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  • Report:  #88617

Complaint Review: Amway - Quixtar - Rich DeVos - Jay Van Andel

Amway - Quixtar - Rich DeVos - Jay Van Andel Ada - Michigan Robin Hoods in REVERSE! Ada Michigan

  • Reported By:
    LakeStation Indiana
  • Submitted:
    Thu, April 22, 2004
  • Updated:
    Sun, March 09, 2008
  • Amway - Quixtar - Rich DeVos - Jay Van Andel
    7575 East Fulton Street,
    Ada, Michigan
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Ada, Michigan Robin Hoods: in REVERSE!


On October the 9th, 1989, the Lowndes Family gave birth to a new infant baby boy. They named him Jordan Kenneth Louis Lowndes, after his Dad. The birth was normal and Jordan's Dad (yours truly) was there in the Delivery Room and cut the umbilical cord.

Shortly after Jordan was born it became very apparent that Jordan might have some really serious problems. He was very hungry but refused to be breast fed. We had to use bottle and formula food, which he would devour very quickly but moments later, he would throw it all back up. He began to lose weight - as most newborn babies do right after birth, but Jordan had trouble putting any of it back on. We began what would become a very long process of going to many Doctors, Medical Clinics and Hospitals.

In the months following, Jordan had 2 Cystic-Fibrosis tests, even though Jordan is Black and it is extremely rare for Black babies to develop this condition. (Jordan's Dad is white). Both tests results came back negative. Jordan had many, many other tests performed. All test results came back as not indicating he had any of the conditions for which he was being tested. Doctors would come back somewhat optimistic and say that Jordan did not have this or that particular condition(s) for which he was being tested. But they did have trouble telling us what he DID have. Meanwhile, Jordan was continuously prone to ear and other infections, and constantly prone to high fevers. These were regularly treated with Amoxicillion and pain relief medicine, but each time the medicines were gone or had run out, Jordan was feverish and sick again. Constantly.

Finally, we began to lean what was bothering Jordan. He had a reflux condition that prevented him from keeping his food down, and there was medicine to treat that. He was diagnosed with severe asthma, and there was medicine to treat that. Jordan, an infant, had his own oxygen tank installed in his bedroom, and a monitor to alert us when he would stop breathing in his sleep. Then we were to learn Jordan had yet another condition. This condition is most commonly known as "the Bubble Boy" condition, an inherited condition that left him without any trace of "B" Blood Cells, immunogloblin blood cells. These are your body's first line of defense against infections and disease. It's other name is the Primary Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The distinction of this with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (which affects the "T" cells) is that the child afflicted with PIDS is born with it or it's tendencies, in their genetic make-up. Some PIDS kids do benefit from AIDS Research. Many parallels exist, even though the conditions are caused differently.

Against this backdrop, we had NO medical insurance. None. Many Doctors agreed to treat Jordan knowing there was no money up front to pay the bill. Many finally told us not to come back unless we came up with the money. We had to find a way to come up with a large amount of money that would not only cover the mounting medical costs and expenses, but on an on-going basis on into the future, with no known stopping point.

The Plan: (And now, the "Missing" [i.e., STOLEN! ] 450,000 MCI Sign-Ups)

We did come up with a plan. We thought that we "owned" an Amway (now Quixtar) "distributorship" We received advance word that Amway/MCI/Quixtar - [for those who do not already know, Amway (Quixtar) distributor/employees can (or could) enroll phone customers from other long-distance companies onto MCI long-distance service] - was set to increase it's payment from $2.00 to $10.00, and in addition, was set to increase the bonus points to 25 PV/BV. Translated, this meant that if we could find a way to collect a minimum of 600 MCI sign-ups in one month's time, we would not just collect $6,000.00 (600 MCI sign-ups times the $10.00), but another $4,040.00 on top of that as additional ( at "just" the Ruby acheivement pin level ! ) bonus money. This means that from a base of 600 phone number conversions on up, they are worth $16.73 EACH! - AND this amount does NOT INCLUDE the alleged "lifetime" residuals! (Which translates to over $200,000.00 per month, based on an average of $30.00 long distance per phone line, per month, times 450,000 estimated telephone numbers [an extremely CONSERVATIVE estimate] - - times for all the years since DeVos and Van Andel BEGAN their ONGOING THEFTS)
Now "all" we needed to do was come up with a way to physically collect that many, possible even more!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

- >
- Add $6,000 PLUS $4,040.00 = $10,040.00 (at just the "old ruby" bonus level !), then divide this total by 600 phone numbers, this equals $16.73 for Each Phone Number.
You then Multiply $16.73 times 450,000 phone numbers, which is a very CONSERVATIVE, real-world estimate of the projected results of our direct-mail campaign, to even begin calculating the damages inflicted.

