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  • Report:  #1346832

Complaint Review: Angelic Visions LLC


  • Reported By:
    Ginger Quinlan ~ Certified Medium, psychic, author, — Mableton Georgia USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, December 31, 2016
  • Updated:
    Tue, January 17, 2017

I started working with Brian Sharp, as a Psychic Mediumship student, in June 2015 in my Mentorship program.  The program was based on three months of training, which I would coach for an hour and half a week over the phone and be available for correspondence during the week if a student needed help.  Brian Sharp had no experience in the field of Mediumship or Psychic readings when we started.  He was unhappy in his Mental Health position and wanted to shift into doing readings. My mentorship program was based on helping people get into this work after the training, as I have assisted many people get started and helped them develop their psychic medium business.

We worked together for the first two months with no issues and Brian Sharp was a great student.  The third month of our training, I moved into a new home and was not available for a week so I could move.  Brian Sharp was told this, but he texted and called me repeatedly about his abusive boyfriend, who had beat him up.  I told him to get out of the situation, but he declined to do that, so I stoppped engaging in the situation and focused on moving.  Brian Sharp did not like that I was not available during my move, even though he knew I was moving, my house had no phone service and I was not availale for a week  

We resumed training to finish his training and certify Brian Sharp as a Medium.  During that last month, Ib uilt Brian Sharp's website and promoted his upcoming certification on facebook, twitter, my websites and in my newsletter.  I did everything in my power to set him up to be successful in his new profession, until he created his own school based on my work, which I discovered he had been doing during my move.  Brain Sharp informed me he wanted to "mentor" students, just like I had done with him, use my curriculum, and use my youtube videos.  I said I would think about it.  

Brian Sharp crafted his own newsletter, informing his facebook friends that he was now Mentoring in Mediumship, Psychic Work, and Pet Communication.  Then he came back to me the same day his newsletter went out, asking for my Youtube Videos and if he could teach my curriculum.  I said "No!" He said to me "This puts me in an unfortuante position and makes me look bad."  Well yeah, I had not agreed to what he was doing, but he did it anyway.

I worked my whole life, 36 years in this field with over 40,000 readings, and many amazing teachers along the way.  Brian Sharp had three months of training and that was all.  He was fired from his Mental Health job for practicing readings on his patients before becoming Certified by me as a Medium.  That was the extent of his reading experience.  In good concious I coud not support him teaching students, with his lack of expereince in handling clients, handling the various gifts and skills of the students he might take on, and felt like he was simply stealing my work to make money since he had no job!  I wanted to support him in this new endeavor of doing readings, but now he was my competition who was using my lifes work to get where he wanted to be.  He became enraged when i told him "No!" and how I felt about it all.

When I told Brian Sharp, no he could not use my work and I was not comfrotable with any of it, he got really mad at me, threatened me with a lawsuit, told me I called him a thief, which was true, and sent threatening letters to my house to refund his money. Brian Sharp accused me of not being a good mentor and he was not promoted properly, which I find interesting, because he copies everything I do and say, and is currently teaching my curriculum to unsuspecting students.  I cut off all contact from Brian Sharp, took down any promotional material I had put up about him and protected myself and hopefully other people from going to this man.  

Unfortunately, Brian Sharp is now mentoring and certifying students, through his website www.angelicvisionsmediumcom. They have no idea he has a year and half of experience in this field and is using the work I created!  Brian Sharp is a fraud and buyer beware of his fraudulent activites on facebook, etsy and his website!  You are being certified by someone who took a three month course to give him the basics of doing mediumship and psychic work.  From that course Brian Sharp suddenly became a pet psychic, minister, a super skilled psychic medium with tons of experience and a mentor!  You are being ripped off just like I was ripped off and attacked by this man!

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Foster city,

Former student of Brian's

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, January 17, 2017

 I was a former student of Brian's and enjoyed my training with him. Every Tuesday for three months he would give me lessons that opened up my psychic abilities. I am now giving professional readings and doing so successfully. I know I wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't for Brian's lessons.


San Antonio,

Final Rebuttal against Ginger Quinlan

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, January 09, 2017

Ginger Quinlan again demonstrates in her last rebuttal the lack of logic in her arguments. Specifically, she asserts that her training program is "catered to each" student and therefore does not utilize a formal curriculum. How exactly could I have "stolen" something, which Ms. Quinlan stated in plain English she does not even possess??? I have been struggling to understand the rationale behind Ms. Quinlan's accusations for nearly two years, but thankfully she spelled it out in plain English: she had no formal curriculum!

I have requested that this complaint be removed from for violation of the Terms of Use, which explicitly prohibit "revenge posts." The reader should again direct his or her attention to my initial complaint against Ms. Quinlan, which was filed before this report:

My Response to Brain Sharp and His Students...

