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  • Report:  #775511

Complaint Review: Anthony J. Izzo

Anthony J. Izzo Assistant Chief Anthony J. Izzo He sends his team of n**i troops out to do illegal wiretapping on phones and solicits the sale of drugs! New York City, New York

  • Reported By:
    No way Hose! — New York City New York United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, September 12, 2011
  • Updated:
    Fri, September 23, 2011

As a STANDARD procedure for his narcotics division, his band of dirty cops (under his authority) are illegally wiretapping private individuals phones and then contacting the individual to ask for a drug sale. That's solicitation, THAT'S entrapment!

The NYC narcotics division is dirty and it's leader should be FIRED!!!

15 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

OMG, your daughter is in puberty!!!

#16Author of original report

Fri, September 23, 2011

Send the old FeDs after her!!!!


United States of America

So defensive are we.....

#16Author of original report

Fri, September 23, 2011

You just hit the nail on the god dang head.

Justification for illegal activity!

I figured you to be a perv too!!!!


North Carolina,
United States of America

Like wow dude!

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, September 22, 2011

(SOUND EFFECTS: Long drag on a doob)
Like, why don't you chill out, bro!
(SOUND EFFECTS: Another long drag on a doob)
Robert is a cool dude, dude.
(SOUND EFFECTS: Another long drag on a doob)
Like, yo, stop with all the name calling, bro!

That said, the NYPD has a long standing rep for giving grief to petty violators. I'll never erase the store from my mind of the sick pregnant lady ticketed and hassled for sitting on the steps leading into a subway station. Horror of horror, she needed to lower her head in her lap to ride out a bout of nausea. Every power they are given they take to the farthest extreme they can, with the easiest targets. Meanwhile the violent crime rate, especially in poorer neighborhoods, skyrockets.

Their priorities are a disaster, not just screwed up. But when you actually call on a cop for help in anything but a burning-fire life and death emergency, they do nothing for you, and even in life and death situations, some of them have, shall I say, "copped" out. Just look it up in the news. and yes, when we lived there, we had our own unfortunate cop experiences. I'll leave them out as they've no bearing on this post.

Now all that aside, I think the grief this guy got he probably brings on himself trying to force an agenda in public. If he'd just discreetly keep his toking to himself, and his purchases on the sly, he probably wouldn't get hassled.


United States of America

Again, Robert, your a moron!!

#16Author of original report

Thu, September 22, 2011

Where did you get your degrees, Cracker Jack?

Guess what h*e, I bet one ain't a medical degree so before you make yourself more the a*s I would shut your suck if I were you on the issue of meds until you get one. Your calling my doctor a lair you idiot.

Second, I am also a decorated war vets.

Third, I am also very well college educated and government trained in my industry, that I am degreed in. An industry leader.

Sorry dude, simple possession under 25 grams and I had less than 2 grams on me.
That dumb shiat can't be made up.

But that wasn't what pissed me off. Being a telecomm expert and hearing the narcs run their suck about how they copy contact list from phones and then watching the little slim balls pick up entire networks of friend and girl friend based on the premise that they were listening in on arbitrary conversation and promoting the sale of drugs like cocaine repeatedly, not just once or twice but NUMEROUS times until the person finally gives in, this is ENTRAPMENT!!

Think about 6 degrees of separation and then put it on steroids. That means that if YOUR number appears on ANYONE'S contact list, that person is being tapped and if they think you have anything to do with drugs (like talking about a party you once went too), these nasty little weasels are getting their rocks off on listening to your girlfriend, your wife, your daughter for no effin
reason at all which is supposed to be COMPLETELY against the constitution.

Its a dirty snake feeding on its own tail!

Doesnt anyone remember Watergate? If the dang President can do this crap, how long do these bozos think there are going to get away with it?

My connections are not in this town nor in this state you(again) idiot. But City Council controls the Chief of Police in any town that
even has a remotely normal structure.

Thats whom we should target, the City Council and the Police Commissioner. They answer to the local public and the vote. Fortunately it doesnt generally take too much to pitch a City Council Member.

Robert, just go away, your bs carry zero weight!


New York,


#16Consumer Comment

Wed, September 21, 2011

I'm the idiot?  Let me see.... hmmmm.  decorated veteran, 2 successful small businesses, 4 college degress, and Oh yeah, I don't have an arrest record!  Now who's the idiot here, Einstein?

You made 3 seperate RORs claiming illegal wiretapping, police calling you trying to get you to sell dope, and "n**i" behavior all because little old doper you was arrested for simply having 1/2 MJ cigarette.  Your story doesn't wash idiot.

I posted a good article about possession of MJ in NY State.  Here it is again fool-take some time to read it:  If you can't understand the article, ask.

There is no such thing as lawful medical marijuana anywhere in New York State knucklehead-what does it take for this FACT to get through your drug addled thick skull?

My family has been in politics and city development for years. They are absolutely NOT supposed to be doing what they are doing.

Really?  With all this political clout you stll spent 3 days in the slammer for 1/2 joint?  Hard to believe that your family wouldn't pull a few strings to have you released and the arrest "forgotten" (expunged.)  What's the matter?  Doesn't your family like you?

Even called an old police chief buddy of mine to confer.

Sure you did!  Instead of calling for an attorney as anyone else who finds themselves WRONGFULLY ARRESTED, you allegedly call an "old police chief buddy."  You still spent 3 days in the slammer, didn't you?  Guess he doesn't like you all that much either.

I know everything about the technology and could even guess the version number they are running.

