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  • Report:  #164985

Complaint Review: Ameriquest Mortgage - AMC

Ameriquest Mortgage Company - AMC ripoff has appaisals fasleified to push through high interest rates and loan approvals Orange California

  • Reported By:
    Twin Lake Michigan
  • Submitted:
    Thu, November 17, 2005
  • Updated:
    Tue, December 06, 2005
  • Ameriquest Mortgage - AMC
    505 City Parkway West Suite 100
    Orange, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Sick and Tired of the Drama *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Sick and Tired of the Drama *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Sick and Tired of the Drama *Consumer Comment: YOU are sick and tired of the drama? Try being a customer of your sick ex-company. *Consumer Comment: Thanx Alabama *UPDATE EX-employee responds: I wasn't talking to customers but.... *Consumer Comment: I got your ponder! our frustration with your ex theiving, fraudulent company *UPDATE EX-employee responds: I think myself and anyone who reads this little debate between you and I would agree with me that you've got no leg to stand on *Consumer Comment: ameriquest and the borrower. *Consumer Comment: To Dave and Tom What world do you live in and have you ever been scammed by anyone? *Consumer Comment: Dave - Get an education before slamming people on here *Consumer Comment: apology - away from these ameriquest monkeys *Consumer Suggestion: 125% loan is a Second Trust Deed *Consumer Comment: Ameriquest knows every legal trick and every legal move to make and when to make it. *Consumer Comment: Ameriquest knows every legal trick and every legal move to make and when to make it. *Consumer Comment: Ameriquest knows every legal trick and every legal move to make and when to make it. *Consumer Comment: Ameriquest knows every legal trick and every legal move to make and when to make it. *Consumer Comment: Good Advice Thomas *Consumer Comment: you have got to be joking me - the audacity that you suggest no lender does a straight 125 loan is comical and i know for a fact 1/2 a DOZEN of them who do. *Consumer Suggestion: Wishful Thinking Tom *Consumer Suggestion: If you only knew *Consumer Comment: I'm sorry Virginia *Consumer Comment: There are a lot more preditory lenders out there that hire good sales people and do the same thing. *Consumer Suggestion: It's not ignorance *Consumer Suggestion: Tom, your experience in this industry is underwhelming

Ameriquest mortgage refinanced my home for me about 6 months ago and they had an appraisel company by the name of JBN Appraisels come out and appraise our home it came back really high, but I did not question it assuming they were using a repritable company to appraise my my home. I was given an extremely high interest rate of 10.65% in order to have our loan approved, we assumed that was the best we could get since non of the other companies were calling us back. Recently we have decided to refinance again to bring our interest rate down as well as our payments and when I called back the Mortgage Broker that helped us through Ameriquest who assured us and promised us that in 6 months we would be able to refinance and get out payments and interest lowered, I found out that she no longer works there and that Ameriquest told us in no uncetain terms they would not be refinancing us.

So we decided to go with another company who sent an appraiser out to our home, Ameriquests appraiser gave our home a value of $121,000.00 the appraisel we just had done is for $100,000.00, which according to a local realestate agent is an accurate appraiser for our area. Needless to say we owe $108,000.00 on our home through Ameriquest still, so becasue they paid this JBN appraiser Joel Nanzer over $400.00 for his appraisel he fluffed his numbers for them and because my home is not worth what I owe Ameriquest no one will refinace me and so they pritty much just totaly ripped me off and wil be able to continue to do so untill I pay the cost of my mortgage down, to what my home is worth which could take years, oh ya by the way the JBN appraisel company won't return my calls to confirm there appraisel amount so that we can get accurate findings either. Ameriquest has placed my family in a situation where becuse we can not get refinanced we are going to have to file Bankruptsy.

Twin Lake, Michigan

25 Updates & Rebuttals



Tom, your experience in this industry is underwhelming

#26Consumer Suggestion

Tue, December 06, 2005

For the readers of ripoffreport, here is a little info about "tom from gahanna" who always leads with ...I am a state licensed mortgage broker in ohio"....

Following is from a mortgage brokers forum he participates in. There is also a ripoffreport filed with his name in the title about ripping off other brokers.

Mortgage Agent

1842 Posts
Posted - 12/05/2005 : 5:15:24 PM

i was an newbie who knew nothing about mortages when i got here in august. You wouldnt believe the amazing things i have learned off the members here. This is the best site on the internet .




It's not ignorance

#26Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 02, 2005

The only ignorant people here are the ones who work for and/or defend Ameriquest. You are the ones who PERSONALLY ruin peoples lives and think it's ok as long as you get your check. That's ignorance.

We are all aware that Ameriquest is not the only one who hires inexperienced people so that they can teach them to rip off their customers.



There are a lot more preditory lenders out there that hire good sales people and do the same thing.

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, December 01, 2005

Beware. I worked for a company just like Ameriquest and finally got it. Lay off. Companies like this hire people with no mortgage experience so the loan officer doesn't know they are being preditory...they just think it is subprime. Warn the public-funny thing is you people that got ripped off by them think that they are the only company like that...funny the ignorace in this country.