NOTE: AT&T, which then controlled 70% of all long distance phone lines, (regardless of political inclinations) estimated their loss to this effort to be at least as high as 5% of their total customer base.
When they arrived at this calculation, they immediately PUBLICLY SUSPENDED their EXPOSED contributions to Planned Parenthood. (For more info, read on...)
This took place in May of the same year. Planned Parenthood was furious in their response, placing Full Page Ads in major newspapers, denouncing this move as "corporate cowardice."
BTW, A 5% loss is way more then the 450,000 number projections above, which again, is why this estimate remains extremely conservative. Rediculously so. In reality, we anticipated well over 1 Million phone line conversions from AT&T - -

Well, we did find a way to do that. In fact, we put together a means to collect HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of MCI sign-ups, and do it ALL within a fairly short period of time. (About 4 to 6 months).

With God's help, we just solved all of our problems! With God's help, we found a way to become 100% "self-insured." We could now face all those Doctors with the confidence of knowing that we were going to be able to pay all that we already owed, and that we could pay for all of Jordan's medical needs into the future, "indefinitely."

We got our second wind and were re-newed and enthused at the blessing that this meant for meeting our Families needs! Knowing with concrete certainty that our son and each one of us would be able to obtain the best medical care!
From complete darkness and much despair to pure sparkling Sunshine!

And Along Came Amway / Quixtar:

We were genuinely excited but also cautious. We had to confirm that what we were about to do was also "permitted" in the Distributors "contract." It was - - at the very least, there was nothing in the "contract" that presented itself as an obstacle. PLUS, there was abundant evidence from other "official" Amway (now Quixtar) sources that ANY direct mail campaign you could configure, if legal, was permitted, BAR NONE, regardless of the product area you selected. (THEIR own words, not mine!) [EVIDENCE DOCUMENT & REFERENCE: Amway Brochure L-2956-SA-B (1988)] (MCI being the obvious product area we selected). Although it was clear that a call to Ada, Michigan was NOT necessary to confirm what we already knew, we did take that extra step, and we did place that call. We sat down at our little kitchen table in New Jersey, and asked to speak with the legal department and the "rules" administration department.

They, meaning corporate Amway / Quixtar itself, told us directly that there was nothing wrong with what we had in mind to do and simply to "go for it." We then asked if they would be willing to put the results on computer floppy disks for us, and if they would help us "track" the groups we were going to be working with to insure that each one would be paid for all the results they would produce. We were instructed to call them later about getting it placed onto floppy disks - that this was a definite possibility, but that the responsibility and job of separating the different groups results from each other would need to be done by ourselves. Knowing this in advance was obviously important!


So we eagerly launched out into the deep, so to speak, to obtain the results our plan would accomplish! Meanwhile, Jordan's medicine continued to be enormously expensive. We HAD to spend money to get it from the pharmacy. We knew our difficulties would soon be over, but we still needed money now for his medicine if we had any hopes of keeping him alive. We spent gas heat money, water in the faucet money, electric money, finally, rent and phone money on Jordan's medicine. Some little bottles of medicine cost $90.00 and more. [Gosh, how irresponsible of us NOT to have spent it all on Tapes, Books, and Seminars, eh? Heck ya, we should have let Jordan just die, is about the mentality of some who visit this information. Sheesh!] But without the medicine, Jordan would die. What would you or any other loving parent do, given the same set of critical life threatening circumstances?

To our Shock, Horror and total Dismay, we were about to enter a very long voyage, one that to this day we are still on. Amway/Quixtar, unknown to us, - we did not suspect a thing, was about to ABORT the plan we conceived! Completely unknown to us, Amway/Quixtar was going to SLANDER US to the very folks we were working with, behind our order to get them, OUR CUSTOMERS- CLIENTS, NOT AMWAY / Quixtar's Client-Customers - to NOT participate with us!

Very Important: These were indeed OUR Customer-Clients, NOT Amway/Quixtars': Amway/Quixtar had NO legitimate business in their behind-our-back contacts. ABSOLUTELY NONE! Even IF we broke ALL the Rules, which we never broke even one, read on.....