#9Author of original report

Mon, January 09, 2017

Mr. Brian Sharp,

Thank you for showing yourself to all your students and now to the public.  I wish to inform Brian Sharp's students of the curriculum he took from me after three months of training, and then suddenly creating your own school, with the exact same premise and set up as mine.  So students who are so thrilled that Brian Sharp catered to each of you, that was my premise with Brian Sharp.  

My curriculum was self paced. I coach for an hour and half weekly, There were videos to watch that I created, the student journals,  learns about energy, chakras, clearing, protection, connecting to Guides and Angels. The student is coached on setting up his business and doing accurate readings, handling clients concerns, accurate message receiving and interpreting, me being available to him to answers his questions, and talking about all aspects of what he experienced in each weeks homework.

 Did you work with a plant?  I bet you did.  Did you work with your journal?  I am sure you did.  Did you  do all the above homework and then whatever he threw in?  I bet you did.  Opening up all the senses and working with him heavily while beginning to receive messages and then coaching the message receiving.  No set outline, because every student is different.

 Brian Sharp did all of this with me.  All of his students have done the same thing of course, so the proof is in the pudding with ALL of his students raving on these techniques that Brian Sharp went through with me.  The ONLY difference is they are certified and now working for Brain Sharp!  Well played Brian, you are making money off of your students now.  

On a more personal note and to rebutt the blatant name calling from Brian Sharp, I have not harrassed him ever!  I have responded to his rip off report and shared it with all my clients and students so they would be wary of him.  I told him "no" he could not use my videos and he plastered reports all over the place about me.  I told him "No, I would not help him" after he set up his school and then tried to corner me into being okay with that.  I told him "no I would not promote him anymore," after I found the first rip-off report. Who would promote somone who thinks they are flakey, not good enough, didn't provide the course work, and was "never there." Would you promote him if that all happened to you?  I think not!

I actually have been very quietly dealing with the fallout of his original Ripoff report.  I took my website, down last week because I could not recover from the ripoff report and the other reports he plastered all over the internet about me.  I have stopped trying to make it work and have removed the site all together.  That is not flaky or capricious, it is good business.  I have not repsonded to Brian Sharp until I found more abusive internet reports about me this past week when I googled myself and my academy.  

Now, I am watching this report unfold and feel justified in posting it to the internet to let everyone know what I have dealt with for a year and a half. I am aligned with some very amazing afterlife groups, who are very aware of this entire interaction and still graciously promote me and my body of work, that has taken me 37 years to create. I am also aligned with Best Psychic Directory who is aware as well.  So Brian Sharp, you can tattle on me all you want. By mentioning these places in your rip off reports, you actually damaged your own reputation with them!

I feel satisifed now, in telling the whole story of Brian Sharp. I have said what I have wanted to say.  I have nothing more to lose where Brian Sharp is concerned.  If I had listened to my guts the day Brian Sharp signed up as my first student with Soul Sessions Academy, I would have rejected him immediately and never dealt with this abuse from him.  Instead, I ignored those feelings. I took Brian Sharp on as a student who knew nothing of Metaphysics and Mediumship. I taught him all I knew and then some, set him up to be successful, and then was stabbed in the back because I put up a boundary about my intellectual rights for my videos and my school. Because he was my very first student, I did not think about intellectual rights when Brian Sharp first approached me about using my work.  I was too nice and did not think about the end result.  After consulting with my lawyer, I did what any other teacher who had videos and curriculum would have done. I said "NO!" 

In closing this rebuttal, I have to say that I am happy Brian Sharp's students are happy with his teaching.  It means I did a good job in my mentoring, even though Brian thinks I am flaky and did not provide.  I am also pleased to say I am done with this thread and no longer responding to anything about Brian Sharp.  My motives for posting this report was to protect his students and to say what his original report has done to me.  It is very much like being gutted, stabbed a million times over in the heart, when all I wanted to do was teach and help budding students do mediumship and psychic work to the best of their abilities. I did that with Brian Sharp and when I chose to protect myself, he retaliated.   



San Antonio,

Capricious Ginger Quinlan

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, January 09, 2017

To further illustrate unreliable, flaky and capricious nature of Ginger Quinlan I wish to furnish to the reader a copy of the demand letter sent to Ms. Quinlan at the recommendation of an attorney licensed in the state of Texas. Ms. Quinlan chose to completely ignore this letter and provided no response when it was sent to her via U.S. certified mail on September 9, 2015. Subsequent to her receipt of the letter and my filing of the original complaint against her company on, Ms. Quinlan changed her website's domain name in order to avoid negative publicity. The letter reads as follows:


Ginger Quinlan
Soul Sessions, LLC

Mableton, GA 30126


09 September 2015

Dear Ms. Quinlan:

In March of 2015, I contracted with you for the sum of $600.00 for three months of mentorship training, and upon completion you agreed to promote my business (formed June 2015) via your company’s website. I paid you $600.00 and completed the three-month course satisfactorily as evidenced by the certificate of completion you gave me. On August 8, 2015 you also agreed to promote my business on your directory website, Starshine Referrals. During my training with you, I advised you that I intended to mentor students through my company, and you subsequently gave permission in two different email communications dated August 25, 2015 for me to utilize your YouTube videos in the training of my students. Five days later, I received another email from you, advising that you will no longer promote my business on your website and directory.

