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  • Report:  #316365



  • Reported By:
    London Other
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 10, 2008
  • Updated:
    Tue, June 23, 2009
    14525 Milkan Way
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Comment: This is not the first report about this woman *Consumer Comment: So true *UPDATE Employee: Bitter Claire *UPDATE Employee: Claire is such a fake! *UPDATE Employee: Claire is such a fake! *UPDATE Employee: Claire is such a fake! *Consumer Suggestion: To whom it mayconcern *Consumer Comment: That doesn't mean a thing *Consumer Suggestion: What seems *Consumer Comment: Psychic Empowerment is not Angels for You *Consumer Comment: Psychic Empowerment is not Angels for You *Consumer Comment: Psychic Empowerment is not Angels for You *Consumer Comment: psychos not psychics *UPDATE EX-employee responds: whats with lolita ex divine access coming here defending psychic empowerment..something smells like BS *Consumer Comment: crazy clair shame on you nothing better to do with your time but bagging angels for you *Consumer Comment: crazy clair shame on you nothing better to do with your time but bagging angels for you *Consumer Comment: crazy clair shame on you nothing better to do with your time but bagging angels for you *Consumer Comment: crazy clair shame on you nothing better to do with your time but bagging angels for you *Consumer Comment: Well... *UPDATE EX-employee responds: lol Why Hide who you are ???? I have nothing to hide thats why i am here! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: lol Why Hide who you are ???? I have nothing to hide thats why i am here! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: lol Why Hide who you are ???? I have nothing to hide thats why i am here! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: lol Why Hide who you are ???? I have nothing to hide thats why i am here! *Consumer Comment: This last post was written by Angels for You *Author of original report: You Got To Be Kidding! *Consumer Comment: Go check Anne's ratings for ety *UPDATE Employee: Claire is Stopthelies, and more! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: stopthelies is not claire psychoone lol .... *Consumer Comment: Claire is NOT 'stop the lies' psycho one *Consumer Comment: Cruel is exactly what Angels for You is *Consumer Suggestion: From reading feedback *Consumer Suggestion: From reading feedback *Consumer Suggestion: From reading feedback *Consumer Suggestion: From reading feedback *Consumer Comment: Anne - Angels for You *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Get a Life *UPDATE EX-employee responds: lucy your fantastic i was to post the same thing ...calling angels for you - devils for you lol thats the best darling !!!! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: lol me and spells *Consumer Comment: Angels for you viz Sewer Rats *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Msgs you Rock !!!!! 97% of psychic experts on kasamba - liveperson are sewer rats lol *Consumer Comment: I think that number - 97% is probably a good estimation *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Msgs ..your AMAZING !!!!!TOTALY AMAZING ...YEP I AM CORRECT IN MY ESTIMATION I KNOW I AM AS I HAVE TESTED A FEW OFF THESE FRAUDS MYSELF *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Msgs ..your AMAZING !!!!!TOTALY AMAZING ...YEP I AM CORRECT IN MY ESTIMATION I KNOW I AM AS I HAVE TESTED A FEW OFF THESE FRAUDS MYSELF *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Msgs ..your AMAZING !!!!!TOTALY AMAZING ...YEP I AM CORRECT IN MY ESTIMATION I KNOW I AM AS I HAVE TESTED A FEW OFF THESE FRAUDS MYSELF *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Msgs ..your AMAZING !!!!!TOTALY AMAZING ...YEP I AM CORRECT IN MY ESTIMATION I KNOW I AM AS I HAVE TESTED A FEW OFF THESE FRAUDS MYSELF *UPDATE Employee: Claire - her fake names *UPDATE Employee: Claire - her fake names *UPDATE Employee: Claire - her fake names *UPDATE EX-employee responds: How sick are you people? *Consumer Comment: wrong again psycho one *Consumer Comment: Stop Lying Lolita *Author of original report: ANGELS FOR YOU AND LOLITA ARE BOTH WORKING TOGETHER SILLY PSYCHIC VAMPIRES! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: lolita you complain about experts charging 17us a minute were you not yourself charging $20 us a minute lol *Consumer Comment: Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant *UPDATE EX-employee responds: brilliiant yes brilliant post DNA .. your spot on with what you say ... they are vampires *UPDATE EX-employee responds: brilliiant yes brilliant post DNA .. your spot on with what you say ... they are vampires *Author of original report: ANGELS FOR YOU IS A MULTIPLE PROFILE HOLDER SHE HAS ANOTHER PROFILE RIDICULOUS WHEN IS SHE GOING TO STOP *Consumer Comment: Kasamba Liveperson amazes me *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Wishing to tell Claire some new information


she has created enough peoples heartached, plagiarised profiles, and also ensured her family is well protected in kasamba. Threats to clients that she will throw them off or to readers - Come on - the woman has and is known and has multiple threads on here.


I am totally livid that Kasamba still has this reader working live on the site?? it has baffled me as from having readings from the past she has opened new profiles. I have been dissapointed all year with her non - fruitious readings and identical spelling errors on words - yes she is a FRAUD -she took a lot of my money regardless of her New Dislaimer on her profile:

'Dear prospective clients please be aware that when you talk to me time can go so fast and before you realize you have clocked up more money than what you Intended to spend please be aware of this! limit yourself to how many min that you do want to speak as I will not take any responsibility for your action and the money that you spend if you have trouble with this ask me to tell you when you have spoken for the minutes that you want I care about you and your hard earned money after all we all need to survive.'

BULLOCKS - WE ALL NEED TO SURVIVE - yeah right on 7 profiles you must be pretty happy with your end of month earnings and also ripping off clients you have NO SHAME OR HEART, cry poor me !!!!!!!!!!! The other posts about you must have had A LOT OF TRUTH IN THEM and suffice to say i am Livid.

Clearly there is no shame on Kasamba Live Person - I am still waiting a response to my email to get my money refunded as i believe this reader has defrauded not just my self but plenty on here and i am never approaching this site again.

Ann - Angels for You doesn't stop and people still fall for her nonsense absurd 'keep the faith' lies and also manipulates readers for readings have a look at the following reviews here - totally shocking and playing to clients emotions that 'her mother passed away' like a poor me scenario. C'mon people WAKE UP AND SMELL THE ROSES. I accept death of a person had my mum pass away last year but i didnt cry out to POOR ME LOOK AT ME scenarions to win the hearts of clients.

Really Ann, of course but hey whilst the poor me was happening and you went away - Your other profiles were working - do you think that you can fool everyone?

Your clients must be pretty stupid and blind here as you have totally fulled some innocent people and dont you think that Karma has come back to bite you on the bumb?

Kasamba must be pretty desperate to keep her on here as all she is doing is feeding lies to clients and giving them false hope....

Regretfully this one has totally baffled me over and over again as she has totally gone beyond my note of being a 'honest ethical reader' on Kasamba

People be aware that Ann - Angels for You is also:

Light of Truth - ID272064

Spot on Love Insights - ID374318

Psychic Wings Of Light - ID666814

Master Rusty in OZ - ID701134

Twin Flame Seer - ID743042

Psychic Empowerment - ID701605
(formerly known as Psychic Alec and was a male pic)

Spiritual Intuition - ID756528

Now hey yes I have been tracking her movements as I have always done but this is ridiculous.

I suppose I am going to be targetted like all the other clients to go get a life but hey I have one, am quite happy accepting that my ex is not returning but I would have preffered the truth and not this lie that lasted a whole year.

I will never consult with a psychic again and trust my destiny is where it should be but I would have liked to have been told the TRUTH rather than a conversation of freewill, time and it will happen believe in the Angels and have faith.

Ann you did bruise my trust in people and i sure will never trust you or anyone again as this has been a lesson learnt.

Just people be aware of this reader - she has been attacked on here before but there is TRUTH in all the attacks she has scammed and continues to do so.



United Kingdom

59 Updates & Rebuttals



Wishing to tell Claire some new information

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 23, 2009

Hey there Claire and other ex clients of Ann

I am an ex employee of this woman and can confirm EVERYTHING you have said and have felt. After the reading this I am saddened to hear she has treated you so poorly and that her response to you on this website is disgraceful. Yes there is more than one computer running with going but not all of it is Ann Lambert reading. 90% of its ann the rest is her other employees and unfortunatly these ones are NOT by no means psychic. I am absolutley mortified and horrified someone could bring a foul name to the industry. I am deeply sorry for your experience.
I highly recomed going to authorities in your countries and also interpol. I believe that getting rid of peole so vile once and for all is the way to go.

I wish all of you the best and wish to warn you of these websites.

thankyou and best wishes

Love and Light.



Kasamba Liveperson amazes me

#60Consumer Comment

Mon, April 07, 2008

They would know about this woman and what she does to people. Yet they still allow her to use their site with her lies and multiple profiles. It just friggin amazes me that Kasamba Liveperson support this kind of fraud and the damage it does to people.

Angels for You is not the only liar and fraud, but she is on page 1. I feel so sorry for the people who still believe her and so disgusted with Kasamba Liveperson for allowing her to continue.




