 500 mile radius to help you get to us in the event of a problem and after the 500 mile radius, we charge only for gas and driver.  The 30 day warranty is a comprehensive power train where the customer pays only up to a $499 deductible in the event of a mechanical issue / fault.

The insurance package is far less than $800 a month.

American Truck Group offers cash sale trucks as well as trucks in our rental program.  While a client has an option to buy the truck they are renting, they are still renting the truck if in our rental program.  We do not know how to define 'rental' for a customer any clearer than calling it what it is; it is unusual for someone to be upset about not owning something they are renting and not purchasing.

This particular person decided to not enter the program and took his $5,000 down payment back, but attempted to take our retail purchase agreement with him which our Business Manager rightly would not hand over to someone who opted out of entering the agreement.  It is doubtful any dealership or business would allow a non-customer to walk off with a contract that they are not a part of.  Of course every single customer is furnished with their own copy of a contract when engaged in our program or upon purchasing a cash truck.

The physical altercation resulted in this person attempting to forcibly remove the contract from our Business Manager's grasp and when our Business Manager would not release it, began a tug-of-war ending when this person shoved the contract towards our Business Manager to cause him to lose stability and grip of contract at which point this person had forcibly taken the contract and proceeded to rip it into four pieces.

Mississippi is a proud state with many challenges of the past that leave an unjust impression on many who would prejudge.  It is extremely unfortunate this individual cites racism as an issue in this matter; it is untrue, unfair, and insulting to those who have suffered from any form of bigotry or racism and to those who strive make where they live a better place and approach all people as equals.  Any person who acts in a threatening or illegal manner towards any of our staff will be referred to law enforcement in a equal fashion warranted by their actions alone: regardless of race, sex, or any individual attribute.

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