I'm sorry Virginia

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2005

I so feel your pain. We have both fallen into Ameriquest's theiving, unethical pit of hell. It's horrible to know, from this site, how many individuals have been taken advantage of from this company. But, in a sick sort of way, it's comforting to know you aren't the only one. I hate that we are in the situation we are in but we just can't give up.

Last year, my husband began drinking and taking drugs and almost killed me one night. I suffered abuse for almost a year from this man and, needless to say, he's now my ex. But, even though Ameriquest's lying commercials state that they help their customers who suffer from "financial hardship", that they have this wonderful program to do so, it is all a farce. I was in weekly contact with them to keep them informed of what was happening but they just do not care. I sold my piano I have had since I was 6 years old and lots of other stuff just to send every penny to Ameriquest. They told me to send them my monthly bills and I would for sure be eligible for their so-called "hardship" program. I did so and, not surprisingly, I did not qualify. I believe no program exists at all. They did not care that I was hospitalized three times for three surgeries. I was just very lucky I still received a paycheck income was cut in half when I divorced.

Anyway, I just wanted you to know that you're not alone. Just don't let this scum company win. I know it's really stressful with day to day life along with the continual fight with Ameriquest but they will just keep putting people in our situation if we don't fight back. Believe me....I know it's hard to do. I've written letters to senators and the Attorney General so they are aware of how Ameriquest is treating their customers. I fed-x documents to Ameriquest at least twice a week knowing they only have so long to respond. They have made me miserable so it's their turn. They have now turned over everything I send to their "parent" company's legal department but it just makes me want to send more. I want to tie up at least one of their employees with responding to me, make it their full-time job.

So, turn that stress into something else, like writing to everyone you can think of and let them know how evil Ameriquest is and what they have done to you. I have even contacted a national radio talk show. I still have to get back with them but I believe they are very interested. I want everyone to beware and to never finance with a company as corrupt as Ameriquest.

Anyway, I will definately pray for you and hope, for all of us on here that have been taken advantage of, that someday soon this fraudulent company will shut it's doors for good. The employees are already getting a taste of their own medicine. They are now jobless as they have made many of their customers homeless. I hate that people lost their jobs but they knew when they began working for Ameriquest that the company was up to it's neck in fraudulent activities.

Take care of yourself and your family. There really are some of us out here that care about what happens to others and are not on here just to fight even though it seems I've been doing a lot of that lately. I just get angry and upset when I see how people defend them and I vent by taking out my anger against them. I know it's not right but it's hard not to do. This was a refreshing "vent" even though your story is heart wrenching. Just know I will think of you often and pray for you daily.


Twin Lake,

If you only knew

#26Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 28, 2005

For you non-Christian anti-God loving people, do you have no morals or human compassion for others? I spent 8 years being a single parent to a beautiful little girl whom I worked very hard to provide for for many years. After being told I would not be able to have any other children do to some major medical difficulties, my husband left my daughter and I to fend for ourselves. 2 years ago I found a wonderfull man who is good to me and my daughter and shortly after being engaged my a miracle of God I became pregnate, I was in The Fire Acaademy at the time, and my doctor told me that this would be my last chance to conceve, so I dropped out of school but kept my full time job, about 5 months into the pregnancy was told I would have to take a leave of absence from my job and be on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy, becasue my son tried to come 4 months early. Needless to say when it came time to return to work after being on disablity for suplamental income, my job had been filed in my absence, and the only job remaining for me within the company was for less hours and less pay,which I took because lets face it the work force in Western Michigan isn't the greatest, and I was due to attend EMT/Paramedic classes the following Fall,and would need to have less hours at work in order to attend. So as you can see, becasue of financial difficulties and me making less money we were unable to pay all of our bills and eventualy fell $6000 behind. So we refinanced with Ameriquest to take cash out of the equity of our home to get caught up,and yes at the time Ameriquest was a great help, but being the Christian that I am, when the Mortgage briker at Ameriquest told me it would be no problem to refinance in 6 months and we would get our payments and intersest rate back down to a managable rate, I had no problem believing her, becasue I was raised under the belief "do unto others as you would have done to you". Only, 6 months later that was not the case, the woman who assisted us no longer works there and the appraisers phone number has been disconnected and he does not return phone calls to messages I have left on his cell phone. So now that we are upside down as one individual had mentioned, no one will refinance us, and we are at risk of loosing our home, the first real home that my 11 year old daughter has ever lived in, and we decorated her romm and painted with horses, she loves her room and our house and becasue of the crapy business tactects Ameriquest used to help us out in the short run have truley harmed us in the long run, I would rather have had them come back and say, sorry we can not get your home appraised at an honest accurate amount and we will be unable to help you, than we payed an appraiser an exrta amount of money so he would appraise you home at some outragous amount so we could accomplish our goal of ripping you off, and making it seem like we were helping you.

