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  • Report:  #921457

Complaint Review: Anthony Turano

Anthony Turano Anthony Turano Photography, Photocapture, Turano Photography, Anthony Turano Anthony Turano, fraud, liar, manipulator, professional con artist, harassement Laval, Quebec

  • Reported By:
    Ex-Coworker — Montreal Quebec Canada
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 02, 2012
  • Updated:
    Thu, July 06, 2017

No one has ever had the courage to call out Anthony Turano for his manipulative ways but I will.  This is not about jealousy at all but more about emoathy for those he continues to manipulate and deceive.

I have worked with Anthony many times over time so I know very well his tactics, and people need to be made aware of this before someone else gets hurt.

Let us look at some of his wrong doings:

1- Anthony Turano uses the Victoria's Secret brand name, logo and likeness in the form of a personal contest in order to promote his own business and making it sound like it's an officially sanctioned Victoria's Secret contest. Without any approval or authorisation from Limited Brands and Victoria's Secret head office. Therefore  missleading 14 000 +  people on his facebook page!

2- Anthony claims to have worked for Celine Dion yet again he fails to mention that it was her siblings he worked with and not Celine herself. So again very missleading.

3-  Anthony lies about certain projects hes done.  He mentions he worked for Walt Disney, Parasuco Jeans, Levis and others, yet fails to show any of this work or any proper physicsl tearsheets on his website, or facebook page.  On many occasions he has removed the list of clients he supposedly worked for from his web site to avoid being prosecuted by the respective companies. He contonusly missleas peple in beliveing he is a big shot photograoher yet all his published work has been in low budget unkown e-zines!

4- Anthony turano over the years has become a really good con artist to say the least. He is a master at twisting stories to make himself look good even if it involves lying and burning bridges with other creative talent. For anthony, its me myself and I. Those afraid to speak up know this!

5- Anthony has changed studio space over 5 times in the last 5 to 6 years, not because of lack of space, but more on the fact he does not get along with many people largely in part of his big fat ego.

6- Anthony uses other creatives, either without paying them, or promising them published work in return of their talents.  He has worked with so many rookie makeup artists, stylists and hairdressers in such a short amount of time.  If anything the makeup artists, hairdressers and stylist deserve 90% of the credit as his own part of the work and style is a replica of what exists already. Absolutely nothing creative out of him at all, essentially he finds ways to surround himself, through manipulation, with real talented people in order to hide is lack of skills. At best he is nothing but a photoshop specialist, nothing more.

7-  Anthony gives frequent free photoshoots hidden as contests in order to gain popularity, which he is unable to sell any of his 2500$ packages on their own merit.

8- Over time I heard many stories from models where he has refused giving them their photos  back even if they paid him, because of him not being happy with the way a model spoke to him. His ego is beyond him.

9-  In 2008 Anthony had to change his company name from PhotoCapture  because the truth about him was starting to come out in 2007... He was later forced to use his real name.

10- Models he has tried to hit on have been forced to stay quiet from threats and intimidation by him.

These are the top 10 actions I know of Anthony and ether are probably many more that are just being kept quiet by his intimidating harassment and using his reputation to get away with it.


5 Updates & Rebuttals



A woman scorned

#6General Comment

Thu, July 06, 2017

How much success have anyone commenting here had? Probably not as much as Anthony. He's a great guy with a great work ethic. He has never put me in any position to consider him a sexual predator. These women are upset that he will not work with them probably so they must take their rhetoric to social media to justify their unrequited working relationship with Anthony. "He doesn't want to shoot me.. But.look how hot I am... he must wanna sleep with me" REALITY CHECK you b*****s are nobody's. NO ONE knows who you are. Smashing someone's reputation on social media explicitly calling him a rapist is lible. And if you have NO PROOF then you have no story. Little girls who dont get thier way, or a free trip etc.. have to stomp and tantrum. Until someone listens to them. GET A LIFE.. your modelling "career" is going no where



Sexual Predator

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, March 03, 2016

Anthony and I had been facebook contacts for quite some time.