- - In order to in some cases, to get the collected MCI Sign-Ups sent in NOT TO US, BUT TO TOTALLY BY-PASS US AND TO SEND THEM IN DIRECTLY TO AMWAY/QUIXTAR!


And when corporate Amway/Qixtar started down this cold, bloodthirsty path of betrayal and absolute treachery, they did so in a totally STEALTH manner:



But hey, Notice or No, They had NO LEGAL STANDING and they still have NO LEGAL STANDING.
On point, they never will.


- - I wonder if Amway / Quixtar has ever heard the expression,
"pick on somebody your own size"?


They certainly know how to portray themselves as "little" in Court, verses my Family! Speak about total perversion of "logic".....
"Waaa, waa, waa." .... GROW UP Corporate Criminals! Look in the mirror!
Why folks did you know that Amways' DeVos and Van Andel are now obsessed with BLAMING my little Family with VIRTUALLY EVERY problem they now encounter?
Like how "we" shut them DOWN in Communist China? How we "forced" them to engage in all out Treason Against the American people - - in order to re-open and how they "had" to totally violate their promise to "Distributors" NEVER to open retail stores to sell out of, like they are now doing over in RED China?
Bizzare, but absolutely True, folks! If there charges had the slightest element of truth in it, we would have used "our great powers" to have them make CHRISTIAN RESTITUTION in total, and this information you are now reading would NOT ever again appear on the Internet. In fact, this information would NEVER have been made Public had they ever had the presence of mind to act in accord with their own best interest!

[Others are afraid to publish mirror sites that contain this information. Many are also afraid to provide current links to this information.]
Christians will and do seek to right all wrongs, eventually, not maintain them, unless of course, the professing deluded offender is NOT a true Christian.
Even the AUTHOR-ity of the HOLY Bible is NOT something or someone the De Vos and Van Andel households ever submit to. But by golly, you had better! Them too!
DeVos and Van Andel rarely experience a nano second where my Family is not now the main focus of what they are thinking about.

And yet another silly thing; They are totally afraid that we might attend church - - with them! To this I ask, "Why if you think of us as such needy sinners it seems not only you would want us to attend your church, you should be offering to insure we get there, with a ride in a limo, if need be, to convince us to attend!"
But NO, they are far more concerned that we WILL attend. I promise that if or when we attend, if they are in the Sunday School Class, I will respectfully, personally serve them coffee. I am a Gentleman. Tough as nails on all who rise up against my Family, but always, a Gentleman.

Relax! Ye silly self-confessed con men criminals and thieves! It be you that is harmful and dangerous, not I and not my Family. Be real men for one time in your sick deluded lives, speak to me directly!

You are only successfully conning yourselves!
The temptation to think of you as DERANGED & DISEASED PIGS is all too often a compelling temptation! Please, forgive me, if this be my greatest offense!

The following summarizes what we did and what corporate Amway / Quixtar did. The amount of money in this dispute involves several Millions of Real Spendable US Dollars. ["Someone" is indeed spending them, but NOT our Family] As you become familiar with the details, please keep in mind that we have never yet been properly compensated by corporate Amway / Quixtar for our tremendous loses!

Instead of issuing just and proper compensation, Amway / Quixtar "thinks" it is a "better idea" to seek to use intimidation to CENSOR this important information: To keep decent folks like yourself from knowing about what this reveals!


It is a principal of human nature to hate those whom you have injured. - - Tacitus, Agricola
[DeVos and Van Andel fist disrespectfully harmed us, and now they permit themselves to engage in UNPROVOKED ALL OUT HATRED of my Family.]

An Open Letter:
A Letter Already READ and UNDERSTOOD since 1997, by many Hundreds of Thousands Across America, and the World!
The folks mentioned below have ALSO read this letter.
Their "comprehension" skills do seem to be sorely lacking.

Ever hear the phrase, "Stuck in Stupid"?
In the Fall of 2001, a Federal Court bestowed upon me the Honor of being faulted of DeVos and Van Andel "losing" 5 BILLION Dollars! Do the Math.
They STOLE and they CONTINUE to STEAL from my Family, tens of millions of dollars. Are the ongoing THEFTS, (er, "investments"), truly worth the losses they now encounter by means of the Truth getting out and becoming known.

I always teach my children, CRIMINALS are ALWAYS STUPID!
They ALWAYS expect to get away with their CRIMES. They ALWAYS PAY far more then what they originally sought to gain. No, I did NOT "do them in." No, this site is totally one of their own creation.

