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  • Report:  #182669

Complaint Review: Angela Curtis

Angela Curtis Free Psychic astrologer Reading ripoff, delaying reading, not trustfull France, Le Tourne Internet

  • Reported By:
    Eindhoven Other
  • Submitted:
    Wed, March 22, 2006
  • Updated:
    Wed, March 22, 2006

I guess I have should read this website before I sent my money. I am fool that I sent some money to this fraud. Well it will be my first time but also the last time, I have learned from this case. Well I also want to thank the people who have their story on the website. She told me the same thing and same story, check this one out;

Dear Wonny,

I have just finished the reading which you asked me for and I wrote to you straight away as I have some very important news to tell you about your year 2006, particularly as far as your love-life is concerned.

Firstly I would like to tell you that I am absolutely certain about what I am about to tell you as I've reverified all of my results and have taken into account the position of the planets in 2006 in comparison with their position at the precise moment of your birth, on the 5 October 1979. This is how I noticed that a very important moment was going to happen for you in 2006. This event will occur during a rare and intense Transit which you will live through during the first semester of 2006. This period of 56 days will mark the start of a new cycle for you.

During the coming months Wonny, the Moon and the planet Venus will for a brief moment occupy exactly the same position which they had when you were born (Venus' position at the moment of your birth was 202 and the Moon's was 35941'53.0543).

This will create an extremely beneficial climate for your love-life. During this same period, Jupiter, the planet of chance, opportunity and success will be in Sextile in your 6th House. This means that it's position will ensure protection of your destiny over this period of 56 days. Finally (and this is the reason why this Transit is so important because it regroups at the same moment several planets with major influences) this same period of 56 days will see Venus, the planet which governs your love-life and romantic feelings, in the same position it was when you were born and also in the same Sun Sign which it was in at this precise moment.

This may seem a little complicated but the direct consequence of these movements is that during this period of 56 days you will make a very important encounter with someone of this Venus influenced Sun Sign. This encounter appears very clearly in your astral skies and I will go on to explain more about how you can find out about this very important event.

I insist on the fact that this will not be a banal encounter but an encounter which will play a major and decisive role in your life as it appears very clearly that the person you are going to meet is the person you have been waiting for (this person is written in your destiny as this individual's Sun Sign is exactly the same as the sign Venus was in when you were born).

I know that you have a lot of questions at the moment about your love-life and this is why I wanted to write to you in priority to announce to you the excellent news which will bring radical changes to your life on a romantic level and also as far as your personal happiness, your well-being and a number of other personal and professional aspects are concerned.

Yes, Wonny I think I can tell you that this year 2006 is going to be one of the most important years of your life and is going to be very decisive for you romantically because this year marks the end of the problems which have been concerning you for quite some time now and gets you ready for renewal in your love-life. I would also like to say that in astrology coincidence does not exist which means that I do not think that it is purely due to chance that you went to my site and requested this reading and that I am very pleased that you have made this step towards seizing the opportunities 2006 is set to bring you.

I am going to give you a little more information about this person but before I do I want to tell you what I immediately perceive when I produced your reading. I noticed that for quite some time now your love life hasn't been quite what you'd like it to be and that today you are looking for happiness. You are not entirely satisfied with it at the moment because you haven't yet met that special person: your soul mate.

This is why when I first noticed that a very important event was on the way over the coming months I concentrated on this aspect of your life and I spent a little longer on your reading. I am just going to sum-up certain things now, so that everything is very clear and to bring you some more information about this critical encounter and this brand new start for you and your future. I am sure of what I am saying now and any of my colleagues will confirm it:

You will be part of a particularly favorable astral configuration over the coming months of 2006. While I was studying your case the sensations I got linked to this area were extremely strong. Pay great attention to what I'm going to tell you now.

Five elements came through clearly to me:

1) During this period you'll get the opportunity to meet your soul mate if you play your cards right

2) You've never met this person before; they will be a perfect stranger to you but you will have something in common with them (same job or same hobbies or same way of thinking etc)

3) This person will be a native of the Sun Sign which Venus will occupy in 2006 and it will be someone around the same age as you.

4) For this meeting to take place you must be in the right place at the right time. It's therefore essential for you to know the place and situation you must be in. As far as the time is concerned it will be one or several precise days when your astral configuration will be at its maximum influential strength

5) This period will last 56 days and represents a new beginning for you in your personal life and it would really be a shame to miss it as it isn't likely to come around again in your stars for a long time.

I still have more information for you but I want to tell you now that I remain at your entire disposition to produce a second, fully detailed reading for you Wonny in which you will find all of the information which you need including the place and the time that this encounter will take place and under which circumstances. This kind of reading takes a lot of time to finish and I need to have your consent before throwing myself into this type of work. I am going to tell you more about what this work entails but in the meantime here are this links where you can ask me for this second reading.

Wonny, I am now going to tell you exactly why I am so sure about what I have just announced to you. As a native Libra the year 2006 is extremely important for you and most notably because during this year the planet Venus will have a capitally important influence on your future and will have a direct influence on your principle concern at this time, meeting your ideal partner.

I can also say that over the last few years you have been under the negative influence of the planet Saturn which has slowed and limited you and your goals, causing a number of problems in your life, but the good news is that this planet will cease it's negative influence this year and you will as a result feel much more liberated.