So as you can tell the amount of stress my family is under trying to cope with the fact that we may lose our home, and that there is no one willing to help us out temporalry, not even our government, whos only solution is Bankruptys, my husband and I want to pay what we owe, we want to keep our home, but untill I graduate in about a year and hopefully get a better paying job, I don't see that happening, we have begged and borrowed from every family member we have just to keep food on the table and diappers on our babies butt. So for all of you who think I am stupid and that it was my fault I was taken advantage of, well I guess that is your jugdemental opinion of some one who is trusting of others and who just exspects to be treated as I treat others. I would rather not hear from any more people who don't have some sort of postive words or helpfull adice to give, that is the main reason why I joined this site,I was hoping others who like me were taken advantage of, would be able to tell me how to get out of this mess or at least people who would be willing to pray for us in our time of need. I have searched every web site I my apparently stupid little mind can think of trying to find assistance and or help even from our government just to stay afloat, with no success, so if any one out there can tell me anything that will help, well I look forward to hearing from you, if not well, I would rather not hear from you at all.



Wishful Thinking Tom

#26Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 28, 2005

Tom Why don't YOU get it together...
"whether u wanna carve it up as an 80 45 or a 90 35 'trust ' or whatever is up to you.

the point is they DO THEM. you TRUE idiot.

Again -YES you can Refi your whole property as a 125 loan . (what an idiot)"

Tom...the 125% loan is for a 2nd TD to give you 125% CLTV. It is NOT a single loan. Sure you can have a single lender do both loans, but there will be a 1st and a 2nd lien on the property. Each loan will carry its own interest rate. The 2nd TD will carry a pretty high rate probably making the blended rate bertween the 2 loans over 10%

Now as far as rate goes, this lady was given a 10.65% rate this past summer. Even by Ameriquest standards this is a very high rate. You gotta know that this lady has some credit problems going on there for that rate.

Tom, I'll bet there is at lest one thing you will agree with here. Homeowners refinance, refinance and refinance sucking all the equity from their properties. They pay prepayment penalties for nothing, just to get more cash out, payoff other debt, etc. You can see it when you are working on a new loan for yet again, another refinance. SOMETIMES...ya just gotta STOP. Deal with the present loan, be diligent to pay the house payment on time, pay your other bills on time and position yourself properly for a refinance and get out of the sub-prime hell.



you have got to be joking me - the audacity that you suggest no lender does a straight 125 loan is comical and i know for a fact 1/2 a DOZEN of them who do.

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, November 28, 2005

steve buddy from california

trying to question how i work and what i know as a state licenced broker here in ohio does nothing but bring surpressed -but bemused -laughter to my face.

the audacity that you suggest no lender does a straight 125 loan is comical and i know for a fact 1/2 a DOZEN of them who do.

whether u wanna carve it up as an 80 45 or a 90 35 'trust ' or whatever is up to you.

the point is they DO THEM. you TRUE idiot.

Again -YES you can Refi your whole property as a 125 loan . (what an idiot)

As far as 'aggressive' goes - you may have done improvements to the property, or otherwize have other contributing factors a LAZY appraiser may not. I have seen in my time one appraiser come back at 100 where another who did do his homework found 118 value due to a thorough cost anaylsis and special factors. Some appraisers rely on their comp data and rush thru the house already determined what the value is before they left their office. They are LAZY .

so either way. get a good appraiser. To refi away from ameriquest just for the piece of mind is not uncommon for many ex ameriquest clients.

you have to pay the prepay and yes pay refi costs anyways. now OR later. It aint gonna GO AWAY . Rates are going UP NOT DOWN.

So do the straight 100 or 80 20 , or i know a few lenders who do 103 and 107 loans - rate and term no cash out - And NO it doesnt have to be 10% or whatever the hell that clown is talking about.

If the value isnt there then there is the old
115 and 125 loan carved up refi. It may very well be worth it just to get away from them.

However, i want all those who read this post to make note of one thing . As i have taken great pains to try to give options to the beleagured homeowner other than:


or - well its your own FAULT u signed up -baited and switched or not ( see my first post)

I have tried to move forward and get you away from ameriquest with REALISTIC OPTIONS while good ol Steve buddy from California makes ignorant remarks about my post -and OFFERS NO SOLUTION HIMSELF TO HELP THE HOMEOWNER OUT.

why dont u do us all a favor steve and get lost you jerk.



Good Advice Thomas

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, November 27, 2005

Hello Thomas. I was involved in one of the class action suits and won a little money but the attorney took most of it.

I'm now looking for a lawyer but the last 2 that went over my paperwork didn't do a thing for me. One of them was good friends with Ameriquest's attorney. Anyway, I'm going to really do my research before contacting another lawyer.

I have written 3 congressmen, 1 senator and the Attorney General. I have corresponded with the Attorney General for a couple of months now. I was told to obtain an attorney since they can no longer help me out. One of the congressmen, Mr. Spencer Bachus, forwarded my letter to the Federal Trade Commission. I just received a huge document from them stating mortgage loan facts. Didn't really help too much.

I feel Ameriquest is making me miserable now so I have written and fed-x'ed at least 2 letters with proof of payments to them at least twice a week. They now forward my documentation to their parent company, ACC Capital Holdings Corporation (ACH) to a provider of legal services. She wrote back with the same bull I've been getting and I have responded. I know they have to respond within a certain timeframe. Some people have told me they don't see how I can stand to keep it up but if they were in my situation, I would hope they would do the same.