They continue to justify it's presence. They literally hate us. Instead, they should THANK US. Our many years of silence resulted in a SPECTACULAR BURST of growth! We gave them YEARS to do the right thing, to make Christian Restitution to us. They refused! Without provacation, they hate us whom they STEAL from! They have the RAW nerve to hate US!

The literal fires of HELL await their impoverished souls! Truly, May God have Greater Mercy upon them!



"...I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle,
then for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."
- - Matthew 19:24 - -

"THE FOLKS:" Rich DeVos, Jay Van Andel, Rich DeVos, Jr.,
Steve Van Andel, & The Entire Amway/Quixtar "Policy" Board, past and present;
[CAVEAT Emptor: We got "into" Amway NOT to A) be ripped off, NOT to B) be sued,
but to C) make and to D) earn and to E) be paid our own EARNED money. That's it, period. What a "novel" concept, right?

That was our sole "Agenda." Why, "how dare" we, eh? Makes us seem kind of "bizarre"? Yes, folks, we are just plain "horrible."]

In early 1990 I called both your offices about this supremely important matter. I was told I could expect a return call from you Jay. Your office Rich, told me that you were on your way to Europe. Neither of you has ever returned my calls. My phones still await your rings. Do not be afraid, you won't DIE from making the phone call. As you are well aware, Cynthia Scott-Fitzgerald (the in-house lawyer whose employment you later "terminated") and Sue Kessler have been the only ones I was to hear from. Cynthia called me once and during the course of the call she initiated, offered to settle with me 3 times. Later she denied ever having done so, meaning that on your own behalf, she acted in total bad faith.
But I guess that is what she was paid to do for y'all, eh? Anyway, she did that real well.

As you know, I engaged in a direct-mail campaign offering Amway/Quixtar/MCI services. My approach was certainly unique ...and well within the parameters of the [Documents] Amway/Quixtar Code of Ethics, Rules of Conduct and of course, the Business Reference Manual.

> Item Evidence Document: In the Amway/Quixtar produced "Freedom" Network video (AL-4622), the distributors and prospects are encouraged to build an Amway business to fulfill several "dreams" including that of "giving to your favorite charities."

> Item Evidence Document: The Pro Motions Newsletter of October '87 (re-printed and re-circulated a second time as an insert to the Amagram in 1989) has an article titled Direct Mail: Everybody's Talking About It. The article encourages distributors to engage in direct mail solicitations. It states, "Direct mail narrows the audience to a select list most likely to buy."

It, the Evidence Document also states, "The advertiser sends a mailing to members of a prepared list. The list can be bought from a list broker or it may come from some other source."

> Item Evidence Document: Amway/Quixtar brochure L-2956-SA-B ('88) states:

"Turn giveaways into income";

"Make more money out of your own special interests";

"Ideas that are tried and true, timely and varied over every product area."


[Gosh, how dare everyday folks take folks like you at your very own (written) word, eh?
What fools we all are who continue to do so, right? THAT IS OBVIOUSLY WHAT YOU REALLY "THINK." Given your history, this indeed is how you "think."]

To gain access to mailing lists in a manner designed to be affordable, as well as profitable to both myself and the organizational heads I solicited, I made a simple quid pro quo offer to numerous pro-life and pro-family groups leaders. The premise was simply:

Send Amway/Quixtar/MCI applications on my behalf to your mailing list and my distributorship, for each one returned, will pay (UP TO) $5.00 to you as head of your organization. NOTE: We did not single out only non-profit groups. But if we had, what contractural difference is that? You guys NEVER prohibited that anywhere in the written contract. How much is ink, if you intend to exclude it? You found enough money for the ink, in 1994, many years later. Too late, and AS A DIRECT RESULT OF MY WARNING TO YOU THAT TO BE LEGAL, IT HAD TO BE IN THERE!


Along with the offer was included documentation of AT&T's contributions to Planned Parenthood and the N.O.W. Legal Defense Fund. I also explained that after meeting the needs of my Family, I would be using my profits from the MCI/Sign-Ups to start up a major pro-family pro-life newspaper - The Constitutional Free Speech Forum - (Ironic that you knew the title, and knew "way back then" that you were attacking even the Creation of The Constitutional Free Speech Forum) to challenge the "Liberal" media bias in a significant way. (Folks, this is something that Amway/Quixtar's DeVos & Van Andel never did, not even when "Amway/Quixtar" owned the Mutual Radio Network - Amway/Quixtar flat out REFUSED to challenge the dominate liberal media bias - - they just kept it going! It was only all about the money!)