#60Author of original report

Fri, March 28, 2008

Hello all

After reading all the posts I had a look at a few of her posts one came up:



Profile is word for word to the rest of them all Ann - Angels for you


Psychic Amber Wings - ID549087

Light of Truth - ID272064

Spot on Love Insights - ID374318

Psychic Wings Of Light - ID666814

Master Rusty in OZ - ID701134

Twin Flame Seer - ID743042

Spiritual Intuition - ID756528

It is odd that she not only starts up a profile from June and rates them she also refers her repeat clients to all her profiles

YES ANN KEEP IT ALL IN THE FAMILY - you may discredit readers who charge high ie from 15-20 per minute

but in all if you really have a look at the total rate per minute through these profiles she is collecting a higher fee per minute

total of $68 per minute

A totaly disgusting greedy woman - is this not part of the SEVEN DEADLY SINS -

I am livid that Kasamba still have this woman operating on kasamba.

I am sure the Psychic Vampire can't help herself its like GAMBLING isn't it Ann?

One of your own compulsive behaviours which was outline in a past thread.

I really feel for the clients that have lost a lot of money here and Claire take this all up Kasamba I am sure that Janice and her report will take her to the cleaners and provide the new CEO of Kasamba some great reading.




brilliiant yes brilliant post DNA .. your spot on with what you say ... they are vampires

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 24, 2008

im disgusted to see these frauds on kasamba .
how do these vampires sleep at night

but then again vampires dont sleep do they

they cant

they have no conscience



brilliiant yes brilliant post DNA .. your spot on with what you say ... they are vampires

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 24, 2008

im disgusted to see these frauds on kasamba .
how do these vampires sleep at night

but then again vampires dont sleep do they

they cant

they have no conscience



Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant

#60Consumer Comment

Mon, March 24, 2008

It made so much sense.
Thank you DNA.



lolita you complain about experts charging 17us a minute were you not yourself charging $20 us a minute lol

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 24, 2008

lolita your a vampire one evil b.tch ..bigtime darling !!!!!

your a liar just like ann lambert ...

vampires from hell .

both of you


I pray karma bites you on your dimpled pimpled backside just like Angels for you

i can hear the sirens coming !!!

fraudsters !!!!!!!

one day i will post your evil emails here ..just you wait




#60Author of original report

Mon, March 24, 2008

Dear All

This thread sounds like a simple case of Psychic Vampirism, I commend Msgs, Spotthelies, Lucy, Karen and Poor Claire here. I have been reading through many posts and can only describe that this woman and her crony friend are both Psychic Vampires who suck the LIVING ENERGY OR (CHI) from the people they speak to - they have in fact uncovered a real Psychic Vampire who needs more than help for her passing to the Lord. They are both going to be Condemned into Hell - for not guiding or helping but for accussing real people here and they have been both clutching at strings to remain innocent during their uncovering of their patterns here....


Throughout recorded history and probably back beyond that, the idea of the psychic vampire has haunted mankind's dreams. Strange mystical, mythical creatures who lurked in the darker recesses of the human mind, these beings were thought to sap the energy of living mortals, reducing them, unless stopped, to shadows of their former selves. People who, for no apparent reason, became continuously tired, listless and lethargic were often thought to have been visited by vampires or evil spirits.

The medieval Christian Church, always eager to give shape and form to such things as a means of keeping their congregations in line, called them incubi and sucubi, male and female forms of the evil demons (medieval psychic vampires).

The psychic vampire is, of course, a very close relation to the more widespread and popular blood vampire that appears in literature, film and popular drama, the epitome of which is Count Dracula. The principle remains the same from physical blood-lusting vampire to psychic energy-grabbing vampires in that the Count drains the life force through the actual physical blood whereas the psychic vampire is more subtle, draining the life force by destroying the will of its victim.

Like its cousin, the Psychic Vampire, (who is not so fussy as to the gender of its victims) Dracula and his ilk are after your immortal soul. By killing its victims either actually or metaphorically, it makes you its slave, doomed and dammed spiritually, morally and physically to spend eternity feeding off others to perpetuate the species. Each new convert becomes a soldier in the legions of the damned, another servant for the master.

The history of vampirism is a long one and no one can say, with any degree of certainty, where the idea originates.

The person who, today, is always tired and lethargic, lacking in energy and enthusiasm is likely to be diagnosed as suffering from ME (Yuppie Flu), iron deficiency or leukaemia and treated for such. But to our ancestors, these illnesses, which have no outward physical symptoms, no rashes, boils and pustules, and which can seems to suddenly strike their victims out of nowhere but could not be treated through normal medical methods, would be attributed to another source - The Devil, evil spirits, the evil eye or a witch's curse.

As a result, these illnesses assumed a spiritual aspect. Anything that could not be otherwise explained away was attributed to Satan and his legions of demons all of whom were hell bent (no pun intended) on doing their Master's bidding and trapping the unsuspecting victim by sapping their will to resist. And so, the whole mythology of vampirism began to grow.

But to dismiss the whole idea of vampirism, psychic or otherwise, as being nothing more than an uneducated explanation for things which could not otherwise be explained is perhaps being over simplistic. Could vampires, especially psychic vampires, actually exist today, in this modern, scientific age?

The answer surely has to be yes.

Often you may really like this person and are unable to understand why he or she leaves you feeling so tired and out of sorts. They sap your energy, asking continual questions, seeking opinions and ideas from others which they soak up, re-arrange and present as their own while never really contributing anything new, different or original to whatever they are involved in. Then, once they have assimilated all the information they can leech, they move on.

Invariably, this sort of vampire is unaware of the effect they have on others. They are unconscious vampires and, as such, they are basically harmless. While they may be extremely draining while they are around, once they move on or even leave the room, their target or mark will gradually begin to get their strength back.

The danger from this sort of vampire arises when it gathers enough information together to enable it to present itself as some sort of leader, figurehead or expert. Then they will begin to feed off those who (ostensibly) know less than them including newcomers to the group and those who, in the normal course of events, tend to look to others to make decisions. If the vampire manages to establish itself in any sort of position of authority, power or control, it can be very difficult to dislodge and it is only if it gives itself away or comes up against someone who recognises it for what it is and confronts it, that it can be got rid off although the damage it can do in the meantime can be considerable.

Far more difficult to deal with and far more dangerous is the psychic vampire who knows exactly what it is doing and why it is doing it because, by the time any-one realises what's going on, it can be too late!

The intentional psychic vampire is clever, devious and manipulative. Its main objective is often to ingratiate itself into a group of people through one member of the group. Having achieved that objective, it will then set about controlling the individual and/or group for its own ends, bending the group or individual to its will and using them to promote itself as some sort of powerful authority figure or leader.

The intentional psychic vampire will select a member of a group who it identifies as being both significant to the group (well liked, popular) yet is also vulnerable in some way (perhaps having just had a serious illness, an upsetting career change, house move, nasty divorce or death in the family).

Having done this, it will set about making itself invaluable to that person who it defends and supports in all situations. It will take the individuals problems, fears and insecurities on board and offer advice, help and guidance, which often appears to be good and sensible. But more significantly, it will gradually isolate the individual from the group socially and emotionally by making their mark or target dependent on it and it alone.

The psychic vampire will also court the leader of a group and do everything it can to appear to be a positive influence upon the group until the leader seems to rely on the psychic vampire so much so that he or she cannot make any decisions without consulting it first. At the same time, it will carefully create the impression that it is powerful in some way. Within the context of an occult or pagan group, it may well promote itself as being some sort of expert in an obscure aspect of the main interests of the group and/or individual it is targeting thereby appearing to make itself of value to the group. But it will also maintain an aura of mystery about itself and its ideas and opinions, never giving too much away about itself.

In this way, it will gradually and carefully establish itself as an authority within the group taking the knowledge that it gains from the group and using it for its own ends, which are almost always to extend its field of influence and list of contacts that can then be used to increase its influence even further. The intentional psychic vampire can be a hopeless name-dropper. Often the psychic vampire in an occult group hints and alludes to its seemingly unending magical powers or psychic talents but rarely gives any concrete evidence of these psychic abilities or manifestations of the magical feats.

The really clever vampire will seldom try for all out power within a group. They will establish themselves as the main authority figure whilst at the same time giving the impression that they are not actually in charge. In fact, they will often defer to the nominal leader of the group but only on unimportant issues such as when and where meetings are to be held and who will bring the wine. All other decisions affecting the actual running and working of the group will be offered up for discussion in a manner that effectively leaves the real control firmly in their own hands.

And woe betide any one who shows signs of rebellion or resistance.

How to recognise Psychic Vampires

Psychic vampires will probably exhibit several of the following characteristics, the more of these behaviours, opinions, obsessions or characteristics they display the more likely it is that they are psychic vampires. If any of these traits feel uncomfortably close to home you may yourself be a psychic vampire without realising it. Having one or two of the traits that you do recognise does not make you a psychic vampire per se, but may indicate that you should look carefully at changing this particular unconscious behaviour if it is afflicted upon or affects another human being. Unfortunately psychic vampires generally do not or are not able to recognise or realise these traits within themselves. Remember, the psychic vampire does not have to have any occult connection whatsoever, it can be a person you meet in your mundane life, but as this article is specifically geared toward a Pagan audience, the traits are given from a more occult perspective. These main traits are:

1. An uncontrollable urge to dominate nature, it may speak boastfully about controlling the weather or that it has powerful elemental spirits under its control.