You have breached our contractual agreement by failing and refusing to promote my business through your website and directory. This has caused, and will continue to cause, financial losses to my company, estimated at $30,000.00 for the coming year and $577.00 as of this date. Because of your failures, I have been damaged in the above sums including the $600.00 paid to you.

This letter is to notify you that on or before September 21, 2015, my business must be promoted on your company’s website and directory in the same fashion and for the same duration as other graduates or I shall commence legal proceedings to recover the financial losses without further notice to you.  This letter may be tendered in court as evidence of your failure to pay.

Brian L. Sharp

Angelic Visions LLC


San Antonio,

In Response to Accusations made by Ginger Quinlan

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, January 06, 2017

Ginger Quinlan's complaint is nothing more than fearful retaliation for a complaint I originally filed on her and her company on October 11, 2015. In fact, many of her assertions in this complaint directly contradict her statements in the complaint I previously filed against her. I have been repeatedly harassed by Ms. Quinlan since completing her training and certification course on June 16, 2015. I shall no longer attempt to dispute the myriad ridiculous claims made by Ms. Quinlan but shall instead allow the reader to rely upon testimonials provided by former students, as well as the many 5-star reviews provided by Angelic Visions LLC's customers. However, the reader can and should review my comments on the prior complaint I filed against Ginger Quinlan.

I wish to direct the reader's attention to several key points, however:

1.)  Ms. Quinlan fails to realize that by alleging that I am incompetent or ill-prepared for my profession, she simultaneously implies that she is incompetent by certifying a graduate of her training program, whom she allegedly deems incompetent.

2.)  Ms. Quinlan was the one, who during my training recommended that I obtain a minister credential and also indicated that she possesses such a credential (which she advised that she maintains for "legal protection").

3.)  Ms. Quinlan was the one, who during my training advised that I offer pet readings, psychic readings, mediumship services, and other such services.

4.)  I was not "fired" from the mental health position, which Ms. Quinlan references in her complaint but instead voluntarily resigned.

5.)  Ms. Quinlan advised during the course of my training with her that she never received any training in mediumship or psychic consultation but is instead "self-taught."

6.)  Ms. Quinlan did not at any point in time state to me that she objected to my decision to mentor students of my own or use her YouTube videos for the purposes of mentoring students. In fact, among the many email communications received from her (which I still possess), she indicated that "I just want you to be successful" and that my use of her YouTube videos for commercial purposes were "my gift to you."

7.)  After Ms. Quinlan's arbitrary decision to not feature me on her business' website or promotional materials as she does for other graduates of her training program, I sent to her a formal demand letter, requesting monies owed and a refund of training fees paid to her. This was done at the recommendation of a licensed attorney in the state of Texas.

8.)  Ms. Quinlan continues to harass me--via email communications, as well as by publishing misleading information about both me and my business--with the intent to malign me and Angelic Visions LLC.

9.)  When I requested that Ms. Quinlan cease the harassment and advised her that I no longer desire that she promote me or Angelic Visions LLC, Ms. Quinlan retaliated by publishing this complaint.

In light of the above-named facts and Ms. Quinlan's continued harassment I shall forward a copy of this rebuttal to Windbridge Institute and Forever Family Foundation, both organizations with which Ms. Quinlan is credentialed.

I sincerely hope that these malignant attempts to harass and manipulate me and my business finally stop.


San Antonio,

Completely Satisfied Student - Anikka Jonsdottir

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, January 06, 2017

As a student of Brian's in his Mediumship certification course, I have been completely satisfied with not only the course content but also my own results as a new Medium.

I attained my Mediumship certification in September 2015.  Being that I fully grasped and even excelled in understanding the course content and the meditation exercises, I was able to complete this excellent course in less than 6 months' time.  Brian was a formidable instructor in being able to not only fully offer coursework for a "later in life" medium like myself, he also offered the meditation exercises that fully sharpened my psychic-mediumship abilities.  
After completing this amazing course, I have been able to give readings that my sitters tell me are "very accurate".  I have also been able to easily communicate with and name Spirit loved ones of my sitters.  My customers tell me that they are truly amazed in my ability to easily communicate with their loved ones in the Afterlife AND to identify who these loved ones are by name, appearance and characteristics.
I highly recommend this Mediumship certification course for any and all seekers who wish to sharpen and perfect their psychic-mediumistic abilities. Brian is the best!