Given the information referred to above ....coupled with a reasonable appeal and a handy Lowndes Family owned and issued Amway/Quixtar/MCI application, many pro-life persons (Hundreds of Thousands) would have then switched their long-distance service from AT&T to Amway/Quixtar/MCI. It was fast becoming a "cause celeb" within pro-life & pro-family groups, nation-wide!

I calculated that once just one group accepted and implemented my offer that this would immeadiately convince still others to do the same. As you know, the Baptists for Life (based in Grand Rapids) did accept the offer and they mailed my Amway/Quixtar/MCI applications to their mailing list.

Other large organizations were quickly lining up as well to become involved.

Dr. Jack Wilke, then President of the nation's largest pro-life group, the National Right to Life, was extremely interested and had expressed genuine excitement over the potential of the NRL's participation. Dr. Wilke and I spoke by telephone after I had made my original offer by regular US Postal Mail.

Then I learned from Mark Blocher of Baptists for Life - But unfortunately NOT from YOU - (as IS required IN the "Contract") that representatives from corporate Amway/Quixtar (Sue Kessler and one or more of her co-horts/associates) had been contacting BFL, alledging to them AS IF A FACT that I was doing something illegal or improper ....and "confiscated" (STEAL) our MCI applications!

After finding out what had already transpired between Baptists for Life and corporate Amway/Quixtar, I reluctantly put a hold on moving forward with the NRL and the others. I rightly suspected that corporate Amway/Quixtar/MCI representatives would repeat this pattern of confiscation [STEALING] of my applications and damaging my reputation with various leaders of pro-life and Christian organizations.

I have spoken with Don Widlmon and Allen Wildmon of the American Family Association since I had also made the same offer to them. They had expressed the expectation that through their organization alone they would have brought in several millions of dollars by their own participation.

This extremely Wrongful, Harmful, and unrepentant Intentional Interference of Amway/Quixtar/MCI representatives has literally cost the Lowndes "distributorship" -- along with my former upline - - Millions of Real Spendable Dollars in actual profits.

But far more than all of this, this has also nearly cost our Family the Life of our very much loved son Jordan.

It is reasonable, fair and just to declare that representatives of Amway/Quixtar and/or Amway/Quixtar/MCI grossly violated the relationship between corporate Amway/Quixtar and our "distributorship". **(See the Federal Judges Letter below) I strongly suspect that most folks reading this Open Letter will also agree with this, as it is a reasonable, rational, and logical contention - unless of course we are and or were being handled/miss-treated as Amway/Quixtar "at will" employees! But even then, it is still NOT right NOR proper to "take"[to STEAL] just because you suspect that you will or you may get away with it! Not even from other Amway/Quixtar payroll employees!

At the very least, they should have followed honorable proper procedures and contacted me first (along with my former Direct), rather than taking precipitous and presumptive actions such as contacting MY customer-client(s) (BFL others), and confiscating (STEALING) our Families MCI applications, and the financial value in terms of Dollars that they are worth.

They also appear to have transparently violated Federal and/or State Laws regarding: A) Mail Fraud, B) Theft by Deception, C) Telephonic/Wire Fraud, D) Price Fixing, and E) R.I.C.O. Statutes.
Corporate Conspiracy to unlawfully obstruct a Federal Political Campaign.

[Heads Up, State and Federal Agencies! But of course,
they are RICH, so, "let us" just "overlook" these "little" indiscretions!
Heck, the Lowndes Family is interracial anyway, AND poor. Who cares?

Today, our son Jordan's severe medical needs would have all been met and my own Dream of the Constitutional Free Speech Forum would have also become a reality if Amway/Quixtar/MCI had only done the only right and proper thing in the first place:

Left it alone!

(Hey, never let "them" STEAL your dream, as they say, only now, ironically, this includes corporate Amway/Quixtar itself):

It was, after all, MY Family business, - - according to THE (now discredited and totally worthless) written Contract, AND NOT Amway / Quixtar's business. But, we were sorely miss-treated and handled as "at will" employees of the Amway/Quixtar corporate entity, - - WITHOUT our consent, WITHOUT our permission, thus VIOLATED, with Substantial and OBVIOUS Real harm, still on-going.

[Whistles, Bells, Alarms: All 50 States Workmans Comp
Boards - - Please Take Careful Notice!