2. A self-righteous compulsion to help others offering healing and advice to the point that their victim will become hooked on the consultations or sessions. In a lot of cases the psychic vampire offers no real help at all, causing the victim to be entirely dependent upon the psychic vampire's aid. If the victim decides to seek help elsewhere the psychic vampire will be quick to point out all they have done for the victim in the past.

3. Creating living and working environments that are fast-paced, somewhat secretive and chaotic in an attempt to throw other people off guard. Their lack of true communication allows the psychic vampire to manipulate all situations so that others are overtly overwhelmed and anxious when trying to live or work in these environments whilst the psychic vampire will appear to be particularly well organised and calm externally.

4. An obsession to achieve all of their personal desires (gain of money, powerful careers or social lives, sexual fulfilment, etc.) without considering the cost to anyone else---and in this oftentimes creates its own self-undoing. Often the psychic vampire forgets to consider all the consequences of its actions even on its own life, focusing only upon the quenching of its all-consuming desires. This inability to consider the consequences of its actions often lands the psychic vampire in places and situations that it had no idea would occur and when this happens, watch out, for its anger can be violent when finding itself in negative situations of their own making because it will take no responsibility for its actions and blame all responsibility on others. Often psychic vampires will take out their own misery, responsibility and blame on the weak, ill, or someone much younger (like children or young adults), unable to transfer these feelings of inadequacy onto anyone it deems to be as experienced or powerful as itself in any way.

5. An innate desire to control its personal and intimate relationships down to the last detail. There can be sexual dynamics in all its relationships (even relationships that are not sexual ones) that border on the sado-masochistic. [S&M] provides sexual pleasure to dominate the partner completely, to play with him [or her] like a cat with a mouse---Adolf Guggenbhl-Craig. This is not to say that people that enjoy sexual play like S&M are psychic vampires, but this trait may be apparent in a psychic vampire if it is found in combination with several of the other traits.

6. Severe outbursts of anger or rage or violence in the face of insignificant or mundane annoyances. When the psychic vampire needs to feed it will explode all small or petty problems into traumas of major proportion. This instantly transforms the psychic vampire from the nice, serene person you thought you knew into an angry, venomous volcano that you've never met before.

7. A fear of change (death) or rather an undeniably overwhelming fear of being unable to manipulate and control all the details of any change in their lives, either major or mundane. Because the actual fear is the inability to control the deaths in its life, they may embrace a romantic preoccupation with art, literature and popular entertainments that involve death as the major theme and may even dress or costume itself in this romantically dark style, sometimes termed as Gothic. (This is not to say that all psychic vampires dress as Goths or that all Goths are psychic vampires and should not be taken as such.) Many psychic vampires may even occasionally, subtly allude to failed suicide attempts or close brushes with death. The preoccupation with death can be what has led it to a resistance to life. Life is a dynamic, pulsating force; it is energy and consciousness manifested in many ways; and there is no evil as such unless there is a resistance to life. The resistance is the manifestation of what is called evil---John C. Pierrakos.

8. A lack of a sense of humour or the inability to tell jokes. The psychic vampire may be able to make jokes at others' expense but will either not acknowledge a joke at itself or will become quite angry if one is made of it.

9. Projecting its feelings of being bad, ashamed, or even actually evil upon another person or group of individuals. They may appear to be perfect or meticulous in their actions, manners, and physical appearance and above reproach in all of their activities whilst subconsciously suspecting that they have an evil nature. This causes the psychic vampire to project its fear-driven subconscious wrath onto another. If this is the case you may hear the psychic vampire say things like:

I am totally innocent and justified in my actions whilst THEY are guilty and bad and wrong in everything that THEY do.

I simply inform others of the truth and THEY lie and use propaganda.

I am only defending myself, THEY are making my life continually a misery.

If you found yourself thinking that some of these above traits seem very familiar to you, then turn around and look for the psychic vampire among your circle of associates for they may be close by or if these traits hit even closer to home, then perhaps you should go and look into a mirror to see if you can find the reflection of the psychic vampire looking back at you. For unlike the fictional blood vampire, the psychic vampire can see their reflection in a mirror, if only they'd look hard enough.

So, how does one deal with a situation of this nature?

How to Deal with Psychic Vampires ANN & LOLITA

In the main, the intentional vampire depends on the belief that their targets or victims will believe that it is capable of exacting magical revenge. Remove or reduce that belief and its power (such as it is) can be greatly reduced if not destroyed altogether. Thought of others cannot penetrate our consciousness and compel us to act contrary to what we conceive of as good actions if our own motives oppose them---Ralph M. Lewis.

If you have little self-confidence in facing a psychic vampire and think you might be especially vulnerable then you can actually help the psychic vampire to influence or control you in some way.

All thought is vibratory, regardless of its content (positive as in healing energy or negative as in cursing or abusive energies). Adverse thoughts can be extended from a psychic vampire or a mean-spirited individual onto you. Yes, it can and does happen. To ignore the fact that it occurs is nearly as dangerous as believing in the psychic vampire's abilities to control your thoughts and actions. Depending on the talents and abilities of the psychic vampire, their thoughts can reach out to others. Just keep firmly in mind that your own thoughts are far more important and strong within you than any thoughts that others place upon you. You must not allow psychic vampires to have any kind of control over you by handing it to them on a silver platter, just refuse to let them in.

If you simply refuse to accept that the vampire can harm you and actually believe this to be true then little or no harm can come to you and the psychic vampire's efforts will either dissipate into the ether or, having nowhere else to go, will return to the sender - the psychic vampire.

This may seem simplistic, but it works and the rebound can cause considerable problems for the psychic vampires who will find themselves beset by the troubles they have tried to cause for others. However, it takes a strong mind to adopt this sort of attitude and, in cases where the powers of the vampire are genuine, more practical defence mechanisms may be needed. If you feel you are particularly vulnerable to the thoughts or actions of another then it is very important for you to act in your own defense, others can help you but you must make an effort as well.

This is something the psychic vampire rarely considers (that you will be able to defend yourself) and so your actions in reversing their influence over you will be even that more strongly and rapidly manifested.

It can also help if the psychic vampire is made aware of the fact that you are on to them even if you do it anonymously, if you know for a fact who the psychic vampire is.

Help for Psychic Vampires

The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?---Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Nature is uncontrollable, life is organic and mostly unpredictable. By trying to minutely manipulate its own life and the lives of its close associates (or victims), the psychic vampire acts against the natural flow of life.

A negative path is any action followed or adopted that opposes or arrests a constructive cause, the question of motive is involved. If the thought [motive] is prompted by jealousy, avarice or revenge with the intent to hurt, enslave or suppress truth, then it can be called negative---Ralph M. Lewis. The psychic vampire can then be involved in going against the flow of life without actually dying, this then causes the state of being the undead.

The blood vampire of literature exists in the world of the undead---unable to die and unable to actually live. Is this such a different state for the psychic vampire? The psychic vampire may long for death (change) in a very dreamy and romantic way---yet are terrified to live with the flow of life, afraid to live without absolute control in their lives so they too exist in the world of the undead as well. Are they not then, above all to be pitied?

Don't psychic vampires need some kind of understanding and concrete aid? Don't the hidden motivations and secret desires of the psychic vampire need to be evaluated and understood for what they are? Don't the psychic vampires need help to accept their need for parasitic fulfilment from others so that they can learn to feel full within themselves?

Unfortunately most psychic vampires will not be able to ever ask for help. A noted psychologist, M. Scott Peck made these notes involving hundreds of case studies of people exhibiting evil behaviours, similar to those of the psychic vampires. He noted that they are utterly dedicated to preserving their self-image of perfection, they are unceasingly engaged in the effort to maintain the appearance of moral purity. Their goodness' is on a level of pretence, it is, a lie. This is why they are the people of the lie' they will do almost anything to avoid the pain that comes from self-examination, under ordinary circumstances the evil are the last people who would come to psychotherapy.

My point here is that ANN - ANGELS FOR YOU AND LOLITA have all wished people in the front pages of Kasamba ILL HEALTH AND OR TRIED TO CONDEMN THEM FOR what reason? are we getting a little "frustrated and pulling at strings now" to find out whom this CLAIRE is? as you can see from her posts she is a client and an innocent and really has uncovered the truth here didnt she LOLITA?

Unfortunately in another thread she knew she would be targetted and also claims she isnt a Reader but the diversion of the terrible two ANN and Lolita still try to divert claims this person is a reader where clearly she is not.

You lost your stand and grounding in your threads Lolita and Ann using a client to defend you was pretty low here - as who can be bothered with hiding behind clients words - but as a psychic Vampire we understand the Control you have on clients and what you had on some.

Though shall be Condemned to Hell - you wll not pass over in this life time for the sorrow or pain created to clients here is more than proof of your False ways and Lolita - Don't mess with people who do have a life and a grounding here where you have attacked others yourself personally - you got KARMA back threefold as the WICCAN MASTERS state in this LIFETIME now its Ann's KARMA stop defending a psychic Vampire who steals one energy for her own purpose.