Again, thanks for the advice and I hope a lot of screwed customers fight back and not let Ameriquest take advantage any longer.



Ameriquest knows every legal trick and every legal move to make and when to make it.

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, November 27, 2005

Ladies and gentlemen,

There are a number of class action suits going on across America against Ameriquest. They are being investigated in 25 states. They have paid fines in at least 6 states and one state twice.

To fight Ameriquest you have to hire a lawyer and take your chances. You need to understand Aneriquest has deep pockets and big guns when it comes to lawyers. They will fight until the bitter end. They will make your life miserable during this time and you will feel like giving up. This is where Ameriquest wins people get tired of the long hard fight and walk away.

Ameriquest knows every legal trick and every legal move to make and when to make it. Ameriquest reads this web site every day to find peolple who are ready to walk away or use what has been written here against you in court or in your deposition. They are relentless and they are not going anywhere they get in every legal fight to win.

I promise they win more legal fights then they lose. BUT THEY ARE BEATABLE. Find a lawyer and get in the fight the more people that fight Ameriquest legally the more of a voice everyone will have.

Write your United States senator and congressman the owner of Ameriquest is up for an ambassadorship. If all you do is set home and complain on this site Ameriquest wins.

Ameriquest is being ripped apart but what you do not see on this site is simple they have started three or four more mortgage companies.

Good luck and please everyone get in the fight.



Ameriquest knows every legal trick and every legal move to make and when to make it.

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, November 27, 2005

Ladies and gentlemen,

There are a number of class action suits going on across America against Ameriquest. They are being investigated in 25 states. They have paid fines in at least 6 states and one state twice.

To fight Ameriquest you have to hire a lawyer and take your chances. You need to understand Aneriquest has deep pockets and big guns when it comes to lawyers. They will fight until the bitter end. They will make your life miserable during this time and you will feel like giving up. This is where Ameriquest wins people get tired of the long hard fight and walk away.

Ameriquest knows every legal trick and every legal move to make and when to make it. Ameriquest reads this web site every day to find peolple who are ready to walk away or use what has been written here against you in court or in your deposition. They are relentless and they are not going anywhere they get in every legal fight to win.

I promise they win more legal fights then they lose. BUT THEY ARE BEATABLE. Find a lawyer and get in the fight the more people that fight Ameriquest legally the more of a voice everyone will have.

Write your United States senator and congressman the owner of Ameriquest is up for an ambassadorship. If all you do is set home and complain on this site Ameriquest wins.

Ameriquest is being ripped apart but what you do not see on this site is simple they have started three or four more mortgage companies.

Good luck and please everyone get in the fight.



Ameriquest knows every legal trick and every legal move to make and when to make it.

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, November 27, 2005

Ladies and gentlemen,

There are a number of class action suits going on across America against Ameriquest. They are being investigated in 25 states. They have paid fines in at least 6 states and one state twice.

To fight Ameriquest you have to hire a lawyer and take your chances. You need to understand Aneriquest has deep pockets and big guns when it comes to lawyers. They will fight until the bitter end. They will make your life miserable during this time and you will feel like giving up. This is where Ameriquest wins people get tired of the long hard fight and walk away.

Ameriquest knows every legal trick and every legal move to make and when to make it. Ameriquest reads this web site every day to find peolple who are ready to walk away or use what has been written here against you in court or in your deposition. They are relentless and they are not going anywhere they get in every legal fight to win.

I promise they win more legal fights then they lose. BUT THEY ARE BEATABLE. Find a lawyer and get in the fight the more people that fight Ameriquest legally the more of a voice everyone will have.

Write your United States senator and congressman the owner of Ameriquest is up for an ambassadorship. If all you do is set home and complain on this site Ameriquest wins.

Ameriquest is being ripped apart but what you do not see on this site is simple they have started three or four more mortgage companies.

Good luck and please everyone get in the fight.



Ameriquest knows every legal trick and every legal move to make and when to make it.

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, November 27, 2005

Ladies and gentlemen,

There are a number of class action suits going on across America against Ameriquest. They are being investigated in 25 states. They have paid fines in at least 6 states and one state twice.

To fight Ameriquest you have to hire a lawyer and take your chances. You need to understand Aneriquest has deep pockets and big guns when it comes to lawyers. They will fight until the bitter end. They will make your life miserable during this time and you will feel like giving up. This is where Ameriquest wins people get tired of the long hard fight and walk away.

Ameriquest knows every legal trick and every legal move to make and when to make it. Ameriquest reads this web site every day to find peolple who are ready to walk away or use what has been written here against you in court or in your deposition. They are relentless and they are not going anywhere they get in every legal fight to win.

I promise they win more legal fights then they lose. BUT THEY ARE BEATABLE. Find a lawyer and get in the fight the more people that fight Ameriquest legally the more of a voice everyone will have.

Write your United States senator and congressman the owner of Ameriquest is up for an ambassadorship. If all you do is set home and complain on this site Ameriquest wins.