Johnson City,

I Trust Brian Sharp and Angelic Visions, LLC.

#9UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 06, 2017

I trust my intuition and I trust Brian Sharp.

I met Brian Sharp in 2014 at a Wholistic Festival where he was doing psychic/mediumship readings. I received a reading from Brian and was blown away by his accuracy and detail. After getting many different types of readings that day, I walked away from my encounter with Brian thinking, "This guy is the real deal!" In fact, I scheduled a phone reading with him many months after our first meeting because I was so impressed with his abilities and I was thrilled to find someone as talented as he is.

During our first meeting, I learned of his mediumship training course. I have always been an empath and able to "see" things and "know" things, but I was afraid of my "skills" because I didn't know what to do with them. I had been searching for some way to understand what was happening to me for years! When I found Brian, I knew it was definitely divine intervention. I considered training with Brian but waited many months before enrolling in his training in March of 2015. I did not take his training in order to do readings professionally, but, as fate would have it, I am now working for Brian and loving every minute of it!

Brian is very professional, punctual and dependable. I trained with him for 3 months prior to getting my certification. During training, he would suggest perusing YouTube to find guided meditations, but would NOT specifically lead me to any video's or even recommend who to watch. I found it extremely professional of him, because if I find something fascinating and helpful, I want to share it, but Brian didn't do that. He left it up to me to learn how to trust my intuition.

I find it fascinating that someone would file a Ripoff Report on Brian for doing the precise thing that he was trained to do! Ginger Quinlan claims that she trained Brian herself and he "was a great student." She also states that, and I quote, "My (Ginger's) mentorship program was based on helping people get into this work after the training, as I have assisted many people get started and helped them develop their psychic medium business." If this is the case, then why is she calling him a fraud? She asserts that she also built Brian's website and promoted his upcoming certification. What did she think he was going to do with his training, if not use it for his business?

I am not privy to Ginger's course or training, so I can't attest that he has "stolen her life's work", but I do know that in my training with Brian, the sessions were tailored to fit MY needs and it's not as if he was reading some script from Ginger, that's for sure!

It appears to me that Ginger Quinlan and Brian Sharp may have had a disagreement and parted on not so stellar terms, but for her to bash his business is hitting below the belt. Ginger did not corner the market on psychic and mediumship training and it's not her right to police others that are gifted as well. Angelic Visions, LLC. is a reputable business with talented personnel and a fabulous mentor, Brian Sharp. Buyer beware? Nonsense!

I am currently employed by Angelic Visions, LLC. and I have nothing but wonderful things to say about Brian and his leadership and mentoring skills, not to mention his psychic abilities! I would recommend Brian in a heartbeat and have done so many times. I am blessed to have found him. Love, light and blessings - always.



Former student of AngelicVisions and Brian Sharp

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, January 05, 2017

I first contacted Brian Sharp for a reading in the Spring of 2016. My first reading was done via email asking him 3 specific questions. His responses were accurate (although 2 pieces of info he provided were unvarifiable at the time), and I felt comfortable enough to move forward with a live, over-the-phone reading. During that phone reading, Brian was very forthright in telling me that he'd only been practicing mediumship since June 2015. After that, my husband also received a reading from him -- also accurate.

When Brian ran a special on his mentorship program to become a certified medium, I jumped at the chance as I'd always known to have "intuitive abilities," so-to-speak. A month later, my husband also purchased the mentorship program. We deicded to start the program at the same time and took this as an opportunity for personal, spiritual and relational growth. And, we both knew going in of Brian's limited professional medium/psychic experience, but felt confident in his abilities to teach and guide us.

We started in May 2016 and expected to be done with the certification in 3 months. But, for vaious reasons on both ours and Brian's ends, the time was extended indefinitely. By October, my husband was done and by November, so was I; becoming certified as a medium was no longer a priority of ours and we felt we'd learned as much as we could from our sessions with Brian. Now it was up to us to practice mediumship on our own and if want to continue professionally, we know we can contact him to do the 3 official readings of people he knows (like a test) who'll give him direct feedback of our reading, and then become "certified." While I was interested in certification, my husband has never been. 

In the Report written by Brian's former mentor, Ginger Quinlan, she accuses him of stealing her curriculum. But, to be honest, he doesn't appear use one. So if he has a curriculum for his mentorship course, stolen or not, I'm not aware of it. I say this with confidence because, as a teacher myself, I expected one - and my husband was frustrated there wasn't a format to follow. That's not to say we didn't find value in the program, but that someone who needs very specific guidelines and expectations should have one.

So, in this complaint, besides accusing Brian Sharp of stealing, Ms. Quinlan is upset that someone with little professional psychic experience is providing mentorship to those unaware of his background. Well, we were/are fully aware of his experience level and were accepting of it, learning all that we could from the information he could provide us.


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