Stop Lying Lolita

#60Consumer Comment

Sat, March 22, 2008

You picked the wrong time to lie. I said I was going to finish the research over Easter and I have been doing exactly that. I had a couple of readings with you and NOTHING you said came true-nothing!!! You not only didn't give me free time but once I started confronting the experts to tell them that they were wrong I decided to see if they were all blocking me and you did!!!!!

You changed you profile picture and name several times. Firstly it was Absolute Divine Access with your picture. You then changed it to AbsoluteDivineAccess with the picture of a model. Isn't that a breach of copyright laws? Next you changed the picture to a slightly more conservative but obviously stolen photograph. Don't try and tell us that is was your aunt or whatever!!! Your next profile was Pure Access with your original picture on it.

The profile of psychic-empowerment was remarkably like the ones you used for your previous profiles. It used the same words and the same incorrect grammar. I have screen shots of them all.

Do you think ripping people off is for entertainment purposes only? Try telling that to the authorities!

As for Angels for You. I have just finished updating that particular part of the report. It is massive because she engages in so many fraudulent activities.

It is late and I will check it in the morning. The section I have written on psychic frauds alone is 200 pages long and I wanted to make sure that I could prove the frauds continued after LivePerson took over. They sure did. It took me two days of solid work to just update it so far and there is still a couple of days work to do on that section.

Luckily my boss gave me an extra couple of days off over Easter because we just had an article accepted for publication in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of public Health which I wrote.

I have a habit of finishing things that I start and this report WILL be finished very soon.

Lolita, clients are the ones that are being hurt emotionally and financially. So don't bother to winge about their feelings to people who have been hurt 'for entertainment purposes only. Tell someone who cares - psycho one might care and the other bent experts may care but clients don't, I don't and I am sure Claire and stop the lies and Lucy don't care about the feelings of people who rip others off. They hurt people for money. You know I just cannot get my head around that idea. Why would you do it?

Karen, don't bother making any sarcastic comments about "Janice has nothing on LivePerson" because you are wrong!!!! I am finishing it now!!

Lolita, you misrepresented yourself and breached copyright laws as well an the Expert Warranties on Kasamba. Don't bother trying to defend yourself because I know you,re a liar as do others.


Manchester, UK,
United Kingdom

wrong again psycho one

#60Consumer Comment

Sat, March 22, 2008

Has it not occurred to you that, given the reports about this scammer, Angels for You that readers of this post believe Claire? The posts that you attribute to Claire are obviously NOT written by her, or by any one person. Blind Freddy could see that the writing style is different in all the posts.

I doubt that you really have the intellectual ability to see that the posts are written by different people and none of them are Claire. Clearly, a lot of people have been victims of this sewer rat. As you SHOULD have noticed in my previous posts, I had a good look at both the feedback of this woman, her other profiles, and the historical trajectory of her clients.

As I said, many clients of angels for You show initial happiness, anticipation and devotion. Later the feedback changes to expressions of doubt. Finally, they either leave a rating that states they are sure the prediction won't happen or disappear completely.

Many social analysts argue that to understand the present you must look at history.

Clearly, this applies in the case of Angels for You: Her history proves she is a scammer and Claire is very believable while you come across as a more than a bit loony.



How sick are you people?

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, March 22, 2008

What life hasnt treated you well so you wish all the same thing. You poor things because it is only going to come back to you ! And if you have alook at what we do for a living it does come under ENTERTAINMENT but i suppose you would have known that because you are so quick to condem the ones that may have tried to help ease your mind but they couldnt get past all that negativity!

Again I am not psychic Empowerment and yes she has had an attack and has taken herself off kasamba because she doesnt need this sort of stress in her life. oh i did tell her to make contact with a legal team because this has hurt her emotionally and to slander her without knowing anything about her there is a law for that which i really hope she follows up with.

You as an ex employee of kasamba yes i can say that site has its downfalls especially for REAL Psychics trying to help. Now when i was on there i gave more time in free than i did in gaining money for my services but would you know that. if you do know me you would know also i dont stand for b/s because it is a waste of time just as all this is you poeple really do need alife not I as I do have one but like to keep updated in what is going on with some of my friends and it is always the top readers that help that charge way less than the top readers charging $17 pm that cop all this crap. When I was on there the ones that had the front page always hit out and made us disappear so tell me who are the fakes and who is not I am a REAL person with REAL feelings with REAL goals with REAL insecurities with REAL hopes in life but that was just about taken away from me because of these so called no.1 psychics on there and there is no way I would ever place myself in that position again ever. what as humans we make mistakes and learn from them have you learnt yours I know that I have myself that is why I would never go back on that site. So anyway thought I would let you know my thoughts on all those that are deemed to place bad names on good people

have a good one LOLITA

Psychic One

Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,

Claire - her fake names

#60UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 21, 2008

Claire is so obvious about posting her comments under different names. She reacts instantaneously to comments about herself, and then pretends a perfect stranger is coming to her rescue to defend her whining. Obviously has no life. Get a job. Find a man. Get a life. You're too transparent!! LOL The only psycho is you, that's why you have nothing better to do with your time - stalker, LOL

Psychic One

Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,

Claire - her fake names

#60UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 21, 2008

Claire is so obvious about posting her comments under different names. She reacts instantaneously to comments about herself, and then pretends a perfect stranger is coming to her rescue to defend her whining. Obviously has no life. Get a job. Find a man. Get a life. You're too transparent!! LOL The only psycho is you, that's why you have nothing better to do with your time - stalker, LOL

Psychic One

Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,

Claire - her fake names

#60UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 21, 2008

Claire is so obvious about posting her comments under different names. She reacts instantaneously to comments about herself, and then pretends a perfect stranger is coming to her rescue to defend her whining. Obviously has no life. Get a job. Find a man. Get a life. You're too transparent!! LOL The only psycho is you, that's why you have nothing better to do with your time - stalker, LOL




#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 21, 2008



looks like LOLITA ex absolute divine access now PSYCHIC - EMPOWEREMENT couldnt handle the HEAT AND GOT ANGINA LOL ..TOO FUNNY ...SHE TURNED HER PROFILE OFF NOW ... LOVE IT





#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 21, 2008



looks like LOLITA ex absolute divine access now PSYCHIC - EMPOWEREMENT couldnt handle the HEAT AND GOT ANGINA LOL ..TOO FUNNY ...SHE TURNED HER PROFILE OFF NOW ... LOVE IT





#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 21, 2008



looks like LOLITA ex absolute divine access now PSYCHIC - EMPOWEREMENT couldnt handle the HEAT AND GOT ANGINA LOL ..TOO FUNNY ...SHE TURNED HER PROFILE OFF NOW ... LOVE IT





#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 21, 2008



looks like LOLITA ex absolute divine access now PSYCHIC - EMPOWEREMENT couldnt handle the HEAT AND GOT ANGINA LOL ..TOO FUNNY ...SHE TURNED HER PROFILE OFF NOW ... LOVE IT



Manchester, UK,
United Kingdom

I think that number - 97% is probably a good estimation

#60Consumer Comment

Thu, March 20, 2008

It's not difficult to figure that out. You just have to read the client reports (and it is pretty easy to figure out which ones are legitimate - Claire, for example) on this site.

Then look at the feedback on Kasamba and you can track clients who are excited and happy, then they express doubt or make comments like 'time frames are pushed forward but I still believe etc, then comments start to appear next to one star and a distressed "you conned me", or they disappear.

But the sewer rats know that the food source is going to dry up eventually and have been busy gnawing their way into the psyche and bank accounts of other vulnerable clients.

It is not time consuming to track these clients. If you copy the feedback onto a word document (which is easy if you have an assistant who wants to earn a few extra dollars outside work hours) then just do a few searches you can see patterns emerge.

It is also interesting how much that ...errr person (struggling for a word here and remembering that the rules of the site prohibit certain words to be used in, whose primary profile is Angels for You uses one of her profiles to bolter others or to try and neutralise a bad review.

It also sticks out like (thinking of a particular part of the canine anatomy) that the one person, Angels For You, wrote a lot, if not all of the profiles reported to be also used by her to defraud clients. Why? Because the woman cannot construct a proper sentence.

You don't have to be an English Professor to figure out they were all written by the same person. Her writing style is so distinctively....errr (searching for a word) is just plain terrible. It the same badly written BS over and over again.

So Claire, remember that the ones against you in this post are clearly Angels For You and her cronies like that Einstein Lolita (another one that cannot write a proper sentence).

Claire YOU ARE CORRECT. Like I said, it sticks out like the particular part of the canine anatomy that the woman, Angels for You, is a vampire feeding on her victims until she bleeds them dry.

I think the only talent these people have is the ability to spot vulnerability. It is NOT a crime to be vulnerable. It is NOT a crime to be at a bad place in one's life. It is human. The crime lays with those who take advantage of people who are particularly vulnerable for whatever reason.

I am wary of people who scream 'personal responsibility' because it reminds me of the old "well she was wearing a short skirt so she asked for it" argument that used to be the basis of sexual assault defences.

I have read some of the disgusting judgements that have been made about people who report Kasamba con artists in these posts. It is beyond me how people can make such judgements without knowing the person or their situation. I guess they just get off on the perceived power that it gives them. This of course indicates a less than healthy psychological state in the people like psycho one (and others).