Ameriquest is being ripped apart but what you do not see on this site is simple they have started three or four more mortgage companies.

Good luck and please everyone get in the fight.



125% loan is a Second Trust Deed

#26Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 27, 2005

Tom in Gahanna...

The 125% LTV loan is a second trust deed type of loan, NOT a refinance of the existing 1st mortgage. I do not know of ANY lender that does this loan as a 1st mortgage. How is this going to help this original poster? She will still be stuck with Ameriquest as the holder of her 1st mortgage.

Secondly.....You made a suggestion that she try to find an "aggressive" appraiser to help her out with a higher value? What are you thinking dude? That is EXACTLY what got this lady in trouble to start with! And a "state licensed mortgage broker" as you claim to be, wouldn't suggest that an appraiser "push" the value 20% over the "real" value would you?

Sometimes, ya just gotta step up to the plate and deal with a shitty loan. Here are some facts that there is no getting around. The numbers are guesstimates, but probably pretty close. This will show why it is not possible to get away from the Ameriquest loan at the present time.

Existing loan balance $108,000
Ameriquest pre pay penalty $4,000
Loan cost to refi away $ $4,000

New loan would be for approximately $116,000 against a value of ????. Even if you did get an appraisal at $121,000, this would still be over 95% and at a HUGE interest rate! It would make your 10.65% look attractive.

So Tom, tell all of us readers exactly how refinancing of any kind would benefit this homeowner?



apology - away from these ameriquest monkeys

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, November 27, 2005

tom again from ohio

look -what i said above still stands, however it is like kicking you when you are down and i apologize. That doesnt solve anything.

What we can DO about getting away from these ameriquest monkeys is what this post should be about.

i suggest getting a 125 ltv loan to make up for the over appraisal. that will require generally a 640 fico and 2000 spare income per month called 'disposable' income


you can try working with another broker to try to get an 'aggressive' appraiser who can help with your homes value.

you can also do some 'improvements' to the property to help the appraisal.

hope this helps.




Dave - Get an education before slamming people on here

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, November 26, 2005

I actually had a great childhood and was taught to treat others with decency and respect, something YOUR parents obviously didn't do. I'm not trying to draw attention to myself, you moron, I'm drawing attention to AMERIQUEST'S FRAUDULENT PRACTICES. It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence to figure that out.

Yes, I do have "some type of fixation with AMC". When a company screws me the way I have been, hell yes I become a little obsessed and want everyone to know and beware. I hope there are many people, looking to refinance, reading the stuff on here and give their "7 FREAKEN DAY CANCELLATION" notice to the crooked rep who is lying through his/her teeth.

d**n, you are more stupid than I originally thought. You knew the fraudulent practices of Ameriquest and still got a loan with them?

Why did I sign? Because the theiving, lying reps gave me a bogus contract to read before closing. And when it was time to meet for their little closing deal, they hurried me through it so fast, telling me it was the same contract as I had read, that I actually believed the assholes. Yep, it was not too smart on my part to think these reps were honest, hard working people like myself.

Again, go back to school and get yourself some education, particularly in english. This is just an example of the intelligence level of Ameriquest employees or EX-employees.

I don't need attention thank you. I get enough of that right here at home. I just want to throw enough negative attention to anyone and everyone about the way YOUR EX-COMPANY preys on individuals with poor credit, individuals who have fallen on hard times and the elderly who are considered easy targets. I will continue to do so and if you don't like it, stay away from this site.

Speaking of feeling you think I feel sorry for all you whiners who lost their jobs? Hell no I don't. You all got what you deserved. I just hope you can find a decent cardboard box to live in. Kinda like the customers you screwed had to do when they lost their homes. DID YOU THINK ABOUT HOW THEY WERE GOING TO LIVE WHILE YOU WERE POCKETING THE MONEY YOU STOLE FROM THEM? I could care less what happens to you and all your lying buddies.

I don't have a leg to stand on? Is that why I pocketed a little cash myself when I won a class action suit against your f**kin' company? Why don't you just ponder that.

Bill & Ted


To Dave and Tom What world do you live in and have you ever been scammed by anyone?

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, November 26, 2005

The seven days that's a JOKE and a lie, I tried for five days to get a copy of the amended mortgage they said they would send waited and called got put off and put off, I still can't get a copy.

Ameriquest employees are shown how to scam people in to thinking they can re-finance in 6 month with out any per-payment that's a lie to.

Borrowers are not told they can negotiate the interest rate or anything that would help them make a good choice, Tom do you tell the Borrower?

I hope it MAKES you feel better to put someone down that's been ripped off by Ameriquest.

Can't you give any good or helpful advice?

Who are you really mad at?