Had corporate Amway/Quixtar desired to assert that it did not want OUR Families MCI Applications thus generated, (and strictly for a just cause, mind you), we would STILL have RETAINED the Opportunity as well as THE RIGHT to SELL them DIRECTLY to MCI,

But corporate Amway/Quixtar = Rich, Jay the "Policy" Board, your "business" and not mine, CRIMINALLY DEFRAUDED our Family even of THAT potential, legal outcome.


Our Family has been living in a World of an Articifially Sustained Poverty, Imposed At the On-Going, Continuously CRIMINAL Will of Corporate "Amway / Quixtar": From within this World, we were STUNNED by a book entitled, "Compassionale Capitalism," authored by DeVos, one of our Family's Principal Compassion-less Offenders! INCREDIBLE GALL, eh!?!
This book was the trigger that set everything else into motion.


*** "THOSE G-D D-MNED HALF-BREEDS. THOSE BASTARDS WILL NEVER SEE THEIR MONEY!" - - "quote" heard SATANICALLY mouthed by DeVos & Van Andel, regarding paying the Lowndes Family their own fully earned money, in a "dream." *** (for illustrative purposes only)

Meanwhile, my Family STILL awaits OUR own EARNED money. We have NO interest in corporate Amway / Quixtars' SCUM money, just a proper and a legitimate interest in OUR OWN FULLY EARNED money, which corporate Amway/Quixtarred continues to improperly withhold [STEAL] from our Family to this VERY day. Why is it that you folks have so much COVETEOUS interest in OUR money? Tell us all about it, please!

YO! Corporate Amway/Quixtar ...:in words we all easily understand: Social Darwinian, Survival of the Fittest, GREED! Law of the jungle! Might makes right. Ends justify the means. Just everything 100% CONTRARY, what? (More like, to WHOM?) To the plain and truly Compassionate teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Listen Up:

Rich, Jay, and children, each one of you are seriously GUILTY of an extremely grievous offense. Your excuses all count for nothing. For the sake of your very own Eternal Futures, you each need to, at all ALL potential, (and falsely perceived) cost to your self-perceived personal reputations, turn things around for yourselves, and FAST.

You have already lost the war for whatever values your personal reputations once were worth. YOU SOLD YOUR BIRTHRIGHT ALL FOR YOUR PASSIONATE LOVE OF .... MONEY!
Everywhere you now go, in your Church, your neighbors, your business associates, all of them are now whispering about this enormous moral failure you have embarked upon.

Really now, It's over, folks.
(Think Baker-Swaggart). Our own Family does not hate you, however, we certainly HAVE lost ALL respect to, of and for you. You have become to us, total scum, and wealthy super leeches.
Congradulations, eh?

(Time now for y'all to reflect on the how the Emperor had no clothes on. The only idiot fool that did not know was the Naked Emperor. The fool never understands, eh? We call this, "STUCK IN STUPID!")

There are no sound reasons left for anyone to be trusting Amway="Quixtar.conned." Since no one can in good faith TRUST them, how can anyone rationally justify doing any "business" with these In-REVERSE Robin Hoods?

When corporate Amway/Quixtar eventually FAILS to PAY you, please don't be overly surprised, especially since you read this warning here FIRST! Vendors, as well as Distributor/Employees!

If distributors must be treated (unlawfully) as "at-will" employees by you, where are our Health Insurance Benefits? Where is the proof that Amway/Quixtar has ever paid for the privilege to handle us as employees by securing our Mandated by Law, Workman's Comp Plans? Where are our paychecks? If we are NOT corporate Amway/Quixtar employees, where is there any of the slightest indication that Amway/Quixtar has respected the "integrity" of an alledged independent-contractors type of Lawful relationship?

(Just as soon as corporate Amway/Quixtar addresses these questions head-on, their answers will be posted here for all to freely examine, - - Fair Enough? -- Amway/Quixtars' CONTINUING Failure to Answer is telling us all that there is left to know about the WHOLE STORY. Amway / Quixtar's wacko "conspiracy theories" pale in comparison to "Jerry Flectcher," eh? Get OFF that "China Syndrome." You comitted your TREASON against our Nation all for the LOVE of MONEY.)


Kenneth L Lowndes,
Jordan's Dad.

PS: Former Amway / Quixtar Distributor (employee?) for the 10 years beginning in 1984, lasting through the end of the year 1994.