Claire, Karma will get Angels for You that is if the police don't get her first.



Msgs you Rock !!!!! 97% of psychic experts on kasamba - liveperson are sewer rats lol

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, March 20, 2008

i so pissed my self reading your explanation of what a sewer rat is ...

lolita keep denying that you are not on kasamba ....

and keep stating you do have a life ...yeah what life lol lol


Manchester, UK,
United Kingdom

Angels for you viz Sewer Rats

#60Consumer Comment

Wed, March 19, 2008

I was fascinated by the comment made by Lucy that Angels for You is lower than a Melbourne sewer Rat. I looked up some facts on sewer rats. Here are a few of those facts

1. Where there is plenty of food available, the rat may need to colonise only small areas.

2. Their life span is 1-2 years.

3. They are canny and will identify the food source ans strip it then move on to another food source.

4. Sewer rats are extremely good at finding hidden defects in pipes and drains -

From what I have read, in the case of Angels for You and other predatory and dishonest psychics on Kasamba, they hone in on the vulnerabilities in people and exploit them



lol me and spells

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 19, 2008

If you remember i never did spell work i wouldnt because it is a huge issues on Absolute Divine Access i never once said that i did spells and if someone asked me i said no to getting partners back i Dont do spell work so next time you accuse me of being someone else and say i do that crap make sure you get your facts right !!!!! I do have alife and well at least im not on that site anylonger look at what i would have to put up with not again never ever will i work on that site .



lucy your fantastic i was to post the same thing ...calling angels for you - devils for you lol thats the best darling !!!!

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 19, 2008

lucy go girl !!!!! your wonderful and im so happy you have a decent loving man in your life now .. i actually feel i know which client you are and i wont be mentioning this here i respect you .. all your posts are 100%

now lolita ... you need a life darls.. your one evil ... spells ha .. what you send out ms comes back to you ok... you are exactly like angels for you ann lambert ms

you need a life sweetie and saying arianna PSYCHIC EMPOWEREMENT ISNT YOU IS HOGWASH


KAREN .. this last post of yours i agree too ..


ANGELS FOR YOU is a devil .. she is evil evil evil evil she plays on poor unsuspecting clients vulnerabilities

and if her mother did die what .. we all die one day hey ...
but but dont friken use this as a ploy to win clients compasion etc and never speak about your personal life in a session with a client .. you are so unprofessional

just checked your website ANN lambert ... you better get your details contact details off soon ... kasamba dont allow that darling .. your taking clients off site for sure

and all your friken phony degrees . well we know you paid for those on the internet .. anyone can lol



Get a Life

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 19, 2008

You know after what happened to me on there i feel sorry for those that are on there now and well what are the simalarities to my old profile and Arinna's one there is none because there is nothing in it thats why if you knew me you would have known I was there helping people not just the money yes me as a human got things wrong as anyone would at any job they are allowed to slip up the worse part I think for me working on that site was people ( Clients & Experts) would come looking for a fairytale and when it didnt happen whoever they went to after that would cop it because of the mess the previuos psychic had made . But you know what thats all gone and done for me now because I am happy with having the spare time to actually have a life.

Have a great life and may it all go back to the person who started it all good luck and may you all find peace



Anne - Angels for You

#60Consumer Comment

Wed, March 19, 2008

You come in here defending yourself and attacking those who tell the truth about you.

You are lower than the scum in the sewers of Melbourne.


North Carolina,

From reading feedback

#60Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 18, 2008

From reading this woman's feedback posted by mgs it does seem that she is giving false hope to her clients but when the clients realize that something is off this is their inner self telling them just that. That these things being said are not real. That is the cue of the client to not call this person back again (this is also called taking personal responsiblity for the actions you choose from that moment on). Secondly, angels do not give ANY psychic answers in which to relay to clients. Angels do not work that way. Of course there will be those out here (clients and psychics) who will beg to differ but it just does not happen.

Anyone who tells you they are giving angel readings; meaning they are getting their psychic answers from a angel is definately a fake. I have seen this with my own eyes from those who claim to be giving "angel readings". They are doing nothing more but feeding you a bunch of bull and playing off what they think you want to hear. Now consider that most of the questions being asked are from women asking about a past, present, or future relationships. All the fake reader will have to do is play on their emotions and strong need for love and start telling them fairy tales that sound pleasing to the ear and heart. When the client starts to doubt just string them along in the most sweetest manner possible. This is called being empathic to the clients emotions.

The psychic game is a very lucrative business but you must become a savvy client in order to spot them right away. Unfortunately these scam artists will always have a source of income as long as people are in emotional need. It is not right, no but these kinds of scams have been around for a very long time and does not look to be going away any time soon. The best advice is to educate yourselves in how the fakes work and try, if you can; not to call them when you are emotionally vulnerable because the fakes play off your emotions.


North Carolina,

From reading feedback

#60Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 18, 2008

From reading this woman's feedback posted by mgs it does seem that she is giving false hope to her clients but when the clients realize that something is off this is their inner self telling them just that. That these things being said are not real. That is the cue of the client to not call this person back again (this is also called taking personal responsiblity for the actions you choose from that moment on). Secondly, angels do not give ANY psychic answers in which to relay to clients. Angels do not work that way. Of course there will be those out here (clients and psychics) who will beg to differ but it just does not happen.

Anyone who tells you they are giving angel readings; meaning they are getting their psychic answers from a angel is definately a fake. I have seen this with my own eyes from those who claim to be giving "angel readings". They are doing nothing more but feeding you a bunch of bull and playing off what they think you want to hear. Now consider that most of the questions being asked are from women asking about a past, present, or future relationships. All the fake reader will have to do is play on their emotions and strong need for love and start telling them fairy tales that sound pleasing to the ear and heart. When the client starts to doubt just string them along in the most sweetest manner possible. This is called being empathic to the clients emotions.

The psychic game is a very lucrative business but you must become a savvy client in order to spot them right away. Unfortunately these scam artists will always have a source of income as long as people are in emotional need. It is not right, no but these kinds of scams have been around for a very long time and does not look to be going away any time soon. The best advice is to educate yourselves in how the fakes work and try, if you can; not to call them when you are emotionally vulnerable because the fakes play off your emotions.


North Carolina,

From reading feedback

#60Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 18, 2008

From reading this woman's feedback posted by mgs it does seem that she is giving false hope to her clients but when the clients realize that something is off this is their inner self telling them just that. That these things being said are not real. That is the cue of the client to not call this person back again (this is also called taking personal responsiblity for the actions you choose from that moment on). Secondly, angels do not give ANY psychic answers in which to relay to clients. Angels do not work that way. Of course there will be those out here (clients and psychics) who will beg to differ but it just does not happen.

Anyone who tells you they are giving angel readings; meaning they are getting their psychic answers from a angel is definately a fake. I have seen this with my own eyes from those who claim to be giving "angel readings". They are doing nothing more but feeding you a bunch of bull and playing off what they think you want to hear. Now consider that most of the questions being asked are from women asking about a past, present, or future relationships. All the fake reader will have to do is play on their emotions and strong need for love and start telling them fairy tales that sound pleasing to the ear and heart. When the client starts to doubt just string them along in the most sweetest manner possible. This is called being empathic to the clients emotions.

The psychic game is a very lucrative business but you must become a savvy client in order to spot them right away. Unfortunately these scam artists will always have a source of income as long as people are in emotional need. It is not right, no but these kinds of scams have been around for a very long time and does not look to be going away any time soon. The best advice is to educate yourselves in how the fakes work and try, if you can; not to call them when you are emotionally vulnerable because the fakes play off your emotions.


North Carolina,

From reading feedback

#60Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 18, 2008

From reading this woman's feedback posted by mgs it does seem that she is giving false hope to her clients but when the clients realize that something is off this is their inner self telling them just that. That these things being said are not real. That is the cue of the client to not call this person back again (this is also called taking personal responsiblity for the actions you choose from that moment on). Secondly, angels do not give ANY psychic answers in which to relay to clients. Angels do not work that way. Of course there will be those out here (clients and psychics) who will beg to differ but it just does not happen.

Anyone who tells you they are giving angel readings; meaning they are getting their psychic answers from a angel is definately a fake. I have seen this with my own eyes from those who claim to be giving "angel readings". They are doing nothing more but feeding you a bunch of bull and playing off what they think you want to hear. Now consider that most of the questions being asked are from women asking about a past, present, or future relationships. All the fake reader will have to do is play on their emotions and strong need for love and start telling them fairy tales that sound pleasing to the ear and heart. When the client starts to doubt just string them along in the most sweetest manner possible. This is called being empathic to the clients emotions.

The psychic game is a very lucrative business but you must become a savvy client in order to spot them right away. Unfortunately these scam artists will always have a source of income as long as people are in emotional need. It is not right, no but these kinds of scams have been around for a very long time and does not look to be going away any time soon. The best advice is to educate yourselves in how the fakes work and try, if you can; not to call them when you are emotionally vulnerable because the fakes play off your emotions.



Cruel is exactly what Angels for You is

#60Consumer Comment

Tue, March 18, 2008

What she does is cruel, greedy and despicable. All in the pursuit of money she ruins peoples lives. She should change her name to DEVILS FOR YOU.

