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  • Report:  #1514045

Complaint Review: Andrew K. Scott

Andrew K. Scott Andy Scott, Drew Scott, akbrews Liar Predator Cheat Chicago Illinois

  • Reported By:
    D10001 — Chicago United States
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 30, 2021
  • Updated:
    Tue, November 30, 2021
  • Andrew K. Scott
    Chicago, Illinois
    United States
  • Phone:
  • Category:

How does he get paid? He tweets all day as akbrews. Is friends with pedophile Guy Hamilton Smith until he became too unpopular, and with racist Craig Ettinger until he became too openly racist. 

Text from:

Beware, beware, beware, @akbrews.

This will either surprise you, or it won’t. I’m making this statement because it pertains to a community as a whole, and involves someone who may abuse their power or position against others. That person is @akbrews. No one should dox. Raid, throw hate, or anything else at him; I don’t want him to be canceled. I know he goes by a different first name, but I’ll be referring to him as Ken throughout. I messaged Ken on October 1, 2021 in a flirtatious manner, and made my advances crystal clear; I was trying to flirt and f*ck around.

We went from twitter to texting and then phone calls and securing very quickly. I’m brand spanking new to law twitter. Brand new. We have cute FaceTime dates, and i ask him outright if this is his first time dating post separation; he nervously says yes, then he’s so discerning about whom he trusts on twitter. And he would never, ever engage in the type of talk that he and I do with anyone else. So after we agreed he should come visit me November 19, 2021 for a whole weekend of date like shenanigans, I found out October 21, 2021 that he was married.

When confronted on the issue, he assured me the person who told him that wouldn’t actually know he’s separated, that he keeps that very close to his chest. We continue on, with no problems until November 7, 2021 when he tells me he’s lied. I’m not the only person he’s been speaking to, or even considered dating. That he’s been in emotional affair, and is in love with another person from twitter( that is not his estranged wife) and has been for over a year. That this person is his first choice/priority and while he’s sorry, we end things.

He sounds so reasonable in saying it, and how sorry he is that we get off the phone and I feel like the unreasonable one. I actually digested that he admitted to lying to me on multiple levels; that he never told me the truth about whatever his marital status is, That the entire time he had not just me, but another woman entirely separate he’s been pursuing for over a year; all while calling out other men on lawtwitter for the exact. Same. Thing. That he had me call him Ken, instead of his actual first name, so he could claim it was proof I didn’t know him as well as I said I did; because everyone who KNOWS him called him this first name.

I realize that he’d laid these pitfalls from the jump, so if things ever did sour, he could easily demonstrate that I was off my rocker. At this point, I’ve exchanged intimate information with him, and I do this at the risk of him spreading or sharing that intimate information.

The next few weeks I’m processing what’s been said, and how’s he’s behaved; Ken told me prior to all of this that he takes great joy in standing up and calling out others for poor behavior, and had implied he’d been involved with “ crazy people” harassing and haranguing him for years. I begin to get a knot in my stomach, and begin to suspect that Ken is going to do everything in his power to isolate, gaslight, or make it clear I am as unwelcome as possible in the twitter “ sphere.” I have had confirmation of this now, of him advising people to block me on sight/en masse because I was determined to hurt him.

Cut to Friday, November 26. And one of the confessions posted on #Fridayconfessional
“I had a woman on lawtwitter pursue me in an aggressive and gross way,
and despite turning her down she just
won't go away. I'm genuinely worried
about the fall out blowing up in my

This is fairly specific Ken language. I didn’t even need to ask, to know that it’s his. When I DO ask him and confront him that I just know it’s something he’s say, he finally admits that yes, that’s his confession, and “ it’s on you if you saw yourself in aggressive and gross.” No. I’m not. I just know that when push comes to shove, Ken will throw anyone under the bus in an effort to preserve his reputation.

Aggressive and gross. It’s also specific language to the 4 people who came to me the week prior to thanksgiving, and apologized for believing I was “ aggressive and gross” and that they had been warned off of me by someone who said I was a nut job.


Twitter has taught me that no matter how feminist/ fair a man claims to be, no matter how #metoo friendly he is, when confronted with bad behavior by a woman, he will always, always, always fall back on how crazy and aggressive the woman is. There will be exceptions to this rule, I’m certain. Ken is not one of them.and for every performative time he’s said “ believe all women” I have no doubt he’s shamed a few into silence.

Through a series of fortunate events, Ken is blocked by the person he has hurt most here( I am not speaking on her behalf and will not name her or any other parties that I know of.) That lead to him calling me Friday, November 26 in which he called me a crazy bi*ch, told me this was all my fault and that I had ruined his happiness, and told me to do everything in my power to fix it. He tells me over and over and over that I did this from jealousy, from wanting to hurt him, and he works to isolate me in such a way as to know nothing I’ve ever said was confidential; that he knows everything I’ve said to anyone, and that anyone I had confided in felt sorry for me. And used me for gossip. It lead to even further texts gas lighting and telling me I had, again, caused all of this. I will posts screen recordings and a pdf of this part of the conversation. And that brings us here today.

I’m a consent queen. I adore positive feedback. Throughout our conversation, I regularly peppered Ken with “ if you don’t like me, or if this isn’t what YOU want, you let me know. I even joke about “ I will not be one of those people canceled on twitter”. He always answers in the affirmative; yes, I want this.

When we spoke Friday November 26 though, he’s flipped the narrative to me having forced this upon him that I did things he never consented to or wanted. Or that I knowingly made him uncomfortable. That I was so inappropriate with him, that I had, in fact harassed him. I have no idea how many people Ken has poisoned already in private, These allegations are serious, and thus are why I’m making this statement, publicly now.

I don’t know what’s going on with Ken. I don’t know why he lied, or spoke to me the way he did. I don’t know why he lead at least two people from here, in addition to his wife. I don’t know what the appropriate steps, or response is. I would not feel that it was necessary to say, or share any of this but for the fact he’s already begun his campaign to paint me as a mad hatter, who only exists to harass others. No. I won’t stand for that, and I will not allow someone to privately humiliate me and yet demand that publicly I do nothing to counter that statement.

There are others out there, with stories to tell that aren’t mine. I would encourage them to come forward. There are other people I know will be shocked, won’t believe me, or will try to buy the narrative Ken prepares. I also know that as new as I am, there’s not one incentive to believe me, other than it’s the truth, and I have nothing to gain from this. In order to further demonstrate that proof; I have put all of our text conversations into a PDF; Names/information about other parties has been redacted. But they are in context and have date and time stamps. I will not be linking that publicly, due to sensitive content, but I will provide it privately if requested. I absolutely, 100% would rather eat glass than be saying any of this. But there are others he’s already prepping to be his next supply of attention. And I firmly believe that everyone moving forward has a right to know just who this person in their midst is. I don’t know how to end this in an eloquent manner,so.

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