Fraud n. the intentional use of deceit, a trick or some dishonest means to deprive another of his/her/its money, property or a legal right. A party who has lost something due to fraud is entitled to file a lawsuit for damages against the party acting fraudulently, and the damages may include punitive damages as a punishment or public example due to the malicious nature of the fraud. Quite often there are several persons involved in a scheme to commit fraud and each and all may be liable for the total damages. Inherent in fraud is an unjust advantage over another which injures that person or entity. It includes failing to point out a known mistake in a contract or other writing (such as a deed), or not revealing a fact which he/she has a duty to communicate, such as a survey which shows there are only 10 acres of land being purchased and not 20 as originally understood. Constructive fraud can be proved by a showing of breach of legal duty (like using the trust funds held for another in an investment in one's own business) without direct proof of fraud or fraudulent intent. Extrinsic fraud occurs when deceit is employed to keep someone from exercising a right, such as a fair trial, by hiding evidence or misleading the opposing party in a lawsuit. (See: constructive fraud, extrinsic fraud, intrinsic fraud, fraud in the inducement, fraudulent conveyance) damages)

To Dave and Tom GET A LIFE!

or maybe you will soon!

How many kids are homeless because of you and TOM, do you think about that can you sleep at night?

What if Kathleen was your sister or mother or grandmother would you say the same things to them?

Ameriquest doesn't care about Grandmothers Children or their employees they only want our $$$$$$$$$ MONEY $$$$$$$$

Dude if you don't have anything nice to say Go away.

Ameriquest The Nightmare Mortgage Company from Hell!

Why are you here anyway?



ameriquest and the borrower.

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, November 26, 2005

hi guys
i am a state licenced mortgage broker in ohio.
I utterly loathe the word ameriquest -in fact i wont even do a refi with argent.

i dont know about anyone else. But all of my borrowers knew exactly what they were doing when i got them a loan. I wont do a loan that will put them in a WORSE situation than before. I cant say the same for ameriquest.

But regardless of all this , just like ex employees, borrowers of ameriquest LOVE getting the ripoff loan -they dont make a sound, but then WHINE like bloody MURDER when they find out there is a REASON ameriquest over appraised their house.

the borrowers think they can get the better of ameriquest?

now stuck upside in their house thus unable to refi away -and if they did -would face a 5% prepay or whatever , also paying 3% interest more than they actually should -they scream bloody MURDER.

where was all this screaming at closing?

the only leg u can stand on is 'the rep told me i could refinance in 6 months '

thats it????????????

ummm -got that in WRITING anywhere?

how can u be so stupid to build your whole arguemnt and future on something verbal a SALESMAN told you ????

Look -i HATE ameriquest and their bullshit schemes. No wonder they have millions to spend on advertising. It dont come from giving YOU a great deal i can tell you that.

But any average joe with at least a couple of rocks in his head would NOT sign papers that were not the agreed terms. If they sign the papers -stands to reason they give up the right to whine about it later.


Grand Rapids,

I think myself and anyone who reads this little debate between you and I would agree with me that you've got no leg to stand on

#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 26, 2005

Did you have a bad childhood and get picked on a lot and the only way you can sleep at night is to constantly vent and draw attention to yourself? I see that you have something to say on almost every article about ameriquest that's on this site. Do you have some type of fixation with amc? Just to answer your question if I have my mortgage with amc...i do as a matter of fact!!! Your documents weren't the same at closing that you were quoted over the phone then why did you sign? You're saying that you felt bad because they worked so hard on it but now your bithin' and moaning about it!?!? It just doesn't make sense to me. If your documents were in fact incorrect but you still signed them you don't have anyone to blame but yourself. Christ again you had 7 freaken days to cancel your loan. I think myself and anyone who reads this little debate between you and I would agree with me that you've got no leg to stand on, no one to blame but yourself and are just looking for attention and someone to feel sorry for you!



I got your ponder! our frustration with your ex theiving, fraudulent company

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, November 24, 2005

You can't possibly understand our frustration with your ex theiving, fraudulent company unless you have your home mortgaged with them and I highly doubt that. You know the underhandedness going on there. I DID have a huge injustice done to me and...for your information, I was turned down by NO ONE before I signed with suckass Ameriquest. My ex-husband's credit was not so good but my credit was perfect. I believed what Ameriquest's so called stupid a*s commercials said. I thought they were a reputable company. HA! Was I ever wrong.

Oh yea I got sold you a*s but in the end your little shitty company will be the ones to pay. I've already won some money in a class action suit for all the lies I was told. And this scum company now retaliates every way they can. But, like I said, they will get their's in the end. Their employees are getting it now. I love reading how many have been laid off. Bummer, I'm so NOT sorry for them. I'm only sorry for you because you are such a hard-hearted, crude b*****d.

Ameriquest helped me out of no situation. They were supposed to consolidate all the credit debt my ex put us in. And what did they do? They paid off his 2 vehicles and ONE HALF of a credit card. Oh yea, they helped me alright. Then, they get people at closing, knowing how much work and time these individuals have put into getting a loan and know it's almost impossible to back away. I read the paperwork, a*****e, and somehow it was entirely different at closing time. Hmmmm.

Not all people are like you who want something for nothing. I wanted a decent interest rate and the f**kers now, after 2 years, raise it 2%. I knew they would 'cause they're still pissed off. They, and you, are the dirt beneath my feet. I wouldn't piss on either of you if you were on fire.