And Kasamba/Liveperson, you are just as bad for supporting this type of activity.


Manchester, UK,
United Kingdom

Claire is NOT 'stop the lies' psycho one

#60Consumer Comment

Tue, March 18, 2008

What a load of bollocks!!!. Their writing style is completely different. The content of their posts (and that of Lucy) is very credible.

All you have to do is look through the feedback of Angels for You and you can identify lots of clients like the client Lucy mentioned.

It is not rocket science. The early feedback from clients expresses gratitude and hope because they have been promised future happiness. Then the tone of the feedback changes and the lucky ones break free and disappear.

Some examples (copied directly from her feedback so excuse the spelling):

1, Hooray for Anne - I am beyond lucky! Thanks for always being there and am so excited for all this to come true!!

2. I hope all the dreams come true. know you are right just need to learn how to trust!

3, she stays firm in her prediction for my life and it strengthens me to go on and continue to endure the wait for my one true love's return.

Slowly the comments change and express that they are hanging on to hope (of course they are helped by Angels for You at $10.00 a minute). Some examples:

1, She's holding out strong even when I'm not.

2. The Angels are right, they've asked me to keep the faith especially when the world seems dark and not encouraging at all.

3. Ann always stand by her predictions, today i am low but Ann has restored my faith and belief - she keeps me strong in my moments of doubt

4. Stands by her predictions, and I do believe it will happen ooooxxxxxxx

5. stands by her prediction, even though all looks to the contrary. we shall see...
i am waitng and wil keep you updates

6, Anne sticks by her guns and her angels on this impossible situation so all I have to do is have faith and all will come to me

7, Ann never stops encouraging me she is so adamant at the outcome of my situation although I cant see it, but she has never waivered from her predictions,

8. you are adamant i would be with this love of mine my soulmate, and i pray this will come to pass.

Some regular clients start to express doubt in their feedback. Some examples:

1, Ann is predicting stuff that seems totally surreal and not actually going to happen but I have faith in her and in the guides she consults with. IF what she says is going to happen actually comes to pass...she is going to get the HUGEST LONGEST rating celebrating her talents.

2, She continues to reassure me that angel messages continue to show a positive outcome and that the wait will be worth it. She is standing by her previous predictions and I can't wait to come back here and announce to the world that my blessing has been given to me, my prayers have been answered and share the joy my heart will know.

3, Although things happened we did not expect, you are still sticking by your words, and lifting my spirit with your positive attitude and pushing me forward,

4, I pray to God to be given more patiance and hope to keep my faith, thank u for reminding me constantly about my faith.

5, thank you Ann, ran out of funds, waiting for me has been painful, and time is stretching and i am running out of light, and yu keep fueling me with light

6, I don't know...she still holds to her predictions, but I'm starting to doubt...I've been waiting for a very long time and I'm starting to think I'm waiting for nothing...If she's right, she'll have a client for life,

7. Unfortunately, her predictions r/e this guy's actions have not been very accurate to date. I'm sorry Ann but I went back to the history and realized this is true. I really want you and the angels to be right and promise to re-rate if things change!!!

Finally, as Lucy said, clients just disappear. There are many examples of this in her feedback.

It is simply cruel to do that to people. She must be some piece of work.



stopthelies is not claire psychoone lol ....

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 18, 2008

now this is getting beyond a joke

psychoone lol ...i aint claire

just keep rolling your crap here and i will keep attacking you and angels for you

angels for you is a scammer and totaly unprofessional to speak of her personal life in a paid session with clients

how ethical is that hey

claire dont listen take any notice of these idiots .. psychoone is obviously angels for you ....

Psychic One

Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,

Claire is Stopthelies, and more!

#60UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 18, 2008

It's so funny that Claire has to come on here and do exactly what she is accusing psychics of doing - changing alias LOL! Claire comes on here pretending to be "STOPTHELIES", and others while accusing psychics to be working under this name and that name. Utterly pathetic this Claire is. I still don't know why she hasn't gone in to give those low ratings??? She completely avoided it here when I pulled it in the previous rebuttal. LOL. Now, she'll take a day or two or three to come up with the PERFECT excuse as to why she didn't rate anyone with a 1 star. Hard to believe she'd keep her big mouth shut when she's here ranting and raving EVERYDAY. The only one who's a fake, is Claire. Get a life Claire. Told ya I wasn't going to go away :)



Go check Anne's ratings for ety

#60Consumer Comment

Tue, March 18, 2008

There was one client ety, who for over a year Anne read for. Poor ety, the woman was obviously in a lot of pain, but guess what, ety finally had the sense to cut her ties with Anne and hasn't been back since 7 February. She now goes to another reader. Congratulations ety, you finally woke up!

Same I had with Anne, she told me I would move in with a particular man and marry him last year. Well surprise surprise, the man and I dont even talk and I am with someone else, so how can I marry someone I have not talked to for over a year.

And to add to that, I had other more honest readers tell me I was wasting my time with him and move on, because there was someone better coming into my life and guess what, someone MUCH better did come into my life and we are still together.

She is a liar! no question in my mind whatsoever. Defend her as much as you like, the facts speak for themselves.


United Kingdom

You Got To Be Kidding!

#60Author of original report

Tue, March 18, 2008

Are you all so stupid to attack readers here with fees that charge high to divert the whole process on THE FACTS HERE -

Lolita who ever you are I don't know you, never got a reading from you and don't wish to ever get a reading.

Thie other Person Ms Iheartbono Texas, Texas U.S.A.


You are all stupid as I am a CLIENT NOT A READER

Secondly you are all tartgeting and pulling straws where you want to - to get to the bottom of this.

I am a Client Not A Psychic everyone esle who has added their opinion is just that - what so i get called made or psycho for laying the TRUTH HERE is Ann Angels For you feeling threatened

the reason why she closed down or Kas got on her case about her profile






Secondly Using family and the Poor Me Syndrome is not the way to have Clients come on board when she had all her remaining 3 profiles available

Come on You have all been diverting the truth and If i have wrongly accused Psychic Empowerment - then just maybe there was truth that it was a reader who was kicked off this site for reasons unknown WHO CARES ANYMORE


the ones in the first pages i havent even had a reading with so why divert this to people whom are innocent

I don't understand you lot because this is so out of control because someone who is a scammer loves to divert attention to elsewhere

So Angels For You - the Company in the US will shut down your site as they are aware you are using their Trademark name - regardless if you have a on the end of it

GOOD LUCK you are being watched by others on here and there are truths in this whole bs of it all

Just see how far they have all come along who ever they are whether it be clients, readers who cares

I am a client who had my hopes up and given this bs for a year with her and then to find the rest of the whole family is on here and word for word this is so ridiculous becuase i spoke up

I obviously hit a pandoras box here and well

I can't be bothered with you all for speaking my own truth and my own path of deciept from this reader;

No one can change FACTS HERE

Stop defending a lier a scammer and a Fraud

End of Story



lol Why Hide who you are ???? I have nothing to hide thats why i am here!

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 17, 2008

You know after being slandered not once but twice by certian top rated psychics i had enough i was allowed back on kasamba because i was innocent of what was being said about me then i got targeted again and again so i left deleted my profiles and ask kas to remove me from their site as i no longer wanted to put up with the abuse from all the other psychics that where on front page .... As for me being Psychic Empowerment you got that wrong as i would risk my own life again after the last time so think what you may Arinna is a good person whom i have helped with getting her on there but you know what maybe we dont know who you are because you really are one of the psychics yourself that do charge 17.00 an hour and does love the 777 aspect of life who knows i dont know you from a bar of soap and you dont know me so we leave it at that i come in here because i like to watch if things have changed on kas but by the looks of it there is still the twisted fake psychics still trying to get the actual good ones kicked off why is that there is no need to be jealous as this work is through god and for the sake of helping another human being why do so many slander the good work some of us do !!!!! Anyway Peace out party time is over and now we have to get with the real world !!!! oh i know i am in the real world but are YOU????????

Lolita (Absolute Divine Access)



lol Why Hide who you are ???? I have nothing to hide thats why i am here!

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 17, 2008

You know after being slandered not once but twice by certian top rated psychics i had enough i was allowed back on kasamba because i was innocent of what was being said about me then i got targeted again and again so i left deleted my profiles and ask kas to remove me from their site as i no longer wanted to put up with the abuse from all the other psychics that where on front page .... As for me being Psychic Empowerment you got that wrong as i would risk my own life again after the last time so think what you may Arinna is a good person whom i have helped with getting her on there but you know what maybe we dont know who you are because you really are one of the psychics yourself that do charge 17.00 an hour and does love the 777 aspect of life who knows i dont know you from a bar of soap and you dont know me so we leave it at that i come in here because i like to watch if things have changed on kas but by the looks of it there is still the twisted fake psychics still trying to get the actual good ones kicked off why is that there is no need to be jealous as this work is through god and for the sake of helping another human being why do so many slander the good work some of us do !!!!! Anyway Peace out party time is over and now we have to get with the real world !!!! oh i know i am in the real world but are YOU????????

Lolita (Absolute Divine Access)



lol Why Hide who you are ???? I have nothing to hide thats why i am here!