NOTE:This dispute first erupted in early 1990. Amway/Quixtar never terminated my Distributorship, I did, a full 4 years after the Amway/Quixtar corporation contact violations and CRIME FAMILY THEFTS began. There have been many additional scrimishes SINCE then.
In fact, the most recent visit from DeVos and Van Andel lawyers was during the Fall Season of 2,002.
This alone is further and additional proof that WE the Lowndes Family, never violated our end of the "Contract." We lived up to and fully respected our end of the alleged "deal."
But UNPROVOKED, they did not respect us.
They do not respect you either.

A.D.A. # 538871 A.D.A. # 538871
A.D.A. # 538871 A.D.A. # 538871
The following is a letter from a former private Attorney who is now a Federal Judge, who was ready and willing to file in Federal court, a lawsuit on our behalf and AGAINST Amway / QUIXTAR.

However, we could never afford even the costs of waging the suit, even though this lawyer was working on a 1/3rd contingency fee basis.

Suing a Multi-Billion Dollar, Multi-National Entity is NOT THE SAME as suing the guy who rear ends you when you are stopped at a traffic signal. A Lawyer will still get his full cut, BUT the COSTS of waging suit MUST BE PAID as you go. This easily climbs upwards into the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of DOLLARS. We had little resources, and what we did have, most of it, went into purchasing medicine to keep Jordan alive!

"Amway" knows about this "obstacle" and bets you won't ever sue them, no matter WHAT they do wrong to any one of us little guys. Most of the time, they are right. The Courts today are a Rich Mans' paradise. Ask yourself: "WHAT resources do you have to take them into Court, should or when they begin taking your money?"

The reference to sanctions below is to a bluff by Amway / QUIXTAR that they would file for sanctions.
In a related phone call with Attorney Alan McKay, he said that we would retaliate with a Motion for Santions AGAINST Amway / QUIXTAR, and that we would WIN, and that Amway / QUIXTAR would LOSE to such!
And the penalities would have been very high for the Amway / QUIXTAR corporation, as such sanctions are USUSALLY based on one's ability to pay.

The costs, being very high for our struggeling Family, had to be paid for by us in ADVANCE.

We could not afford to take Amway / QUIXTAR into court, which is the sole reason we never did so. Our limited money was primarily going into the purchase of expensive medicines.

We were destitute broke! (Now thats a good, no, a GREAT reason for Amway/QUIXTAR to take/STEAL from the poor - - to keep and to give to them "rich" selves! We all know how important it is for them to live well from off our backs, how terribly unimportant life and health for our own children is, them!):

March 10, 1994

Mr. Ken Lowndes
4 Cross Keys Road
Berlin, NJ 08009
Dear Ken:

Many months have passed since our last communication and I apologize for that; I have been straight out. I have continued to do research on our claim against Amway and to discuss with colleagues the risk of sanctions if we were to proceed with suit.

I have satisfied myself that there is no substantial risk of sanctionsmerely for filing suit; the cases say that sanctions are appropriate when a suit is brought without any factual basis for bringing it. That is not the case here.

Please drop me a note or give me a call to confirm you still are of a mind to go forward. If so, I am ready to do so.


(Former private attorney, and now a Federal Judge - This Letter is Made Public by the fully informed consent and approval of Federal Judge Alan McKay!)

Lake Station, Indiana

4 Updates & Rebuttals



My Account is Anything BUT "B.S."

#5Author of original report

Sat, March 08, 2008


This guy is a millionaire whining because his co-conspirators bilked him out of being a billionaire. Why? Who cares!! We are just criminals. THEY are ORGANIZED crime. I know them! Harder than a w***e's heart. This sob story is B.S.!

I am not at all certain this needs a reply! But here goes:
I am NOT a millionaire. I am financially poor.
I am not now nor ever, about to be or to become, a billionaire.
Other than that, sir, your Post is truly bizarre!
Submitted: 7/22/2007 11:54:44 AM
Modified: 7/22/2007 9:29:59 PM Philosopher
Bowie, Maryland

Further investigation of the complaint
Kenneth presents this compelling argument but I question his truthfulness. Amway sued him along with Proctor & Gamble because he'd libeled them and presented this story. I, too, have issues with the way Amway/Quixtar is presented to most of us, but this story makes no sense to me.

Well, it does, in context. Without citing precisely what it is that makes no sense to you, there is no answer to this except to suggest that you re-read the account I have given. It is totally Documented with sources FROM Amway itself.

Amway doesn't need to cheat people out of their commission or bonuses, and it doesn't serve their interests to do so.