I can really tell you're an ex-employee of Ameritheft since you can't spell. Well fair is actually spelled welfare you moron. . I like your statement about lending 95% of the appraised value and it probably being 100% of someone else's. Not surprising. That's the Ameriquest way. Steal from one customer, then steal from another. I know all about your little training classes. d**n, wish I could learn to cheat people, lie to customers and steal their homes. Sounds like valuable training only an idiot like you would appreciate.

I happen to be one of the few fortunate ones who didn't get a bogus appraisal. I KNEW the value of my home. I just didn't know that I was signing a contract with the devil. I really don't give a s**t about your percentage question. Who cares? All I care about is getting even with this b*****d company. And I like visiting this site to read the whining of all the cry babies who have lost their jobs. I like to see bullshit like you write so I can write back and say what a lowlife jerk you are. PONDER THAT!


Grand Rapids,

I wasn't talking to customers but....

#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, November 24, 2005

I understand your frustration with Ameriquest as a whole but was it really the company who did you wrong or was it one specific person? Not everyone who works or worked there is evil and "out to get you." You're acting like you had some huge mis-justice done to you and you've actually upset me a little...I understand that you are pissy about it, but you got sold so get over it!!! It compares exactly for you paying to much for a car on a car lot or a new tv that you weren't good enough to windle the price down. Was it my fault that your credit was questionable and you needed a loan? I'll put any amount of money on it that you were happy as heck when you heard the words, "you're approved" because you had been turned down so many times before and you finally caught a break. so now you read all this bs that people are saying and you're buying into it. You had 7 days to read over your paperwork and to decide if the loan was good for you. Instead of reading over your documents you are now on here complaining about a company that probably helped you out of a tough situation that YOU got YOURSELF into!!! Everyone wants something for nothing, it's the American way. Look at all the people in America on well fair that have "pride" and "diginity" that they won't take a job at mcdonalds, but they'll take that check from the goverment the 1st of every month. People complain about the appraised values of their homes. Look at it this way, if ameriquest is lending you 95% of their appraisal it's actually probably 100% of someone elses appraisal. Do you think the rate is better at 95% ltv or 100% ltv??? which one is a greater risk??? ponder that and get back to me!!!


Twin Lake,

Thanx Alabama

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, November 21, 2005

I am sorry to hear I am not the only victim of such a RIP OFF SCAM, how ever I thank you for your support of such people who stand up for thier right to rip the rest of us hard working people off of our money. As far as Dave is concerned untill you have been a victim of such a crime you will never know what it feels like, and I hope such a thing does happen to you just so that you can take your finger and point it right back in your own face.



YOU are sick and tired of the drama? Try being a customer of your sick ex-company.

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, November 18, 2005

Dearest Dave,

I'm sick and tired of people like you who worked there and continue to work there but, as I have heard, for not much longer. Poor babies are getting laid off. Boo-h*o.

So you worked your a*s off. Big deal. You think you're the only one in America who does? Lots of us out here work hard but we work honestly. Don't even try to get people to think you weren't as fraudulent as the rest of them. If you weren't, you wouldn't have worked there long. You ex-employees of this theiving company make me sick. I'm sure your "morals" can be questioned. I've read enough on here and know you can have NO morals if you are/were employed by this shitty company.

The so-called reps that I worked with upon signing the contract full of lies are already gone. Good! Hope they are standing in the unemployment line now. Too bad you aren't.

Hope your "new" business doesn't fail. It will if you practice the unethical policies you learned at Ameriquest. I've heard all about how you were trained. I'm sure that great training of stealing and lying to innocent people trying to earn a decent living will remain with you in the business you claim you have now.

Why don't you tell everyone what your business is called? You probably shouldn't as it would turn many potential customers away. In fact, these customers would be running as fast as they could in the opposite direction.

Good luck with your "American Dream". But, I say dream on..........your record is tarnished by working with a company such as you have. You got out because you knew Ameriquest was going down. You knew thousands of employees were going to be laid off.

I'm NOT one of the "wanna-be's" of this sight by the way. I'm a customer that has been ripped off big time by people like you. You can take your new mortgage broker status and stick it. Hope you are treated as some of your customers have been.

Work your long hours sucker. Hope you don't, I mean, hope you make it.