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 17, 2008

You know after being slandered not once but twice by certian top rated psychics i had enough i was allowed back on kasamba because i was innocent of what was being said about me then i got targeted again and again so i left deleted my profiles and ask kas to remove me from their site as i no longer wanted to put up with the abuse from all the other psychics that where on front page .... As for me being Psychic Empowerment you got that wrong as i would risk my own life again after the last time so think what you may Arinna is a good person whom i have helped with getting her on there but you know what maybe we dont know who you are because you really are one of the psychics yourself that do charge 17.00 an hour and does love the 777 aspect of life who knows i dont know you from a bar of soap and you dont know me so we leave it at that i come in here because i like to watch if things have changed on kas but by the looks of it there is still the twisted fake psychics still trying to get the actual good ones kicked off why is that there is no need to be jealous as this work is through god and for the sake of helping another human being why do so many slander the good work some of us do !!!!! Anyway Peace out party time is over and now we have to get with the real world !!!! oh i know i am in the real world but are YOU????????

Lolita (Absolute Divine Access)



lol Why Hide who you are ???? I have nothing to hide thats why i am here!

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 17, 2008

You know after being slandered not once but twice by certian top rated psychics i had enough i was allowed back on kasamba because i was innocent of what was being said about me then i got targeted again and again so i left deleted my profiles and ask kas to remove me from their site as i no longer wanted to put up with the abuse from all the other psychics that where on front page .... As for me being Psychic Empowerment you got that wrong as i would risk my own life again after the last time so think what you may Arinna is a good person whom i have helped with getting her on there but you know what maybe we dont know who you are because you really are one of the psychics yourself that do charge 17.00 an hour and does love the 777 aspect of life who knows i dont know you from a bar of soap and you dont know me so we leave it at that i come in here because i like to watch if things have changed on kas but by the looks of it there is still the twisted fake psychics still trying to get the actual good ones kicked off why is that there is no need to be jealous as this work is through god and for the sake of helping another human being why do so many slander the good work some of us do !!!!! Anyway Peace out party time is over and now we have to get with the real world !!!! oh i know i am in the real world but are YOU????????

Lolita (Absolute Divine Access)


Manchester, UK,
United Kingdom

This last post was written by Angels for You

#60Consumer Comment

Mon, March 17, 2008

lol...Angels for You is defending herself in the same writing style she uses on her profiles. It is SO obvious. The woman cannot construct a proper sentence. This is blatantly obvious from the writing style on her profiles.

Angels for you also plays the sympathy card. Her recent feedback is full of references to her mother's death.

Previous ratings refer to her "putting aside her personal strife" and references to her "health problems" which indicates she plays the sympathy card.

I have never had a reading from this woman but the bitterness displayed against Claire caught my attention in this post. I abhor people who attack other for speaking their truth.

This author of this last post defending angels for you was clearly written by Angels for You. After all, she does have a history of using one of her profiles to defend the other or to try to neutralise a bad rating.


Ile Dupas,


#60Consumer Comment

Mon, March 17, 2008

I don't know if angel for you have really lost her mother recently for that i can't speak of. However this seem to be a thing a psychic could use to get compassion. Oh i am sorry my reading was not right. A close family member of mine died and this is what i was picking on.

You know like one reader before that was saying that her mother had cancer or something then the client when to her home and she was running two computer for kasamba and the mother was sitten just fine in the lounge room. Althought you can't tell the medical condition of a person just by looking at them.

What i am getting into is this could be a way to gain compassion from their client so they would not pay attention to predictions not coming true or encourage them in spending more money on them.

I mean if the psychic is really distraugh her mother passed away. Why don't she take time off kasamba. After all kasamba should not be a 9 to 5 but just somehting on the slide to help people with your gift and earn some extra money. Nobody should bet their living on kasamba. You are not after money you are just there to help people,right ?



crazy clair shame on you nothing better to do with your time but bagging angels for you

#60Consumer Comment

Mon, March 17, 2008

clair you are a rip of your self angels for you has helped many people I have been a client of ann's for one year and in this time she has been accurate shame on you for making up these lies about angels for you

there is know heart In you clair ann lost her mom two weeks agoe and she is not like others that charge $17.00 per min come on get your facts straight angels for you has done so much free work shame shame you



crazy clair shame on you nothing better to do with your time but bagging angels for you

#60Consumer Comment

Mon, March 17, 2008

clair you are a rip of your self angels for you has helped many people I have been a client of ann's for one year and in this time she has been accurate shame on you for making up these lies about angels for you

there is know heart In you clair ann lost her mom two weeks agoe and she is not like others that charge $17.00 per min come on get your facts straight angels for you has done so much free work shame shame you



crazy clair shame on you nothing better to do with your time but bagging angels for you

#60Consumer Comment

Mon, March 17, 2008

clair you are a rip of your self angels for you has helped many people I have been a client of ann's for one year and in this time she has been accurate shame on you for making up these lies about angels for you

there is know heart In you clair ann lost her mom two weeks agoe and she is not like others that charge $17.00 per min come on get your facts straight angels for you has done so much free work shame shame you



crazy clair shame on you nothing better to do with your time but bagging angels for you

#60Consumer Comment

Mon, March 17, 2008

clair you are a rip of your self angels for you has helped many people I have been a client of ann's for one year and in this time she has been accurate shame on you for making up these lies about angels for you

there is know heart In you clair ann lost her mom two weeks agoe and she is not like others that charge $17.00 per min come on get your facts straight angels for you has done so much free work shame shame you



whats with lolita ex divine access coming here defending psychic empowerment..something smells like BS

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, March 16, 2008

lolita were you not outed from kasamba a few months back ??? your credibility is nothing here . you coming here on this report once this psychic empowerment expert was named under ann angels for you multiple profiles defending *psychic empowerment expert * shows something really interesting here

you are yourself this expert

same wording style in this profile psychic empowerment to what your previous profile on kasamba was


fair enough this may not be under one of angels for you multiple alias ..on kasamba this mentioned profile which you are so so defending ..interesting you appear here !!!!


keep to the facts here

kasamba allow fraudsters

kasamba falsely advertises, misrepresents totaly

kasamba allow scams as they make the money money money here

kasamba are changing their name in april to live person ........mmm i wonder if this is a tactic to take away attention on google when one types kasamba right under it rippoff report is there .
doesnt matter anyway the reports on this site will be under a new heading now

liveperson ....

more like it should be called deadperson

angels for you is a scammer no matter what anyone says

she aint the only one doing it .

leave claire alone psychicone your a psycho ! she has a right to state her story which i totaly agree every point except the psychic empowerment expert arianna ..this now i believe is lolita herself who was taken off twice of kasamba we have here now as psychic empowerement


silly woman you just gave yourself away

funny how people reveal themselves in funny ways



psychos not psychics

#60Consumer Comment

Sun, March 16, 2008

No rip off here. If you are stupid enough to believe anything these so-called "psychics" tell you then you deserve to lose your money


Korea, Republic of

Psychic Empowerment is not Angels for You

#60Consumer Comment

Sun, March 16, 2008

I agree with Lolita. Claire you should get your facts straight before you slander a good person. Psychic Empowerment is in fact Arinna. I have had dealings with her myself and she is the only psychic I have ever talked to that got a prediction correct. You should be ashamed of yourself for slandering her, she in fact is a good person. You would know that if you ever talked to her.


Korea, Republic of

Psychic Empowerment is not Angels for You

#60Consumer Comment

Sun, March 16, 2008

I agree with Lolita. Claire you should get your facts straight before you slander a good person. Psychic Empowerment is in fact Arinna. I have had dealings with her myself and she is the only psychic I have ever talked to that got a prediction correct. You should be ashamed of yourself for slandering her, she in fact is a good person. You would know that if you ever talked to her.


Korea, Republic of

Psychic Empowerment is not Angels for You

#60Consumer Comment

Sun, March 16, 2008

I agree with Lolita. Claire you should get your facts straight before you slander a good person. Psychic Empowerment is in fact Arinna. I have had dealings with her myself and she is the only psychic I have ever talked to that got a prediction correct. You should be ashamed of yourself for slandering her, she in fact is a good person. You would know that if you ever talked to her.


North Carolina,

What seems

#60Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 15, 2008

What seems to be happening on that site as it appears to me, is that the readers are spending WAY too much time focused on the star rating system instead of what they are actually there for. Those are the ones who most definately are fake. The ones who do not care about the ratings are the ones you find are real because they cannot go against what they see no matter if its going to hurt your feelings or not. The star rating system obviously needs to be revamped and some other kind of system needs to be put into place. What? I do not know. So many people have jumped on that site as a way to make easy and fast money to "pay bills".

Now I have been directed to take a look at that site just by this ROR site alone and have read the public board where readers are screaming at clients (when it was possible to see the responses) that what they do there pays their bills. That in itself should alert the clients to stay away from those kind of readers. Readers should never depend on clients as a major source of income for when they do the monetary gain takes over the gifts (thats only if you have a true gift to begin with).

Now on the other side of the fence, there are the clients who jump from reader to reader trying to ease their broken hearts, needing and wanting to hear a fairy tale just to get through the day. Just to be able to handle the pain of loss. Some may hear the truth and refuse to accept it and leave bad ratings. Some may appreciate hearing the truth and be grateful for not being led down a path of lies.