I am not at all sure what you mean by saying "doesn't need," and, "it doesn't serve their interests to do so."
People who own and run Amway lack ethics, and they have done lots of things, with the benefit of hind-site, that makes no sense. Including, they ripped off Canada, plead guilty, and paid the largest fines in the history of ripping off Canada.
If you eliminate arrogance and corruption from consideration, you can apply this to ALL who do such things, and then claim, "it makes no sense."
It does not make GOOD sense, but they DID rip off my family, and they truly felt they could get away with it.
People can do evil, and these people not only can, they are the evil they do. itself would never exist, if people running companies only engaged in good, sensible, lawfully legitimate, ethical, business practices.

What Amway alleges is that Lowndes runs a web site linked to a schwartz web site linked to Proctor & Gamble. He sites this story, and others that have no credibility.


Amway's DeVos and Van Andel did indeed sue me in Federal Court. (In violation of their alleged Christian beliefs, found in I Corinthians 6:1-10).
HOWEVER, they did NOT sue me for Libel!
NO, they accused me on being involved in a Conspiracy WITH Proctor and Gamble and with Schwartz, to "implode Amway, destroy their 'business,' make them drop like a rock."
It was laughable!
I told the Court, "Your Honor, I can only WISH it was true!" [That there was such a conspiracy as they had alledged!]
NO! They accused me of CONSPIRACY, and even this Court RULED that there was NO CONSPIRACY.
Had my car not broken down, and had I not needed to drive 120 miles EACH way to the Court house, their "lawsuit" would have been tossed out in very short order.
They are crooks, criminals and liars.
The only thing lacking is their faces BEHIND prison bars.

Since I believe links aren't permitted, I cannot provide appropriate links, but there is a mlm survivor website that gives full details of the case and quotes the lawsuit filing so you can read for yourself what is said.

You too ought to take the time to READ their "lawsuit"!
From what you say here, it is clear that you did NOT READ it.
I base my conclusions on my several years in Amway/Quixtar, and I'll be filing my own report of the issues I see with this organization.

Great! Please DO SO!



Further investigation of the complaint

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, July 22, 2007

Kenneth presents this compelling argument but I question his truthfulness. Amway sued him along with Proctor & Gamble because he'd libeled them and presented this story. I, too, have issues with the way Amway/Quixtar is presented to most of us, but this story makes no sense to me.

Amway doesn't need to cheat people out of their commission or bonuses, and it doesn't serve their interests to do so. What Amway alleges is that Lowndes runs a web site linked to a schwartz web site linked to Proctor & Gamble. He sites this story, and others that have no credibility.

Since I believe links aren't permitted, I cannot provide appropriate links, but there is a mlm survivor website that gives full details of the case and quotes the lawsuit filing so you can read for yourself what is said.

I base my conclusions on my several years in Amway/Quixtar, and I'll be filing my own report of the issues I see with this organization.




#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, April 07, 2006

This guy is a millionaire whining because his co-conspirators bilked him out of being a billionaire. Why? Who cares!! We are just criminals. THEY are ORGANIZED crime. I know them! Harder than a w***e's heart. This sob story is B.S.!



Shorten it down! .. ample evidence of EXTREME anti-humanitarianism on the part of Van Andel and DeVos

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, May 08, 2004


I think you have a great report here, and ample evidence of EXTREME anti-humanitarianism on the part of Van Andel and DeVos. Is there any way you could shorten this down and make it a bit more understandable? I have read through the entire report a couple of times and cannot for the life of me figure out what is going on here.

Omit the finite details and give us a brief synopsis of your story. Extremely long winded reports rarely get any rebuttals because people don't want to take the time to read through your entire case history. You're not seeking legal help here, just getting the word out.

I hope your son is doing well now, he'd be about 15 years old now right? I know what it's like to have a kid with serious medical problems. My daughter had four major surgeries, including a liver transplant, in the first year of her life. Ironically, one of those surgeries was conducted in the DeVos Children's Hospital (yes, it's the same DeVos) where she spent three of the first nine months of her life.

If you ever make it Grand Rapids, Michigan you will notice that the influence of the DeVos and Van Andel families is extreme (Ada is basically a wealthy suburb of Grand Rapids). There is the Van Andel Arena, DeVos Hall, The Van Andel Medical Research Center, the Richard DeVos campus of GVSU, the Van Andel world trade center, and probably a few other buildings that I can't think of right now.

As far as I'm concerned their philanthropy is just a means to keep the prosecutors off their backs. These guys have made BILLIONS by scamming people for decades and virtually invented the pyramid scheme. I hope to read a more concise version of your story in the near future, best of luck to you.

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