Grand Rapids,

Sick and Tired of the Drama

#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 18, 2005

As my title says i'm sick and tired of all the drama surrounding Ameriquest and it's ex-employees that do nothing but complain. I worked for Ameriquest for over 3 years. I was a loan officer as well as a manager for the company. Did I work long crazy hours? Yes I did but I never complained about them. There is a reason they call their branches "retail branches," because it's RETAIL ORIENTED!!! I've worked in malls before so the hours of 10-7, 9-7, 9-9 did not bother me nor was it unexpected when I started. I have two older brothers who were in the car sales business for a combined 15 years. They worked as many if not more hours then myself. Not only that but they worked Saturdays and Sundays as well. I truly believe that most of you who are on this sight whining about how you were mis-treated and left because you had "moral issues" were nothing more then failures at Ameriquest and now are looking to make a stink because you didn't have the sales skills to do what it takes. I hold nothing against ameriquest, the company rewarded me for my dedication and hard work just like ANY OTHER SALES MINDED JOB!!! Were there some bad seeds in Ameriquest? Sure there was but you'll find that in any company that is the size of Ameriquest. People are always looking for the "easy money" whatever they are doing. I averaged 9 loans a month as an a.e. and I never did anything that would make me question morals. I averaged 9 million a month as a branch manager and made it very clear to my employees that if I ever even thought that they were doing something unethical that they would be immediately terminated. You're probably wondering at this point why I left a company that I think so highly of...I can tell you it wasn't because I was forced out or because I was burned out. I left for one simple reason, to try to live the American Dream! I know own my own mortgage broker office and one day can only hope it becomes as big as a company as Ameriquest and I become as weathly as Roland. That probably sounds greedy but each and every one of you who reads this thinks at least once on a daily basis what it would be like to have the financial comforts that the millionaires in America have. My theory on it is I will continue to work my tale off even if it takes me working 20 hours a day. I have the drive to succeed and the never say die attitude unlike the "wanna-be's" that frequent this sight and have nothing better to do then complain because they didn't freaken make it!!!


Grand Rapids,

Sick and Tired of the Drama

#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 18, 2005

As my title says i'm sick and tired of all the drama surrounding Ameriquest and it's ex-employees that do nothing but complain. I worked for Ameriquest for over 3 years. I was a loan officer as well as a manager for the company. Did I work long crazy hours? Yes I did but I never complained about them. There is a reason they call their branches "retail branches," because it's RETAIL ORIENTED!!! I've worked in malls before so the hours of 10-7, 9-7, 9-9 did not bother me nor was it unexpected when I started. I have two older brothers who were in the car sales business for a combined 15 years. They worked as many if not more hours then myself. Not only that but they worked Saturdays and Sundays as well. I truly believe that most of you who are on this sight whining about how you were mis-treated and left because you had "moral issues" were nothing more then failures at Ameriquest and now are looking to make a stink because you didn't have the sales skills to do what it takes. I hold nothing against ameriquest, the company rewarded me for my dedication and hard work just like ANY OTHER SALES MINDED JOB!!! Were there some bad seeds in Ameriquest? Sure there was but you'll find that in any company that is the size of Ameriquest. People are always looking for the "easy money" whatever they are doing. I averaged 9 loans a month as an a.e. and I never did anything that would make me question morals. I averaged 9 million a month as a branch manager and made it very clear to my employees that if I ever even thought that they were doing something unethical that they would be immediately terminated. You're probably wondering at this point why I left a company that I think so highly of...I can tell you it wasn't because I was forced out or because I was burned out. I left for one simple reason, to try to live the American Dream! I know own my own mortgage broker office and one day can only hope it becomes as big as a company as Ameriquest and I become as weathly as Roland. That probably sounds greedy but each and every one of you who reads this thinks at least once on a daily basis what it would be like to have the financial comforts that the millionaires in America have. My theory on it is I will continue to work my tale off even if it takes me working 20 hours a day. I have the drive to succeed and the never say die attitude unlike the "wanna-be's" that frequent this sight and have nothing better to do then complain because they didn't freaken make it!!!


Grand Rapids,

Sick and Tired of the Drama

#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 18, 2005

As my title says i'm sick and tired of all the drama surrounding Ameriquest and it's ex-employees that do nothing but complain. I worked for Ameriquest for over 3 years. I was a loan officer as well as a manager for the company. Did I work long crazy hours? Yes I did but I never complained about them. There is a reason they call their branches "retail branches," because it's RETAIL ORIENTED!!! I've worked in malls before so the hours of 10-7, 9-7, 9-9 did not bother me nor was it unexpected when I started. I have two older brothers who were in the car sales business for a combined 15 years. They worked as many if not more hours then myself. Not only that but they worked Saturdays and Sundays as well. I truly believe that most of you who are on this sight whining about how you were mis-treated and left because you had "moral issues" were nothing more then failures at Ameriquest and now are looking to make a stink because you didn't have the sales skills to do what it takes. I hold nothing against ameriquest, the company rewarded me for my dedication and hard work just like ANY OTHER SALES MINDED JOB!!! Were there some bad seeds in Ameriquest? Sure there was but you'll find that in any company that is the size of Ameriquest. People are always looking for the "easy money" whatever they are doing. I averaged 9 loans a month as an a.e. and I never did anything that would make me question morals. I averaged 9 million a month as a branch manager and made it very clear to my employees that if I ever even thought that they were doing something unethical that they would be immediately terminated. You're probably wondering at this point why I left a company that I think so highly of...I can tell you it wasn't because I was forced out or because I was burned out. I left for one simple reason, to try to live the American Dream! I know own my own mortgage broker office and one day can only hope it becomes as big as a company as Ameriquest and I become as weathly as Roland. That probably sounds greedy but each and every one of you who reads this thinks at least once on a daily basis what it would be like to have the financial comforts that the millionaires in America have. My theory on it is I will continue to work my tale off even if it takes me working 20 hours a day. I have the drive to succeed and the never say die attitude unlike the "wanna-be's" that frequent this sight and have nothing better to do then complain because they didn't freaken make it!!!

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