So, basically the responsiblity lies upon both parties. Yes there is a astronomical amount of psychic frauds in the world but its up to the clients to educate themselves in regard to how to recognize the con artists. Yes, its good to express your experiences on a site such at this but only if its authentic of heart. Now, we all know that readers used this site to bash one another out of jealousy and clients used this site to feed their obsessions and nothing really got solved because NO ONE; psychic or client wants to take personal responsiblity for their actions.

This kind of issue will never get solved because its been a ongoing problem for a long long time and as long as there is money to be gained there will always be unhappy clients and fraudulent readers. This says that this kind of issue most likely will never be solved in a positive, neutral manner. But understand that with a site like this you are going to get opinions of all sorts of people. Some will make sense and some will not.

So there is alot of fault on BOTH sides of the fence! Not everyone is going to agree with what anyone says. That is just life. Agree to disagree. Now I expect all of my favorite Karen bashers to twist what I said all around and repost, etc. but as I have always said, It is what it is! There is no reason to be wearing a permanent perma victim cape on either side! I will not respond to anyone after this post because there are those out here who find fault in any and everything I say and I stand behind EVERY word I have said out here. I am a realist and will always be that!



That doesn't mean a thing

#60Consumer Comment

Sat, March 15, 2008

I am not accusing either of those two of having any relations to each other but, I beg to differ on the whole Kasamba would shut them down if they had multiple accounts. I know for a fact that there are TONS Of "readers" on there that have more than one account. It gets reported and it stays. I know there are also 'readers' on there who hijack legit readers profiles and pass them off as their own and Kasamba not only approves those profiles but does NOT shut them down even after being reported.

My dispute is not directly with those two readers but the general statement Kasamba shuts down multiple profiles because they don't



To whom it mayconcern

#60Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 15, 2008

To those who do know me i know for a fact that Psychic Empowerment is of no relation nor is part of this Angels for you at all ... Her name is in fact Arinna I know myself if she was a fraud she would have been shut down for having more than one account she follows the rules to a tee because that is what she does .... So go ahead ..... I know because i have had dealing outside of the kasamba site

Psychic One

Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,

Claire is such a fake!

#60UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 11, 2008

Go ahead Claire, put in your rating on their feedback. Some of the experts you listed are so new that you have had time to leave feedback within the 30 days you faker. So go ahead, prove your point, leave your feedback. You said you can't leave feedback after 30 days, liar, but not all of them have been experts for longer than that when you left your trash about them. So go ahead!!! Leave your feedback in the form of one star you fake!!! You won't, and can't, because you haven't had a reading with every single expert you listed, and are just a bitter old shrew who has no one to love and no one to love her back! Cheers!!

Psychic One

Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,

Claire is such a fake!

#60UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 11, 2008

Go ahead Claire, put in your rating on their feedback. Some of the experts you listed are so new that you have had time to leave feedback within the 30 days you faker. So go ahead, prove your point, leave your feedback. You said you can't leave feedback after 30 days, liar, but not all of them have been experts for longer than that when you left your trash about them. So go ahead!!! Leave your feedback in the form of one star you fake!!! You won't, and can't, because you haven't had a reading with every single expert you listed, and are just a bitter old shrew who has no one to love and no one to love her back! Cheers!!

Psychic One

Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,

Claire is such a fake!

#60UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 11, 2008

Go ahead Claire, put in your rating on their feedback. Some of the experts you listed are so new that you have had time to leave feedback within the 30 days you faker. So go ahead, prove your point, leave your feedback. You said you can't leave feedback after 30 days, liar, but not all of them have been experts for longer than that when you left your trash about them. So go ahead!!! Leave your feedback in the form of one star you fake!!! You won't, and can't, because you haven't had a reading with every single expert you listed, and are just a bitter old shrew who has no one to love and no one to love her back! Cheers!!

Psychic One

Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,

Bitter Claire

#60UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 11, 2008

Claire, who is using a fake name, has no idea what the he... she's talking about as she can't even spell London right. I know who this Claire is, and no one lead her on. Claire stop accusing people of having multiple accounts because you chose to listen to your pathetic daydreams about your ex. You knew he was not going to come, you have been told by other psychics he isn't coming back, you have been told by other people, friends, and family he isn't coming back and you chose to call day after day to hear what you wanted to hear. You used to be called COSMIC_LIGHT ID # 486000, and when you got the truth about him not coming back, you threw a fit because it wasn't what you wanted to hear and left bad feedback, so stop accusing people of having multiple accounts because you force people to tell you what you want to hear or you retaliate



So true

#60Consumer Comment

Tue, March 11, 2008

If the psychics were honest in the first place and said "No he is not coming back", that would be the end of it. But no, they feed you this "have faith" crap which keeps the client holding on to false hope and spending more money.

I had a read with Ann - Angels for You, and Gypsey Rose - Karyn (or whatever she changed her name to be that day), both said exactly the same thing and none of the predictions came to pass. Thank God I was smart enough not to go back.

Hey Msg, I love your SunshiningUponU sure got the wrong client that day.


Manchester, UK,
United Kingdom

This is not the first report about this woman

#60Consumer Comment

Mon, March 10, 2008

There are reports on ROR that date back months and say the same thing: Angels For You is a scammer. I did a quick search. There may be more reports but these are the ones I found:

1. Report: #229084: Psychic Gipsy Rose Is Angels For You; 1/6/2007

2. Consumer comment from an Ex Employee in that thread said Yes that's true.

3 Report: #229128: Kasamba, Psychic Expert Angels For You Big Scammer rip of fraudster scammer has more than one profile, I've been scammed beware you may be too: 1/6/2007

4. Report: #229827: Kasamba - Expert Id 245887 - GUARDIAN ANGELS FOR YOU Scammer Fraudster Multiple Profiles Psychic Gipsy Rose Kasamba expert ripped me off has 3 other profiles listed and is running these account took my money under false pretences; 1/10/2007

5. Report: #229807: KASAMBA Expert Id 245887 GUARDIAN ANGELS FOR YOU Is Also Expert Ids 374318 And 414146 SCAMMER ripped off by this expert who has 3 profiles buyers beware she is not a psychic but a psychotic obsessive scammer 1/10/2007

6.Report: #229827: Kasamba - Expert Id 245887 - GUARDIAN ANGELS FOR YOU Scammer Fraudster Multiple Profiles Psychic Gipsy Rose Kasamba expert ripped me off has 3 other profiles listed and is running these account took my money under false pretences; 1/10/2007

7. Report #233043: Kasamba expert Guardian Angels For You ripoff; 1/27/2007

8. Report #274557: Angels For You, Universal Love Psychic, Spirit Readings By Michael, Angel Insights By Karyn Angels For You, Universal Love Psychic, Spirit Readings By Michael * Angel Insights By Karyn ANYIONE THAT HAS APPROACHED THESE READERS HAVE BEEN SCAMMED ASK FOR A REFUND AUSTRALIA ; 9/14/2007

9.Consumer comment: I agree

10.Report: #274557Kasamba Psychic Angels for you is Spirit Readings by Michael , angel insights for Karyn, universal love psychic, psychic davo; 10/2/2007


12. Consumer comment: Why don't you take a real good look at the constant changes of Angels For You, the NOW in Active Account of Michaels and Insights By Karyn

Why is it that psychics use the same old 'blame the victim' excuse? The answer is simple. They are trying to deflect responsibility onto the client.

As I said in a previous post I am a relative of Friend's Husband. I have only had the one reading on Kasamba, and I did that to test a psychic. She told me my ex-husband was pining for me and we would reunite.

However, what she didn't know and I didn't tell her is that he recently remarried and I have another partner-a woman.

My marriage break-up was amicable and since we both work in the same profession we lunch regularly together. He is very much in love with his new wife and I am happy because it has taken away some of the guilt that I felt about breaking up our marriage because I realised that I am gay.

The way the psychic put it was quite different from my situation. She couldn't have been more wrong if she tried. I felt like I was being set up for a long term situation in which I would keep coming back to be reassured that he still wanted me and was coming back. And for this they charge $10-20 a minute and then turn nasty when the client realises they have been connec.

When my relative's friend contacted this same psychic to tell her she was wrong about the man that she had been told for a long time was coming back because she had just found out he was marrying someone else, the psychic told her she just had to much hate to be loved and to not contact her again. She spent thousands of dollars and was then just blocked when she confronted the psychic.

They seem to be so nice and supportive as long as you are paying but once you confront them they blame the client or free will. The scammers are happy to take the clients money and lead them on but when the predictions don't work out they put the blame on the psychic.

Psychic One is trying the old blame the victim trick' on Claire. If you read through the history of Kasamba reports quite a few people regularly use the blame the victim' approach. They have written really nasty posts to people about have been ripped and are hurting. Ignore them Claire because they obviously don't see past their own prejudices In this case there is a mountain of evidence that proves psychic one is wrong and she is right.

Good on you for speaking out. keep on doing it and remember that psychic one is a nasty shrew who is trying to 'victim blame'. All I had to do to find those reports was to do a simple search. Anyone who wants to read them just has to search for the report number or just type in angels for you and they can see that she is clearly a fraud. That many people cannot be wrong.

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