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  • Report:  #1522542

Complaint Review: America's Medical system in America is completely incompetent:

America's Medical system in America is completely incompetent: Almost killed my boyfriend a half dozen times in 3 months Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Mariah — Phoenix United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, November 14, 2022
  • Updated:
    Thu, November 17, 2022

And every other country like Canada - Russia - China and every other major country in the world; they take care of their citizens and they don't rape them for more than half their salary for 3- different insurances under Medicare, under President Ronald Reagan you paid $45 a month and you had Medicare not part A not Part b not part c not Part d not part e not Part f and so on and they covered everything now you have to pay hundreds for each part which eats 90% of people's social security check and the people are not receiving the treatment that they're paying for because America only wants to profit the pharmaceutical companies so they can dump trillions of dollars into electing the president that they want in office so that they can commit criminal actions and charge people outrageous rates to kill them and they still do not cover the complete Bill like every other Nation covers and takes care of their citizens; (while the criminalized Democrat American government that allows the medical industry to kill citizens.

The criminalized pharmaceutical companies who steal from sick patients and are allowed to because the government does not stop them because the pharmaceutical company who votes them into office so they can commit criminal criminal actions against American citizens and sick patients and they do not cover the medical cost and treatments that are necessary to keep the patient alive and the insurance companies do not cover Medical treatments so that they can kill the American patients. While the industrialized other nations take care of their citizens, but in America the third world nation they only profit off of killing them. Medicare you have part A Part b part c Part d and most of the alphabet and they only cover certain things, what type of criminal action is this? Emotion's you pay $29 for a bottle of insulin but only in America do they allow the criminalized pharmaceutical companies to charge you $337 to $427 a bottle of insulin and most diabetics use 10 bottles a month and insurance companies won't cover it so they're killing outright killing diabetics but they still charge them for their medical insurance and don't cover them. When you pay for an insurance it should cover everything?

No questions asked like every other industrialized Nation like Canada China Russia Africa these countries protect their citizens. Only in the most criminal nation of America that pays the one world order over a trillion dollars a year to stay off the most corrupt country list in the world because every country knows America is the most corrupt country in the world. Only in America: They profit off of killing sick patients American citizens who pay these criminalized politicians who profit off of killing and not paying for treatment for sick patients: (This is pathetic) America should be ashamed of itself it needs to be following the leadership of Russia -China - Japan Canada who treats their citizens with respect because their tax money pays their salaries (but only in America do the politicians profit off of the sick people and are intentionally are killing them because they will not cover half of the treatments that they need under the insurance that they pay for. (America is a disgrace) it is the most corrupt criminal nation in the world. While Americans pay taxes all of their lives they received no benefits for paying taxes the politicians take American citizens taxes and they hand it over to the illegal immigrants and give them Free housing free medical free college free food stamps and we pay for it and we get no treatment for our tax money the United States government does not represent the people they represent the terrorist and criminalized illegal immigrants that they allowed to enter our borders illegally.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
United States


#5Consumer Comment

Wed, November 16, 2022

Is a poem about the most evil and corrupt place in the world, according to many. The poem is available at this site.

Just type in 646259 and scroll all the way down to Consumer Comment #2 at Ripoff Report #646259 in order to read it.

****Feel free to type in 668678 at this site and read through all of the consumer comments posted at Ripoff Report #646259. Pay close attention what is stated in Consumer Comment #16 and in Consumer Comment #89.



Highlands Ranch,
United States


#5Consumer Comment

Tue, November 15, 2022

Is only available at this site. Just type in 560128 and it appears in Consumer Comment #11 at Ripoff Report #560128.

Thank You

”The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you have to explode.” - Bob Dylan

”Almost everything you do will seem insignificant, but it is important that you do it.” - Mahatma Gandhi 

“All truth passes through three phases. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self evident.” - Arthur Schopenhauer 

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix

”Economy is the basis of society. When the economy is stable, society develops. The ideal economy combines the spiritual and material, and the best commodities to trade in are sincerity and love.” - Morihei Ueshiba


Highlands Ranch,
United States

Feel free to...

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, November 15, 2022

go to Bing and type in: DOUGLAS REED- THE CONTROVERSY OF ZION- SITE BY KNUD ERIKSEN, and click on Chapter 17 and read the first two pages up to where Jesus’ name is mentioned.

Then click on Chapter 15 and read it very slowly, at least two or three times, until you understand it.

Now you know who really controls America and why our country is collapsing. (This comment is being submitted at Ripoff Report #1522542)

Good luck to you!


Highlands Ranch,
United States


#5Consumer Comment

Mon, November 14, 2022

Is only available at this site. Anyone can type in 261157 at this site and scroll down to Consumer Comment #15 at Ripoff Report #261157 and read the poem.

Feel free to spread your Ripoff Report all over the worldwide web at sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook every day. 

Good luck to you!

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