ROTFLMAO!  Sure you do.  You're such a mighty technology guru that you couldn't effectively research the matter to learn that your silly medical marijuana prescriptions (from 2 states) are absolutely USELESS anywhere in New York State.  You further demonstrate your vast technical and legal accumen by talking to the police on the telephone as they try to get you to sell them dope and then poof, your magically arrested for mere possession of 1/2 joint.  I guess you never thought to hang up on the coppers, block their calls, or change your phone number.  You couldn't research the illegallity of possessing marijuana in NY State BEFORE you decided to stroll around with a 1/2 joint?  You couldn't educate yourself on the internet to the fact that there is NO LEGAL MEDICAL MARIJUANA anywhere in NY State?

Yup!  You're a regular Einstein aren't you?  LOL!  And you call me and others IDIOT?  Typical drug addled thought processes.

It's no wonder that your influencial family and old police buddy couldn't get you released.

Keep smoking that dope idiot.  If you cause enough damage to the brain cells you have remaining, eventually you'll qualify for SSDI.



I've heard the cops ALL have this insignia on their badges.

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, September 14, 2011

Is this true?


United States of America

They didn't tap my phone

#16Author of original report

Wed, September 14, 2011

Wouldn't do them any good if they did. I never use the thing. I a VoIP and a communications network expert and I hate phone and never use mine.

But when sitting in the paddy wagon and listening to the stoopid narcs run their suck about their operation and then talking to their victims in handcuffs, I know exactly when I am looking down the barrel of a f**ked up operations. My family has been in politics and city development for years. They are absolutely NOT supposed to be doing what they are doing.

Even called an old police chief buddy of mine to confer.

I know everything about the technology and could even guess the version number they are running.


United States of America

Robert, your an idiot

#16Author of original report

Tue, September 13, 2011

I was arrested for simple possession under 25 grams. I had less than 2 grams on me.  You a f***ing moron!


New York,

Tell us Braddy.

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, September 12, 2011

How much of your medical marijuana did you agree to sell? 

Selling any amount of marijuana is at least a misdemeanor anywhere in NY State.  If you were SMOKING your 1/2 joint in public, that's a misdemeanor anywhere in NY State with a fine of $100-there is no jail time until the THIRD offense.

You claim to have prescriptions for medical marijuana in 2 States.  How is that?  Don't you have to be a resident of those states to get a prescription?  Are you a resident of NY?

Out of the over 7 million folks in NYC, somehow for some reason, the NYPD decided to illegally wiretap your phone-poor little old combat vet you, for absolutely no reason whatsoever.  Then they call you and ask you to sell them some.  Let me guess the rest.  You tell them this much MJ for XX dollars and like magic, the handcuffs appear!  Poor little old Brad.

Obviously, you're not going to tell us what really happened. 


United States of America

jail for jay walking

#16Author of original report

Mon, September 12, 2011

tell me about it.
Thank you for the link, that explains a lot.
when you are sitting in the belly of downtown central waiting to get out, you get to hear all the stories. 30% of the people there were there for a legit reason but even an old veteran of the system (whom was there for good reason) couldn't quit commenting on the amount of bullshit crooked tactics by the police department, that people where there for.
This crap is totally out of hand.
We want the officials to do their job, but they are required to do it by specific rules so that they do not violate civil liberties.
Leave it to a dirty narc to take what's left of our constitution and whipe his a*s with it. Geezus...


new york,
New York,
United States of America

How they are getting away with it

#16General Comment

Mon, September 12, 2011

Something tells me that this was not the intent that the Federal Circuit Court Judge had in mind when he scrapped the rules on specific 'specific information'. I saw the news on what they were doing but now I know how they are using it. This is really horrid.

The the above poster on the rules of cannabis in New York, the State decriminalized it but the city did not. New York is weird compared to every other state. Most if not all other states require a senator to decided what charges can incarcerate a person. You call them misdemeanors. I believe NY is the only state that allows city officials to decide additional incarceration factors/rules or just a civil disobedience violation. They can throw you in jail in this town for jay walking and they do.

Good luck, this is dirty!


New York,
New York,
United States of America

The original poster is correct

#16General Comment

Mon, September 12, 2011

The guy kept bugging me and finally I decided to try and make a buck. I had just been laid off.

These guys had way to much info. It's really scarey.


New York,

Another one?

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, September 12, 2011

Didn't you file another report about this?

First it was you spent 3 days in jail for a 1/2 joint, now it's illegal wiretapping!  Wow!  You know, casual marijuana use was decriminalized in NYS, so if you spent 3 days in jail it was for something more serious than getting busted for 1/2 joint.  Perhaps you were caught trying to sell some of your "medical marijuana?"

If that's the case, than maybe you should be prosecuted for practicing medicine without a license.

Oh, and please don't pull the "poor veteran" defense-it gives the rest of us combat vets a bad name.  Many vets managed to get through our years of service without resorting to illegal drug use.


United States of America

City officials that feed off the common person get FIRED!!!

#16Author of original report

Mon, September 12, 2011

That is NOT what we hire them to do and in NO way are they above the law. There are privacy laws they are violating. They are criminals. They are BREAKING the law!



You are likely wrong on ALL counts.

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, September 12, 2011

My bet is, no ILLEGAL wiretapping is being done and if it is, there are remedies for this in the courts.

The next thing, "solicitation and entrapment", is also likely untrue.  Cite the law that says this, I didn't think you could.  The courts have ruled on this many times in the past.

If the NYC narcotics division is "dirty and it's leader should be fired!!!"  You can ask the DA to investigate and take necessary action.

If, on the other hand, you're just posting a rant because you or a family member got caught by them when you sold them some drugs...that's a whole different ball game.  You wouldn't have this "information" if you or yours weren't somehow involved.

Where's the Ripoff? Oh yeah, you or some of your family is going to sad.

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