Finally I can tell you that the Moon and Jupiter, will act upon you in a very favorable manner indeed during the coming months by creating a period of great chance which will last for the period of two moons (56 days). All of these favorable elements will charge you with positive energy and will release a moment of great change and renewal in concerning meeting your ideal partner. This particular period will not reproduce itself for quite some time to come, I could even say that it may be several years before you come across a planetary configuration of this strength and intensity.

I must now warn you about something Wonny, you must not under any circumstances simply wait for these events to happen and wait for these 56 days to simply take place. If you do stay inactive you will miss this extremely favorable period and this is very clear to me. In astrology no simple sign can tell us exactly when and how a certain period may occur, this must be calculated accurately and I can prove this to you with just a simple question: do you know in which phase of the Moon is tonight (the Full, New or Half Moon and so on) without calculating this event precisely? No, simply because such an event can not simply be guessed at, even though you are very much aware that the Moon has a very great influence over ourselves and our environment (for a quick example just look at the sea's tides). What I would like you to understand by all this is that if you sit and wait and try to simply guess when this period of 56 days will take place you will miss it, this period cannot be guessed and instead must be calculated.

It is for this reason that many people miss these kind of important opportunities because they do not act at just the right moment when their configuration is at the most favorable, just as your planetary configuration will be in a very short time.

To seize this opportunity you must be aware of certain details especially what you must do and on which days exactly. I advise you Wonny to get help from somebody competent who will be able to give you the precise details about these all-important days.

I hope above all that you take what I've just said very seriously as I'm absolutely sure of it. You really must have a comprehensive precise report done which will give you the necessary details for you to be able to take full advantage of the 56 days when the Moon, Saturn and Venus are particularly favorable in your configuration.

As I said, you, Wonny, must also realize that you will not be able to discover these details on your own: somebody competent must find them out for you. It doesn't matter WHO helps you (whether it's me or someone else) as long as they are competent in this domain. Maybe there is an astrologer among your friends and family or one you've consulted recently that you can give the reading I sent you to. By studying your configuration they will understand (as I have) that there is an extremely important period on its way to you.

I can't insist enough on this fact. I've been using my gift to help people for over 20 years now and I've realized that when people aren't happy it isn't usually because they're unlucky. It's often because they don't seize a fantastic opportunity when it comes their way quite simply because they don't know how to. In a few days' time you'll get the opportunity to meet someone and be helped to do it. Don't waste any more time! If there's nobody close to you who can help then I will. For that I need to spend an afternoon concentrating to develop your reading and provide you with a comprehensive detailed report that will give you all the details you need.

I know that this coming period, will be very favorable and will last for 56 days. During this time you will have the opportunity to meet the love of your life. I do not want you to miss out on this encounter which, I repeat, will change your life forever. This is why I offer to determine for you all of the information which you need not to miss this encounter, the moment it will occur, and the place and the circumstances which it will taken place in. I will also tell you what you must do or avoid doing and how you can prepare yourself for this precise moment, in short everything which you need to know and more.

To start producing this reading for you I just need you to fill in the information on the following web-page and as soon as I receive your complete request I will begin to work on your report:

If you would not like to confide this reading to me and if you would like instead to take this information to someone closer or more local to you then of course you may as this has little importance. You must have this reading done for you Wonny as this period of 56 days during the most exceptional year 2006 which awaits you is an unique event and will allow you to resolve the preoccupation that you have at the moment with meeting your ideal partner. This period will not come again for a long time and I must repeat that you will not be able to discover by yourself the details, dates , times and opportunities which are on their way. A professional astrologer will be able to answer all your questions and much more.

Have a good day Wonny,


She also has this;

Hello there,

Thanks for your email, so let me tell you about how you can get your payment and request through to me. Don't worry, there are many different options apart from using a credit card and I'm sure we can find one to suit you.

First of all you can send an international money order, a bankers cheque or one of your personal cheques made out to my company 'Sarl Atoll'. You can get a money order made out in any major post office or a bankers cheque made out at your local banking company, just make sure that it is for the equivalent of my fee in US dollars.

Please use my address here of my European office here in France:

Sarl Atoll
Angela Curtis
1 route de Bordeaux
33550 Le Tourne

When you send through your payment just make sure to include your name and email address so I know who the letter is coming from!

You could also send a wire transfer straight through to my bank. Here are the details you will need to communicate to your local banking company:

My bank address:
Crdit Agricole de la Gironde
Le Pied du Rocher
33550 Langoiran

My International Banking Account Number:
FR76 1330 6001 1509 9058 8000 091

Bank Identification Code : AGRIFRPP833

Again, if you choose this option please ask your bank to send through your name and email address with the transfer so I can find you easily.

The final option is to send cash. If sending cash really is the only possibility then go ahead but I don't usually allow this because the mail is risky and letters may get lost but as a last resort, I'm willing if you want to do this. Just make sure you send it in a thick envelope along with your email and name so I know who's sending it and inform me when you sent it and how (registered post, express...)so I can keep my eyes open for it and let you know the second it arrives.

So there you go, I think that just about covers all the available options! Hopefully you'll find something in the list that will suit you, however if you have any other questions then just write back to me here at this email address.

Have a great day,

Well people, I have learned from this one.


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