When I was in an extremely vulnerable place in life (recently physically abused by an ex) Anthony reached out to inform me that he was now working for Playboy and invited me to audition. He informed me that I would have to travel to Montreal and pose for a photo shoot followed by performing sexual acts with him on camera. I was in an extremely vulnerable mental state with bruising still clearly visible on my skin and agreed in hopes that this would be my "big break"

Several weeks later, Anthony informed me that he got scammed and his computer had crashed so I would not be able to view any of my photos and he was no longer working for play boy.

I never reported the incident to the police because I was technically a "willing participant"

Anthony is a rapist. A dangerous scam artist and a rapist.



Anthony Turano Montreal Fashion Photographer: made attacks againts orher local photographers, cant be trusted, liar, master of deception, threats made against anyone calling him out

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, July 29, 2013

I got word of this page from a friend and felt the need to add the informaton i know about Anhony Turano!
Back in 2012 Athony Turano created a black list of several local photographers ( some of his competitors) who he referred to in this list as being" extremely dangerous" And sent this list to every modeling agency in the city. This was his way of slandering his competition and in the process making himself look good.
Anthony had gone to the extent of creating a fake anonymous facebook page advertising this list which the page was later on shut down for slanderous and attempt at ruining the careers of others!
I guess Anthony Turano has a a thing for creating fake anonymous profiles and passing as models by inventing fake sxual harassment cases against them such as what he did here  :
 One thing that I feel is very unethical also is that fat boy just loves to pose with his models and shows poor ethics in this regard.
 Anthony Turano has been doing this type of s*** since 2011 and unfortunately clients of his such as Lady Dutch, Aqua di Lara such as lady dutch, aqua di lara amd oyjers are unaware of his untristworthy illegal actions against other local photograpgers .
Also, Anthony loves to mention frequently about being an EX Miami DADE  police officer on instagram and other social media when he was in his early 20's yet for those who know anything about Miami, it has the most corrupt police force in north america with the highest crime rates in north america as well. This is probably where Anthony was trained to become a savy liar, manipulator and scam artist. He is a master at deception and distorting stories. Example: He has never shot for the actual printed VOGUE ITALY yet blatantly claims he is a a VOGUE ITALY ohotographer.   All this piece of s**t has really done is was upload a few photos on their social media site for eposure as seen here:

He was and has been never comissioned by any big national or international magazine.  H is a pure liar.
The bottom line is Anthony Turano is the biggest egocentric piece of s*** currently getting  away with all of the b******* he has done against others! There are alot of people looking forward to the day where karma will strike him back.



Anthony purposefully created fake harassement claims on other local photographers

#6Author of original report

Tue, May 07, 2013

I worked with Anthony for a while and I agree he is a master manipulator!  Here are a few things he has done over the last year or so. 

1- creates fake online stories of sexual harassment against many local photograpgers he deems as getting in his way. His goal is to ruin their reputations so his gains more credibility toward the public. Saddly this technique has worked for him.
2- changes studio location and staff regularly because he is an ego maniac. Hides it well in front of his clients.
3- he has made so many enemies in montreal that he changes studio adress every year for fear of getting his manipulating and lying a*s kicked. He should go back to Miami and stop creating problems here!
4- spent a year producing porn under another name while he tried to find ways to clean up his damaged reputation
5- filed several cease and desist letters by his friend lawyers to many local photographers for them to not mention the truth about this scum bag and his evil tactics, essentially trying to shut people up
6- Uses web sites such as this one under the user name " law firm" to insult and publically smear the reputation of others.  
7- many of his clients have been duped and lied to by him, claiming he has a spotless reputation when he doesnt.
8- sexual harassment? Many of his past models would love to talk about it but they are all afraid he will sue them like he tried to shut everyone else up who tried talking

9- asks his few female friends to post slanderous comments of his competitors on his behalf this guy has been getting away with all of this and tries his best to shut people up in fear of getting discovered.  



Anthony Turanno scam artist

#6Author of original report

Fri, August 03, 2012

In reference to the Victoria's Secret contest that was purposefully promoted in french language only on Anthony Turano's facebook page, which is in English,  he has phrased it in a way as if Limited Brands was hiring him to conduct such a contest.  His phrasing is very ambiguous and has definitely mislead many young women to believing it as an official Victoria's Secret project.

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